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Chapter 173


An Act concerning civil procedure; amending K.S.A. 60-102, 60-205, 60-206, 60-208, 60-
209, 60-211, 60-214, 60-215, 60-216, 60-223, 60-226, 60-228, 60-230, 60-231, 60-232,
60-233, 60-234, 60-235, 60-236, 60-237, 60-238, 60-241, 60-243, 60-245, 60-245a, 60-
250, 60-252, 60-254, 60-256, 60-262, 60-2103, 60-3703, 61-1710, 61-1725, 61-1729 and
75-3079 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 60-1608 and repealing the existing sections; also re-
pealing K.S.A. 60-2007.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

Section 1. K.S.A. 60-102 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-
102. The provisions of this act shall be liberally construed and adminis-
to secure the just, speedy and inexpensive determination of every
action or proceeding.

Sec. 2. K.S.A. 60-205 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-205.
The method of service and filing of pleadings and other papers as pro-
vided in this section shall constitute sufficient service and filing in all civil
actions and special proceedings but they shall be alternative to, and not
in restriction of, different methods specifically provided by law.

(a) When required. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the
following shall be served upon each of the parties: Every order required
by its terms to be served; every pleading subsequent to the original pe-
tition, unless the court otherwise orders because of numerous defendants;
every paper relating to disclosure of expert testimony or discovery re-
quired to be served upon a party, unless the court otherwise orders; every
written motion other than one which may be heard ex parte; and every
written notice, appearance, demand, offer of judgment, designation of
record on appeal and similar paper. No service need be made on parties
in default for failure to appear except that pleadings asserting new or
additional claims for relief against them shall be served upon them in the
manner provided for service of summons in article 3 of this chapter 60.

(b) How made. Whenever under this article service is required or
permitted to be made upon a party represented by an attorney the service
shall be made upon the attorney unless service upon the party is ordered
by the court. Service upon the attorney or upon a party shall be made by:
(1) Delivering a copy to the attorney or a party: (2) mailing it to the
attorney or a party at the last known address; (3) if no address is known,
by leaving it with the clerk of the court; or (4) sending or transmitting to
such attorney a copy by telefacsimile communication. For the purposes
of this subsection, ``Delivery of a copy'' means: Handing it to the attorney
or to the party; leaving it at the attorney's or party's office with the clerk
or other person in charge thereof or, if there is no one in charge, leaving
it in a conspicuous place therein; or, if the attorney's or party's office is
closed or the person to be served has no office, leaving it at the attorney's
or party's dwelling house or usual place of abode with some person of

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suitable age and discretion then residing therein. Service by mail is com-
plete upon mailing. Service by telefacsimile communication is complete
upon receipt of a confirmation generated by the transmitting machine.

(c) Numerous defendants. In any action in which there are unusually
large numbers of defendants, the court, upon motion or of its own initia-
tive, may order that services of the pleadings of the defendants and replies
thereto need not be made as between the defendants and that any cross-
claim, counterclaim or matter constituting an avoidance or affirmative
defense contained therein shall be deemed to be denied or avoided by
all other parties and that the filing of any such pleading and service
thereof upon the plaintiff constitutes due notice of it to the parties. A
copy of every such order shall be served upon the parties in such manner
and form as the court directs.

(d) Filing. (1) Interrogatories, depositions other than those taken un-
der K.S.A. 60-227 and amendments thereto, disclosures of expert testi-
mony under K.S.A. 60-226 and amendments thereto
and discovery re-
quests or responses under K.S.A. 60-234 or 60-236, and amendments
thereto, shall not be filed except on order of the court or until used in a
trial or hearing, at which time the documents shall be filed.

(2) A party serving discovery requests or responses under K.S.A.
60-233, 60-234 or 60-236, and amendments thereto, or disclosures of
expert testimony under K.S.A. 60-226 and amendments thereto,
shall file
with the court a certificate stating what document was served, when and
upon whom.

(3) All other papers filed after the petition and required to be served
upon a party, shall be filed with the court either before service or within
a reasonable time thereafter.

(e) Filing with the court defined. The filing of pleadings and other
papers with the court as required by this article shall be made by filing
them with the clerk of the court, except that the. In accordance with
K.S.A. 60-271 and amendments thereto and supreme court rules, plead-
ings and other papers may be filed by telefacsimile communication. The

judge may permit the papers to be filed with the judge, in which event
the judge shall note thereon the filing date and forthwith transmit them
to the office of the clerk.

Sec. 3. K.S.A. 60-206 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-206.
The following provisions shall govern the computation and extension of

(a) Computation; legal holiday defined. In computing any period of
time prescribed or allowed by this chapter, by the local rules of any district
court, by order of court, or by any applicable statute, the day of the act,
event, or default from which the designated period of time begins to run
shall not be included. The last day of the period so computed is to be
included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday, in which event

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the period runs until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, a
Sunday or a legal holiday. When the period of time prescribed or allowed
is less than 11 days, intermediate Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays
shall be excluded in the computation. A half holiday shall be considered
as other days and not as a holiday. ``Legal holiday'' includes any day des-
ignated as a holiday by the congress of the United States, or by the leg-
islature of this state. When an act is to be performed within any prescribed
time under any law of this state, or any rule or regulation lawfully prom-
ulgated thereunder, and the method for computing such time is not oth-
erwise specifically provided, the method prescribed herein shall apply.

(b) Enlargement. When by this chapter or by a notice given there-
under or by order of court an act is required or allowed to be done at or
within a specified time, the judge for cause shown may at any time in the
judge's discretion (1) with or without motion or notice order the period
enlarged if request therefor is made before the expiration of the period
originally prescribed or as extended by a previous order or (2) upon mo-
tion made after the expiration of the specified period permit the act to
be done where the failure to act was the result of excusable neglect; but
it may not extend the time for taking any action under subsection (c) (b)
of K.S.A. 60-250, subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-252, subsections (b), (e) and
(f) of K.S.A. 60-259 and subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-260, and amendments
thereto, except to the extent and under the conditions stated in them.

(c) Unaffected by expiration of term. The period of time provided for
the doing of any act or the taking of any proceeding is not affected or
limited by the continued existence or expiration of a term of court. The
continued existence or expiration of a term of court in no way affects the
power of a court to do any act or take any proceeding in any civil action
pending before it.

(d) For motions--affidavits. A written motion, other than one which
may be heard ex parte, and notice of the hearing thereof shall be served
not later than five days before the time specified for the hearing, unless
a different period is fixed by these rules or by order of the judge. Such
an order may for cause shown be made on ex parte application. When a
motion is supported by affidavit, the affidavit shall be served with the
motion; and except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) of K.S.A.
60-259, and amendments thereto, opposing affidavits may be served not
later than one day before the hearing, unless the court permits them to
be served at the time of hearing.

(e) Additional time after service by mail. Whenever a party has the
right or is required to do some act or take some proceedings within a
prescribed period after the service of a notice or other paper upon such
party and the notice or paper is served upon such party by mail, three
days shall be added to the prescribed period.

Sec. 4. K.S.A. 60-208 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-208.

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(a) Claims for relief. A pleading which sets forth a claim for relief, whether
an original claim, counterclaim, cross-claim, or third-party claim, shall
contain: (1) A short and plain statement of the claim showing that the
pleader is entitled to relief; and (2) a demand for judgment for the relief
to which the pleader deems such pleader's self entitled. Every pleading
demanding relief for damages in money in excess of $50,000 $75,000,
without demanding any specific amount of money, shall set forth only
that the amount sought as damages is in excess of $50,000 $75,000, except
in actions sounding in contract. Every pleading demanding relief for dam-
ages in money in an amount of $50,000 $75,000 or less shall specify the
amount of such damages sought to be recovered. Relief in the alternative
or of several different types may be demanded.

(b) Defenses; form of denials. A party shall state in short and plain
terms such party's defenses to each claim asserted and shall admit or deny
the averments upon which the adverse party relies. If the party is without
knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of an
averment, the party shall so state and this has the effect of a denial.
Denials shall fairly meet the substance of the averments denied. When a
pleader intends in good faith to deny only a part or a qualification of an
averment, the pleader shall specify so much of it as is true and material
and shall deny only the remainder. Unless the pleader intends in good
faith to controvert all the averments of the preceding pleading, the
pleader may make denials as specific denials of designated averments or
paragraphs, or the pleader may generally deny all the averments except
such designated averments or paragraphs as the pleader expressly admits;
but, when the pleader does so intend to controvert all averments, the
pleader may do so by general denial, subject to the obligations set forth
in K.S.A. 60-211, and amendments thereto.

(c) Affirmative defenses. In pleading to a preceding pleading a party
shall set forth affirmatively accord and satisfaction, arbitration and award,
assumption of risk, contributory negligence, discharge in bankruptcy, du-
ress, estoppel, failure of consideration, fraud, illegality, injury by fellow
servant, laches, license, payment, release, res judicata, statute of frauds,
statute of limitations, waiver, and any other matter constituting an avoid-
ance or affirmative defense. When a party has mistakenly designated a
defense as a counterclaim or a counterclaim as a defense, the court on
terms, if justice so requires, shall treat the pleading as if there had been
a proper designation.

(d) Effect of failure to deny. Averments in a pleading to which a re-
sponsive pleading is required or permitted, other than those as to the
amount of damage, are admitted when not denied in the responsive
pleading. Averments in a pleading to which no responsive pleading is
required or permitted shall be taken as denied or avoided.

(e) Pleading to be concise and direct; consistency. (1) Each averment

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of a pleading shall be simple, concise, and direct. No technical forms of
pleading or motions are required.

(2) A party may set forth two or more statements of a claim or defense
alternately or hypothetically, either in one count or defense or in separate
counts or defenses. When two or more statements are made in the alter-
native and one of them if made independently would be sufficient, the
pleading is not made insufficient by the insufficiency of one or more of
the alternative statements. A party may also state as many separate claims
or defenses as the party has regardless of consistency and whether based
on legal or on equitable grounds or on both. All statements shall be made
subject to the obligations set forth in K.S.A. 60-211, and amendments

(f) Construction of pleadings. All pleadings shall be so construed as
to do substantial justice.

Sec. 5. K.S.A. 60-209 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-209.
(a) Capacity. It is not necessary to aver the capacity of a party to sue or
be sued or the authority of a party to sue or be sued in a representative
capacity or the legal existence of an organized association of persons that
is made a party. When a party desires to raise an issue as to the legal
existence of any party or the capacity of any party to sue or be sued or
the authority of any party to sue or be sued in a representative capacity,
the party raising the issue shall do so by specific negative averment which
shall include such supporting particulars as are peculiarly within the
pleader's knowledge.

(b) Fraud, mistake, conditions of the mind. In all averments of fraud
or mistake, the circumstances constituting fraud or mistake shall be stated
with particularity. Malice, intent, knowledge, and other conditions of
mind of a person may be averred generally.

(c) Conditions precedent. In pleading the performance or occurrence
of conditions precedent, it is sufficient to aver generally that all conditions
precedent have been performed or have occurred. A denial of perform-
ance or occurrence shall be made specifically and with particularity.

(d) Official document or act. In pleading an official document or of-
ficial act it is sufficient to aver that the document was issued or the act
done in compliance with law.

(e) Judgment. In pleading a judgment or decision of a domestic or
foreign court, judicial or quasi-judicial tribunal, or of a board or officer,
it is sufficient to aver the judgment or decision without setting forth mat-
ter showing jurisdiction to render it.

(f) Time and place. For the purpose of testing the sufficiency of a
pleading, averments of time and place are material and shall be consid-
ered like all other averments of material matter.

(g) Special damage. When items of special damage are claimed, their
nature shall be specifically stated. In actions where exemplary or punitive

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damages are recoverable, the amended petition shall not state a dollar
amount for damages sought to be recovered but shall state whether the
amount of damages sought to be recovered is in excess of or not in excess
of $10,000 $75,000.

(h) Pleading written instrument. Whenever a claim, defense or coun-
terclaim is founded upon a written instrument, the same may be pleaded
by reasonably identifying the same and stating the substance thereof or
it may be recited at length in the pleading, or a copy may be attached to
the pleading as an exhibit.

(i) Tender of money. When a tender of money is made in any plead-
ing, it shall not be necessary to deposit the money in court when the
pleading is filed, but it shall be sufficient if the money is deposited in the
court at the trial, unless otherwise ordered by the court.

(j) Libel and slander. In an action for libel or slander, it shall not be
necessary to state in the petition any extrinsic facts for the purpose of
showing the application to the plaintiff of the defamatory matter out of
which the claim arose, but it shall be sufficient to state generally that the
same was published or spoken concerning the plaintiff; and if such alle-
gation be not controverted in the answer, it shall not be necessary to prove
it on the trial; in other cases it shall be necessary. The defendant may, in
such defendant's answer, allege both the truth of the matter charged as
defamatory and any mitigating circumstances admissible in evidence to
reduce the amount of damages; and whether the defendant proves the
justification or not, the defendant may give in evidence any mitigating

Sec. 6. K.S.A. 60-211 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-211.
(a) Every pleading, motion and other paper provided for by this article
of a party represented by an attorney shall be signed by at least one
attorney of record in the attorney's individual name, and the attorney's
address and telephone number shall be stated. A pleading, motion or
other paper provided for by this article of a party who is not represented
by an attorney shall be signed by the party and shall state the party's
address. Except when otherwise specifically provided by rule or statute,
pleadings need not be verified or accompanied by an affidavit.

(b) The signature of a person constitutes a certificate by the person
that the person has read the pleading;, motion or other paper and that to
the best of the person's knowledge, information and belief formed after
reasonable an inquiry it is well grounded in fact and is warranted by
existing law or a good faith argument for the extension, modification or
reversal of existing law; and that it is not imposed for any improper pur-
pose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase
in the cost of litigation
reasonable under the circumstances:

(1) It is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to

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harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of

(2) the claims, defenses and other legal contentions therein are war-
ranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for the extension,
modification or reversal of existing law or the establishment of new law;

(3) the allegations and other factual contentions have evidentiary sup-
port or, if specifically so identified, are likely to have evidentiary support
after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and

(4) the denials of factual contentions are warranted on the evidence
or, if specifically so identified, are reasonably based on a lack of infor-
mation or belief

(c) If a pleading, motion or other paper provided for by this article
is not signed it shall be stricken unless it is signed promptly after the
omission is called to the attention of the pleader or movant. If a pleading,
motion or other paper provided for by this article is signed in violation of
this section, the court, upon motion or upon its own initiative upon notice
and after opportunity to be heard, shall impose upon the person who
signed it or a represented party, or both, an appropriate sanction, which
may include an order to pay to the other party or parties the amount of
the reasonable expenses incurred because of the filing of the pleading,
motion or other paper, including reasonable attorney fees. A motion for
sanctions under this section may be served and filed at any time during
the pendency of the action but not later than 10 days after the entry of

(d) Subsections (a) through (c) do not apply to disclosures and dis-
covery requests, responses, objections and motions that are subject to the
provisions of K.S.A. 60-226 through 60-237 and amendments thereto.

(e) The state of Kansas, or any agency thereof, and all political sub-
divisions of the state shall be subject to the provisions of this section in
the same manner as any other party.

(f) If the court imposes monetary sanctions on an inmate in the cus-
tody of the secretary of corrections, the secretary is hereby authorized to
disburse any money in the inmate's account to pay such sanctions.

Sec. 7. K.S.A. 60-214 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-214.
(a) When defendant may bring in third party. At any time after com-
mencement of the action a defending party, as a third-party plaintiff, may
cause a summons and complaint petition to be served upon a person not
a party to the action who is or may be liable to him the third-party plaintiff
for all or part of the plaintiff's claim against him the third-party plaintiff.
The third-party plaintiff need not obtain leave to make the service if he
the third-party plaintiff files the third-party complaint petition not later
than 10 days after he serves his serving the original answer. Otherwise he
the third-party plaintiff must obtain leave on motion upon notice to all
parties to the action. The person served with the summons and third-

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party complaint petition, hereinafter called the third-party defendant,
shall make his any defenses to the third-party plaintiff's claim as provided
in K.S.A. 60-212 and amendments thereto and his any counterclaims
against the third-party plaintiff and cross-claims against other third-party
defendants as provided in K.S.A. 60-213 and amendments thereto. The
third-party defendant may assert against the plaintiff any defenses which
the third-party plaintiff has to the plaintiff's claim. The third-party de-
fendant may also assert any claim against the plaintiff arising out of the
transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the plaintiff's claim
against the third-party plaintiff. The plaintiff may assert any claim against
the third-party defendant arising out of the transaction or occurrence that
is the subject matter of the plaintiff's claim against the third-party plain-
tiff, and the third-party defendant thereupon shall assert his any defenses
as provided in K.S.A. 60-212 and amendments thereto and his any coun-
terclaims and cross-claims as provided in K.S.A. 60-213 and amendments
. Any party may move to strike the third-party claim, or for its
severance or separate trial. A third-party defendant may proceed under
this section against any person not a party to the action who is or may be
liable to him the third-party defendant for all or part of the claim made
in the action against the third-party defendant.

