J o u r n a l o f t h e S e n a t e SIXTY-FIFTH DAY -------- SENATE CHAMBER, TOPEKA, KANSAS Saturday, May 3, 1997--10:00 a.m. The Senate was called to order by President Dick Bond. The roll was called with thirty-nine senators present. Senator Gooch was excused. President Bond served as guest chaplain and gave the invocation: Let us be in an attitude of prayer......... Our Father God....... The Senate comes to order this day with hope that we will conclude our labor together for this session. We give thanks for the high honor and great privilege it is to serve in this place... We thank you for the gift of strength, wisdom and civility. Give us a sense of humility and yet the boldness to be caring advocates for those who sent us here. Thank you for the friendships we make in this chamber, the sharing we enjoy each day and the wonderful staff that supports us. Let us work in unison.... as we pray in unison........ the prayer you have taught each of us to pray........ President Bond invited everyone to join him in the Lord's Prayer. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS The following petition was presented, read and filed: SP 70, by Senator Dwayne Umbarger: a petition to vote no on House Bill 2174 and any other bill that would extend gambling and especially any kind of partnership between the state and the racetracks, signed by Barbara Larery and 179 other citizens of the Fourteenth District of the State of Kansas. CHANGE OF REFERENCE The President withdrew SB 50 from the Committee on Public Health and Welfare, and referred the bill to the Committee on Ways and Means. The President withdrew SB 50 from the Committee on Ways and Means, and rereferred the bill to the Committee on Public Health and Welfare. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENTS In accordance with Senate Rule 56, the following appointment, submitted by the Gov ernor to the senate for confirmation, was considered. Senator Emert moved the following appointment be confirmed as recommended by the Standing Senate Committee: On appointment to the: Secretary, Kansas Department of Health and Environment: Gary R. Mitchell, serves at the pleasure of the Governor The vote was: Yeas 29, nays 7, present and passing 3, absent or not voting 1. May 3, 1997 727 Yeas: Becker, Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Clark, Corbin, Donovan, Downey, Emert, Har denburger, Harrington, Huelskamp, Jordan, Kerr, Langworthy, Lawrence, Lee, Morris, Oleen, Praeger, Pugh, Ranson, Salisbury, Salmans, Schraad, Steffes, Tyson, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Nays: Biggs, Feleciano, Gilstrap, Hensley, Karr, Petty, Steineger. Present and passing: Barone, Goodwin, Jones. Absent or not voting: Gooch. The appointment was confirmed. EXPLANATION OF VOTE Mr. President: I vote NO on the confirmation of Gary R. Mitchell to be Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. I have serious concerns about Mr. Mitchell that convince me he is not prepared to lead KDHE which is charged with preserving our state's environment and protecting the health of our people. KDHE is an agency which employs over 950 employees with a budget in excess of $163 million. Since Mr. Mitchell's most demanding previous experience was as staff director of a congressional committee, I do not believe he has the background to serve as top admin istrator of such a large agency. In addition, the challenges facing this agency are awesome. Throughout many years, KDHE has dealt with such issues as corporate farming, water quality, hazardous waste, nursing home inspections, child immunizations and others. Mr. Mitchell's qualifications and education are hardly sufficient to meet these challenges. Finally, I find the much publicized reports of Mr. Mitchell's temper tantrums very trou bling. His behavior in tough negotiations while working in Congress shows a personal style that will not serve our state well as he attempts to work with the general public and this Legislature.--Anthony Hensley Mr. President: In listening to the debate over the confirmation of Mr. Mitchell, I am disturbed by the fact that the agricultural industry has become a punching bag. Being pro-agriculture does not mean being anti-environmental, nor anti-people. Various sectors of the agricultural industry are the first, second, third, fourth and fifth largest industries in the state, but being large does not mean being anti-environmental. For farmers are the first environmentalists; we live in it every day like no one else. And given Mr. Mitchell's back ground in agriculture, I look forward to him bringing sound science and common sense to the Department of Health and Environment.--Tim Huelskamp Senator Bleeker requests the record to show she concurs with the ``Explanation of Vote'' offered by Senator Huelskamp. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Committee on Public Health and Welfare recommends SB 50 be passed. REPORT ON ENGROSSED BILLS SB 38, 164 reported correctly re-engrossed May 2, 1997. H. Sub. 69 reported correctly engrossed May 3, 1997. ORIGINAL MOTION Senator Emert moved that subsection 4(k) of the Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives be suspended for the purpose of considering the following bill: SB 50. FINAL ACTION OF BILLS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS On motion of Senator Emert an emergency was declared by a 2/3 constitutional majority, and SB 50 was advanced to Final Action, subject to amendment, debate and roll call. SB 50, An act concerning the legislature; relating to the joint committee on children and families; duties; sunset; amending K.S.A. 46-2002 and 46-2003 and repealing the existing sections, was considered on final action. The bill was amended by motion of Senator Oleen on page 1, in line 35, after ``(a)'', by inserting the following: ``Oversee and evaluate specific outcome measures of all state pro 728 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE grams providing services for children and families for use by state agencies and the legis lature to assess program effectiveness. (b) Coordinate and cooperate with the advisory committee on children and families, established by the governor's executive order number 97-1, to avoid duplication and maxi mize efforts. (c)''; And by relettering subsections ``(b)'' and ``(c)'' as ``(d)'' and ``(e)''; On page 2, in line 4, by striking ``2001'' and inserting ``1999''. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 19, nays 20, present and passing 0; absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Barone, Becker, Biggs, Downey, Emert, Feleciano, Gilstrap, Goodwin, Hensley, Jones, Karr, Langworthy, Lee, Oleen, Petty, Praeger, Schraad, Steineger, Vidricksen. Nays: Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Clark, Corbin, Donovan, Hardenburger, Harrington, Huelskamp, Jordan, Kerr, Lawrence, Morris, Pugh, Ranson, Salisbury, Salmans, Steffes, Tyson, Umbarger. Absent or not voting: Gooch. A constitutional majority having failed to vote in favor of the bill, SB 50 did not pass. On motion of Senator Emert, the Senate recessed until 1:30 p.m. Afternoon Session The Senate met pursuant to recess with President Bond in the chair. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Announcing the House nonconcurs in Senate amendments to HB 2278, requests a con ference and has appointed Reps. Mayans, Morrison and Henry as conferees on the part of the House. The House adopts the conference committee report on SB 53. The House adopts the conference committee report on SB 184. The House adopts the conference committee report on SB 214. Announcing the House adopts the conference committee report on House Substitute for SB 36. The House adopts the conference committee report on Senate Substitute for HB 2082. The House adopts the conference committee report on HB 2055. Announcing the House announces the appointment of Rep. Sawyer to replace Rep. Wel shimer as a conferee on HB 2315. ORIGINAL MOTION Senator Emert moved that subsection 4(k) of the Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives be suspended for the purpose of considering the following bill: SB 40. CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS TO CONCUR OR NONCONCUR Senator Corbin moved the Senate concur in house amendments to SB 40. SB 40, An act relating to the financing of public water supply projects; amending K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 65-163d and repealing the existing section, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 39, nays 0, present and passing 0; absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Barone, Becker, Biggs, Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Clark, Corbin, Donovan, Downey, Emert, Feleciano, Gilstrap, Goodwin, Hardenburger, Harrington, Hensley, Huelskamp, Jones, Jordan, Karr, Kerr, Langworthy, Lawrence, Lee, Morris, Oleen, Petty, Praeger, Pugh, Ranson, Salisbury, Salmans, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Tyson, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Absent or not voting: Gooch. The Senate concurred. ORIGINAL MOTION Senator Emert moved that subsection 4(k) of the Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives be suspended for the purpose of considering the following bills: H. Sub. for SB 36; SB 53, 184, 214; HB 2022. May 3, 1997 729 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 36, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed as House Substitute for SB No. 36 with amendments by House Committee of the Whole, as follows: On page 1, in line 31, by striking ``90%'' and inserting ``95%''; in line 34, by striking ``and in each school year thereafter''; also in line 34, by striking ``80%'' and inserting ``90%''; in line 36, after ``year'', by inserting ``, in the 2000-01 school year, a percentage that is equal to 85% of the percentage specified in the resolution under which the district was authorized to adopt a local option budget in the 1996-97 school year, in the 2001-02 school year and in each school year thereafter, a percentage that is equal to 80% of the percentage specified in the resolution under which the district was authorized to adopt a local option budget in the 1996-97 school year''; On page 3, in line 40, by striking ``The'' and inserting ``(A) Subject to the provisions of subpart (B), the''; following line 42, by inserting the following: ``(B) In lieu of utilizing the authority granted by subpart (A) for adoption of a local option budget, the board of a district may pass a resolution authorizing adoption of such a budget and publish such resolution once in a newspaper having general circulation in the district. The resolution shall be published in substantial compliance with the following form: Unified School District No. ______, __________________ County, Kansas. RESOLUTION Be It Resolved that: The board of education of the above-named school district shall be authorized to adopt a local option budget in each school year for a period of time not to exceed ______ years in an amount not to exceed ___% of the amount of state financial aid determined for the current school year. The local option budget authorized by this resolution may be adopted, unless a petition in opposition to the same, signed by not less than 5% of the qualified electors of the school district, is filed with the county election officer of the home county of the school district within 30 days after publication of this resolution. In the event a petition is filed, the county election officer shall submit the question of whether adoption of the local option budget shall be authorized to the electors of the school district at an election called for the purpose or at the next general election, as is specified by the board of education of the school district. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the board of education of Unified School District No. ______, __________________ County, Kansas, on the ___ day of ____________, 19___. ________________________ Clerk of the board of education. All of the blanks in the resolution shall be appropriately filled. The blank preceding the word ``years'' shall be filled with a specific number, and the blank preceding the percentage symbol shall be filled with a specific number. No word shall be inserted in either of the blanks. The percentage specified in the resolution shall not exceed the district prescribed percentage. The resolution shall be published once in a newspaper having general circulation in the school district. If no petition as specified above is filed in accordance with the pro visions of the resolution, the board may adopt a local option budget. If a petition is filed as provided in the resolution, the board may notify the county election officer of the date of an election to be held to submit the question of whether adoption of a local option budget shall be authorized. If the board fails to notify the county election officer within 30 days after a petition is filed, the resolution shall be deemed abandoned and no like resolution shall be adopted by the board within the nine months following publication of the resolution. If any district is authorized to adopt a local option budget under this subpart, but the board 730 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE of such district chooses, in any school year, not to adopt such a budget or chooses, in any school year, to adopt such budget in an amount less than the amount of the district pre scribed percentage of the amount of state financial aid in any school year, such board of education may so choose. If the board of any district refrains from adopting a local option budget in any one or more school years or refrains from budgeting the total amount au thorized for any one or more school years, the authority of such district to adopt a local option budget shall not be extended by such refrainment beyond the period specified in the resolution authorizing adoption of such budget, nor shall the amount authorized to be budg eted in any succeeding school year be increased by such refrainment. Whenever an initial resolution has been adopted under this subpart, and such resolution specified a lesser per centage than the district prescribed percentage, the board of the district may adopt one or more subsequent resolutions under the same procedure as provided for the initial resolution and subject to the same conditions, and shall be authorized to increase the percentage as specified in any such subsequent resolution for the remainder of the period of time specified in the initial resolution. Any percentage specified in a subsequent resolution or in subsequent resolutions shall be limited so that the sum of the percentage authorized in the initial res olution and the percentage authorized in the subsequent resolution or in subsequent reso lutions is not in excess of the district prescribed percentage in any school year. The board of any district that has been authorized to adopt a local option budget under this subpart and levied a tax under authority of K.S.A. 72-6435, and amendments thereto, may initiate, at any time after the final levy is certified to the county clerk under any current authorization, procedures to renew its authority to adopt a local option budget in the manner specified in this subpart or may utilize the authority granted by subpart (A). As used in this subpart, the term ``authorized to adopt a local option budget'' means that a district has adopted a reso lution under this subpart, has published the same, and either that the resolution was not protested or that it was protested and an election was held by which the adoption of a local option budget was approved.''; On page 4, in line 12, by striking ``a'' and inserting ``: (A) A''; in line 14, after ``district'', by inserting ``; or (B) the question of whether the board shall be authorized to increase the local option budget has been submitted to and approved by the qualified electors of the district at a special election called for the purpose. Any such election shall be noticed, called and held in the manner provided by K.S.A. 10-120, and amendments thereto, for the no ticing, calling and holding of elections upon the question of issuing bonds under the general bond law. The notice of such election shall state the purpose for and time of the election, and the ballot shall be designed with the question of whether the board of education of the district shall be continuously and permanently authorized to increase the local option budget of the district in each school year by a percentage which together with the percentage of the amount of state financial aid budgeted under subsection (a) does not exceed the state prescribed percentage in any school year. If a majority of the qualified electors voting at the election approve authorization of the board to increase the local option budget, the board shall have such authority. If a majority of the qualified electors voting at the election are opposed to authorization of the board to increase the local option budget, the board shall not have such authority and no like question shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the district within the nine months following the election''; On page 7, in line 11, after ``means'', by inserting ``either that a district has held a special election under provision (2)(B) by which authority of the board to increase a local option budget was approved, or''; in line 12, by striking ``this subsection'' and inserting ``provision (2)(A)''; On page 11, in line 21, by striking ``districts'' and inserting ``district's''; On page 12, in line 20, after ``and'', by inserting ``(1) for districts other than the district created by K.S.A. 72-5333a, and amendments thereto,''; in line 21, after ``district'', by in serting ``and (2) for the district created by K.S.A. 72-5333a, and amendments thereto, an amount equal to the federal impact aid of the district''; following line 33, by inserting a new section as follows: ``Sec. 4. K.S.A. 72-6417 is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-6417. (a) The distri bution of general state aid under this act shall be made in accordance with appropriation acts each year as provided in this section. May 3, 1997 731 (b) (1) In the months of July through May of each school year, the state board shall determine the amount of general state aid which will be required by each district to maintain operations in each such month. In making such determination, the state board shall take into consideration the district's access to local effort sources and the obligations of the general fund which must be satisfied during the month. The amount determined by the state board under this provision is the amount of general state aid which will be distributed to the district in the months of July through May; (2) in the month of June of each school year, payment shall be made of the full amount of the general state aid entitlement determined for the school year, less the sum of the monthly payments made in the months of July through May. (c) Payments of general state aid shall be distributed to districts once each month at a time to be determined by the state board. The state board shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount due as general state aid to each district in each of the months of July through June. Such certification, and the amount of general state aid payable from the state general fund, shall be approved by the director of the budget. The director of accounts and reports shall draw warrants on the state treasurer payable to the district treasurer of each district entitled to payment of general state aid, pursuant to vouchers approved by the state board. Upon receipt of such warrant, each district treasurer shall deposit the amount of general state aid in the general fund, except that, an amount equal to the amount of federal impact aid not included in the local effort of a district may be disposed of as provided in subsection (a) of K.S.A. 72-6427, and amendments thereto.
