J o u r n a l o f t h e H o u s e SIXTIETH DAY -------- HALL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TOPEKA, KAN., Thursday, April 10, 1997, 10:00 a.m. The House met pursuant to adjournment with Speaker Shallenburger in the chair. The roll was called with 124 members present. Rep. Dean was excused on verified illness. Prayer by guest chaplain, the Rev. J. Hollis Bredeweg, Developmental Director, Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center, Lawrence, and guest of Rep. Ballard: In light of your glory and majesty, O God, the Psalmist asked, ``What are human beings that you are mindful of them, and mortals that you care for them? Yet you have made us little less than God, and have crowned us with glory and honor . . .'' (Psalm 8: 1, 3-5) In that same light we ask: Who are we, O God, that we should speak for a Church, for a district, for a community, for a state? Yet here we are, men and women, Re publican and Democrat, conservative and moderate and liberal . . . all of us ex ercising our particular authority. We pray this day, our God, that all of us shall prove to be worthy of the power we possess, and that we shall use that power in service of the highest purposes, the greatest good, and on behalf of those who need our help the most. Our God, you know all the people represented here today far better than we do, and you know their needs. The store owners, factory workers, business people, and homemakers across the state . . . The elderly and the young, the vigorous and the frail, those with physical or mental health concerns, the powerless. Most of these people won't give a thought to what is being done here today. But may we never stop thinking of them. Great and gracious God, we thank you for the gift of life, the gift of family, of friends, and of community. We give you thanks for the gift of this new day and the time it affords us to reaffirm with our voices and our actions these things we cherish and hold dear. Amen. MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR April 7, 1997 Message to the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas: Enclosed herewith is Executive Directive No. 97-256 for your information. EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE NO. 97-256 Authorizing Certain Personnel Transactions Bill Graves Governor The above Executive Directive is on file and open for inspection in the office of the Chief Clerk. April 10, 1997 793 COMMUNICATIONS FROM STATE OFFICERS From Mikel L. Stout, Chairman, State of Kansas Commission on Judicial Qualifications, 1996 Annual Report. From Lt. Governor/Secretary Gary Sherrer, Kansas Department of Commerce and Hous ing, in accordance with K.S.A. 74-50,118(b), Annual Report on the Kansas Enterprise Zone Program for Calendar Year 1996. The complete reports are kept on file and open for inspection in the office of the Chief Clerk. INTRODUCTION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS On emergency motion of Rep. Jennison, pursuant to House Rule 2311, SB 234; H. Sub. for SB 69; HB 2497 were advanced to Final Action on Bills and Concurrent Resolutions, subject to amendment, debate and roll call. FINAL ACTION ON BILLS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Committee report to SB 234 was adopted; also, roll call was demanded on motion of Rep. Kirk to amend on page 1, in line 21, by striking all after ``viable''; in line 22, by striking ``more weeks''; in line 25, by striking ``the'' where it appears for the first time and inserting ``: (1) The''; also in line 25, by striking ``: (1) Preserve'' and inserting ``preserve''; in line 26, by striking ``or''; in line 29, before the period by inserting ``; or (3) the fetus is affected by a severe or life-threatening deformity or abnormality''; in line 35, by striking all after ``un less''; by striking all in lines 36 and 37; in line 38, by striking ``determine that''; On page 2, in line 3, by striking ``in''; by striking all in line 4; in line 5, by striking all before the period and inserting ``containing the following five elements: (A) Deliberate dilatation of the cervix; (B) instrumental conversion of the fetus to a footling breech; (C) breech extraction of the body except the head; (D) insertion of a sharp instrument into the fetus' skull; and (E) partial evacuation of the intracranial contents of a fetus to effect vaginal delivery of a dead but otherwise intact fetus''; in line 6, by striking all after ``(c)''; by striking all in lines 7 and 8; in line 9, by striking ``(d)''; in line 12, by striking ``(e) Upon a first conviction of a violation'' and inserting ``(d) Violation''; Also on page 2, in line 13, by striking ``, a person shall be guilty of'' and inserting ``is''; by striking all in lines 14 through 19; On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 55; Nays 69; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Ballard, Beggs, Benlon, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dillon, Dreher, Empson, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Glasscock, Haley, Helgerson, Henderson, Horst, Huff, Johnson, Johnston, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Lane, McKechnie, Minor, Nichols, E. Peterson, Pottorff, Ray, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Sharp, Showalter, Shriver, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer. Nays: Aurand, Ballou, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Dahl, Edmonds, Faber, Farmer, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Gilmore, Grant, Gregory, Hayzlett, Henry, Holmes, Howell, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Kejr, Phill