An Act concerning the Kansas higher education coordination
act; relating to the financing
of postsecondary educational institutions; the powers, duties and
functions of the state
board of regents; relating to employees thereof; amending K.S.A.
46-247 and K.S.A.
2001 Supp. 71-620, 72-6503, 74-3201b, 74-3202c, 74-3202d, 74-3205a,
74-3205b, 74-
3205c and 74-3205d and repealing the existing
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. K.S.A. 2001 Supp.
74-3201b is hereby amended to read
as follows: 74-3201b. As used in the Kansas higher education
(a) ``State board of regents'' or ``state
board'' means the state board
of regents provided for in the constitution of this state and
established by
K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3202a, and amendments thereto, except as
wise specifically provided in this act.
(b) ``State educational institution''
means any state educational insti-
tution, as defined in K.S.A. 76-711, and amendments thereto.
(c) ``Municipal university'' means
Washburn university of Topeka
Washburn university of Topeka or any other municipal university
lished under the laws of this state.
(d) ``Community college'' means any
community college established
under the laws of this state.
(e) ``Technical college'' means any
technical college established under
K.S.A. 72-4468, and amendments thereto the laws
of this state.
(f) ``Vocational education school'' means
any area vocational school
or area vocational-technical school established under the laws of
this state.
(g) ``Public university'' means any state
educational institution.
(h) ``Postsecondary educational
institution'' means any public univer-
sity, municipal university, community college, technical college
and vo-
cational education school, and includes any entity resulting from
the con-
solidation or affiliation of any two or more of such
educational institutions.
(i) ``Proprietary school'' means any
proprietary school as defined in
K.S.A. 72-4919, and amendments thereto. The term proprietary
does not include within its meaning any school or educational
specifically exempted from the definition of proprietary school by
provisions of K.S.A. 72-4920, and amendments thereto.
(j) ``Adult basic education program'' and
``adult supplementary edu-
cation program'' have the meanings respectively ascribed thereto
K.S.A. 72-4517, and amendments thereto.
(k) ``Representative of a postsecondary
educational institution''
means any person who is the holder of an associate degree, a
degree, or a certificate of completion awarded by a postsecondary
cational institution.
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3202c
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-3202c. (a) In the exercise of its leadership role, the
state board
of regents shall be an advocate for the provision of adequate
and sufficient authority for all postsecondary educational
institutions so
that each postsecondary educational institution can realize, within
its pre-
scribed mission, role and scope, its full potential to the benefit
of the
students who attend such postsecondary educational institution and
the benefit of all Kansas residents in terms of receiving the
benefits of a
highly educated and vocationally trained populace.
(b) In addition to other duties and
functions prescribed by law, the
state board of regents shall:
(1) Serve as the representative of the
public postsecondary educa-
tional system before the governor and the Kansas
(2) provide statewide planning for
higher education and adopt, from
time to time amend, revise or modify, and administer a
plan for coordination of higher education within this state;
(2) (3) determine
institutional roles and review institutional missions
and goals for each postsecondary educational institution taking
into ac-
count both institutional needs and the needs of the state's
system of higher
education as a whole;
(3) (4) develop
articulation procedures so that maximum freedom of
transfer among and between postsecondary educational institutions
is en-
(4) approve or disapprove for
state funding purposes existing and pro-
posed educational programs, courses of instruction and
out-district pro-
gram and course locations
(5) develop and implement, in
conjunction with the postsecondary
educational institutions, a comprehensive plan for coordinating
all pro-
gram offerings by postsecondary educational institutions. The
board shall
not coordinate program offerings that are specifically developed
and en-
tirely paid for by an entity which limits enrollment to a class
of individuals
who are employees, members or business customers of the
(5) review budget requests and
requests for state funding of postse-
condary educational institutions and present
(6) develop a unified budget for
higher education state funding of
postsecondary educational institutions and present such
budget to the
governor and the legislature each year and receive and allocate
the state
funds appropriated for funding of postsecondary educational
in accordance with legislative directives, except as provided in
(e) of K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3202d, and amendments
(6) (7) approve
core indicators of quality performance for postsecon-
dary educational institutions after considering core indicators
mended by each such postsecondary educational institution;
(7) (8) resolve
conflicts among and between postsecondary educa-
tional institutions;
(8) (9) develop
and implement a comprehensive plan for the utili-
zation of distance learning technologies;
(9) (10) develop
each year and recommend to the governor and the
legislature a policy agenda for higher education, which policy
agenda shall
assess priorities among proposals for policy change, programatic
mendations, and state funding requests;
(10) (11) conduct
continuous studies of ways to maximize the utili-
zation of resources available for higher education in Kansas and
action for improvement;
(11) (12) conduct
continuous studies of how state policies affect
higher education and how Kansas economic and demographic trends
pact upon accessibility and affordability of postsecondary
education to
Kansas residents, and initiate ways to improve such accessibility
and af-
(12) (13) receive
and consider reports, proposals and recommenda-
tions of the commissions and take such actions thereon as are
necessary and appropriate;
(13) (14) report
annually on the performance of its functions and
duties to the governor and the legislature; and
(15) exercise such other powers and perform such other
tions and duties as are deemed necessary and appropriate to the
ment of its constitutional and statutory responsibilities.
