March 27, 2000

Journal of the Senate

Senate Chamber, Topeka, Kansas
Monday, March 27, 2000--12:00 Noon
 The Senate was called to order by President Dick Bond.

 The roll was called with thirty-eight senators present.

 Senators Bleeker and Vidricksen were excused.

 President Bond introduced as guest chaplain, Rev. Roger Alford, Pastor, New Salem
Baptist Church, Winfield, Missouri, who delivered the invocation:

      Our Father,

           We come before you with grateful hearts, for this is the day the Lord has made; we
      will rejoice and be glad in it. As we see nature bursting forth into Spring, we are reminded
      of Your power and creativity. Thank You also for the new life that we can have as we
      trust in Your Son, Jesus. We praise You that You created this world and that we did not
      evolve from some cosmic slime. Thank You that You made each of us special and unique,
      while we were yet in our mother's womb, and that we are precious in Your sight. Thank
      You that You put us into the loving care of a mom and dad. We praise You for creating
      the first family of Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

           Lord, we thank You for not leaving us to our own finite minds, but gave us Your law
      in the Holy Bible as the standard by which to govern ourselves. Thank You for making
      us moral beings with a sense of right and wrong and absolute truth.

           And now, Father, we pray for this august body of senators. May they take confidence
      in the fact that You are the One who allows them to have their authority. May this fact
      also inspire them to handle their position wisely and to seek to follow Your ways, knowing
      that this will be best for the populace. As Your Word says, ``Blessed is the nation whose
      God is the Lord.''

           And, Lord Jesus, I would be remiss to close this prayer without remembering those
      unspoken requests here today. You know the personal concerns and burdens that each
      person here is dealing with right now. For those with health problems, may they find You
      to be the Great Physician. For those who are grieving, may they find you to be the
      Comforter. For those chained to some addiction, may they find You to be the Deliverer.
      For those needing guidance for a decision, may they find you to be Wisdom. For those
      who are lost in sin may they find you to be Savior. For those who are lonely, may they
      find You to be Friend. For those in financial need, may they find You to be Provider.
      And for all of us, may we find You to be the Answer, for indeed You are the King of
      Kings and Lord of Lords! And in Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

 The following bills and resolutions were referred to Committees as indicated:

   Assessment and Taxation: HCR 5064.

 Commerce: HB 3010, 3019, 3020.

 Education: Sub HB 2591.

 Energy and Natural Resources: HB 2564; HCR 5069.

 Judiciary: HB 3006.

 Ways and Means: HB 2996, 3000.

 The President withdrew HB 3026 from the Committee on Ways and Means, and
rereferred the bill to the Committee on Agriculture.

 The President withdrew HB 2799, 2801, 2899 from the Committee on Ways and Means,
and rereferred the bills to the Committee on Education.

 The President withdrew HB 2241, 2750 from the Committee on Ways and Means, and
rereferred the bills to the Committee on Elections and Local Government.

 The President withdrew HB 2676 from the Committee on Ways and Means, and
rereferred the bill to the Committee on Financial Institutions & Insurance.

 The President withdrew HB 2501, 2557; Sub HB 2683; HB 2685, 2772, 2805 from
the Committee on Ways and Means, and rereferred the bills to the Committee on Judiciary.

 The President withdrew HB 2103; Sub HB 2144; HB 2674; Sub HB 2688; HB 2727
from the Committee on Ways and Means, and referred the bills to the calendar under the
heading of General Orders.

Business Development Division
  March 24, 2000
   Gary Sherrer, Lt. Governor/Secretary submitted the Annual Report to the Governor and
Legislature on the Kansas Enterprise Zone program as required by K.S.A. 74-50,118(b).

   The President announced the above report is on file in the office of the Secretary of the
Senate and is available for review at any time.

 Announcing passage of Substitute HB 2864.

 Passage of SB 427, 528.

 Also, passage of SB 79, as amended, SB 138, as amended by House Substitute SB 138;
SB 224, as amended, 366, as amended, 388, as amended, 429, as amended, 431, as
amended, 513, as amended, 536, as amended, 541, as amended, 555, as amended.

 Substitute HB 2864 was thereupon introduced and read by title.

 On motion of Senator Oleen the Senate nonconcurred in the House amendments to SB
393 and requested a conference committee be appointed.

 The President appointed Senators Oleen, Vidricksen and Jones as a conference committee
on the part of the Senate.

 On motion of Senator Steffes, the Senate acceded to the request of the House for a
conference on S Sub for HB 2005.

 The President appointed Senators Steffes, Praeger and Feleciano as conferees on the part
of the Senate.

 On motion of Senator Praeger, the Senate acceded to the request of the House for a
conference on Sub for HB 2169.

 The President appointed Senators Praeger, Salmans and Steineger as conferees on the
part of the Senate.

