208             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

Chapter 65


An Act concerning real estate; relating to the brokerage relationships in real estate trans-
actions act; amending K.S.A. 17-2707, 58-3045 and 58-3063 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp.
58-3036, 58-3037, 58-3039, 58-3042 and 58-3046a and repealing the existing sections;
reviving K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3035, 58-3050, 58-3062, 58-3064, 58-3065, 58-3068,
58-30,101, 58-30,102, 58-30,103, 58-30,104, 58-30,105, 58-30,106, 58-30,107, 58-
30,108, 58-30,109, 58-30,110, 58-30,111, 58-30,112 and 74-4202; amending K.S.A. 1996
Supp. 58-3035, as revived by section 3 of this act, 58-3050, as revived by section 11 of
this act, 58-3062, as revived by section 13 of this act, 58-3064, as revived by section 16
of this act, 58-3065, as revived by section 18 of this act, 58-3068, as revived by section
20 of this act, 58-30,101, as revived and amended by section 22 of this act, 58-30,102,
as revived by section 24 of this act, 58-30,103, as revived by section 26 of this act, 58-
30,104, as revived by section 28 of this act, 58-30,105, as revived by section 30 of this
act, 58-30,106, as revived by section 32 of this act, 58-30,107, as revived by section 34
of this act, 58-30,109, as revived by section 37 of this act, 58-30,110, as revived by section

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-39 of this act, 58-30,111, as revived by section 41 of this act, 58-30,112, as revived by
section 43 of this act, and 74-4202, as revived by section 45 of this act, and repealing
the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 1995 Supp. 58-3035, as amended by section
20 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 58-3050, as amended by section
12 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 58-3062, as amended by section
13 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 58-3064, as amended by section
14 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 58-3065, as amended by section
15 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 58-3068, as amended by section
16 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 74-4202, as amended by section
17 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,108,
as revived by section 36 of this act and 74-4209.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

New Section 1. On and after October 1, 1997:

(a) A broker engaged as a transaction broker is not an agent for either

(b) A transaction broker shall have the following obligations and re-

(1) To perform the terms of any written or oral agreement made with
any party to the transaction;

(2) to exercise reasonable skill and care as a transaction broker, in-
cluding, but not limited to:

(A) Presenting all offers and counteroffers in a timely manner, even
when the property is subject to a contract of sale;

(B) advising the parties regarding the transaction and suggesting that
such parties obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the
transaction broker knows but the specifics of which are beyond the ex-
pertise of the licensee;

(C) accounting in a timely manner for all money and property re-

(D) keeping the parties fully informed regarding the transaction;

(E) assisting the parties in complying with the terms and conditions
of any contract including closing the transaction;

(F) disclosing to all prospective buyers or tenants all adverse material
facts actually known by the transaction broker, including but not limited

(i) Any environmental hazards affecting the property which are re-
quired by law to be disclosed;

(ii) the physical condition of the property;

(iii) any material defects in the property;

(iv) any material defects in the title to the property; or

(v) any material limitation on the seller's or landlord's ability to per-
form under the terms of the contract; and

(G) disclosing to any prospective seller or landlord all adverse ma-
terial facts actually known by the transaction broker, including but not
limited to material facts concerning the buyer's or tenant's financial ability
to perform the terms of the transaction;

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(3) comply with all requirements of this act and rules and regulations
adopted hereunder; and

(4) comply with any applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and
regulations and ordinances, including fair housing and civil rights and
rules and regulations.

(c) Except as provided in subsection (d), the transaction broker is not
required to disclose to any party to the transaction information relating
to the physical condition of the property if a written report regarding the
physical condition of the property has been prepared by a qualified third
party and provided to the party.

(d) A transaction broker shall disclose to the party any facts actually
known by the transaction broker that were omitted from or contradict
any information included in a written report described in subsection (c).

(e) If pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(B), the transaction broker advised
the parties to obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the
transaction broker knows but the specifics of which are beyond the ex-
pertise of the transaction broker, no cause of action for any person shall
arise against the transaction broker pertaining to such material matters.

(f) In any transaction regarding the sale or lease of real estate other
than commercial property or residential property of more than four units,
the following information shall not be disclosed by a transaction broker
without the consent of all parties:

(1) That a buyer or tenant is willing to pay more than the purchase
price or lease rate offered for the property;

(2) that a seller or landlord is willing to accept less than the asking
price or lease rate for the property;

(3) what the motivating factors are for any party buying, selling, or
leasing the property;

(4) that a seller, buyer, landlord or tenant will agree to financing
terms other than those offered; or

(5) any information or personal confidences about a party to the
transaction which might place the other party at an advantage over the
party unless the disclosure is required by law or failure to disclose such
information would constitute fraudulent misrepresentation.

(g) (1) Except as provided in subsection (g)(2), in any transaction
regarding the sale or lease of commercial property or residential property
of more than four units, the following information may be disclosed by a
transaction broker unless prohibited by the parties:

(A) That a buyer or tenant is willing to pay more than the purchase
price or lease rate offered for the property;

(B) that a seller or landlord is willing to accept less than the asking
price or lease rate for the property;

(C) what the motivating factors are for any party buying, selling or
leasing the property; or

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(D) that a seller, buyer, landlord or tenant will agree to financing
terms other than those offered.

(2) Any information or personal confidences about a party to the
transaction which might place the other party at an advantage over the
party shall not be disclosed unless the disclosure is required by law or
failure to disclose such information would constitute fraudulent misrep-

(h) A transaction broker has no duty to conduct an independent in-
spection of the property for the benefit of any party to the transaction
and has no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of
statements made by the seller, landlord, buyer, tenant or qualified third
party inspectors.

(i) A transaction broker has no duty to conduct an independent in-
vestigation of the buyer's or tenant's financial condition or to verify the
accuracy or completeness of any statement made by the buyer or tenant.

(j) A transaction broker may do the following without breaching any
obligation or responsibility:

(1) Show alternative properties not owned by the seller or landlord
to a prospective buyer or tenant;

(2) list competing properties for sale or lease;

(3) show properties in which the buyer or tenant is interested to other
prospective buyers or tenants; and

(4) serve as a single agent or subagent for the same or for different
parties in other real estate transactions.

(k) Information known to a transaction broker shall not be imputed
to any party to the transaction or to any licensee within the brokerage
firm engaged as a transaction broker.

(l) A transaction broker may cooperate with other brokers or coop-
erate and pay compensation to other brokers but shall not engage any

Sec. 2. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 17-2707 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 17-2707. As used in this act, unless the con-
text clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, the following
words mean:

(a) ``Professional corporation,'' a corporation organized under this act.

(b) ``Professional service,'' the type of personal service rendered by a
person duly licensed by this state as a member of any of the following
professions, each paragraph constituting one type:

(1) A certified public accountant;

(2) An architect;

(3) An attorney-at-law;

(4) A chiropractor;

(5) A dentist;

(6) An engineer;

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(7) An optometrist;

(8) An osteopathic physician or surgeon;

(9) A physician, surgeon or doctor of medicine;

(10) A veterinarian;

(11) A podiatrist;

(12) A pharmacist;

(13) A land surveyor;

(14) A licensed psychologist;

(15) A specialist in clinical social work;

(16) A registered physical therapist;

(17) A landscape architect;

(18) A registered professional nurse;

(19) A real estate broker or salesperson.

(c) ``Regulating board,'' the board or state agency which is charged
with the licensing and regulation of the practice of the profession which
the professional corporation is organized to render.

(d) ``Qualified person'':

(1) Any natural person licensed to practice the same type of profes-
sion which any professional corporation is authorized to practice;

(2) the trustee of a trust which is a qualified trust under subsection
(a) of section 401 of the internal revenue code of 1954, as amended, or
of a contribution plan which is a qualified employee stock ownership plan
under subsection (a) of section 409A of the internal revenue code of 1954,
as amended; or

(3) the trustee of a revocable living trust established by a natural
person who is licensed to practice the type of profession which any pro-
fessional corporation is authorized to practice, if the terms of such trust
provide that such natural person is the principal beneficiary and sole
trustee of such trust and such trust does not continue to hold title to
professional corporation stock following such natural person's death for
more than a reasonable period of time necessary to dispose of such stock.

Sec. 3. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3035 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-3035. As used in this act, unless the
context otherwise requires:

(a) ``Advance listing fee'' means any fee charged for services related
to promoting the sale or lease of real estate and paid in advance of the
rendering of such services, including any fees charged for listing, adver-
tising or offering for sale or lease any real estate, but excluding any fees
paid solely for advertisement or for listing in a publication issued for the
sole purpose of promoting the sale or lease of real estate wherein inquiries
are directed to the owner of the real estate or to real estate brokers and
not to unlicensed persons who publish the listing.

(b) ``Agency agreement'' means a written agreement between the

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principal and the licensee setting forth the terms and conditions of the

(c) ``Associate broker'' means an individual who has a broker's license
and who is employed by another broker or is associated with another
broker as an independent contractor and participates in any activity de-
scribed in subsection (f).

(d) ``Branch broker'' means an individual who has a broker's license
and who has been designated to supervise a branch office and the activ-
ities of salespersons and associate brokers assigned to the branch office.

(e) ``Branch office'' means a place of business other than the principal
place of business of a broker.

(f) ``Broker'' means an individual, other than a salesperson, who ad-
vertises or represents that such individual engages in the business of buy-
ing, selling, exchanging or leasing real estate or who, for compensation,
engages in any of the following activities as an employee of, or on behalf
of, the owner, purchaser, lessor or lessee of real estate:

(1) Sells, exchanges, purchases or leases real estate.

(2) Offers to sell, exchange, purchase or lease real estate.

(3) Negotiates or offers, attempts or agrees to negotiate the sale,
exchange, purchase or leasing of real estate.

(4) Lists or offers, attempts or agrees to list real estate for sale, lease
or exchange.

(5) Auctions or offers, attempts or agrees to auction real estate or
assists an auctioneer by procuring bids at a real estate auction.

(6) Buys, sells, offers to buy or sell or otherwise deals in options on
real estate.

(7) Assists or directs in the procuring of prospects calculated to result
in the sale, exchange or lease of real estate.

(8) Assists in or directs the negotiation of any transaction calculated
or intended to result in the sale, exchange or lease of real estate.

(9) Engages in the business of charging an advance listing fee.

(10) Provides lists of real estate as being available for sale or lease,
other than lists provided for the sole purpose of promoting the sale or
lease of real estate wherein inquiries are directed to the owner of the real
estate or to real estate brokers and not to unlicensed persons who publish
the list.

(g) ``Commercial or investment real estate property'' means any real
estate for which the present or intended use is other than one to four
residential units.

(h) ``Commission'' means the Kansas real estate commission.

(i) ``Lease'' means rent or lease for nonresidential use.

(j) ``Licensee'' means any person licensed under this act as a broker
or salesperson.

(k) ``Office'' means a broker's place of business, where records may

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be maintained and licenses displayed, whether or not it is the broker's
principal place of business.

(l) ``Person'' means any individual or any foreign or domestic corpo-
ration, partnership or association.

(m) ``Real estate'' means any interest or estate in land, including any
leasehold or condominium, whether corporeal, incorporeal, freehold or
nonfreehold and whether the real estate is situated in this state or else-
where, but does not include oil and gas leases, royalties and other mineral
interests, and rights of way and easements acquired for the purpose of
constructing roadways, pipelines, conduits, wires and facilities related to
these types of improvement projects for private and public utilities, mu-
nicipalities, federal and state governments, or any political subdivision.
For purpose of this act, any rights of redemption are considered to be an
interest in real estate.

(n) ``Salesperson'' means an individual, other than an associate bro-
ker, who is employed by a broker or is associated with a broker as an
independent contractor and participates in any activity described in sub-
section (f).

(o) ``Supervising broker'' means an individual, other than a branch
broker, who has a broker's license and who has been designated as the
broker who is responsible for the supervision of the primary office of a
broker and the activities of salespersons and associate brokers who are
assigned to such office and all of whom are licensed pursuant to subsec-
tion (b) of K.S.A. 58-3042 and amendments thereto. ``Supervising broker''
also means a broker who operates a sole proprietorship and with whom
associate brokers or salespersons are affiliated as employees or independ-
ent contractors.

Sec. 4. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3035, as
revived by section 3 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows: 58-
3035. As used in this act, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) ``Advance listing fee'' means any fee charged for services related
to promoting the sale or lease of real estate and paid in advance of the
rendering of such services, including any fees charged for listing, adver-
tising or offering for sale or lease any real estate, but excluding any fees
paid solely for advertisement or for listing in a publication issued for the
sole purpose of promoting the sale or lease of real estate wherein inquiries
are directed to the owner of the real estate or to real estate brokers and
not to unlicensed persons who publish the listing.

(b) ``Agency agreement'' means a written agreement between the
principal and the licensee setting forth the terms and conditions of the

(c) ``Associate broker'' means an individual who has a broker's license
and who is employed by another broker or is associated with another

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broker as an independent contractor and participates in any activity de-
scribed in subsection (f) (e).

(d) (c) ``Branch broker'' means an individual who has a broker's li-
cense and who has been designated to supervise a branch office and the
activities of salespersons and associate brokers assigned to the branch

(e) (d) ``Branch office'' means a place of business other than the prin-
cipal place of business of a broker.

(f) (e) ``Broker'' means an individual, other than a salesperson, who
advertises or represents that such individual engages in the business of
buying, selling, exchanging or leasing real estate or who, for compensa-
tion, engages in any of the following activities as an employee of, or on
behalf of, the owner, purchaser, lessor or lessee of real estate:

(1) Sells, exchanges, purchases or leases real estate.

(2) Offers to sell, exchange, purchase or lease real estate.

(3) Negotiates or offers, attempts or agrees to negotiate the sale,
exchange, purchase or leasing of real estate.

(4) Lists or offers, attempts or agrees to list real estate for sale, lease
or exchange.

(5) Auctions or offers, attempts or agrees to auction real estate or
assists an auctioneer by procuring bids at a real estate auction.

(6) Buys, sells, offers to buy or sell or otherwise deals in options on
real estate.

(7) Assists or directs in the procuring of prospects calculated to result
in the sale, exchange or lease of real estate.

(8) Assists in or directs the negotiation of any transaction calculated
or intended to result in the sale, exchange or lease of real estate.

(9) Engages in the business of charging an advance listing fee.

(10) Provides lists of real estate as being available for sale or lease,
other than lists provided for the sole purpose of promoting the sale or
lease of real estate wherein inquiries are directed to the owner of the real
estate or to real estate brokers and not to unlicensed persons who publish
the list.

(g) ``Commercial or investment real estate property'' means any real
estate for which the present or intended use is other than one to four
residential units.

(h) (f) ``Commission'' means the Kansas real estate commission.

(i) (g) ``Lease'' means rent or lease for nonresidential use.

(j) (h) ``Licensee'' means any person licensed under this act as a bro-
ker or salesperson.

(k) (i) ``Office'' means a broker's place of business, where records may
be maintained and licenses displayed, whether or not it is the broker's
principal place of business.

(l) (j) ``Person'' means any individual or any foreign or domestic cor-
poration, partnership or association.

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(m) (k) ``Real estate'' means any interest or estate in land, including
any leasehold or condominium, whether corporeal, incorporeal, freehold
or nonfreehold and whether the real estate is situated in this state or
elsewhere, but does not include oil and gas leases, royalties and other
mineral interests, and rights of way and easements acquired for the pur-
pose of constructing roadways, pipelines, conduits, wires and facilities
related to these types of improvement projects for private and public
utilities, municipalities, federal and state governments, or any political
subdivision. For purpose of this act, any rights of redemption are consid-
ered to be an interest in real estate.

(n) (l) ``Salesperson'' means an individual, other than an associate bro-
ker, who is employed by a broker or is associated with a broker as an
independent contractor and participates in any activity described in sub-
section (f) (e).

(o) (m) ``Supervising broker'' means an individual, other than a
branch broker, who has a broker's license and who has been designated
as the broker who is responsible for the supervision of the primary office
of a broker and the activities of salespersons and associate brokers who
are assigned to such office and all of whom are licensed pursuant to
subsection (b) of K.S.A. 58-3042 and amendments thereto. ``Supervising
broker'' also means a broker who operates a sole proprietorship and with
whom associate brokers or salespersons are affiliated as employees or
independent contractors.

Sec. 5. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3036 is
hereby amended to read as follows: 58-3036. Unless exempt from this act
under K.S.A. 58-3037 and amendments thereto, no person shall:

(a) Directly or indirectly engage in or conduct or represent that such
person engages in or conducts the business of a broker, associate broker
or salesperson within this state unless such person is licensed as such a
broker, associate broker or salesperson in accordance with this act.

(b) Directly or indirectly act or represent that such person acts as a
broker, associate broker or salesperson within this state unless such per-
son is licensed as such a broker, associate broker or salesperson in accor-
dance with this act.

(c) Perform or offer, attempt or agree to perform any act described
in subsection (f) (e) of K.S.A. 58-3035 and amendments thereto, whether
as a part of a transaction or as an entire transaction, unless such person
is licensed pursuant to this act.