(c) Notwithstanding any of the powers,
duties and functions con-
ferred and imposed upon the state board of regents under the
higher education coordination act, the boards of trustees of the
munity colleges shall continue to have custody of and be
responsible for
the property of their respective community colleges and shall be
sible for the operation, management and control of such community
leges, except as otherwise expressly provided by law.
Sec. 3. K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3202d
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-3202d. (a) During the 2000 fiscal year, the state board
regents (1) shall review the performance indicators developed by
the pos-
tsecondary educational institutions, including the municipal
university; (2)
after consideration of the core indicators of quality performance
fied by the respective commissions and with the active involvement
the postsecondary educational institutions, shall approve
those indicators
that the state board determines should be implemented; and (3)
select from among the indicators approved for implementation those
dicators that will become determinants for the allocation of state
on the basis of performance. The indicators selected may vary among
postsecondary educational institutions and among
institutional sectors
and, if feasible, shall include indicators developed and adopted by
governing bodies of each postsecondary educational institution
based on
the needs of each such postsecondary educational
(b) During the 2001 fiscal year, the
postsecondary educational insti-
tutions, including the municipal university, shall develop
institutional im-
provement plans showing how they will implement the performance
dicators applicable to their institution and how they will
performance on the basis of each indicator. Institutional
plans shall be revised and submitted to the state board of regents
by each
institution at least every three years. The state board of
regents shall
provide technical assistance to institutions in the development,
mentation, and revision of their improvement plans.
(c) Commencing on July 1, 2001,
institutional improvement plans
shall be implemented for each postsecondary educational
institution, in-
cluding the municipal university. Each postsecondary
educational insti-
tution shall begin the data collection, measurement, or other
tation necessary in order for its performance to be evaluated with
to each indicator.
(d) Commencing on July 1, 2004, the
state board shall have authority
to review and approve institutional improvement plans, and, on
the basis
of each plan, shall develop and implement a performance
agreement with
each postsecondary educational institution. Performance
agreements shall
incorporate the goals, priorities, policies and mission
objectives identified
in the institutional improvement plans, and the performance
which will be used to demonstrate compliance and
(e) Commencing on July 1, 2005, each
postsecondary educational in-
stitution's receipt of new state funds shall be contingent on
compliance with its performance agreement. As used in this
``new state funds'' means that amount of state funds by which
the amount
received by a postsecondary educational institution for a fiscal
year ex-
ceeds the amount received by that postsecondary educational
for the preceding fiscal year. The state board shall determine
the amount
of new state funds to be received by each postsecondary
educational in-
stitution, taking into account the postsecondary educational
level of compliance with its performance agreement and the funds
able for distribution. Any new state funds received by a
educational institution pursuant to a performance agreement
shall be
deemed to be part of the state funds received in the preceding
fiscal year
for the purposes of determining new state funds for the
educational institution pursuant to a performance agreement for
the en-
suing fiscal year. If a postsecondary educational institution is
not allocated
any portion of new state funds in a fiscal year, the new state
funds which
the institution was eligible to be allocated by the state board
in such fiscal
year shall be deemed part of the state funds received by such
in such fiscal year for the purpose of determining such
institution's base
budget and any new state funds for the ensuing fiscal year. The
failure of
a postsecondary educational institution to enter a performance
with the state board shall prevent that postsecondary
educational insti-
tution from receiving any new state funds. Any funds designated
by the
legislature for a specific postsecondary educational institution
or purpose
shall be exempt from the provisions of this section.