 On motion of Senator Praeger, the Senate acceded to the request of the House for a
conference on HB 2757.

 The President appointed Senators Praeger, Salmans and Steineger as conferees on the
part of the Senate.

 On motion of Senator Praeger, the Senate acceded to the request of the House for a
conference on HB 2759.

 The President appointed Senators Praeger, Salmans and Steineger as conferees on the
part of the Senate.

 On motion of Senator Corbin, the Senate acceded to the request of the House for a
conference on HB 2762.

 The President appointed Senators Corbin, Morris and Biggs as conferees on the part of
the Senate.

 On motion of Senator Corbin, the Senate acceded to the request of the House for a
conference on HB 2976.

 The President appointed Senators Corbin, Morris and Biggs as conferees on the part of
the Senate.

 Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance recommends SB 547 be amended
on page 1, in line 21, by striking ``specific''; by striking all in lines 26 through 40; in line 43,
before the period, by inserting: ``contracting with the state to provide health care benefits'';

      On page 2, in line 1, by striking all after ``(d)''; by striking all in lines 2 through 17; in line
18, by striking ``(g)''; also in line 18, by striking ``2002'' and inserting ``2001''; in line 21, by
striking all before ``provisions'' and inserting the following:

      ``Sec.  2. Except as provided in section 3, and amendments thereto, the'';

      Also on page 2, by striking all in lines 23 through 31 and inserting in lieu thereof the

      ``Sec.  3. (a) Each health insurer shall permit a woman insured by the health insurer to
visit an in-network obstetrician or gynecologist for routine gynecological care from an in-
network obstetrician or gynecologist at least one time each calendar year without requiring
such woman to first visit a primary care provider, so long as:

      (1) The care is medically necessary, including, but not limited to, care that is routine;

      (2) following each visit for gynecological care, the obstetrician or gynecologist
communicates with such woman's primary care provider concerning any diagnosis or
treatment rendered; and

      (3) the obstetrician or gynecologist confers with such woman's primary care provider
before performing any diagnostic procedure that is not routine gynecological care rendered
during any such visit.

      (b) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the patient protection act, cited at
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 40-4601 et seq., and amendments thereto.

      (c) The provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 40-2249a and amendments thereto shall not
apply to the provisions of this section.'';

      And by renumbering the remaining section accordingly;

      In the title, in line 10, by striking all after ``conditions''; in line 11, by striking all before
the period and inserting ``authorizing gynecological care under certain circumstances
without visiting a primary care provider; and the bill be passed as amended.

 Committee on Ways and Means recommends SB 639 be amended on page 1, in line
19, by striking ``year'' and inserting ``years''; also in line 19, before ``appropriations'' by
inserting ``and June 30, 2002,''; following line 27, by inserting the following:

 ``(c) The appropriations made by this act shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A.
46-155 and amendments thereto.'';

 Also on page 1, in line 32, by striking ``$698,026'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$677,997'';
in line 36, by striking ``$2,345,074'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$2,396,161''; in line 40, by
striking ``$2,400,835'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$2,347,606'';

 On page 2, in line 5, by striking ``$11,997,130'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$11,936,140'';

 On page 3, in line 34, by striking ``$1,610,044'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,613,347'';

 On page 4, in line 23, by striking ``$1,792,788'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,762,141'';

 On page 5, in line 5, by striking ``$125,537'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$123,877''; in
line 24, by striking ``$3,614,616'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$3,541,969'';

 On page 9, after line 3, by inserting the following:

 ``(c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be made by the above
agency from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made
by the above agency from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following
specified purposes subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Children's initiatives fund--DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)coordinator, support staff, training and program expenditures$159,956
  Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's initiatives fund for
fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance
Education) coordinator, support staff, training and program expenditures account shall be
in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal
year 2001.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys credited
as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for youth fund--DARE (Drug Abuse
Resistance Education) coordinator, support staff, training and program expenditures
account to the children's initiatives fund--DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)
coordinator, support staff, training and program expenditures account in the children's
initiatives fund, which is hereby established. On July 1, 2000, and after such transfer, (A)
all encumbrances and other liabilities of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--DARE
(Drug Abuse Resistance Education) coordinator, support staff, training and program
expenditures account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund are hereby transferred to
and imposed upon the children's initiatives fund--DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance
Education) coordinator, support staff, training and program expenditures account in the
children's initiatives fund, (B) the Kansas endowment for youth--DARE (Drug Abuse
Resistance Education) coordinator, support staff, training and program expenditures
account of the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is hereby abolished,
and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas endowment for youth fund--DARE
(Drug Abuse Resistance Education) coordinator, support staff, training and program
expenditures account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the
legislature, is hereby lapsed.'';

 Also on page 9, in line 4, by striking ``(c)'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``(e)''; in line 16,
by striking ``$1,620,095'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,594,628'';