Sec. 6. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3037 is
hereby amended to read as follows: 58-3037. The provisions of this act
shall not apply to:

(a) Any person, other than a person licensed under this act, who di-
rectly performs any of the acts within the scope of this act with reference
to such person's own property.

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(b) Any person who directly performs any of the acts within the scope
of this act with reference to property that such person is authorized to
transfer in any way by a power of attorney from the owner, provided that
such person receives no commission or other compensation, direct or
indirect, for performing any such act.

(c) Services rendered by an attorney licensed to practice in this state
in performing such attorney's professional duties as an attorney.

(d) Any person acting as receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, administra-
tor, executor or guardian, or while acting under a court order or under
the authority of a will or a trust instrument or as a witness in any judicial
proceeding or other proceeding conducted by the state or any govern-
mental subdivision or agency.

(e) Any officer or employee of the federal or state government, or
any political subdivision or agency thereof, when performing the official
duties of the officer or employee.

(f) Any multiple listing service wholly owned by a nonprofit organi-
zation or association of brokers.

(g) Any nonprofit referral system or organization of brokers formed
for the purpose of referral of prospects for the sale or listing of real estate.

(h) Railroads or other public utilities regulated by the state of Kansas,
or their subsidiaries, affiliated corporations, officers or regular employees,
unless performance of any of the acts described in subsection (f) (e) of
K.S.A. 58-3035 and amendments thereto is in connection with the sale,
purchase, lease or other disposition of real estate or investment therein
unrelated to the principal business activity of such railroad or other public
utility or affiliated or subsidiary corporation thereof.

(i) The sale or lease of real estate by an employee of a corporation
which owns or leases such real estate, if such employee owns not less
than 5% of the stock of such corporation.

(j) The sale or lease of new homes by a person, partnership, associ-
ation or domestic corporation who constructed such homes, but the pro-
visions of this act shall apply to the sale or lease of any such homes by
any employee of such person, partnership or association or by any em-
ployee of such corporation who owns less than 5% of the stock of such

(k) The lease of real estate for agricultural purposes.

Sec. 7. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3039 is
hereby amended to read as follows: 58-3039. (a) Any person desiring to
act as a broker or salesperson must file a written application for a license
with the commission or, if required by the commission, with the testing
service designated by the commission. The application shall be in such
form and detail as the commission shall prescribe and shall be accom-
panied by the appropriate application and license fees prescribed by
K.S.A. 58-3063, and amendments thereto

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(b) A license to engage in business as a broker or salesperson shall
be granted only to a person who is 18 or more years of age and who has
a high school diploma or its equivalent.

(c) In addition to the requirements of subsection (b), except as pro-
vided in subsection (d),
each applicant for an original license as a broker
shall have been:

(1) Licensed as a salesperson in this state or as a salesperson or broker
in another state, and shall have been actively engaged in any of the activ-
ities described in subsection (f) (e) of K.S.A. 58-3035 and amendments
thereto for a period of at least two years during the five years immediately
preceding the date of the application for a license; or

(2) if an applicant resides in a county that according to the 1994
estimates of the U.S. bureau of the census has a population of 20,000 or
less, the commission may, upon a finding that such county suffers from
a shortage of brokers and upon compelling evidence of need, waive or
alter the requirements of this subsection. The commission shall adopt
rules and regulations to establish alternative licensing criteria for such

(d) The commission may accept proof of experience in the real estate
or a related business or a combination of such experience and education
which the commission believes qualifies the applicant to act as a broker
as being equivalent to all or part of the experience required by subsection

(d) (e) Except as provided in K.S.A. 58-3040 and amendments
thereto, each applicant for an original license shall be required to pass a
written examination covering generally the matters confronting brokers
or salespersons, and no license shall be issued on the basis of such an
examination either or both sections of which were administered more
than four months prior to the date that the applicant's application is filed
with the commission. The examination may be given by the commission
or any person designated by the commission. Each person taking the
examination shall pay the examination fee prescribed pursuant to K.S.A.
58-3063 and amendments thereto, which fee the commission may require
to be paid to it or directly to the testing service designated by the com-
mission. The examination for a broker's license shall be different from or
in addition to that for a salesperson's license.

(f) (1) On and after October 1, 1997, each applicant for an original
salesperson's license who meets the requirements of this act shall be issued
a temporary salesperson's license which shall expire six months after the
last calendar day of the month in which the license was issued, on the last
calendar day of that month.

(2) No later than 10 days prior to the expiration date of a temporary
salesperson's license, the salesperson shall file an application on a form
provided by the commission. The application shall be accompanied by the
license fee prescribed by K.S.A. 58-3063 and amendments thereto and

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evidence of compliance with the requirements of subsection (f)(1) of K.S.A.
58-3046a, and amendments thereto. The commission shall issue a sales-
person's license to a person who complies with the provisions of this par-
agraph. The issuance date of the salesperson's license shall be the day
following the expiration date of the temporary license. The expiration date
of the license shall be determined in accordance with a schedule estab-
lished by rules and regulations of the commission.

(3) Failure to comply with the provisions of paragraph (2) shall au-
tomatically cancel the temporary license on its expiration date.

(4) A person whose temporary salesperson's license was canceled pur-
suant to paragraph (3) may apply for a salesperson's license provided
such application, the license fee prescribed by K.S.A. 58-3063 and amend-
ments thereto, and evidence of attendance of 30 hours of instruction re-
ceived after issuance of the temporary license pursuant to subsection (f)(1)
of K.S.A. 58-3046a, and amendments thereto are received by the com-
mission within three months after the expiration date of the temporary
license. The commission shall issue a salesperson's license to a person who
complies with the provisions of this paragraph. The expiration date of the
license shall be determined in accordance with a schedule established by
rules and regulations of the commission.

(e) (g) The commission, prior to granting an original license, shall
require proof that the applicant has a good reputation for honesty, trust-
worthiness, integrity and competence to transact the business of broker
or salesperson in such manner as to safeguard the public interest.

(f) (h) An application for an original license as a salesperson shall be
accompanied by the recommendation of the broker with whom the sa-
lesperson is to be associated, or by whom the salesperson is to be em-
ployed, certifying that the applicant is honest, trustworthy and of good

Sec. 8. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3042 is
hereby amended to read as follows: 58-3042. (a) No real estate license
shall give authority to any person other than the person to whom the
license is issued.

(b) No license shall be granted to a corporation, partnership, associ-
ation or limited liability company. Each person who is an officer of a
corporation or a member of a partnership, association or limited liability
company and who performs any act described in subsection (f) (e) of
K.S.A. 58-3035 and amendments thereto shall be a licensed broker, and
each person who is employed by or associated with a corporation, part-
nership, association or limited liability company and who performs any
act described in subsection (f) (e) of K.S.A. 58-3035 and amendments
thereto shall be a licensed broker or licensed salesperson.

Sec. 9. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 58-3045 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 58-3045. (a) Except for a temporary sales-

220             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

person's license issued pursuant to subsection (f) of K.S.A. 58-3039, and
amendments thereto,
each license issued or renewed by the commission
shall expire on a date determined in accordance with a schedule estab-
lished by rules and regulations of the commission, which date shall be
not more than two years from the date of issuance or renewal. Except as
otherwise provided by this act, applicants for issuance or renewal of a
license must satisfy all applicable requirements prior to issuance or re-
newal of the license.

(b) (1) Except for a temporary salesperson's license issued pursuant
to subsection (f) of K.S.A. 58-3039, and amendments thereto,
each license
shall be renewable upon the filing, not less than 30 days prior to the
expiration date of the license,
of a renewal application on or before the
renewal date, which is the last calendar day of the month preceding the
license expiration date
. Such application shall be made on a form provided
by the commission and accompanied by (A) the required renewal fee
prescribed by K.S.A. 58-3063, and amendments thereto, and (B) evidence
of compliance with the requirements of K.S.A. 58-3046a and amend-
ments thereto. In each case in which a license is issued or renewed for a
period of other than one year, the commission shall compute to the near-
est whole month the required fee, based on annual renewal fee provided
for by K.S.A. 58-3063 and amendments thereto.
or the licensee's license
with the licensee's request that the license be deactivated on the renewal
date pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3049, and amendments thereto.

(2) Failure to remit the required fee when due comply with para-
graph (1) on or before the renewal date
will automatically cancel the
license, except that any on the license expiration date unless the license is
renewed pursuant to subsection (c) prior to the expiration date.

(c) Any licensee who fails to pay the required renewal fee when due
failed to comply with the requirements of subsection (b)(1), may have the
licensee's license reinstated and renewed by the payment of the required
renewal fee prescribed by K.S.A. 58-3063, and amendments thereto, and
a late fee of $50, if such fees are remitted to the commission not later
than six months following the expiration date of such license and accom-
panied by (1) an application for late renewal obtained from the commis-
sion, and (2) evidence of compliance with the requirements of K.S.A.
58-3046a and amendments thereto or a written request that the licensee's
license be renewed on deactivated status pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3049 and
amendments thereto

(c) (d) An application for renewal filed in compliance with the
requirements of subsection (b) shall entitle the applicant to continue op-
erating under the applicant's existing license after its specified expiration
date, unless such license has been suspended or revoked and has not been
reinstated or unless such license is restricted, until such time as the com-
mission determines whether the application fulfills such requirements.

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             221

Sec. 10. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3046a
is hereby amended to read as follows: 58-3046a. (a) Except as provided
in K.S.A. 58-3040 and amendments thereto, any person who applies for
an original license in this state as a salesperson shall submit evidence,
satisfactory to the commission, of attendance of a principles of real estate
course, of not less than 30 hours of instruction, approved by the com-
mission and received within the 12 months immediately preceding the
filing of application for salesperson's license. The commission may require
the evidence to be furnished to the commission with the original appli-
cation for license or it may require the applicant to furnish the evidence
to the testing service designated by the commission as a prerequisite to
taking the examination required by K.S.A. 58-3039 and amendments
thereto. If the evidence is furnished to the testing service, the instruction
shall have been received within 12 months immediately preceding the
date of the examination.

(b) Except as provided in K.S.A. 58-3040 and amendments thereto,
any person who applies for an original license in this state as a broker
shall submit evidence, satisfactory to the commission, of attendance of 24
hours of instruction, approved by the commission and received within the
12 months immediately preceding the filing of application for broker's
license. Such hours shall be in addition to any hours of instruction used
to meet the requirements of subsection (c), (d) or, (e) or (f). The com-
mission may require the evidence to be furnished to the commission with
the original application for license, or it may require the applicant to
furnish the evidence to the testing service designated by the commission
as a prerequisite to taking the examination provided in K.S.A. 58-3039
and amendments thereto. If the evidence is furnished to the testing serv-
ice, the instruction shall have been received within 12 months immedi-
ately preceding the date of the examination.

(c) Except as provided in subsections (d) and, (e) and (f), at or prior
to each renewal date established by the commission, any person who is
licensed in this state as a broker or as a salesperson shall submit evidence,
satisfactory to the commission, of attendance of not less than 12 hours of
additional instruction approved by the commission and received during
the renewal period.

(d) Any person who obtained an original license in this state as a
salesperson after July 1, 1988, and before July 1, 1991, shall submit evi-
dence, satisfactory to the commission, of attendance of courses of instruc-
tion approved by the commission at or prior to each renewal date estab-
lished by the commission as follows:

(1) At or prior to the first license renewal, 50 hours of instruction
received after the date of licensure. Such evidence shall not be required
until the second license renewal if the original license expires less than
six months after issuance.

222             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(2) At or prior to each license renewal thereafter, 12 hours of addi-
tional instruction received during the renewal period.

Any salesperson who obtains a broker's license in this state prior to
completing the 50 hours of instruction required by this subsection shall
submit the same evidence to renew the broker's license that would have
been required to renew the salesperson's license.

(e) Any person who obtains an original license in this state as a sa-
lesperson on or after July 1, 1991 and before October 1, 1997, shall submit
evidence, satisfactory to the commission, of attendance of courses of in-
struction approved by the commission at or prior to each renewal date
established by the commission as follows:

(1) At or prior to the first license renewal, 30 hours of instruction
received after the date of licensure. Such evidence shall not be required
until the second license renewal if the original license expires less than
six months after issuance.

(2) At or prior to each license renewal thereafter, 12 hours of addi-
tional instruction received during the renewal period.

Any salesperson who obtains a broker's license in this state prior to
completing the 30 hours of instruction required by this subsection shall
submit the same evidence to renew the broker's license that would have
been required to renew the salesperson's license.

(f) The hours on record with the commission of any person who ac-
cumulated hours of instruction which were reported to the commission
by January 1, 1983, and who, on July 1, 1993, has more than 12 hours on
record shall be reduced by the commission to 12 hours. The 12 hours
which remain on the licensee's record on July 1, 1993, shall be used to
meet the requirement of subsection (c) at the licensee's next license re-
Any person who obtains a temporary license in this state as a
salesperson on and after October 1, 1997, shall submit evidence, satisfac-
tory to the commission, of attendance of courses of instruction approved
by the commission as follows:

(1) No later than ten days prior to the expiration date of the tempo-
rary license, 30 hours of instruction received after the date of licensure.

(2) At or prior to the first renewal of a license issued pursuant to
subsection (f)(2) or (4) of K.S.A. 58-3039, and amendments thereto, 12
hours of additional instruction received during the renewal period. Such
evidence shall not be required until the second license renewal if the li-
cense expires less than six months after issuance.

(3) At or prior to each license renewal thereafter, 12 hours of addi-
tional instruction received during the renewal period.

(g) Except for courses reviewed pursuant to subsection (j), on and
after January 1, 1994, courses of instruction required by this section shall
be courses approved by the commission and offered by:

(1) An institution which is accredited by the north central association
of colleges and secondary schools accrediting agency;

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             223

(2) an area vocational or vocational-technical school as defined by
K.S.A. 72-4412 and amendments thereto;

(3) a proprietary school which has been issued a certificate of ap-
proval pursuant to the Kansas proprietary school act;

(4) any agency of the state of Kansas; or

(5) a similar institution, approved by the commission, in another state.

(h) The commission shall adopt rules and regulations to: (1) Prescribe
minimum curricula and standards for all courses offered to fulfill edu-
cation requirements of this act, (2) designate a course of study to fulfill
any specific requirement, which may include requiring that licensees pass
a test as prescribed by the commission for any course designated by the
commission in rules and regulations as a mandatory core requirement,
(3) prescribe minimum qualifications for instructors of approved courses
and (4) establish standards and procedures for approval of courses and
instructors, monitoring courses, advertising, registration and maintenance
of records of courses, and withdrawal of approval of courses and instruc-

(i) The commission may approve nontraditional courses consisting
solely or primarily of home study, videotaped or computer-assisted in-
struction. For the purpose of this section, attendance of one hour of
instruction shall mean 50 minutes of classroom instruction or the equiv-
alent thereof in nontraditional study as determined by the commission.

(j) Courses of instruction required by this section shall be courses
approved by the commission either before or after their completion. The
commission may give credit toward the 12 hours of additional instruction
required by subsection (c),(d), (e) or (f) to any licensee who submits an
application for course review obtained from the commission and pays the
fee prescribed by K.S.A. 58-3063 and amendments thereto if, in the judg-
ment of the commission, the course meets the objectives of continuing

(k) The commission shall publish annually a list of educational insti-
tutions and entities and the courses offered by them in this state which
are approved by the commission.

(l) No license shall be issued or renewed unless the applicable
requirements set forth in this section are met within the time prescribed.

Sec. 11. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3050 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-3050. (a) The license of any licensee
may be revoked, suspended or restricted or a licensee may be censured,

(1) The commission finds that the license has been obtained by false
or fraudulent representation or that the licensee has committed a viola-
tion of this act or rules and regulations adopted hereunder, or the bro-
kerage relationships in real estate transactions act or rules and regulations
adopted thereunder as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate

224             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

that is one to four residential units, whether the licensee acted as an agent
or a principal in the real estate transaction;

(2) the licensee has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, or
has been convicted of: (A) Forgery, embezzlement, obtaining money un-
der false pretenses, larceny, extortion, conspiracy to defraud or any other
similar offense; (B) a crime involving moral turpitude; or (C) any felony
charge; or

(3) the licensee has been finally adjudicated and found to be guilty
of violation of the federal fair housing act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) or
K.S.A. 44-1015 through 44-1029, and amendments thereto.

(b) In addition to or in lieu of any other administrative, civil or crim-
inal remedy provided by law, the commission, in accordance with the
Kansas administrative procedure act and upon a finding that a licensee
has violated a provision of this act or rules and regulations adopted here-
under, or the brokerage relationships in real estate transactions act or
rules and regulations adopted thereunder as such act governs the sale or
lease of real estate that is one to four residential units, may impose on
such licensee a civil fine not exceeding $500 for each violation.

(c) If a broker or salesperson has been declared disabled by a court
of competent jurisdiction, the commission shall suspend the broker's or
salesperson's license for the period of disability.

(d) No complaint alleging violation of this act or rules and regulations
adopted hereunder, or the brokerage relationships in real estate trans-
actions act or rules and regulations adopted thereunder as such act gov-
erns the sale or lease of real estate that is one to four residential units,
shall be commenced more than three years from the date of the occur-
rence which is the subject of the complaint.

