An  Act concerning wildlife and parks; relating to violations of wildlife and parks laws;
concerning cash bonds; changing the name of Toronto state park to Cross Timbers state
park at Toronto Lake; amending K.S.A. 32-837 and 32-1050 and repealing the existing

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. K.S.A. 32-1050 is hereby amended to read as follows: 32-
1050. (a) Whenever any person is issued a citation by a conservation
officer or deputy conservation officer of the wildlife and parks conser-
vation service or by any law enforcement officer for any of the violations
described in subsection (b), the officer may require such person to give
bond in the amount specified in subsection (b) for the offense for which
the person was charged, which bond shall be subject to forfeiture if the
person does not appear at the court at the time specified in the written
citation. The bond shall be a cash bond and shall be payable using cash
or legal tender identified as travelers checks, certified checks, cashiers
checks, personal checks and postal money orders. The cash bond shall be
taken in the following manner: The officer shall furnish the person
charged with a stamped envelope addressed to the judge or clerk of the
court named in the written citation and the person shall place in such
envelope the amount of the bond, and in the presence of the officer shall
deposit the same in the United States mail. After having complied with
these requirements, the person charged need not sign the citation, but
the officer shall note the amount of the bond mailed on the citation and
shall give a copy of such citation to the person.

      (b) The offenses for which a cash bond may be required as provided
in subsection (a) and the amounts thereof shall be as follows, subject to
increase at the discretion of the court:

Engaging in any activity without a required valid license,permit, stamp or other issue of the department $53
Engaging in any activity without a required valid licenseor permit, other than a big game permit or a license orpermit for commercial activity $100
Engaging in any activity without a required stamp or otherissue of the department 75
Engaging in any commercial activity without a requiredvalid license or permit 500
Engaging in any big game hunting without a required validbig game permit 500
Making misrepresentation to secure license, permit, stampor other issue of the department 103 250
Taking wildlife, except big game, unlawfully (including butnot limited to taking wildlife before or after legal takinghours, during closed season, or using unlawful equip-ment, means or method) 53 100
Taking wildlife during closed season 53
Carrying unplugged shotgun 53 75
Exceeding bag or possession limit, except big game -$20$25 for each animal in excess of the bag or posses-sion limit, plus 53 75
Exceeding big game bag or possession limit - $100 for eachanimal in excess of the bag or possession limit, plus 250
Taking wildlife with unlawful aid of motor vehicle, radioor artificial light 123
Unlawful transporting of wildlife 103 150
Taking wildlife, except big game, unlawfully 53
Taking big game unlawfully (including but not limited totaking big game before or after legal taking hours, dur-ing closed season, or using unlawful equipment, meansor method) 303 500
Failing to wear and properly display required clothing dur-ing a big game hunting season 53 75
Taking wildlife using unlawful equipment, means ormethods 53
Taking wildlife when operating an amount of equipmentin excess of that legally authorized 53 75
Exceeding creel or possession limit - $20 $25 for each an-imal in excess of the creel or possession limit, plus 53 75
Operating vessel without a certificate of number orregistration 23 50
Operating vessel without proper display of required iden-tification number 23 50
Failing to properly display required lights on vessel be-tween sunset and sunrise 23 50
Operating vessel without correct number or approvedtypes of adult personal flotation devices - $10 $25 foreach adult personal flotation device violation, plus 23 50
Operating vessel without correct number or approvedtypes of child personal flotation devices - $50 for eachchild personal flotation device violation, plus 100
Operating vessel without required number of personal flo-tation devices readily accessible and in good and serv-iceable condition - $10 $25 for each personal flotationdevice violation, plus 23 50
Operating vessel without required number or approvedtypes of fire extinguishers 23 50
Operating vessel in restricted area 23 50
Operating vessel without required observer or rearviewmirror on vessel 23 50
Operating vessel without required equipment or in excessof capacity plate limitations 23 50
Unlawful altering, destroying or removing of capacityplate 23 100
      (c) For any violation of the wildlife and park laws of this state or rules
and regulations adopted thereunder for which a cash bond is not specified
in subsection (b), the court may establish a cash bond amount.

      (d) There shall be added to the amount of cash bond required pur-
suant to subsections (b) and (c) the amount of the fish and game docket
fee as prescribed by K.S.A. 28-172a, and amendments thereto for crimes
defined in chapter 32 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments

      (e) In the event of forfeiture of any of the bonds set forth in this
section, the amount added by (d) to the amount of the cash bond shall
be regarded as a docket fee.

      New Sec.  2. The name of Toronto state park in Woodson county is
hereby changed to Cross Timbers state park at Toronto Lake.

      Sec.  3. K.S.A. 32-837 is hereby amended to read as follows: 32-837.
(a) The following parks have been designated as a part of the state park
system: (1) Kanopolis-Mushroom Rock state park in Ellsworth county;
(2) Cross Timbers state park at Toronto state park Lake in Woodson
county; (3) Fall River state park in Greenwood county; (4) Cedar Bluff
state park in Trego county; (5) Tuttle Creek state park in Pottawatomie
and Riley counties; (6) Pomona state park in Osage county; (7) Cheney
state park in Kingman and Reno counties; (8) Lake Crawford state park
in Crawford county; (9) Lovewell state park in Jewell county; (10) Lake
Meade state park in Meade county; (11) Prairie Dog state park in Norton
county; (12) Webster state park in Rooks county; (13) Wilson state park
in Russell county; (14) Milford state park in Geary county; (15) Lake Scott
state park in Scott county; (16) Elk City state park in Montgomery county;
(17) Perry state park in Jefferson county; (18) Glen Elder state park in
Mitchell county; (19) El Dorado state park in Butler county; (20) Eisen-
hower state park in Osage county; (21) Clinton state park in Douglas and
Shawnee counties; (22) Sand Hills state park in Reno county; and (23)
Hillsdale state park in Miami county.

      (b) No state park named in subsection (a) shall be removed from the
state park system without legislative approval.

      Sec.  4. K.S.A. 32-837 and 32-1050 are hereby repealed.

      Sec.  5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.

Approved April 15, 2002.
 Published in the Kansas Register April 25, 2002.