 On page 10, in line 11, by striking ``$1,728,882'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,698,032'';
in line 16, by striking ``$153,086'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$173,974''; after line 37, by
inserting the following:

``Provided, That expenditures from the unclaimed property expense fund for official
hospitality shall not exceed $10,000.'';

 On page 11, in line 34, by striking ``$6,913,614'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$6,873,234'';

 On page 13, in line 3, by striking ``$895,049'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$877,907''; in
line 19, by striking ``$198,791'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$193,534'';

 On page 14, in line 19, by striking ``$12,068,953'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 15, in line 21, by striking ``$77,236,898'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 16, in line 42, by striking ``$5,652,983'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$5,944,154'';

 On page 17, in line 17, by striking ``$28,084,448'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$26,876,393''; in line 38, by striking ``$415,796'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$406,511'';

 On page 18, in line 4, by striking ``$131,692'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$131,299''; in
line 9, by striking ``$1,218,402'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,166,295'';

 On page 20, in line 15, by striking ``$12,169,603'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$11,949,490''; after line 19, by inserting the following:

 ``(c) Expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by the state corporation
commission from the conservation fee fund or the abandoned oil and gas well fund may be
made for the service of independent on-site supervision of well plugging contracts: Provided,
That all expenditures from the conservation fee fund or the abandoned oil and gas well fund

for the purpose of plugging of abandoned oil and gas wells shall be subject to the competitive
bidding requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739, and amendments thereto, and shall not be exempt
from such competitive bidding requirements on the basis of the estimated amount of such

 Also on page 20, in line 27, by striking ``$470,195'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$464,223'';

 On page 21, in line 12, by striking ``$16,836,819'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$16,507,063''; in line 24, by striking ``$1,345,870'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,309,539'';

 On page 22, in line 6, by striking ``$278,103'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$273,113''; in
line 12, by striking ``$138,547'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$136,292'';

 On page 25, in line 10, by striking ``$1,255,164'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,691,096'';

 On page 28, after line 26, by inserting the following:

``Flexible spending fund$0
  Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending fund: Provided
further, That the director of accounts and reports is hereby authorized to make transfers
from the flexible spending fund to other funds in the state treasury only as specifically
authorized by statute and upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter
which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and
acting on this matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that
sufficient moneys are available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the
intergovernmental transfer program established by 2000 Senate Bill No. 653: And provided
further, That such transfers are authorized to be made only to special revenue funds of the
department on aging, the department of social and rehabilitation services and the
department of education.'';

 On page 30, after line 38, by inserting the following:

 ``(n) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all unencumbered
moneys in excess of $100,000 in the state emergency fund to the state general fund.

 (o) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $25,000,000 from
the state general fund to the flexible spending fund.'';

 Also on page 30, in line 43, by striking ``$2,122,492'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 31, in line 14, by striking ``$31,166,376'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$30,834,840''; in line 27, by striking ``$30,044,804'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 32, in line 2, by striking ``$342,964'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$336,867'';

 On page 33, after line 40, by inserting the following:

``Provided, That expenditures may be made from the VIPS/CAMA technology hardware
fund for CAMA software.'';

 On page 35, after line 6, by inserting the following:

 ``(g) On April 15, 2001, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of
accounts and reports shall transfer $500,000 from the VIPS/CAMA technology hardware
fund to the division of vehicles operating fund.

 (h) In addition to the purposes for which moneys may be expended by the above agency
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, expenditures shall be made by the above agency
for claiming moneys due and owing the department of revenue which are held by the state
treasurer under the unclaimed property program.'';

 Also on page 35, in line 15, by striking ``$8,998,099'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$8,907,510''; in line 28, by striking ``made during'' and inserting ``credited for''; in line 37,
after the period, by inserting: ``Any transfer based on lottery sales during the month of June,
2001, shall be credited to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, and the director of the lottery
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports that the lottery is in compliance with
this provision. There shall be a total of 13 monthly transfers credited to the state gaming
revenues fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.'';

 On page 36, in line 14, by striking ``$3,217,143'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$3,175,379'';

 On page 41, in line 8, by striking ``$16,332,981'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$15,703,751''; in line 25, by striking ``$9,125,931'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$9,010,351'';
in line 36, by striking ``$410,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$485,000'';

 On page 42, in line 35, by striking ``$300,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$100,000'';
in line 36, by striking ``$300,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$100,000'';

 On page 44, in line 20, by striking ``$93,528'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$400,000''; in
line 38, by striking ``$336,137'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$371,413'';

 On page 45, in line 8, by striking ``$336,137'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$371,413''; in
line 10, by striking ``$332,579'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$336,137''; in line 21, by striking
``$11,759,688'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$12,477,492''; in line 39, by striking
``$11,759,688'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$12,477,492''; in line 41, by striking ``$975,328''
and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,035,145'';