(e) All administrative proceedings pursuant to this section shall be
conducted in accordance with the Kansas administrative procedure act.

(f) Notwithstanding any provision of this act or the brokerage rela-
tionships in real estate transactions act, as such act governs the sale or
lease of real estate that is one to four residential units, to the contrary,
the commission may use emergency adjudicative proceedings, as provided
by K.S.A. 77-536 and amendments thereto, to summarily suspend the
license of any licensee if the commission has reasonable cause to believe
that the licensee's trust account is in unsound condition or that the li-
censee is misappropriating funds belonging to other persons.

(g) If a licensee has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, or
has been convicted of, any felony charge, the commission may use emer-
gency adjudicative proceedings, as provided by K.S.A. 77-536 and amend-
ments thereto to suspend, revoke or restrict the licensee's license.

(h) When the real estate license of an individual is revoked and that
individual's name is included in the trade or business name of a real estate
brokerage business, the commission may deny continued use of the trade

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             225

or business name if, in the opinion of the commission, it would be con-
fusing or misleading to the public.

If the revocation of the individual's license is appealed to district court
and a stay of the commission's order is granted by the court, the com-
mission may not deny continued use of the trade or business name until
such time as the district court upholds the order of the commission.

Sec. 12. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3050,
as revived by section 11 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-3050. (a) The license of any licensee may be revoked, suspended or
restricted or a licensee may be censured, if:

(1) The commission finds that the license has been obtained by false
or fraudulent representation or that the licensee has committed a viola-
tion of this act or rules and regulations adopted hereunder, or the bro-
kerage relationships in real estate transactions act or rules and regulations
adopted thereunder as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate
that is one to four residential units
, whether the licensee acted as an agent
or a principal in the real estate transaction;

(2) the licensee has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, or
has been convicted of: (A) Forgery, embezzlement, obtaining money un-
der false pretenses, larceny, extortion, conspiracy to defraud or any other
similar offense; (B) a crime involving moral turpitude; or (C) any felony
charge; or

(3) the licensee has been finally adjudicated and found to be guilty
of violation of the federal fair housing act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) or
K.S.A. 44-1015 through 44-1029, and amendments thereto.

(b) In addition to or in lieu of any other administrative, civil or crim-
inal remedy provided by law, the commission, in accordance with the
Kansas administrative procedure act and upon a finding that a licensee
has violated a provision of this act or rules and regulations adopted here-
under, or the brokerage relationships in real estate transactions act or
rules and regulations adopted thereunder as such act governs the sale or
lease of real estate that is one to four residential units
, may impose on
such licensee a civil fine not exceeding $500 for each violation.

(c) If a broker or salesperson has been declared disabled by a court
of competent jurisdiction, the commission shall suspend the broker's or
salesperson's license for the period of disability.

(d) No complaint alleging violation of this act or rules and regulations
adopted hereunder, or the brokerage relationships in real estate trans-
actions act or rules and regulations adopted thereunder as such act gov-
erns the sale or lease of real estate that is one to four residential units
shall be commenced more than three years from the date of the occur-
rence which is the subject of the complaint.

(e) All administrative proceedings pursuant to this section shall be
conducted in accordance with the Kansas administrative procedure act.

226             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(f) Notwithstanding any provision of this act or the brokerage rela-
tionships in real estate transactions act, as such act governs the sale or
lease of real estate that is one to four residential units,
to the contrary,
the commission may use emergency adjudicative proceedings, as provided
by K.S.A. 77-536 and amendments thereto, to summarily suspend the
license of any licensee if the commission has reasonable cause to believe
that the licensee's trust account is in unsound condition or that the li-
censee is misappropriating funds belonging to other persons.

(g) If a licensee has entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, or
has been convicted of, any felony charge, the commission may use emer-
gency adjudicative proceedings, as provided by K.S.A. 77-536 and amend-
ments thereto to suspend, revoke or restrict the licensee's license.

(h) When the real estate license of an individual is revoked and that
individual's name is included in the trade or business name of a real estate
brokerage business, the commission may deny continued use of the trade
or business name if, in the opinion of the commission, it would be con-
fusing or misleading to the public.

If the revocation of the individual's license is appealed to district court
and a stay of the commission's order is granted by the court, the com-
mission may not deny continued use of the trade or business name until
such time as the district court upholds the order of the commission.

Sec. 13. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3062 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-3062. (a) No licensee, whether acting
as an agent or a principal, shall:

(1) Intentionally use advertising that is misleading or inaccurate in
any material particular or that in any way misrepresents any property,
terms, values, policies or services of the business conducted, or uses the
trade name, collective membership mark, service mark or logo of any
organization owning such name, mark or logo without being authorized
to do so.

(2) Fail to account for and remit any money which comes into the
licensee's possession and which belongs to others.

(3) Misappropriate moneys required to be deposited in a trust ac-
count pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3061 and amendments thereto, convert such
moneys to the licensee's personal use or commingle the money or other
property of the licensee's principals with the licensee's own money or
property, except that nothing herein shall prohibit a broker from having
funds in an amount not to exceed $100 in the broker's trust account to
pay expenses for the use and maintenance of such account.

(4) Accept, give or charge any rebate or undisclosed commission.

(5) Pay a referral fee to a person who is properly licensed as a broker
or salesperson in another jurisdiction or who holds a corporate real estate
license in another jurisdiction if the licensee knows that the payment of

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             227

the referral fee will result in the payment of a rebate by the out-of-state

(6) Represent or attempt to represent a broker without the broker's
express knowledge and consent.

(7) Act in a dual capacity of agent and undisclosed principal in any
transaction regarding the sale or lease of commercial or investment real
estate property.

(8) Guarantee or authorize any person to guarantee future profits that
may result from the resale of real property.

(9) Place a sign on any property offering it for sale or lease without
the written consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent.

(10) Offer real estate for sale or lease without the knowledge and
consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent or on terms other
than those authorized by the owner or the owner's authorized agent.

(11) Induce any party to break any agency agreement or contract of
sale or lease.

(12) Solicit a listing or negotiate a sale, exchange or lease of com-
mercial or investment real estate property directly with an owner or lessor
if the licensee knows that such owner or lessor has, with regard to the
property, a written agency agreement granting an exclusive right to sell
or lease to another broker.

(13) Solicit an agency agreement or negotiate a sale, exchange or lease
of commercial or investment real estate property directly with a buyer or
lessee if the licensee knows that such buyer or lessee has a written agency
agreement granting exclusive representation to another broker.

(14) Except for a commercial or investment real estate property or
any property owned by any agency of the federal government, fail to
obtain a written agency agreement, including a fixed date of expiration,
signed by the party to be represented and by the licensee or fail to furnish
a copy of the agreement to the principal within a reasonable time. The
licensee shall not assign, sell or otherwise transfer a written agency agree-
ment to another broker without the express written consent of all parties
to the original listing agreement.

(15) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents the seller, fail to dis-
close to a prospective buyer that: (A) The licensee is or will be acting as
agent of the seller with the duty to represent the seller's interest; (B) the
licensee will not be the agent of the prospective buyer; and (C) infor-
mation given to the licensee will be disclosed to the seller. The disclosure
shall be made orally or in writing when the licensee agrees to assist the
prospective buyer to locate and inspect property and shall be made in any
contract for sale and in any lot reservation agreement.

(16) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents the buyer, fail to
disclose to a prospective seller or seller's agent that: (A) The licensee is

228             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

or will be acting as agent of the buyer with the duty to represent the
buyer's interest; (B) the licensee will not be the agent of the seller; and
(C) information given to the licensee will be disclosed to the buyer. The
disclosure shall be made orally or in writing no later than the first showing
of the property and shall be made in any contract for sale and in any lot
reservation agreement.

(17) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents both the buyer and
seller, the licensee shall immediately disclose in writing: (A) That the
licensee is acting as agent for both buyer and seller; and (B) the com-
pensation arrangement. The disclosure shall be signed by both the buyer
and the seller. If the exclusive right to sell agreement and the buyer's
agency agreement include the disclosure of the possibility of dual agency,
the written disclosure, for each specific transaction, shall be signed by the
buyer no later than the first showing of the property and by the seller no
later than the presentation of the offer to purchase. In addition, the dis-
closure of the agency relationship between all licensees involved and the
principals shall be included in any contract for sale and in any lot reser-
vation agreement.

(18) Offer or give prizes, gifts or gratuities which are contingent upon
an agency agreement or the sale, purchase or lease of real estate.

(19) Enter into a listing agreement on commercial or investment real
estate property in which the broker's commission is based upon the dif-
ference between the gross sales price and the net proceeds to the owner.

(20) Fail to see that financial obligations and commitments between
the parties to an agreement to sell, exchange or lease real estate are in
writing, expressing the exact agreement of the parties or to provide, within
a reasonable time, copies thereof to all parties involved.

(21) Procure a signature to a purchase contract which has no definite
purchase price, method of payment, description of property or method
of determining the closing date.

(22) Include in any agency agreement an authorization to sign or
initial any document on behalf of the licensee's principal in a commercial
or investment real estate property transaction or authorization to act as
attorney-in-fact for the principal.

(23) Engage in fraud or make any substantial misrepresentation.

(24) Represent to any lender, guaranteeing agency or any other in-
terested party, either verbally or through the preparation of false docu-
ments, an amount in excess of the true and actual sale price of the real
estate or terms differing from those actually agreed upon.

(25) Fail to make known to any purchaser or lessee any interest the
licensee has in the real estate the licensee is selling or leasing or to make
known to any seller or lessor any interest the licensee will have in the real
estate the licensee is purchasing or leasing.

(26) Fail to inform both the buyer, at the time an offer is made, and

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             229

the seller, at the time an offer is presented, that certain closing costs must
be paid and the approximate amount of such costs.

(27) Fail without just cause to surrender any document or instrument
to the rightful owner.

(28) Accept anything other than cash as earnest money unless that
fact is communicated to the owner prior to the owner's acceptance of the
offer to purchase, and such fact is shown in the purchase agreement.

(29) Fail to deposit any check or cash received as an earnest money
deposit or as a deposit on the purchase of a lot within five business days
after the purchase agreement or lot reservation agreement is signed by
all parties, unless otherwise specifically provided by written agreement of
all parties to the purchase agreement or lot reservation agreement, in
which case the licensee shall deposit the check or cash received on the
date provided by such written agreement.

(30) Fail in response to a request by the commission or the director
to produce any document, book or record in the licensee's possession or
under the licensee's control that concerns, directly or indirectly, any real
estate transaction or the licensee's real estate business.

(31) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents the seller, fail to
promptly submit any written offer to the licensee's principal when such
offer is received prior to the closing of the sale or fail to promptly submit
to the prospective buyer or buyer's agent any counteroffer made by the
seller, including any back-up offers properly identified as such.

(32) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents the buyer, fail to
promptly submit any written offer to the seller or seller's agent or fail to
promptly submit to the licensee's principal any counteroffer made by the
seller, including any back-up offers properly identified as such.

(33) Refuse to appear or testify under oath at any hearing held by
the commission.

(34) Demonstrate incompetency to act as a broker, associate broker
or salesperson.

(35) In any transaction regarding the sale or lease of commercial or
investment real estate property fail to disclose, or ascertain and disclose,
to any person with whom the licensee is dealing, any material information
which relates to the property with which the licensee is dealing and which
such licensee knew or should have known.

(36) Knowingly receive or accept, directly or indirectly, any rebate,
reduction or abatement of any charge, or any special favor or advantage
or any monetary consideration or inducement, involving the issuance of
a title insurance policy or contract concerning which the licensee is di-
rectly or indirectly connected, from a title insurance company or title
insurance agent, or any officer, employee, attorney, agent or solicitor

230             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(37) Engage in the purchase of one-, two-, three- or four-family
dwellings, including condominiums and cooperatives, or the acquisition
of any right, title or interest therein, including any equity or redemption
interests, if:

(A) (i) At the time of such purchase, the dwellings are subject to a
right of redemption pursuant to foreclosure of a mortgage on such dwell-
ings; (ii) the licensee fails to give written notice of the purchase, within
20 days thereafter, to the mortgage holder or judgment creditor who held
such mortgage; and (iii) the licensee, unless otherwise required by law or
court order, fails to apply any rent proceeds from the dwellings to the
judgment lien arising from the foreclosure of such mortgage, as payments
become due under the loan, regardless of whether the licensee is obli-
gated to do so;

(B) (i) the dwellings are subject to a loan which is secured by a mort-
gage and which is in default at the time of such purchase or in default
within one year after such purchase; (ii) the licensee fails to give written
notice of the purchase, within 20 days thereafter, to the mortgage holder;
and (iii) the licensee, unless otherwise required by law or court order,
fails to apply any rent proceeds from the dwellings to the mortgage as the
payments come due, regardless of whether the licensee is obligated on
the loan; or

(C) the licensee fails to notify, at the time of rental, any person rent-
ing any such dwelling of the extent and nature of the licensee's interest
in such dwelling and the probable time until possession will be taken by
the mortgage holder or judgment creditor.

(38) Commit forgery or, unless authorized to do so by a duly executed
power of attorney, sign or initial any contractual agreement on behalf of
another person in a real estate transaction.

(b) In any transaction regarding the sale or lease of commercial or
investment real estate property failure to comply with any requirement
of subsection (a)(14), (15), (16) or (17) or their corollary rules and regu-
lations shall not by itself render any agreement void or voidable nor shall
it constitute a defense to any action to enforce such agreement or any
action for breach of such agreement.

(c) The commission may provide suggested forms of agency disclo-
sure and agency agreements and, by rules and regulations, provide such
other prohibitions, limitations and conditions relating thereto as the com-
mission may prescribe for transactions regarding the sale or lease of com-
mercial or investment real estate property.

(d) No salesperson or associate broker shall:

(1) Accept a commission or other valuable consideration from anyone
other than the salesperson's or associate broker's employing broker or the
broker with whom the salesperson or associate broker is associated.

(2) Fail to place, as soon after receipt as practicable, any deposit
money or other funds entrusted to the salesperson or associate broker in

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             231

the custody of the broker whom the salesperson or associate broker rep-

(e) No broker shall:

(1) Pay a commission or compensation to any person for performing
the services of an associate broker or salesperson unless such person is
licensed under this act and employed by or associated with the broker,
except that nothing herein shall prohibit the payment of a referral fee to
a person who is properly licensed as a broker or salesperson in another
jurisdiction relating to a transaction regarding the sale or lease of com-
mercial or investment real estate property.

(2) Fail to deliver to the seller in every real estate transaction, at the
time the transaction is closed, a complete, detailed closing statement
showing all of the receipts and disbursements handled by the broker for
the seller, or fail to deliver to the buyer a complete statement showing
all money received in the transaction from such buyer and how and for
what the same was disbursed, or fail to retain true copies of such state-
ments in the broker's files, except that the furnishing of such statements
to the seller and buyer by an escrow agent shall relieve the broker's re-
sponsibility to the seller and the buyer.

(3) Fail to properly supervise the activities of an associated or em-
ployed salesperson or associate broker.

(4) Lend the broker's license to a salesperson, or permit a salesperson
to operate as a broker.

(5) Fail to provide to the principal a written report every 30 days,
along with a final report, itemizing disbursements made by the broker
from advance listing fees.

(f) If a purchase agreement provides that the earnest money be held
by an escrow agent other than a real estate broker, unless otherwise spe-
cifically provided by written agreement of all parties to the purchase
agreement, no listing broker shall:

(1) Fail to deliver the purchase agreement and earnest money deposit
to the escrow agent named in the purchase agreement within five business
days after the purchase agreement is signed by all parties; or

(2) fail to obtain and keep in the transaction file a receipt from the
escrow agent showing date of delivery of the purchase agreement and
earnest money deposit.

(g) Nothing in this section shall be construed to grant any person a
private right of action for damages or to eliminate any right of action
pursuant to other statutes or common law.

Sec. 14. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3062,
as revived by section 13 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-3062. (a) No licensee, whether acting as an agent or a principal, shall:

(1) Intentionally use advertising that is misleading or inaccurate in
any material particular or that in any way misrepresents any property,

232             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

terms, values, policies or services of the business conducted, or uses the
trade name, collective membership mark, service mark or logo of any
organization owning such name, mark or logo without being authorized
to do so.

(2) Fail to account for and remit any money which comes into the
licensee's possession and which belongs to others.

(3) Misappropriate moneys required to be deposited in a trust ac-
count pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3061 and amendments thereto, convert such
moneys to the licensee's personal use or commingle the money or other
property of the licensee's principals with the licensee's own money or
property, except that nothing herein shall prohibit a broker from having
funds in an amount not to exceed $100 in the broker's trust account to
pay expenses for the use and maintenance of such account.

(4) Accept, give or charge any rebate or undisclosed commission.

(5) Pay a referral fee to a person who is properly licensed as a broker
or salesperson in another jurisdiction or who holds a corporate real estate
license in another jurisdiction if the licensee knows that the payment of
the referral fee will result in the payment of a rebate by the out-of-state

(6) Represent or attempt to represent a broker without the broker's
express knowledge and consent.

(7) Act in a dual capacity of agent and undisclosed principal in any
transaction regarding the sale or lease of commercial or investment real
estate property.

