An Act concerning the juvenile justice authority; relating to the annual budget planning
process; creating a community advisory committee; relating to community graduated
sanctions and prevention programs.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. (a) In order to establish a mechanism for community pre-
vention and graduated sanctions service providers to participate in the
juvenile justice authority annual budget planning process, the commis-
sioner of the juvenile justice authority shall establish a community advi-
sory committee to identify new or enhanced community graduated sanc-
tions and prevention programs.

      (b) Such advisory committee shall consist of 10 members. The com-
missioner shall appoint eight members from the four geographical regions
of the state as described in this subsection with one member from each
region representing prevention programs and one member representing
graduated sanctions programs. The four regions shall correspond to the
southeast community corrections association region, the northeast com-
munity corrections association region, the central community corrections
association region and the western community corrections association re-
gion. The commissioner shall appoint two community corrections asso-
ciation members from the state at large. The committee shall reflect the
diversity of juvenile offender community services with respect to geo-
graphical location and average daily population of offenders under su-

      (c) Each member shall be appointed for a term of three years, except
that the terms of the initial appointments shall be staggered as determined
by the commissioner. Each member shall continue in such capacity until
a successor is appointed. Members shall be eligible for reappointment,
and appointment may be made to fill an unexpired term.

      (d)  (1) The committee, in cooperation with the deputy commissioner
of contracts and community programs or the commissioner's designee,
shall routinely examine and report to the commissioner on the following
issues: (A) Efficiencies in the delivery of community supervision services
including prevention and graduated sanction programs;

      (B) effectiveness and enhancement of existing prevention and inter-
ventions and graduated sanctions; and

      (C) identification of new interventions.

      (2) Such report shall address measurable goals and objectives, pro-
jected costs, the impact on public safety and the valuation process.

      (e) The advisory committee shall submit its report to the commis-
sioner annually on or before July 15 in order for the enhanced or new
interventions to be considered for inclusion within the juvenile justice
authority's budget request for local and community services or in the
juvenile justice authority's enhanced services budget request for the sub-
sequent fiscal year.

 Sec.  2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.

Approved April 10, 2003.