TO     Sec. TO     Sec.
Adjutant general 22
Administration, department of 9
Attorney general--Kansas bureau of investigation 20
Blind, Kansas state school for the 4
Corrections, department of 6
Deaf, Kansas state school for the 5
Emporia state university 13
Fair board, state 2
Fort Hays state university 10
Highway patrol, Kansas 21
Historical society, state 7
Human resources, department of 18
Insurance department 8
Juvenile justice authority 25
Kansas state university 11
Kansas state university extension systems and
agriculture research programs 12
Pittsburg state university 14
Regents, state board of 24
Social and rehabilitation services, department of 3
University of Kansas 15
University of Kansas medical center 16
Veterans affairs, Kansas commission on 19
Wichita state university 17
Wildlife and parks, department of 23
An Act concerning capital improvements for state agencies; making and concerning appro-
priations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2004, and June 30, 2005, for state agencies;
authorizing certain transfers, capital improvement projects and fees, imposing certain
restrictions and limitations, and directing or authorizing certain receipts, disbursements
and acts incidental to the foregoing; amending K.S.A. 2002 Supp. 76-6b05 and repealing
the existing section.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

 Section 1. (a) For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2004, and June 30,
2005, appropriations are hereby made, restrictions and limitations are
hereby imposed, and transfers, capital improvement projects, fees, re-
ceipts, disbursements and acts incidental to the foregoing are hereby di-
rected or authorized as provided in this act.

 (b) The agencies named in this act are hereby authorized to initiate
and complete the capital improvement projects specified and authorized
by this act or for which appropriations are made by this act, subject to
the restrictions and limitations imposed by this act.

 Sec. 2.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

State fair capital improvements fund No limit
 (b) On or before the 10th of each month during the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2004, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer from
the state general fund to the state fair capital improvements fund interest
earnings based on: (1) The average daily balance of moneys in the state
fair capital improvements fund for the preceding month; and (2) the net
earnings rate for the pooled money investment portfolio for the preceding

 Sec. 3.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair projects $4,055,886
Provided, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation services is hereby
authorized to transfer moneys during fiscal year 2004 from the rehabili-
tation and repair projects account to a rehabilitation and repair account
for any institution, as defined by K.S.A. 76-12a01 or 76-12a18 and amend-
ments thereto, for projects approved by the secretary of social and re-
habilitation services: Provided further, That expenditures also may be
made from this account during fiscal year 2004 for the purposes of re-
habilitation and repair for facilities of the department of social and re-
habilitation services other than any institution, as defined by K.S.A. 76-
12a01 or 76-12a18 and amendments thereto.

Debt service--new state security hospital $3,506,316
 (b) In addition to the purposes for which expenditures may be made
by the above agency from the other state fees fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the other state fees
fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improvement project or
projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Area office rehabilitation and repair $300,000
Provided, That expenditures from the area office rehabilitation and repair
account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
other state fees fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from the
moneys appropriated from the state general fund or from any special
revenue fund for fiscal year 2004 as authorized by this or other appro-
priation act of the 2003 regular session of the legislature, expenditures
shall be made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from
moneys appropriated from the state general fund or from any special
revenue fund for fiscal year 2004 to provide for the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with K.S.A. 74-
8905 and amendments thereto for a capital improvement project or pro-
jects for state hospital renovation and repair: Provided, That the capital
improvement project or projects for state hospital renovation and repair
are hereby approved for the department of social and rehabilitation serv-
ices for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments
thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas
development finance authority in accordance with that statute: Provided
further, That the department of social and rehabilitation services may
make expenditures from the moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds for such capital improvement project or projects: Provided,
however, That expenditures from the moneys received from the issuance
of any such bonds for such capital improvement project or projects shall
not exceed $49,163,883, plus all amounts required for costs of bond is-
suance, costs of interest on the bonds issued for such capital improvement
project or projects during the construction of such project or projects and
any required reserves for the payment of principal and interest on the
bonds: And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance
of any such bonds shall be deposited and accounted for as prescribed by
applicable bond covenants: And provided further, That debt service for
any such bonds for such capital improvement projects shall be financed
by appropriations from the state institutions building fund or any other
appropriate special revenue fund or funds.

 Sec. 4.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair projects $123,241
 Sec. 5.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified, the following:

Rehabilitation and repair projects $170,000
Roth roof replacement $40,600
Dorm renovation $352,323
 Sec. 6.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified as follows:

Debt service payment for the revenue refunding bond issues $5,034,113
Debt service payment for the Wichita work release facility bond issue $161,000
Debt service payment for the Ellsworth correctional facility at Ellsworth, Kansas $1,622,000
Debt service payment for the reception and diagnostic unit relocation bond issue $1,330,000
Debt service payment for the Topeka and Lansing correctional facility bond issue $1,015,000
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the correctional
institutions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the
capital improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Debt service payment for the revenue refunding bond issues $1,689,697
Capital improvements--rehabilitation, remodeling, renovation and repair of correctional institutions $3,310,303
Provided, That the secretary of corrections is hereby authorized to trans-
fer moneys during fiscal year 2004 from the capital improvements--re-
habilitation, remodeling, renovation and repair of correctional institutions
account of the correctional institutions building fund to an account or
accounts of the correctional institutions building fund of any institution
or facility under the jurisdiction of the secretary of corrections to be
expended during fiscal year 2004 by the institution or facility for capital
improvement projects.

 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law
shall not exceed the following:

Lease revenue bond issue--principal and interest fund--H bonds No limit
Lease revenue bond issue--principal and interest fund--J bonds No limit
Lease revenue bond issue--principal and interest fund--R bonds No limit
Reception and diagnostic unit replacement project revenue fund No limit
Refunding revenue bond issue--principal and interest fund--Q bonds No limit
 Sec. 7.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, the following:

Rehabilitation and repair projects $46,550
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the rehabilitation and re-
pair projects account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2003, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2004.