(b) When plaintiff may bring in third party. When a counterclaim is
asserted against a plaintiff, he the plaintiff may cause a third party to be
brought in under circumstances which under this section would entitle a
defendant to do so.

(c) Execution by third-party plaintiff -- limitation. Where a third-
party defendant is liable to the plaintiff, or to anyone holding a similar
position under subsections (a) and (b) of this section, on the claim on
which a third-party plaintiff has been sued, execution by said the third-
party plaintiff on a judgment against said such third-party defendant shall
be permitted only to the extent that the third-party plaintiff has paid any
judgment obtained against him the third-party plaintiff by the obligee.

Sec. 8. K.S.A. 60-215 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-215.
(a) Amendments. A party may amend his the party's pleading once as a
matter of course at any time before a responsive pleading is served or, if
the pleading is one to which no responsive pleading is permitted and the
action has not been placed upon the trial calendar, he the party may so
amend it at any time within twenty (20) 20 days after it is served. Oth-
erwise a party may amend his the party's pleading only by leave of court
or by written consent of the adverse party; and leave shall be freely given
when justice so requires. A party shall plead in response to an amended
pleading within the time remaining for response to the original pleading
or within twenty (20) 20 days after service of the amended pleading,
whichever period may be the longer, unless the court otherwise orders.

(b) Amendments to conform to the evidence. When issues not raised

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by the pleadings are tried by express or implied consent of the parties,
they shall be treated in all respects as if they had been raised in the
pleadings. Such amendment of the pleadings as may be necessary to cause
them to conform to the evidence and to raise these issues may be made
at any time, even after judgment; but failure so to amend does not affect
the result of the trial of these issues. If evidence is objected to at the trial
on the ground that it is not within the issues made by the pleadings, the
court may allow the pleadings to be amended and shall do so freely when
the presentation of the merits of the action will be subserved thereby and
the objecting party fails to satisfy the court that the admission of such
evidence would prejudice him the party in maintaining his the party's
action or defense upon the merits. The court may grant a continuance to
enable the objecting party to meet such evidence.

(c) Relation back of amendments. Whenever An amendment of a
pleading relates back to the date of the original pleading when:

(1) The claim or defense asserted in the amended pleading arose out
of the conduct, transaction, or occurrence set forth or attempted to be
set forth in the original pleading, the amendment relates back to the date
of the original pleading. An
; or

(2) the amendment changing changes the party or the naming of the
against whom a claim is asserted relates back if the foregoing pro-
vision (1) is satisfied and, within the period provided by law for com-
mencing the action against him the party including the period for service
of process under K.S.A. 60-203 and amendments thereto
, the party to be
brought in by amendment (1): (A) Has received such notice of the insti-
tution of the action that he the party would not be prejudiced in main-
taining his a defense on the merits,; and (2) (B) knew or should have
known that, but for a mistake concerning the identity of the proper party,
the action would have been brought against him the party.

(d) Supplemental pleadings. Upon motion of a party the court may,
upon reasonable notice and upon such terms as are just, permit him the
to serve a supplemental pleading setting forth transactions or oc-
currences or events which have happened since the date of the pleading
sought to be supplemented. Permission may be granted even though the
original pleading is defective in its statement of a claim for relief or de-
fense. If the judge deems it advisable that the adverse party plead to the
supplemental pleading, he the judge shall so order, specifying the time

Sec. 9. K.S.A. 60-216 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-216.
(a) Pretrial conferences; objectives. In any action, the court shall on the
request of either party, or may in its discretion without such request,
direct the attorneys for the parties to appear before it for a conference
to consider: or conferences before trial to expedite processing and dispo-
sition of the litigation, minimize expense and conserve time.

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(b) Case management conference. In any action, the court shall on
the request of either party, or may in its discretion without such request,
conduct a case management conference with counsel and any unrepre-
sented parties. The conference shall be scheduled by the court as soon as
possible and shall be conducted within 45 days of the filing of an answer.
However, in the discretion of the court, the time for the conference may
be extended or reduced to meet the needs of the individual case.

At any conference under this subsection consideration shall be given,
and the court shall take appropriate action, with respect to:

(1) Identifying the issues and exploring the possibilities of stipulations
and settlement;

(2) whether the action is suitable for alternative dispute resolution;

(3) exchanging information on the issues of the case, including key
documents and witness identification;

(4) establishing a plan and schedule for discovery, including setting
limitations on discovery, if any, designating the time and place of discov-
ery, restricting discovery to certain designated witnesses or requiring
statements be taken in writing or by use of electronic recording rather
than by stenographic transcription;

(5) requiring completion of discovery within a definite number of
days after the conference has been conducted;

(6) setting deadlines for filing motions, joining parties and amend-
ments to the pleadings;

(7) setting the date or dates for conferences before trial, a final pretrial
conference, and trial; and

(8) such other matters as are necessary for the proper management
of the action.

If a case management conference is held, except as provided in subsec-
tion (a)(2)(B) of K.S.A. 60-230 and amendments thereto, no depositions,
other than of the parties to the action, shall be taken until after the con-
ference is held, except by agreement of the parties or order of the court.
If the case management conference is not held within 45 days of the filing
of an answer, the restrictions of this paragraph shall no longer apply.

If discovery cannot be completed within the period of time originally
prescribed by the court, the party not able to complete discovery shall file
a motion prior to the expiration of the original period for additional time
to complete discovery. Such motion shall contain a discovery plan and
shall set forth the reason why discovery cannot be completed within the
original period. If additional time is allowed, the court shall grant only
that amount of time reasonably necessary to complete discovery.

(c) Subjects for consideration at pretrial conferences. At any pretrial
conference consideration may be given, and the court may take appro-
priate action, with respect to:

(1) The simplification of the issues;

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(2) The trial of issues of law the determination of issues of law which
may eliminate or affect the trial of issues of fact;

(3) the necessity or desirability of amendments to the pleadings;

(4) the possibility of obtaining admissions of fact and of documents
which will avoid unnecessary proof;

(5) the limitation of the number of expert witnesses;

(6) the advisability of a preliminary reference of issues to a master;

(7) such other matters as may aid in the disposition of the action.

At least one of the attorneys for each party participating in any con-
ference before trial shall have authority to enter into stipulations and to
make admissions regarding all matters that the participants may reason-
ably anticipate may be discussed. If appropriate, the court may require
that a party or its representative be present or reasonably available by
telephone in order to consider possible settlement of the dispute.

In the discretion of the court, any pretrial conference may be held by
a telephone conference call.

(d) Final pretrial conference. In any action, the court shall on the
request of either party, or may in its discretion without such request,
conduct a final pretrial conference in accordance with procedures estab-
lished by rule of the supreme court.

(e) Pretrial orders. After any conference held under this section, an
order shall be entered reciting the action taken. This order shall control
the subsequent course of the action unless modified by a subsequent order.
The order following a final pretrial conference shall be modified only by
agreement of the parties, or by the court to prevent manifest injustice.

The court in its discretion may, and shall upon the request of either
party make an order which recites the action taken at the conference, the
amendments allowed to the pleadings, and the agreements made by the
parties as to any of the matters considered, and which limits the issues
for trial to those not disposed of by admissions or agreements of counsel;
and such order when entered controls the subsequent course of the ac-
tion, unless modified at the trial to prevent manifest injustice. The court
in its discretion may establish by rule a pretrial calendar on which actions
may be placed for consideration as above provided and may either confine
the calendar to jury actions or to nonjury actions or extend it to all actions.

(b) (f) If a party or party's attorney fails to obey a pretrial order, if no
appearance is made on behalf of a party at a pretrial conference, if a party
or party's attorney is substantially unprepared to participate in the con-
ference or if a party or party's attorney fails to participate in good faith,
the judge, upon motion or the judge's own initiative and after opportunity
to be heard, may make such orders with regard thereto as are just, and
among others any of the orders provided in subsections (b)(2)(B), (C) and
(D) of K.S.A. 60-237 and amendments thereto. In lieu of or in addition
to any other sanction, the judge shall require the party or the party's

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1203

attorney, or both, to pay the reasonable expenses incurred because of any
noncompliance with this section, including attorney fees, unless the judge
finds that the noncompliance was substantially justified or that other cir-
cumstances make an award of expenses unjust.

Sec. 10. K.S.A. 60-223 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-223.
(a) Prerequisites to a class action. One or more members of a class may
sue or be sued as representative parties on behalf of all only if (1) the
class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable, (2) there
are questions of law or fact common to the class, (3) the claims or defenses
of the representative parties are typical of the claims or defenses of the
class, and (4) the representative parties will fairly and adequately protect
the interests of the class.

(b) Class actions maintainable. An action may be maintained as a class
action if the prerequisites of subdivision (a) are satisfied, and in addition:

(1) The prosecution of separate actions by or against individual mem-
bers of the class would create a risk of (A) inconsistent or varying adju-
dications with respect to individual members of the class which would
establish incompatible standards of conduct for the party opposing the
class, or (B) adjudications with respect to individual members of the class
which would as a practical matter be dispositive of the interests of the
other members not parties to the adjudications or substantially impair or
impede their ability to protect their interests; or

(2) the party opposing the class has acted or refused to act on grounds
generally applicable to the class, thereby making appropriate final in-
junctive relief or corresponding declaratory relief with respect to the class
as a whole; or

(3) the court finds that the questions of law or fact common to the
members of the class predominate over any questions affecting only in-
dividual members, and that a class action is superior to other available
methods for the fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy. The
matters pertinent to the findings include: (A) The interest of members
of the class in prosecuting or defending separate actions; (B) the extent
and nature of any litigation concerning the controversy already begun by
or against members of the class; (C) the appropriate place for maintaining,
and the procedural measures which may be needed in conducting, a class

(c) Determination by order whether class action to be maintained;
judgment; actions conducted partially as class actions.

(1) As soon as practicable after the commencement and before the
decision on the merits of an action brought as a class action, the court
shall determine by order whether it is to be maintained as such. Where
necessary for the protection of a party or of absent persons, the court,
upon motion or on its own initiative at any time before the decision on
the merits of an action brought as a nonclass action, may order that it be

1204             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

maintained as a class action. An order under this subdivision may be
conditional, and may be altered or amended before the decision on the

(2) The judgment in an action maintained as a class action shall ex-
tend by its terms to the members of the class, as defined, whether or not
the judgment is favorable to them.

In any class action maintained under subdivision (b)(3), the court shall
exclude those members who, by a date to be specified, request exclusion,
unless the court finds that their inclusion is essential to the fair and ef-
ficient adjudication of the controversy and states its reasons therefor. To
afford members of the class an opportunity to request exclusion, the court
shall direct that reasonable notice be given to the class, including specific
notice to each member known to be engaged in a separate suit on the
same subject matter with the party opposed to the class.

(3) (2) In any class action maintained under subsection (b)(3), the
court shall direct to the members of the class the best notice practicable
under the circumstances, including individual notice to all members who
can be identified through reasonable effort. The notice shall advise each
member that: (A) The court will exclude the member from the class if the
member so requests by a specified date; (B) the judgment, whether fa-
vorable or not, will include all members who do not request exclusion;
and (C) any member who does not request exclusion, if the member de-
sires, may enter an appearance through counsel.

(3) The judgment in an action maintained as a class action under
subsection (b)(1) or (b)(2), whether or not favorable to the class, shall
include and describe those whom the court finds to be members of the
class. The judgment in an action maintained as a class action under sub-
section (b)(3), whether or not favorable to the class, shall include and
specify or describe those to whom the notice provided in subsection (c)(2)
was directed, and who have not requested exclusion, and whom the court
finds to be members of the class.

(4) When appropriate (A) an action may be brought or maintained as
a class action with respect to particular issues such as the issue of liability,
or (B) a class may be divided into subclasses and each subclass treated as
a class, and the provisions of this section shall then be construed and
applied accordingly.

(d) Orders in conduct of actions. In the conduct of actions to which
this section applies, the court may, without limitation, make appropriate
orders: (1) Settling the course of proceedings or prescribing measures to
prevent undue repetition or complication in the presentation of evidence
or argument; (2) requiring, for the protection of the members of the class
or otherwise for the fair conduct of the action, that notice be given in
such manner as the court may direct to some or all of the members of
any step in the action, or of the proposed extent of the judgment, or of
the opportunity of members to signify whether they consider the repre-

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1205

sentation fair and adequate, to intervene and present claims or defenses,
or otherwise to come into the action; (3) imposing conditions on the
representative parties or on intervenors; (4) requiring that the pleadings
be amended to eliminate therefrom allegations as to representation of
absent persons, or to include such allegations, and that the action in either
case proceed accordingly. The orders may be combined with an order
under K.S.A. 60-216 and amendments thereto, and may be altered or
amended as may be desirable from time to time.

(e) Dismissal or compromise. An action brought as a A class action,
whether or not ordered to be maintained as provided in paragraph (1) of
subsection (c),
shall not be dismissed or compromised without the ap-
proval of the court, and the court in its discretion may order that notice
of a the proposed dismissal or compromise shall be given to the all mem-
bers of the
class in such manner as the court may direct directs.

Sec. 11. K.S.A. 60-226 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-226.
(a) Discovery methods. Parties may obtain discovery by one or more of
the following methods: Depositions upon oral examination or written
questions; written interrogation interrogatories; production of documents
or things or permission to enter upon land or other property under K.S.A.
60-234, subsection (a)(1)(C) of K.S.A. 60-245 or 60-245a and amendments
, for inspection and other purposes; physical and mental exami-
nations; and requests for admission. Unless the court orders otherwise
under subsection (c), the frequency of use of these methods is not limited.

(b) Scope of discovery. Unless otherwise limited by order of the court
in accordance with these rules, the scope of discovery is as follows: (1) In
Parties may obtain discovery regarding any matter, not privi-
leged, which is relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending
action, whether it relates to the claim or defense of the party seeking
discovery or to the claim or defense of any other party, including the
existence, description, nature, custody, condition and location of any
books, documents or other tangible things and the identity and location
of persons having knowledge of any discoverable matter. It is not ground
for objection that the information sought will be inadmissible at the trial
if the information sought appears reasonably calculated to lead to the
discovery of admissible evidence. Except as permitted under subsection
(b)(3) (b)(4), a party shall not require a deponent to produce, or submit
for inspection, any writing prepared by, or under the supervision of, an
attorney in preparation for trial.

(2) The frequency or extent of use of the discovery methods otherwise
permitted under the rules of civil procedure shall be limited by the court
only if it determines that: (A) The discovery sought is unreasonably cu-
mulative or duplicative, or is obtainable from some other source that is
more convenient, less burdensome or less expensive; (B) the party seeking
discovery has had ample opportunity by discovery in the action to obtain

1206             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

the information sought; or (C) the burden or expense of the proposed
discovery outweighs its likely benefit, taking into account the needs of the
case, the amount in controversy, the parties' resources, the importance of
the issues at stake in the litigation and the importance of the proposed
discovery in resolving the issues. The court may act upon its own initiative
after reasonable notice or pursuant to a motion under subsection (c).

(2) (3) Insurance agreements. A party may obtain discovery of the
existence and contents of any insurance agreement under which any per-
son carrying on an insurance business may be liable to satisfy part or all
of a judgment which may be entered in the action or to indemnify or
reimburse for payments made to satisfy the judgment. Information con-
cerning the insurance agreement is not by reason of disclosure admissible
in evidence at trial. For purposes of this paragraph, an application for
insurance shall not be treated as part of an insurance agreement.

(3) (4) Trial preparation: Materials. Subject to the provisions of sub-
section (b)(4) (b)(5), a party may obtain discovery of documents and tan-
gible things otherwise discoverable under subsection (b)(1) and prepared
in anticipation of litigation or for trial by or for another party or by or for
that other party's representative (,including such other party's attorney,
consultant, surety, indemnitor, insuror or agent), only upon a showing
that the party seeking discovery has substantial need of the materials in
the preparation of such party's case and that such party is unable without
undue hardship to obtain the substantial equivalent of the materials by
other means. In ordering discovery of such materials when the required
showing has been made, the court shall protect against disclosure of the
mental impression, conclusions, opinions or legal theories of an attorney
or other representative of a party concerning the litigation.