(d) The provisions of this section shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1992.''; By renumbering sections 4 and 5 as sections 5 and 6, respectively; Also on page 12, in line 34, after ``K.S.A.'', by inserting ``72-6417 and K.S.A.''; In the title, in line 13, after ``K.S.A.'', by inserting ``72-6417 and K.S.A.''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Michael O'Neal Eugene Shore Bill Reardon Conferees on part of House Audrey Langworthy Tim Emert Christine Downey Conferees on part of Senate Senator Emert moved the Senate adopt the Conference Committee report on H. Sub. for SB 36. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 22, nays 16, present and passing 1; absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Becker, Biggs, Bond, Brownlee, Corbin, Downey, Emert, Goodwin, Hensley, Jones, Jordan, Kerr, Langworthy, Morris, Oleen, Petty, Praeger, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Um barger, Vidricksen. Nays: Barone, Bleeker, Clark, Donovan, Feleciano, Hardenburger, Harrington, Huel skamp, Karr, Lawrence, Lee, Pugh, Ranson, Salisbury, Salmans, Tyson. Present and passing: Gilstrap. Absent or not voting: Gooch. The Conference Committee report was adopted. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 53, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee amendments, as follows: On page 2, by striking all in lines 30 through 32 and inserting the following: 732 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE ``Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 79-201a, as amended by section 36 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, is hereby amended to read as follows: 79-201a. The following described property, to the extent herein specified, shall be exempt from all property or ad valorem taxes levied under the laws of the state of Kansas: First. All property belonging exclusively to the United States, except property which congress has expressly declared to be subject to state and local taxation. Second. All property used exclusively by the state or any municipality or political subdi vision of the state. All property owned, being acquired pursuant to a lease-purchase agree ment or operated by the state or any municipality or political subdivision of the state, in cluding property which is vacant or lying dormant, which is used or is to be used for any governmental or proprietary function and for which bonds may be issued or taxes levied to finance the same, shall be considered to be used exclusively by the state, municipality or political subdivision for the purposes of this section. The lease by a municipality or political subdivision of the state of any real property owned or being acquired pursuant to a leasepurchase agreement for the purpose of providing office space necessary for the performance of medical services by a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine by the board of healing arts pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2801 et seq., and amendments thereto, dentistry services by a person licensed by the Kansas dental board pursuant to K.S.A. 65-1401 et seq., and amendments thereto, optometry services by a person licensed by the board of examiners in optometry pursuant to K.S.A. 65-1501 et seq., and amendments thereto, or K.S.A. 74-1501 et seq., and amendments thereto or podiatry services by a person licensed by the board of healing arts pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2001 et seq., and amendments thereto, shall be construed to be a governmental function, and such property actually and regularly used for such purpose shall be deemed to be used exclusively for the purposes of this paragraph. The lease by a municipality or political subdivision of the state of any real property, or portion thereof, owned or being acquired pursuant to a lease-purchase agree ment to any entity for the exclusive use by it for an exempt purpose, including the purpose of displaying or exhibiting personal property by a museum or historical society, if no portion of the lease payments include compensation for return on the investment in such leased property shall be deemed to be used exclusively for the purposes of this paragraph. All property leased, other than property being acquired pursuant to a lease-purchase agreement, to the state or any municipality or political subdivision of the state by any private entity shall not be considered to be used exclusively by the state or any municipality or political sub division of the state for the purposes of this section except that the provisions of this sentence shall not apply to any such property subject to lease on the effective date of this act until the term of such lease expires but property taxes levied upon any such property prior to tax year 1989, shall not be abated or refunded. Any property constructed or purchased with the proceeds of industrial revenue bonds issued prior to July 1, 1963, as authorized by K.S.A. 12-1740 to 12-1749, or purchased with proceeds of improvement district bonds issued prior to July 1, 1963, as authorized by K.S.A. 19-2776, or with proceeds of bonds issued prior to July 1, 1963, as authorized by K.S.A. 19-3815a and 19-3815b, or any property improved, purchased, constructed, reconstructed or repaired with the proceeds of revenue bonds is sued prior to July 1, 1963, as authorized by K.S.A. 13-1238 to 13-1245, inclusive, or any property improved, reimproved, reconstructed or repaired with the proceeds of revenue bonds issued after July 1, 1963, under the authority of K.S.A. 13-1238 to 13-1245, inclusive, which had previously been improved, reconstructed or repaired with the proceeds of rev enue bonds issued under such act on or before July 1, 1963, shall be exempt from taxation for so long as any of the revenue bonds issued to finance such construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair or purchase shall be outstanding and unpaid. Any property constructed or purchased with the proceeds of any revenue bonds authorized by K.S.A. 13-1238 to 131245, inclusive, 19-2776, 19-3815a and 19-3815b, and amendments thereto, issued on or after July 1, 1963, shall be exempt from taxation only for a period of 10 calendar years after the calendar year in which the bonds were issued. Any property, all or any portion of which is constructed or purchased with the proceeds of revenue bonds authorized by K.S.A. 121740 to 12-1749, inclusive, and amendments thereto, issued on or after July 1, 1963 and prior to July 1, 1981, shall be exempt from taxation only for a period of 10 calendar years after the calendar year in which the bonds were issued. Except as hereinafter provided, any May 3, 1997 733 property constructed or purchased wholly with the proceeds of revenue bonds issued on or after July 1, 1981, under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1740 to 12-1749, inclusive, and amend ments thereto, shall be exempt from taxation only for a period of 10 calendar years after the calendar year in which the bonds were issued. Except as hereinafter provided, any property constructed or purchased in part with the proceeds of revenue bonds issued on or after July 1, 1981, under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1740 to 12-1749, inclusive, and amend ments thereto, shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of the value of that portion of the property financed by the revenue bonds and only for a period of 10 calendar years after the calendar year in which the bonds were issued. The exemption of that portion of the property constructed or purchased with the proceeds of revenue bonds shall terminate upon the failure to pay all taxes levied on that portion of the property which is not exempt and the entire property shall be subject to sale in the manner prescribed by K.S.A. 79-2301 et seq., and amendments thereto. Property constructed or purchased in whole or in part with the proceeds of revenue bonds issued on or after January 1, 1995, under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1740 to 12-1749, inclusive, and amendments thereto, and used in any retail en terprise identified under the standard industrial classification codes, major groups 52 through 59, inclusive, except facilities used exclusively to house the headquarters or back office operations of such retail enterprises identified thereunder, shall not be exempt from taxation. For the purposes of the preceding provision ``standard industrial classification code'' means a standard industrial classification code published in the Standard Industrial Classification manual, 1987, as prepared by the statistical policy division of the office of management and budget of the office of the president of the United States. ``Headquarters or back office operations'' means a facility from which the enterprise is provided direction, management, administrative services, or distribution or warehousing functions in support of transactions made by the enterprise. Property purchased, constructed, reconstructed, equipped, maintained or repaired with the proceeds of industrial revenue bonds issued under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1740 et seq., and amendments thereto, which is located in a redevelopment project area established under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1770 et seq. shall not be exempt from taxation. Property purchased, acquired, constructed, reconstructed, improved, equipped, furnished, repaired, enlarged or remodeled with all or any part of the proceeds of revenue bonds issued under authority of K.S.A. 12-1740 to 12-1749a, inclusive, and amendments thereto for any poultry confinement facility on agricultural land which is owned, acquired, obtained or leased by a corporation, as such terms are defined by K.S.A. 17-5903 and amendments thereto, shall not be exempt from such taxation. Property pur chased, acquired, constructed, reconstructed, improved, equipped, furnished, repaired, en larged or remodeled with all or any part of the proceeds of revenue bonds issued under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1740 to 12-1749a, inclusive, and amendments thereto, for a rabbit confinement facility on agricultural land which is owned, acquired, obtained or leased by a corporation, as such terms are defined by K.S.A. 17-5903 and amendments thereto, shall not be exempt from such taxation. Third. All works, machinery and fixtures used exclusively by any rural water district or township water district for conveying or production of potable water in such rural water district or township water district, and all works, machinery and fixtures used exclusively by any entity which performed the functions of a rural water district on and after January 1, 1990, and the works, machinery and equipment of which were exempted hereunder on March 13, 1995. Fourth. All fire engines and other implements used for the extinguishment of fires, with the buildings used exclusively for the safekeeping thereof, and for the meeting of fire com panies, whether belonging to any rural fire district, township fire district, town, city or village, or to any fire company organized therein or therefor. Fifth. All property, real and personal, owned by county fair associations organized and operating under the provisions of K.S.A. 2-125 et seq. and amendments thereto. Sixth. Property acquired and held by any municipality under the municipal housing law (K.S.A. 17-2337 et seq.) and amendments thereto, except that such exemption shall not apply to any portion of the project used by a nondwelling facility for profit making enterprise. Seventh. All property of a municipality, acquired or held under and for the purposes of the urban renewal law (K.S.A. 17-4742 et seq.) and amendments thereto except that such 734 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE tax exemption shall terminate when the municipality sells, leases or otherwise disposes of such property in an urban renewal area to a purchaser or lessee which is not a public body entitled to tax exemption with respect to such property. Eighth. All property acquired and held by the Kansas armory board for armory purposes under the provisions of K.S.A. 48-317, and amendments thereto. Ninth. All property acquired and used by the Kansas turnpike authority under the au thority of K.S.A. 68-2001 et seq., and amendments thereto, K.S.A. 68-2030 et seq., and amendments thereto, K.S.A. 68-2051 et seq., and amendments thereto, and K.S.A. 68-2070 et seq., and amendments thereto. Tenth. All property acquired and used for state park purposes by the Kansas department of wildlife and parks. Eleventh. The state office building constructed under authority of K.S.A. 75-3607 et seq., and amendments thereto, and the site upon which such building is located. Twelfth. All buildings erected under the authority of K.S.A. 76-6a01 et seq., and amend ments thereto, and all other student union buildings and student dormitories erected upon the campus of any institution mentioned in K.S.A. 76-6a01, and amendments thereto, by any other nonprofit corporation. Thirteenth. All buildings, as the same is defined in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 76-6a13, and amendments thereto, which are erected, constructed or acquired under the authority of K.S.A. 76-6a13 et seq., and amendments thereto, and building sites acquired therefor. Fourteenth. All that portion of the waterworks plant and system of the city of Kansas City, Missouri, now or hereafter located within the territory of the state of Kansas pursuant to the compact and agreement adopted by chapter 304 of the 1921 Session Laws of the state of Kansas. [See K.S.A. 79-205.] Fifteenth. All property, real and personal, owned by a groundwater management district organized and operating pursuant to K.S.A. 82a-1020, and amendments thereto. Sixteenth. All property, real and personal, owned by the joint water district organized and operating pursuant to K.S.A. 80-1616 et seq., and amendments thereto. Seventeenth. All property, including interests less than fee ownership, acquired for the state of Kansas by the secretary of transportation or a predecessor in interest which is used in the administration, construction, maintenance or operation of the state system of high ways, regardless of how or when acquired. Eighteenth. Any building used primarily as an industrial training center for academic or vocational education programs designed for and operated under contract with private in dustry, and located upon a site owned, leased or being acquired by or for an area vocational school, an area vocational-technical school, a technical college, or a community college, as defined by K.S.A. 72-4412, and amendments thereto, and the site upon which any such building is located. Except as otherwise specifically provided, the provisions of this section shall apply to all taxable years commencing after December 31, 1996. Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 79-213, as amended by section 35 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, is hereby amended to read as follows: 79-213. (a) Any property owner requesting an exemption from the payment of ad valorem property taxes assessed, or to be assessed, against their property shall be required to file an initial request for exemption, on forms approved by the board of tax appeals and provided by the county appraiser. (b) The initial exemption request shall identify the property for which the exemption is requested and state, in detail, the legal and factual basis for the exemption claimed. (c) The request for exemption shall be filed with the county appraiser of the county where such property is principally located. (d) After a review of the exemption request, and after a preliminary examination of the facts as alleged, the county appraiser shall recommend that the exemption request either be granted or denied, and, if necessary, that a hearing be held. If a denial is recommended, a statement of the controlling facts and law relied upon shall be included on the form. (e) The county appraiser, after making such written recommendation, shall file the request for exemption and the recommendations of the county appraiser with the board of tax appeals. May 3, 1997 735 (f) Upon receipt of the request for exemption, the board shall docket the same and notify the applicant and the county appraiser of such fact. (g) After examination of the request for exemption, and the county appraiser's recom mendation related thereto, the board may fix a time and place for hearing, and shall notify the applicant and the county appraiser of the time and place so fixed. In any case where a party to such request for exemption requests a hearing thereon, the same shall be granted. Hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act. In all instances where the board sets a request for exemption for hearing, the county shall be represented by its county attorney or county counselor. (h) In the event of a hearing, the same shall be originally set not later than 90 days after the filing of the request for exemption with the board. (i) During the pendency of a request for exemption, no person, firm, unincorporated association, company or corporation charged with real estate or personal property taxes pursuant to K.S.A. 79-2004 and 79-2004a, and amendments thereto, on the tax books in the hands of the county treasurer shall be required to pay the tax from the date the request is filed with the county appraiser until the expiration of 30 days after the board issued its order thereon and the same becomes a final order. In the event that taxes have been assessed against the subject property, no interest shall accrue on any unpaid tax for the year or years in question nor shall the unpaid tax be considered delinquent from the date the request is filed with the county appraiser until the expiration of 30 days after the board issued its order thereon. In the event the board determines an application for exemption is without merit and filed in bad faith to delay the due date of the tax, the tax shall be considered delinquent as of the date the tax would have been due pursuant to K.S.A. 79-2004 and 79-2004a, and amendments thereto, and interest shall accrue as prescribed therein. (j) In the event the board grants the initial request for exemption, the same shall be effective beginning with the date of first exempt use except that, with respect to property the construction of which commenced not to exceed 24 months prior to the date of first exempt use, the same shall be effective beginning with the date of commencement of con struction. (k) In conjunction with its authority to grant exemptions, the board shall have the au thority to abate all unpaid taxes that have accrued from and since the effective date of the exemption. In the event that taxes have been paid during the period where the subject property has been determined to be exempt, the board shall have the authority to order a refund of taxes for a period not to exceed three years. (l) The provisions of this section shall not apply to: (1) Farm machinery and equipment exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-201j, and amendments thereto; (2) personal property exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-215, and amendments thereto; (3) wearing apparel, household goods and personal effects exempted from ad valorem tax ation by K.S.A. 79-201c, and amendments thereto; (4) livestock; (5) hay and silage exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-201d, and amendments thereto; (6) merchants' and manufacturers' inventories exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-201m and amendments thereto; (7) grain exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-201n, and amendments thereto; (8) property exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-201a Seventeenth and amendments thereto, including all property previously acquired by the secretary of transportation or a predecessor in interest, which is used in the administration, construction, maintenance or operation of the state system of highways. The secretary of transportation shall at the time of acquisition of property notify the county appraiser in the county in which the property is located that the acquisition occurred and provide a legal description of the property acquired; (9) property exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-201a Ninth, and amendments thereto, including all property previously acquired by the Kansas turnpike authority which is used in the administration, construction, main tenance or operation of the Kansas turnpike. The Kansas turnpike authority shall at the time of acquisition of property notify the county appraiser in the county in which the property is located that the acquisition occurred and provide a legal description of the property ac quired; (10) aquaculture machinery and equipment exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-201j, and amendments thereto. As used in this section, ``aquaculture'' has the same meaning ascribed thereto by K.S.A. 47-1901, and amendments thereto; (11) Christmas 736 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE tree machinery and equipment exempted from ad valorem taxation by K.S.A. 79-201j, and amendments thereto; (12) property used exclusively by the state or any municipality or political subdivision of the state for right-of-way purposes. The state agency or the governing body of the municipality or political subdivision shall at the time of acquisition of property for right-of-way purposes notify the county appraiser in the county in which the property is located that the acquisition occurred and provide a legal description of the property ac quired; (13) machinery, equipment, materials and supplies exempted from ad valorem tax ation by K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 79-201w, and amendments thereto;and(14) vehicles owned by the state or by any political or taxing subdivision thereof and used exclusively for govern mental purposes; and (15) property used for residential purposes which is exempted pur suant to section 1 of 1997 Senate Bill No. 41 from the property tax levied pursuant to K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 72-6431, and amendments thereto. (m) The provisions of this section shall apply to property exempt pursuant to the pro visions of section 13 of article 11 of the Kansas constitution. (n) The provisions of subsection (j) and (k) as amended by this act shall be applicable to all taxable years commencing after December 31, 1995. Sec. 4. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 79-1476, as amended by section 40 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, is hereby amended to read as follows: 79-1476. The director of property valuation is hereby directed and empowered to administer and supervise a statewide program of reap praisal of all real property located within the state. Except as otherwise authorized by K.S.A. 19-428, and amendments thereto, each county shall comprise a separate appraisal district under such program, and the county appraiser shall have the duty of reappraising all of the real property in the county pursuant to guidelines and timetables prescribed by the director of property valuation and of updating the same on anbiennialannual basis. In the case of multi-county appraisal districts, the district appraiser shall have the duty of reappraising all of the real property in each of the counties comprising the district pursuant to such guide lines and timetables and of updating the same on anbiennialannual basis. Commencing in 1994, every parcel of real property shall be actually viewed and inspected by the county or district appraiser once every four years. Any county or district appraiser shall be deemed to be in compliance with the foregoing requirement in any year if 25% or more of the parcels in such county or district are actually viewed and inspected. Compilation of data for the initial preparation or updating of inventories for each parcel of real property and entry thereof into the state computer system as provided for in K.S.A. 79-1477, and amendments thereto, shall be completed not later than January 1, 1989. When ever the director determines that reappraisal of all real property within a county is complete, notification thereof shall be given to the governor and to the state board of tax appeals. Valuations shall be established for each parcel of real property at its fair market value in money in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 79-503a, and amendments thereto. In addition thereto valuations shall be established for each parcel of land devoted to agricultural use upon the basis of the agricultural income or productivity attributable to the inherent capabilities of such land in its current usage under a degree of management re flecting median production levels in the manner hereinafter provided. A classification system for all land devoted to agricultural use shall be adopted by the director of property valuation using criteria established by the United States department of agriculture soil conservation service. For all taxable years commencing after December 31, 1989, all land devoted to agricultural use which is subject to the federal conservation reserve program shall be clas sified as cultivated dry land for the purpose of valuation for property tax purposes pursuant to this section. Productivity of land devoted to agricultural use shall be determined for all land classes within each county or homogeneous region based on an average of the eight calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year which immediately precedes the year of valuation, at a degree of management reflecting median production levels. The director of property valuation shall determine median production levels based on informa tion available from state and federal crop and livestock reporting services, the soil conser vation service, and any other sources of data that the director considers appropriate. The share of net income from land in the various land classes within each county or homogeneous region which is normally received by the landlord shall be used as the basis for determining agricultural income for all land devoted to agricultural use except pasture May 3, 1997 737 or rangeland. The net income normally received by the landlord from such land shall be determined by deducting expenses normally incurred by the landlord from the share of the gross income normally received by the landlord. The net rental income normally received by the landlord from pasture or rangeland within each county or homogeneous region shall be used as the basis for determining agricultural income from such land. The net rental income from pasture and rangeland which is normally received by the landlord shall be determined by deducting expenses normally incurred from the gross income normally re ceived by the landlord. Commodity prices, crop yields and pasture and rangeland rental rates and expenses shall be based on an average of the eight calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year which immediately precedes the year of valuation. Net income for every land class within each county or homogeneous region shall be capitalized at a rate determined to be the sum of the contract rate of interest on new federal land bank loans in Kansas on July 1 of each year averaged over a five-year period which includes the five years immediately preceding the calendar year which immediately precedes the year of valuation,except that from and after December 31, 1997, the director of property valuation shall phase in the second quarter federal reserve farm loan interest rate with the rate determined above until such time as the five-year average of the second quarter federal reserve farm loan interest rate is used exclusively and without regard to the contract rate of interest on new federal land bank loans in Kansas,plus a percentage not less than .75% nor more than 2.75%, as determined by the director of property valuation. Based on the foregoing procedures the director of property valuation shall make an annual determination of the value of land within each of the various classes of land devoted to agricultural use within each county or homogeneous region and furnish the same to the several county appraisers who shall classify such land according to its current usage and apply the value applicable to such class of land according to the valuation schedules prepared and adopted by the director of property valuation under the provisions of this section. It is the intent of the legislature that appraisal judgment and appraisal standards be fol lowed and incorporated throughout the process of data collection and analysis and estab lishment of values pursuant to this section. For the purpose of the foregoing provisions of this section the phrase ``land devoted to agricultural use'' shall mean and include land, regardless of whether it is located in the unincorporated area of the county or within the corporate limits of a city, which is devoted to the production of plants, animals or horticultural products, including but not limited to: Forages; grains and feed crops; dairy animals and dairy products; poultry and poultry prod ucts; beef cattle, sheep, swine and horses; bees and apiary products; trees and forest prod ucts; fruits, nuts and berries; vegetables; nursery, floral, ornamental and greenhouse prod ucts. Land devoted to agricultural use shall not include those lands which are used for recreational purposes, other than that land established as a controlled shooting area pursuant to K.S.A. 32-943, and amendments thereto, which shall be deemed to be land devoted to agricultural use, suburban residential acreages, rural home sites or farm home sites and yard plots whose primary function is for residential or recreational purposes even though such properties may produce or maintain some of those plants or animals listed in the foregoing definition. The term ``expenses'' shall mean those expenses typically incurred in producing the plants, animals and horticultural products described above including management fees, production costs, maintenance and depreciation of fences, irrigation wells, irrigation laterals and real estate taxes, but the term shall not include those expenses incurred in providing temporary or permanent buildings used in the production of such plants, animals and horticultural products. The provisions of this act shall not be construed to conflict with any other provisions of law relating to the appraisal of tangible property for taxation purposes including the equal ization processes of the county and state board of tax appeals. Sec. 5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, for tax year 1998, the amount of personal property tax imposed upon motor vehicles having a gross vehicle weight of more than 12,000 pounds but less than 20,001 pounds, shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 79-5101 et seq., and amendments thereto, but shall 738 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE be required to be paid at the time required by K.S.A. 79-2004a, and amendments thereto, and the provisions of such section shall be applicable to the collection thereof. Sec. 6. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 72-6431, as amended by section 6 of 1997 House Bill No. 2031, is hereby amended to read as follows: 72-6431. (a) The board of each district shall levy an ad valorem tax upon the taxable tangible property of the district in the school years specified in subsection (b) for the purpose of: (1) Financing that portion of the district's general fund budget which is not financed from any other source provided by law; (2) paying a portion of the costs of operating and maintaining public schools in partial fulfillment of the constitutional obligation of the legislature to finance the educational in terests of the state; and (3) with respect to any redevelopment district established prior to July 1,19961997, pursuant to K.S.A. 12-1771, and amendments thereto, paying a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued by cities under authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, for the financing of redevelopment projects upon property located within the dis trict. (b) The tax required under subsection (a) shall be levied at a rate of 27 mills in the 1997-98 school year and in the 1998-99 school year. (c) The proceeds from the tax levied by a district under authority of this section, except the proceeds of such tax levied for the purpose of paying a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued by cities under authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, for the financing of redevelopment projects upon property located within the dis trict, shall be deposited in the general fund of the district. (d) On June 1 of each year, the amount, if any, by which a district's local effort exceeds the amount of the district's state financial aid, as determined by the state board, shall be remitted to the state treasurer. Upon receipt of any such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the same in the state treasury to the credit of the state school district finance fund. (e) No district shall proceed under K.S.A. 79-1964, 79-1964a or 79-1964b, and amend ments to such sections. Sec. 7. K.S.A. 79-5037 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 72-6431, as amended by section 6 of 1997 House Bill No. 2031, 79-201a, as amended by section 36 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, 79-201a, as amended by section 1 of 1997 Senate Bill No. 22, 79-213, as amended by section 35 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105 and 79-1476, as amended by section 40 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, are hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book.''; In the title, by striking all in lines 12 and 13 and inserting ``relating to property taxation; amending K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 72-6431, as amended by section 6 of 1997 House Bill No. 2031, 79-201a, as amended by section 36 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, 79-213, as amended by section 35 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, and 79-1476, as amended by section 40 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, and repealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 79-5037 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 79-201a, as amended by section 1 of 1997 Senate Bill No. 22.''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Phill Kline Tony Powell Bruce Larkin Conferees on part of House Audrey Langworthy David R. Corbin Janis Lee Conferees on part of Senate Senator Langworthy moved the Senate adopt the Conference Committee report on SB 53. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 37, nays 2, present and passing 0; absent or not voting 1. May 3, 1997 739 Yeas: Barone, Becker, Biggs, Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Clark, Corbin, Donovan, Downey, Emert, Feleciano, Gilstrap, Goodwin, Hardenburger, Harrington, Hensley, Huelskamp, Jones, Jordan, Karr, Langworthy, Lawrence, Lee, Morris, Oleen, Petty, Praeger, Pugh, Ran son, Salisbury, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Tyson, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Nays: Kerr, Salmans. Absent or not voting: Gooch. The Conference Committee report was adopted. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 184, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House on Final Action amend ments, as follows: On page 2, by striking all in lines 3 through 43; By striking all on pages 3 through 12 and inserting the following: ``Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 12-1692 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-1692. As used in this act, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively as cribed to them herein: (a) ``Person'' means an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, joint venture or other association of persons; (b) ``Hotel, motel or tourist court'' means any structure or building which contains rooms furnished for the purposes of providing lodging, which may or may not also provide meals, entertainment or various other personal services to transient guests, and which is kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public as a place where sleeping accommodations are sought for pay or compensation by transient or permanent guests and having more than two bedrooms furnished for the accommodation of such guests; (c) ``Transient guest'' means a person who occupies a room in a hotel, motel or tourist court for not more than 28 consecutive days; (d) ``Business'' means any person engaged in the business of renting, leasing or letting living quarters, sleeping accommodations, rooms or a part thereof in connection with any motel, hotel or tourist court;and(e) ``Convention and tourism promotion'' means: (1) Activities to attract visitors into the community through marketing efforts, including advertising, directed to at least one of the five basic convention and tourism market segments consisting of group tours, pleasure trav elers, association meetings and conventions, trade shows and corporate meetings and travel; and (2) support of those activities and organizations which encourage increased lodging facility occupancy.; and (f) ``Accommodations broker'' means any business which maintains an inventory of two or more rooms in one or more locations which are offered for pay to a person or persons for not more than 28 consecutive days. Sec. 3. K.S.A. 12-1693 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-1693. (a) In order to provide revenues to promote tourism and conventions, the governing body of any county having a population of more than 300,000 or the governing body of any city, all or any portion of which is located within such county, is hereby authorized to levy a transient guest tax at not to exceed the rate of 2% upon the gross receipts derived from or paid directly or through an accommodations broker by transient guests for sleeping accommodations in any hotel, motel or tourist court. The percentage of such tax shall be determined by the gov erning body levying the same and shall be specified in the resolution authorizing the same. (b) Any transient guest tax levied pursuant to this section shall be based on the gross rental receipts collected by any business or accommodations broker. (c) The taxes levied pursuant to this section shall be paid by the consumer or user to the business and it shall be the duty of each and every business to collect from the consumer or user the full amount of any such tax, or an amount equal as nearly as possible or prac ticable to the average equivalent thereto. Each business collecting any of the taxes levied hereunder shall be responsible for paying over the same to the state department of revenue 740 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE in the manner prescribed by K.S.A. 12-1694, and amendments thereto, and the state de partment of revenue shall administer and enforce the collection of such taxes. (d) A transient guest tax authorized by this section shall not be levied until: (1) The governing body of such county has either passed, or has received from the governing body of any city within such county, a resolution calling for an election for ap proval by the qualified electors of a transient guest tax; (2) the governing body of the county has notified all of the incorporated cities, all or any portion of which are located within such county, of the intent to call such election. Incorporated cities, all or any portion of which are located within such county, shall have the option to decline participation in such election within 30 days of the date of such notification. The governing body of the county shall have the option to decline participation in such election within the same 30 day period as provided to incorporated cities, in which case individual cities may hold separate elections to submit the proposition to the qualified electors of such city and such propositions, if approved, would have force only in cities adopting the tax. If the governing body of the county resolves to participate in such election, it shall submit such proposition for approval by the qualified electors of the unincorporated portions of such county and all incorporated cities within such county which have not de clined participation in the election; and (3) the governing body of the county or, if the county declines to hold such election, the governing body of the city, has given notice of its intention to submit any such proposition for approval by the qualified electors in the manner required by K.S.A. 10-120, and amend ments thereto, for giving notice of elections for the issuance of bonds. The notice shall state the time of the election and the rate and effective date of the proposed tax. If a majority of the votes cast and counted on any such proposition are not in favor thereof, such proposition may be resubmitted under the conditions and in the manner provided herein. If a majority of the votes cast and counted on any such proposition are in favor thereof, the governing body of the county or city shall provide by resolution for the levy of such tax. Any repeal of such tax or any reduction or increase in the rate thereof shall be accomplished in the manner provided herein for the adoption and approval of such tax. (e) The collection of any county transient guest tax authorized at a primary or general election or a transient guest tax levied by a city authorized at a city primary or general election shall commence on the first day of the calendar quarter next following the 30th day after the date of the election authorizing the levy of such tax. The collection of any transient guest tax of a county or city approved at any other election shall commence on the first day of the calendar quarter next following the 60th day after the date of the election authorizing the levy of such tax. Sec. 4. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 12-1696 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-1696. As used in this act, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively as cribed to them herein: (a) ``Person'' means an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, joint venture or other association of persons; (b) ``Hotel, motel or tourist court'' means any structure or building which contains rooms furnished for the purposes of providing lodging, which may or may not also provide meals, entertainment or various other personal services to transient guests, and which is kept, used, maintained, advertised or held out to the public as a place where sleeping accommodations are sought for pay or compensation by transient or permanent guests and having more than two bedrooms furnished for the accommodation of such guests; (c) ``Transient guest'' means a person who occupies a room in a hotel, motel or tourist court for not more than 28 consecutive days; (d) ``Business'' means any person engaged in the business of renting, leasing or letting living quarters, sleeping accommodations, rooms or a part thereof in connection with any motel, hotel or tourist court;and(e) ``Convention and tourism promotion'' means: (1) Activities to attract visitors into the community through marketing efforts, including advertising, directed to at least one of the five basic convention and tourism market segments consisting of group tours, pleasure trav elers, association meetings and conventions, trade shows and corporate meetings and travel; May 3, 1997 741 and (2) support of those activities and organizations which encourage increased lodging facility occupancy.; and (f) ``Accommodations broker'' means any business which maintains an inventory of two or more rooms in one or more locations which are offered for pay to a person or persons for not more than 28 consecutive days. Sec. 5. K.S.A. 12-1697 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-1697. (a) In order to provide revenues to promote tourism and conventions, the governing body of any county or the governing body of any city is hereby authorized to levy a transient guest tax at not to exceed the rate of 2% upon the gross receipts derived from or paid directly or through an accommodations broker by transient guests for sleeping accommodations, exclusive of charges for incidental services or facilities, in any hotel, motel or tourist court. The per centage of such tax shall be determined by the board of county commissioners or the city governing body and shall be specified in the resolution or ordinance authorizing the same. (b) Any transient guest tax levied pursuant to this section shall be based on the gross rental receipts collected by any business or accommodations broker. (c) The taxes levied pursuant to this section shall be paid by the consumer or user to the business and it shall be the duty of each and every business to collect from the consumer or user the full amount of any such tax, or an amount equal as nearly as possible or prac ticable to the average equivalent thereto. Each business collecting any of the taxes levied hereunder shall be responsible for paying over the same to the state department of revenue in the manner prescribed by K.S.A. 12-1698, and amendments thereto, and the state de partment of revenue shall administer and enforce the collection of such taxes. (d) A transient guest tax authorized by this section shall not be levied until the governing body of such county or city has passed a resolution or ordinance authorizing the same. (e) The collection of any county or city transient guest tax authorized to be levied pur suant to this section shall commence on the first day of the calendar quarter next following the 30th day after the date of the receipt by the department of revenue of the resolution or ordinance authorizing the levy of such tax. Sec. 6. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 79-3603 is hereby amended to read as follows: 79-3603. For the privilege of engaging in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail in this state or rendering or furnishing any of the services taxable under this act, there is hereby levied and there shall be collected and paid a tax at the rate of 4.9%: (a) The gross receipts received from the sale of tangible personal property at retail within this state; (b) (1) the gross receipts from intrastate telephone or telegraph services and (2) the gross receipts received from the sale of interstate telephone or telegraph services, which (A) originate within this state and terminate outside the state and are billed to a customer's telephone number or account in this state; or (B) originate outside this state and terminate within this state and are billed to a customer's telephone number or account in this state except that the sale of interstate telephone or telegraph service does not include: (A) Any interstate incoming or outgoing wide area telephone service or wide area transmission type service which entitles the subscriber to make or receive an unlimited number of commu nications to or from persons having telephone service in a specified area which is outside the state in which the station provided this service is located; (B) any interstate private communications service to the persons contracting for the receipt of that service that entitles the purchaser to exclusive or priority use of a communications channel or group of channels between exchanges; (C) any value-added nonvoice service in which computer processing applications are used to act on the form, content, code or protocol of the information to be transmitted; (D) any telecommunication service to a provider of telecommunication services which will be used to render telecommunications services, including carrier access services; or (E) any service or transaction defined in this section among entities classified as members of an affiliated group as provided by federal law (U.S.C. Section 1504); (c) the gross receipts from the sale or furnishing of gas, water, electricity and heat, which sale is not otherwise exempt from taxation under the provisions of this act, and whether furnished by municipally or privately owned utilities; 742 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE (d) the gross receipts from the sale of meals or drinks furnished at any private club, drinking establishment, catered event, restaurant, eating house, dining car, hotel, drugstore or other place where meals or drinks are regularly sold to the public; (e) the gross receipts from the sale of admissions to any place providing amusement, entertainment or recreation services including admissions to state, county, district and local fairs, but such tax shall not be levied and collected upon the gross receipts received from sales of admissions to any cultural and historical event which occurs triennially; (f) the gross receipts from the operation of any coin-operated device dispensing or providing tangible personal property, amusement or other services except laundry services, whether automatic or manually operated; (g) the gross receipts from the service of renting of rooms by hotels, as defined by K.S.A. 36-501 and amendments thereto, or by accommodation brokers, as defined by K.S.A. 121692, and amendments thereto; (h) the gross receipts from the service of renting or leasing of tangible personal property except such tax shall not apply to the renting or leasing of machinery, equipment or other personal property owned by a city and purchased from the proceeds of industrial revenue bonds issued prior to July 1, 1973, in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 12-1740 through 12-1749, and amendments thereto, and any city or lessee renting or leasing such machinery, equipment or other personal property purchased with the proceeds of such bonds who shall have paid a tax under the provisions of this section upon sales made prior to July 1, 1973, shall be entitled to a refund from the sales tax refund fund of all taxes paid thereon; (i) the gross receipts from the rendering of dry cleaning, pressing, dyeing and laundry services except laundry services rendered through a coin-operated device whether automatic or manually operated; (j) the gross receipts from the rendering of the services of washing and washing and waxing of vehicles; (k) the gross receipts from cable, community antennae and other subscriber radio and television services; (l) the gross receipts received from the sales of tangible personal property to all con tractors, subcontractors or repairmen of materials and supplies for use by them in erecting structures for others, or building on, or otherwise improving, altering, or repairing real or personal property of others; (m) the gross receipts received from fees and charges by public and private clubs, drink ing establishments, organizations and businesses for participation in sports, games and other recreational activities, but such tax shall not be levied and collected upon the gross receipts received from: (1) Fees and charges by any political subdivision, or any youth recreation organization exclusively providing services to persons 18 years of age or younger which is exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code of 1986, for participation in sports, games and other recreational activities; and (2) entry fees and charges for participation in a special event or tournament sanctioned by a national sporting association to which spectators are charged an admission which is taxable pursuant to subsection (e); (n) the gross receipts received from dues charged by public and private clubs, drinking establishments, organizations and businesses, payment of which entitles a member to the use of facilities for recreation or entertainment; (o) the gross receipts received from the isolated or occasional sale of motor vehicles or trailers but not including: (1) The transfer of motor vehicles or trailers by a person to a corporation solely in exchange for stock securities in such corporation; or (2) the transfer of motor vehicles or trailers by one corporation to another when all of the assets of such corporation are transferred to such other corporation; or (3) the sale of motor vehicles or trailers which are subject to taxation pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 79-5101 et seq., and amendments thereto, by an immediate family member to another immediate family member. For the purposes of clause (3), immediate family member means lineal ascendants or descendants, and their spouses. In determining the base for computing the tax on such isolated or occasional sale, the fair market value of any motor vehicle or trailer traded in by the purchaser to the seller may be deducted from the selling price; May 3, 1997 743 (p) the gross receipts received for the service of installing or applying tangible personal property which when installed or applied is not being held for sale in the regular course of business, and whether or not such tangible personal property when installed or applied remains tangible personal property or becomes a part of real estate, except that no tax shall be imposed upon the service of installing or applying tangible personal property in connec tion with the original construction of a building or facility or the construction, reconstruction, restoration, replacement or repair of a bridge or highway. For the purposes of this subsection: (1) ``Original construction'' shall mean the first or initial construction of a new building or facility. The term ``original construction'' shall include the addition of an entire room or floor to any existing building or facility, the completion of any unfinished portion of any existing building or facility and the restoration, reconstruction or replacement of a building or facility damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, tornado, lightning, explosion or earthquake, but such term shall not include replacement, remodeling, restoration, renovation or recon struction under any other circumstances; (2) ``building'' shall mean only those enclosures within which individuals customarily live or are employed, or which are customarily used to house machinery, equipment or other property, and including the land improvements immediately surrounding such building; and (3) ``facility'' shall mean a mill, plant, refinery, oil or gas well, water well, feedlot or any conveyance, transmission or distribution line of any cooperative, nonprofit, membership corporation organized under or subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 17-4601 et seq., and amendments thereto, or of any municipal or quasi-municipal corporation, including the land improvements immediately surrounding such facility; (q) the gross receipts received for the service of repairing, servicing, altering or main taining tangible personal property, except computer software described in subsection (s), which when such services are rendered is not being held for sale in the regular course of business, and whether or not any tangible personal property is transferred in connection therewith. The tax imposed by this subsection shall be applicable to the services of repairing, servicing, altering or maintaining an item of tangible personal property which has been and is fastened to, connected with or built into real property; (r) the gross receipts from fees or charges made under service or maintenance agree ment contracts for services, charges for the providing of which are taxable under the pro visions of subsection (p) or (q); (s) the gross receipts received from the sale of computer software, and the sale of the services of modifying, altering, updating or maintaining computer software. As used in this subsection, ``computer software'' means information and directions loaded into a computer which dictate different functions to be performed by the computer. Computer software includes any canned or prewritten program which is held or existing for general or repeated sale, even if the program was originally developed for a single end user as custom computer software. The sale of computer software or services does not include: (1) The initial sale of any custom computer program which is originally developed for the exclusive use of a single end user; or (2) those services rendered in the modification of computer software when the modification is developed exclusively for a single end user only to the extent of the modi fication and only to the extent that the actual amount charged for the modification is sep arately stated on invoices, statements and other billing documents provided to the end user. The services of modification, alteration, updating and maintenance of computer software shall only include the modification, alteration, updating and maintenance of computer soft ware taxable under this subsection whether or not the services are actually provided; and (t) the gross receipts received for telephone answering services, including mobile phone services, beeper services and other similar services. Sec. 7. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 79-3606, as amended by section 32 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, is hereby amended to read as follows: 79-3606. The following shall be exempt from the tax imposed by this act: (a) All sales of motor-vehicle fuel or other articles upon which a sales or excise tax has been paid, not subject to refund, under the laws of this state except cigarettes as defined by K.S.A. 79-3301 and amendments thereto, cereal malt beverages and malt products as defined by K.S.A. 79-3817 and amendments thereto, including wort, liquid malt, malt syrup 744 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE and malt extract, which is not subject to taxation under the provisions of K.S.A. 79-41a02 and amendments thereto, and motor vehicles as defined by K.S.A. 79-1017 and amendments thereto; (b) all sales of tangible personal property or service, including the renting and leasing of tangible personal property, purchased directly by the state of Kansas, a political subdi vision thereof, other than a school or educational institution, or purchased by a public or private nonprofit hospital or nonprofit blood, tissue or organ bank and used exclusively for state, political subdivision, hospital or nonprofit blood, tissue or organ bank purposes, except when: (1) Such state or hospital is engaged or proposes to engage in any business specifically taxable under the provisions of this act and such items of tangible personal property or service are used or proposed to be used in such business, or (2) such political subdivision is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of furnishing gas, water, electricity or heat to others and such items of personal property or service are used or proposed to be used in such business; (c) all sales of tangible personal property or services, including the renting and leasing of tangible personal property, purchased directly by a public or private elementary or sec ondary school or public or private nonprofit educational institution and used primarily by such school or institution for nonsectarian programs and activities provided or sponsored by such school or institution or in the erection, repair or enlargement of buildings to be used for such purposes. The exemption herein provided shall not apply to erection, con struction, repair, enlargement or equipment of buildings used primarily for human habita tion; (d) all sales of tangible personal property or services purchased by a contractor for the purpose of constructing, equipping, reconstructing, maintaining, repairing, enlarging, fur nishing or remodeling facilities for any public or private nonprofit hospital, public or private elementary or secondary school or a public or private nonprofit educational institution, which would be exempt from taxation under the provisions of this act if purchased directly by such hospital, school or educational institution; and all sales of tangible personal property or services purchased by a contractor for the purpose of constructing, equipping, recon structing, maintaining, repairing, enlarging, furnishing or remodeling facilities for any po litical subdivision of the state, the total cost of which is paid from funds of such political subdivision and which would be exempt from taxation under the provisions of this act if purchased directly by such political subdivision. Nothing in this subsection or in the pro visions of K.S.A. 12-3418 and amendments thereto, shall be deemed to exempt the purchase of any construction machinery, equipment or tools used in the constructing, equipping, reconstructing, maintaining, repairing, enlarging, furnishing or remodeling facilities for any political subdivision of the state. As used in this subsection, K.S.A. 12-3418 and 79-3640, and amendments thereto, ``funds of a political subdivision'' shall mean general tax revenues, the proceeds of any bonds and gifts or grants-in-aid. Gifts shall not mean funds used for the purpose of constructing, equipping, reconstructing, repairing, enlarging, furnishing or re modeling facilities which are to be leased to the donor. When any political subdivision of the state, public or private nonprofit hospital, public or private elementary or secondary school or public or private nonprofit educational institution shall contract for the purpose of constructing, equipping, reconstructing, maintaining, repairing, enlarging, furnishing or remodeling facilities, it shall obtain from the state and furnish to the contractor an exemption certificate for the project involved, and the contractor may purchase materials for incor poration in such project. The contractor shall furnish the number of such certificate to all suppliers from whom such purchases are made, and such suppliers shall execute invoices covering the same bearing the number of such certificate. Upon completion of the project the contractor shall furnish to the political subdivision, hospital, school or educational in stitution concerned a sworn statement, on a form to be provided by the director of taxation, that all purchases so made were entitled to exemption under this subsection. As an alter native to the foregoing procedure, any such contracting entity may apply to the secretary of revenue for agent status for the sole purpose of issuing and furnishing project exemption certificates to