 (b) There is hereby appropriated for the above agency from the follow-
ing special revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004,
all moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such
fund or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Historical society capital improvements fund No limit
 Sec. 8.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Insurance building principal and interest payment fund No limit
Insurance department rehabilitation and repair fund No limit
 Sec. 9.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified, the following:

Judicial center improvements--debt service $97,085
Statehouse improvements--debt service $4,424,652
Energy conservation improvements--debt service $1,964,829
Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2003, in each
of the following capital improvement accounts is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2004: Judicial center renovation planning; rehabilitation and
repair for state facilities; judicial center rehabilitation and repair; judicial
center improvements.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Veterans memorial fund No limit
State facilities gift fund No limit
Master lease program fund No limit
State buildings depreciation fund $0
Executive mansion gifts fund No limit
Topeka state hospital cemetery memorial gift fund No limit
 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the state budget stabilization fund for fiscal year 2004, ex-
penditures may be made by the above agency from the state budget sta-
bilization fund for fiscal year 2004 from any unencumbered balance as of
June 30, 2003, in each of the following capital improvement accounts of
the state budget stabilization fund: Judicial center improvements; reha-
bilitation and repair for state facilities; judicial center rehabilitation and
repair: Provided, That the expenditures for fiscal year 2004 from the
unencumbered balance of any such account shall not exceed the amount
of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2003: Provided
further, That all expenditures from the state budget stabilization fund for
the fiscal year 2004 from the unencumbered balance in any such account
shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the state
budget stabilization fund for the fiscal year 2004.

 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the building and ground fund for fiscal
year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
following capital improvement account or accounts of the building and
ground fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improvement
project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Paint and grounds shop--debt service No limit
Parking improvements and repair $95,000
 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the building and ground fund for fiscal year 2004, expendi-
tures may be made by the above agency from the building and ground
fund for fiscal year 2004 from any unencumbered balance as of June 30,
2003, in each of the following capital improvement accounts of the build-
ing and ground fund: Docking 9th street right-of-way; parking improve-
ments and repair: Provided, That the expenditures for fiscal year 2004
from the unencumbered balance of any such account shall not exceed the
amount of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2003:
Provided further, That all expenditures from the building and ground
fund for the fiscal year 2004 from the unencumbered balance in any such
account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
building and ground fund for the fiscal year 2004.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the state buildings depreciation fund for
fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the following capital improvement account or accounts of the state build-
ings depreciation fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital im-
provement project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations pre-
scribed therefor:

Rehabilitation and repair $200,000
Landon electrical controls upgrade $40,000
Landon fire pump replacement $75,000
Docking lighting control system upgrade $110,000
Capitol complex study $400,000
Landon roof repairs $86,000
Capitol complex refrigerant code study $80,000
Docking penthouse roof replacement $91,000
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
state buildings depreciation fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (g) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the state buildings depreciation fund for
fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the state buildings depreciation fund for fiscal year 2004 from the unen-
cumbered balance as of June 30, 2003, in each capital improvement ac-
count of the state buildings depreciation fund for one or more projects
approved for prior fiscal years: Provided, That expenditures from the
unencumbered balance in any such account shall not exceed the amount
of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2003: Provided
further, That all expenditures from any such account shall be in addition
to any expenditure limitation imposed on the state buildings depreciation
fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (h) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the state buildings operating fund for
fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the following capital improvement account or accounts of the state build-
ings operating fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improve-
ment project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Landon state office building--debt service No limit
Memorial hall--debt service No limit
State of Kansas facilities projects--debt service No limit
Docking cooling towers replacement--debt service No limit
 (i) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the motor pool service fund for fiscal
year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
following capital improvement account or accounts of the motor pool
service fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improvement
project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Motor pool shop--debt service No limit
 (j) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the intragovernmental printing service fund for fiscal year
2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the following
capital improvement account or accounts of the intragovernmental print-
ing service fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improvement
project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Printing plant--debt service No limit
 (k) On July 1, 2003, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys in the state capitol dome sculpture fund to the state general
fund. On July 1, 2003, all liabilities of the state capitol dome sculpture
fund are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the state general fund
and the state capitol dome sculpture fund is hereby abolished.

 Sec. 10.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Lewis field renovation--bond and interest sinking fund No limit
Lewis field renovation--revenue fund No limit
Residential facilities renovation--bond and interest sinking fund No limit
Residential facilities renovation--revenue fund No limit
 Sec. 11.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified as follows:

Lease payment--Salina aeronautical center (including aeronautical laboratory center) $189,446
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Salina housing system refunding bond fund, KDFA 2001 No limit
Recreation complex refunding bond fund, KDFA 2001  No limit
Federal construction funds fund No limit
Bond construction funds fund No limit
Coliseum repair, equipment and improvement fund No limit
Housing system refunding revenue bond fund, KDFA F bonds, 1999 fund No limit
Parking system refunding revenue bond fund, KDFA G bonds, 1995 No limit
Farrell library renovation/expansion-gifts/donations fund No limit
Farrell library expansion revenue bond fund, KDFA K bonds, 1995 No limit
Plant science building phase II--special revenue fund No limit
Site improvements fund No limit
College center construction fund No limit
Engineering complex phase II private gift fund No limit
Student recreation building repair, equipment & improvement fund No limit
Coliseum/stadium parking repair & improvement fund No limit
Energy conservation projects fund No limit
Student union renovation and expansion revenue bond fund, KDFA B bonds, 1998 No limit
Ackert hall addition--federal fund No limit
Ackert hall addition--gifts and grants fund No limit
Ackert hall project revenue bond fund, KDFA series 2000 D No limit
Football stadium expansion--special revenue fund No limit
Residence hall renovation fund No limit
 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the restricted fees fund for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the appropriate account or accounts of the restricted fees fund dur-
ing fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improvement project or pro-
jects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Biological and agricultural engineering research storage building No limit
Konza prairie preserve storage building No limit
Improvements to grain science value added laboratory No limit
Construct a materials acoustics laboratory No limit
 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the student union renovation and expan-
sion fund for fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above
agency from the student union renovation and expansion fund for fiscal
year 2004 for costs associated with roof repair on an existing portion of
the student union building.