A party may obtain without the required showing a statement con-
cerning the action or its subject matter previously made by that party.
Upon request, a person not a party may obtain without the required
showing a statement concerning the action or its subject matter previously
made by that person. If the request is refused, the person may move for
a court order. The provisions of K.S.A. 60-237 and amendments thereto
apply to the award of expenses incurred in relation to the motion. For
purposes of this paragraph, a statement previously made is (A) a written
statement signed or otherwise adopted or approved by the person making
it, or (B) a stenographic, mechanical, electrical, or other recording, or a
transcription thereof, which is a substantially verbatim recital of an oral
statement by the person making it and contemporaneously recorded.

(4) (5) Trial preparation: Experts. Discovery of facts known and opin-
ions held by experts, otherwise discoverable under the provisions of sub-
section (b)(1) and acquired or developed in anticipation of litigation or
for trial, may be obtained only as follows:

(A) (i) A party may through interrogatories require any other party
to identify each person whom the other party expects to call as an expert

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1207

witness at trial, to state the subject matter on which the expert is expected
to testify and to state the substance of the facts and opinions to which
the expert is expected to testify and a summary of the grounds for each
opinion. (ii) Upon motion the court may order further discovery by other
means, subject to such restrictions as to scope and such provisions, pur-
suant to subsection (b)(4)(C), concerning fees and expenses as the court
may deem appropriate.

(A) A party may depose any person who has been identified as an
expert whose opinions may be presented at trial. If a disclosure from the
expert is required under subsection (b)(6), the deposition shall not be
conducted until after the disclosure is provided.

(B) A party may, through interrogatories or by deposition, may dis-
cover facts known or opinions held by an expert who has been retained
or specially employed by another party in anticipation of litigation or
preparation for trial and who is not expected to be called as a witness at
trial, only as provided in K.S.A. 60-235 and amendments thereto or upon
a showing of exceptional circumstances under which it is impracticable
for the party seeking discovery to obtain facts or opinions on the same
subject by other means.

(C) Unless manifest injustice would result, (i) the court shall require
that the party seeking discovery pay the expert a reasonable fee for time
spent in responding to discovery under subsections (b)(4)(A)(ii) and
this subsection; and (ii) with respect to discovery obtained under
subsection (b)(4)(A)(ii) the court may require, and with respect to dis-
covery obtained under subsection (b)(4)(B)
(b)(5)(B) the court shall re-
quire, the party seeking discovery to pay the other party a fair portion of
the fees and expenses reasonably incurred by the latter party in obtaining
facts and opinions from the expert.

(6) Disclosure of expert testimony.

(A) A party shall disclose to other parties the identity of any person
who may be used at trial to present expert testimony.

(B) Except as otherwise stipulated or directed by the court, this dis-
closure, with respect to a witness (i) whose sole connection with the case
is that the witness is retained or specially employed to provide expert
testimony in the case or (ii) whose duties as an employee of the party
regularly involve giving expert testimony, shall state the subject matter
on which the expert is expected to testify, the substance of the facts and
opinions to which the expert is expected to testify and a summary of the
grounds for each opinion.

(C) These disclosures shall be made at the times and in the sequence
directed by the court. In the absence of other directions from the court
or stipulation by the parties, the disclosures shall be made at least 90 days
before the trial date or the date the case is to be ready for trial or, if the
evidence is intended solely to contradict or rebut evidence on the same
subject matter identified by another party under paragraph (b)(6)(B),

1208             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

within 30 days after the disclosure made by the other party. The party
shall supplement these disclosures when required under subsection (e)(1).

(D) Unless otherwise ordered by the court, all disclosures under this
subsection shall be made in writing, signed and served. Such disclosures
shall be filed with the court in accordance with subsection (d) of K.S.A.
60-205 and amendments thereto.

(c) Protective orders. Upon motion by a party or by the person from
whom discovery is sought, and for good cause shown, the court in which
the action is pending or alternatively, on matters relating to a deposition,
the court in the district where the deposition is to be taken may make
any order which justice requires to protect a party or person from an-
noyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense in-
cluding one or more of the following:

(1) That the discovery not be had;

(2) that the discovery may be had only on specified terms and con-
ditions, including a designation of the time or place;

(3) that the discovery may be had only by a method of discovery other
than that selected by the party seeking discovery;

(4) that certain matters not be inquired into, or that the scope of the
discovery be limited to certain matters;

(5) that discovery be conducted with no one present except persons
designated by the court;

(6) that a deposition after being sealed be opened only by order of
the court;

(7) that a trade secret or other confidential research, development,
or commercial information not be disclosed or be disclosed only in a
designated way;

(8) that the parties simultaneously file specified documents or infor-
mation enclosed in sealed envelopes to be opened as directed by the

If the motion for a protective order is denied in whole or in part, the
court may, on such terms and conditions as are just, may order that any
party or person provide or permit discovery. The provisions of K.S.A. 60-
237 and amendments thereto apply to the award of expenses incurred in
relation to the motion.

(d) Sequence and timing of discovery. Unless the court upon motion,
for the convenience of parties and witnesses and in the interests of justice,
orders otherwise, methods of discovery may be used in any sequence and
the fact that a party is conducting discovery, whether by deposition or
otherwise, shall not operate to delay any other party's discovery.

(e) Supplementation of responses. A party who has made a disclosure
under subsection (b)(6) or
responded to a request for discovery with a
response that was complete when made
is under no a duty to supplement
or correct the party's disclosure or response to include information there-

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1209

after acquired, except as follows if ordered by the court or in the following

(1) A party is under a duty seasonably to supplement the party's re-
sponse with respect to any question directly addressed to (A) the identity
and location of persons having knowledge of discoverable matters, and
(B) the identity of each person expected to be called as an expert witness
at trial, the subject matter on which the party is expected to testify and
the substance of the party's testimony
at appropriate intervals its disclo-
sures under subsection (b)(6) if the party learns that in some material
respect the information disclosed is incomplete or incorrect and if the
additional or corrective information has not otherwise been made known
to the other parties during the discovery process or in writing. With re-
spect to testimony of an expert under subsection (b)(6) the duty extends
both to information contained in the disclosure and to information pro-
vided through a deposition of the expert, and any additions or other
changes to this information shall be disclosed at least 30 days before trial,
unless otherwise directed by the court

(2) A party is under a duty seasonably to amend a prior response to
an interrogatory, request for production or request for admission
if the
party obtains information upon the basis of which (A) the party knows
that the response was incorrect when made, or (B) the party knows that
the response though correct when made is no longer true and the cir-
cumstances are such that a failure to amend the response is in substance
a knowing concealment
learns that the response is in some material re-
spect incomplete or incorrect and if the additional or corrective infor-
mation has not otherwise been made known to the other parties during
the discovery process or in writing

(3) A duty to supplement responses may be imposed by order of the
court, agreement of the parties, or at any time prior to trial through new
requests for supplementation of prior responses.

(f) Signing of disclosures, discovery requests, responses and objec-
tions. (1)
Every request for discovery or response or objection to discovery
made by a party represented by an attorney shall be signed by at least
one attorney of record in such attorney's individual name, whose address
shall be stated. A party who is not represented by an attorney shall sign
the request, response or objection and state such party's address. The
signature of the attorney or party constitutes a certification that the at-
torney or party has read the request, response or objection and that to
the best of such attorney's or party's knowledge, information and belief
formed after reasonable inquiry it is: (1) (A) Consistent with the rules of
civil procedure and warranted by existing law or good faith argument for
the extension, modification or reversal of existing law; (2) (B) not inter-
posed for any improper purpose, such as to harass or to cause unnecessary
delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation; and (3) (C) not unrea-
sonable or unduly burdensome or expensive, given the needs of the case,

1210             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

the discovery already had in the case, the amount in controversy and the
importance of the issues at stake in the litigation. If a request, response
or objection is not signed, it shall be stricken unless it is signed promptly
after the omission is called to the attention of the party or person making
the request, response or objection and a party shall not be obligated to
take any action with respect to it until it is signed.

(2) Every disclosure made under subsection (b)(6) shall be signed by
at least one attorney of record in the attorney's individual name whose
address shall be stated. An unrepresented party shall sign the disclosure
and state the party's address. The signature of the attorney or party con-
stitutes a certification that to the best of the signer's knowledge, infor-
mation and belief, formed after a reasonable inquiry, the disclosure is
complete and correct as of the time it is made.

(3) If, without substantial justification, a certification is made in vi-
olation of this section, the court, upon motion or upon its own initiative,
shall impose upon the person who made the certification or the party on
whose behalf the disclosure, request, response or objection is made, or
both, an appropriate sanction, which may include an order to pay the
amount of reasonable expenses incurred because of the violation, includ-
ing reasonable attorney fees.

Sec. 12. K.S.A. 60-228 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-228.
(a) Within the United States. (1) Depositions may be taken in this state
before any officer or person authorized to administer oaths by the laws
of this state.

(2) Without the state but within the United States, or within a terri-
tory or insular possession subject to the dominion of the United States,
depositions shall be taken before an officer authorized to administer oaths
by the laws of the place where the examination is held, or before a person
appointed by the court in which the action is pending. A person so ap-
pointed has power to administer oaths and take testimony.

(3) Any court of record of this state, or any judge thereof, before
whom an action or proceeding is pending, is authorized to grant a com-
mission to take depositions within or without the state. The commission
may be issued by the clerk to a person or persons therein named, under
the seal of the court granting the same.

(b) In foreign countries. In a foreign country, Depositions may be
taken in a foreign country:

(1) Pursuant to any applicable treaty or convention;

(2) pursuant to a letter of request, whether or not captioned a letter

(3) on notice before a person authorized to administer oaths in the
place where the examination is held, either by the law of the United States
or the law of that place, or (2);

(4) before a person appointed by commission, or (3) under letters

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1211

rogatory. A person appointed by commission has power by virtue of his
or her
the appointment to administer oaths and take testimony. A com-
mission or letters rogatory letter of request shall be issued on application
and notice, and on terms and directions that are just and appropriate. It
is not requisite to the issuance of letters rogatory a commission or a letter
of request
that the taking of the deposition by commission or on notice
in any other matter is impracticable or inconvenient; and both a com-
mission and letters rogatory letter of request may be issued in proper
cases. A notice or commission may designate the person before whom
the deposition is to be taken either by name or descriptive title. Letters
A letter of request may be addressed ``To the Appropriate Judicial
Authority in (here name the country).'' When a letter of request or any
other device is used pursuant to an applicable treaty or convention, it
shall be captioned in the form prescribed by that treaty or convention.

Evidence obtained under letters rogatory in response to a letter of request
shall not be excluded on the ground that it is not in the form of questions
and answers or is not a verbatim transcript of the testimony.

(c) Disqualification for interest. No deposition shall be taken before
a person who is a relative or employee or attorney or counsel of any of
the parties, or is a relative or employee of such attorney or counsel, or is
financially interested in the action.

(d) Depositions for use in foreign jurisdictions. Whenever the depo-
sition of any person is to be taken in this state pursuant to the laws of
another state or of the United States or of another country for use in
proceedings there, the district court in the county where the deponent
resides or is employed or transacts his or her business in person may,
upon ex parte petition, make an order directing issuance of subpoena as
provided in K.S.A. 60-245, in aid of the taking of the deposition, and may
make any order in accordance with K.S.A. 60-230 (d) subsection (d) of
K.S.A. 60-230
, subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-237 (a) or subsection (b)(1) of
K.S.A. 60-237 (b) (1) and amendments thereto.

Sec. 13. K.S.A. 60-230 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-230.
(a) When depositions may be taken; when leave required. After com-
mencement of the action, any
(1) A party may take the testimony of any
person, including a party, by deposition upon oral examination. Leave of
court, granted with or without notice, shall be obtained only if the plaintiff
seeks to take a deposition prior to the expiration of 30 days after service
of the summons and petition upon any defendant or service made under
K.S.A. 60-301 et seq., and amendments thereto, except that leave is not
required if (1) a defendant has served a notice of taking deposition or
otherwise sought discovery or (2) special notice is given as provided in
this section
without leave of court except as provided in paragraph (2).
The attendance of witnesses may be compelled by subpoena as provided
in K.S.A. 60-245 and amendments thereto. The deposition of a person

1212             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

confined in prison may be taken only by leave of court on such terms as
the court prescribes.

(2) A party must obtain leave of court, which shall be granted to the
extent consistent with the principles stated in subsection (b)(2) of K.S.A.
60-226 and amendments thereto, if the person to be examined is confined
in prison or if, without written stipulation of the parties:

(A) The person to be examined already has been deposed in the case;

(B) a party seeks to take a deposition of a nonparty before the time
specified in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-216 and amendments thereto, un-
less the notice contains a certification, with supporting facts, that the
person to be examined is expected to leave Kansas and be unavailable for
examination in Kansas unless deposed before that time; or

(C) the plaintiff seeks to take a deposition of a party, or a deposition
of a nonparty in an action in which a case management conference has
not been scheduled under subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-216 and amend-
ments thereto, prior to the expiration of 30 days after service of the sum-
mons and petition upon any defendant or service made under K.S.A.
60-301 et seq., and amendments thereto, unless (i) a defendant has served
a notice of taking deposition or otherwise sought discovery or (ii) the
notice contains a certification, with supporting facts, that the person to
be examined is expected to leave Kansas and be unavailable for exami-
nation in Kansas unless deposed before expiration of the 30-day period.

(b) Notice of examination; general requirements; special notice; non-
stenographic recording; production of documents and things; deposition
of organization.
(1) A party desiring to take the deposition of any person
upon oral examination shall give reasonable notice in writing to every
other party to the action. The attendance of witnesses may be compelled
by subpoena as provided in K.S.A. 60-245 and amendments thereto.
notice shall state the time and place for taking the deposition and the
name and address of each person to be examined, if known. If, and, if
the name is not known, a general description sufficient to identify the
person or the particular class or group to which the person belongs. If a
subpoena duces tecum is to be served on the person to be examined, a
designation of the materials to be produced as set forth in the subpoena
shall be attached to or included in the notice.

(2) Leave of court is not required for the taking of a deposition by
plaintiff if the notice (A) states that the person to be examined is about
to go out of the district where the action is pending and more than 100
miles from the place of trial or is about to leave the United States, or is
bound on a voyage to sea and will be unavailable for examination unless
the deposition is taken before expiration of the 30-day period, and (B)
sets forth facts to support the statement. The plaintiff's attorney shall sign
the notice and the attorney's signature constitutes a certification by the
attorney that to the best of the attorney's knowledge, information and
belief the statement and supporting facts are true. The sanctions provided

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1213

by K.S.A. 60-211 and amendments thereto are applicable to the certifi-

If a party shows that when the party was served with notice under this
section the party was unable through the exercise of diligence to obtain
counsel to represent the party at the taking of the deposition, the depo-
sition may not be used against the party.

(3) The judge may for cause shown enlarge or shorten the time for
taking the deposition.

(4) (2) The parties may stipulate in writing or the court may upon
motion order that the testimony at a deposition be recorded by other than
stenographic means. The stipulation or order shall designate the person
before whom the deposition shall be taken, the manner of recording,
preserving and filing the deposition, and may include other provisions to
assure that the recorded testimony will be accurate and trustworthy. A
party may arrange to have a stenographic transcription made at the party's
own expense. Any objections under subsection (c), any changes made by
the witness, the signature identifying the deposition as the signature of
the witness or the statement of the officer that is required by subsection
(e) if the witness does not sign and the certification of the officer required
by subsection (f) shall be set forth in writing to accompany a deposition
recorded by nonstenographic means.

(3) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, a deposition shall be con-
ducted before an officer appointed or designated under K.S.A. 60-228 and
amendments thereto, and shall begin with a statement on the record by
the officer that includes: (A) The officer's name and business address;
(B) the date, time and place of the deposition; (C) the name of the
deponent; (D) the administration of the oath or affirmation to the de-
ponent; and (E) an identification of all persons present. If the deposition
is recorded other than stenographically, the officer shall repeat items (A)
through (C) at the beginning of each unit of recorded tape or other re-
cording medium. The appearance or demeanor of deponents or attorneys
shall not be distorted through camera or sound-recording techniques. At
the end of the deposition, the officer shall state on the record that the
deposition is complete and shall set forth any stipulations made by counsel
concerning the custody of the transcript or recording and the exhibits, or
concerning other pertinent matters. Any deposition which is to be re-
corded stenographically may also be recorded on videotape, or a com-
parable medium, by any party by giving notice to the other parties prior
to the deposition.

