A  Concurrent  Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to provide funding
to the United States Army Corps of Engineers to study reallocation of storage space
from the flood control pool to the conservation pool in John Redmond Lake in Coffey
County, Kansas.

      WHEREAS,  The United States Army Corps of Engineers constructed
John Redmond Dam on the Neosho River in Coffey County, Kansas, for
the purposes of flood control, water supply, water quality, recreation and
fish and wildlife; and

      WHEREAS,  The State of Kansas signed contracts with the United
States Army Corps of Engineers in 1975 and 1996 for the purchase of all
available water supply storage space in the conservation pool of John
Redmond Lake; and

      WHEREAS,  The State of Kansas has signed contracts with users for
water supply from storage space in the conservation pool of John Red-
mond Lake; and

      WHEREAS,  Article 1 paragraph (f) of federal contract DACW56-75-
C-0029 and Article 1 paragraph (e) (1) of federal contract DACW56-96-
WS-0003 both indicate sedimentation surveys will be completed by the
United States Army Corps of Engineers ``at intervals not to exceed fifteen
(15) years'', and when ``the findings of such survey indicate any Project
purpose will be affected by unanticipated sediment distribution, there
shall be an equitable redistribution of the sediment reserve storage space
among the purposes served by the Project including'' industrial and mu-
nicipal water supply; and

      WHEREAS,  Hydrographic surveys of John Redmond Lake indicate
that the conservation pool, and corresponding water supply storage space,
is filling with sediment faster than was estimated during design of the
lake; and

      WHEREAS,  Surveys of the storage contained in John Redmond Lake
indicate sediment is entering the flood control pool more slowly than
estimated during the design of the lake; and

      WHEREAS,  A reallocation of storage from the flood control pool to
the conservation pool would allow for a more equitable distribution of
storage and sediment between the pools and allow the State of Kansas to
meet the needs of users for a longer period of time: Now, therefore,

      Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
the Senate concurring therein: That the Legislature of the State of Kan-
sas urges the Congress of the United States to provide funding to the
United States Army Corps of Engineers to study reallocating storage
space from the flood control pool to the conservation pool in John Red-
mond Lake in Coffey County, Kansas; and

      Be it further resolved: That the Secretary of State is directed to send
enrolled copies of this resolution to the President of the United States,
George W. Bush; the Chairman of the United States Senate Energy and
Water Development Subcommittee, c/o Committee on Appropriations,
United States Senate, S-128, The Capitol, Washington, D.C. 20510; the
Chairman of the United States House of Representatives Energy and
Water Development Subcommittee, 2362 Rayburn House Office Build-
ing, Washington, D.C. 20515-6020; and each member of the Kansas Con-
gressional Delegation.

 Adopted by the House April 6, 2002.
Adopted by the Senate
April 5, 2002.