 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the sponsored research overhead fund
for fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the sponsored research overhead fund for the fiscal year 2004 for the
following capital improvement project or projects, subject to the expend-
iture limitations prescribed therefor:

Accelerated testing laboratory garage addition No limit
Accelerated testing laboratory storage/equipment shed No limit
Salina national gas machinery laboratory No limit
 (f) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, Kansas state university
is hereby authorized to make expenditures to raze Dennison hall, to raze
portions of building no. 025 (Seaton hall) and to raze Salina campus build-
ing no. 701.

 (g) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by Kansas state university from the moneys appropriated from the
state general fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal year 2004
as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the 2003 regular session
of the legislature, expenditures shall be made by Kansas state university
from moneys appropriated from the state general fund or from any special
revenue fund for fiscal year 2004 to provide for the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with K.S.A. 74-
8905 and amendments thereto for a capital improvement project for res-
idence hall renovation: Provided, That the capital improvement project
for residence hall renovation is hereby approved for Kansas state univer-
sity for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments
thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas
development finance authority in accordance with that statute: Provided
further, That Kansas state university may make expenditures from the
moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds for such capital
improvement project: Provided, however, That expenditures from the
moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds for such capital
improvement project shall not exceed $4,700,000, plus all amounts re-
quired for costs of bond issuance, costs of interest on the bonds issued
for such capital improvement project during the construction of such
project and any required reserves for the payment of principal and inter-
est on the bonds: And provided further, That all moneys received from
the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited and accounted for as
prescribed by applicable bond covenants: And provided further, That
debt service for any such bonds for such capital improvement projects
shall be financed by appropriations from the Kansas educational building
fund or any other appropriate funds.

 Sec. 12.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the restricted fees fund for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the appropriate account or accounts of the restricted fees fund dur-
ing fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improvement project or pro-

Validation/fresh meats processing laboratory No limit
Renovate laboratories in Throckmorton hall No limit
Warehouse expansion--department of agronomy building No limit
Scandia experiment field office facility No limit
Equipment/pesticide storage buildings No limit
Southwest research extension center office/administrative facility No limit
Equine education and research center No limit
Southeast agriculture research center buildings No limit
South central agronomy experiment field office and storage building No limit
Grain science center No limit
Agricultural shop buildings--east central Kansas experiment field No limit
Animal science swine facility No limit
Construct east Kansas horticulture research center No limit
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the sponsored overhead research fund
for fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the sponsored research overhead fund for the fiscal year 2004 for the
following capital improvement project or projects, subject to the expend-
iture limitations prescribed therefor:

Southeast agriculture research center buildings No limit
 (c) During the fiscal years ending June 30, 2004, and June 30, 2005,
upon approval of the state board of regents, the president of Kansas state
university may request and the pooled money investment board is hereby
authorized and directed to provide loans to Kansas state university for
the grain science center biological and industrial value-added program in
accordance with this subsection. The pooled money investment board is
authorized and directed to use any moneys in the operating accounts,
investment accounts or other investments of the state of Kansas to provide
the funds for such loans. As requested by the president of Kansas state
university, the loan amounts shall be provided in multiple disbursements
during fiscal year 2004 and fiscal year 2005 and each such amount shall
bear interest from the date of disbursement based on the net earnings
rate for the pooled money investment portfolio for the prior fiscal year.
Interest-only payments shall be made on or before August 1, 2003, and
on or before each August 1 thereafter until the principal amounts have
been repaid. Loan principal amounts may be repaid at any time and all
outstanding principal amounts shall be repaid in full on or before August
1, 2007. The aggregate of such loan amounts shall not exceed $4,000,000.

 (d) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Greenhouse laboratory construction fund No limit
Horticulture research/education center construction fund No limit
 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by Kansas state university extension systems and agriculture re-
search programs from the moneys appropriated from the state general
fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal year 2004 as authorized
by this or other appropriation act of the 2003 regular session of the leg-
islature, expenditures shall be made by Kansas state university extension
systems and agriculture research programs from moneys appropriated
from the state general fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal
year 2004 to provide for the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments
thereto for a capital improvement project for greenhouse laboratory con-
struction: Provided, That the capital improvement project for greenhouse
laboratory construction is hereby approved for Kansas state university
extension systems and agriculture research programs for the purposes of
subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and the au-
thorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance
authority in accordance with that statute: Provided further, That Kansas
state university extension systems and agriculture research programs may
make expenditures from the moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds for such capital improvement project: Provided, however,
That expenditures from the moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds for such capital improvement project shall not exceed
$1,700,000, plus all amounts required for costs of bond issuance, costs of
interest on the bonds issued for such capital improvement project during
the construction of such project and any required reserves for the pay-
ment of principal and interest on the bonds: And provided further, That
all moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be depos-
ited and accounted for as prescribed by applicable bond covenants: And
provided further, That debt service for any such bonds for such capital
improvement projects shall be financed by appropriations from the Kan-
sas educational building fund or any other appropriate funds.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by Kansas state university extension systems and agriculture re-
search programs from the moneys appropriated from the state general
fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal year 2004 as authorized
by this or other appropriation act of the 2003 regular session of the leg-
islature, expenditures shall be made by Kansas state university extension
systems and agriculture research programs from moneys appropriated
from the state general fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal
year 2004 to provide for the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments
thereto for a capital improvement project for horticulture research/edu-
cation center construction: Provided, That the capital improvement pro-
ject for horticulture research/education center construction is hereby ap-
proved for Kansas state university extension systems and agriculture
research programs for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905
and amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds
by the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that
statute: Provided further, That Kansas state university extension systems
and agriculture research programs may make expenditures from the mon-
eys received from the issuance of any such bonds for such capital im-
provement project: Provided, however, That expenditures from the mon-
eys received from the issuance of any such bonds for such capital
improvement project shall not exceed $1,500,000, plus all amounts re-
quired for costs of bond issuance, costs of interest on the bonds issued
for such capital improvement project during the construction of such
project and any required reserves for the payment of principal and inter-
est on the bonds: And provided further, That all moneys received from
the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited and accounted for as
prescribed by applicable bond covenants: And provided further, That
debt service for any such bonds for such capital improvement projects
shall be financed by appropriations from the Kansas educational building
fund or any other appropriate funds.