contractors pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the secretary estab lishing conditions and standards for the granting and maintaining of such status. All invoices shall be held by the contractor for a period of five years and shall be subject to audit by the May 3, 1997 745 director of taxation. If any materials purchased under such a certificate are found not to have been incorporated in the building or other project or not to have been returned for credit or the sales or compensating tax otherwise imposed upon such materials which will not be so incorporated in the building or other project reported and paid by such contractor to the director of taxation not later than the 20th day of the month following the close of the month in which it shall be determined that such materials will not be used for the purpose for which such certificate was issued, the political subdivision, hospital, school or educational institution concerned shall be liable for tax on all materials purchased for the project, and upon payment thereof it may recover the same from the contractor together with reasonable attorney fees. Any contractor or any agent, employee or subcontractor thereof, who shall use or otherwise dispose of any materials purchased under such a certif icate for any purpose other than that for which such a certificate is issued without the payment of the sales or compensating tax otherwise imposed upon such materials, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction therefor, shall be subject to the penalties provided for in subsection (g) of K.S.A. 79-3615, and amendments thereto; (e) all sales of tangible personal property or services purchased by a contractor for the erection, repair or enlargement of buildings or other projects for the government of the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities, which would be exempt from taxation if purchased directly by the government of the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities. When the government of the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities shall contract for the erection, repair, or enlargement of any building or other project, it shall obtain from the state and furnish to the contractor an exemption certificate for the project involved, and the contractor may purchase materials for incorporation in such project. The contractor shall furnish the number of such certificates to all suppliers from whom such purchases are made, and such suppliers shall execute invoices covering the same bearing the number of such certificate. Upon completion of the project the contractor shall furnish to the govern ment of the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities concerned a sworn statement, on a form to be provided by the director of taxation, that all purchases so made were entitled to exemption under this subsection. As an alternative to the foregoing procedure, any such contracting entity may apply to the secretary of revenue for agent status for the sole purpose of issuing and furnishing project exemption certificates to contractors pursuant to rules and regulations adopted by the secretary establishing conditions and standards for the granting and maintaining of such status. All invoices shall be held by the contractor for a period of five years and shall be subject to audit by the director of taxation. Any contractor or any agent, employee or subcontractor thereof, who shall use or otherwise dispose of any ma terials purchased under such a certificate for any purpose other than that for which such a certificate is issued without the payment of the sales or compensating tax otherwise imposed upon such materials, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction therefor, shall be subject to the penalties provided for in subsection (g) of K.S.A. 79-3615 and amendments thereto; (f) tangible personal property purchased by a railroad or public utility for consumption or movement directly and immediately in interstate commerce; (g) sales of aircraft including remanufactured and modified aircraft, sales of aircraft repair, modification and replacement parts and sales of services employed in the remanu facture, modification and repair of aircraft sold to persons using such aircraft and aircraft repair, modification and replacement parts as certified or licensed carriers of persons or property in interstate or foreign commerce under authority of the laws of the United States or any foreign government or sold to any foreign government or agency or instrumentality of such foreign government and all sales of aircraft, aircraft parts, replacement parts and services employed in the remanufacture, modification and repair of aircraft for use outside of the United States; (h) all rentals of nonsectarian textbooks by public or private elementary or secondary schools; (i) the lease or rental of all films, records, tapes, or any type of sound or picture tran scriptions used by motion picture exhibitors; (j) meals served without charge or food used in the preparation of such meals to em ployees of any restaurant, eating house, dining car, hotel, drugstore or other place where 746 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE meals or drinks are regularly sold to the public if such employees' duties are related to the furnishing or sale of such meals or drinks; (k) any motor vehicle, semitrailer or pole trailer, as such terms are defined by K.S.A. 8-126 and amendments thereto, or aircraft sold and delivered in this state to a bona fide resident of another state, which motor vehicle, semitrailer, pole trailer or aircraft is not to be registered or based in this state and which vehicle, semitrailer, pole trailer or aircraft will not remain in this state more than 10 days; (l) all isolated or occasional sales of tangible personal property, services, substances or things, except isolated or occasional sale of motor vehicles specifically taxed under the pro visions of subsection (o) of K.S.A. 79-3603 and amendments thereto; (m) all sales of tangible personal property which become an ingredient or component part of tangible personal property or services produced, manufactured or compounded for ultimate sale at retail within or without the state of Kansas; and any such producer, manu facturer or compounder may obtain from the director of taxation and furnish to the supplier an exemption certificate number for tangible personal property for use as an ingredient or component part of the property or services produced, manufactured or compounded; (n) all sales of tangible personal property which is consumed in the production, man ufacture, processing, mining, drilling, refining or compounding of tangible personal prop erty, the treating of by-products or wastes derived from any such production process, the providing of services or the irrigation of crops for ultimate sale at retail within or without the state of Kansas; and any purchaser of such property may obtain from the director of taxation and furnish to the supplier an exemption certificate number for tangible personal property for consumption in such production, manufacture, processing, mining, drilling, refining, compounding, treating, irrigation and in providing such services; (o) all sales of animals, fowl and aquatic plants and animals, the primary purpose of which is use in agriculture or aquaculture, as defined in K.S.A. 47-1901, and amendments thereto, the production of food for human consumption, the production of animal, dairy, poultry or aquatic plant and animal products, fiber or fur, or the production of offspring for use for any such purpose or purposes; (p) all sales of drugs, as defined by K.S.A. 65-1626 and amendments thereto, dispensed pursuant to a prescription order, as defined by K.S.A. 65-1626 and amendments thereto, by a licensed practitioner; (q) all sales of insulin dispensed by a person licensed by the state board of pharmacy to a person for treatment of diabetes at the direction of a person licensed to practice medicine by the board of healing arts; (r) all sales of prosthetic and orthopedic appliances prescribed in writing by a person licensed to practice the healing arts, dentistry or optometry. For the purposes of this sub section, the term prosthetic and orthopedic appliances means any apparatus, instrument, device, or equipment used to replace or substitute for any missing part of the body; used to alleviate the malfunction of any part of the body; or used to assist any disabled person in leading a normal life by facilitating such person's mobility; such term shall include acces sories attached or to be attached to motor vehicles, but such term shall not include motor vehicles or personal property which when installed becomes a fixture to real property; (s) all sales of tangible personal property or services purchased directly by a groundwater management district organized or operating under the authority of K.S.A. 82a-1020 et seq. and amendments thereto, which property or services are used in the operation or mainte nance of the district; (t) all sales of farm machinery and equipment or aquaculture machinery and equipment, repair and replacement parts therefor and services performed in the repair and maintenance of such machinery and equipment. For the purposes of this subsection the term ``farm machinery and equipment or aquaculture machinery and equipment'' shall include machin ery and equipment used in the operation of Christmas tree farming but shall not include any passenger vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer, semitrailer or pole trailer, other than a farm trailer, as such terms are defined by K.S.A. 8-126 and amendments thereto. Each purchaser of farm machinery and equipment or aquaculture machinery and equipment exempted herein must certify in writing on the copy of the invoice or sales ticket to be retained by the seller that the farm machinery and equipment or aquaculture machinery May 3, 1997 747 and equipment purchased will be used only in farming, ranching or aquaculture production. Farming or ranching shall include the operation of a feedlot and farm and ranch work for hire and the operation of a nursery; (u) all leases or rentals of tangible personal property used as a dwelling if such tangible personal property is leased or rented for a period of more than 28 consecutive days; (v) all sales of food products to any contractor for use in preparing meals for delivery to homebound elderly persons over 60 years of age and to homebound disabled persons or to be served at a group-sitting at a location outside of the home to otherwise homebound elderly persons over 60 years of age and to otherwise homebound disabled persons, as all or part of any food service project funded in whole or in part by government or as part of a private nonprofit food service project available to all such elderly or disabled persons residing within an area of service designated by the private nonprofit organization, and all sales of food products for use in preparing meals for consumption by indigent or homeless individuals whether or not such meals are consumed at a place designated for such purpose; (w) all sales of natural gas, electricity, heat and water delivered through mains, lines or pipes: (1) To residential premises for noncommercial use by the occupant of such premises; (2) for agricultural use and also, for such use, all sales of propane gas; (3) for use in the severing of oil; and (4) to any property which is exempt from property taxation pursuant to K.S.A. 79-201b Second through Sixth. As used in this paragraph, ``severing'' shall have the meaning ascribed thereto by subsection (k) of K.S.A. 79-4216, and amendments thereto; (x) all sales of propane gas, LP-gas, coal, wood and other fuel sources for the production of heat or lighting for noncommercial use of an occupant of residential premises; (y) all sales of materials and services used in the repairing, servicing, altering, maintain ing, manufacturing, remanufacturing, or modification of railroad rolling stock for use in interstate or foreign commerce under authority of the laws of the United States; (z) all sales of tangible personal property and services purchased directly by a port authority or by a contractor therefor as provided by the provisions of K.S.A. 12-3418 and amendments thereto; (aa) all sales of materials and services applied to equipment which is transported into the state from without the state for repair, service, alteration, maintenance, remanufacture or modification and which is subsequently transported outside the state for use in the trans mission of liquids or natural gas by means of pipeline in interstate or foreign commerce under authority of the laws of the United States; (bb) all sales of used mobile homes or manufactured homes. As used in this subsection: (1) ``Mobile homes'' and ``manufactured homes'' shall have the meanings ascribed thereto by K.S.A. 58-4202 and amendments thereto; and (2) ``sales of used mobile homes or man ufactured homes'' means sales other than the original retail sale thereof; (cc) all sales of tangible personal property or services purchased for the purpose of and in conjunction with constructing, reconstructing, enlarging or remodeling a business or retail business which meets the requirements established in K.S.A. 74-50,115 and amendments thereto, and the sale and installation of machinery and equipment purchased for installation at any such business or retail business. When a person shall contract for the construction, reconstruction, enlargement or remodeling of any such business or retail business, such person shall obtain from the state and furnish to the contractor an exemption certificate for the project involved, and the contractor may purchase materials, machinery and equipment for incorporation in such project. The contractor shall furnish the number of such certificates to all suppliers from whom such purchases are made, and such suppliers shall execute invoices covering the same bearing the number of such certificate. Upon completion of the project the contractor shall furnish to the owner of the business or retail business a sworn statement, on a form to be provided by the director of taxation, that all purchases so made were entitled to exemption under this subsection. All invoices shall be held by the contractor for a period of five years and shall be subject to audit by the director of taxation. Any contractor or any agent, employee or subcontractor thereof, who shall use or otherwise dispose of any materials, machinery or equipment purchased under such a certificate for any purpose other than that for which such a certificate is issued without the payment of the sales or compensating tax otherwise imposed thereon, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction therefor, shall be subject to the penalties provided for in subsection 748 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE (g) of K.S.A. 79-3615 and amendments thereto. As used in this subsection, ``business'' and ``retail business'' have the meanings respectively ascribed thereto by K.S.A. 74-50,114 and amendments thereto; (dd) all sales of tangible personal property purchased with food stamps issued by the United States department of agriculture; (ee) all sales of lottery tickets and shares made as part of a lottery operated by the state of Kansas; (ff) on and after July 1, 1988, all sales of new mobile homes or manufactured homes to the extent of 40% of the gross receipts, determined without regard to any trade-in allowance, received from such sale. As used in this subsection, ``mobile homes'' and ``manufactured homes'' shall have the meanings ascribed thereto by K.S.A. 58-4202 and amendments thereto; (gg) all sales of tangible personal property purchased in accordance with vouchers issued pursuant to the federal special supplemental food program for women, infants and children; (hh) all sales of medical supplies and equipment purchased directly by a nonprofit skilled nursing home or nonprofit intermediate nursing care home, as defined by K.S.A. 39-923, and amendments thereto, for the purpose of providing medical services to residents thereof. This exemption shall not apply to tangible personal property customarily used for human habitation purposes; (ii) all sales of tangible personal property purchased directly by a nonprofit organization for nonsectarian comprehensive multidiscipline youth development programs and activities provided or sponsored by such organization. This exemption shall not apply to tangible personal property customarily used for human habitation purposes; (jj) all sales of tangible personal property or services, including the renting and leasing of tangible personal property, purchased directly on behalf of a community-based mental retardation facility or mental health center organized pursuant to K.S.A. 19-4001 et seq., and amendments thereto, and licensed in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3307b and amendments thereto. This exemption shall not apply to tangible personal property customarily used for human habitation purposes; (kk) on and after January 1, 1989, all sales of machinery and equipment used directly and primarily for the purposes of manufacturing, assembling, processing, finishing, storing, warehousing or distributing articles of tangible personal property in this state intended for resale by a manufacturing or processing plant or facility or a storage, warehousing or dis tribution facility: (1) For purposes of this subsection, machinery and equipment shall be deemed to be used directly and primarily in the manufacture, assemblage, processing, finishing, storing, warehousing or distributing of tangible personal property where such machinery and equip ment is used during a manufacturing, assembling, processing or finishing, storing, ware housing or distributing operation: (A) To effect a direct and immediate physical change upon the tangible personal property; (B) to guide or measure a direct and immediate physical change upon such property where such function is an integral and essential part of tuning, verifying or aligning the component parts of such property; (C) to test or measure such property where such function is an integral part of the production flow or function; (D) to transport, convey or handle such property during the manufacturing, processing, storing, warehousing or distribution operation at the plant or facility; or (E) to place such property in the container, package or wrapping in which such property is normally sold or transported. (2) For purposes of this subsection ``machinery and equipment used directly and pri marily'' shall include, but not be limited to: (A) Mechanical machines or major components thereof contributing to a manufacturing, assembling or finishing process; (B) molds and dies that determine the physical characteristics of the finished product or its packaging material; (C) testing equipment to determine the quality of the finished product; May 3, 1997 749 (D) computers and related peripheral equipment that directly control or measure the manufacturing process or which are utilized for engineering of the finished product; and (E) computers and related peripheral equipment utilized for research and development and product design. (3) ``Machinery and equipment used directly and primarily'' shall not include: (A) Hand tools; (B) machinery, equipment and tools used in maintaining and repairing any type of ma chinery and equipment; (C) transportation equipment not used in the manufacturing, assembling, processing, furnishing, storing, warehousing or distributing process at the plant or facility; (D) office machines and equipment including computers and related peripheral equip ment not directly and primarily used in controlling or measuring the manufacturing process; (E) furniture and buildings; and (F) machinery and equipment used in administrative, accounting, sales or other such activities of the business; (ll) all sales of educational materials purchased for distribution to the public at no charge by a nonprofit corporation organized for the purpose of encouraging, fostering and con ducting programs for the improvement of public health; (mm) all sales of seeds and tree seedlings; fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, germi cides, pesticides and fungicides; and services, purchased and used for the purpose of pro ducing plants in order to prevent soil erosion on land devoted to agricultural use; (nn) except as otherwise provided in this act, all sales of services rendered by an ad vertising agency or licensed broadcast station or any member, agent or