The House met pursuant to adjournment with Speaker pro tem Wagle in the chair.
The roll was called with l09 members present.
Rep. Lloyd was excused on verified illness.
Reps. Benlon, Burroughs, Campbell, Correll, Franklin, Henderson, Howell, Phill Kline,
Krehbiel, M. Long, Osborne, Powers, Shallenburger, Sharp and Shore were excused on
excused absence by the Speaker.
Prayer by guest chaplain, the Rev. Larry Williams, pastor, 8th Street Baptist Church,
Kansas City, and guest of Rep. Haley:
Almighty God, who has granted us this nation of democratic ideals by which our
destiny may be fashioned, we thank thee that thou has blessed our land and we thank
thee for right minded leaders who you have raised up to guide this state. We would
pray that thou would grant those who have been entrusted with the authority of
government to be responsible, wise, courageous and strong. As we enter thy presence
in this period of deliberation we ask for your guidance. We admit our utter depend-
ence upon thee for without thee we can do nothing. Without thee our efforts turn
to ashes, and our sunrises to dark nights. Keep us dedicated to using moral means
to reach moral ends. May we remember, O God, that right will ultimately outlive
might. Give us, O God, a trilogy of love--a love of ourselves, a love for our neighbors,
and most of all a love for thee. In his name. Amen.
The following petitions were presented and filed:
HP 2010, by Rep. Dean, a petition urging the Kansas State Legislature to use this year's
income windfall to adequately fund classrooms and compensate employees of the state's
public schools, signed by Kathy Knee and 1,435 other teachers from Wichita and Sedgwick
HP 2011, by Rep. Powell, a petition urging the Kansas Legislature and Governor to
repeal the sales tax on labor, overhead and profit for remodeling projects, signed by Cheryl
Crebenik and 1,213 others from the Wichita area.
The following bills and resolutions were referred to committees as indicated:
Agriculture: SB 504.
Appropriations: HB 2996.
Federal and State Affairs: HB 2998, 2999; HCR 5047.
Governmental Organization and Elections: SB 561.
Health and Human Services: SB 129, Sub. SB 437, SB 636.
Insurance: HB 2997; SB 439.
Judiciary: SB 456, 518, 552, 607.
Taxation: SB 418, 419, 421.
Transportation: SB 562.
No objection was made to HB 2970; SB 300 appearing on the Consent Calendar for the
second day.
No objection was made to HB 2792, 2877; HCR 5029 appearing on the Consent Cal-
endar for the third day. The bills and resolution were advanced to Final Action on Bills and
Concurrent Resolutions.
Speaker pro tem Wagle announced that order of business Final Action on Bills and
Concurrent Resolutions would be passed over until Wednesday, March 4.
Your Committee on Calendar and Printing recommends on requests for resolutions
and certificates that
Request No. 98, by Representative Pottorff, congratulating Ann Fugate who was selected
to receive the fifth annual Daniel Caliendo, Jr. ``A Life Worth Living'' Award;
Request No. 99, by Representative Johnson, congratulating Randy Goodale, 1997-98
Hays Master Teacher of the Year;
Request No. 100, by Representative Johnson, congratulating Kendall D. Irwin for being
named an All-American Scholar;
Request No. 101, by Representative Freeborn, congratulating Gwen Henning on her
90th birthday;
Request No. 102, by Representative Phelps, commending Bob Leiker's School of Karate
and Self Defense, recently named #3 school in the world by the National Black Belt League;
Request No. 103, by Representative Phelps, commending Randy Goodale, 1997-98 USD
489 Master Teacher of the Year;
Request No. 104, by Representative Schwartz, congratulating Fern Moser on her 90th
Request No. 105, by Representative Schwartz, congratulating Kenneth and Marjorie
Wahl on 55 years of marriage;
Request No. 106, by Representative Benlon, congratulating Michael James McNary for
achieving Eagle Scout;
Request No. 107, by Representative Benlon, congratulating Daniel Worth Cady for
achieving Eagle Scout;
Request No. 108, by Representative Powell, congratulating Daniel Hess for achieving
Eagle Scout;
be approved and the Chief Clerk of the House be directed to order the
printing of said
certificates and order drafting of said resolutions.
On motion of Rep. Jennison, the committee report was adopted.
Upon unanimous consent, the House referred back to the regular order of
Introduction of Bills and Concurrent Resolutions.
The following bill was introduced and read by title:
HB 3000, An act concerning elections; establishing a bipartisan
commission on campaign
practices, by Committee on Appropriations.
On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House adjourned pro forma until 3:00 p.m.,
March 3, 1998.