Sec. 4. K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3205a
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-3205a. (a) For the purpose of expediting the
exercise of pow-
ers and the performance of functions and duties of the state board
regents, there is derived from the state board a commission for
munity colleges and vocational/technical education, a commission
public universities, and a commission for higher education
Each commission shall be composed of three members who are
of the state board. At the time a member is appointed to the state
the governor shall designate the commission on which the member
serve so that each member of the state board is designated for
service on
one of the commissions. At no time after July 1, 2002, shall there
be more
than one representative of any one postsecondary educational
designated for service on a commission. The members of each
sion shall organize annually by electing one member of their
commissions as chairperson. The chairperson of the state board may
serve as the chairperson of a commission.
(b) The provisions of this section
shall expire on June 30, 2003.
Sec. 5. K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3205b
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-3205b. (a) The commission for community colleges and
cational/technical education shall meet at Topeka at least
quarterly in each
year on dates fixed by the commission. Special meetings may be
upon the call of the chairperson of the commission or upon petition
the chairperson by the other two members of the commission. The
and place of all special meetings shall be designated in the call.
members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the
of business but one member may adjourn any regular or special
to a definite time and place.
(b) The commission for community colleges
and vocational/technical
education shall:
(1) Propose for adoption by the state
board rules and regulations for
supervision of the community colleges, technical colleges and
education schools;
(2) provide state wide planning for
community colleges, technical col-
leges and vocational education schools.
(3) initiate plans for institutional
advancement and new educational
programs and courses of instruction;
(4) review existing and proposed
educational programs, courses of
instruction, and program and course locations and make
tions to the state board for approval or disapproval of such
courses and locations for state funding purposes;
(5) review requests of community
colleges, technical colleges and vo-
cational education schools for state funding and formulate
dations thereon;
(6) identify core indicators of quality
performance for community col-
leges, technical colleges and vocational education schools;
(7) develop each year a policy agenda for
community colleges, tech-
nical colleges and vocational education schools;
(8) conduct continuous studies of ways to
maximize the utilization of
resources available for community colleges, technical colleges and
tional education schools and formulate recommendations for
ment; and
(9) make reports on the performance of
its functions and duties to-
gether with any proposals and recommendations it may formulate
respect thereto at each regular meeting of the state board.
(c) The provisions of this section
shall expire on June 30, 2003.
Sec. 6. K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3205c
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-3205c. (a) The commission for public universities shall
at Topeka at least quarterly in each year on dates fixed by the
Special meetings may be held upon the call of the chairperson of
commission or upon petition to the chairperson by the other two
bers of the commission. The date and place of all special meetings
be designated in the call. Two members of the commission shall
a quorum for the transaction of business but one member may
any regular or special meeting to a definite time and place.
(b) The commission for public
universities shall:
(1) Propose for adoption by the state
board of rules and regulations
for operation and management of the state educational
(2) initiate plans for institutional
advancement and new educational
programs and courses of instruction;
(3) formulate budget requests for the
state educational institutions;
(4) review existing educational programs
and courses of instruction
at the public universities and evaluate the educational and
economic jus-
tification, or lack thereof, for such programs and courses;
(5) identify core indicators of quality
performance for public univer-
(6) make recommendations to the state
board with respect to the
appointment of chief executive officers of the state educational
(7) develop each year a policy agenda for
public universities;
(8) conduct continuous studies of ways to
maximize the utilization of
resources available for public universities and formulate
tions for improvement; and
(9) make reports on the performance of
its functions and duties to-
gether with any proposals and recommendations it may formulate
respect thereto at each regular meeting of the state board.
(c) The provisions of this section
shall expire on June 30, 2003.
Sec. 7. K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3205d
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-3205d. (a) The commission for higher education
shall meet at Topeka at least quarterly in each year on dates fixed
by the
commission. Special meetings may be held upon the call of the
son of the commission or upon petition to the chairperson by the
two members of the commission. The date and place of all special
ings shall be designated in the call. Two members of the commission
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business but one member
adjourn any regular or special meeting to a definite time and
(b) The commission for higher education
coordination shall:
(1) Conduct continuous review and
evaluation of the comprehensive
plan for coordination of higher education and make recommendations
deemed necessary and appropriate for amendment, revision or
cation of the plan;
(2) review existing and proposed
educational programs, courses of
instruction, and program and course locations and make
tions to the state board with respect to the coordination of such
courses and locations;
(3) collect and analyze data and maintain
a uniform postsecondary
education data base;
(4) formulate recommendations for
resolution of conflicts among and
between postsecondary educational sectors and institutions;
(5) compile and coordinate core
indicators of quality performance for
postsecondary educational institutions;
(6) broker affiliations and mergers of
postsecondary educational in-
(7) coordinate a state system interface
with the municipal university
universities and with private colleges and universities;
(8) formulate budget requests for state
student financial assistance
programs; and
(9) make reports on the performance of
its functions and duties to-
gether with any proposals and recommendations it may formulate
respect thereto at each regular meeting of the state board.