employee thereof; (oo) all sales of tangible personal property purchased by a community action group or agency for the exclusive purpose of repairing or weatherizing housing occupied by low income individuals; (pp) all sales of drill bits and explosives actually utilized in the exploration and produc tion of oil or gas; (qq) all sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by a nonprofit mu seum or historical society or any combination thereof, including a nonprofit organization which is organized for the purpose of stimulating public interest in the exploration of space by providing educational information, exhibits and experiences, which is exempt from fed eral income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code of 1986; (rr) all sales of tangible personal property which will admit the purchaser thereof to any annual event sponsored by a nonprofit organization which is exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code of 1986; (ss) all sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by a public broad casting station licensed by the federal communications commission as a noncommercial educational television or radio station;and(tt) all sales of tangible personal property and services purchased by or on behalf of a not-for-profit corporation which is exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code of 1986, for the sole purpose of constructing a Kansas Korean War memorial; (uu) all sales of tangible personal personal property and services purchased by or on behalf of any rural volunteer fire-fighting organization for use exclusively in the performance of its duties and functions; (vv) all sales of tangible personal property purchased by any of the following organi zations which are exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to section 501 (c)(3) of the federal internal revenue code of 1986, for the following purposes, and all sales of any such property by or on behalf of any such organization for any such purpose: (1) The American Heart Association, Kansas Affiliate, Inc. for the purposes of providing education, training, certification in emergency cardiac care, research and other related serv ices to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke; (2) the Kansas Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Inc. for the purpose of advocacy for persons with mental illness and to education, research and support for their families; 750 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE (3) the Kansas Mental Illness Awareness Council for the purposes of advocacy for per sons who are mentally ill and to education, research and support for them and their families; (4) the American Diabetes Association Kansas Affiliate, Inc. for the purpose of elimi nating diabetes through medical research, public education focusing on disease prevention and education, patient education including information on coping with diabetes, and pro fessional education and training; (5) the American Lung Association of Kansas, Inc. for the purpose of eliminating all lung diseases through medical research, public education including information on coping with lung diseases, professional education and training related to lung disease and other related services to reduce the incidence of disability and death due to lung disease; (6) the Kansas chapters of the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc. for the purpose of providing assistance and support to persons in Kansas with Alzhei mer's disease, and their families and caregivers; and (ww) all sales of tangible personal property purchased by the Habitat for Humanities for the exclusive use of being incorporated within a housing project constructed by such organization. Sec. 8. K.S.A. 12-1693 and 12-1697 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 12-188, 12-1692, 12-1696, 79-3603 and 79-3606, as amended by section 32 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book.''; In the title, in line 12, by striking all after the semicolon; by striking all in lines 13 through 15 and inserting ``amending K.S.A. 12-1693 and 12-1697 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 12-188, 121692, 12-1696, 79-3603 and 79-3606, as amended by section 32 of 1997 House Bill No. 2105, and repealing the existing sections.''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Phill Kline Tony Powell Bruce Larkin Conferees on part of House Audrey Langworthy David R. Corbin Janis Lee Conferees on part of Senate Senator Langworthy moved the Senate adopt the Conference Committee report on SB 184. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 33, nays 6, present and passing 0; absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Barone, Becker, Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Corbin, Donovan, Downey, Emert, Fe leciano, Goodwin, Hardenburger, Harrington, Hensley, Jones, Jordan, Karr, Langworthy, Lawrence, Lee, Morris, Oleen, Petty, Praeger, Pugh, Ranson, Salmans, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Tyson, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Nays: Biggs, Clark, Gilstrap, Huelskamp, Kerr, Salisbury. Absent or not voting: Gooch. The Conference Committee report was adopted. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 214, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee of the Whole amendments as follows: On page 4, in line 11, by striking ``the effective date of this act'' and inserting ``July 1, 1995''; in line 13, by striking ``or a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence''; in line 15, after ``(d)'' by inserting the following: ``has not been convicted, does not have an expunged conviction, has not been placed on diversion by any state or the federal government for a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence or its equivalent under the uniform code of military May 3, 1997 751 justice, when such misdemeanor crime of domestic violence was committed on or after the effective date of this act; (e)''; Also on page 4, in line 18, by striking ``(e)'' and inserting ``(f)''; in line 19, by striking ``(f)'' and inserting ``(g)''; in line 20, by striking ``(g)'' and inserting ``(h)''; in line 23, by striking ``(h)'' and inserting ``(i)''; On page 5, in line 16, by striking ``the effective date of this act'' and inserting ``July 1, 1995''; also in line 16, by striking ``or a''; in line 17, by striking ``misdemeanor crime of domestic violence''; in line 19, after ``justice'' by inserting ``or convicted of or diverted for a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence under the laws of this state, another state or the United States or of its equivalent under the uniform code of military justice, when such misdemeanor crime of domestic violence was committed on or after the effective date of this act''; On page 7, after line 14, by inserting the following: ``Sec. 8. K.S.A. 32-808 is hereby amended to read as follows: 32-808. (a) The secretary shallorganize a wildlife and parks conservation service andemploy conservation officers and other employees, regardless of title, to exercise law enforcement authority as provided in subsection (b), if such officers and other employees successfully complete the required course of instruction for law enforcement officers approved by the Kansas law enforcement training center pursuant to K.S.A. 74-5607a and amendments thereto, and employees ap pointed on a provisional or probationary basis for a period of not more than one year, except that such provisional or probationary employee shall meet at least the criteria on appoint ment specified in K.S.A. 74-5605 and amendments thereto, and shall not be issued a firearm until such employee has been instructed and trained in the use thereof by the department. An employee appointed on a provisional or probationary basis, who does not receive the certificate required under subsection (a) of K.S.A. 74-5607a and amendments thereto, within one year following the date of the person's original appointment shall not have authority to enforce the laws of the state as provided in subsection (b). The secretary may appointper manentconservation officers and employees of the department, including appointment in the capacity as deputy conservation officers, and may appoint Kansas law enforcement officers temporarily assigned by their employer to the departmentpursuant to K.S.A. 745610 and amendments thereto, to assist the wildlife and parks conservation service in a manner determined by the secretary. All deputy conservation officer appointments shall be on a voluntary basis and shall expire on December 31 following the date of any such ap pointment. (b) Conservation officers, deputy conservation officers and other employees who have completed the course of instruction as provided in subsection (a), provisional or probationary employees who have met the requirements of subsection (a) and any other Kansas law en forcement officers authorized to enforce the laws of the state of Kansas shall have the power and authority to: (1) Enforce allthe wildlife and parks laws andstatutory provisions of chapter 32 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated or any rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, or any other laws of the state anywhere within the state, including but not limited to chapter 8 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, and the rules and regulations of the secretary., except that nothing in this act shall grant conservation officers, deputy con servation officers and other employees authority that supersedes that of the local law en forcement authority having jurisdiction over the matter. The secretary shall establish a policy under which the department's officers and other employees primarily direct such officers' and employees' efforts toward the protection, conservation and management of natural re sources of this state and the provision of safe and orderly lands controlled by the department. Such officers shall also have the powers of arrest set forth in K.S.A. 22-2401, and amend ments thereto, and are empowered to make arrests, pursuant to K.S.A. 22-2307, and amend ments thereto, as required by any policy adopted by the secretary. A conservation officer acting under authority of this subsection shall be considered an employee of the department and shall be subject to its direction, benefits and legal protection. (2) Serve anywhere within the state warrantsand subpoenasissued for the examination, investigation or trial of alloffenses against the wildlife and parks laws and rules and regu 752 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE lations of the secretary and of violations of department controlled lands and waters, of any law and of any rule and regulation of the state of Kansasviolations of all laws of the state as provided in subsection (b). (3) Carry firearms or weapons, concealed or otherwise, in the performance of their duties but only if the officer or employee has completed the required course of instruction for law enforcement officers at the Kansas law enforcement training center, unless otherwise qualified pursuant to K.S.A. 74-5608a and amendments thereto or as to a provisional or probationary employee who has met the requirements of subsection (a). Sec. 9. K.S.A. 32-1048 is hereby amended to read as follows: 32-1048.Conservation officers and deputy conservation officers in the wildlife and parks conservation serviceAny officer or other employee of the department who meets the criteria specified in subsection (a) of K.S.A. 32-808 and amendments thereto and any other Kansas law enforcement officer authorized to enforce the laws of this state shall have the power to arrest pursuant to the authority granted in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 32-808 and amendments thereto, at any place in the state of Kansas, any person or persons found violating anyof the wildlife and parks laws of this state, or the rules and regulations adopted thereunder, without warrants, and with warrants where not found violating suchlaws of the state, and rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to chapter 32 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, and to bring such personsforthwithimmediately before the nearest proper judge of the district court of the county within which such violation took place for trial.''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; On page 13, in line 18, after ``19-801b'' by inserting ``, 32-808, 32-1048''; in line 21, by striking ``statute book'' and inserting ``Kansas register''; On page 1, in the title, in line 13, after the semicolon, by inserting ``conservation officers;''; in line 14, after ``19-801b'' by inserting ``, 32-808, 32-1048'' And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Tim Carmody Terry Presta Thomas Klein Conferees on part of House Tim Emert Keith Schraad Greta Goodwin Conferees on part of Senate Senator Emert moved the Senate adopt the Conference Committee report on SB 214. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 26, nays 13, present and passing 0; absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Becker, Biggs, Bond, Corbin, Downey, Emert, Feleciano, Gilstrap, Goodwin, Har denburger, Hensley, Jones, Karr, Langworthy, Lee, Morris, Oleen, Petty, Praeger, Pugh, Salisbury, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Nays: Barone, Bleeker, Brownlee, Clark, Donovan, Harrington, Huelskamp, Jordan, Kerr, Lawrence, Ranson, Salmans, Tyson. Absent or not voting: Gooch. The Conference Committee report was adopted. EXPLANATION OF VOTE Mr. President: See I told you so!--Larry D. Salmans CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to HB 2022, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 19, by striking all after line 41; By striking all in pages 20 through 29; May 3, 1997 753 On page 30, by striking all before line 27; By renumbering the existing sections; Also on page 30, in line 27, by striking ``and 44-706''; also in line 27, by striking ``are'' and inserting ``is''; In the title, in line 15, by striking ``and 44-706''; in line 16, by striking ``sections'' and inserting ``section''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Alicia Salisbury Pat Ranson Jim Barone Conferees on part of Senate Al Lane Gerald G. Geringer Janice L. Pauls Conferees on part of House Senator Salisbury moved the Senate adopt the Conference Committee report on HB 2022. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 34, nays 4, present and passing 0; absent or not voting 2. Yeas: Barone, Becker, Biggs, Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Clark, Corbin, Donovan, Downey, Feleciano, Goodwin, Hardenburger, Harrington, Huelskamp, Jordan, Karr, Kerr, Lang worthy, Lawrence, Lee, Morris, Oleen, Praeger, Pugh, Ranson, Salisbury, Salmans, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Tyson, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Nays: Emert, Gilstrap, Hensley, Jones. Absent or not voting: Gooch, Petty. The Conference Committee report was adopted. ORIGINAL MOTION On motion of Senator Praeger, the Senate acceded to the request of the House for a conference on HB 2278. The President appointed Senators Praeger, Salmans and Steineger as conferees on the part of the Senate. CHANGE OF CONFERENCE The President announced the appointment of Senator Steineger as a member of the Conference Committee on SB 146 to replace Senator Gooch. REPORT ON ENGROSSED BILLS SB 116, 201 reported correctly re-engrossed May 3, 1997. On motion of Senator Emert, the Senate recessed until 5:30 p.m. Evening Session The Senate met pursuant to recess with President Bond in the chair. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Announcing the House adopts the conference committee report on SB 204. The House adopts the conference committee report on HB 2022. ORIGINAL MOTION Senator Vidricksen moved that subsection 4(k) of the Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives be suspended for the purpose of considering the following bills: SB 204; HB 2278. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 204, submits the following report: 754 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 2, in line 2, after the period, by inserting a sentence as follows: ``An accident and sickness insurer may exclude a late enrollee, except during an open enrollment period.''; in line 30, by striking ``benefits'' and inserting ``expenses''; On page 22, following line 31, by inserting a subsection, as follows: ``(c) A carrier may exclude a late enrollee except during an open enrollment period.''; Also on page 22, in line 32, by striking ``(c)'' and inserting ``(d)''; in line 36, by striking ``(d)'' and inserting ``(e)''; in line 40, by striking ``(e)'' and inserting ``(f)''; On page 23, in line 6, by striking ``(f)'' and inserting ``(g)''; in line 11, by striking ``(g)'' and inserting ``(h)''; also in line 11, by striking ``(h)'' and inserting ``(f)''; On page 35, in line 24, before ``K.S.A.'' by inserting ``On and after January 1, 1998,''; On page 36, following line 9, by inserting a subsection as follows: ``(g) ``Dependent'' means a resident spouse or resident unmarried child under the age of 19 years, a child who is a student under the age of 23 years and who is financially dependent upon the parent, or a child of any age who is disabled and dependent upon the parent.''; Also on page 36, in line 10, by striking ``(g)'' and inserting ``(h)''; in line 24, by striking ``(h)'' and inserting ``(i)''; in line 28, by striking ``(i)'' and inserting ``(j)''; in line 34, by striking ``(j)'' and inserting ``(k)''; On page 37, in line 5, by striking ``(k)'' and inserting ``(l)''; in line 8, by striking ``(l)'' and inserting ``(m)''; in line 14, by striking ``(m)'' and inserting ``(n)''; in line 18, by striking ``(n)'' and inserting ``(o)''; in line 21, by striking ``(o)'' and inserting ``(p)''; in line 23, by striking ``(p)'' and inserting ``(q)''; in line 25, by striking ``(q)'' and inserting ``(r)''; in line 27, by striking ``(r)'' and inserting ``(s)''; following line 30, by inserting two sections as follows: ``Sec. 8. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 40-2119 is hereby amended to read as follows: 40-2119. (a) There is hereby created a nonprofit legal entity to be known as the Kansas health insurance association. All insurers and insurance arrangements provid ing health care benefits in this state shall be members of the association. The association shall operate under a plan of operation established and approved under subsection (b) of this section and shall exercise its powers through a board of directors established under this section. (b) (1) The board of directors of the association shall be selected by members of the association subject to the approval of the commissioner. To select the initial board of di rectors, and to initially organize the association, the commissioner shall give notice to all members in this state of the time and place of the organizational meeting. In determining voting rights at the organizational meeting, each member shall be entitled to one vote in person or by proxy. If the board of directors is not selected within 60 days after the organ izational meeting, the commissioner shall appoint the initial board. In approving or selecting members of the board, the commissioner shall consider, among other things, whether all members are fairly represented. Members of the board may be reimbursed from the moneys of the plan for expenses incurred by them as members of the board of directors but shall not otherwise be compensated by the plan for their services. (2) The board shall submit to the commissioner a plan of operation for the association and any amendments thereto necessary or suitable to assure the fair, reasonable and equi table administration of the plan. The plan of operation shall become effective upon approval in writing by the commissioner consistent with the date on which the coverage under this act must be made available. The commissioner shall, after notice and hearing, approve the plan of operation if it is determined to be suitable to assure the fair, reasonable and equitable administration of the plan and provides for the sharing of association losses on an equitable proportionate basis among the members of the association. If the board fails to submit a suitable plan of operation within 180 days after its appointment, or at any time thereafter fails to submit suitable amendments to the plan of operation, the commissioner shall, after notice and hearing, adopt and promulgate such reasonable rules and regulations as are necessary or advisable to effectuate the provisions of this section. Such rules and regulations shall continue in force until modified by the commissioner or superseded by a plan of May 3, 1997 755 operation submitted by the board and approved by the commissioner. The plan of operation shall, in addition to requirements enumerated elsewhere in this act: (A) Establish procedures for the handling and accounting of assets and moneys of the plan; (B) select an administering carrier in accordance with K.S.A. 40-2120, and amendments thereto; (C) establish procedures for the collection of assessments from all members to provide for claims paid under the plan and for administrative expenses incurred or estimated to be incurred during the period for which the assessment is made. The level of payments shall be established by the board pursuant to K.S.A. 40-2121, and amendments thereto. Assess ments shall be due and payable within 30 days of receipt of the assessment notice; (D) establish appropriate cost control measures, including but not limited to, pread mission review, case management, utilization review and exclusions and limitations with respect to treatment and services under the plan; and (E) develop and implement a program to publicize the existence of the plan, the eligi bility requirements and procedures for enrollment and to maintain public awareness of the plan. (F) Establish benefit levels, lifetime maximum benefits, and other coverage and eligibility parameters, and establish such other requirements and procedures as are necessary to assure the availability of a benefit program or programs conforming with the requirements of a qualified high risk pool as set forth in section 111 of Public Law 104-191 and amendments thereto. (c) The association shall have the general powers and authority enumerated by this subsection in accordance with the plan of operation approved by the commissioner under subsection (b). The association shall have the general powers and authority granted under the laws of this state to insurers licensed to transact the kind of health service or insurance included under K.S.A. 40-2123, and amendments thereto, and in addition thereto, the spe cific authority and duty to: (1) Enter into contracts as are necessary or proper to carry out the provisions and purposes of this act, including the authority, with the approval of the commissioner, to enter into contracts with similar plans of other states for the joint performance of common ad ministrative functions, or with persons or other organizations for the performance of ad ministrative functions; (2) sue or be sued, including taking any legal actions necessary or proper for recovery of any assessments for, on behalf of, or against participating members; (3) take such legal action as necessary to avoid the payment of improper claims against the association or the coverage provided by or through the plan; (4) establish appropriate rates, rate schedules, rate adjustments, expense allowances, agents' referral fees, claim reserve formulas and any other actuarial function appropriate to the operation of the plan. During the first two years of operation of the plan, rates shall be established in an amount that is estimated by the board to cover all claims that may be made against the plan and the expenses of operating the plan. In following years, rates for coverage shall be reasonable in terms of the benefits provided, the risk experience and expenses of providing the coverage, except that such rates shall not exceed 150% of the average premium rate charged for similar coverage in the private market. Rates and rate schedules may be adjusted for appropriate risk factors such as age, sex and geographic location in claims costs and shall take into consideration appropriate risk factors in accordance with established actuarial and underwriting practices, however particular health conditions or illnesses shall not constitute appropriate risk factors; (5) assess members of the association in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 402121, and amendments thereto; (6) design thepolicypolicies of insurance to be offered by the plan whichmay cover onlyshall cover at least the expenses enumerated in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 40-2123, and amendments thereto, but with such limitations and optional benefit levels as the plan pre scribes; (7) issue policies of insurance in accordance with the requirements of this act; and 756 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE (8) appoint from among members appropriate legal, actuarial and other committees as necessary to provide technical assistance in the operation of the plan, policy and other contract design, and any other function within the authority of the association. Sec. 9. On and after July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 40-2121 is hereby amended to read as follows: 40-2121. (a) Following the close of each fiscal year, the administering carrier shall determine the net premiums, the plan expenses of administration and the incurred losses for the year. Any net loss of the plan determined after taking into account amounts transferred pursuant to subsection (h) of K.S.A. 79-4804, and amendments thereto, invest ment income and other appropriate gains and losses shall be assessed by the board to all members of the association in proportion to their respective shares of total health insurance premiums received in this state during the calendar year coinciding with or ending during the fiscal year of the association or any other equitable basis as may be provided in the plan of operation. For health maintenance organization members and insurance arrangements, the proportionate share of losses shall be determined through application of an equitable formula based upon claims paid on the value of services provided. In sharing losses, the board may abate or defer in whole or in part the assessment of a member if, in the opinion of the board, payment of the assessment would endanger the ability of the member to fulfill its contractual obligations. Health insurance benefits paid by an insurance arrangement that are less than an amount determined by the board to justify the cost of collection shall not be considered for purposes of determining assessments. Net gains, if any, shall be held at interest to offset future losses or allocated to reduce future premiums. In addition to any annual assessment at the close of the fiscal year of the plan authorized by this subsection, the board may provide for interim assessments of the members of the association, subject to the approval of the commissioner, as may be necessary to assure the financial capability of the association in meeting the incurred or estimated claims expenses of the plan and the operating and administrative expenses of the plan. (b) In addition to any assessment authorized by subsection (a)of this section, the board may assess the members of the association for any initial costs associated with developing and implementing the plan to the extent such costs exceed the funds transferred to the uninsurable health insurance plan fund pursuant to K.S.A. 40-2125 and amendments thereto. Such assessment shall be allocated among the members of the association in the manner prescribed by subsection (a) of this section or any other equitable formula estab lished by the board. Assessments under this subsection shall not be subject to the credit against premium tax under subsection (c)of this section. (c) Foralltaxable years commencing after December 31, 1995, and prior to January 1, 1998, 80% of any assessment made against a member of the association pursuant to subsection (a) of this section may be claimed by such member as a credit against such member's premium or privilege tax liability imposed by K.S.A. 12-2624, 40-252 or 40-3213 and amendments thereto, for the taxable year in which such assessment is paid. For the tax year commencing after December 31, 1997, 70% of any assessment made against a member of the association pursuant to subsection (a) of this section may be claimed by such member as a credit against such member's premium tax liability imposed by K.S.A. 12-2624, 40-252 or 40-3213 and amendments thereto, for the taxable year in which such assessment is paid. For the tax year commencing after December 31, 1998, 65% of any assessment made against a member of the association pursuant to subsection (a) of this section may be claimed by such member as a credit against such member's premium tax liability imposed by K.S.A. 12-2624, 40-252 or 40-3213 and amendments thereto, for the taxable year in which such assessment is paid. For the tax year commencing after December 31, 1999, 60% of any assessment made against a member of the association pursuant to subsection (a) of this section may be claimed by such member as a credit against such member's premium tax liability imposed by K.S.A. 12-2624, 40-252 or 40-3213 and amendments thereto, for the taxable year in which such assessment is paid. The amendments made to the Kansas uninsurable health insurance plan act by 1997 Senate Bill No. 204 shall expire on January 1, 2001.''; Also on page 37, in line 31, by striking ``8.'' and inserting ``10. On and after January 1, 1998,''; May 3, 1997 757 By renumbering remaining sections accordingly; Also on page 37, in line 33, by striking ``of this section''; in line 35, by striking ``and'' and inserting ``or''; On page 38, in line 2, by striking the colon; by striking all of lines 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and inserting ``is in excess of the plan rate;''; following line 11, by inserting a subsection as follows: ``(b) Each resident dependent of a person who is eligible for plan coverage shall also be eligible for plan coverage.''; Also on page 38, in line 12, by striking ``(b)'' and inserting ``(c)''; by striking lines 36, 37 and 38; in line 39, by striking ``$5,000.'' and inserting the following: ``On and after January 1, 1998, the plan shall offer to current participants and new enrollees no fewer than four choices of deductible and copayment options.''; On page 43, in line 21, by striking ``10'' and inserting ``14''; On page 44, by striking lines 17 to 43, inclusive; On page 45, by striking lines 1 to 43, inclusive; On page 46, by striking lines 1 to 43, inclusive; On page 47, by striking all in lines 1 to 9, inclusive, and inserting the following sections: ``Sec. 15. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 40-2,105 is hereby amended to read as follows: 40-2,105. (a) On or after the effective date of this act, every insurer which issues any individual or group policy of accident and sickness insurance providing medical, surgical or hospital ex pense coverage for other than specific diseases or accidents only and which provides for reimbursement or indemnity for services rendered to a person covered by such policy in a medical care facility, must provide for reimbursement or indemnity under such individual policy or under such group policy, except as provided in subsection (d), which shall be limited to not less than 30 days per year when such person is confined for treatment of alcoholism, drug abuse or nervous or mental conditions in a medical care facility licensed under the provisions of K.S.A. 65-429 and amendments thereto, a treatment facility for alcoholics licensed under the provisions of K.S.A. 65-4014 and amendments thereto, a treat ment facility for drug abusers licensed under the provisions of K.S.A. 65-4605 and amend ments thereto, a community mental health center or clinic licensed under the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3307b and amendments thereto or a psychiatric hospital licensed under the pro visions of K.S.A. 75-3307b and amendments thereto. Such individual policy or such group policy shall also provide for reimbursement or indemnity, except as provided in subsection (d), of the costs of treatment of such person for alcoholism, drug abuse and nervous or mental conditions, limited to not less than 100% of the first $100, 80% of the next $100 and 50% of the next $1,640 in any year and limited to not less than $7,500 in such person's lifetime, in the facilities enumerated when confinement is not necessary for the treatment or by a physician licensed or psychologist licensed to practice under the laws of the state of Kansas. (b) For the purposes of this section ``nervous or mental conditions'' means disorders specified in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition, (DSMIV, 1994) of the American psychiatric association but shall not include conditions not at tributable to a mental disorder that are a focus of attention or treatment (DSM-IV, 1994). (c) The provisions of this section shall be applicable to health maintenance organizations organized under article 32 of chapter 40 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated. (d) There shall be no coverage under the provisions of this section for any assessment against any person required by a diversion agreement or by order of a court to attend an alcohol and drug safety action program certified pursuant to K.S.A. 8-1008 and amendments thereto. (e) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any medicare supplement policy of insurance, as defined by the commissioner of insurance by rule and regulation. (f) The provisions of this section shall be applicable to the Kansas state employees health care benefits program developed and provided by the Kansas state employees health care commission. (g) The outpatient coverage provisions of this section shall not apply to a high deductible health plan as defined in Section 301 of P.L. 104-191 and any amendments thereto if such plan is purchased in connection with a medical savings account pursuant to that act. After the amount of eligible deductible expenses have been paid by the insured, the outpatient 758 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE costs of treatment of the insured for alcoholism, drug abuse and nervous or mental conditions shall be paid on the same level they are provided for a medical condition. New Sec. 16. Sections 16 to 23 of this act shall be known and may be cited as the patient protection act. New Sec. 17. As used in this act: (a) ``Emergency medical condition'' means the sudden and, at the time, unexpected onset of a health condition that requires immediate medical attention, where failure to provide medical attention would result in serious impairment to bodily functions or serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part, or would place the person's health in serious jeopardy. (b) ``Emergency services'' means ambulance services and health care items and services furnished or required to evaluate and treat an emergency medical condition, as directed or ordered by a physician. (c) ``Health benefit plan'' means any hospital or medical expense policy, health, hospital or medical service corporation contract, a plan provided by a municipal group-funded pool, a policy or agreement entered into by a health insurer or a health maintenance organization contract offered by an employer or any certificate issued under any such policies, contracts or plans. ``Health benefit plan'' does not include policies or certificates covering only acci dent, credit, dental, disability income, long-term care, hospital indemnity, medicare supple ment, specified disease, vision care, coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance, insurance arising out of a workers compensation or similar law, automobile medical-payment insurance, or insurance under which benefits are payable with or without regard to fault and which is statutorily required to be contained in any liability insurance policy or equiv alent self-insurance. (d) ``Health insurer'' means any insurance company, nonprofit medical and hospital service corporation, municipal group-funded pool, fraternal benefit society, health mainte nance organization, or any other entity which offers a health benefit plan subject to the Kansas Statutes Annotated. (e) ``Insured'' means a person who is covered by a health benefit plan. (f) ``Participating provider'' means a provider who, under a contract with the health insurer or with its contractor or subcontractor, has agreed to provide one or more health care services to insureds with an expectation of receiving payment, other than coinsurance, copayments or deductibles, directly or indirectly from the health insurer. (g) ``Provider'' means a physician, hospital or other person which is licensed, accredited or certified to perform specified health care services. (h) ``Provider network'' means those participating providers who have entered into a contract or agreement with a health insurer to provide items or health care services to individuals covered by a health benefit plan offered by such health insurer. (i) ``Physician'' means a person licensed by the state board of healing arts to practice medicine and surgery. New Sec. 18. (a) A health benefit plan shall not deny coverage for emergency services if the symptoms presented by an insured and recorded by the attending provider indicate that an emergency medical condition exists, or for emergency services necessary to provide an insured with a medical examination and stabilizing treatment, regardless of whether prior authorization was obtained to provide those services. (b) If a participating provider or other authorized representative of a health insurer authorizes emergency services, the health insurer shall not subsequently rescind or modify that authorization after the provider renders the authorized care in good faith and pursuant to the authorization except for: (1) Payments made as a result of misrepresentation, fraud, omission or clerical error; and (2) copayment, coinsurance or deductible amounts that are the responsibility of the insured. (c) Once an insured is stabilized pursuant to subsection (a), a health benefit plan may require as a condition of further coverage that a hospital emergency facility shall promptly contact the health insurer for prior authorization for continuing treatment, specialty con sultations, transfer arrangements or other medically necessary and appropriate care for an insured. May 3, 1997 759 (d) Coverage of emergency services shall be subject to applicable copayments, coinsur ance and deductibles. (e) For required post evaluation or post stabilization services immediately following treatment of an emergency medical condition, a health insurer shall provide access to an authorized representative 24 hours a day, seven days a week. New Sec. 19. No health insurer shall prohibit or restrict any participating provider from discussing with or disclosing to any insured or other individual any medically appropriate health care information that such provider deems appropriate regarding the nature of treat ment options, the risks or alternatives thereto, the process used or the decision made by such insurer to approve or deny health care services, the availability of alternate therapies, consultations, or tests, or from advocating on behalf of the insured within the utilization review or grievance processes established by the health insurer. New Sec. 20. No health insurer shall offer or operate a compensation arrangement between such health insurer or its agents and a participating provider that may directly or indirectly serve as an inducement to reduce or limit the delivery of medically necessary services with respect to an insured in any health benefit plan offered by such health insurer. Compensation arrangements which involve capitation payments or other risk sharing pro visions shall not be considered inducements. New Sec. 21. Every health insurer shall inform in writing current and prospective in sureds that the following information shall be available upon request: (a) A complete description of the health care services, items and other benefits to which the insured is entitled in the particular health benefit plan which is covering or being offered to such person; (b) a description of any limitations, exceptions or exclusions to coverage in the health benefit plan, including prior authorization policies, restricted drug formularies or other provisions which restrict access to covered services or items by the insured; (c) a listing of the health benefit plan's participating providers, their business addresses and telephone numbers, the availability of those providers, and any limitations on an insu red's choice of provider; (d) notification in advance of any changes in the health benefit plan which either reduces the coverage or benefits, or increases the cost, to such person; and (e) a description