 On page 46, in line 6, by striking ``$975,321'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,035,138'';
in line 35, by striking ``$1,586,143'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,442,709'';

 On page 49, in line 6, by striking ``$1,672,709'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,628,682'';
in line 12, by striking ``$712,440'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$691,606''; in line 18, by
striking ``$2,551,265'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$2,472,881''; in line 31, by striking
``$4,323,386'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,245,974''; in line 34, by striking ``$3,177,437''
and inserting in lieu thereof ``No limit'';

 On page 50, in line 7, by striking ``$19,936,321'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 59, in line 1, by striking ``Kansas health foundation'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``early prevention''; in line 5, by striking ``Kansas health foundation'' and inserting in lieu
thereof ``early prevention'';

 On page 61, in line 18, by striking ``$4,564,359'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,506,345'';

 On page 62, in line 28, by striking ``$130,708,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 64, after line 15, by inserting the following:

``Flexible spending fund--HCBS/FE waiver$9,700,000
  Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending fund--HCBS/FE
waiver except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is
hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines
prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this
matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys
are not available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer
program established by 2000 Senate Bill No. 653.

State medicaid match fund--department on aging$0'';
   Also on page 64, after line 41, by inserting the following:

 ``(e) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer $9,700,000 from the flexible spending fund of the department of
administration to the flexible spending fund--HCBS/FE waiver of the department on aging:
Provided, That no transfer shall be made under this subsection except upon approval of the
state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of
legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-
3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the certification
of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are not available in the flexible spending
fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer program established by 2000 Senate Bill
No. 653.'';

 On page 65, in line 6, by striking ``$91,601,046'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$90,810,661''; in line 20, by striking ``$128,369,296'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$113,469,296''; in line 30, before the period, by inserting the following: ``: And provided
further, That in any area where a community developmental disability organization (CDDO)
provides treatment and care services for persons with developmental disabilities and a
community services provider or providers also provides treatment and care services in the
area in which the CDDO provides such treatment and services, the CDDO shall present a
plan to the secretary of social and rehabilitation services for approval that demonstrates how
the CDDO will impartially provide, directly or by subcontract, information about any and
all community services that are available in such area to persons with developmental
disabilities and the family members and that delineates the role that other community

service providers may have in the dissemination of services information to consumers: And
provided further, That each such CDDO shall develop such plan jointly with all community
service providers within such area to mitigate potential conflicts of interest: And provided
further, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall report to the SRS
transition oversight committee on the status of all such plans and other steps taken to
monitor compliance and mitigate against potential conflicts of interest: And provided
further, That, in addition, the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall report to
the SRS transition oversight committee on the creation of a community services ombudsman
and other steps to address concerns of families and consumers'';

 Also on page 65, in line 31, by striking ``$8,517,075'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 66, in line 10, by striking ``$11,134,218'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$9,919,346''; in line 27, by striking ``$3,140,355'' and inserting in lieu thereto ``$2,926,031'';

 On page 67, in line 2, by striking ``$6,558,547'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$6,251,304'';
in line 25, by striking ``$1,333,972'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,219,345'';

 On page 68, in line 12, by striking ``$44,904,853'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$44,964,853''; in line 32, by striking ``$31,337,751'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$31,737,751''; in line 36, by striking ``$207,836,493'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 69, in line 15, by striking ``$900,063'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$710,475'';
in line 18, by striking the ``K'' preceding ``Kansas''; in line 33, by striking ``$5,635,313'' and
inserting in lieu thereof ``$5,479,615'';

 On page 70, in line 22, by striking ``$779,407'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$624,567'';

 On page 71, in line 10, by striking ``$184,627,241'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$275,583,870''; in line 22, by striking ``$54,752,727'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$54,753,127''; in line 26, before the period, by inserting: ``: Provided further, That
notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-7,154 and amendments thereto, the
child support collection pass-through payments are hereby eliminated for FY 2001 and no
expenditures shall be made from the social welfare fund for payment of any amounts
pursuant to K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-7,154 and amendments thereto'';

 On page 72, after line 28, by inserting the following:

``Flexible spending fund--HCBS/MR waiver$15,300,000
  Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending fund--HCBS/MR
waiver except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is
hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines
prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this
matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys
are not available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer
program established by 2000 Senate Bill No. 653.

State medicaid match fund--SRS$0'';
   Also on page 72, in line 30, by striking all after ``services'';

 On page 77, after line 21, by inserting the following:

 ``(n) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer $15,300,000 from the flexible spending fund of the department
of administration to the flexible spending fund--HCBS/MR waiver of the department of
social and rehabilitation services: Provided, That no transfer shall be made under this
subsection except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is
hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines
prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75- 3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this
matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys
are not available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer
program established by 2000 Senate Bill No. 653.'';

 Also on page 77, in line 26, by striking ``$999,333'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$988,864'';
in line 36, by striking ``$8,852,017'' and inserting in lieu thereof $8,691,226'';

 On page 79, in line 12, by striking ``75%'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``65%'';

 On page 82, after line 18, by inserting the following:

``Flexible spending fund--general state aid$7,761,000
  Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending fund--general
state aid except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is
hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines
prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this
matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys
are available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer
program established by 2000 Senate Bill No. 653.