(8) Guarantee or authorize any person to guarantee future profits that
may result from the resale of real property.

(9) (8) Place a sign on any property offering it for sale or lease without
the written consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent.

(10) (9) Offer real estate for sale or lease without the knowledge and
consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent or on terms other
than those authorized by the owner or the owner's authorized agent.

(11) (10) Induce any party to break any agency agreement or contract
of sale or lease.

(12) Solicit a listing or negotiate a sale, exchange or lease of com-
mercial or investment real estate property directly with an owner or lessor
if the licensee knows that such owner or lessor has, with regard to the
property, a written agency agreement granting an exclusive right to sell
or lease to another broker.

(13) Solicit an agency agreement or negotiate a sale, exchange or lease
of commercial or investment real estate property directly with a buyer or
lessee if the licensee knows that such buyer or lessee has a written agency
agreement granting exclusive representation to another broker.

(14) Except for a commercial or investment real estate property or
any property owned by any agency of the federal government, fail to
obtain a written agency agreement, including a fixed date of expiration,

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             233

signed by the party to be represented and by the licensee or fail to furnish
a copy of the agreement to the principal within a reasonable time. The
licensee shall not assign, sell or otherwise transfer a written agency agree-
ment to another broker without the express written consent of all parties
to the original listing agreement.

(15) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents the seller, fail to dis-
close to a prospective buyer that: (A) The licensee is or will be acting as
agent of the seller with the duty to represent the seller's interest; (B) the
licensee will not be the agent of the prospective buyer; and (C) infor-
mation given to the licensee will be disclosed to the seller. The disclosure
shall be made orally or in writing when the licensee agrees to assist the
prospective buyer to locate and inspect property and shall be made in any
contract for sale and in any lot reservation agreement.

(16) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents the buyer, fail to
disclose to a prospective seller or seller's agent that: (A) The licensee is
or will be acting as agent of the buyer with the duty to represent the
buyer's interest; (B) the licensee will not be the agent of the seller; and
(C) information given to the licensee will be disclosed to the buyer. The
disclosure shall be made orally or in writing no later than the first showing
of the property and shall be made in any contract for sale and in any lot
reservation agreement.

(17) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents both the buyer and
seller, the licensee shall immediately disclose in writing: (A) That the
licensee is acting as agent for both buyer and seller; and (B) the com-
pensation arrangement. The disclosure shall be signed by both the buyer
and the seller. If the exclusive right to sell agreement and the buyer's
agency agreement include the disclosure of the possibility of dual agency,
the written disclosure, for each specific transaction, shall be signed by the
buyer no later than the first showing of the property and by the seller no
later than the presentation of the offer to purchase. In addition, the dis-
closure of the agency relationship between all licensees involved and the
principals shall be included in any contract for sale and in any lot reser-
vation agreement.

(18) (11) Offer or give prizes, gifts or gratuities which are contingent
upon an agency agreement or the sale, purchase or lease of real estate.

(19) Enter into a listing agreement on commercial or investment real
estate property in which the broker's commission is based upon the dif-
ference between the gross sales price and the net proceeds to the owner.

(20) (12) Fail to see that financial obligations and commitments be-
tween the parties to an agreement to sell, exchange or lease real estate
are in writing, expressing the exact agreement of the parties or to provide,
within a reasonable time, copies thereof to all parties involved.

234             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(21) (13) Procure a signature to a purchase contract which has no
definite purchase price, method of payment, description of property or
method of determining the closing date.

(22) Include in any agency agreement an authorization to sign or
initial any document on behalf of the licensee's principal in a commercial
or investment real estate property transaction or authorization to act as
attorney-in-fact for the principal.

(23)(14) Engage in fraud or make any substantial misrepresentation.

(24) (15) Represent to any lender, guaranteeing agency or any other
interested party, either verbally or through the preparation of false doc-
uments, an amount in excess of the true and actual sale price of the real
estate or terms differing from those actually agreed upon.

(25) (16) Fail to make known to any purchaser or lessee any interest
the licensee has in the real estate the licensee is selling or leasing or to
make known to any seller or lessor any interest the licensee will have in
the real estate the licensee is purchasing or leasing.

(26) (17) Fail to inform both the buyer, at the time an offer is made,
and the seller, at the time an offer is presented, that certain closing costs
must be paid and the approximate amount of such costs.

(27) (18) Fail without just cause to surrender any document or in-
strument to the rightful owner.

(28) (19) Accept anything other than cash as earnest money unless
that fact is communicated to the owner prior to the owner's acceptance
of the offer to purchase, and such fact is shown in the purchase agree-

(29) (20) Fail to deposit any check or cash received as an earnest
money deposit or as a deposit on the purchase of a lot within five business
days after the purchase agreement or lot reservation agreement is signed
by all parties, unless otherwise specifically provided by written agreement
of all parties to the purchase agreement or lot reservation agreement, in
which case the licensee shall deposit the check or cash received on the
date provided by such written agreement.

(30) (21) Fail in response to a request by the commission or the di-
rector to produce any document, book or record in the licensee's posses-
sion or under the licensee's control that concerns, directly or indirectly,
any real estate transaction or the licensee's real estate business.

(31) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents the seller, fail to
promptly submit any written offer to the licensee's principal when such
offer is received prior to the closing of the sale or fail to promptly submit
to the prospective buyer or buyer's agent any counteroffer made by the
seller, including any back-up offers properly identified as such.

(32) In any transaction regarding the sale of commercial or invest-
ment real estate property if the licensee represents the buyer, fail to
promptly submit any written offer to the seller or seller's agent or fail to

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             235

promptly submit to the licensee's principal any counteroffer made by the
seller, including any back-up offers properly identified as such.

(33) (22) Refuse to appear or testify under oath at any hearing held
by the commission.

(34) (23) Demonstrate incompetency to act as a broker, associate bro-
ker or salesperson.

(35) In any transaction regarding the sale or lease of commercial or
investment real estate property fail to disclose, or ascertain and disclose,
to any person with whom the licensee is dealing, any material information
which relates to the property with which the licensee is dealing and which
such licensee knew or should have known.

(36) (24) Knowingly receive or accept, directly or indirectly, any re-
bate, reduction or abatement of any charge, or any special favor or ad-
vantage or any monetary consideration or inducement, involving the is-
suance of a title insurance policy or contract concerning which the
licensee is directly or indirectly connected, from a title insurance company
or title insurance agent, or any officer, employee, attorney, agent or so-
licitor thereof.

(37) (25) Engage in the purchase of one-, two-, three- or four-family
dwellings, including condominiums and cooperatives, or the acquisition
of any right, title or interest therein, including any equity or redemption
interests, if:

(A) (i) At the time of such purchase, the dwellings are subject to a
right of redemption pursuant to foreclosure of a mortgage on such dwell-
ings; (ii) the licensee fails to give written notice of the purchase, within
20 days thereafter, to the mortgage holder or judgment creditor who held
such mortgage; and (iii) the licensee, unless otherwise required by law or
court order, fails to apply any rent proceeds from the dwellings to the
judgment lien arising from the foreclosure of such mortgage, as payments
become due under the loan, regardless of whether the licensee is obli-
gated to do so;

(B) (i) the dwellings are subject to a loan which is secured by a mort-
gage and which is in default at the time of such purchase or in default
within one year after such purchase; (ii) the licensee fails to give written
notice of the purchase, within 20 days thereafter, to the mortgage holder;
and (iii) the licensee, unless otherwise required by law or court order,
fails to apply any rent proceeds from the dwellings to the mortgage as the
payments come due, regardless of whether the licensee is obligated on
the loan; or

(C) the licensee fails to notify, at the time of rental, any person rent-
ing any such dwelling of the extent and nature of the licensee's interest
in such dwelling and the probable time until possession will be taken by
the mortgage holder or judgment creditor.

(38) (26) Commit forgery or, unless authorized to do so by a duly

236             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

executed power of attorney, sign or initial any contractual agreement on
behalf of another person in a real estate transaction.

(b) In any transaction regarding the sale or lease of commercial or
investment real estate property failure to comply with any requirement
of subsection (a)(14), (15), (16) or (17) or their corollary rules and regu-
lations shall not by itself render any agreement void or voidable nor shall
it constitute a defense to any action to enforce such agreement or any
action for breach of such agreement.

(c) The commission may provide suggested forms of agency disclo-
sure and agency agreements and, by rules and regulations, provide such
other prohibitions, limitations and conditions relating thereto as the com-
mission may prescribe for transactions regarding the sale or lease of com-
mercial or investment real estate property.

(d) No salesperson or associate broker shall:

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (A) or (B), accept a commission
or other valuable consideration from anyone other than the salesperson's
or associate broker's employing broker or the broker with whom the sa-
lesperson or associate broker is associated.
broker by whom the licensee
is employed or with whom the licensee is associated as an independent

(A) A salesperson or associate broker may accept a commission or
other valuable consideration from a licensee who employs the salesperson
or associate broker as a personal assistant provided that: (i) the licensee
and the salesperson or associate broker who is employed as a personal
assistant are licensed under the supervision of the same broker, and (ii)
the supervising broker agrees in writing that the personal assistant may
be paid by the licensee.

(B) If a salesperson or associate broker has (i) organized as a profes-
sional corporation pursuant to K.S.A. 17-2706
et seq., and amendments
thereto, (ii) incorporated under the Kansas general corporation code con-
tained in K.S.A. 17-6001
et seq., and amendments thereto, (iii) organized
under the Kansas limited liability company act contained in K.S.A. 17-
et seq., and amendments thereto, or (iv) has organized as a registered
limited liability partnership as defined in K.S.A. 56-302 and amendments
thereto, the commission or other valuable consideration may be paid by
the licensee's broker to such professional corporation, corporation, limited
liability company or limited liability partnership. This provision shall not
alter any other provisions of this act.

(2) Fail to place, as soon after receipt as practicable, any deposit
money or other funds entrusted to the salesperson or associate broker in
the custody of the broker whom the salesperson or associate broker rep-

(e) (c) No broker shall:

(1) Pay a commission or compensation to any person for performing
the services of an associate broker or salesperson unless such person is

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             237

licensed under this act and employed by or associated with the broker,
except that nothing herein shall prohibit the payment of a referral fee to
a person who is properly licensed as a broker or salesperson in another
jurisdiction relating to a transaction regarding the sale or lease of com-
mercial or investment real estate property

(2) Fail to deliver to the seller in every real estate transaction, at the
time the transaction is closed, a complete, detailed closing statement
showing all of the receipts and disbursements handled by the broker for
the seller, or fail to deliver to the buyer a complete statement showing
all money received in the transaction from such buyer and how and for
what the same was disbursed, or fail to retain true copies of such state-
ments in the broker's files, except that the furnishing of such statements
to the seller and buyer by an escrow agent shall relieve the broker's re-
sponsibility to the seller and the buyer.

(3) Fail to properly supervise the activities of an associated or em-
ployed salesperson or associate broker.

(4) Lend the broker's license to a salesperson, or permit a salesperson
to operate as a broker.

(5) Fail to provide to the principal a written report every 30 days,
along with a final report, itemizing disbursements made by the broker
from advance listing fees.

(f) (d) (1) If a purchase agreement provides that the earnest money
be held by an escrow agent other than a real estate broker, unless oth-
erwise specifically provided by written agreement of all parties to the
purchase agreement,
no listing broker shall:

(1) (A) Fail to deliver the purchase agreement and earnest money
deposit to the escrow agent named in the purchase agreement within five
business days after the purchase agreement is signed by all parties unless
otherwise specifically provided by written agreement of all parties to the
purchase agreement, in which case the broker shall deliver the purchase
agreement and earnest money deposit to the escrow agent named in the
purchase agreement on the date provided by such written agreement
; or

(2) (B) fail to obtain and keep in the transaction file a receipt from
the escrow agent showing date of delivery of the purchase agreement and
earnest money deposit.

(2) If a purchase agreement provides that the earnest money be held
by an escrow agent other than a real estate broker and the property was
not listed with a broker, no broker for the buyer shall:

(A) Fail to deliver the purchase agreement and earnest money deposit
to the escrow agent named in the purchase agreement within five business
days after the purchase agreement is signed by all parties unless otherwise
specifically provided by written agreement of all parties to the purchase
agreement, in which case the broker shall deliver the purchase agreement
and earnest money deposit to the escrow agent named in the purchase
agreement on the date provided by such written agreement; or

238             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(B) fail to obtain and keep in the transaction file a receipt from the
escrow agent showing date of delivery of the purchase agreement and
earnest money deposit.

(3) If a purchase agreement provides that the earnest money be held
by an escrow agent other than a real estate broker and neither the seller
nor buyer is represented by a broker, no transaction broker shall:

(A) Fail to deliver the purchase agreement and earnest money deposit
to the escrow agent named in the purchase agreement within five business
days after the purchase agreement is signed by all parties unless otherwise
specifically provided by written agreement of all parties to the purchase
agreement, in which case the broker shall deliver the purchase agreement
and earnest money deposit to the escrow agent named in the purchase
agreement on the date provided by such written agreement; or

(B) fail to obtain and keep in the transaction file a receipt from the
escrow agent showing date of delivery of the purchase agreement and
earnest money deposit.

The commission may adopt rules and regulations to require that such
purchase agreement which provides that the earnest money be held by
an escrow agent other than a real estate broker include: (1) notification
of whether or not the escrow agent named in the purchase agreement
maintains a surety bond, and (2) notification that statutes governing the
disbursement of earnest money held in trust accounts of real estate brokers
do not apply to earnest money deposited with the escrow agent named in
the purchase agreement.

(g) (e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to grant any person
a private right of action for damages or to eliminate any right of action
pursuant to other statutes or common law.

Sec. 15. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 58-3063 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 58-3063. (a) The commission shall adopt rules
and regulations fixing the amounts of the fees provided for by this act,
subject to the following:

(1) For any examination required for licensure, a fee in an amount
equal to the actual cost of the examination and the administration thereof.

(2) For submission of an application for an original salesperson's li-
cense, an amount not exceeding $25.

(3) for submission of an application for an original broker's license,
an amount not exceeding $50.

(4) For an original salesperson's license, a prorated fee based on an
a two-year amount not exceeding $50 $100.

(5) For an original broker's license, a prorated fee based on an annual
a two-year amount not exceeding $75 $150.

(6) For renewal of a salesperson's license, a fee based on an annual
a two-year amount not exceeding $50 $100.

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             239

(7) For renewal of a broker's license, a fee based on an annual a two-
amount not exceeding $75 $150.

(8) For reinstatement of a license which has been deactivated or
which has been canceled pursuant to subsection (d) of K.S.A. 58-3047
and amendments thereto, or by reason of termination of a salesperson,
an amount not exceeding $15.

(9) For reinstatement of all licenses canceled pursuant to subsection
(e) of K.S.A. 58-3047 and amendments thereto, an amount not exceeding
$7.50 for each license canceled.

(10) For issuance of a duplicate license, an amount not exceeding

(11) For certification of licensure to another jurisdiction, an amount
not exceeding $10.

(12) For approval of a course of instruction submitted by a course
provider pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3046a and amendments thereto, an
amount not exceeding $75.

(13) For renewal of an approved course of instruction pursuant to
K.S.A. 58-3046a and amendments thereto, an amount not exceeding $15.

(14) For approval of a course of instruction submitted by any licensee
for credit toward the 12 hours of additional instruction required by K.S.A.
58-3046a and amendments thereto, an amount not less than $10 nor more
than $20, as determined by the commission.

(15) For a temporary salesperson's license, an amount not exceeding

(b) For each prorated fee, the commission shall establish a monthly
amount, rounded off to the nearest dollar, and shall compute the fee from
the last calendar day of the month in which the license is issued to the
expiration date of the license.

(b) (c) Subject to the limitations of this section, the commission shall
fix the fees provided for by this section in the amounts necessary to ad-
minister and enforce this act.

(c) (d) The fees provided for by this section shall be applicable re-
gardless of the type of license.

Sec. 16. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3064 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-3064. Whenever any person has
engaged in any act or practice that constitutes a violation of this act or
rules and regulations adopted hereunder or the brokerage relationships
in real estate transactions act or rules and regulations adopted thereunder
as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate that is one to four
residential units, the commission may institute an action in the district
court of the county in which the person resides or in the district court in
the county in which such act or practice occurred for an injunction to
enforce compliance with the act or rules and regulations. The commission
shall not be required to give any bond or pay any filing fee for initiating

240             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

such action. Upon a showing that the person has engaged in any act or
practice in violation of the act or rules and regulations, the court may
enjoin all such acts or practices and may make any orders necessary to
conserve, protect and disburse any funds involved.

Sec. 17. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3064,
as revived by section 16 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-3064. Whenever any person has engaged in any act or practice that
constitutes a violation of this act or rules and regulations adopted here-
under or the brokerage relationships in real estate transactions act or rules
and regulations adopted thereunder as such act governs the sale or lease
of real estate that is one to four residential units
, the commission may
institute an action in the district court of the county in which the person
resides or in the district court in the county in which such act or practice
occurred for an injunction to enforce compliance with the act or rules
and regulations. The commission shall not be required to give any bond
or pay any filing fee for initiating such action. Upon a showing that the
person has engaged in any act or practice in violation of the act or rules
and regulations, the court may enjoin all such acts or practices and may
make any orders necessary to conserve, protect and disburse any funds

Sec. 18. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3065 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-3065. (a) Willful violation of any
provision of this act or the brokerage relationships in real estate trans-
actions act, as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate that is one
to four residential units, is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment
for not more than 12 months or a fine of not less than $100 or more than
$1,000, or both, for the first offense and imprisonment for not more than
12 months or a fine of not less than $1,000 or more than $10,000, or
both, for a second or subsequent offense.