 Sec. 13.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Student union refurbishing fund No limit
Bond construction funds fund No limit
Twin towers project revenue fund No limit
Twin towers bond and interest sinking fund No limit
Twin towers maintenance and equipment reserve fund No limit
 (b) On July 1, 2003, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $51,233 from the student
union account of the restricted fees fund of Emporia state university to
the state general fund for the purpose of repaying the state general fund
for debt service payments for energy conservation capital improvements
for Emporia state university.

 (c) On July 1, 2003, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $2,451 from the housing
systems operations fund of Emporia state university to the state general
fund for the purpose of repaying the state general fund for debt service
payments for energy conservation capital improvements for Emporia state

 Sec. 14.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Kansas polymer research center fund--private gifts  No limit
Suspense fund No limit
Energy conservation projects fund No limit
Overman student center construction fund No limit
 Sec. 15.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Student union renovation revenue fund No limit
Student health facility maintenance, repair, and equipment fee fund No limit
Parking facilities surplus fund--KDFA G bonds, 1993 No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
parking facilities surplus fund--KDFA G bonds, 1993 for capital im-
provements to parking lots in addition to the expenditure of other moneys
appropriated therefor.

Regents center revenue fund--KDFA D bonds, 1990 No limit
Regents center surplus fund No limit
Regents center rebate fund No limit
Regents center revenue refund project principal and interest--KDFA C bonds, 1997 No limit
Student union addition--special revenue fund No limit
Bioscience research center rebate fund--KDFA series Q bonds, 1992 No limit
Bioscience research center principal and interest payment account--KDFA A bonds, 1994 fund No limit
Bioscience research center reserve account--KDFA A bonds, 1994 fund No limit
Bioscience research center rebate account--KDFA A bonds, 1994 fund No limit
Parking facilities refunding bonds principal and interest fund--KDFA G bonds, 1993 No limit
Parking facilities refunding bonds reserve fund--KDFA G bonds, 1993 No limit
Student health facility addition revenue fund No limit
Biosciences research center--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That all gifts and grants received for the capital improvement
project to construct and equip a biosciences research center, other than
those received from the federal government for such capital improvement
project, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the bio-
sciences research center--special revenue fund: Provided further, That
the above agency may transfer moneys during fiscal year 2004 from the
sponsored research overhead fund and from appropriate accounts of the
restricted fees fund to this fund for such capital improvement project or
for debt service for such capital improvement project: And provided fur-
ther, That all transfers of moneys for fiscal year 2004 from the sponsored
research overhead fund to this fund shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on the sponsored research overhead fund for fiscal
year 2004.

Law enforcement training center improvements special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
law enforcement training center improvements special revenue fund for
a capital improvement project for parking lot improvements at the law
enforcement training center: Provided, however, That expenditures from
this fund for such capital improvement project shall not exceed $450,000:
Provided further, That the above agency may transfer moneys for fiscal
year 2004 from the law enforcement training center fund to this fund for
such capital improvement project.

Lewis hall renovation rebate fund KDFA D bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Lewis hall renovation bond reserve fund KDFA D bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Continuing education revenue bonds principal and interest KDFA H bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Continuing education revenue bonds reserve fund KDFA H bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Continuing education revenue bonds surplus account KDFA H bonds, 1998 fund No limit
Athletic facilities enhancements special revenue fund KDFA A university proceeds No limit
Renovate Ellsworth hall--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may transfer moneys for fiscal
year 2004 from appropriate accounts of the house system repairs, equip-
ment and improvement fund to the renovate Ellsworth hall--special rev-
enue fund for the capital improvement project to renovate Ellsworth hall.

Templin hall renovation principal and interest payment account KDFA E bonds, 1996 fund No limit
Templin hall renovation bond reserve KDFA E bonds, 1996 fund No limit
Parking garage no. 2 construction project principal and interest account KDFA D bonds, 1999 fund No limit
Parking garage no. 2 construction project bond reserve fund--KDFA D bonds 1999 No limit
Lewis hall renovation principal and interest account KDFA D bonds 1998 fund No limit
Edwards campus facility expansion--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That all gifts and grants received for the capital improvement
project to expand facilities on the Edwards campus, other than those
received from the federal government for such capital improvement pro-
ject, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the Edwards
campus facility expansion--special revenue fund.

Child care facility principal and interest fund No limit
Child care facility bond reserve fund No limit
Child care facility surplus fund No limit
Child care facility operations account No limit
Child care facility student fee account No limit
Continuing education program building acquisition--special revenue fund No limit
Dole institute gift or grant fund No limit
Construct student recreation & fitness center--special revenue fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may transfer moneys for fiscal
year 2004 from appropriate accounts of the restricted fees fund to the
construct student recreation and fitness center--special revenue fund for
the capital improvement project to construct student recreation and fit-
ness center.