of the grievance and appeal procedures available under the health benefit plan and an insured's rights regarding termination, disenrollment, nonrenewal or cancelation of coverage. New Sec. 22. (a) A health insurer providing a health benefit plan shall maintain a pro vider network that is sufficient in numbers and types of providers to assure that all covered services to an insured will be accessible without unreasonable delay. Sufficiency of the provider network shall be determined in accordance with the requirements of this section, and may be established by reference to any reasonable criteria used by the health insurer, including but not limited to: provider-insured ratios by specialty; primary care providerinsured ratios; geographic accessibility; waiting times for appointments with participating providers; hours of operation; and the availability of technological and specialty services to serve the needs of insureds requiring technologically advanced or specialty care. (b) A health insurer shall have a plan by which an insured with a life-threatening, chronic, degenerative or disabling condition or disease, which requires specialized medical care over a prolonged period of time, may receive a referral to a specialist with expertise in treating such disease or condition who shall be responsible for and capable of providing and coordinating the insured's specialty care. (c) Nothing in this section shall require a health insurer to provide benefits not otherwise covered by the terms of the health benefits plan. (d) A provider network shall not be determined to be insufficient for failure to contract with any provider unwilling to contract under the same terms and conditions, including reimbursement levels, as such health insurer offers to other similarly situated health care providers. New Sec. 23. The commissioner of insurance may adopt rules and regulations as nec essary to implement the provisions of the patient protection act. 760 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE Sec. 24. K.S.A. 40-2201 is hereby amended to read as follows: 40-2201. (a) The term ``policy of accident and sickness insurance'' as used herein includes any policy or contract insuring against loss resulting from sickness or bodily injury or death by accident, or both, issued by a stock, or mutual company or association or any other insurer. (b) The term ``policy of stop loss or excess loss insurance coverage'' means a policy, contract, endorsement, attachments, amendments or other modifications that insure against losses of the policyholder issued by a stock, or mutual company or association or any other insurer. New Sec. 25. Sections 25 to 33, inclusive, and amendments thereto shall be known and may be cited as the woman's-right-to-know act. Sec. 26. K.S.A. 65-6701 is hereby amended to read as follows: 65-6701. As used in this act: (a) ``Abortion'' means the use of any means to intentionally terminate a pregnancy except for the purpose of causing a live birth. Abortion does not include: (1) The use of any drug or device that inhibits or prevents ovulation, fertilization or the implantation of an embryo; or (2) disposition of the product of in vitro fertilization prior to implantation. (b) ``Counselor'' means a person who is: (1) Licensed to practice medicine and surgery; (2) licensed to practice psychology; (3) licensed to practice professional or practical nursing; (4) registered to practice professional counseling; (5) licensed as a social worker; (6) the holder of a master's or doctor's degree from an accredited graduate school of social work; (7) registered to practice marriage and family therapy; (8) a registered physician's assistant; or (9) a currently ordained member of the clergy or religious authority of any religious denomination or society. Counselor does not include the physician who performs or induces the abortion or a physician or other person who assists in performing or inducing the abor tion. (c) ``Department'' means the department of health and environment. (d) ``Gestational age'' means the time that has elapsed since the first day of the woman's last menstrual period. (e) ``Medical emergency'' means that condition which, on the basis of the physician's good faith clinical judgment, so complicates the medical condition of a pregnant woman as to necessitate the immediate abortion of her pregnancy to avert her death or for which a delay will create serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function. (f) ``Minor'' means a person less than 18 years of age.(d)(g) ``Physician'' means a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery in this state.(e)(h) ``Pregnant'' or ``pregnancy'' means that female reproductive condition of having a fetus in the mother's body. (i) ``Qualified person'' means an agent of the physician who is a psychologist, licensed social worker, registered professional counselor, registered nurse or physician. (j) ``Unemancipated minor'' means any minor who has never been: (1) Married; or (2) freed, by court order or otherwise, from the care, custody and control of the minor's parents.(f)(k) ``Viable'' means that stage of gestation when, in the best medical judgment of the attending physician, the fetus is capable of sustained survival outside the uterus without the application of extraordinary medical means. New Sec. 27. No abortion shall be performed or induced without the voluntary and informed consent of the woman upon whom the abortion is to be performed or induced. Except in the case of a medical emergency, consent to an abortion is voluntary and informed only if: (a) At least 24 hours before the abortion the physician who is to perform the abortion or the referring physician has informed the woman in writing of: (1) The name of the physician who will perform the abortion; (2) a description of the proposed abortion method; (3) a description of risks related to the proposed abortion method, including risks to the woman's reproductive health and alternatives to the abortion that a reasonable patient would consider material to the decision of whether or not to undergo the abortion; May 3, 1997 761 (4) the probable gestational age of the fetus at the time the abortion is to be performed and that Kansas law requires the following: ``No person shall perform or induce an abortion when the fetus is viable unless such person is a physician and has a documented referral from another physician not financially associated with the physician performing or inducing the abortion and both physicians determine that: (1) The abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman; or (2) the fetus is affected by a severe or life-threatening deformity or abnormality.'' If the child is born alive, the attending physician has the legal obligation to take all reasonable steps necessary to maintain the life and health of the child; (5) the probable anatomical and physiological characteristics of the fetus at the time the abortion is to be performed; (6) the medical risks associated with carrying a fetus to term; and (7) any need for anti-Rh immune globulin therapy, if she is Rh negative, the likely consequences of refusing such therapy and the cost of the therapy. (b) At least 24 hours before the abortion, the physician who is to perform the abortion, the referring physician or a qualified person has informed the woman in writing that: (1) Medical assistance benefits may be available for prenatal care, childbirth and neo natal care, and that more detailed information on the availability of such assistance is con tained in the printed materials given to her and described in section 28 and amendments thereto; (2) the printed materials in section 28 and amendments thereto describe the fetus and list agencies which offer alternatives to abortion with a special section listing adoption serv ices; (3) the father of the fetus is liable to assist in the support of her child, even in instances where he has offered to pay for the abortion except that in the case of rape this information may be omitted; and (4) the woman is free to withhold or withdraw her consent to the abortion at any time prior to invasion of the uterus without affecting her right to future care or treatment and without the loss of any state or federally-funded benefits to which she might otherwise be entitled. (c) Prior to the abortion procedure, prior to physical preparation for the abortion and prior to the administration of medication for the abortion, the woman shall meet privately with the physician who is to perform the abortion and such person's staff to ensure that she has an adequate opportunity to ask questions of and obtain information from the physician concerning the abortion. (d) At least 24 hours before the abortion, the woman is given a copy of the printed materials described in section 28 and amendments thereto. If the woman asks questions concerning any of the information or materials, answers shall be provided to her in her own language. (e) The woman certifies in writing on a form provided by the department, prior to the abortion, that the information required to be provided under subsections (a), (b) and (d) has been provided and that she has met with the physician who is to perform the abortion on an individual basis as provided under subsection (c). All physicians who perform abortions shall report the total number of certifications received monthly to the department. The department shall make the number of certifications received available on an annual basis. (f) Prior to the performance of the abortion, the physician who is to perform the abortion or the physician's agent receives a copy of the written certification prescribed by subsection (e) of this section. (g) The woman is not required to pay any amount for the abortion procedure until the 24-hour waiting period has expired. New Sec. 28. (a) The department shall cause to be published and distributed widely, within 30 days after the effective date of this act, and shall update on an annual basis, the following easily comprehensible printed materials: (1) Geographically indexed materials designed to inform the woman of public and pri vate agencies and services available to assist a woman through pregnancy, upon childbirth and while her child is dependent, including but not limited to, adoption agencies. The materials shall include a comprehensive list of the agencies, a description of the services they offer and the telephone numbers and addresses of the agencies; and inform the woman 762 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE about available medical assistance benefits for prenatal care, childbirth and neonatal care and about the support obligations of the father of a child who is born alive. The department shall ensure that the materials described in this section are comprehensive and do not directly or indirectly promote, exclude or discourage the use of any agency or service de scribed in this section. The materials shall also contain a toll-free 24-hour a day telephone number which may be called to obtain, orally, such a list and description of agencies in the locality of the caller and of the services they offer. The materials shall state that it is unlawful for any individual to coerce a woman to undergo an abortion, that any physician who per forms an abortion upon a woman without her informed consent may be liable to her for damages. Kansas law permits adoptive parents to pay costs of prenatal care, childbirth and neonatal care. The materials shall include the following statement: ``Many public and private agencies exist to provide counseling and information on available services. You are strongly urged to seek their assistance to obtain guidance during your pregnancy. In addition, you are encouraged to seek information on abortion services, alternatives to abortion, including adoption, and resources availa ble to post-partum mothers. The law requires that your physician or the physician's agent provide the enclosed information.'' (2) Materials that inform the pregnant woman of the probable anatomical and physio logical characteristics of the fetus at two-week gestational increments from fertilization to full term, including pictures or drawings representing the development of a fetus at twoweek gestational increments, and any relevant information on the possibility of the fetus' survival. Any such pictures or drawings shall contain the dimensions of the fetus and shall be realistic. The materials shall be objective, nonjudgmental and designed to convey only accurate scientific information about the fetus at the various gestational ages. The material shall also contain objective information describing the methods of abortion procedures com monly employed, the medical risks commonly associated with each such procedure and the medical risks associated with carrying a fetus to term. (3) A certification form to be used by physicians or their agents under subsection (e) of section 27 and amendments thereto, which will list all the items of information which are to be given to women by physicians or their agents under the woman's-right-to-know act. (b) The materials required under this section shall be printed in a typeface large enough to be clearly legible. The materials shall be made available in both English and Spanish language versions. (c) The materials required under this section shall be available at no cost from the department upon request and in appropriate number to any person, facility or hospital. New Sec. 29. Where a medical emergency compels the performance of an abortion, the physician shall inform the woman, before the abortion if possible, of the medical indi cations supporting the physician's judgment that an abortion is necessary to avert her death or to avert substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function. New Sec. 30. Any physician who intentionally, knowingly or recklessly fails to provide informed consent pursuant to the woman's-right-to-know act is guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined in K.S.A. 65-2837 and amendments thereto. New Sec. 31. Any physician who complies with the provisions of this act shall not be held civilly liable to a patient for failure to obtain informed consent to the abortion. New Sec. 32. The provisions of this act are declared to be severable, and if any provi sion, word, phrase or clause of the act or the application thereof to any person shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the woman'sright-to-know act. New Sec. 33. (a) Nothing in the woman's-right-to-know act shall be construed as cre ating or recognizing a right to abortion. (b) It is not the intention of the woman's-right-to-know act to make lawful an abortion that is currently unlawful. Sec. 34. K.S.A. 40-2118, 40-2201, 40-2228, 65-6701 and 65-6706 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 40-2,105, 40-2119, 40-2121, 40-2122, 40-2124, 40-2209, 40-2209d, 40-2209f and 40-3209 are hereby repealed.''; Renumber remaining sections accordingly; May 3, 1997 763 On page 1, in the title, by striking lines 14 to 24, inclusive, and inserting the following: ``AN ACT relating to health care; relating to accident and health insurance; group and individual policies of insurance; patient protection; women's-right-to-know; amending K.S.A. 40-2118, 40-2201, 40-2228 and 65-6701 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 40-2,105, 402119, 40-2121, 40-2122, 40-2124, 40-2209, 40-2209d, 40-2209f and 40-3209 and re pealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 65-6706.''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Susan Wagle Dennis M. Wilson Nancy Kirk Conferees on part of House Don Steffes Sandy Praeger Paul Feleciano, Jr. Conferees on part of Senate Senator Steffes moved the Senate adopt the Conference Committee report on SB 204. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 36, nays 0, present and passing 1; absent or not voting 3. Yeas: Barone, Becker, Biggs, Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Clark, Corbin, Donovan, Downey, Emert, Feleciano, Gilstrap, Goodwin, Hardenburger, Harrington, Hensley, Jones, Jordan, Karr, Kerr, Langworthy, Lawrence, Lee, Morris, Praeger, Pugh, Ranson, Salisbury, Salmans, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Tyson, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Present and passing: Huelskamp. Absent or not voting: Gooch, Oleen, Petty. The Conference Committee report was adopted. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to HB 2278, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed as Amended by Senate on Final Action, as follows: On page 1, in the title, in line 27, by striking ``assist''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Sandy Praeger Larry D. Salmans Chris Steineger Conferees on part of Senate Carlos Mayans James E. Morrison Jerry Henry Conferees on part of House Senator Praeger moved the Senate adopt the Conference Committee report on HB 2278. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 37, nays 0, present and passing 0; absent or not voting 3. Yeas: Barone, Becker, Biggs, Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Clark, Corbin, Donovan, Downey, Emert, Feleciano, Gilstrap, Goodwin, Hardenburger, Harrington, Hensley, Huelskamp, Jones, Jordan, Karr, Kerr, Langworthy, Lawrence, Lee, Morris, Praeger, Pugh, Ranson, Salisbury, Salmans, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Tyson, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Absent or not voting: Gooch, Oleen, Petty. The Conference Committee report was adopted. ORIGINAL MOTION Senator Emert moved that subsection 4(k) of the Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives be suspended for the purpose of considering the following bill: HB 2007. 764 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to HB 2007, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 61, by striking lines 14 through 43; By striking pages 62 through 67; On page 68, preceding line 1, by inserting the following: ``Sec. 37. K.S.A. 61-1729 is hereby amended to read as follows: 61-1729. An action filed under chapter 61 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, except an action filed pursuant to the small claims procedure act, may upon motion of a party and order of the court for good cause shown, be thereafter governed by the provisions of chapter 60 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated. The party obtaining an order under this section shall pay any additional docket fee required had the action been filed under chapter 60 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated. Upon such order of the court and payment of any additional docket under this section, the clerk of the district court shall renumber the case as a case filed under chapter 60 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated in the same manner as required by K.S.A. 60-2418 and amend ments thereto.''; And by renumbering the remaining sections accordingly; Also on page 68, in line 5, before ``60-2007'' by striking ``60-717,''; in line 6, by striking ``61-2005'' and inserting ``61-1729''; also in line 6, after ``60-1608'' by striking ``and''; in line 7, by striking ``60-2310''; In the title, on page 1, in line 18, by striking ``60-717,''; in line 19, by striking ``61-2005'' and inserting ``61-1729''; in line 20, by striking ``and 60-2310''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Tim Emert Edward W. Pugh Greta Goodwin Conferees on part of Senate Tim Carmody Terry Presta Jim D. Garner Conferees on part of House Senator Emert moved the Senate adopt the Conference Committee report on HB 2007. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 36, nays 1, present and passing 0; absent or not voting 3. Yeas: Barone, Becker, Biggs, Bleeker, Bond, Brownlee, Clark, Corbin, Donovan, Downey, Emert, Feleciano, Gilstrap, Goodwin, Hardenburger, Harrington, Hensley, Huelskamp, Jones, Jordan, Karr, Langworthy, Lawrence, Lee, Morris, Praeger, Pugh, Ranson, Salisbury, Salmans, Schraad, Steffes, Steineger, Tyson, Umbarger, Vidricksen. Nays: Kerr. Absent or not voting: Gooch, Oleen, Petty. The Conference Committee report was adopted. REPORT ON ENGROSSED BILLS SB 17 reported correctly engrossed May 3, 1997. SB 87 reported correctly re-engrossed May 3, 1997. REPORT ON ENROLLED BILLS SR 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 reported correctly enrolled, properly signed and presented to the Secretary of the Senate on May 3, 1997. On motion of Senator Emert the Senate adjourned until 2:00 p.m., Sunday, May 4, 1997. May 3, 1997 765 HELEN A. MORELAND, Journal Clerk. PAT SAVILLE, Secretary of the Senate. +--+ | | +--+