(b) Nothing in this act or the brokerage relationships in real estate
transactions act, as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate that is
one to four residential units, shall be construed as requiring the commis-
sion or the director to report minor violations of the acts for criminal
prosecution whenever the commission or the director believes that the
public interest will be adequately served by other administrative action.

Sec. 19. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3065,
as revived by section 18 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-3065. (a) Willful violation of any provision of this act or the brokerage
relationships in real estate transactions act, as such act governs the sale
or lease of real estate that is one to four residential units,
is a misdemeanor
punishable by imprisonment for not more than 12 months or a fine of
not less than $100 or more than $1,000, or both, for the first offense and
imprisonment for not more than 12 months or a fine of not less than
$1,000 or more than $10,000, or both, for a second or subsequent offense.

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             241

(b) Nothing in this act or the brokerage relationships in real estate
transactions act, as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate that is
one to four residential units,
shall be construed as requiring the commis-
sion or the director to report minor violations of the acts for criminal
prosecution whenever the commission or the director believes that the
public interest will be adequately served by other administrative action.

Sec. 20. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3068 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-3068. (a) Moneys in the real estate
recovery revolving fund shall be used in the manner provided by this act
to reimburse persons who suffer monetary damages by reason of any of
the following acts committed in connection with any transaction involving
the sale of real estate in this state by any broker or salesperson who was
licensed under the laws of this state at the time the act was committed
or by any unlicensed employee of such broker or salesperson:

(1) Violation of any of the following provisions of this act:

(A) K.S.A. 58-3061 and amendments thereto; or

(B) subsection (a)(2), (3), (23), (28) or (29) or subsection (d)(2) of
K.S.A. 58-3062 and amendments thereto; or

(2) violation of any provision of the brokerage relationships in real
estate transactions act, as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate
that is one to four residential units; or

(3) obtaining money or property by any act which would constitute
any crime defined by K.S.A. 21-3701, 21-3704, 21-3705, 21-3706, 21-
3707, 21-3710, 21-3711 or 21-3712, and amendments thereto.

(b) Any person may seek recovery from the real estate recovery re-
volving fund under the following conditions:

(1) Such person has received final judgment in a court of competent
jurisdiction of this state in any action wherein the cause of action was
based on any of the acts described in subsection (a);

(2) the claim is made within two years after the date that final judg-
ment is entered;

(3) such person has caused to be issued a writ of execution upon such
judgment, and the officer executing the same has made a return showing
that no personal or real property of the judgment debtor liable to be
levied upon in satisfaction of the judgment could be found, or that the
amount realized on the sale of the judgment debtor's property pursuant
to such execution was insufficient to satisfy the judgment;

(4) such person has made all reasonable searches and inquiries to
ascertain whether the judgment debtor is possessed of real or personal
property or other assets, subject to being sold or applied in satisfaction
of the judgment, and by such search such person has discovered no such
property or assets, or that such person has discovered such property and
assets and that such person has taken all necessary action and proceedings

242             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

for the application thereof to the judgment and that the amount thereby
realized was insufficient to satisfy the judgment;

(5) any amounts recovered by such person from the judgment debtor,
or from any other source, has been applied to the damages awarded by
the court; and

(6) such person is not a person who is precluded by subsection (c)
from making a claim for recovery.

(c) A person shall not be qualified to make a claim for recovery from
the real estate recovery revolving fund, if:

(1) The person is the spouse of the judgment debtor or a personal
representative of such spouse;

(2) the person acted as principal or agent in the real estate transaction
which is the subject of the claim and is a licensed broker or salesperson
or is a partnership, association, limited liability company or corporation
whose partners, members, officers and employees are licensed as pro-
vided by subsection (b) of K.S.A. 58-3042 and amendments thereto; or

(3) such person's claim is based upon a real estate transaction in
which the licensed broker or salesperson was acting on the broker's or
salesperson's own behalf with respect to property owned or controlled by
such broker or salesperson.

Sec. 21. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3068,
as revived by section 20 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-3068. (a) Moneys in the real estate recovery revolving fund shall be
used in the manner provided by this act to reimburse persons who suffer
monetary damages by reason of any of the following acts committed in
connection with any transaction involving the sale of real estate in this
state by any broker or salesperson who was licensed under the laws of
this state at the time the act was committed or by any unlicensed em-
ployee of such broker or salesperson:

(1) Violation of any of the following provisions of this act:

(A) K.S.A. 58-3061 and amendments thereto; or

(B) subsection (a)(2), (3), (23), (28) or (29) (14), (19) or (20) or sub-
section (d)(2) (b)(2) of K.S.A. 58-3062 and amendments thereto; or

(2) violation of any provision of the brokerage relationships in real
estate transactions act, as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate
that is one to four residential units
; or

(3) obtaining money or property by any act which would constitute
any crime defined by K.S.A. 21-3701, 21-3704, 21-3705, 21-3706, 21-
3707, 21-3710, 21-3711 or 21-3712, and amendments thereto.

(b) Any person may seek recovery from the real estate recovery re-
volving fund under the following conditions:

(1) Such person has received final judgment in a court of competent
jurisdiction of this state in any action wherein the cause of action was
based on any of the acts described in subsection (a);

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             243

(2) the claim is made within two years after the date that final judg-
ment is entered;

(3) such person has caused to be issued a writ of execution upon such
judgment, and the officer executing the same has made a return showing
that no personal or real property of the judgment debtor liable to be
levied upon in satisfaction of the judgment could be found, or that the
amount realized on the sale of the judgment debtor's property pursuant
to such execution was insufficient to satisfy the judgment;

(4) such person has made all reasonable searches and inquiries to
ascertain whether the judgment debtor is possessed of real or personal
property or other assets, subject to being sold or applied in satisfaction
of the judgment, and by such search such person has discovered no such
property or assets, or that such person has discovered such property and
assets and that such person has taken all necessary action and proceedings
for the application thereof to the judgment and that the amount thereby
realized was insufficient to satisfy the judgment;

(5) any amounts recovered by such person from the judgment debtor,
or from any other source, has been applied to the damages awarded by
the court; and

(6) such person is not a person who is precluded by subsection (c)
from making a claim for recovery.

(c) A person shall not be qualified to make a claim for recovery from
the real estate recovery revolving fund, if:

(1) The person is the spouse of the judgment debtor or a personal
representative of such spouse;

(2) the person acted as principal or agent in the real estate transaction
which is the subject of the claim and is a licensed broker or salesperson
or is a partnership, association, limited liability company or corporation
whose partners, members, officers and employees are licensed as pro-
vided by subsection (b) of K.S.A. 58-3042 and amendments thereto; or

(3) such person's claim is based upon a real estate transaction in
which the licensed broker or salesperson was acting on the broker's or
salesperson's own behalf with respect to property owned or controlled by
such broker or salesperson.

Sec. 22. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,101 is
hereby revived and amended to read as follows: 58-30,101. (a) K.S.A.
1996 Supp. 58-30,101 through 58-30,112 shall be known and may be cited
as the brokerage relationships in real estate transactions act.

(b) Any application of this act to transactions regarding the sale or
lease of commercial or investment real estate property shall be suspended
and shall not be enforceable on and after the effective date of this act.
Commercial or investment real estate property means any real estate for
which the present or intended use is other than one to four residential

244             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(c) The provisions of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,101 through 58-30,112
shall be and hereby are abolished on July 1, 1997.

Sec. 23. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,101,
as revived and amended by section 22 of this act, is hereby amended to
read as follows: 58-30,101. (a) K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,101 through 58-
This act shall be known and may be cited as the brokerage rela-
tionships in real estate transactions act.

(b) Any application of this act to transactions regarding the sale or
lease of commercial or investment real estate property shall be suspended
and shall not be enforceable on and after the effective date of this act.
Commercial or investment real estate property means any real estate for
which the present or intended use is other than one to four residential
Failure to comply with any requirement of K.S.A. 58-30,103 or
K.S.A. 58-30,110, and amendments thereto, or rules and regulations
adopted thereunder, shall not by itself render any agreement void or void-
able nor shall it constitute a defense to any action to enforce such agree-
ment or any action for breach of such agreement.

Sec. 24. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,102 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,102. As used in the brokerage
relationships in real estate transactions act, unless the context otherwise

(a) ``Affiliated licensee'' means any individual licensed as a salesper-
son or broker under the Kansas real estate brokers' and salespersons'
license act who is employed by a broker or affiliated with a broker as an
independent contractor.

(b) ``Agency'' means every relationship in which a broker acts for or
represents another, by the latter's express written authority, in a real es-
tate transaction. ``Agency'' also means the relationship in which a broker,
by verbal authorization pursuant to subsection (d)(2) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp.
58-30,103, acts for or represents any agency of the federal government
in the sale of property owned by the federal agency.

(c) ``Agency agreement'' means a written agreement setting forth the
terms and conditions of the relationship between a broker and the bro-
ker's client.

(d) ``Broker'' means: (1) An individual who is licensed as a broker
under the Kansas real estate brokers' and salespersons' license act and
who has an agency with a seller, buyer, landlord or tenant; or (2) a cor-
poration, partnership, association or limited liability company, of which
the officers and members, or persons employed by or associated with the
corporation, partnership, association or limited liability company, are li-
censed pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3042 and amendments thereto and which
has an agency with a seller, buyer, landlord or tenant. The term ``broker''
includes the broker's affiliated licensees except where the context would
otherwise indicate. If an individual broker is indicated by the context, the

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             245

term ``broker'' means the supervising broker as defined by K.S.A. 58-
3035 and amendments thereto.

(e) ``Brokerage firm'' means the business entity of a broker, whether
a proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association or limited liability

(f) ``Buyer's agent'' means a broker who has an agency with a buyer.
The term includes the broker's affiliated licensees.

(g) ``Client'' means a seller, landlord, buyer or tenant who has an
agency with a broker.

(h) ``Commission'' means the Kansas real estate commission.

(i) ``Confidential information'' means information made confidential
by statute, rule, regulation or instructions from the client unless the in-
formation is made public or becomes public by the words or conduct of
the client to whom the information pertains or from a source other than
the licensee.

(j) ``Customer'' means a seller, landlord, buyer or tenant in a real
estate transaction in which a broker is involved but who has not entered
into an agency with the broker.

(k) ``Designated agent'' means a licensee affiliated with a broker who
has been designated by the broker, or the broker's duly authorized rep-
resentative, to act as the agent of a broker's buyer client to the exclusion
of all other affiliated licensees.

(l) ``Disclosed dual agent'' means a broker who, with the written in-
formed consent of all parties to a contemplated real estate transaction,
has entered into an agency with and therefore represents both the seller
and buyer or both the landlord and tenant. The term includes the broker's
affiliated licensees.

(m) ``Landlord's agent'' means a broker who has entered into an
agency with a landlord. The term includes the broker's affiliated licensees.

(n) ``Licensee'' means any person licensed under the Kansas real es-
tate brokers' and salespersons' license act as a broker or salesperson.

(o) ``Seller's agent'' means a broker who has an agency with a seller.
The term includes the broker's affiliated licensees and subagents of the

(p) ``Statutory agent'' means a broker who is a seller's agent, a buyer's
agent, a landlord's agent, a tenant's agent or a disclosed dual agent in a
real estate transaction.

(q) ``Tenant's agent'' means a broker who has an agency with a pro-
spective tenant. The term includes the broker's affiliated licensees.

Sec. 25. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,102,
as revived by section 24 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,102. As used in the brokerage relationships in real estate transac-
tions act, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) ``Affiliated licensee'' means any individual licensed as a salesper-

246             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

son or broker under the Kansas real estate brokers' and salespersons'
license act who is employed by a broker or affiliated with a broker as an
independent contractor.

(b) ``Agency'' means every relationship in which a broker acts for or
represents another, by the latter's express written authority, in a real es-
tate transaction. ``Agency'' also means the relationship in which a broker,
by verbal authorization pursuant to subsection (d)(2) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp.
58-30,103, and amendments thereto, acts for or represents any agency of
the federal government in the sale of property owned by the federal

(c) ``Agency agreement'' means a written agreement setting forth the
terms and conditions of the relationship between a broker and the bro-
ker's client.

(d) ``Broker'' means: (1) An individual who is licensed as a broker
under the Kansas real estate brokers' and salespersons' license act and
who has an agency with a seller, buyer, landlord or tenant or acts as a
transaction broker
; or (2) a corporation, partnership, association or lim-
ited liability company, of which the officers and members, or persons
employed by or associated with the corporation, partnership, association
or limited liability company, are licensed pursuant to K.S.A. 58-3042 and
amendments thereto and which has an agency with a seller, buyer, land-
lord or tenant or acts as a transaction broker. The term ``broker'' includes
the broker's affiliated licensees except where the context would otherwise
indicate. If an individual broker is indicated by the context, the term
``broker'' means the supervising broker as defined by K.S.A. 58-3035 and
amendments thereto.

(e) ``Brokerage firm'' means the business entity of a broker, whether
a proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association or limited liability

(f) ``Buyer's agent'' means a broker who has an agency with a buyer.
The term includes the broker's affiliated licensees.

(g) ``Client'' means a seller, landlord, buyer or tenant who has an
agency with a broker.

(h) ``Commission'' means the Kansas real estate commission.

(i) ``Confidential information'' means information made confidential
by statute, rule, regulation or instructions from the client or personal
information about the client which might place the other party at an
advantage over the client
unless the information is made public or be-
comes public by the words or conduct of the client to whom the infor-
mation pertains or from a source other than the licensee.

(j) ``Customer'' means a seller, landlord, buyer or tenant in a real
estate transaction in which a broker is involved but who has not entered
into an agency with the broker.

(k) ``Designated agent'' means a licensee affiliated with a broker who
has been designated by the broker, or the broker's duly authorized rep-

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             247

resentative, to act as the agent of a broker's buyer or seller client to the
exclusion of all other affiliated licensees.

(l) ``Disclosed dual agent'' means a broker who, with the written in-
formed consent of all parties to a contemplated real estate transaction,
has entered into an agency with and therefore represents both the seller
and buyer or both the landlord and tenant. The term includes the broker's
affiliated licensees.

(m) ``Landlord's agent'' means a broker who has entered into an
agency with a landlord. The term includes the broker's affiliated licensees.

(n) (m) ``Licensee'' means any person licensed under the Kansas real
estate brokers' and salespersons' license act as a broker or salesperson.

(n) ``Ministerial acts'' means those acts that a licensee may perform
for a person that are informative in nature and do not rise to the level of
active representation on behalf of a person. Examples of these acts include,
but are not limited to:

(1) Responding to telephone inquiries by consumers as to the avail-
ability and pricing of brokerage services;

(2) responding to telephone inquiries from a person concerning the
price or location of property;

(3) attending an open house and responding to questions about the
property from a consumer;

(4) setting an appointment to view property;

(5) responding to questions of consumers walking into a licensee's
office concerning brokerage services offered on particular properties;

(6) accompanying an appraiser, inspector, contractor or similar third
party on a visit to a property;

(7) describing a property or the property's condition in response to a
person's inquiry; or

(8) referral to another broker or service provider.

(o) ``Seller's agent'' means a broker who has an agency with a seller.
The term includes the broker's affiliated licensees and subagents of the

(p) ``Qualified third party'' means a federal, state or local govern-
mental agency or any person whom the broker, the affiliated licensee or
a party to the real estate transaction reasonably believes has the expertise
necessary to meet the industry standards of practice for the type of in-
spection or investigation that has been conducted by the third party in
order to prepare a written report.

(q)``Statutory agent'' means a broker who is a seller's agent, a buyer's
agent, a landlord's agent, a tenant's agent or a disclosed dual designated
agent in a real estate transaction.

(q) (r) ``Tenant's agent'' means a broker who has an agency with a
prospective tenant. The term includes the broker's affiliated licensees.

(s) ``Transaction broker'' means a broker who assists one or more
parties with a real estate transaction without being an agent or advocate

248             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

for the interests of any party to such transaction. The term includes the
broker's affiliated licensees.

Sec. 26. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,103 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,103. (a) A broker shall act only
as a statutory agent in any real estate transaction. A licensee may act as a
disclosed dual agent but shall not act as an undisclosed dual agent or in
a dual capacity of agent and undisclosed principal in any transaction.

(b) A broker may work with a single party in separate transactions
pursuant to different relationships, including, but not limited to, selling
one property as a seller's agent and working with that seller in buying
another property as a buyer's agent if the broker complies with this act
in establishing the relationships for each transaction.

(c) Before an agency agreement is signed, the broker or an affiliated
licensee shall advise the prospective buyer or seller of alternative agency
relationships pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,110.

