Senate Chamber, Topeka, Kansas |
Monday, March 29, 1999--10:00 a.m. |
Long term care | $198,912''; |
``Childrens health insurance | $5,438,592 |
Youth services aid and assistance | $13,178,207''; |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) | $87,631''; |
Operating expenditures | $33,812 |
``Fire and safety projects | $200,000''; |
``Construct storage bay #3 | $619,850''; |
``Agricultural shop buildings -- east central Kansas experiment field | No limit |
Animal science swine facility | No limit''; |
``Lewis hall renovation principal and interest payment account KDFA Dbonds, 1998 fund | No limit |
Lewis hall renovation bond proceeds project account KDFA D bonds, 1998 fund | No limit |
Lewis hall renovation university proceeds project account KDFA Dbonds, 1998 fund | No limit |
Lewis hall renovation rebate fund KDFA D bonds, 1998 fund | No limit |
Continuing education revenue bonds principal and interest KDFA Hbonds, 1998 fund | No limit |
Continuing education revenue bonds reserve fund KDFA H bonds, 1998fund | No limit |
Athletic facilities enhancements special revenue fund KDFA A university proceeds | No limit |
Renovate Ellsworth hall -- special revenue fund | No limit |
Remodel energy balance laboratory | No limit |
``Construct and equip Nursing Education Facility -- gift and grantfund | No limit''; |
``Capital facilities plan and projects | $2,185,297''; |
Rehabilitation and repair projects, Americans with disabilities actcompliance projects, state fire marshal code compliance projects, andimprovements to classroom projects for institutions of highereducation | $2,000,000 |
HELEN A. MORELAND, Journal Clerk.
PAT SAVILLE, Secretary of Senate.