(5) (4) The notice to a party deponent may be accompanied by a
request made in compliance with K.S.A. 60-234 and amendments thereto
for the production of documents and tangible things at the taking of the
deposition. The procedure of K.S.A. 60-234 and amendments thereto
shall apply to the request.

(6) (5) A party may in the notice and in a subpoena name as the

1214             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

deponent a public or private corporation or a partnership, association or
governmental agency and designate with reasonable particularity the mat-
ters on which examination is requested. The named organization shall
designate one or more officers, directors, managing agents or other per-
sons who consent to testify on its behalf and may set forth, for each person
designated, the matters on which the person will testify. A subpoena shall
advise a nonparty organization of its duty to make such a designation.

The designated persons shall testify as to matters known or reasonably
available to the organization. This subsection does not preclude taking a
deposition by any other procedure authorized in these rules.

(7) (6) The parties may stipulate in writing or the court may upon
motion order that a deposition be taken by telephone or other remote
electronic means
. For the purposes of this section and K.S.A. 60-228(a),
60-237(a)(1), 60-237(b)(1) and 60-245(e),
subsection (c) of K.S.A. 60-226,
subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-228, subsection (a)(1) of K.S.A. 60-237, sub-
section (b)(1) of K.S.A. 60-237 and subsection (a)(2) of K.S.A. 60-245
amendments thereto, a deposition taken by telephone shall be or other
remote electronic means is
taken in the district agreed upon by the parties
and at the place where the deponent answers questions. If a deposition
is taken by telephone, a stenographic record of the deposition shall be
made while the deposition is being taken.

(8) The parties may stipulate in writing or the court, upon motion
and a finding that it is necessary, may order that a deposition be video-
taped. If a deposition is videotaped, a stenographic record of the depo-
sition shall be made while the deposition is being taken, at the place where
the deponent answers questions.

(c) Examination and cross-examination; record of examination; oath;
Examination and cross-examination of witnesses may proceed
as permitted at the trial under the provisions of K.S.A. 60-243 and amend-
ments thereto. The officer before whom the deposition is to be taken
shall put the witness on oath or affirmation and shall personally, or by
some one acting under the direction and in the presence of the officer,
record the testimony of the witness. The testimony shall be taken sten-
ographically or recorded by any other means ordered in accordance with
subsection (b)(4) (b)(2). If requested by one of the parties, the testimony
shall be transcribed. The judge may order the cost of transcription paid
by one or some of, or apportioned among, the parties. All objections made
at the time of the examination to the qualifications of the officer taking
the deposition, to the manner of taking it, to the evidence presented, to
the conduct of any party and any other objection to or to any other aspect
the proceedings shall be noted by the officer upon the record of the
deposition. Evidence objected to shall be; but the examination shall pro-
ceed, with the testimony being
taken subject to the objections. In lieu of
participating in the oral examination, parties may serve written questions
in a sealed envelope on the party taking the deposition and the party shall

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1215

transmit them the questions to the officer who shall propound them such
to the witness and record the answers verbatim.

(d) Motion to terminate or limit examination. At any time during the
taking of the deposition, on motion of a party or of the deponent and
upon a showing that the examination is being conducted in bad faith or
in such manner as unreasonably to annoy, embarrass or oppress the de-
ponent or party, the judge in the district where the action is pending or
where the deposition is being taken may order the officer conducting the
examination to cease forthwith from taking the deposition or may limit
the scope and manner of the taking of the deposition as provided in
subsection (c) of K.S.A. 60-226(c) 60-226 and amendments thereto. If the
order made terminates the examination, it shall be resumed only upon
the order of the judge where the action is pending. Upon demand of the
objecting party or deponent the taking of the deposition shall be sus-
pended for the time necessary to make a motion for an order. The pro-
visions of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-237(a) 60-237 and amendments
thereto apply to the award of expenses incurred in relation to the motion.

(e) Submission to Review by witness; changes; signing. When the tes-
timony is fully transcribed, the deposition shall be submitted to the wit-
ness for examination and shall be read to or by the witness, unless the
examination and reading are waived by the witness and by the parties.
The officer shall enter, on a form prescribed by rule of the supreme court,
any changes which the witness desires to make in the form or substance
of the deposition, together with a statement of the reasons given by the
witness for making the changes. The deposition shall then be signed by
the witness, unless the parties by stipulation waive the signing or the
witness is ill, cannot be found or refuses to sign. The officer before whom
the deposition is taken shall submit the deposition by sending it by
first-class mail or by hand delivering it, either to the witness or to the
attorney for the witness if the witness is a party to the lawsuit.

If the deposition is not signed by the witness or not returned within
the time limitation provided in this subsection, the officer shall sign it or
a copy of it and state on the record the waiver, the illness or absence of
the witness or the refusal to sign together with the reason given, if any,
or the failure to return the deposition within 30 days after having been
submitted. The deposition may be used as though signed, unless on a
motion to suppress under K.S.A. 60-232(d)(4) and amendments thereto,
the judge holds that the reasons given for the refusal to sign require
rejection of the deposition in whole or in part
Unless waived by the de-
ponent and by the parties, the deponent shall have 30 days after being
notified by the officer that the transcript or recording is available in which
to review the transcript or recording and, if there are changes in form or
substance, to sign a statement reciting such changes and the reasons given
by the deponent for making such changes. The officer shall indicate in the
certificate prescribed by subsection (f)(1) whether the deposition was re-

1216             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

viewed and, if so, shall append any changes made by the deponent during
the period allowed

(f) Certification and delivery or filing by officer; notice of delivery or
filing; copies; exhibits; retention of original.
(1) The officer shall certify
on the deposition that the witness was duly sworn by the officer and that
the deposition is a true record of the testimony given by the witness. This
certificate shall be in writing and accompany the record of the deposition.

Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the officer shall securely seal the
deposition in an envelope or package indorsed with the title of the action
and marked ``deposition of (here insert name of witness)'' and shall
promptly deliver it the deposition to the party taking the deposition, who
shall store the deposition under conditions that will protect the deposition
against loss, destruction, tampering or deterioration
. If so ordered by the
court, the officer shall promptly file the deposition with the court in which
the action is pending or send it by first-class mail to the clerk for filing.
The officer shall serve notice of the delivery or filing of the deposition on
all parties. Upon payment of reasonable charges therefor, the officer shall
furnish a copy of the deposition to any party or to the deponent.

Documents and things produced for inspection during the examination
of the witness shall, upon the request of a party, shall be marked for
identification and annexed to the deposition and may be inspected and
copied by any party, except that if the person producing the materials
desires to retain them the person may (A) offer copies to be marked for
identification and annexed to the deposition and to serve as originals, if
the person affords to all parties an opportunity to verify the copies by
comparison with the originals, or (B) offer the originals to be marked for
identification, after giving to each party an opportunity to inspect and
copy them, in which event the materials may then be used in the same
manner as if annexed to and returned with the deposition. Any party may
move for an order that the original be annexed to the deposition.

(2) Unless otherwise ordered by the court or agreed by the parties,
the officer shall retain stenographic notes of any deposition taken steno-
graphically or a copy of the recording of any deposition taken by another
method. Upon payment of reasonable charges therefore, the officer shall
furnish a copy of the transcript or other recording of the deposition to
any party or to the deponent.

(2) (3) Except when filed with the court, the original of a deposition
shall be retained by the party to whom it is delivered and made available
for appropriate use by any party.

(g) Failure to attend or to serve subpoena; expenses. (1) If the party
giving the notice of the taking of a deposition fails to attend and proceed
therewith and another party attends in person or by attorney pursuant to
the notice, the court may order the party giving the notice to pay to such
other party the reasonable expenses incurred by that party and attorney
in so attending, including reasonable attorney fees.

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1217

(2) If the party giving the notice of the taking of a deposition of a
witness fails to serve a subpoena upon the witness and because of such
failure the witness does not attend, and if another party attends in person
or by attorney because the party expects the deposition of that witness to
be taken, the court may order the party giving the notice to pay the
reasonable expenses and attorney fees of the party and the party's attorney
in attending the taking of the deposition.

(h) Persons to be present. Unless otherwise ordered by the judge or
stipulated by counsel, no person shall be present while a deposition is
being taken except the officer before whom it is being taken; the reporter,
stenographer or person recording the deposition; the parties to the action,
their respective counsel and paralegals or legal assistants of such counsel;
and the deponent.

Sec. 14. K.S.A. 60-231 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-231.
(a) Serving questions; notice. After commencement of the action, any (1)
party may take the testimony of any person, including a party, by dep-
osition upon written questions without leave of court except as provided
in paragraph (2)
. The attendance of witnesses may be compelled by the
use of subpoena as provided in K.S.A. 60-245 and amendments thereto.
The deposition of a person confined in prison may be taken only by leave
of court on such terms as the judge prescribes.

(2) A party must obtain leave of court, which shall be granted to the
extent consistent with the principles stated in subsection (b)(2) of K.S.A.
60-226 and amendments thereto, if the person to be examined is confined
in prison or if, without the written stipulation of the parties:

(A) The person to be examined has already been deposed in the case;

(B) a party seeks to take a deposition of a nonparty before the time
specified in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-216 and amendments thereto.

(3) A party desiring to take a deposition upon written questions shall
serve them upon every other party with a notice stating (1) (A) the name
and address of the person who is to answer them, if known, and, if the
name is not known, a general description sufficient to identify the person
or the particular class or group to which the person belongs and (2) (B)
the name or descriptive title and address of the officer before whom the
deposition is to be taken. A deposition upon written questions may be
taken of a public or private corporation or a partnership, association or
governmental agency in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b)
K.S.A. 60-230 (b) and amendments thereto.

(4) Within 30 14 days after the notice and written questions are
served, a party may serve cross-questions upon all other parties. Within
10 14 days after being served with cross-questions, a party may serve
redirect questions upon all other parties. Within 10 14 days after being
served with redirect questions, a party may serve recross-questions upon

1218             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

all other parties. The court may for cause shown enlarge or shorten the

(b) Officer to take responses and prepare record. A copy of the notice
and copies of all questions served shall be delivered by the party taking
the depositions to the officer designated in the notice, who shall proceed
promptly, in the manner provided by subsections (c), (e) and (f) of K.S.A.
60-230 (c), (e) and (f), and amendments thereto, to take the testimony of
the witness in response to the questions and to prepare, certify and either
deliver or file or mail the deposition, attaching thereto the copy of the
notice and the questions received by the officer.

Sec. 15. K.S.A. 60-232 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-232.
(a) Use of deposition. At the trial or upon the hearing of a motion or an
interlocutory proceeding, any part or all of a deposition, so far as admis-
sible under the rules of evidence applied as though the witness were then
present and testifying, may be used against any party who was present or
represented at the taking of the deposition or who had reasonable notice
thereof, in accordance with any of the following provisions:

(1) Any deposition may be used by any party for the purpose of con-
tradicting or impeaching the testimony of deponent as a witness.

(2) The deposition of a party or of any one who at the time of taking
the deposition was an officer, director, or managing agent, or a person
designated under K.S.A. 60-230 or 60-231, and amendments thereto, to
testify on behalf of a public or private corporation, partnership or asso-
ciation or governmental agency which is a party may be used by an adverse
party for any purpose.

(3) The deposition of a witness, whether or not a party, may be used
by any party for any purpose if the court finds that:

(A) The witness is dead;

(B) the witness is at a greater distance than 100 miles from the place
of trial or hearing, or is out of the state of Kansas, unless it appears that
the absence of the witness was procured by the party offering the depo-

(C) the witness is unable to attend or testify because of age, illness,
infirmity, or imprisonment;

(D) the party offering the deposition has been unable to procure the
attendance of the witness by subpoena; or

(E) upon application and notice, such exceptional circumstances exist
as to make it desirable, in the interest of justice and with due regard to
the importance of presenting the testimony of witnesses orally in open
court, to allow the deposition to be used.

A deposition taken without leave of court pursuant to a notice under
subsection (a)(2)(B) or (a)(2)(C)(ii) of K.S.A. 60-230 and amendments
thereto, shall not be used against a party who demonstrates that, when
served with the notice, the party was unable through the exercise of dil-

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1219

igence to obtain counsel to represent such party at the taking of the dep-

(4) If only part of a deposition is offered in evidence by a party, an
adverse party may require him the party to introduce any other part which
ought in fairness to be considered with the part introduced, and any party
may introduce any other parts. Substitution of parties pursuant to K.S.A.
60-225 and amendments thereto does not affect the right to use deposi-
tions previously taken; and, when an action has been brought in any court
of the United States or of any state has been dismissed and another action
involving the same subject matter is afterward brought between the same
parties or their representatives or successors in interest, all depositions
lawfully taken in the former action may be used in the latter as if originally
taken therefor.

(b) Objections to admissibility. Subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 60-
subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-228 and amendments thereto and sub-
section (d)(3) (e)(3), objection may be made at the trial or hearing to
receiving in evidence any deposition or part thereof for any reason which
would require the exclusion of the evidence if the witness were then
present and testifying.

(c) Form of presentation. Except as otherwise directed by the court,
a party offering deposition testimony under this section may offer it in
stenographic or nonstenographic form, but, if in nonstenographic form,
the party shall also provide the court and opposing parties with a tran-
script of the entire deposition from which the portions offered were taken.
On request of any party in a case tried before a jury, deposition testimony
offered other than for impeachment purposes shall be presented in non-
stenographic form, if available, unless the court for good cause orders

(d) Effect of taking or using depositions. A party does not make a
person the party's own witness for any purpose by taking the person's
deposition. The introduction in evidence of the deposition or any part
thereof for any purpose other than that of contradicting or impeaching
the deponent makes the deponent the witness of the party introducing
the deposition but this shall not apply to the use by an adverse party of
a deposition under subsection (a)(2). At the trial or hearing any party may
rebut any relevant evidence contained in a deposition whether introduced
by the party or by any other party.

(d) (e) Effect of errors and irregularities in depositions. (1) As to no-
All errors and irregularities in the notice for taking a deposition are
waived unless written objection is promptly served upon the party giving
the notice.

(2) As to disqualification of officer. Objection to taking a deposition
because of disqualification of the officer before whom it is to be taken is
waived unless made before the taking of the deposition begins or as soon

1220             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

thereafter as the disqualification becomes known or could be discovered
with reasonable diligence.

(3) As to taking of deposition. (A) Objections to the competency of a
witness or to the competency, relevancy or materiality of testimony are
not waived by failure to make them before or during the taking of the
deposition, unless the ground of the objection is one which might have
been obviated or removed if presented at that time.

(B) Errors and irregularities occurring at the oral examination in the
manner of taking the deposition, in the form of the questions or answers,
in the oath or affirmation or in the conduct of parties, and errors of any
kind which might be obviated, removed or cured if promptly presented,
are waived unless seasonable objection thereto is made at the taking of
the deposition.

(C) Objections to the form of written questions submitted under
K.S.A. 60-231 and amendments thereto are waived unless served in writ-
ing upon the party propounding them within the time allowed for serving
the succeeding cross or other questions and within five days after service
of the last questions authorized.

(4) As to completion and return of deposition. Errors and irregulari-
ties in the manner in which the testimony is transcribed or the deposition
is prepared, signed, certified, sealed, indorsed, transmitted, filed, deliv-
ered or otherwise dealt with by the officer under K.S.A. 60-230 or 60-
231, and amendments thereto, are waived unless a motion to suppress
the deposition or some part thereof is made with reasonable promptness
after such defect is, or with due diligence might have been, ascertained.

Sec. 16. K.S.A. 60-233 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-233.
(a) Availability; procedures for use. Any party may serve upon any other
party written interrogatories to be answered by the party served or, if the
party served is a public or private corporation or a partnership, association
or governmental agency, by any officer or agent, who shall furnish such
information as is available to the party. Interrogatories may, without leave
of court, may be served upon the plaintiff after commencement of the
action and upon any other party with or after service of process upon that

(b) Answers and objections. (1) Each interrogatory shall be answered
separately and fully in writing under oath, unless it is objected to, in which
event the objecting party shall state the reasons for objection shall be
stated in lieu of an answer
and shall answer to the extent the interrogatory
is not objectionable

(2) The answers are to be signed by the person making them the
, and the objections signed by the attorney making them the ob-

(3) The party upon whom the interrogatories have been served shall
serve a copy of the answers, and objections if any, within 30 days after

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1221

the service of the interrogatories, except that a defendant may serve an-
swers or objections within 45 days after service of process upon that de-
fendant. The court may allow a shorter or longer time.