(d) (1) Except as provided in subsection (d)(2), an agency agreement
with a seller or landlord shall be signed prior to the licensee's engaging
in any of the activities enumerated in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 58-3035
[58-3035a] and amendments thereto as an employee of, or on behalf of,
the seller or landlord.

(2) If the real estate which is to be offered for sale is owned by any
agency of the federal government, a broker may, on behalf of the owner,
engage in activities enumerated in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 58-3035 [58-
3035a] and amendments thereto after obtaining verbal authorization from
the federal agency for which services are to be performed.

(e) An agency agreement with a buyer or tenant shall be signed at or
prior to the first showing of a property if the licensee is acting in the
capacity of a buyer's agent. If the first showing is an open house and the
buyer seeks representation from the licensee holding the open house:

(1) The licensee may obtain a written agency agreement with the
buyer and act as a disclosed dual agent pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp.
58-30,108; or

(2) if the property was not listed by the licensee holding the open
house, the licensee may obtain a written agency agreement with the buyer
and act as a designated agent pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,109.

(f) An agency agreement shall set forth the terms and conditions of
the relationship, including a fixed date of expiration, and shall specify the
duties and obligations pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,106 or 58-
30,107, including, but not limited to, any duty of confidentiality and the
terms of compensation. The agreement shall be signed by the party to be
represented and by the broker or a licensee affiliated with the broker. A
copy of the agreement shall be furnished to the client at the time the
client signs the agreement. If, at the time the client signs the agreement,
the agreement is not signed by the broker or a licensee affiliated with the

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             249

broker, the broker or a licensee affiliated with the broker shall furnish a
copy of the agreement to the client within a reasonable time after the
agreement is signed by the broker or a licensee affiliated with the broker.

(g) An agency agreement with a seller or landlord shall include any
potential for the seller's agent or landlord's agent to act as a disclosed
dual agent.

(h) An agency agreement with a buyer or tenant shall include any
potential for the buyer's agent or tenant's agent to act as a disclosed dual
agent or for an affiliated licensee to act as a designated agent.

(i) An agency agreement shall not contain an authorization for the
broker to sign or initial any document on behalf of the broker's client in
a real estate transaction or authorization for the broker to act as attorney-
in-fact for the client.

(j) An agency agreement with a seller shall not provide that the bro-
ker's commission be based on the difference between the gross sales price
and the net proceeds to the owner.

(k) The broker shall not assign, sell or otherwise transfer a written
agency agreement to another broker without the express written consent
of all parties to the original agreement.

(l) A licensee shall not solicit an agency agreement from a seller or
landlord if the licensee knows that the seller or landlord has, with regard
to the property, an agency agreement granting an exclusive right to sell
or exclusive agency to another broker.

(m) A licensee shall not solicit an agency agreement from a buyer or
tenant if the licensee knows that the buyer or tenant has a written agency
agreement granting exclusive representation to another broker.

(n) A licensee shall not induce any party to break any agency agree-

(o) A licensee shall not negotiate a sale, exchange or lease of real
estate directly with a buyer or tenant if the licensee knows that the buyer
or tenant has an agency agreement granting exclusive representation to
another broker.

(p) A licensee shall not negotiate a sale, exchange or lease of real
estate directly with a seller or landlord if the licensee knows that the seller
or landlord has an agency agreement granting an exclusive right to sell or
exclusive agency to another broker.

Sec. 27. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,103,
as revived by section 26 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,103. (a) Except when acting as a transaction broker or solely as a
seller, buyer, landlord or tenant,
a broker shall act only as a statutory
agent in any real estate transaction. A licensee may act as a disclosed dual
agent but
shall not act as an undisclosed dual agent or in a dual capacity
of agent and undisclosed principal in any transaction.

(b) A broker may work with a single party in separate transactions

250             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

pursuant to different relationships, including, but not limited to, selling
one property as a seller's agent and working with that seller in buying
another property as a buyer's agent if the broker complies with this act
in establishing the relationships for each transaction. A broker who has
been working with a seller, landlord, buyer or tenant as a transaction
broker may act as an agent for the seller, landlord, buyer or tenant if the
broker complies with this act in establishing the agency relationship.

(c) Before an agency agreement is signed, the broker or an affiliated
licensee shall advise the prospective buyer or seller of alternative agency
relationships pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,110.
A broker may be
engaged as a transaction broker by oral or written agreement with the
seller, landlord, buyer or tenant. A broker shall be considered a transac-
tion broker unless:

(1) An agency relationship between the broker and the party to be
represented is established pursuant to this section; or

(2) a broker works with a buyer or tenant as a subagent of the seller
or landlord by accepting an offer of subagency.

(d) (1) Except as provided in subsection (d)(2), an agency agreement
with a seller or landlord shall be signed
a broker intending to establish
an agency relationship with a seller or landlord shall enter into a written
agency agreement with the party to be represented
prior to the licensee's
engaging in any of the activities enumerated in subsection (e) of K.S.A.
58-3035 and amendments thereto as an employee of, or on behalf of, the
seller or landlord.

(2) If the real estate which is to be offered for sale is owned by any
agency of the federal government, a broker may, on behalf of the owner,
engage in activities enumerated in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 58-3035 and
amendments thereto after obtaining verbal authorization from the federal
agency for which services are to be performed.

(e) An agency agreement with a buyer or tenant shall be signed at or
prior to the first showing of a property if the licensee is acting in the
capacity of a buyer's agent. If the first showing is an open house and the
buyer seeks representation from the licensee holding the open house:

(1) The licensee may obtain a written agency agreement with the
buyer and act as a disclosed dual agent pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp.
58-30,108; or

(2) if the property was not listed by the licensee holding the open
house, the licensee may obtain a written agency agreement with the buyer
and act as a designated agent pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,109.
To establish an agency relationship with a buyer or tenant, a broker shall
enter into a written agency agreement with the party to be represented
no later than the signing of an offer to purchase or lease.

(f) An agency agreement shall set forth the terms and conditions of
the relationship, including a fixed date of expiration, any limitation on the
duty of confidentiality and the terms of compensation,
and shall specify

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             251

refer to the duties and obligations pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-
30,106 or 58-30,107, including, but not limited to, any duty of confiden-
tiality and the terms of compensation
and amendments thereto. The
agreement shall be signed by the party to be represented and by the
broker or a licensee affiliated with the broker. A copy of the agreement
shall be furnished to the client at the time the client signs the agreement.
If, at the time the client signs the agreement, the agreement is not signed
by the broker or a licensee affiliated with the broker, the broker or a
licensee affiliated with the broker shall furnish a copy of the agreement
to the client within a reasonable time after the agreement is signed by
the broker or a licensee affiliated with the broker.

(g) An agency agreement with a seller or landlord shall include any

(1) for the seller's agent or landlord's agent to act as a disclosed dual
transaction broker;

(2) for an affiliated licensee to act as a designated agent for the buyer
and the designated agent's supervising broker or branch broker, and an
affiliated licensee if applicable, to act as a transaction broker; or

(3) for the broker to designate an affiliated licensee to act as the des-
ignated agent for the seller on the broker's personal listing pursuant to
subsection (b)(2) of K.S.A. 58-30,109 and amendments thereto

(h) An agency agreement with a buyer or tenant shall include any

(1) For the buyer's agent or tenant's agent to act as a disclosed dual
transaction broker; or

(2) For an affiliated licensee to act as a designated agent for the seller
and the designated agent's supervising broker or branch broker, and an
affiliated licensee if applicable, to act as a transaction broker

(i) An agency agreement shall not contain an authorization for the
broker to sign or initial any document on behalf of the broker's client in
a real estate transaction or authorization for the broker to act as attorney-
in-fact for the client.

(j) An agency agreement with a seller shall not provide that the bro-
ker's commission be based on the difference between the gross sales price
and the net proceeds to the owner.

(k) The broker shall not assign, sell or otherwise transfer a written
agency agreement to another broker without the express written consent
of all parties to the original agreement.

(l) A licensee shall not solicit an agency agreement from a seller or
landlord if the licensee knows that the seller or landlord has, with regard
to the property, an agency agreement granting an exclusive right to sell
or exclusive agency to another broker.

(m) A licensee shall not solicit an agency agreement from a buyer or
tenant if the licensee knows that the buyer or tenant has a written agency
agreement granting exclusive representation to another broker.

252             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(n) A licensee shall not induce any party to break any agency agree-

(o) A licensee shall not negotiate a sale, exchange or lease of real
estate directly with a buyer or tenant if the licensee knows that the buyer
or tenant has an agency agreement granting exclusive representation to
another broker.
If a licensee knows that a buyer or tenant has an agency
agreement granting exclusive representation to another broker, the li-
censee shall not contact the buyer or tenant and shall not initiate nego-
tiations for the sale, exchange or lease of real estate with the buyer or
tenant. The licensee may negotiate the sale, exchange or lease of real estate
directly with the buyer or tenant with the informed consent of the buyer
or tenant. The informed consent shall be evidenced by a consent agree-
ment signed by the buyer or tenant prior to any such direct negotiation.
The consent agreement shall acknowledge the buyer or tenant agency
agreement and that the buyer or tenant may be liable for compensation
under the terms of the agency agreement. The commission, by rules and
regulations, shall adopt a consent agreement to be used by licensees pur-
suant to this subsection.

(p) A licensee shall not negotiate a sale, exchange or lease of real
estate directly with a seller or landlord if the licensee knows that the seller
or landlord has an agency agreement granting an exclusive right to sell or
exclusive agency to another broker. A buyer's or tenant's agent or a sub-
agent may present an offer to the seller or landlord if the seller's or land-
lord's agent is present.

Sec. 28. On or after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,104 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,104. (a) The relationships set
forth in K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,103 shall commence at the time that
the client engages the broker, and shall continue until:

(1) A transaction is closed according to the agreement of the parties;

(2) if a transaction is not closed according to the agreement of the
parties, the earlier of:

(A) Any date of expiration agreed upon by the parties in the agency
agreement or in any amendments thereto; or

(B) any authorized termination of the relationship.

(b) Except as otherwise agreed in writing, a broker owes no further
duties to the client after termination, expiration, or the closing of a trans-
action according to the agreement of the parties, except:

(1) To account for all moneys and property relating to the engage-
ment; and

(2) to keep confidential all information received during the course of
the engagement which was made confidential by request or instructions
from the client, unless:

(A) The client permits the disclosure by subsequent word or conduct;

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             253

(B) such disclosure is required by law; or

(C) the information becomes public from a source other than the

Sec. 29. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,104,
as revived by section 28 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,104. (a) (1) The agency relationships set forth in K.S.A. 1996 Supp.
58-30,103, and amendments thereto, shall commence at the time that the
client engages the broker, and shall continue until:

(1) (A) A transaction is closed according to the agreement of the
parties; or

(2) (B) if a transaction is not closed according to the agreement of
the parties, the earlier of:

(A) (i) Any date of expiration agreed upon by the parties in the agency
agreement or in any amendments thereto; or

(B) (ii) any authorized termination of the relationship.

(b) (2) Except as otherwise agreed in writing, a broker owes no fur-
ther duties to the client after termination, expiration, or the closing of a
transaction according to the agreement of the parties, except:

(1) (A) To account for all moneys and property relating to the en-
gagement; and

(2) (B) to keep confidential all confidential information received dur-
ing the course of the engagement which was made confidential by request
or instructions from the client,

(A) (i) The client permits the disclosure by subsequent word or con-

(B) (ii) such disclosure is required by law; or

(C) (iii) the information becomes public from a source other than the

(b) (1) The relationship between a transaction broker and a seller,
landlord, buyer or tenant shall terminate when:

(A) A transaction is closed according to the agreement of the parties;

(B) if a transaction is not closed according to the agreement of the
parties, the earlier of:

(i) Any date of expiration agreed upon by the parties; or

(ii) any authorized termination of the relationship.

(2) Except as otherwise agreed in writing, a transaction broker owes
no further duties to any party to the transaction after termination, expi-
ration or the closing of a transaction according to the agreement of the
parties, except:

(A) To account for all moneys and property relating to the engage-
ment; and

(B) to keep confidential all information received during the course of

254             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

the engagement which was made confidential by request of any party to
the transaction, unless:

(i) The party permits the disclosure by subsequent word or conduct;

(ii) such disclosure is required by law; or

(iii) the information becomes public from a source other than the
transaction broker.

Sec. 30. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,105 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,105. (a) Compensation is pre-
sumed to come from the transaction and shall be determined by agency
agreements entered into pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,103.

(b) Payment of compensation by itself shall not establish an agency
between the party who paid the compensation and the broker or any
affiliated licensee.

(c) In any transaction, the broker's compensation may be paid by the
seller, the landlord, the buyer or the tenant. A broker may be compen-
sated by more than one party for services in a transaction if the parties
consent in writing to the multiple payments at or before the time of
entering into a contract to buy, sell or lease.

(d) A broker may:

(1) Pay a commission or compensation to any licensee affiliated with
the broker for performing services under this act;

(2) with the written agreement of the seller or landlord, share a com-
mission with another broker who acted as subagent of the seller or land-

(3) with the written agreement of the seller or landlord, share a com-
mission with a buyer's broker or a tenant's broker; and

(4) pay a referral fee to a person who is licensed as a broker under
the real estate brokers' and salespersons' license act or under the law of
another jurisdiction, provided that written disclosure is made to the client
of any financial interest that the broker has in the brokerage firm receiving
the referral fee.

Sec. 31. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,105,
as revived by section 30 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,105. (a) Compensation is presumed to come from the transaction
and shall be determined by agency or transaction broker agreements en-
tered into pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,103, and amendments

(b) Payment of compensation by itself shall not establish an agency
between the party who paid the compensation and the broker or any
affiliated licensee.

(c) In any transaction, the broker's compensation may be paid by the
seller, the landlord, the buyer or the tenant. A broker may be compen-
sated by more than one party for services in a transaction if the parties

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             255

consent in writing to the multiple payments at or before the time of
entering into a contract to buy, sell or lease.

(d) A broker may:

(1) Pay a commission or compensation to any licensee affiliated with
the broker for performing services under this act;

(2) with the written agreement of the seller or, landlord, buyer or
share a commission with another broker who acted as subagent of
the seller or landlord;
a transaction broker, a subagent or an agent of the
other party; and

(3) with the written agreement of the seller or landlord, share a com-
mission with a buyer's broker or a tenant's broker; and

(4) pay a referral fee to a person who is licensed as a broker under
the real estate brokers' and salespersons' license act or under the law of
another jurisdiction, provided that written disclosure is made to the client
of any financial interest that the broker has in the brokerage firm receiving
the referral fee.

Sec. 32. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,106 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,106. (a) A seller's agent or a
landlord's agent shall be a statutory agent with the duty and obligation

(1) Perform the terms of the written agreement made with the client;

(2) exercise reasonable skill and care for the client;

(3) promote the interests of the client with the utmost good faith,
loyalty and fidelity, including:

(A) Seeking a price and terms which are acceptable to the client,
except that an agency agreement with a seller may provide that the broker
shall not be obligated to continue to market the property after an offer
has been accepted by the seller;

(B) presenting, in a timely manner, all written offers, counteroffers
and back-up offers to and from the client when such offer is received
prior to the closing of the sale unless the seller instructs the broker in the
agency agreement not to submit offers after an offer has been accepted
by the seller;

(C) disclosing to the client all adverse material facts actually known
by the licensee about the buyer or tenant; and

(D) advising the client to obtain expert advice as to material matters
about which the licensee knows but the specifics of which are beyond the
expertise of the licensee;

(4) account in a timely manner for all money and property received;

(5) comply with all requirements of this act and rules and regulations
adopted hereunder; and

(6) comply with any applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and
regulations and ordinances, including fair housing and civil rights statutes
and rules and regulations.

256             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(b) If pursuant to subsection (a)(3)(D), the licensee advised the client
to obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the licensee
knows but the specifics of which are beyond the expertise of the licensee,
no cause of action for any person shall arise against the licensee pertaining
to such material matters.

(c) A seller's or landlord's agent shall not disclose any confidential
information about the client unless disclosure is required by statute or
rule and regulation or failure to disclose the information would constitute
fraudulent misrepresentation. No cause of action for any person shall arise
against a licensee acting as a seller's or landlord's agent for making any
required or permitted disclosure.

(d) (1) A seller's or landlord's agent owes no duty or obligation to a
customer, except that a licensee shall disclose to any customer all adverse
material facts actually known by the licensee, including but not limited

(A) Any environmental hazards affecting the property which are re-
quired by law to be disclosed;

(B) the physical condition of the property;

(C) any material defects in the property;

(D) any material defects in the title to the property; or

(E) any material limitation on the client's ability to perform under
the terms of the contract.

(2) A seller's or landlord's agent owes no duty to conduct an inde-
pendent inspection of the property for the benefit of the customer and
owes no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of
any statement made by the client or any qualified third party.

(3) Except as provided in subsection (d)(4), a seller's or landlord's
agent is not required to disclose to a client or customer information re-
lating to the physical condition of the property if a written report regard-
ing the physical condition of the property has been prepared by a qualified
third party and provided to the client or customer.

(4) A licensee shall disclose to the client or customer any facts known
by the licensee that contradict any information included in a written re-
port described in subsection (d)(3).