Student recreation and fitness center fund--reserve account KDFA 2000Q No limit
Rehabilitation and repair projects for institutions of higher education fund No limit
Rehabilitation and repair projects for disability act, etc fund No limit
Templin hall rebate fund No limit
Student union addition--bond proceeds account KDFA T2 2001 fund No limit
Student union addition--university proceeds account KDFA T2 2001 fund No limit
Student union addition--bond reserve account KDFA T2 2001 fund No limit
Student union addition--principal and interest account KDFA T2 2001 fund No limit
Student union addition--surplus account KDFA T2 2001 fund No limit
Bioscience research center refunding bonds--principal and interest account KDFA G5 2001 fund No limit
Bioscience research center refunding bonds--reserve account KDFA G5 2001 fund No limit
Bioscience research center refunding bonds--rebate account KDFA G5 2001 fund No limit
Parking facilities refunding bonds--principal and interest account KDFA G4 2001 fund No limit
Parking facilities refunding bonds--reserve account KDFA G4 2001 fund No limit
Parking facilities refunding bonds--rebate account KDFA G4 2001 fund No limit
Edwards campus facility expansion bond proceeds account KDFA K 2002 fund No limit
Edwards campus facility expansion--university proceeds account KDFA K 2002 fund No limit
Edwards campus facility expansion--bond reserve account KDFA K 2002 No limit
Edwards campus facility expansion--Principal and interest account KDFA K 2002 fund No limit
 (b) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, the university of Kansas
is hereby authorized to make expenditures to raze building no. 27--fa-
cilities operations storage facility.

 (c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, upon request of the
chancellor of the university of Kansas, the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer all moneys in the law enforcement training center improve-
ments special revenue fund to the law enforcement training center fund.
On the date of such request of the chancellor of the university of Kansas,
all liabilities of the law enforcement training center improvements special
revenue fund are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the law en-
forcement training center fund and the law enforcement training center
improvements special revenue fund is hereby abolished.

 Sec. 16.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Wahl hall renovation fund No limit
Construct and equip nursing education facility--gift and grant fund No limit
Parking facility KDFA principal and interest fund 1988 No limit
Parking facility KDFA bond reserve fund 1988 No limit
Parking facility KDFA surplus fund 1988 No limit
Parking facility revenue fund No limit
Parking facility rebate fund --KDFA F bonds--1988 No limit
Rehabilitation and repair projects for institutions of higher education fund No limit
Construct and equip research building fund No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging fund No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging principal and interest--KDFA B bonds, 1999 No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging bond reserve fund--KDFA B bonds, 1999 No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging bond reserve fund No limit
Construct and equip center for health in aging--gift and grant fund No limit
Construct and equip research support facility fund No limit
Construct and equip addition to research support facility--gift and grant fund No limit
Construct parking facility #3 fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas medical center may transfer mon-
eys during fiscal year 2004 from appropriate accounts of the parking sur-
plus fund to the construct parking facility #3 fund for such capital im-
provement project.

 (b) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer amounts certified by the chancellor of the uni-
versity of Kansas from the sponsored research overhead fund to the con-
struct and equip center for health in aging bond reserve fund.

 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the university of Kansas medical center from the moneys ap-
propriated from the state general fund or from any special revenue fund
for fiscal year 2004 as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the
2003 regular session of the legislature, expenditures shall be made by the
university of Kansas medical center from moneys appropriated from the
state general fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal year 2004
to provide for the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance
authority in accordance with K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto for
a capital improvement project to construct parking facility #3: Provided,
That the capital improvement project to construct parking facility #3 is
hereby approved for the university of Kansas medical center for the pur-
poses of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and
the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with that statute: Provided further, That
the university of Kansas medical center may make expenditures from the
moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds for such capital
improvement project: Provided, however, That expenditures from the
moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds for such capital
improvement project shall not exceed $14,500,000, plus all amounts re-
quired for costs of bond issuance, costs of interest on the bonds issued
for such capital improvement project during the construction of such
project and any required reserves for the payment of principal and inter-
est on the bonds: And provided further, That all moneys received from
the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited and accounted for as
prescribed by applicable bond covenants: And provided further, That
debt service for any such bonds for such capital improvement projects
shall be financed by appropriations from the parking surplus fund or any
other appropriate funds.

 Sec. 17.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Parking system project--maintenance fund, KDFA revenue bonds No limit
On-campus parking project fund KDFA bonds No limit
Rehabilitation and repair projects/disability act/fire compliance/improvements to classroom projects fund No limit
Parking system project revenue fund--KDFA bonds No limit
On campus parking principal and interest account--KDFA bonds, 2000 fund No limit
On campus parking bond reserve account--KDFA bonds, 2000 fund No limit
WSU housing system surplus fund No limit
Bond reserve fund--KDFA--WSU housing system renovation No limit
Regents rehabilitation and repair phase II--KDFA G bonds, 1997 fund No limit
 Sec. 18.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the employment security administration
fund for fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the employment security administration fund for fiscal year 2004
for capital improvement purposes or projects: Provided, That expendi-
tures from this fund for fiscal year 2004 for such capital improvement
purposes or projects shall not exceed $40,000: And provided further, That
all expenditures from this fund for any such capital improvement pur-
poses or projects shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation im-
posed on the employment security administration fund for fiscal year