Kline, Landwehr, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKinney, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, J. Peterson, Phelps, Powell, Powers, Presta, Reardon, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Shore, Shultz, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. The motion of Rep. Kirk did not prevail. SB 234, An act concerning abortions; amending K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 65-6703 and repealing the existing section, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 87; Nays 37; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Aurand, Ballou, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Cor rell, Dahl, Dreher, Edmonds, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Ger 794 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE inger, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Hayzlett, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Kejr, Phill Kline, Landwehr, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Pal mer, Pauls, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Reardon, Ruff, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Stone, Swenson, Tanner, Thi mesch, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wempe, Wilk, Wil son. Nays: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Ballard, Beggs, Benlon, Cox, Crow, Dillon, Empson, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Garner, Gilbert, Haley, Helgerson, Henderson, Johnston, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Lane, Nichols, E. Peterson, Ray, Reinhardt, Samuelson, Sawyer, Sloan, Spangler, Storm, Toelkes, Wells, Welshimer. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. The bill passed, as amended. EXPLANATIONS OF VOTE Mr. Speaker: I support the ban on partial birth abortions and voted yes on the Kirk amendment. The Governor supports the ban on partial birth abortions. It's clear to me the House cares more about passing a bill the Governor will veto--than banning these abortions. I reluctantly vote no on SB 234.--Richard Alldritt Mr. Speaker: I vote NO on SB 234. As written it would make felons out of women who induce or perform an abortion on themselves that is prohibited under this bill. I support and voted for a true ban on partial birth abortions. I cannot support a bill that creates a new felony crime against women who perform these abortions on themselves.-Rocky Nichols Mr. Speaker: I vote NO on SB 234. I support the ban on the partial birth abortion procedure, but SB 234 is not limited to this procedure. SB 234 also changes the current abortion laws we now have in Kansas. This is a very difficult decision. I am also not sure whether it is appropriate for government to make individual medical decisions for doctors or for patients. The passage of this bill is purely political. The opportunity to have a real ban on the partial birth abortion procedure was lost today when this bill passed out of the house.--Richard R. Reinhardt Committee report recommending a substitute bill to H. Sub. for SB 69 was adopted; also, on motion of Rep. Kejr was amended on page 82, in line 39, by striking ``by the''; On page 83, in line 11, by striking ``by the'' where it appears for the final time; On page 129, in line 34, by striking ``is a''; in line 35, by striking ``member'' and inserting ``are members''; in line 37, by striking ``is a''; in line 38, by striking ``member'' and inserting ``are members''; On page 133, in line 24, after ``and'' by inserting ``K.S.A.''; Also, on further motion of Rep. Kejr H. Sub. for SB 69 was amended on page 123, following line 7, by inserting the following: ``(t) The commissioner may appoint a deputy commissioner to head each division in the juvenile justice authority and such deputy shall serve at the pleasure of the commissioner. Any such deputy commissioner shall be in the unclassified service under the Kansas civil service act.''; H. Sub. for SB 69, An act concerning juveniles; amending K.S.A. 20-1a11, 21-3612, as amended by section 25 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 22-4701, as amended by section 27 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1604, as amended by section 42 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1604, as amended by section 46 of this act, 38-1610, as amended by section 50 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1618, as amended by section 59 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1632, as amended by section 64 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1633, as amended by section 65 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1636, as amended by section 67 of chapter 229 of the 1996 April 10, 1997 795 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1636, as amended by section 57 of this act, 38-1661, as amended by section 79 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1662, as amended by section 80 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1674, as amended by section 89 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1674, as amended by section 68 of this act, 38-1681, as amended by section 93 of chapter 229 of the 1996 session laws of Kansas, 38-1681, as amended by section 73 of this act, 38-1691, as amended by section 95 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-16,111, as amended by section 97 of chapter 229 of the 1996 session laws of Kansas, 38-16,111, as amended by section 77 of this act, 72-978, as amended by section 120 