(5) In performing an investigation or inspection and in making a dis-
closure in connection with a real estate transaction, a licensee shall ex-
ercise the degree of care expected to be exercised by a reasonably prudent
person who has the knowledge, skills and training required for licensure
as a broker or salesperson.

For purpose of this subsection, ``qualified third party'' means a federal,
state or local governmental agency or any person whom the broker, af-
filiated licensee or a party to the real estate transaction reasonably be-
lieves has the expertise necessary to meet the industry standards of prac-
tice for the type of inspection or investigation that has been conducted
by the third party in order to prepare the written report.

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             257

(e) A seller's or landlord's agent may show alternative properties not
owned by the client to prospective buyers or tenants and may list com-
peting properties for sale or lease without breaching any duty or obliga-
tion to the client.

(f) A seller or landlord may agree in writing with a seller's or land-
lord's agent that the broker may offer subagency and pay compensation
to other brokers.

(g) A seller or landlord may agree in writing with a seller's or land-
lord's agent that the broker may offer to cooperate with a buyer's or
tenant's agent or to cooperate with and pay compensation to a buyer's or
tenant's agent.

(h) If the seller or landlord has authorized the broker to offer coop-
eration with other licensees pursuant to subsection (f) or (g), the broker
shall not refuse permission to another licensee to show, or to present an
offer to purchase, a listed property unless specifically instructed by the
seller in writing. The broker shall provide a copy of the written instruc-
tions to another licensee upon request.

(i) A seller's or landlord's agent shall not be liable for punitive or
exemplary damages for the licensee's failure to perform any of the duties
set forth in this section, unless such failure is shown by clear and con-
vincing evidence that the licensee acted toward the plaintiff with willful
conduct, wanton conduct, fraud or malice.

Sec. 33. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,106,
as revived by section 32 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,106. (a) A seller's agent or a landlord's agent shall be a statutory
agent with the duty and obligation to:

(1) Perform the terms of the written agreement made with the client;

(2) exercise reasonable skill and care for the client;

(3) promote the interests of the client with the utmost good faith,
loyalty and fidelity, including:

(A) Seeking a price and terms which are acceptable to the client,
except that an agency agreement with a seller may provide that the broker
shall not be obligated to continue to market the property after an offer
has been accepted by the seller;

(B) presenting, in a timely manner, all written offers, counteroffers
and back-up offers
to and from the client, when such offer is received
prior to the closing of the sale unless the seller instructs the broker in the
agency agreement not to submit offers after an offer has been accepted
by the seller;

(C) (B) disclosing to the client all adverse material facts actually
known by the licensee about the buyer or tenant; and

(D) (C) advising the client to obtain expert advice as to material mat-
ters about which the licensee knows but the specifics of which are beyond
the expertise of the licensee;

258             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(4) (3) account in a timely manner for all money and property re-

(5) (4) comply with all requirements of this act and rules and regu-
lations adopted hereunder; and

(6) (5) comply with any applicable federal, state and local laws, rules
and regulations and ordinances, including fair housing and civil rights
statutes and rules and regulations.

(b) If pursuant to subsection (a)(3)(D) (a)(2)(C), the licensee advised
the client to obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the
licensee knows but the specifics of which are beyond the expertise of the
licensee, no cause of action for any person shall arise against the licensee
pertaining to such material matters.

(c) A seller's or landlord's agent shall not disclose any confidential
information about the client unless disclosure is required by statute or
rule and regulation or failure to disclose the information would constitute
fraudulent misrepresentation. No cause of action for any person shall arise
against a licensee acting as a seller's or landlord's agent for making any
required or permitted disclosure.

(d) (1) A seller's or landlord's agent owes no duty or obligation to a
customer, except that a licensee shall disclose to any customer all adverse
material facts actually known by the licensee, including but not limited

(A) Any environmental hazards affecting the property which are re-
quired by law to be disclosed;

(B) the physical condition of the property;

(C) any material defects in the property;

(D) any material defects in the title to the property; or

(E) any material limitation on the client's ability to perform under
the terms of the contract.

(2) A seller's or landlord's agent owes no duty to conduct an inde-
pendent inspection of the property for the benefit of the customer and
owes no duty to independently verify the accuracy or completeness of
any statement made by the client or any qualified third party.

(3) Except as provided in subsection (d)(4), a seller's or landlord's
agent is not required to disclose to a client or customer information re-
lating to the physical condition of the property if a written report regard-
ing the physical condition of the property has been prepared by a qualified
third party and provided to the client or customer.

(4) A licensee seller's or landlord's agent shall disclose to the client
or customer any facts actually known by the licensee that were omitted
from or
contradict any information included in a written report described
in subsection (d)(3).

(5) In performing an investigation or inspection and in making a dis-
closure in connection with a real estate transaction, a licensee shall ex-
ercise the degree of care expected to be exercised by a reasonably prudent

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             259

person who has the knowledge, skills and training required for licensure
as a broker or salesperson.

For purpose of this subsection, ``qualified third party'' means a federal,
state or local governmental agency or any person whom the broker, af-
filiated licensee or a party to the real estate transaction reasonably be-
lieves has the expertise necessary to meet the industry standards of prac-
tice for the type of inspection or investigation that has been conducted
by the third party in order to prepare the written report.

(e) A seller's or landlord's agent may provide assistance to the cus-
tomer by performing ministerial acts. Performing ministerial acts for the
customer shall not be construed as violating the brokerage firm's agency
with the seller or landlord and shall not be construed as forming an agency
with the customer.

(f) A seller's or landlord's agent may show alternative properties not
owned by the client to prospective buyers or tenants and may list com-
peting properties for sale or lease without breaching any duty or obliga-
tion to the client.

(f) (g) A seller or landlord may agree in writing with a seller's or
landlord's agent that the broker may offer subagency and pay compen-
sation to other brokers.

(g) (h) A seller or landlord may agree in writing with a seller's or
landlord's agent that the broker may offer to cooperate with a buyer's or
tenant's agent or to cooperate with and pay compensation to a buyer's or
tenant's agent.

(i) A seller or landlord may agree in writing with a seller's or land-
lord's agent that the broker may offer to cooperate with a transaction
broker or to cooperate with and pay compensation to a transaction broker.

(h) (j) If the seller or landlord has authorized the broker to offer
cooperation with other licensees pursuant to subsection (f) or (g), (h) or
the broker shall not refuse permission to another licensee to show, or
to present an offer to purchase, a listed property unless
a listed property
or refuse to receive and transmit to the seller or landlord a written offer
or a listed property from another licensee
specifically instructed by the
seller in writing. The broker shall provide a copy of the written instruc-
tions to another licensee upon request.

(i) (k) A seller's or landlord's agent shall not be liable for punitive or
exemplary damages for the licensee's failure to perform any of the duties
set forth in this section, unless such failure is shown by clear and con-
vincing evidence that the licensee acted toward the plaintiff with willful
conduct, wanton conduct, fraud or malice.

Sec. 34. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,107 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,107. (a) A buyer's or a tenant's
agent shall be a statutory agent with the following duty and obligation to:

(1) Perform the terms of the written agreement made with the client;

260             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(2) exercise reasonable skill and care for the client;

(3) promote the interests of the client with the utmost good faith,
loyalty and fidelity, including:

(A) Seeking a price and terms which are acceptable to the client,
except that an agency agreement may provide that the licensee shall not
be obligated to seek other properties after the client enters into a pur-
chase contract;

(B) presenting, in a timely manner, all written offers, counteroffers
and back-up offers to and from the client when such offer is received
prior to the closing of the sale unless the buyer instructs the broker in
the agency agreement not to submit offers after the client enters into a
purchase contract;

(C) disclosing to the client all adverse material facts actually known
by the licensee; and

(D) advising the client to obtain expert advice as to material matters
about which the licensee knows but the specifics of which are beyond the
expertise of the licensee;

(4) account in a timely manner for all money and property received;

(5) comply with all requirements of this act and rules and regulations
adopted hereunder; and

(6) comply with any applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and
regulations and ordinances, including fair housing and civil rights statutes
or rules and regulations.

(b) If pursuant to subsection (a)(3)(D), the licensee advised the client
to obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the licensee
knows but the specifics of which are beyond the expertise of the licensee,
no cause of action for any person shall arise against the licensee pertaining
to such material matters.

(c) A buyer's or tenant's agent shall not disclose any confidential in-
formation about the client unless disclosure is required by statute or rule
and regulation or failure to disclose the information would constitute
fraudulent misrepresentation. No cause of action for any person shall arise
against a licensee acting as a buyer's or tenant's agent for making any
required or permitted disclosure.

(d) (1) A buyer's or tenant's agent owes no duty or obligation to a
customer, except that the licensee shall disclose to any customer all ad-
verse material facts actually known by the licensee, including but not
limited to material facts concerning the client's financial ability to perform
the terms of the transaction.

(2) A buyer's or tenant's agent owes no duty to conduct an inde-
pendent investigation of the client's financial condition for the benefit of
the customer and owes no duty to independently verify the accuracy or
completeness of statements made by the client or any qualified third

(3) Except as provided in subsection (d)(4), a buyer's or tenant's agent

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             261

is not required to disclose to a client or customer information relating to
the physical condition of the property if a written report regarding the
physical condition of the property has been prepared by a qualified third
party and provided to the client or customer.

(4) A licensee shall disclose to the client or customer any facts known
by the licensee that contradict any information included in a written re-
port described in subsection (d)(3).

(5) In performing an investigation or inspection and in making a dis-
closure in connection with a real estate transaction, a licensee shall ex-
ercise the degree of care expected to be exercised by a reasonably prudent
person who has the knowledge, skills and training required for licensure
as a broker or salesperson.

For purpose of this subsection, ``qualified third party'' means a federal,
state or local governmental agency or any person whom the broker, the
affiliated licensee or a party to the real estate transaction reasonably be-
lieves has the expertise necessary to meet the industry standards of prac-
tice for the type of inspection or investigation that has been conducted
by the third party in order to prepare the written report.

(e) A buyer's or tenant's agent may show properties in which the
client is interested to other prospective buyers or tenants without breach-
ing any duty or obligation to the client. This subsection is intended to
allow a buyer's or tenant's agent to show competing buyers or tenants the
same property and to assist competing buyers or tenants in attempting to
purchase or lease a particular property.

(f) Except as provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-
30,103, a licensee may not act as a buyer's agent on any property shown
to the buyer while the licensee was acting as an agent or subagent of the
seller without the written agreement of the seller. If the licensee has
knowledge that another licensee affiliated with the broker showed the
property to the buyer while acting as an agent or subagent of the seller,
the licensee shall obtain the written agreement of the seller before acting
as the buyer's agent.

(g) A buyer or tenant may agree in writing with a buyer's or tenant's
agent that the agent may receive compensation from a seller's or land-
lord's agent.

(h) A buyer's or tenant's agent shall not be liable for punitive or ex-
emplary damages for the licensee's failure to perform any of the duties
set forth in this section, unless such failure is shown by clear and con-
vincing evidence that the licensee acted toward the plaintiff with willful
conduct, wanton conduct, fraud or malice.

Sec. 35. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,107,
as revived by section 34 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,107. (a) A buyer's or a tenant's agent shall be a statutory agent with
the following duty and obligation to:

262             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(1) Perform the terms of the written agreement made with the client;

(2) exercise reasonable skill and care for the client;

(3) promote the interests of the client with the utmost good faith,
loyalty and fidelity, including:

(A) Seeking a price and terms which are acceptable to the client,
except that an agency agreement may provide that the licensee shall not
be obligated to seek other properties after the client enters into a pur-
chase contract;

(B) Presenting, in a timely manner, all written offers, counteroffers
and back-up
offers to and from the client when such offer is received
prior to the closing of the sale unless the buyer instructs the broker in
the agency agreement not to submit offers after the client enters into a
purchase contract;

(C) (B) disclosing to the client all adverse material facts actually
known by the licensee; and

(D) (C) advising the client to obtain expert advice as to material mat-
ters about which the licensee knows but the specifics of which are beyond
the expertise of the licensee;

(4) (3) account in a timely manner for all money and property re-

(5) (4) comply with all requirements of this act and rules and regu-
lations adopted hereunder; and

(6) (5) comply with any applicable federal, state and local laws, rules
and regulations and ordinances, including fair housing and civil rights
statutes or rules and regulations.

(b) If pursuant to subsection (a)(3)(D) (a)(2)(C), the licensee advised
the client to obtain expert advice as to material matters about which the
licensee knows but the specifics of which are beyond the expertise of the
licensee, no cause of action for any person shall arise against the licensee
pertaining to such material matters.

(c) A buyer's or tenant's agent shall not disclose any confidential in-
formation about the client unless disclosure is required by statute or rule
and regulation or failure to disclose the information would constitute
fraudulent misrepresentation. No cause of action for any person shall arise
against a licensee acting as a buyer's or tenant's agent for making any
required or permitted disclosure.

(d) (1) A buyer's or tenant's agent owes no duty or obligation to a
customer, except that the licensee shall disclose to any customer all ad-
verse material facts actually known by the licensee, including but not
limited to material facts concerning the client's financial ability to perform
the terms of the transaction.

(2) A buyer's or tenant's agent owes no duty to conduct an inde-
pendent investigation of the client's financial condition for the benefit of
the customer and owes no duty to independently verify the accuracy or

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             263

completeness of statements made by the client or any qualified third

(3) Except as provided in subsection (d)(4), a buyer's or tenant's agent
is not required to disclose to a client or customer information relating to
the physical condition of the property if a written report regarding the
physical condition of the property has been prepared by a qualified third
party and provided to the client or customer.

(4) A licensee buyer's or tenant's agent shall disclose to the client or
customer any facts actually known by the licensee that were omitted from
contradict any information included in a written report described in
subsection (d)(3).

(5) In performing an investigation or inspection and in making a dis-
closure in connection with a real estate transaction, a licensee shall ex-
ercise the degree of care expected to be exercised by a reasonably prudent
person who has the knowledge, skills and training required for licensure
as a broker or salesperson.

For purpose of this subsection, ``qualified third party'' means a federal,
state or local governmental agency or any person whom the broker, the
affiliated licensee or a party to the real estate transaction reasonably be-
lieves has the expertise necessary to meet the industry standards of prac-
tice for the type of inspection or investigation that has been conducted
by the third party in order to prepare the written report.

(e) A buyer's or tenant's agent may provide assistance to the seller or
landlord by performing ministerial acts. Performing ministerial acts for
the seller or landlord shall not be construed as violating the brokerage
firm's agency with the buyer or tenant and shall not be construed as
forming an agency with the seller or landlord.

(f) A buyer's or tenant's agent may show properties in which the client
is interested to other prospective buyers or tenants without breaching any
duty or obligation to the client. This subsection is intended to allow a
buyer's or tenant's agent to show competing buyers or tenants the same
property and to assist competing buyers or tenants in attempting to pur-
chase or lease a particular property.

(f) Except as provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-
30,103, a licensee may not act as a buyer's agent on any property shown
to the buyer while the licensee was acting as an agent or subagent of the
seller without the written agreement of the seller. If the licensee has
knowledge that another licensee affiliated with the broker showed the
property to the buyer while acting as an agent or subagent of the seller,
the licensee shall obtain the written agreement of the seller before acting
as the buyer's agent.

(g) A buyer or tenant may agree in writing with a buyer's or tenant's
agent that the agent may receive compensation from a seller's or land-
lord's agent or from a transaction broker.

(h) A buyer's or tenant's agent shall not be liable for punitive or ex-

264             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

emplary damages for the licensee's failure to perform any of the duties
set forth in this section, unless such failure is shown by clear and con-
vincing evidence that the licensee acted toward the plaintiff with willful
conduct, wanton conduct, fraud or malice.

Sec. 36. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,108 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,108. (a) (1) A licensee may act
as a dual agent only with the informed consent of all parties to the trans-
action. The informed consent shall be evidenced by a dual agency consent
agreement which shall include, at a minimum, the duties and obligations
included in this section.

(2) If, pursuant to subsections (g) and (h) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-
30,103, the agency agreements include a potential for the seller's or land-
lord's agent and the buyer's or tenant's agent to act as a disclosed dual
agent, the dual agency consent agreement shall be signed by the buyer
or the tenant no later than the first showing of the property and by the
seller or the landlord no later than the presentation of the offer to pur-
chase or lease. If the agency agreements did not include a potential for
the seller's or landlord's agent and the buyer's or tenant's agent to act as
a disclosed dual agent, the dual agency consent agreement shall be signed
by the buyer and seller or the tenant and landlord prior to the first show-
ing of the property.

(b) A disclosed dual agent shall be a statutory agent for both the seller
and buyer or the landlord and tenant.

(c) A disclosed dual agent shall not represent the interest of either
the buyer or the seller or the tenant or the landlord to the detriment of
the other. The buyer and seller or the tenant and landlord shall have the
responsibility of determining the price they will pay or accept, and they
may rely on information provided by the disclosed dual agent. The broker
shall cease to serve as either seller's or buyer's or landlord's or tenant's
sole and exclusive agent.

