COMPONENT: | Clearly defined institutional missions |
MEASURES: | Mission statements and institutional strategic plans in support ofthe mission are developed, expanded, and refined as appropriateand reflect unique areas of distinction at each institution Resources are allocated to achieve institutional missions Programs offered support institutional missions Programs have received regional, national, or international rec-ognition for excellence |
COMPONENT: | Qualified, competent faculty and instructors |
MEASURES: | Faculty and instructors possess required credentials andexperience Performance of faculty and instructors is reviewed and evaluated Faculty is compensated at a level intended to make Kansas com-petitive with employment in other states and the private sector |
COMPONENT: | Institutional cooperation and collaboration |
MEASURES: | Programs are in place that provide for the shared use of tech-nology, equipment, supplies, and other resources Partnerships have been made with the private sector and in par-ticular with the business community |
COMPONENT: | Efficient administration and operation of the system |
MEASURES: | Unjustified duplication and waste in administrative and educa-tional programs have been eliminated Courses transfer easily from one institution to another Uniform data are collected and maintained |
COMPONENT: | High-level achievement of student body |
MEASURES: | Coordination has been achieved with elementary-secondary ed-ucation to ensure that high school graduates are prepared toengage in postsecondary education Student financial aid is adequate to ensure that access to aneducation is not denied on the basis of income Students are able to obtain the courses and support services theyneed in order to successfully complete programs in a reasonableamount of time Student completion rates demonstrate user-satisfaction withprograms |
COMPONENT: | Program achievements |
MEASURES: | Programs and services are provided at locations and times orthrough the use of instructional technologies that provide accessto Kansas residents in all parts of the state Services and programs are provided to enable students who en-ter institutions to succeed Students who move to another level of postsecondary educationperform well at next level Students who prepare for employment or enroll in job retrainingprograms are successful in finding or maintaining employment Private sector support, including financial support and employersatisfaction, is high |