(c) On June 30, 2003, the provisions
of subsection (a) of this section
shall expire and shall be of no force and effect. On and after
June 30,
2003, the powers and duties of the commission for higher
education co-
ordination shall be powers and duties of the state board of
regents and
the references in subsection (b) to the commission for higher
coordination shall mean the state board of regents. On and after
June 30,
2003, the state board shall have authority to establish and
organize such
commissions, committees, advisory councils or other groups as it
deem necessary and appropriate to the fulfillment of its
constitutional and
statutory responsibilities.
Sec. 8. K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 71-620 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 71-620. (a) In each fiscal year, commencing with the 2001
year, each community college is entitled to an operating grant from
state general fund in an amount to be determined by the state
board. The
state board shall:
(1) Determine the average amount of
moneys from the state general
fund expended per FTE lower division undergraduate student in
preceding fiscal year at the regional state educational
(2) (A) in the 2001 fiscal year,
compute 50% of the amount deter-
mined under (1); (B) in the 2002 fiscal year, compute 55% of the
determined under (1); (C) in the 2003 fiscal year, compute 60% of
amount determined under (1); in the 2004 fiscal year and in each
year thereafter, compute 65% of the amount determined under
(3) determine the total number of FTE
students of all the community
(4) multiply the amount computed under
(2) by the total number of
FTE students determined under (3). Subject to the provisions of
tion (e) of K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3202d, and amendments
thereto, the
product is the total amount of operating grants the community
are entitled to receive for the fiscal year.
(5) Each community college which is not
an officially designated area
vocational school shall receive an amount equivalent to the
between credit hour state aid received in the 1999 fiscal year for
hours in any subject or course approved as a vocational education
or course and 11/6 times the amount of credit hour state aid
received in
the 1999 fiscal year for credit hours in any subject or course
approved as
a vocational education subject or course. The amount determined
this provision shall be distributed in equal installments in the
through 2004 fiscal years as a part of the community college's
grant, but shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 71-204,
amendments thereto.
(6) In each fiscal year, the state board,
for the purpose of allocating
the amount determined under (4) to the community colleges, shall
the total of the amounts determined under (5) from the amount
mined under (4).
(7) In the 2001 fiscal year, the
remaining balance determined under
(6) shall be allocated to each community college according to the
the total amount of state aid received by the community college in
2000 fiscal year bears to the total amount of state aid received by
community colleges in the 2000 fiscal year, subject to adjustments
changes in each community college's FTE enrollment from the 2000
cal year to the 2001 fiscal year.
(8) In the 2002 fiscal year and in each
fiscal year thereafter, the re-
maining balance determined under (6) shall be allocated to each
munity college according to the ratio the amount of the operating
received by the community college in the prior fiscal year bears to
total amount of operating grants received by all community colleges
the prior fiscal year, subject to adjustments for changes in each
munity college's FTE enrollment from the prior fiscal year to the
fiscal year.
(b) In each fiscal year, commencing with
the 2003 fiscal year, each
community college is eligible to receive a quality performance
grant from
the state general fund. If the state board determines that the
college has demonstrated effectiveness in complying with its role
mission statement and has met or exceeded the core indicators of
performance for community colleges identified and approved by the
board, the community college shall receive a quality performance
in an amount which shall be determined by the state board by
2% of the amount of the operating grant the community college
in the preceding fiscal year. The computed amount is the amount of
quality performance grant the community college shall receive for
fiscal year.
(c) For the purposes of this section, the
FTE enrollment of the com-
munity college shall be based on: (1) Enrollment of students who
residents of the state of Kansas, or are considered residents of
the state
of Kansas pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 71-407,
amendments thereto; and (2) the greater of FTE enrollment of the
munity college in the current fiscal year or FTE enrollment in the
ceding fiscal year.