 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the employment security administration
fund for fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the employment security administration fund for fiscal year 2004
from moneys made available to the state under section 903 of the federal
social security act, as amended: Provided, That expenditures from this
fund during fiscal year 2004 of moneys made available to the state under
section 903 of the federal social security act, as amended, may be made
for the following capital improvement purposes: (1) For major mainte-
nance of existing buildings used by the department of human resources
for employment security purposes; (2) for paving, landscaping and ac-
quiring fixed equipment as may be required for the use and operation of
such buildings; or (3) for any combination of these purposes: Provided
further, That expenditures from this fund for fiscal year 2004 of moneys
made available to the state under section 903 of the federal social security
act, as amended, for such capital improvement purposes shall not exceed
$143,550 plus the amounts of unencumbered balances as of June 30,
2003, for capital improvement projects approved for fiscal years prior to
fiscal year 2004: And provided further, That all expenditures from this
fund for any such capital improvement purposes or projects shall be in
addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the employment se-
curity administration fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Complete remodeling of agency headquarters fund No limit
Provided, That the department of human resources may make expendi-
tures from the complete remodeling of agency headquarters fund for the
capital improvement project to remodel the agency headquarters: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures from this fund for such capital im-
provement project including necessary furniture and equipment shall not
exceed $3,800,000, plus all amounts required for cost of bond issuance,
cost of interest on the bonds issued for such capital improvement project
and any required reserves for the payment of principal and interest on
the bonds: Provided further, That such capital improvement project is
hereby approved for the department of human resources for the purposes
of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and the
authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development finance
authority in accordance with that statue: And provided further, That all
moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited
in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.

 Sec. 19.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Soldiers' home repair and rehabilitation projects $100,000
Veterans' home repair and rehabilitation projects $150,000
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Winfield veterans home acquisition and construction No limit
Veterans' home federal construction grant fund No limit
Provided, That all moneys received by the above agency as federal grants
for the purposes of construction and remodeling at the Kansas veterans'
home, which grants are hereby authorized to be applied for and received
by the above agency, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit
of the Veterans' home federal construction grant fund.

Veterans' cemeteries federal construction grant fund No limit
Federal home construction grant fund No limit
 Sec. 20.

 (a) There is hereby appropriated for the above agency from the state
general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Debt service--headquarters building $305,680
 Sec. 21.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the highway patrol training center fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the highway patrol
training center fund for fiscal year 2004 to make debt service payments
for the Kansas highway patrol training center at Salina for the bonds
issued for such project pursuant to subsection (b) of section 6 of chapter
326 of the 1992 Session Laws of Kansas.

 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the highway patrol training center fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the highway patrol
training center fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improve-
ment project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitation prescribed

Training center--remodeling, rehabilitation and repair projects $50,000
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
highway patrol training center fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the motor carrier inspection fund for the fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the motor carrier
inspection fund for the fiscal year 2004 to make debt service payments
for the Topeka fleet operations center for the bonds issued for such pro-
ject pursuant to subsection (c) of section 49 of chapter 216 of the 2001
Session Laws of Kansas.

 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the motor carrier inspection fund for the fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the motor carrier
inspection fund for the fiscal year 2004 to make debt service payments
for the project to modernize port weigh stations on interstate 70 and
interstate 35 highways for the bonds issued for such project pursuant to
subsection (d) of section 154 of chapter 204 of the 2002 Session Laws of

 Sec. 22.

 (a) There is hereby appropriated for the above agency from the state
general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Debt service--rehabilitation and repair of the statewide armories $382,829
 Sec. 23.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified as follows:

Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2003, in each
of the following capital improvement accounts of the state general fund
is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2004: Rehabilitation and repair;
Crawford state fishing lake sewer repair.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all
moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund
or funds, except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Department access road fund No limit
Bridge maintenance fund No limit
 (c) On July 1, 2004, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $1,500,000 from the state
highway fund of the department of transportation to the department ac-
cess road fund of the department of wildlife and parks.

 (d) On July 1, 2004, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $200,000 from the state
highway fund of the department of transportation to the bridge mainte-
nance fund of the department of wildlife and parks.

 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the migratory waterfowl propagation and
protection fund for fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the
above agency from the following capital improvement account or accounts
of the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund for fiscal year
2004 for the following capital improvement project or projects, subject
to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund--wetlands acquisition/ development $100,000
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count of the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund shall
be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the migratory
waterfowl propagation and protection fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the migratory waterfowl propagation and
protection fund for fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the
above agency from the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection
fund for fiscal year 2004 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30,
2003, in each existing capital improvement account of the migratory wa-
terfowl propagation and protection fund: Provided, That all expenditures
from the unencumbered balance of any such account shall not exceed the
amount of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2003:
Provided further, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance
of any such account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund for
fiscal year 2004.

 (g) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the boating fee fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the following capital
improvement account or accounts of the boating fee fund for fiscal year
2004 for the following capital improvement project or projects, subject
to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Boating fee fund--motorboat access $260,000
Boating fee fund--river access $220,000
 (h) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the boating fee fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the boating fee
fund for fiscal year 2004 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30,
2003, in each existing capital improvement account of the boating fee
fund: Provided, That expenditures from the unencumbered balance of
any such existing capital improvement account shall not exceed the
amount of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2003:
Provided further, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance
of any such account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the boating fee fund for fiscal year 2004 and shall be in
addition to any other expenditure limitation imposed on any such account
of the boating fee fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (i) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the wildlife fee fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the following capital
improvement account or accounts of the wildlife fee fund during fiscal
year 2004 for the following capital improvement project or projects, sub-
ject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Wildlife fee fund federally mandated boating access $562,000
Wildlife fee fund rehabilitation and repair $235,000
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
wildlife fee fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (j) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the wildlife fee fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the wildlife fee fund
for fiscal year 2004 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2003,
in each existing capital improvement account of the wildlife fee fund:
Provided, That expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
existing capital improvement account shall not exceed the amount of the
unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2003: Provided fur-
ther, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
wildlife fee fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (k) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the wildlife conservation fund for fiscal
year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
following capital improvement account or accounts of the wildlife con-
servation fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital improvement
project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed

Wildlife conservation fund--wetlands acquisition/development $350,000
Wildlife conservation fund--land acquisition $500,000
Wildlife conservation fund--Milford fish hatchery water line $1,282,110
 (l) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the wildlife conservation fund for fiscal
year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
wildlife conservation fund for fiscal year 2004 from the unencumbered
balance as of June 30, 2003, in each existing capital improvement account
of the wildlife conservation fund: Provided, That expenditures from the
unencumbered balance of any such existing capital improvement account
shall not exceed the amount of the unencumbered balance in such ac-
count on June 30, 2003: Provided further, That all expenditures from the
unencumbered balance of any such account shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the wildlife conservation fund for fiscal
year 2004 and shall be in addition to any other expenditure limitation
imposed on any such account of the wildlife conservation fund for fiscal
year 2004.