(4) All grounds for an objection to an interrogatory shall be stated
with specificity. Any ground not stated in a timely objection is waived
unless the party's failure to object is excused by the court for good cause

(5) The party submitting the interrogatories may move for an order
under subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-237 and amendments thereto with re-
spect to any objection to or other failure to answer an interrogatory.

(b) (c) Scope; use at trial. Interrogatories may relate to any matters
which can be inquired into under subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-226 and
amendments thereto and the answers may be used to the extent permit-
ted by the rules of evidence.

An interrogatory otherwise proper is not necessarily objectionable
merely because an answer to the interrogatory involves an opinion or
contention that relates to fact or the application of law to fact, but the
court may order that such an interrogatory need not be answered until
after designated discovery has been completed or until a pretrial confer-
ence or other later time.

(c) (d) Option to produce business records. Where the answer to an
interrogatory may be derived or ascertained from the business records of
the party upon whom the interrogatory has been served or from an ex-
amination, audit or inspection of such business records, or from a com-
pilation, abstract or summary based thereon, and the burden of deriving
or ascertaining the answer is substantially the same for the party serving
the interrogatory as for the party served, it is a sufficient answer to such
interrogatory to specify the records from which the answer may be de-
rived or ascertained and to afford to the party serving the interrogatory
reasonable opportunity to examine, audit or inspect such records and to
make copies, compilations, abstracts or summaries. A specification shall
be in sufficient detail to permit the interrogating party to locate and to
identify, as readily as can the party served, the records from which the
answer may be ascertained.

Sec. 17. K.S.A. 60-234 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-234.
(a) Scope. Any party may serve on any other party a request (1) to produce
and permit the party making the request, or someone acting on the party's
behalf, to inspect and copy any designated documents (including writings,
drawings, graphs, charts, photographs, phono-records and other data
compilations from which information can be obtained, translated, if nec-
essary, by the respondent through detection devices into reasonable rea-
usable form), or to inspect and copy, test or sample any tangible
things which constitute or contain matters within the scope of subsection
(b) of K.S.A. 60-226 and amendments thereto and which are in the pos-

1222             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

session, custody or control of the party upon whom the request is served;
or (2) to permit entry upon designated land or other property in the
possession or control of the party upon whom the request is served for
the purpose of inspection and measuring, surveying, photographing, test-
ing or sampling the property or any designated object or operation
thereon, within the scope of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-226 and amend-
ments thereto.

(b) Procedure. The request may, without leave of court, may be
served upon the plaintiff after commencement of the action and upon
any other party with or after service of process upon that party. The
request shall set forth the items to be inspected either by individual item
or by category, and describe each item and category with reasonable par-
ticularity. The request shall specify a reasonable time, place and manner
of making the inspection and performing the related acts.

The party upon whom the request is served shall serve a written re-
sponse within 30 days after the service of the request, except that a de-
fendant may serve a response within 45 days after service of process upon
that defendant. The court may allow a shorter or longer time. The re-
sponse shall state, with respect to each item or category, that inspection
and related activities will be permitted as requested unless the request is
objected to, in which event the reasons for objection shall be stated. If
objection is made to part of an item or category, the part shall be specified
and inspection permitted of the remaining parts. The party submitting
the request may move for an order under subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-237
and amendments thereto with respect to any objection to or other failure
to respond to the request or any part thereof, or any failure to permit
inspection as requested. A party who produces documents for inspection
shall produce them as they are kept in the usual course of business or
shall organize and label them to correspond to the categories in the re-

(c) Persons not parties. This rule does not preclude an independent
action against a person not a party for production of documents and things
and permission to enter upon land
A person not a party to the action may
be compelled to produce documents and things or to submit to an inspec-
tion as provided in K.S.A. 60-245 and 60-245a and amendments thereto

Sec. 18. K.S.A. 60-235 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-235.
(a) Order for examination. When the mental or physical condition (, in-
cluding the blood group), of a party, or of a person in the custody or
under the legal control of a party, is in controversy, the court in which
the action is pending may order the party to submit to a physical or mental
examination by a physician suitably licensed or certified examiner or to
produce for examination the person in the party's custody or legal control.
The order may be made only on motion for good cause shown and upon
notice to the person to be examined and to all parties and shall specify

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1223

the time, place, manner, conditions and scope of the examination and the
person or persons by whom it is to be made. The moving party shall
advance the expenses which will necessarily be incurred by the party to
be examined.

(b) Report of examining physician examiner. (1) If requested by the
party against whom an order is made under subsection (a) or by the
person examined, the party causing the examination to be made shall
deliver to the party or person making the request a copy of a detailed
written report of the examining physician examiner, setting out the phy-
examiner's findings, including results of all tests made, diagnoses
and conclusions, together with like reports of all earlier examinations of
the same condition.

(2) This subsection applies to examinations made by agreement of
the parties, unless the agreement expressly provides otherwise. This sub-
section does not preclude discovery of a report of an examining physician
examiner or the taking of a deposition of the physician examiner in ac-
cordance with the provisions of any other rule.

(c) Reports of other examinations. Any party shall be entitled upon
request to receive from a party a report of any examination, previously or
thereafter made, of the condition in controversy, except that the party
shall not be required to provide such a report if the examination is of a
person not a party and the party is unable to obtain a report thereof.
Reports required to be provided under this subsection shall contain the
same information as specified for reports under subsection (b).

(d) Order requiring delivery of report. The court on motion may
make an order against a party requiring delivery of a report under sub-
section (b) or (c) on such terms as are just. If a physician an examiner
fails or refuses to make or deliver such a report, the court may exclude
the physician's examiner's testimony if offered at the trial.

Sec. 19. K.S.A. 60-236 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-236.
(a) Request for admission. A party may serve upon any other party a
written request for the admission, for purposes of the pending action only,
of the truth of any matters within the scope of K.S.A. 60-226, and amend-
ments thereto,
set forth in the request that relate to statements or opinions
of fact or of the application of law to fact, including the genuineness of
any documents described in the request. Copies of documents shall be
served with the request unless they have been or are otherwise furnished
or made available for inspection and copying. The request may, without
leave of the judge, may be served upon the plaintiff after commencement
of the action and upon any other party with or after service of process
upon that party. Each matter of which an admission is requested shall be
separately set forth. The A matter is admitted unless, within thirty (30)
30 days after service of the request, or within such shorter or longer time
as the court may allow, the party to whom the request is directed serves

1224             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

upon the party requesting the admission a written answer or objection
addressed to the matter, signed by the party or by his such party's attor-
ney, but, unless the court shortens the time, a defendant shall not be
required to serve answers or objections before the expiration of forty-five
45 days after service of process upon him the defendant. If objection
is made, the reasons therefor shall be stated. The answer shall specifically
deny the matter or set forth in detail the reasons why the answering party
cannot truthfully admit or deny the matter. A denial shall fairly meet the
substance of the requested admission, and when good faith requires that
a party qualify his such party's answer or deny only a part of the matter
of which an admission is requested, he such party shall specify so much
of it as is true and qualify or deny the remainder. An answering party may
not give lack of information or knowledge as a reason for failure to admit
or deny unless he such party states that he such party has made reason-
able inquiry and that the information known or readily obtainable by him
such party is insufficient to enable him such party to admit or deny. A
party who considers that a matter of which an admission has been re-
quested presents a genuine issue for trial may not, on that ground alone,
object to the request; he may such party, subject to the provisions of
subsection (c) of K.S.A. 60-237(c), and amendments thereto, may deny
the matter or set forth reasons why he such party cannot admit or deny

The party who has requested the admissions may move to determine
the sufficiency of the answers or objections. Unless the judge determines
that an objection is justified, he the judge shall order that an answer be
served. If the judge determines that an answer does not comply with the
requirements of this rule, he the judge may order either that the matter
is admitted or that an amended answer be served. The judge may, in lieu
of these orders, may determine that final disposition of the request be
made at a pretrial conference or at a designated time prior to trial. The
provisions of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-237(a), and amendments thereto,
apply to the award of expenses incurred in relation to the motion.

(b) Effect of admission. Any matter admitted under this rule is con-
clusively established unless the judge on motion permits withdrawal or
amendment of the admission. Subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 60-216,
and amendments thereto,
governing amendment of a pretrial order, the
judge may permit withdrawal or amendment when the presentation of
the merits of the action will be subserved thereby and the party who
obtained the admission fails to satisfy the judge that withdrawal or amend-
ment will prejudice him such party in maintaining his such party's action
or defense on the merits. Any admission made by a party under this rule
is for the purpose of the pending action only and is not an admission by
him such party for any other purpose nor may it be used against him
such party in any other proceeding.

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Sec. 20. K.S.A. 60-237 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-237.
(a) Motion for order compelling disclosure or discovery. A party, upon
reasonable notice to other parties and all persons affected thereby, may
apply for an order compelling disclosure or discovery as follows:

(1) Appropriate court. An application for an order to a party may be
made to the court in which the action is pending, or, on matters relating
to a deposition, to the judge in the district where the deposition is being
taken. An application for an order to a deponent who is not a party shall
be made to the judge in the district where the deposition is being taken.

(2) Motion. (A) If a party fails to make a disclosure required by sub-
section (b)(6) of K.S.A. 60-226 and amendments thereto, any other party
may move to compel disclosure and for appropriate sanctions. The motion
shall include a certification that the movant has in good faith conferred
or attempted to confer with the party not making the disclosure in an
effort to secure the disclosure without court action and shall describe the
steps taken by all counsel or unrepresented parties to resolve the issues
in dispute.

(B) If a deponent fails to answer a question propounded or submitted
under K.S.A. 60-230 or 60-231 and amendments thereto, or a corporation
or other entity fails to make a designation under K.S.A 60-230 (b) or
60-231 (a)
subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-230 or subsection (a) of K.S.A.
60-231 and amendments thereto
, or a party fails to answer an interrogatory
submitted under K.S.A. 60-233 and amendments thereto, or if a party, in
response to a request for inspection submitted under K.S.A. 60-234 and
amendments thereto
fails to respond that inspection will be permitted as
requested or fails to permit inspection as requested, the discovering party
may move for an order compelling an answer, or a designation, or an
order compelling inspection in accordance with the request. The motion
shall include a certification that the movant has in good faith conferred
or attempted to confer with the person or party failing to make the dis-
covery in an effort to secure the information or material without court
action and shall describe the steps taken by all counsel or unrepresented
parties to resolve the issues in dispute.
When taking a deposition on oral
examination, the proponent of the question may complete or adjourn the
examination before he applies applying for an order.

If the judge denies the motion in whole or in part, he may make such
protective order as he would have been empowered to make on a motion
made pursuant to K.S.A. 60-226 (c).

(3) Evasive or incomplete disclosure, answer or response. For pur-
poses of this subdivision an evasive or incomplete disclosure, answer or
is to be treated as a failure to disclose, answer or respond.

(4) Award of expenses of motion. Expenses and sanctions. (A) If the
disclosure or requested discovery is provided after the motion is filed but
before the court rules on the motion, the court, after affording an oppor-
tunity to be heard, may require the party or deponent whose conduct

1226             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

necessitated the motion or the party or attorney advising such conduct or
both of them to pay to the moving party the reasonable expenses incurred
in making the motion, including attorney fees. Expenses shall not be
awarded under this subparagraph if the court finds that the motion was
filed without the movant's first making a good faith effort to obtain the
disclosure or discovery without court action, or that the opposing party's
nondisclosure, response or objection was substantially justified, or that
other circumstances make an award of expenses unjust.

(B) If the motion is granted, the judge court shall, after affording an
opportunity for hearing to be heard, require the party or deponent whose
conduct necessitated the motion or the party or attorney advising such
conduct or both of them to pay to the moving party the reasonable ex-
penses incurred in obtaining the order making the motion, including at-
attorney fees, unless the judge court finds that the opposition to
motion was filed without the movant's first making a good faith effort
to obtain the disclosure or discovery without court action, or that the
opposing party's nondisclosure, response or objection
was substantially
justified or that other circumstances make an award of expenses unjust.

(C) If the motion is denied, the judge court may enter any protective
order authorized under subsection (c) of K.S.A. 60-226 and amendments
thereto, and
shall, after affording an opportunity for hearing to be heard,
require the moving party or the attorney advising filing the motion or
both of them to pay to the party or deponent who opposed the motion
the reasonable expenses incurred in opposing the motion, including at-
attorney fees, unless the judge court finds that the making of the
motion was substantially justified or that other circumstances make an
award of expenses unjust.

(D) If the motion is granted in part and denied in part, the judge
court may enter any protective order authorized under subsection (c) of
K.S.A. 60-226 and amendments thereto, and, may, after affording an op-
portunity to be heard,
apportion the reasonable expenses incurred in re-
lation to the motion among the parties and persons in a just manner.

(b) Failure to comply with order. (1) Sanctions by judge in district
where deposition is taken.
If a deponent fails to be sworn or to answer a
question after being directed to do so by the judge in the district in which
the deposition is being taken, the failure may be considered a contempt
of that court.

(2) Sanctions by court in which action is pending. If a party or an
officer, director or managing agent of a party or a person designated
under K.S.A. 60-230 (b) or 60-231 (a) subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-230 or
subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-231 and amendments thereto
to testify on
behalf of a party fails to obey an order to provide or permit discovery,
including an order made under subdivision (a) of this section or under
K.S.A. 60-235 and amendments thereto, the judge before whom the action

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1227

is pending may make such orders in regard to the failure as are just, and
among others the following:

(A) An order that the matters regarding which the order was made
or any other designated facts shall be taken to be established for the
purposes of the action in accordance with the claim of the party obtaining
the order;

(B) An order refusing to allow the disobedient party to support or
oppose designated claims or defenses, or prohibiting him such disobedient
from introducing designated matters in evidence;

(C) An order striking out pleadings or parts thereof, or staying further
proceedings until the order is obeyed, or dismissing the action or pro-
ceeding or any part thereof, or rendering a judgment by default against
the disobedient party;

(D) In lieu of any of the foregoing orders or in addition thereto, an
order treating as a contempt of court the failure to obey any orders except
an order to submit to a physical or mental examination;

(E) Where a party has failed to comply with an order under K.S.A.
60-235 (a)
subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-235 and amendments thereto re-
quiring him such party to produce another for examination, such orders
as are listed in paragraphs (A), (B) and (C) of this subsection, unless the
party failing to comply shows that he such party is unable to produce
such person for examination.

In lieu of any of the foregoing orders or in addition thereto, the judge
shall require the party failing to obey the order or the attorney advising
him such party or both to pay the reasonable expenses, including attor-
attorney fees, caused by the failure, unless the judge finds that the
failure was substantially justified or that other circumstances make an
award of expenses unjust.

(c) Expenses on failure to admit. Failure to disclose; false or mislead-
ing disclosure; refusal to admit. (1) A party that without substantial jus-
tification fails to disclose information required by subsection (b)(6) or
(e)(1) of K.S.A. 60-226, and amendments thereto, shall not, unless such
failure is harmless, be permitted to use as evidence at trial, at a hearing,
or on a motion any witness or information not so disclosed. In addition
to or in lieu of this sanction, the court, on motion and after affording an
opportunity to be heard, may impose other appropriate sanctions. In ad-
dition to requiring payment of reasonable expenses, including attorney
fees, caused by the failure, these sanctions may include any of the actions
authorized under subparagraphs (A), (B) and (C) of subsection (b)(2) and
may include informing the jury of the failure to make the disclosure.

(2) If a party fails to admit the genuineness of any documents or the
truth of any matter, as requested under K.S.A. 60-236 and amendments
, and if the party requesting the admissions thereafter proves the
genuineness of the document or the truth of the matter, he such party
may apply to the judge for an order requiring the other party to pay him

1228             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

such party the reasonable expenses incurred in making such proof, in-
cluding reasonable attorney's fees. The judge shall make the order unless
he the judge finds that (1) (A) the request was held objectionable to
subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-236 (a) 60-236, or (2) (B) the admission sought
was of no substantial importance, or (3) (C) the party failing to admit had
reasonable ground to believe that he might prevail on the matter, or (4)
(D) there was other good reason for the failure to admit.