Flexible spending fund--special education services aid$14,600,000
  Provided, That expenditures shall not be made from the flexible spending fund--special
education services aid for the provision of instruction for any homebound or hospitalized
child unless the categorization of such child as exceptional is conjoined with the
categorization of the child within one or more of the other categories of exceptionality:
Provided further,That expenditures shall be made from this account for grants to school
districts in amounts determined pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A.
1999 Supp. 72-983 and amendments thereto: And provided further, That expenditures shall
be made from the amount remaining in this account, after deduction of the expenditures
specified in the foregoing proviso, for payments to school districts in amounts determined
pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 72-978 and amendments thereto:
And provided further, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending fund--
special education services aid except upon approval of the state finance council acting on
this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject
to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto
and acting on this matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that
sufficient moneys are available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the
intergovernmental transfer program established by 2000 Senate Bill No. 653.'';

 Also on page 82, in line 41, by striking ``75%'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``65%'';

 On page 83, in line 6, by striking ``school violence prevention'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``reading readiness program grants''; in line 9, by striking ``school violence prevention'' and
inserting in lieu thereof ``reading readiness program grants''; in line 10, preceding the period,
by inserting: ``: Provided further, That expenditures shall be made by the department of
education from the children's initiatives fund--reading readiness program grants account
for grants to school districts to provide for mentoring programs in reading''; in line 15,
before the period, by inserting: ``: Provided further, That no expenditures shall be made
from the children's initiatives fund--Kan-Ed infrastructure account until the commissioner
of education certifies to the director of accounts and reports that discounted
telecommunications services through the e-rate subsidy provided by the federal universal
service fund under provisions of the federal telecommunications act of 1996 have been

 On page 85, after line 2, by inserting the following:

 ``(g) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer $7,761,000 from the flexible spending fund of the department of
administration to the flexible spending fund--general state aid of the department of
education: Provided, That no transfer shall be made under this subsection except upon
approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as
a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c)
of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the
certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are available in the flexible
spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer program established by 2000
Senate Bill No. 653.

 (h) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer $14,600,000 from the flexible spending fund of the department
of administration to the flexible spending fund--special education services aid of the
department of education: Provided, That no transfer shall be made under this subsection
except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed

in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter
after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are
available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer program
established by 2000 Senate Bill No. 653.'';

 Also on page 85, in line 7, by striking ``$1,531,404'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$1,529,782''; in line 36, by striking ``$323,926'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$317,315''; in
line 43, by striking ``$300'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,000'';

 On page 86, in line 3, by striking ``each''; also in line 3, by striking ``project'' and inserting
in lieu thereof ``projects''; in line 8, by striking ``each''; also in line 8, by striking ``project''
and inserting in lieu thereof ``projects''; in line 27, by striking ``each''; also in line 27, by
striking ``project'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``projects''; in line 32, by striking ``$4,189,541''
and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,124,498''; after line 38, by inserting the following:

``Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in the technology lending
library account is hereby reappropriated for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That all
expenditures from the technology lending library account shall be made only for the purpose
of matching an equal or greater amount of federal or other nonstate governmental grant
moneys or private grant or donation moneys, or any combination thereof, received by the
Kansas state school for the blind: Provided further, That no expenditures shall be made
from this account except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter
which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto, after
receiving information that the Kansas state school for the blind has received the required
matching funds.'';

 On page 87, in line 23, by striking ``$7,061,712'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$7,012,534'';

 On page 88, in line 10, by striking ``$5,769,882'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$5,663,450'';

 On page 89, in line 15, by striking ``$75,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``No limit'';
after line 23, by inserting the following:

``EDIF--Kansas humanities council fund$16,000
   (c) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer $16,000 from the Kansas economic development endowment
account of the state economic development initiatives fund to the EDIF--Kansas
humanities council fund.'';

 Also on page 89, in line 28, by striking ``$30,263,247'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 90, in line 1, by striking ``$8,760,045'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,560,252'';

 On page 92, in line 11, by striking ``$101,532,420'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$99,422,184''; in line 30, by striking ``$44,947,038'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 93, in line 40, before the period, by inserting: ``: And provided further, That
expenditures from the restricted fees fund may be made for the purchase of insurance for
operation and testing of completed project aircraft and for operation of aircraft used in
professional pilot training including coverage for public liability, physical damage, medical
payments and voluntary settlement coverage'';