 (m) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the parks fee fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the following capital
improvement account or accounts of the parks fee fund for fiscal year
2004 for the following capital improvement project or projects, subject
to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Parks fee fund--rehabilitation and repair $176,100
 (n) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the parks fee fund for fiscal year 2004,
expenditures may be made by the above agency from the parks fee fund
for fiscal year 2004 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2003,
in each existing capital improvement account of the parks fee fund: Pro-
vided, That expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
existing capital improvement account shall not exceed the amount of the
unencumbered balance in such account on June 30, 2003: Provided fur-
ther, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the
parks fee fund for fiscal year 2004.

 (o) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the land and water conservation fund for
fiscal year 2004, expenditures may be made by the above agency from
the following capital improvement account or accounts of the land and
water conservation fund for fiscal year 2004 for the following capital im-
provement project or projects, subject to the expenditure limitations pre-
scribed therefor:

Land and water conservation fund--rehabilitation and repair $1,169,500
Provided, That all expenditures from each such capital improvement ac-
count of the land and water conservation fund shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the land and water conservation fund
for fiscal year 2004.

 (p) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the land and water conservation fund for
fiscal year 2004 from the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2003, in
each existing capital improvement account of the land and water conser-
vation fund: Provided, That expenditures from the unencumbered bal-
ance of any such existing capital improvement account shall not exceed
the amount of the unencumbered balance in such account on June 30,
2003: Provided further, That all expenditures from the unencumbered
balance of any such account shall be in addition to any expenditure lim-
itation imposed on the nongame wildlife improvement fund for fiscal year
2004 and shall be in addition to any other expenditure limitation imposed
on any such account of the land and water conservation fund for the fiscal
year 2004.

 Sec. 24.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the Kansas edu-
cational building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the
capital improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair projects, Americans with disabilities act compliance projects, state fire marshal code compliance projects, and improvements to classroom projects for institutions of higher education $13,000,000
Provided, That the state board of regents is hereby authorized to transfer
moneys from the rehabilitation and repair projects, Americans with dis-
abilities act compliance projects, state fire marshal code compliance pro-
jects, and improvements to classroom projects for institutions of higher
education account to an account or accounts of the Kansas educational
building fund of any institution under the control and supervision of the
state board of regents to be expended by the institution for projects ap-
proved by the state board of regents: Provided, however, That no ex-
penditures shall be made from any such account until the proposed pro-
jects have been reviewed by the joint committee on state building

Debt service--revenue bonds issued for major remodeling and new construction projects at state educational institutions $15,000,000
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the Kansas edu-
cational building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005, for the
capital improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Rehabilitation and repair projects, Americans with disabilities act compliance projects, state fire marshal code compliance projects, and improvements to classroom projects for institutions of higher education $13,000,000
Provided, That the state board of regents is hereby authorized to transfer
moneys from the rehabilitation and repair projects, Americans with dis-
abilities act compliance projects, state fire marshal code compliance pro-
jects, and improvements to classroom projects for institutions of higher
education account to an account or accounts of the Kansas educational
building fund of any institution under the control and supervision of the
state board of regents to be expended by the institution for projects ap-
proved by the state board of regents: Provided, however, That no ex-
penditures shall be made from any such account until the proposed pro-
jects have been reviewed by the joint committee on state building

 Sec. 25.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Capital improvements--rehabilitation, remodeling, renovation and repair of juvenile correctional facilities $970,000
Provided, That the commissioner of juvenile justice is hereby authorized
to transfer moneys from the capital improvements--rehabilitation, re-
modeling, renovation and repair of juvenile correctional facilities account
of the state institutions building fund to an account or accounts of the
state institutions building fund of any institution or facility under the
jurisdiction of the commissioner of juvenile justice to be expended during
fiscal year 2004 by the institution or facility for capital improvement pro-
jects approved by the commissioner of juvenile justice.

Debt service--Topeka complex and Larned juvenile correctional facility $3,249,995
 (b) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, the juvenile justice
authority is authorized to make expenditures to raze building no. 14 at
the Beloit juvenile correctional facility.

 Sec. 26. Appeals to exceed expenditure limitations. Upon written ap-
plication to the governor and approval of the state finance council, ex-
penditures from special revenue funds may exceed the amounts specified
in this act.

 Sec. 27. Savings. (a) Any unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2003,
in any special revenue fund, or account thereof, of any state agency named
in this act which is not otherwise specifically appropriated or limited by
this or other appropriation act of the 2003 regular session of the legisla-
ture, is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for
the same use and purpose as the same was heretofore appropriated.

 (b) This section shall not apply to the state economic development
initiatives fund, the children's initiatives fund or state water plan fund or
to any account of such funds.