(d) Failure of party to attend at own deposition or serve answers to
interrogatories or respond to request for inspection.
If a party or an of-
ficer, director, or managing agent of a party or a person designated under
K.S.A. 60-230 (b) or 60-231 (a) under subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-230 or
subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-231 and amendments thereto
to testify on
behalf of a party fails (1) to appear before the officer who is to take his
deposition, after being served with a proper notice, or (2) to serve answers
or objections to interrogatories submitted under K.S.A. 60-233 and
amendments thereto
, after proper service of the interrogatories, or (3) to
serve a written response to a request for inspection submitted under
K.S.A. 60-234 and amendments thereto after proper service of the re-
quest, the court in which the action is pending on motion may make such
orders in regard to the failure as are just, and among others it may take
any action authorized under paragraphs (A), (B) and (C) of subsection
(b) (2) of this section. Any motion specifying a failure under clause (2) or
(3) of this subsection shall include a certification that the movant has in
good faith conferred or attempted to confer with the party failing to an-
swer or respond in an effort to obtain such answer or response without
court action.
In lieu of any order or in addition thereto, the judge shall
require the party failing to act or the attorney advising him such party or
both to pay the reasonable expenses, including attorney's attorney fees,
caused by the failure, unless the judge finds that the failure was substan-
tially justified or that other circumstances make an award of expenses

The failure to act described in this subsection may not be excused on
the ground that the discovery sought is objectionable unless the party
failing to act has applied a pending motion for a protective order as pro-
vided by K.S.A. 60-226 (c) subsection (c) of K.S.A. 60-226 and amend-
ments thereto

Sec. 21. K.S.A. 60-238 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-238.
(a) Right preserved. The right of trial by jury as declared by section 5 of
the bill of rights in the Kansas constitution, and as given by a statute of
the state shall be preserved to the parties inviolate.

(b) Demand. Any party may demand a trial by jury of any issue triable
of right by a jury by: (1) Serving upon the other parties a demand therefor
in writing at any time after the commencement of the action and not later
than ten (10) 10 days after the service of the last pleading directed to

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1229

such issue; and (2) filing the demand as required by K.S.A. 60-205 and
amendments thereto
. Such demand may be indorsed upon a pleading of
the party.

(c) Same; specification of issues. In his or her the demand a party may
specify the issues which he or she the party wishes so tried; otherwise he
or she
the party shall be deemed to have demanded trial by jury for all
the issues so triable. If the party has demanded trial by jury for only some
of the issues, any other party within ten (10) 10 days after service of the
demand or such lesser time as the court may order, may serve a demand
for trial by jury of any other or all of the issues of fact in the action.

(d) Waiver. The failure of a party to serve and file a demand as re-
quired by this rule and to file it as required by K.S.A. 60-205 section
constitutes a waiver by him or her the party of trial by jury but waiver of
a jury trial may be set aside by the judge in the interest of justice or when
the waiver inadvertently results without serious negligence of the party.
A demand for trial by jury made as herein provided may not be withdrawn
without the consent of the parties.

Sec. 22. K.S.A. 60-241 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-241.
(a) Voluntary dismissal; effect thereof. (1) By plaintiff; by stipulation.
Subject to the provisions of subsection (e) of K.S.A. 60-223 and amend-
ments thereto
and of any statute of the state, an action may be dismissed
by the plaintiff without order of court (i) by filing a notice of dismissal at
any time before service by the adverse party of an answer or of a motion
for summary judgment, whichever first occurs, or (ii) by filing a stipulation
of dismissal signed by all parties who have appeared in the action. Where
the dismissal is by stipulation the clerk of the court shall enter an order
of dismissal as a matter of course. Unless otherwise stated in the notice
of dismissal or stipulation, the dismissal is without prejudice, except that
a notice of dismissal operates as an adjudication upon the merits when
filed by a plaintiff who has once dismissed in any court of the United
States or of any state an action based on or including the same claim.

(2) By order of court. Except as provided in paragraph (1) of this
subsection, an action shall not be dismissed at the plaintiff's instance save
upon order of the judge and upon such terms and conditions as the judge
deems proper. If a counterclaim has been pleaded by a defendant prior
to the service upon the defendant of the plaintiff's motion to dismiss, the
action shall not be dismissed against the defendant's objection unless the
counterclaim can remain pending for independent adjudication by the
court. Unless otherwise specified in the order, a dismissal under this par-
agraph is without prejudice. The judge may on the judge's own motion
cause a case to be dismissed without prejudice for lack of prosecution,
but only after directing the clerk to notify counsel of record not less than
ten (10) days in advance of such intended dismissal, that an order of
dismissal will be entered unless cause be shown for not doing so.

1230             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

(b) Involuntary dismissal; effect thereof. (1) For failure of the plaintiff
to prosecute or to comply with these sections or any order of court, a
defendant may move for dismissal of an action or of any claim against the
defendant. After the plaintiff, in an action tried by the court without a
jury, has completed the presentation of the plaintiff's evidence, the de-
fendant, without waiving the defendant's right to offer evidence in the
event the motion is not granted, may move for a dismissal on the ground
that upon the facts and the law the plaintiff has shown no right to relief.
The court as trier of the facts may then determine them and render
judgment against the plaintiff or may decline to render any judgment
until the close of all evidence. If the court renders judgment on the merits
against the plaintiff, the court shall make findings as provided in subsec-
tion (a) of K.S.A. 60-252.
Unless the court in its order for dismissal oth-
erwise specifies, a dismissal under this subsection paragraph and any
dismissal not provided for in this section, other than a dismissal for lack
of jurisdiction, for improper venue, or for failure to join a party under
K.S.A. 60-219 and amendments thereto, operates as an adjudication upon
the merits.

(2) The judge may on the judge's own motion cause a case to be dis-
missed without prejudice for lack of prosecution, but only after directing
the clerk to notify counsel of record not less than 10 days in advance of
such intended dismissal, that an order of dismissal will be entered unless
cause be shown for not doing so.

(c) Dismissal of counterclaim, cross-claim, or third-party claim. The
provisions of this section apply to the dismissal of any counterclaim, cross-
claim, or third-party claim. A voluntary dismissal by the claimant alone
pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection (a) shall be made before a re-
sponsive pleading is served or, if there is none, before the introduction
of evidence at the trial or hearing.

(d) Costs of previously dismissed action. If a plaintiff who has once
dismissed an action in any court commences an action based upon or
including the same claim against the same defendant, the court may make
such order for the payment of costs of the action previously dismissed as
it may deem deems proper and may stay the proceedings in the action
until the plaintiff has complied with the order.

Sec. 23. K.S.A. 60-243 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-243.
(a) Form and admissibility. In all trials the testimony of witnesses shall
be taken orally in open court, unless otherwise provided by this article.
All evidence shall be admitted which is admissible under specific statutes
or article 4 of this chapter. The competency of a witness to testify shall
be determined in like manner.

(b) Scope of examination and cross-examination. A party may inter-
rogate any unwilling or hostile witness by leading questions. A party may
call an adverse party or an officer, director, or managing agent of a public

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1231

or private corporation or of a partnership or association which is an ad-
verse party, and interrogate him such witness by leading questions and
contradict him such witness and impeach him such witness in all respects
as if he such witness had been called by the adverse party, and the witness
thus called may be contradicted and impeached by or on behalf of the
adverse party also, and may be cross-examined by the adverse party only
upon the subject matter of his such witness' examination in chief.

(c) Record of excluded evidence. In an action tried by a jury, if an
objection to a question propounded to a witness is sustained by the court,
the examining attorney may make a specific offer of what he the exam-
ining attorney
expects to prove by the answer of the witness. The offer
shall be made out of the hearing of the jury. The court may add such
other or further statement as clearly shows the character of the evidence,
the form in which it was offered, the objection made, and the ruling
thereon. In actions tried without a jury the same procedure may be fol-
lowed, except that the court upon request shall take and report the evi-
dence in full, unless it clearly appears that the evidence is not admissible
on any ground or that the witness is privileged.

(d) Evidence on motions. When a motion is based on facts not ap-
pearing of record the court may hear the matter on affidavits presented
by the respective parties, but the court may direct that the matter be
heard wholly or partly on oral testimony or depositions.

(e) Interpreters. In accordance with K.S.A. 75-4351 through 75-
4355d and amendments thereto,
the court may appoint an interpreter of
its own selection and may determine the reasonable compensation of such
interpreter, and direct its payment out of such funds as may be provided
by law
fix the interpreter's reasonable compensation. The compensation
shall be paid out of funds provided by law or, subject to the limitations
in K.S.A. 75-4352 and 75-4355b and amendments thereto, by one or more
of the parties as the court may direct, and may be taxed ultimately as
costs, in the discretion of the court

Sec. 24. K.S.A. 60-245 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-245.
(a) For attendance of witnesses; Form; issuance. (1) Every subpoena for
attendance of a witness shall be issued by the clerk under the seal of the
court or by a judge,

(A) State the name of the court and from which it is issued;

(B) state the title of the action, and shall the name of the court in
which it is pending and the file number of the action;

(C) command each person to whom it is directed to attend and give
testimony or to produce and permit inspection and copying of designated
books, documents or tangible things in the possession, custody or control
of that person, or to permit inspection of premises,
at a time and place
specified in the subpoena; and

(D) set forth the text of subsections (c) and (d) of this section.

1232             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

A command to produce evidence or to permit inspection may be joined
with a command to appear at trial or hearing or at deposition, or may be
issued separately. Subpoena and production of records of a business
which is not a party shall be in accordance with K.S.A. 60-245a and
amendments thereto.

(2) A subpoena commanding attendance at a trial or hearing shall
issue from the district court in which the hearing or trial is to be held. A
subpoena for attendance at a deposition shall issue from the district court
in which the action is pending or the officer before whom the deposition
is to be taken or, if the deposition is to be taken outside the state, from
an officer authorized by the law of the other state to issue the subpoena.
If separate from a subpoena commanding the attendance of a person, a
subpoena for production or inspection shall issue from the district court
in which the action is pending or, if the production or inspection is to be
made outside the state, an officer authorized by the law of the other state
to issue the subpoena.

(3) Every subpoena issued by the court shall be issued by the clerk
under the seal of the court or by a judge. Upon request of a party, the
clerk shall issue a blank subpoena. The blank subpoena shall bear the seal
of the court, the title and file number of the action and the clerk's signature
or a facsimile of the clerk's signature. The party to whom a blank subpoena
is issued shall fill it in before service

(b) For production of documentary evidence. A subpoena may also
command the person to whom it is directed to produce the books, papers,
documents or tangible things designated in the subpoena, but the court,
upon motion made promptly and at or before the time specified in the
subpoena for compliance therewith, may (1) quash or modify the sub-
poena if it is unreasonable or oppressive or (2) condition denial of the
motion upon the advancement by the person in whose behalf the sub-
poena is issued of the reasonable cost of producing the books, papers,
documents or tangible things.

Subpoena and production of records of a business which is not a party
shall be in accordance with K.S.A. 60-245a, and amendments thereto.

(c) Blank subpoenas. Upon request of a party, the clerk shall issue a
blank subpoena for the attendance of a witness or the production of doc-
umentary evidence. The blank subpoena shall bear the seal of the court,
the title and file number of the action and the clerk's signature or a
facsimile of the clerk's signature. The party to whom a blank subpoena is
issued shall fill it in before service.

(d) Service. Service of a subpoena upon a person named therein may
be made anywhere within the state,
shall be made in accordance with
K.S.A. 60-303, and amendments thereto, and shall, if the person's at-
tendance is commanded,
be accompanied by the fees for one day's
attendance and the mileage allowed by law. When sought independently
of a deposition, prior notice of any commanded production of documents

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1233

or inspection of premises before trial shall be served on each party in the
manner prescribed by subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-205 and amendments

(e) Subpoena or notice for taking depositions; place of examination.
(1) Proof of service of a notice to take a deposition as provided in sub-
section (b) of K.S.A. 60-230 and subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-231, and
amendments thereto, constitutes sufficient authorization for the issuance
of subpoenas for the person named or described in the notice. In addition
to those mentioned in subsection (a), a subpoena for taking depositions
may be issued by the officer before whom the deposition is to be taken,
by the clerk of the district court where the deposition is to be taken or,
if the deposition is to be taken outside the state, by an officer authorized
by the law of the other state to issue the subpoena. The subpoena may
command the person to whom it is directed to produce and permit in-
spection and copying of designated books, papers, documents or tangible
things which constitute or contain matters within the scope of the ex-
amination permitted by subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-226 and amendments
thereto, but in that event the subpoena will be subject to the provisions
of subsection (c) of K.S.A. 60-226 and amendments thereto and subsec-
tion (c). In lieu of the procedure outlined in K.S.A. 60-234 and amend-
ments thereto, when a party gives notice of the taking of the deposition
of another party, the notice of taking the deposition and the contents of
the notice will be as compelling upon the party as a subpoena.

Within 10 days after the service of a subpoena or at or before the time
specified in the subpoena for compliance, if the time is less than 10 days
after service, a party or person to whom the subpoena is directed may
serve upon the attorney designated in the subpoena written objection to
inspection or copying of any or all of the designated materials. If objection
is made, the party serving the subpoena shall not be entitled to inspect
and copy the materials except pursuant to an order of the court from
which the subpoena was issued. If objection has been made, the party
serving the subpoena may move upon notice to the deponent for an order
at any time before or during the taking of the deposition.

(2) A resident of this state shall not be required to attend an exami-
nation at a place which is not within 50 miles of the place of the resident's
residence, the place of the resident's employment or the place of the
resident's principal business. A nonresident shall not be required to at-
tend an examination at a place which is more than 50 miles from the place
where the nonresident is served with the subpoena. A party or employee
of a party, whether a resident or nonresident of the state, may be required
by order of the court to attend an examination at any place designated by
the court.

(c) Protection of persons subject to subpoenas.

(1) A party or an attorney responsible for the issuance and service of
a subpoena shall take reasonable steps to avoid imposing undue burden

1234             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

or expense on a person subject to that subpoena. The court on behalf of
which the subpoena was issued shall enforce this duty and impose upon
the party or attorney in breach of this duty an appropriate sanction,
which may include, but is not limited to, a reasonable attorney fee.

(2) (A) A person commanded to produce and permit inspection and
copying of designated books, papers, documents or tangible things or in-
spection of premises need not appear in person at the place of production
or inspection unless commanded to appear for deposition, hearing or trial.

(B) Subject to subsection (d)(2), a person commanded to produce and
permit inspection and copying may, within 14 days after service of the
subpoena or before the time specified for compliance if such time is less
than 14 days after service, serve upon the party or attorney designated
in the subpoena written objection to inspection or copying of any or all
of the designated materials or of the premises. If objection is made, the
party serving the subpoena shall not be entitled to inspect and copy the
materials or inspect the premises except pursuant to an order of the court
by which the subpoena was issued. If objection has been made, the party
serving the subpoena may, upon notice to the person commanded to pro-
duce, move at any time for an order to compel the production. Such an
order to compel production shall protect any person who is not a party
or an officer of a party from significant expense resulting from the in-
spection and copying commanded.

(3) (A) On timely motion, the court by which a subpoena was issued
shall quash or modify the subpoena if it:

(i) Fails to allow reasonable time for compliance;

(ii) requires a resident of this state who is not a party or an officer of
a party to travel to a place more than 100 miles from the place where that
person resides, is employed or regularly transacts business in person or
requires a nonresident who is not a party or an officer of a party to travel
to a place more than 100 miles from the place where the nonresident was
served with the subpoena, is employed or regularly transacts business,
except that, subject to the provisions of subsection (c)(3)(B)(iii), such a
nonparty may in order to attend trial be commanded to travel to the place
of trial;

(iii) requires disclosure of privileged or other protected matter and
no exception or waiver applies; or

(iv) subjects a person to undue burden.

(B) If a subpoena:

(i) Requires disclosure of a trade secret or other confidential research,
development or commercial information; or

(ii) requires disclosure of an unretained expert's opinion or informa-
tion not describing specific events or occurrences in dispute and resulting
from the expert's study made not at the request of any party; or

(iii) requires a person who is not a party or an officer of a party to
incur substantial expense to travel more than 100 miles to attend trial,

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1235

the court may, to protect a person subject to or affected by the subpoena,
quash or modify the subpoena or, if the party in whose behalf the sub-
poena is issued shows a substantial need for the testimony or material
that cannot be otherwise met without undue hardship and assures that
the person to whom the subpoena is addressed will be reasonably com-
pensated, the court may order appearance or production only upon spec-
ified conditions.