 On page 95, in line 36, by striking ``$756,335'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$739,443'';
in line 41, by striking ``$17,233,996'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$16,863,278'';

 On page 96, in line 3, by striking ``$28,450,697'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 97, in line 5, by striking ``$4,703,061'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,602,177'';
in line 9, by striking ``$3,611,930'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``3,552,528''; in line 21, by
striking ``$9,283,551'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$9,062,768''; in line 29, by striking
``$5,258,707'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$5,177,697'';

 On page 98, in line 38, by striking ``$29,353,656'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 99, in line 6, by striking ``$8,855,138'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,020,480'';

 On page 101, in line 10, by striking ``$31,726,730'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$31,076,391''; in line 26, by striking ``$11,159,978'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 103, in line 34, by striking ``$124,972,652'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$122,452,713''; in line 38, by striking ``$6,032,963'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 104, in line 7, by striking ``$84,147,305'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 108, in line 6, by striking ``$98,517,111'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$96,536,520''; in line 22, by striking ``$11,033,864'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 110, after line 35, by inserting the following:

 ``(h) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be made from the
children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above
agency from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following specified
purposes subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Children's initiatives fund--TeleKid health care link$250,000'';
   Also on page 110, in line 40, by striking ``$62,621,360'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 111, in line 5, by striking ``$28,425,377'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 113, in line 15, by striking ``$2,392,268'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 117, in line 20, by striking ``$12,361,004'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$12,140,441''; after line 40, by inserting the following:

``Day reporting center state match$190,000
  Provided, That all expenditures from the day reporting center state match account shall be
made for the purpose of providing the required state match for receipt of federal funds for
day reporting centers: Provided further, That such expenditures shall be for operation of
day reporting centers for one-half of fiscal year 2001: And provided further, That all
expenditures from the day reporting center state match account shall be made pursuant to
a contract which is hereby authorized to be entered into by the secretary of corrections with
a private entity for operation of such day reporting centers: And provided further, That such
contract shall be designed to use day reporting centers to divert offenders who would
otherwise occupy prison space making additional prison space available for violent

 Also on page 117, in line 41, by striking ``$30,843,800'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 118, in line 4, by striking ``$13,658,283'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$13,389,580''; in line 12, by striking ``$22,996,537'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$22,607,371''; in line 20, by striking ``$30,894,098'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$30,398,775''; in line 28, by striking ``$8,221,828'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,062,071'';
in line 36, by striking ``$9,000,551'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,819,076'';

 On page 119, in line 1, by striking ``$11,277,695'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$11,066,407''; in line 9, by striking ``$17,290,354'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$17,031,595''; in line 17, by striking ``$6,924,578'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$6,951,564'';

 On page 120, after line 12, by inserting the following:

``Provided, That the department of corrections shall make expenditures from the violent
offenders incarceration and truth in sentencing grants--federal fund for fiscal year 2001 for
operation of day reporting centers for one-half of fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That
all such expenditures shall be made pursuant to a contract which is hereby authorized to be
entered into by the secretary of corrections with a private entity for operation of such day
reporting centers: And provided further, That such contract shall be designed to use day
reporting centers to divert offenders who would otherwise occupy prison space making
additional prison space available for violent offenders: And provided further, That
expenditures from the violent offenders incarceration and truth in sentencing grants--
federal fund for fiscal year 2001 for operation of such day reporting centers shall not exceed

 Also on page 120, after line 14, by inserting the following:

``Provided, That, notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 75-5282, and amendments
thereto, and in addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be made by the
above agency from the correctional industries fund as authorized by this act or other
appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures shall be made
from the correctional industries fund for fiscal year 2001 for community corrections
conditional violator grants designed to divert probation violators from occupying prison bed
space reducing the prison population: Provided further, That expenditures for such purpose
from the correctional industries fund for fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed $750,000.'';

 On page 122, after line 24, by inserting the following:

 ``(d) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following special revenue fund
or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, all moneys now or hereafter lawfully
credited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds
authorized by law shall not exceed the following:

Violent offender incarceration and truth in sentencing incentive grants--federal fundNo limit
  Provided, That the department of corrections shall make expenditures from the violent
offenders incarceration and truth in sentencing grants--federal fund for fiscal year 2002 for
operation of day reporting centers: Provided further, That all such expenditures for fiscal
year 2002 shall be made pursuant to a contract which is hereby authorized to be entered
into by the secretary of corrections with a private entity for operation of such day reporting
centers: And provided further, That such contract shall be designed to use day reporting
centers to divert offenders who would otherwise occupy prison space making additional
prison space available for violent offenders: And provided further, That expenditures from
the violent offenders incarceration and truth in sentencing grants- federal fund for fiscal
year 2002 for operating expenditures for such day reporting centers shall not exceed

