An Act concerning postsecondary educational institutions; relating
to the identification,
selection and approval of core indicators of quality performance;
preserving certain pow-
ers, duties and functions of community college boards of trustees;
amending K.S.A. 2000
Supp. 71-801, 74-3202c and 74-3202d and repealing the
existing sections.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. K.S.A. 2000 Supp. 71-801
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 71-801. (a) Community colleges are under the supervision
of the
state board of regents.
(b) The state board of regents shall
identify and approve core indi-
cators of quality performance for each of the community
colleges sepa-
rately, after considering core indicators recommended by the
board of
trustees of each respective community college, and shall
establish and im-
plement a data management system that includes a process and
for collecting, aggregating and reporting common and
information documenting effectiveness of the colleges in meeting
the role
and mission thereof.
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 2000 Supp. 74-3202c
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 74-3202c. (a) In the exercise of its leadership role, the
state board
of regents shall be an advocate for the provision of adequate
and sufficient authority for all postsecondary educational
institutions so
that each postsecondary educational institution can realize, within
its pre-
scribed mission, role and scope, its full potential to the benefit
of the
students who attend such postsecondary educational institution and
the benefit of all Kansas residents in terms of receiving the
benefits of a
highly educated and vocationally trained populace.
(b) In addition to other duties and
functions prescribed by law, the state
board of regents shall:
(1) Adopt, from time to time amend,
revise or modify, and administer
a comprehensive plan for coordination of higher education within
this state;
(2) determine institutional roles and
review institutional missions and
(3) develop articulation procedures so
that maximum freedom of trans-
fer among and between postsecondary educational institutions is
(4) approve or disapprove for state
funding purposes existing and pro-
posed educational programs, courses of instruction and out-district
and course locations;
(5) review budget requests and requests
for state funding of postsecon-
dary educational institutions and present a unified budget for
higher edu-
cation to the governor and the legislature each year;
(6) approve core indicators of quality
performance for postsecondary
educational institutions after considering core indicators
recommended by
each such postsecondary educational institution;
(7) resolve conflicts among and between
postsecondary educational in-
(8) develop and implement a comprehensive
plan for the utilization of
distance learning technologies;
(9) develop each year and recommend to
the governor and the legis-
lature a policy agenda for higher education, which policy agenda
shall assess
priorities among proposals for policy change, programatic
tions, and state funding requests;
(10) conduct continuous studies of ways
to maximize the utilization of
resources available for higher education in Kansas and initiate
action for
(11) conduct continuous studies of how
state policies affect higher ed-
ucation and how Kansas economic and demographic trends impact
accessibility and affordability of postsecondary education to
Kansas resi-
dents, and initiate ways to improve such accessibility and
(12) receive and consider reports,
proposals and recommendations of
the commissions and take such actions thereon as are deemed
and appropriate;
(13) report annually on the performance
of its functions and duties to
the governor and the legislature; and
(14) exercise such other powers and
perform such other functions and
duties as are deemed necessary and appropriate to the fulfillment
of its
constitutional and statutory responsibilities.
(c) Notwithstanding any of the powers,
duties and functions conferred
and imposed upon the state board of regents under the Kansas
higher ed-
ucation coordination act, the boards of trustees of the
community colleges
shall continue to have custody of and be responsible for the
property of their
respective community colleges and shall be responsible for the
management and control of such community colleges, except as
expressly provided by law.
Sec. 3. K.S.A. 2000 Supp. 74-3202d
is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 74-3202d. (a) During the 2000 fiscal year, the state board of
(1) shall review the performance indicators developed by the
educational institutions, including the municipal university; (2)
after consid-
eration of the core indicators of quality performance identified by
the re-
spective commissions and with the active involvement of the
shall approve those indicators that the state board determines
should be
implemented; and (3) shall select from among the indicators
approved for
implementation those indicators that will become determinants for
the al-
location of state moneys on the basis of performance. The
indicators se-
lected may vary among the institutions and among institutional
sectors and,
if feasible, shall include indicators developed and adopted by
the governing
bodies of each postsecondary educational institution based on
the needs of
each such institution.
(b) During the 2001 fiscal year, the
postsecondary educational institu-
tions, including the municipal university, shall develop
institutional improve-
ment plans showing how they will implement the performance
applicable to their institution and how they will measure
performance on
the basis of each indicator. Institutional improvement plans shall
be revised
and submitted to the state board of regents by each institution at
least every
three years. The board of regents shall provide technical
assistance to in-
stitutions in the development, implementation, and revision of
their im-
provement plans.
(c) Commencing on July 1, 2001,
institutional improvement plans shall
be implemented for each postsecondary educational institution,
the municipal university. Each institution shall begin the data
measurement, or other documentation necessary in order for its
ance to be evaluated with regard to each indicator.
Sec. 4. K.S.A. 2000 Supp. 71-801, 74-3202c and
74-3202d are hereby
Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force
from and after its
publication in the statute book.
Approved April 10, 2001.