(d) As used in this section, the term
regional state educational insti-
tutions means Emporia state university, Fort Hays state university
Pittsburg state university and the term lower division
undergraduate stu-
dent means a freshman or sophomore.
Sec. 9. K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 72-6503
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 72-6503. (a) In each fiscal year, the university is
entitled to an
operating grant from the state general fund in an amount to be
mined by the state board. The state board shall:
(1) Determine the average amount of
moneys from the state general
fund expended per FTE lower division undergraduate student in
preceding fiscal year at the regional state educational
(2) (A) in the 2002 fiscal year,
compute 55% of the amount deter-
mined under (1); (B) in the 2003 fiscal year, compute 60% of the
determined under (1); (C) in the 2004 fiscal year and in each
fiscal year
thereafter, compute 65% of the amount determined under (1);
(3) multiply the amount computed under
(2) by the number of FTE
students of the university. Subject to the provisions of
subsection (e) of
K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 74-3202d, and amendments thereto, the
product is the
amount of the operating grant the university is entitled to receive
for the
fiscal year.
(b) In each fiscal year, commencing with
the 2003 fiscal year, the
university is eligible to receive a quality performance grant from
the state
general fund. If the state board determines that the university has
onstrated effectiveness in complying with its mission and goals
and has met or exceeded the core indicators of quality performance
tified and approved for the university by the state board, the
shall receive a quality performance grant in an amount which shall
determined by the state board by computing 2% of the amount of
operating grant the university received in the preceding fiscal
year. The
computed amount is the amount of the quality performance grant
university shall receive for the fiscal year.
(c) (1) For the purposes of this
section, the FTE enrollment of the
university shall be based on: (A) Enrollment of students who are
of the state of Kansas; and (B) the greater of FTE enrollment in
second or third fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which the
priation for the operating grant is made.
(2) As used in this section, the term
regional state educational insti-
tutions means Emporia state university, Fort Hays state university
Pittsburg state university and the term lower division
undergraduate stu-
dent means a freshman or sophomore.
(d) Moneys received as state grants from
the state general fund shall
not be expended for the purpose of expansion of graduate programs
for the purpose of expansion of off-campus programs without the
approval of the state board.
Sec. 10. K.S.A. 46-247 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 46-247.
The following individuals shall file written statements of
substantial in-
terests, as provided in K.S.A. 46-248 to 46-252, inclusive, and
ments thereto:
(a) Legislators and candidates for
nomination or election to the leg-
(b) Individuals holding an elected office
in the executive branch of
this state, and candidates for nomination or election to any such
(c) State officers, employees and members
of boards, councils and
commissions under the jurisdiction of the head of any state agency
are listed as designees by the head of a state agency pursuant to
46-285, and amendments thereto;.
(d) Individuals whose appointment to
office is subject to confirmation
by the senate whether or not such individual is a state officer or
(e) General counsels for state agencies
irrespective of how compen-
(f) The administrator or executive
director of the education commis-
sion of the states, the interstate compact on agricultural grain
the Mo-Kan metropolitan development district and agency compact,
Kansas City area transportation district and authority compact, the
west nuclear compact, the central interstate low-level radioactive
compact, the multistate tax compact, the Kansas-Oklahoma Arkansas
basin compact, the Kansas-Nebraska Big Blue river compact, and
multistate lottery;.
(g) Private consultants under contract
with any agency of the state of
Kansas to evaluate bids for public contracts or to award public
(h) From and after January 1, 2003,
any faculty member or other
employee of a postsecondary educational institution as defined
by K.S.A.
2001 Supp. 74-3201b, and amendments thereto, who provides
services and who, on behalf of or for the benefit of the person
for which
consulting services are provided:
(1) Promotes or opposes action or
nonaction by any federal agency,
any state agency as defined by K.S.A. 46-224, and amendments
or any political subdivision of the state or any agency of such
subdivision or a representative of such state agency, political
or agency; or
(2) promotes or opposes action or
nonaction relating to the expendi-
ture of public funds of the federal government, the state or
political sub-
division of the state or agency of the federal government, state
or political
subdivision of the state.
Sec. 11. K.S.A. 46-247 and K.S.A. 2001 Supp.
71-620, 72-6503, 74-
3201b, 74-3202c, 74-3202d, 74-3205a, 74-3205b, 74-3205c and
are hereby repealed.
Sec. 12. This act shall take effect and be in
force from and after its
publication in the statute book.
Approved May 30, 2002.