 Also on page 122, in line 29, by striking ``$34,385,360'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$34,343,070''; in line 38, by striking ``$11,811,652'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 123, in line 9, by striking ``$6,021,144'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$5,909,764'';
in line 22, by striking ``$5,385,686'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$5,283,329''; in line 35, by
striking ``$4,238,187'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,135,998'';

 On page 128, in line 7, by striking ``$4,381,270'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,334,829'';

 On page 129, after line 5, by inserting the following:

``EDIF--educational assistance fund$250,000
   (c) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer $250,000 from the Kansas economic development endowment
account of the state economic development initiatives fund of the department of commerce
and housing to the EDIF--educational assistance fund of the adjutant general.'';

 Also on page 129, in line 14, by striking ``$2,729,164'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$2,653,083''; in line 28, by striking ``$415,083'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$411,917''; in
line 41, by striking ``$418,640'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$410,714'';

 On page 130, in line 6, by striking ``$25,236,627'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$24,724,339''; in line 22, by striking ``$679,341'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$666,033'';

 On page 132, in line 27, by striking ``$12,117,475'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 134, in line 10, before the period, by inserting: ``: And provided further, That
expenditures from any moneys received from the division of alcoholic beverage control and
credited to the KBI general fees fund may be made by the Kansas bureau of investigation
for all purposes for which expenditures may be made for operating expenditures''; in line
25, by striking ``$737,670'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$756,138''; in line 31, by striking
``$64,008'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$100,000''; after line 38, by inserting the following:

``Rural health options grant fundNo limit'';

   On page 135, in line 8, by striking ``$177,684'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$250,035'';
in line 11, by striking all after ``2001''; by striking all in line 12; in line 13, by striking all
before the period; after line 23, by inserting the following:

``Provided, That expenditures are hereby authorized to be made by the Kansas sentencing
commission from the sentencing commission forfeiture fund for all purposes for which
expenditures may be made for operating expenditures.'';

 Also on page 135, in line 28, by striking ``$174,507'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$170,975''; in line 38, by striking ``$9,902,107'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$9,656,731'';

 On page 136, in line 13, by striking ``$96,694'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$92,006''; in
line 34, by striking ``$65,934'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$55,934''; in line 35, by striking
``$96,502'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$94,927''; in line 37, by striking ``$565,016'' and
inserting in lieu thereof ``$561,942''; in line 39, by striking ``$616,480'' and inserting in lieu
thereof ``$605,929'';

 On page 137, in line 18, by striking ``$580,169'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$577,677'';
in line 19, by striking ``$398,716'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$392,716''; in line 23, by
striking ``$399,729'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$393,452'';

 On page 138, in line 15, by striking ``2000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``2001''; after line
28, by inserting the following:

 ``(e) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer the amount of
any unencumbered balance in the grain inspection fee fund to the state general fund.'';

 Also on page 138, in line 33, by striking ``$628,028'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 139, after line 15, by inserting the following:

``Legal services fundNo limit
  Provided, That all moneys received by the animal health department from other state
agencies pursuant to one or more interagency agreements for the provision of legal services,
which agreements are hereby authorized and directed to be entered into, shall be credited
to the legal services fund: Provided further, That all expenditures from the legal services
fund shall be for contractual legal services to be provided to the animal health department
and such other state agencies pursuant to such interagency agreements.'';

 Also on page 139, after line 42, by inserting the following:

``EDIF--operating expenditures fund$25,000'';
   On page 140, after line 1, by inserting the following:

 ``(d) On the effective date of this act, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $25,000 from the Kansas economic
development endowment account of the state economic development initiatives fund of the
department of commerce and housing to the EDIF--operating expenditures fund of the
state fair board.'';

 Also on page 140, in line 9, by striking ``$3,432,606'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``$3,422,410''; in line 21, by striking ``$590,406'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$576,153'';

 On page 142, in line 43, by striking ``$1,424,733'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 143, after line 42, by inserting the following:

 ``(c) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $653,350 from
the water marketing fund to the state general fund.

 (d) If it appears that the resources in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, are insufficient
to meet in full the estimated expenditures as they become due to meet the financial
obligations imposed by law on the water marketing fund of the Kansas water office as a
result of a cash flow shortfall, the pooled money investment board is authorized and directed
to loan to the director of the Kansas water office sufficient funds to maintain the cash flow
of the water marketing fund. No loan shall be made unless the terms thereof have been
approved by the director of the budget. The pooled money investment board is authorized
and directed to use any moneys in the operating accounts, investment accounts or other
investments of the state of Kansas to provide the funds for such loan. Each such loan shall
be repaid without interest within one year from the date of the loan.'';

 On page 144, in line 5, by striking ``$3,539,018'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$3,857,653'';
in line 19, by striking ``$21,748,349'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$21,283,172''; in line 30,
by striking ``$4,460,870'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,383,646''; in line 40, by striking
``$1,232,339'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,161,182'';

