HOUSE BILL No. 2629*
An Act relating to the security of the department of
administration computer and telecom-
munication infrastructure space; concerning fingerprinting
of certain personnel.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. As the infrastructure
provider for information technology
for the state of Kansas, the department of administration must
insure the
highest level of information security and privacy in order to
protect law
enforcement, state agencies and the citizens of Kansas. Toward this
jective, the department of administration shall require as a
condition of
employment that individuals who have unescorted physical access to
data center, telecommunications facilities and other security
sensitive ar-
eas as designated by the secretary of administration be
fingerprinted, and
such fingerprints shall be submitted to the Kansas bureau of
and to the federal bureau of investigation for the purposes of
the identity of such individuals and obtaining records of criminal
and convictions.
Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force
from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.
Approved March 27, 2002.
Published in the Kansas Register April 4, 2002.