(d) The following information shall not be disclosed by a disclosed
dual agent without the informed consent of the client to whom the in-
formation pertains:

(A) That a buyer or tenant is willing to pay more than the purchase
price or lease rate offered for the property;

(B) that a seller or landlord is willing to accept less than the asking
price or lease rate for the property;

(C) what the motivating factors are for any client's buying, selling or
leasing the property; or

(D) that a client will agree to financing terms other than those of-

(e) A disclosed dual agent shall not disclose to one client any confi-
dential information or personal confidences about the other client which
might place one party at an advantage over the other party unless the

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             265

disclosure is required by statute or rule and regulation or failure to dis-
close the information would constitute fraudulent misrepresentation.

(f) No cause of action for any person shall arise against a disclosed
dual agent for making any required or permitted disclosure.

(g) By making any required or permitted disclosure, a disclosed dual
agent does not terminate the dual agency relationship.

(h) In a dual agency relationship, there shall be no imputation of
knowledge or information between any client and the disclosed dual agent
or among licensees within the brokerage firm engaged as a dual agent.

(i) In any transaction, a broker may without liability withdraw from
representing a client if either client does not consent to a disclosed dual
agency. Such withdrawal shall not prejudice the ability of the broker to
continue to represent the other client in the transaction, nor limit the
broker from representing the client in other transactions not involving a
dual agency. Such withdrawal shall not limit the ability of the broker to
receive a referral fee for referring a client to a broker of a different bro-
kerage firm.

Sec. 37. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,109 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,109. (a) A broker may personally,
or through the broker's duly authorized licensed representative, specifi-
cally designate, in a written buyer agency agreement obtained pursuant
to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,103, an affiliated licensee who will be acting
as legal agent of the buyer client to the exclusion of all other affiliated
licensees. After verbal notice has been given to the buyer client, another
affiliated licensee may be temporarily appointed as a designated agent.

(b) With the exception of a property listed by the designated agent,
a designated agent shall not act as an agent of any owner of property listed
with the broker when representing a specific buyer client.

(c) If a designated agent also acts as agent of the seller of property
listed by the designated agent, the agent and the broker shall be disclosed
dual agents pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,108.

(d) If the broker performs any duty or obligation set forth in subsec-
tion (a)(3) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,106, the broker and the designated
agent or agents shall be disclosed dual agents pursuant to K.S.A. 1996
Supp. 58-30,108.

(e) The broker shall not be considered to be acting for more than
one party in the transaction provided that the broker is not a disclosed
dual agent pursuant to subsection (c) or (d).

(f) Unless acting as a disclosed dual agent pursuant to subsection (c)
or (d), a designated agent shall not be considered a dual agent nor shall
the licensee be liable for acting as an undisclosed dual agent merely by
performing licensed services in accordance with the provisions of this

Sec. 38. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,109,

266             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

as revived by section 37 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,109. (a) In the absence of designated agents appointed pursuant to
subsection (b), a brokerage firm may act as a transaction broker pursuant
to section 1, and amendments thereto, on an in-house transaction with
the informed consent of the seller client and the buyer client. The informed
consent shall be evidenced by a transaction broker addendum to the
agency agreements and shall be signed by the buyer prior to writing the
offer and by the seller prior to signing the contract.

(b) (1) A broker may personally, or through the broker's duly au-
thorized licensed representative, specifically designate, in a written buyer
agency agreement obtained pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,103, an
affiliated licensee
and amendments thereto, one or more affiliated licens-
who will be acting as legal agent of the buyer client or seller client to
the exclusion of all other affiliated licensees. After verbal notice has been
given to the buyer client, another affiliated licensee may be temporarily
appointed as a designated agent.

(b) With the exception of a property listed by the designated agent,
a designated agent shall not act as an agent of any owner of property listed
with the broker when representing a specific buyer client.

(c) If a designated agent also acts as agent of the seller of property
listed by the designated agent, the agent and the broker shall be disclosed
dual agents pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,108.

(d) If the broker performs any duty or obligation set forth in subsec-
tion (a)(3) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,106, the broker and the designated
agent or agents shall be disclosed dual agents pursuant to K.S.A. 1996
Supp. 58-30,108.

(e) The broker shall not be considered to be acting for more than
one party in the transaction provided that the broker is not a disclosed
dual agent pursuant to subsection (c) or (d).

(f) Unless acting as a disclosed dual agent pursuant to subsection (c)
or (d), a designated agent shall not be considered a dual agent nor shall
the licensee be liable for acting as an undisclosed dual agent merely by
performing licensed services in accordance with the provisions of this

(2) If a buyer client of a designated agent wants to see a property
which was personally listed by the broker, the broker, with the written
consent of the seller, may specifically designate an affiliated licensee who
will act as legal agent of the seller client to the exclusion of all other
affiliated licensees. The written consent of the seller shall contain the name
of the prospective buyer and shall acknowledge that the broker shall act
as a transaction broker regarding any transaction with the buyer. The
written consent of the seller shall be signed prior to presentation of any

(3) A designated agent of a seller client shall have the duties and
obligations set forth in K.S.A. 58-30,106, and amendments thereto. A des-

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             267

ignated agent of a buyer client shall have the duties and obligations set
forth in K.S.A. 58-30,107, and amendments thereto.

(4) In any transaction involving a designated agent, the supervising
broker of the designated agent shall act as a transaction broker pursuant
to section 1, and amendments thereto, unless both buyer and seller are
represented by designated agents and the designated agents are super-
vised by the same branch broker. In that case, the branch broker shall
act as a transaction broker pursuant to section 1, and amendments
thereto. The supervising broker, or branch broker if applicable, may ap-
point an affiliated licensee to act in the transaction as a transaction broker
pursuant to section 1, and amendments thereto.

(5) A designated agent may disclose to the designated agent's super-
vising broker, or branch broker if applicable, and to an affiliated licensee
appointed as a transaction broker pursuant to paragraph (4), confidential
information of a client for the purpose of seeking advice or assistance for
the benefit of the client in regard to a transaction.

(6) If a buyer client of a designated agent wants to see a property
owned by a seller client of the designated agent, the designated agent may
act as a transaction broker pursuant to section 1, and amendments
thereto, with the informed consent of the seller client and buyer client.
The informed consent shall be evidenced by a transaction broker adden-
dum to the agency agreements and shall be signed by the buyer prior to
writing the offer and by the seller prior to signing the contract.

(c) The commission, by rules and regulations, shall adopt a transac-
tion broker addendum form to be used by licensees pursuant to this sec-

Sec. 39. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,110 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,110. (a) (1) The commission shall
adopt a rule and regulation prescribing the language which shall be in-
cluded in a form entitled ``Disclosure of alternative agency relationships''.

(2) At the discretion of the broker, the disclosure of alternative
agency relationships form may be either a separate document or may be
contained in the agency agreement with the client.

(3) Except as provided in subsection (a)(4), a licensee shall furnish a
prospective buyer or seller with a copy of the disclosure of alternative
agency relationships form at the first occurrence of either of the following
events regarding real estate transactions:

(A) A face-to-face meeting with the prospective buyer or seller; or

(B) a written communication from the licensee.

The licensee shall note the furnishing of a copy of the disclosure on
the contract.

(4) A licensee is not required to provide a copy of the form to a
prospective buyer or seller in the following instances:

268             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

(A) The licensee is acting solely as a principal and not as an agent for

(B) the written communication from the licensee is a solicitation of

(C) the face-to-face meeting occurs at an open house and there is no
substantive discussion regarding a transaction; or

(D) the face-to-face meeting is a mere solicitation of business and
there is no substantive discussion regarding a transaction.

(b) (1) Except for instances when a licensee is providing information
through an advertisement or other form of public notice of the licensee's
representation of a client, a licensee representing a client in a proposed
real estate transaction shall disclose the representation at the time of
every contact with another licensee representing the other party. The
disclosure may be made orally or in writing.

(2) Each time a licensee is contacted by another licensee who re-
quests permission to show property to a prospective buyer, the licensee
shall inquire whether or not the licensee represents the buyer.

(c) The disclosure of the agency relationship between all licensees
involved and the seller and buyer shall be included in any contract for
sale and in any lot reservation agreement.

Sec. 40. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,110,
as revived by section 39 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,110. (a) (1) The commission shall adopt a rule and regulation pre-
scribing the language which shall be included in a form entitled ``Disclo-
sure of alternative agency relationships''
describes a seller's agent, a
buyer's agent and a transaction broker for inclusion in a brochure entitled
``real estate brokerage relationships''

(2) At the discretion of the broker, the disclosure of alternative
agency relationships form may be either a separate document or may be
contained in the agency agreement with the client.

(3) Except as provided in subsection (a)(4) (a)(3), a licensee shall
furnish a prospective buyer or seller with a copy of the disclosure of
alternative agency relationships form at the first occurrence of either of
the following events regarding real estate transactions:

(A) A face-to-face meeting with the prospective buyer or seller; or

(B) a written communication from the licensee.

The licensee shall note the furnishing of a copy of the disclosure on
the contract
the brochure at the first practical opportunity.

(4) (3) A licensee is not required to provide a copy of the form bro-
to a prospective buyer or seller in the following instances:

(A) The licensee is acting solely as a principal and not as an agent for

(B) the written communication from the licensee is a solicitation of

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             269

(C) the face-to-face meeting occurs at an open house and there is no
substantive discussion regarding a transaction; or
transaction is regarding
the sale of commercial property or the sale of residential property of more
than four units;

(D) the face-to-face meeting is a mere solicitation of business and
there is no substantive discussion regarding a transaction.
transaction is
regarding the sale of property by public auction;

(E) the licensee is only performing ministerial acts; or

(F) the customer or client has already received the brochure from the
licensee's brokerage firm.

(4) Acknowledgment of receipt of the brochure by the seller and buyer
shall be included in any contract for sale.

(b) (1) Except for instances when a licensee is providing information
through an advertisement or other form of public notice of the licensee's
representation of a client, a licensee representing a client in a proposed
real estate transaction shall disclose the representation at the time of
every the initial contact with another licensee representing the other
party. The disclosure may be made orally or in writing.

(2) Each time a licensee is contacted by another licensee who re-
quests permission to show property to a prospective buyer, the licensee
shall inquire whether or not the licensee represents the buyer.

(c) The disclosure of the agency brokerage relationship between all
licensees involved and the seller and buyer shall be included in any con-
tract for sale and in any lot reservation agreement.

Sec. 41. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,111 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,111. (a) A client shall not be
liable for a misrepresentation of the client's statutory agent arising out of
the agency agreement unless the client knew of the misrepresentation.

(b) A statutory agent shall not be liable for a misrepresentation of the
agent's client arising out of the agency agreement unless the licensee
knew of the misrepresentation.

(c) A statutory agent shall not be liable for an innocent misrepresen-
tation in information provided to the seller or landlord or to the buyer or
tenant if the licensee does not have personal knowledge of the error,
inaccuracy or omission that is the basis for the misrepresentation.

Sec. 42. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,111,
as revived by section 41 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,111. (a) A client or customer shall not be liable for a misrepresen-
tation of or omission by the client's statutory agent or the transaction
arising out of the agency or transaction broker agreement unless
the client or customer knew of the misrepresentation or omission.

(b) A statutory agent or transaction broker shall not be liable for a
misrepresentation of or omission by the agent's client or the transaction

270             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

broker's customer arising out of the agency or transaction broker agree-
ment unless the licensee knew of the misrepresentation or omission.

(c) A statutory agent or transaction broker shall not be liable for an
innocent or negligent misrepresentation in information provided to the
seller or landlord or to the buyer or tenant if the licensee does not have
personal knowledge of the error, inaccuracy or omission that is the basis
for the claim of misrepresentation.

Sec. 43. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,112 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 58-30,112. The commission shall pro-
vide suggested forms of agency agreements and, by rules and regulations,
provide such other prohibitions, limitations and conditions relating
thereto as the commission may prescribe.

Sec. 44. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,112,
as revived by section 43 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
58-30,112. The commission shall provide suggested sample forms of
agency agreements and, by rules and regulations, provide such other pro-
hibitions, limitations and conditions relating thereto as the commission
may prescribe.

Sec. 45. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 74-4202 is
hereby revived to read as follows: 74-4202. (a) Within 30 days after the
appointment of the members to be regularly appointed within any year,
the commission shall meet in the city of Topeka for the purpose of or-
ganizing by selecting from its membership a chairperson and such other
officers as the commission may deem necessary and appropriate. A ma-
jority of the members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for
the exercise of the powers or authority conferred upon it.

(b) The commission shall receive applications for, and issue licenses
to, brokers and salespersons, as provided in this act and shall administer
the provisions of this act and the brokerage relationships in real estate
transactions act, as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate that is
one to four residential units. The commission may do all things necessary
and convenient for carrying into effect the provisions of the acts and may
adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the acts. For the purpose
of the acts, the commission shall make all necessary investigations, and
every licensee shall furnish to the commission such evidence as the li-
censee may have as to any violation the acts or any rules and regulations
adopted under the acts. The commission may enforce any order by an
action in the district court of the county where the alleged violator resides
or where the violation allegedly occurred.

(c) Each member of the commission shall be paid compensation, sub-
sistence allowances, mileage and other expenses as provided in K.S.A. 75-
3223 and amendments thereto.

(d) The commission shall hold meetings and hearings in the city of

Ch. 65             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             271

Topeka or at such places as it shall determine at such times as it may
designate and on request of two or more of its members.

(e) The commission shall maintain an office in the city of Topeka,
and all files, records and property of the commission shall at all times be
and remain therein.

(f) The commission shall adopt a seal by which it shall attest its pro-
ceedings. Copies of all records and papers required by law or the com-
mission to be filed in the office of the commission, when duly certified
by the director, assistant director or chairperson of the commission and
attested by the seal of the commission, shall be received in evidence in
all courts of the state of Kansas equally and with like effect as the originals.

Sec. 46. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 74-4202,
as revived by section 45 of this act, is hereby amended to read as follows:
74-4202. (a) Within 30 days after the appointment of the members to be
regularly appointed within any year, the commission shall meet in the city
of Topeka for the purpose of organizing by selecting from its membership
a chairperson and such other officers as the commission may deem nec-
essary and appropriate. A majority of the members of the commission
shall constitute a quorum for the exercise of the powers or authority
conferred upon it.

(b) The commission shall receive applications for, and issue licenses
to, brokers and salespersons, as provided in this act and shall administer
the provisions of this act and the brokerage relationships in real estate
transactions act, as such act governs the sale or lease of real estate that is
one to four residential units
. The commission may do all things necessary
and convenient for carrying into effect the provisions of the acts and may
adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the acts. For the purpose
of the acts, the commission shall make all necessary investigations, and
every licensee shall furnish to the commission such evidence as the li-
censee may have as to any violation the acts or any rules and regulations
adopted under the acts. The commission may enforce any order by an
action in the district court of the county where the alleged violator resides
or where the violation allegedly occurred.

(c) Each member of the commission shall be paid compensation, sub-
sistence allowances, mileage and other expenses as provided in K.S.A. 75-
3223 and amendments thereto.

(d) The commission shall hold meetings and hearings in the city of
Topeka or at such places as it shall determine at such times as it may
designate and on request of two or more of its members.

(e) The commission shall maintain an office in the city of Topeka,
and all files, records and property of the commission shall at all times be
and remain therein.

(f) The commission shall adopt a seal by which it shall attest its pro-
ceedings. Copies of all records and papers required by law or the com-

272             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 65

mission to be filed in the office of the commission, when duly certified
by the director, assistant director or chairperson of the commission and
attested by the seal of the commission, shall be received in evidence in
all courts of the state of Kansas equally and with like effect as the originals.

Sec. 47. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1995 Supp. 58-3035, as
amended by section 20 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas,
58-3050, as amended by section 12 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session
Laws of Kansas, 58-3062, as amended by section 13 of chapter 212 of the
1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 58-3064, as amended by section 14 of chap-
ter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 58-3065, as amended by
section 15 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 58-3068,
as amended by section 16 of chapter 212 of the 1996 Session Laws of
Kansas, 74-4202, as amended by section 17 of chapter 212 of the 1996
Session Laws of Kansas, and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-30,101, as revived by
section 22 of this act, and 74-4209 are hereby repealed.

Sec. 48. On and after October 1, 1997, K.S.A. 17-2707, 58-3045 and
58-3063 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 58-3035, as revived by section 3 of this
act, 58-3036, 58-3037, 58-3039, 58-3042, 58-3046a, 58-3050, as revived
by section 11 of this act, 58-3062, as revived by section 13 of this act, 58-
3064, as revived by section 16 of this act, 58-3065, as revived by section
18 of this act, 58-3068, as revived by section 20 of this act, 58-30,101, as
amended by section 22 of this act, 58-30,102, as revived by section 24 of
this act, 58-30,103, as revived by section 26 of this act, 58-30,104, as
revived by section 28 of this act, 58-30,105, as revived by section 30 of
this act, 58-30,106, as revived by section 32 of this act, 58-30,107, as
revived by section 34 of this act, 58-30,108, as revived by section 36 of
this act, 58-30,109, as revived by section 37 of this act, 58-30,110, as
revived by section 39 of this act, 58-30,111, as revived by section 41 of
this act, 58-30,112, as revived by section 43 of this act, and 74-4202, as
revived by section 45 of this act, are hereby repealed.

Sec. 49. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.

Approved April 7, 1997.