 On page 145, by striking all in line 34;

 On page 146, in line 4, by striking ``$475,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$200,000'';
in line 24, by striking ``$475,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$200,000'';

 On page 147, in line 25, by striking ``bonds'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``bond''; in line
26, by striking ``services'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``service'';

 On page 148, in line 5, by striking ``Elderly and disabled coordinated'' and inserting in
lieu thereof ``Coordinated''; after line 7, by inserting the following:

``Highway bond proceeds fundNo limit'';
   Also on page 148, in line 14, by striking ``$210,875,792'' and inserting in lieu thereof

 On page 150, after line 29, by inserting the following:

 ``(h) For the fiscal year commencing on and after July 1, 2000, the department of
transportation shall prepare and submit along with the documents required under K.S.A.
75-3717, and amendments thereto, additional documents that present the revenues,
transfers, and expenditures that are considered to be in support of the comprehensive
transportation program authorized by K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 68-2314a et seq. The documents
shall include both reportable as well as nonreportable and off-budget items that reflect the
revenues, transfers and expenditures associated with the comprehensive transportation

 Also on page 150, in line 39, by striking ``54.5'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``55.5'';

 On page 151, in line 6, by striking ``78.0'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``79.0''; in line 27,
by striking ``765.6'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``760.6''; in line 34, by striking ``172.5'' and
inserting in lieu thereof ``174.5''; in line 37, by striking ``3,040.0'' and inserting in lieu thereof
``3,063.0''; in line 43, by striking ``200.0'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``203.0'';

 On page 152, in line 1, by striking ``12.0'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``13.0''; in line 2,
by striking ``8.0'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``9.0''; in line 5, by striking ``30.0'' and inserting
in lieu thereof ``31.0''; in line 10, by striking ``393.5'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``394.5'';

 On page 154, after line 6, by inserting the following:

``Sec. 70.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal year ending June
30, 2001, by section 3(b) of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 on the bank commissioner fee fund is
hereby increased from $3,784,474 to $3,941,233.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, by section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas for the state bank
commissioner is hereby increased from 67.0 to 77.0: Provided, That the position limitation
established for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by this section for the state bank
commissioner includes the positions transferred from the consumer credit commissioner to
the state bank commissioner by chapter 166 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, by section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas for the consumer
credit commissioner is hereby decreased from 8.0 to 0.0.

 Sec. 71.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal year ending June
30, 2001, by section 18(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas on the real
estate fee fund is hereby increased from $653,293 to $685,757.

 Sec. 72.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be made by the
behavioral sciences regulatory board from the moneys appropriated from the behavioral
sciences regulatory board fee fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized by section 4(b) of 2000

Senate Bill No. 39 or by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the
legislature, expenditures may be made by the behavioral sciences regulatory board from the
moneys appropriated from the behavioral sciences regulatory board fee fund for fiscal year
2001 for official hospitality: Provided, That expenditures from the behavioral sciences
regulatory board fee fund for fiscal year 2001 for official hospitality shall not exceed $500.'';

 And by renumbering sections accordingly;

 On page 1, in the title, in line 9, by striking ``year'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``years'';
in line 10, before ``for'' by inserting ``and June 30, 2002,'';

and the bill be passed as amended.

 Also, HB 2513 be amended by substituting a new bill to be designated as ``Senate
Substitute for HOUSE BILL No. 2513,'' as follows:

``SENATE Substitute for HOUSE BILL No. 2513
By Committee on Ways and Means

``AN  ACT making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000,
      June 30, 2001, and June 30, 2002, for state agencies; authorizing certain transfers, capital
      improvement projects and fees, imposing certain restrictions and limitations, and
      directing or authorizing certain receipts, disbursements and acts incidental to the

            and the substitute bill be passed.

 HB 2624 be amended by substituting a new bill to be designated as ``Senate Substitute
for HOUSE BILL No. 2624,'' as follows:

``SENATE Substitute for HOUSE BILL No. 2624
By Committee on Ways and Means

``AN  ACT concerning retirement and pensions; relating to the Kansas public employees
      retirement system; benefits; correction of errors by the system; vesting; taxation of death
      benefits; purchase of service credit; retirement options; employer contribution rate; fees;
      amending K.S.A. 13-14a11, 14-10a11 and 74-4927k and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 13-14a07,
      14-10a07, 20-2610, 20-2610a, 20-2625, 74-4918, 74-4919p, 74-4919q, 74-4920, 74-4921,
      74-4924, 74-4927, 74-4958, 74-4958a, 74-4959, 74-4960, 74-4960a, 74-4964, 74-4964a
      and 74-4989 and repealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-

            and the substitute bill be passed.

   On motion of Senator Emert the Senate adjourned until 9:00 a.m., March 28, 2000.

HELEN A. MORELAND, Journal Clerk.

PAT SAVILLE, Secretary of Senate.