The Senate was called to order by President Dick Bond.
The roll was called.
Invocation by Chaplain Fred S. Hollomon:
Heavenly Father,
No doubt some people wonder
Is there any likelihood
That listening to the Chaplain pray
Is doing any good.
They wonder if you hear me,
And if there's any need
For them to stand and listen
While I try to intercede.
It's true that all I've prayed for
Hasn't happened yet;
But I know that You are listening
And I know You don't forget.
The God Who knows each sparrow
And numbers hairs upon our heads
Is interested in everything
That we have done and said.
You watch our General Orders;
You're here in Final Action
You help Revisors draw up bills
For our satisfaction.
You're concerned about our families
And the jobs we have back home;
Whether in the urban centers
Or where the buffalo roam.
Sometimes You may seem far away,
But the poet* and I have known
``Standeth God within the shadow
Keeping watch above His own.''
And for that I thank You in Jesus' Name,
*James Russell Lowell
The following petitions were presented, read and filed:
SP 11, by Senator Jim Barone: a petition supporting HB 2961 (concerning permanent
COLA for certain retirants), stating that many need this COLA, signed by L.D. Holmes and
17 other citizens of District 13 in Southeast Kansas.
SP 12, by Senator Dick Bond: a petition endorsing a raise for retired State of Kansas
employees and members of KPERS, signed by Warren A. Meador and 32 other citizens of
Harper County, Kansas.
SP 13, by Senator Dick Bond: a petition supporting a cost of living increase for KPERS
retirees, signed by Venida M. Smith and 14 other citizens of Kansas who have retired from
Johnson County.
The following bills and resolution were referred to Committees as indicated:
Federal and State Affairs: HCR 5052.
Ways and Means: HB 2612, 2895, 2921.
SB 9, 67, 129, 421, 462, 470, 487, 505, 507, 518, 593, 677 reported correctly enrolled,
properly signed and presented to the Governor on April 3, 1998.
On motion of Senator Emert the Senate adjourned until 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 8,