(3) (4) A person confined in prison may be required to appear for
examination by deposition only in the county where the person is im-

(f) Subpoena for a hearing or trial. Subpoenas for attendance at a
hearing or trial shall be issued at the request of any party. A subpoena
requiring the attendance of a witness at a hearing or trial may be served
at any place within the state.

(d) Duties in responding to subpoena. (1) A person responding to a
subpoena to produce documents shall produce them as they are kept in
the usual course of business or shall organize and label them to correspond
with the categories in the demand.

(2) When information subject to a subpoena is withheld on a claim
that such information is privileged or subject to protection as trial prep-
aration materials, the claim shall be made expressly and shall be supported
by a description of the nature of the documents, communications or things
not produced that is sufficient to enable the demanding party to contest
the claim.

(g) (e) Contempt. Failure by any person without adequate excuse to
obey a subpoena served upon the person may be considered a contempt
of the court in which the action is pending or the court of the county in
which the deposition is to be taken. Punishment for contempt shall be in
accordance with K.S.A. 20-1204 and amendments thereto. An adequate
cause for failure to obey exists when a subpoena purports to require a
nonparty to attend or produce at a place not within the limits provided
by subsection (c)(3)(A)(iii).

Sec. 25. K.S.A. 60-245a is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-
245a. (a) As used in this section:

(1) ``Business'' means any kind of business, profession, occupation,
calling or operation of institutions, whether carried on for profit or not.

(2) ``Business records'' means writings made by personnel or staff of
a business, or persons acting under their control, which are memoranda
or records of acts, conditions or events made in the regular course of
business at or about the time of the act, condition or event recorded.

(b) A subpoena duces tecum which commands the production of
business records in an action in which the business is not a party shall
inform the person to whom it is directed that the person may serve upon
the attorney designated in the subpoena written objection to production

1236             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

of any or all of the business records designated in the subpoena within
10 14 days after the service of the subpoena or at or before the time for
compliance, if the time is less than 10 14 days after service. If such ob-
jection is made, the business records need not be produced except pur-
suant to an order of the court upon motion with notice to the person to
whom the subpoena was directed.

Unless the personal attendance of a custodian of the business records
and the production of original business records are required under sub-
section (d), it is sufficient compliance with a subpoena of business records
if a custodian of the business records delivers to the clerk of the court by
mail or otherwise a true and correct copy of all the records described in
the subpoena and mails a copy of the affidavit accompanying the records
to the party or attorney requesting them within 10 14 days after receipt
of the subpoena.

The records described in the subpoena shall be accompanied by the
affidavit of a custodian of the records, stating in substance each of the
following: (1) The affiant is a duly authorized custodian of the records
and has authority to certify records; (2) the copy is a true copy of all the
records described in the subpoena; and (3) the records were prepared by
the personnel or staff of the business, or persons acting under their con-
trol, in the regular course of the business at or about the time of the act,
condition or event recorded.

If the business has none of the records described in the subpoena, or
only part thereof, the affiant shall so state in the affidavit and shall send
only those records of which the affiant has custody. When more than one
person has knowledge of the facts required to be stated in the affidavit,
more than one affidavit may be made.

The copy of the records shall be separately enclosed in a sealed en-
velope or wrapper on which the title and number of the action, name and
address of the witness and the date of the subpoena are clearly inscribed.
If return of the copy is desired, the words ``return requested'' must be
inscribed clearly on the sealed envelope or wrapper. The sealed envelope
or wrapper shall be delivered to the clerk of the court.

The reasonable costs of copying the records may be demanded of the
party causing the subpoena to be issued. If the costs are demanded, the
records need not be produced until the costs of copying are advanced.

(c) The subpoena shall be accompanied by an affidavit to be used by
the records custodian. The subpoena and affidavit shall be in substantially
the following form:

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1237

                                  Subpoena of Business Records
State of Kansas
County of ____________

  (1)  You are commanded to produce the records listed below before
(Officer at Deposition)......................(Judge of the District Court)
at ________________________________________________________________________
in the City of ____________, County of ____________, on the ______ day of _________,
19___, at ______ o'clock ___ m., and to testify on behalf of the ____________ in an
action now pending between ____________, plaintiff, and ____________, defendant. Fail-
ure to comply with this subpoena may be deemed a contempt of the court.

  (2)  Records to be produced: __________________________________________

  (3)  You may make written objection to the production of any or all of the records listed
above by serving such written objection upon ______________________________________________ at
_________________________________________ (within 10 14 days after service of this subpoena) (on
(Attorney's Address)
or before ____________, 19___). If such objection is made, the records need not be
produced except upon order of the court.

  (4)  Instead of appearing at the time and place listed above, it is sufficient compliance
with this subpoena if a custodian of the business records delivers to the clerk of the court
by mail or otherwise a true and correct copy of all the records described above and mails a
copy of the affidavit below to

________________________________________  at _____________________________

(Requesting Party or Attorney)               (Address of Party or Attorney)
within 10 14 days after receipt of this subpoena.

  (5)  The copy of the records shall be separately enclosed in a sealed envelope or wrapper
on which the title and number of the action, name and address of the witness and the date
of this subpoena are clearly inscribed. If return of the copy is desired, the words ``return
requested'' must be inscribed clearly on the sealed envelope or wrapper. The sealed enve-
lope or wrapper shall be delivered to the clerk of the court.

  (6)  The records described in this subpoena shall be accompanied by the affidavit of a
custodian of the records, a form for which is attached to this subpoena.

  (7)  If the business has none of the records described in this subpoena, or only part
thereof, the affidavit shall so state, and the custodian shall send only those records of which
the custodian has custody. When more than one person has knowledge of the facts required
to be stated in the affidavit, more than one affidavit may be made.

  (8)  The reasonable costs of copying the records may be demanded of the party causing
this subpoena to be issued. If the costs are demanded, the records need not be produced
until the costs of copying are advanced.

  (9)  The copy of the records will not be returned unless requested by the witness.
                                              Clerk of the District Court
[Seal of the District Court]
Dated ____________, 19___.
                Affidavit of Custodian of Business Records
State of ____________
County of ____________

  I, ____________, being first duly sworn, on oath, depose and say that:

1238             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

  (1)  I am a duly authorized custodian of the business records of ____________ and have
the authority to certify those records.

  (2)  The copy of the records attached to this affidavit is a true copy of the records
described in the subpoena.

  (3)  The records were prepared by the personnel or staff of the business, or persons
acting under their control, in the regular course of the business at or about the time of the
act, condition or event recorded.
                                                 Signature of Custodian

  Subscribed and sworn to before the undersigned on ____________.
                                                     Notary Public
My Appointment Expires:
                               Certificate of Mailing

  I hereby certify that on ____________, 19___, I mailed a copy of the above affidavit to

___________________________________  at _______________________________________

(Requesting Party or Attorney)             (Address of Party or Attorney)
by depositing it with the United States Postal Service for delivery with postage prepaid.
                                                Signature of Custodian
Subscribed and sworn to before the undersigned on ____________.
                                                   Notary Public
My Appointment Expires:

(d) Any party may require the personal attendance of a custodian of
business records and the production of original business records by caus-
ing a subpoena duces tecum to be issued which contains the following
statements in lieu of paragraphs (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) of the subpoena
form described in subsection (c):

The personal attendance of a custodian of business records and the
production of original records is required by this subpoena. The proce-
dure for delivering copies of the records to the clerk of the court shall
not be deemed sufficient compliance with this subpoena and should be
disregarded. A custodian of the records must personally appear with the
original records.

(e) Notice of the issuance of a subpoena pursuant to this section where
the attendance of the custodian of the business records is not required
shall be given to all parties to the action at least 10 days prior to the
issuance thereof. A copy of the proposed subpoena shall also be served
upon all parties along with such notice. In the event any party objects to
the production of the documents sought by such subpoena prior to its
issuance, the subpoena shall not be issued until further order of the court
in which the action is pending.

(f) Upon receipt of business records the clerk of the court shall so
notify the party who caused the subpoena for the business records to be

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1239

issued. If receipt of the records makes the taking of a deposition unnec-
essary, the party shall cancel the deposition and shall notify the other
parties to the action in writing of the receipt of the records and the can-
cellation of the deposition.

After the copy of the record is filed, a party desiring to inspect or copy
it shall give reasonable notice to every other party to the action. The notice
shall state the time and place of inspection. Records which are not intro-
duced in evidence or required as part of the record shall be destroyed or
returned to the custodian of the records who submitted them if return
has been requested.

Sec. 26. K.S.A. 60-250 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-250.
(a) When made; effect. A party who moves for a directed verdict at the
close of the evidence offered by an opponent may offer evidence in the
event that the motion is not granted without having reserved the right so
to do and to the same extent as if the motion had not been made. A
motion for a directed verdict which is not granted is not a waiver of trial
by jury even though all parties to the action have moved for directed
verdicts. A motion for a directed verdict shall state the specific grounds
therefor. When a motion for a directed verdict is sustained the judge shall
cause the appropriate judgment to be entered.
(a) Judgment as a matter
of law. (1) If during a trial by jury a party has been fully heard on an
issue and there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable
jury to find for that party on that issue, the court may determine the issue
against that party and may grant a motion for judgment as a matter of
law against that party with respect to a claim or defense that cannot under
the controlling law be maintained or defeated without a favorable finding
on that issue.

(2) Motions for judgment as a matter of law may be made at any time
before submission of the case to the jury. Such a motion shall specify the
judgment sought and the law and the facts on which the moving party is
entitled to the judgment.

(b) Reservation of decision on motion. (3) Decisions on motions for
directed verdict judgment as a matter of law by parties joined pursuant
to subsection (c) of K.S.A. 60-258a and amendments thereto, shall be
reserved by the court until all evidence has been presented by any party
alleging the movant's fault.

(c) Motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict. (b) Renewal of
motion for judgment after trial; alternative motion for new trial.
ever a motion for a directed verdict judgment as a matter of law made at
the close of all the evidence is denied or for any reason is not granted,
the court is deemed to have submitted the action to the jury subject to a
later determination of the legal questions raised by the motion. A party
who has moved for a directed verdict may move to have the verdict and
any judgment entered thereon set aside and to have judgment entered in

1240             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

accordance with the party's motion for a directed verdict; or, if a verdict
was not returned, such party, within 10 days after the jury has been dis-
charged, may move for judgment in accordance with the motion for a
directed verdict.
Such a motion may be renewed by service and filing not
later than 10 days after entry of judgment or the date the jury was dis-
charged for failing to return a verdict.
A motion for a new trial under
K.S.A. 60-259 and amendments thereto
may be joined with this a renewal
of the
motion for judgment as a matter of law, or a new trial may be
prayed for requested in the alternative. If a verdict was returned the court,
in disposing of the renewed motion,
may allow the judgment to stand or
may reopen the judgment and either order a new trial or direct the entry
of judgment as if the requested verdict had been directed a matter of
. If no verdict was returned, the court, in disposing of the renewed
may direct the entry of judgment as if the requested verdict had
been directed
a matter of law or may order a new trial.

Sec. 27. K.S.A. 60-252 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-252.
(a) Effect. In all actions tried upon the facts without a jury or with an
advisory jury or upon entering summary judgment or involuntary dis-
missal, the judge shall find, and either orally or in writing state, the con-
trolling facts and the judge's conclusions of law thereon. Judgment shall
be entered pursuant to section K.S.A. 60-258 and amendments thereto.
In granting or refusing interlocutory injunctions, except in divorce cases,
the judge shall set forth the findings and conclusions of law. Requests for
findings are not necessary. Findings of fact shall not be set aside unless
clearly erroneous, and due regard shall be given to the opportunity of the
trial court to judge the credibility of the witnesses. The findings of a
master, to the extent that the judge adopts them, shall be considered as
the findings of the court. If an opinion or memorandum of decision is
filed, it will be sufficient if the findings of fact and reasons for the decision
conclusions of law appear therein.

(b) Amendment. Upon motion of a party made not later than ten (10)
10 days after entry of judgment the court may amend its findings or make
additional findings and may amend the judgment accordingly. The motion
may be made with a motion for a new trial pursuant to section K.S.A. 60-
259 and amendments thereto. When findings of fact are made in actions
tried by the court without a jury, the question of the sufficiency of the
evidence to support the findings may thereafter be raised whether or not
the party raising the question has made in the district court an objection
to such findings or has made a motion to amend them or a motion for

(c) Judgment on partial findings. If during a trial without a jury a
party has been fully heard on an issue and the court finds against the
party on that issue, the court may enter judgment as a matter of law
against that party with respect to a claim or defense that cannot under

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1241

the controlling law be maintained or defeated without a favorable finding
on that issue, or the court may decline to render any judgment until the
close of all the evidence. Such a judgment shall be supported by findings
of fact and conclusions of law as required by subsection (a).

Sec. 28. K.S.A. 60-254 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-254.
(a) Definition. A judgment is the final determination of the rights of the
parties in an action.

(b) Judgment upon multiple claims. When more than one claim for
relief is presented in an action, whether as a claim, counterclaim, cross-
claim or third-party claim or, when multiple parties are involved, the court
may direct the entry of a final judgment as to one or more but fewer than
all of the claims or parties only upon an express determination that there
is no just reason for delay and upon an express direction for the entry of
judgment. In the absence of such determination and direction, any order
or other form of decision, however designated, which adjudicates fewer
than all the claims or the rights and liabilities of fewer than all the parties
shall not terminate the action as to any of the claims or parties, and the
order or other form of decision is subject to revision at any time before
the entry of judgment adjudicating all the claims and the rights and lia-
bilities of all the parties.

(c) Demand for judgment. A judgment by default shall not be differ-
ent in kind from or exceed in amount that prayed for in the demand for
judgment. Before any default judgment is taken in any action in which a
pleading contains a demand for money damages in excess of $50,000
$75,000 as provided in subsection (a) of K.S.A. 60-208 and amendments
thereto, the party seeking relief must notify the party against whom relief
is sought of the amount of money for which judgment will be taken.
Notice shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, or as
the court may order, at least 10 days prior to the date judgment is sought.
Proof of service shall be filed and submitted to the court. Except as to a
party against whom a judgment is entered by default, every final judgment
shall grant the relief to which the party in whose favor it is rendered is
entitled, even if the party has not demanded such relief in such party's

Sec. 29. K.S.A. 60-256 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-256.
(a) For claimant. A party seeking to recover upon a claim, counterclaim
or cross-claim or to obtain a declaratory judgment may, at any time after
the expiration of 20 days from the commencement of the action or after
service of a motion for summary judgment by the adverse party, move
with or without supporting affidavits for a summary judgment in the
party's favor as to all or any part thereof.

(b) For defending party. A party against whom a claim, counterclaim
or cross-claim is asserted or a declaratory judgment is sought may, at any

1242             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

time, move with or without supporting affidavits for a summary judgment
in the party's favor as to all or any part thereof.

(c) Motion and proceeding thereon. The motion shall be served at
least 10 days before the time fixed for the hearing. The adverse party
prior to the day of hearing may serve opposing affidavits. The judgment
sought shall be rendered forthwith if the pleadings, depositions, answers
to interrogatories and admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if
any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that
the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. A summary
judgment, interlocutory in character, may be rendered on the issue of
liability alone although there is a genuine issue as to the amount of dam-

(d) Case not fully adjudicated on motion. If on motion under this
section judgment is not rendered upon the whole case or for all the relief
asked and a trial is necessary, the court at the hearing of the motion, by
examining the pleadings and the evidence before it and by interrogating
counsel, shall if practicable ascertain what material facts exist without
substantial controversy and what material facts are actually and in good
faith controverted. It shall thereupon make an order specifying the facts
that appear without substantial controversy, including the extent to which
the amount of damages or other relief is not in controversy, and directing
such further proceedings in the actions as are just. Upon the trial of the
action the facts so specified shall be deemed established, and the trial
shall be conducted accordingly.

(e) Form of affidavits; further testimony; defense required. Support-
ing and opposing affidavits shall be made on personal knowledge, shall
set forth such facts as would be admissible in evidence and shall show
affirmatively that the affiant is competent to testify to the matters stated
therein. Sworn or certified copies of all papers or parts thereof referred
to in an affidavit shall be attached thereto or served therewith. The court
may permit affidavits to be supplemented or opposed by depositions,
answers to interrogatories
or by further affidavits. When a motion for
summary judgment is made and supported as provided in this section, an
adverse party may not rest upon the mere allegations or denials of the
adverse party's pleading, but the adverse party's response, by affidavits
or as otherwise provided in this section, must set forth specific facts show-
ing that there is a genuine issue for trial. If the adverse party does not so
respond, summary judgment, if appropriate, shall be entered against the
adverse party.