 Sec. 28. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, all moneys which
are lawfully credited to and available in any bond special revenue fund,
which are not otherwise specifically appropriated or limited by this or
other appropriation act of the 2003 regular session of the legislature, are
hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the state
agency for which the bond special revenue fund was established for the
purposes authorized by law for expenditures from such bond special rev-
enue fund. As used in this subsection, ``bond special revenue fund'' means
any special revenue fund or account thereof established in the state treas-
ury prior to or on or after the effective date of this act for the deposit of
the proceeds of bonds issued by the Kansas development finance au-
thority, for the payment of debt service for bonds issued by the Kansas
development finance authority, or for any related purpose in accordance
with applicable bond covenants.

 Sec. 29. Any correctional institutions building fund appropriation here-
tofore appropriated to any state agency named in this or other appropri-
ation act of the 2003 regular session of the legislature, and having an
unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2003, in excess of $100 is hereby
reappropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the same uses
and purposes as originally appropriated unless specific provision is made
for lapsing such appropriation.

 Sec. 30. Any Kansas educational building fund appropriation heretofore
appropriated to any institution named in this or other appropriation act
of the 2003 regular session of the legislature and having an unencumbered
balance as of June 30, 2003, in excess of $100 is hereby reappropriated
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the same use and purpose as
originally appropriated, unless specific provision is made for lapsing such

 Sec. 31. Any state institutions building fund appropriation heretofore
appropriated to any state agency named in this or other appropriation act
of the 2003 regular session of the legislature and having an unencumbered
balance as of June 30, 2003, in excess of $100 is hereby reappropriated
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004, for the same use and purpose as
originally appropriated, unless specific provision is made for lapsing such

 Sec. 32. K.S.A. 2002 Supp. 76-6b05 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 76-6b05. (a) All moneys received by the state treasurer under
K.S.A. 76-6b04, and amendments thereto, shall be credited to the state
institutions building fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury,
to be used for the construction, reconstruction, equipment and repair of
buildings and grounds at institutions specified in K.S.A. 76-6b04, and
amendments thereto, and for payment of debt service on revenue bonds
issued to finance such projects, all subject to appropriation by the legis-

 (b) Subject to any restrictions imposed by appropriation acts, the ju-
venile justice authority is authorized to pledge funds appropriated to it
from the state institutions building fund or from any other source and
transferred to a special revenue fund of the juvenile justice authority
specified by statute for the payment of debt service on revenue bonds
issued for the purposes set forth in subsection (a). Subject to any restric-
tions imposed by appropriation acts, the juvenile justice authority is also
authorized to pledge any funds appropriated to it from the state institu-
tions building fund or from any other source and transferred to a special
revenue fund of the juvenile justice authority specified by statute as a
priority for the payment of debt service on such revenue bonds. Neither
the state or the juvenile justice authority shall have the power to pledge
the faith and credit or taxing power of the state of Kansas for such pur-
poses and any payment by the juvenile justice authority for such purposes
shall be subject to and dependent on appropriations being made from
time to time by the legislature. Any obligation of the juvenile justice
authority for payment of debt service on revenue bonds and any such
revenue bonds issued for the purposes set forth in subsection (a) shall
not be considered a debt or obligation of the state for the purpose of
section 6 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas.

 (c) Subject to any restrictions imposed by appropriation acts, the de-
partment of social and rehabilitation services is authorized to pledge funds
appropriated to it from the state institutions building fund or from any
other source and transferred to a special revenue fund of the department
of social and rehabilitation services specified by statute for the payment
of debt service on revenue bonds issued for a new state security hospital
on the Larned state hospital grounds or any other capital improvement
projects at any other institution or facility of the department of social and
rehabilitation services. Subject to any restrictions imposed by appropri-
ation acts, the department of social and rehabilitation services is also au-
thorized to pledge any funds appropriated to it from the state institutions
building fund or from any other source and transferred to a special rev-
enue fund of the department of social and rehabilitation services specified
by statute as a priority for the payment of debt service on such revenue
bonds. Neither the state or the department of social and rehabilitation
services shall have the power to pledge the faith and credit or taxing power
of the state of Kansas for such purposes and any payment by the depart-
ment of social and rehabilitation services for such purposes shall be sub-
ject to and dependent on appropriations being made from time to time
by the legislature. Any obligation of the department of social and reha-
bilitation services for payment of debt service on revenue bonds and any
such revenue bonds issued for a new state security hospital on the Larned
state hospital grounds or any other capital improvement projects at any
other institution or facility of the department of social and rehabilitation
services shall not be considered a debt or obligation of the state for the
purpose of section 6 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas.

 (d) Subject to any restrictions imposed by appropriation acts, the Kan-
sas commission on veterans affairs is authorized to pledge funds appro-
priated to it from the state institutions building fund or from any other
source and transferred to a special revenue fund of the Kansas commission
on veterans affairs specified by statute for the payment of debt service on
revenue bonds issued for veterans' home HVAC system replacement. Sub-
ject to any restrictions imposed by appropriation acts, the Kansas com-
mission on veterans affairs is also authorized to pledge any funds appro-
priated to it from the state institutions building fund or from any other
source and transferred to a special revenue fund of the Kansas commission
on veterans affairs specified by statute as a priority for the payment of
debt service on such revenue bonds. Neither the state or the Kansas com-
mission on veterans affairs shall have the power to pledge the faith and
credit or taxing power of the state of Kansas for such purposes and any
payment by the Kansas commission on veterans affairs for such purposes
shall be subject to and dependent on appropriations being made from
time to time by the legislature. Any obligation of the Kansas commission
on veterans affairs for payment of debt service on revenue bonds and any
such revenue bonds issued for veterans' home HVAC system replacement
shall not be considered a debt or obligation of the state for the purpose
of section 6 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas.

 Sec. 33. K.S.A. 2002 Supp. 76-6b05 is hereby repealed.

 Sec. 34. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July
1, 2003, or the date upon which the omnibus reconciliation spending limit
bill of 2003 becomes effective, whichever is later, and its publication in
the statute book.

Approved April 21, 2003.