(f) When affidavits are unavailable. Should it appear from the affi-
davits of a party opposing the motion that the party cannot for reasons
stated present by affidavit facts essential to justify such party's opposition,
the court may refuse the application for judgment or may order a contin-
uance to permit affidavits to be obtained or depositions to be taken or
discovery to be had or may make such other order as is just.

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1243

(g) Affidavits made in bad faith. Should it appear to the satisfaction
of the court at any time that any of the affidavits presented pursuant to
this section are presented in bad faith or solely for the purpose of delay,
the court shall forthwith order the party employing them to pay to the
other party the amount of the reasonable expenses which the filing of the
affidavits caused the party to incur, including reasonable attorney fees,
and any offending party or attorney may be adjudged guilty of contempt.

Sec. 30. K.S.A. 60-262 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-262.
(a) Automatic stay; exceptions -- injunctions and receiverships. Except
as stated herein, no execution shall issue upon a judgment nor shall pro-
ceedings be taken for its enforcement until the expiration of ten (10) 10
days after its entry. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, an interloc-
utory or final judgment in an action for an injunction or in a receivership
action, shall not be stayed during the period after its entry and until an
appeal is taken or during the pendency of an appeal. The provisions of
subsection (c) of this section govern the suspending, modifying, restoring,
or granting of an injunction during the pendency of an appeal.

(b) Stay on motion for new trial or for judgment. In its discretion and
on such conditions for the security of the adverse party as are proper, the
court may stay the execution of or any proceedings to enforce a judgment
pending the disposition of a motion for a new trial or to alter or amend
a judgment made pursuant to K.S.A. 60-259, and amendments thereto,
or of a motion for relief from a judgment or order made pursuant to
K.S.A. 60-260, and amendments thereto, or of a motion for judgment in
accordance with a motion for a directed verdict
as a matter of law made
pursuant to K.S.A. 60-250, and amendments thereto, or of a motion for
amendment to the findings or for additional findings made pursuant to
subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-252(b) 60-252.

(c) Injunction pending appeal. When an appeal is taken from an in-
terlocutory or final judgment granting, dissolving, or denying an injunc-
tion, the judge in said such judge's discretion may suspend, modify,
restore, or grant an injunction during the pendency of the appeal upon
such terms as to bond or otherwise as it considers proper for the security
of the rights of the adverse party.

(d) Stay upon appeal. When an appeal is taken the appellant by giving
a supersedeas bond may obtain a stay subject to the exceptions contained
in subsection (a) of this section. The bond may be given at or after the
time of filing the notice of appeal. The stay is effective when the super-
sedeas bond is approved by the court.

(e) Stay in favor of the state or agency thereof. When an appeal is
taken by the state or an officer or agency thereof or by direction of any
department of the state and the operation or enforcement of the judg-
ment is stayed, no bond, obligation, or other security shall be required
from the appellant.

1244             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

(f) Power of appellate court not limited. The provisions in this section
do not limit any power of the appellate court or of a judge or justice
thereof to stay proceedings during the pendency of an appeal or to sus-
pend, modify, restore, or grant an injunction during the pendency of an
appeal or to make any order appropriate to preserve the status quo or the
effectiveness of the judgment subsequently to be entered.

(g) Stay of judgment upon multiple claims. When a court has ordered
a final judgment on some but not all of the claims presented in the action
under the conditions stated in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-254 (b) 60-254,
and amendments thereto
, the court may stay enforcement of that judg-
ment until the entering of a subsequent judgment or judgments and may
prescribe such conditions as are necessary to secure the benefit thereof
to the party in whose favor the judgment is entered.

Sec. 31. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 60-1608 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 60-1608. (a) Time. An action for divorce shall not be heard until
60 days after the filing of the petition unless the judge enters an order
declaring the existence of an emergency, stating the precise nature of the
emergency, the substance of the evidence material to the emergency and
the names of the witnesses who gave the evidence. A request for an order
declaring the existence of an emergency may be contained in a pleading
or made by motion. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, a request for
the declaration of an emergency shall not be heard prior to the expiration
of the time permitted for the filing of an answer. Unless waived, notice
of the hearing requesting the declaration of an emergency shall be given
to all parties not in default not less than seven days prior to the date of
the hearing. Upon a finding that an emergency exists, the divorce and all
issues pertaining thereto may be heard immediately.

(b) Pretrial conference conferences. Upon the request of either party,
the court shall set a pretrial conference to explore the possibilities of
settlement of the case and to expedite the trial.
The court shall conduct
a pretrial conference or conferences in accordance with K.S.A. 60-216,
and amendments thereto, upon request of either party or on the court's
own motion. Any
pretrial conference shall be set on a date other than the
date of trial and the parties shall be present or available within the court-

(c) Marriage counseling. After the filing of the answer or other re-
sponsive pleading by the respondent, the court, on its own motion or
upon motion of either of the parties, may require both parties to the
action to seek marriage counseling if marriage counseling services are
available within the judicial district of venue of the action. Neither party
shall be required to submit to marriage counseling provided by any relig-
ious organization of any particular denomination.

(d) Cost of counseling. The cost of any counseling authorized by this
section may be assessed as costs in the case.

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1245

Sec. 32. K.S.A. 60-2103 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-
2103. (a) When and how taken. When an appeal is permitted by law from
a district court to an appellate court, the time within which an appeal
may be taken shall be 30 days from the entry of the judgment, as provided
by K.S.A. 60-258, and amendments thereto, except that upon a showing
of excusable neglect based on a failure of a party to learn of the entry of
judgment the district court in any action may extend the time for appeal
not exceeding 30 days from the expiration of the original time herein
prescribed. The running of the time for appeal is terminated by a timely
motion made pursuant to any of the rules hereinafter enumerated, and
the full time for appeal fixed in this subsection commences to run and is
to be computed from the entry of any of the following orders made upon
a timely motion under such rules: Granting or denying a motion for judg-
ment under subsection (c) (b) of K.S.A. 60-250, and amendments thereto;
or granting or denying a motion under subsection (b) of K.S.A. 60-252,
and amendments thereto, to amend or make additional findings of fact,
whether or not an alteration of the judgment would be required if the
motion is granted; or granting or denying a motion under K.S.A. 60-259,
and amendments thereto, to alter or amend the judgment; or denying a
motion for new trial under K.S.A. 60-259, and amendments thereto.

A party may appeal from a judgment by filing with the clerk of the
district court a notice of appeal. Failure of the appellant to take any of
the further steps to secure the review of the judgment appealed from
does not affect the validity of the appeal, but is ground only for such
remedies as are specified in this chapter, or when no remedy is specified,
for such action as the appellate court having jurisdiction over the appeal
deems appropriate, which may include dismissal of the appeal. If the
record on appeal has not been filed with the appellate court, the parties,
with the approval of the district court, may dismiss the appeal by stipu-
lation filed in the district court, or that court may dismiss the appeal upon
motion and notice by the appellant.

(b) Notice of appeal. The notice of appeal shall specify the parties
taking the appeal; shall designate the judgment or part thereof appealed
from, and shall name the appellate court to which the appeal is taken.
The appealing party shall cause notice of the appeal to be served upon
all other parties to the judgment as provided in K.S.A. 60-205, and
amendments thereto, but such party's failure so to do does not affect the
validity of the appeal.

(c) Security for costs. Security for the costs on appeal shall be given
in such sum and manner as shall be prescribed by a general rule of the
supreme court unless the appellate court shall make a different order
applicable to a particular case.

(d) Supersedeas bond. Whenever an appellant entitled thereto desires
a stay on appeal, such appellant may present to the district court for its
approval a supersedeas bond which shall have such surety or sureties as

1246             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

the court requires. The bond shall be conditioned for the satisfaction of
the judgment in full together with costs, interest, and damages for delay,
if for any reason the appeal is dismissed, or if the judgment is affirmed,
and to satisfy in full such modification of the judgment such costs, inter-
est, and damages as the appellate court may adjudge and award. When
the judgment is for the recovery of money not otherwise secured, the
amount of the bond shall be fixed at such sum as will cover the whole
amount of the judgment remaining unsatisfied, costs on the appeal, in-
terest, and damages for delay, unless the court after notice and hearing
and for good cause shown fixes a different amount or orders security other
than the bond. When the judgment determines the disposition of the
property in controversy as in real actions, replevin, and actions to fore-
close mortgages or when such property is in the custody of the sheriff or
when the proceeds of such property or a bond for its value is in the
custody or control of the court, the amount of the supersedeas bond shall
be fixed after notice and hearing at such sum only as will secure the
amount recovered for the use and detention of the property, the costs of
the action, costs on appeal, interest, and damages for delay. When an
order is made discharging, vacating, or modifying a provisional remedy,
or modifying or dissolving an injunction, a party aggrieved thereby shall
be entitled, upon application to the judge, to have the operation of such
order suspended for a period of not to exceed 10 days on condition that,
within such period of 10 days such party shall file a notice of appeal and
obtain the approval of such supersedeas bond as is required under this

(e) Failure to file or insufficiency of bond. If a supersedeas bond is
not filed within the time specified, or if the bond filed is found insuffi-
cient, and if the action is not yet docketed with the appellate court, a
bond may be filed at such time before the action is so docketed as may
be fixed by the district court. After the action is so docketed, application
for leave to file a bond may be made only in the appellate court.

(f) Judgment against surety. By entering into a supersedeas bond
given pursuant to subsections (c) and (d) of this section, the surety sub-
mits such surety's self to the jurisdiction of the court and irrevocably
appoints the clerk of the court as such surety's agent upon whom any
papers affecting such surety's liability on the bond may be served. Such
surety's liability may be enforced on motion without the necessity of an
independent action. The motion and such notice of the motion as the
judge prescribes may be served on the clerk of the court who shall forth-
with mail copies to the surety if such surety's address is known.

(g) Docketing record on appeal. The record on appeal shall be filed
and docketed with the appellate court at such time as the supreme court
may prescribe by rule.

(h) Cross-appeal. When notice of appeal has been served in a case
and the appellee desires to have a review of rulings and decisions of which

Ch. 173             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             1247

such appellee complains, the appellee shall, within 20 days after the notice
of appeal has been served upon such appellee and filed with the clerk of
the trial court, give notice of such appellee's cross-appeal.

(i) Intermediate rulings. When an appeal or cross-appeal has been
timely perfected, the fact that some ruling of which the appealing or cross-
appealing party complains was made more than 30 days before filing of
the notice of appeal shall not prevent a review of the ruling.

Sec. 33. K.S.A. 60-3703 is hereby amended to read as follows: 60-
3703. No tort claim or reference to a tort claim for punitive damages shall
be included in a petition or other pleading unless the court enters an
order allowing an amended pleading that includes a claim for punitive
damages to be filed. The court may allow the filing of an amended plead-
ing claiming punitive damages on a motion by the party seeking the
amended pleading and on the basis of the supporting and opposing affi-
davits presented that the plaintiff has established that there is a proba-
bility that the plaintiff will prevail on the claim pursuant to K.S.A. 60-
209, and amendments thereto. The court shall not grant a motion allowing
the filing of an amended pleading that includes a claim for punitive dam-
ages if the motion for such an order is not filed on or before the date of
the final pretrial conference held in the matter.

Sec. 34. K.S.A. 61-1710 is hereby amended to read as follows: 61-
1710. Any party to an action pursuant to this chapter may take the testi-
mony of any person, including a party, either within or without the state,
by deposition upon oral examination or written questions but only for use
as evidence in the action. Unless the court orders otherwise, the parties
may by written stipulation provide that depositions may be taken before
any person, at any time or place, upon any notice, and in any manner and
when so taken may be used like other depositions. The taking of such
depositions shall be governed by the provisions of K.S.A. 60-228, subsec-
tions (b) through (h), inclusive, of K.S.A. 60-230, K.S.A. 60-231 and sub-
section (d) (e) of K.S.A. 60-232, and amendments thereto, except that any
party desiring to take a deposition shall first file with the court, and serve
on all other parties to the action, a motion that the taking of such depo-
sition be allowed due to the existence of at least one (1) of the conditions
prescribed in K.S.A. 61-1711, and amendments thereto, for the use of
depositions as evidence. Within five (5) days after any such motion has
been made, any other party to the action may file an objection to such
motion, and in such event, the court shall hold a hearing within five (5)
days thereof to determine the issue. No deposition shall be taken unless
and until the court shall have granted the motion requesting permission

Sec. 35. K.S.A. 61-1725 is hereby amended to read as follows: 61-
1725. The following provisions of article 2 of chapter 60 of the Kansas
Statutes Annotated are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of

1248             1997 Session Laws of Kansas             Ch. 173

this act as if fully set forth herein, insofar as such provisions are not
inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this act:

(a) K.S.A. 60-211 and amendments thereto, relating to signing of
pleadings, motions and other papers and liability for frivolous filings;

(b) K.S.A. 60-215 and amendments thereto, relating to amended and
supplemental pleadings, except that the time for filing amended pleadings
and for responding thereto shall be ten (10) 10 instead of twenty (20) 20

(b) (c) K.S.A. 60-217 and amendments thereto, relating to capacity of

(c) (d) K.S.A. 60-218 and amendments thereto, providing for joinder
of claims and remedies, K.S.A. 60-219 and 60-220 and amendments
, providing for joinder of parties, and K.S.A. 60-221 and amend-
ments thereto
, relating to misjoinder of parties and claims;

(d) (e) K.S.A. 60-224 and amendments thereto, relating to interven-
tion, and K.S.A. 60-225 and amendments thereto, providing for substi-
tution of parties;

(e) (f) K.S.A. 60-234 and amendments thereto, relating to production
of documents and things for inspection;

(f) (g) K.S.A. 60-241 and amendments thereto, providing for dismissal
of actions;

(g) (h) K.S.A. 60-244 and amendments thereto, providing for proof of

(h) (i) K.S.A. 60-256 and amendments thereto, relating to summary

(i) (j) K.S.A. 60-259 and 60-260 and amendments thereto, concerning
new trial and relief from judgment or order, respectively;

(j) (k) K.S.A. 60-261 and 60-263 and amendments thereto, relating
respectively to harmless error and disability of a judge; and

(k) (l) K.S.A. 60-264 and amendments thereto, relating to process in
behalf of and against persons not parties.

Sec. 36. K.S.A. 75-3079 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-
3079. (a) If costs are assessed against the state or any agency of the state
pursuant to K.S.A. 60-2007 60-211, and amendments thereto, the head
of the state agency which conducted the litigation shall report the assess-
ment, its amount and the reason for it to the speaker and the minority
leader of the Kansas house of representatives and to the president and
the minority leader of the Kansas senate within 30 days after entry of the
order assessing the costs against the state or state agency.

(b) Payment of costs assessed against the state or a state agency pur-
suant to K.S.A. 60-2007 60-211, and amendments thereto shall be made
from the operating budget of the state agency which conducted the liti-

Sec. 37. K.S.A. 61-1729 is hereby amended to read as follows: 61-

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1729. An action filed under chapter 61 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated,
except an action filed pursuant to the small claims procedure act, may
upon motion of a party and order of the court for good cause shown, be
thereafter governed by the provisions of chapter 60 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated. The party obtaining an order under this section shall pay any
additional docket fee required had the action been filed under chapter
60 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated. Upon such order of the court and
payment of any additional docket under this section, the clerk of the dis-
trict court shall renumber the case as a case filed under chapter 60 of the
Kansas Statutes Annotated in the same manner as required by K.S.A. 60-
2418 and amendments thereto.

Sec. 38. K.S.A. 60-102, 60-205, 60-206, 60-208, 60-209, 60-211, 60-
214, 60-215, 60-216, 60-223, 60-226, 60-228, 60-230, 60-231, 60-232, 60-
233, 60-234, 60-235, 60-236, 60-237, 60-238, 60-241, 60-243, 60-245, 60-
245a, 60-250, 60-252, 60-254, 60-256, 60-262, 60-2007, 60-2103, 60-3703,
61-1710, 61-1725, 61-1729 and 75-3079 and K.S.A. Supp. 60-1608 are
hereby repealed.

Sec. 39. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.

Approved May 15, 1997.