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 75-5291, 76-2101, as amended by section 140 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 76-2101a, as amended by section 141 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 76-2101b, as amended by section 142 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 76-2125, as amended by section 145 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 76-2128, as amended by section 146 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 76-2201, as amended by section 147 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 76-2201a, as amended by section 148 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, and 76-2219, as amended by section 149 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, K.S.A. 1995 Supp. 38-1602, as amended by section 41 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1602, as amended by section 44 of this act, 381608, as amended by section 48 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 381611, as amended by section 51 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 381635, as amended by section 66 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1663, as amended by section 81 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1652, as amended by section 73 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1663, as amended by section 63 of this act, 38-1668, as amended by section 85 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1671, as amended by section 86 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1673, as amended by section 88 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1675, as amended by section 90 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1675, as amended by section 65 of this act, 38-1676, as amended by section 91 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, and 74-9501, as amended by section 127 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 21-2511, 21-3413, 28-170, 38-1507, 38-1508, 38-1522, 38-1613, 38-1614, 38-1640, 38-1692, 38-16,126, 38-16,128, 38-1808, 40-1909, 40-19c09, 72-89a02, 74-8810, 75-2935, 75-2935b, 75-6102, 75-6104, 75-6801, 75-7007, 75-7008, 75-7009, 75-7021, 75-2023, 75-7024, 757025, 75-7026, 75-7028, 76-6b04, 76-3201 and 79-4803 and repealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 21-2511, as amended by section 22 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 21-3413, as amended by section 23 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 21-3611, as amended by section 24 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 28-170, as amended by section 28 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1613, as amended by section 52 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas,38-1614, as amended by section 53 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1640, as amended by section 71 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1672, as amended by section 87 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 38-1801, 38-1802, 38-1803, 38-1805, 38-1806, 38-1809, 38-1810, 38-1811, 40-1909, as amended by section 110 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, and 745363, as amended by section 124 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, K.S.A. 1995 Supp. 38-1692, as amended by section 96 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, 40-19c09, as amended by section 113 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas, and 74-8810, as amended by section 126 of chapter 229 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 38-1804, 38-1807 and 75-7010, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Ed monds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, 796 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, Mc Creary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pot torff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. The substitute bill passed, as amended. Committee report to HB 2497 was adopted. HB 2497, An act concerning the Kansas commission on veterans affairs; establishing the Kansas veterans' home on the grounds of Winfield state hospital and training center; pro viding for lease and operation of a long-term care annex in Wichita; authorizing certain contracts for construction of dwellings at the Kansas soldiers' home and prescribing guide lines therefor; amending K.S.A. 73-1207, 73-1208b, 73-1210a and 75-3036a and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 40-3414, 76-375 and 76-381 and repealing the existing sections, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Ed monds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, Mc Creary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pot torff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. The bill passed, as amended. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 131, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee amendments, as follows: On page 3, following line 30, by inserting the following: ``Sec. 4. K.S.A. 8-1556 is hereby amended to read as follows: 8-1556. (a) The driver of a vehicle meeting or overtaking from either direction any school bus stopped on the highway shall stop before reaching such school bus when there is in operation on said the school bus the flashing red lights specified in subsection (a) of K.S.A. 8-1730, and amendments thereto, and said the driver shall not proceed until such school bus resumes motion or said driver is signalled by the school bus driver to proceed or the flashing red lights and the stop signal arm are no longer actuated. (b) Every school bus shall be equipped with red visual signals meeting the requirements of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 8-1730, and amendments thereto, which may be actuated by the April 10, 1997 797 driver of said the school bus whenever but only whenever such vehicle is stopped on the highway for the purpose of receiving or discharging school children. A school bus driver shall not actuate said the special visual signals: (1) At intersections or other places where traffic is controlled by traffic-control signals or police officers; or (2) in designated school bus loading areas where the bus is entirely off the roadway. (c) Every school bus shall bear upon the front and rear thereof plainly visible: (1) Signs containing the words ``school bus'' in letters not less than eight (8) inches in height; and (2) decals stating ``Warning, $100 Fine for Passing Stopped School Bus with Red Lights Flashing and Stop Sign Activated''. When a school bus is being operated upon a highway for purposes other than the actual transportation of children either to or from school or to or from interschool or intraschool functions or activities, or for maintenance, repair or storage purposes all markings thereon indicating ``school bus'' shall be covered or concealed. (d) The driver of a vehicle upon a highway with separate roadways need not stop upon meeting or passing a school bus which is on a different roadway or when upon a controlledaccess highway and the school bus is stopped in a loading zone which is a part of or adjacent to such highway and where pedestrians are not permitted to cross the roadway. (e) The provisions of this section shall be subject to the provisions contained in K.S.A. 8-2009a, and amendments thereto. Sec. 5. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 8-2118 is hereby amended to read as follows: 8-2118. (a) A person charged with a traffic infraction shall, except as provided in subsection (b), appear at the place and time specified in the notice to appear. If the person enters an appearance, waives right to trial, pleads guilty or no contest, the fine shall be no greater than that specified in the uniform fine schedule in subsection (c) and court costs shall be taxed as provided by law. (b) Prior to the time specified in the notice to appear, a person charged with a traffic infraction may enter a written appearance, waive right to trial, plead guilty or no contest and pay the fine for the violation as specified in the uniform fine schedule in subsection (c) and court costs provided by law. Payment may be made by mail or in person and may be by personal check. The traffic citation shall not have been complied with if a check is not honored for any reason, or if the fine and court costs are not paid in full. When a person charged with a traffic infraction makes payment without executing a written waiver of right to trial and plea of guilty or no contest, the payment shall be deemed such an appearance, waiver of right to trial and plea of no contest. (c) The following uniform fine schedule shall apply uniformly throughout the state but shall not limit the fine which may be imposed following a court appearance, except an appearance made for the purpose of pleading and payment as permitted by subsection (a). The description of offense contained in the following uniform fine schedule is for reference only and is not a legal definition.

Description of Offense Statute Fine
Refusal to submit to a preliminary breath test 8-1012 $30
Unsafe speed for prevailing conditions 8-1557 $20
Exceeding maximum speed limit; or speeding in zone posted by the state department of transportation; or speeding in locally posted zone 8-1558 to 8-1560
8-1560 or 8-1560b
1-10 mph over the limit, $10;
11-20 mph over the limit, $10 plus $2 per mph over 10 mph over the limit; 21-30 mph over the limit, $30 plus $3 per mph over 20 mph over the limit; 31 and more mph over the limit, $60 plus $5 per mph over 30 mph over the limit;
Violating traffic control signal 8-1508 $20
Violating pedestrian control signal 8-1509 $10
Violating lane-control signal 8-1511 $20
Unauthorized sign, signal, marking or device 8-1512 $10
Failure to keep right to pass oncoming vehicle 8-1515 $20
Improper passing; increasing speed when passed 8-1516 $20
Passing on left with insufficient clearance 8-1518 $20
Driving on left side where curve, grade, intersection railroad crossing, or obstructed view 8-1519 $20
Driving wrong direction on one-way road 8-1521 $20
Improper driving on laned roadway 8-1522 $20
Improper crossover on divided highway 8-1524 $10
Failure to yield right-of-way at uncontrolled intersection 8-1526 $20
Failure to yield to approaching vehicle when turning left 8-1527 $20
Failure to yield at stop or yield sign 8-1528 $20
Failure to yield to emergency vehicle 8-1530 $30
Failure to yield to pedestrian or vehicle working on roadway 8-1531 $10
Failure to comply with restrictions in road construction zone 8-1531a $10
Disobeying pedestrian traffic control device 8-1532 $10
Failure to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk; pedestrian suddenly entering roadway; passing vehicle stopped for pedestrian at crosswalk 8-1533 $20
Failure to exercise due care in regard to pedestrian 8-1535 $10
Improper pedestrian movement in crosswalk 8-1536 $10
Improper use of roadway by pedestrian 8-1537 $10
Soliciting ride or business on roadway 8-1538 $10
Failure to yield to pedestrian on sidewalk 8-1540 $10
Failure of pedestrian to yield to emergency vehicle 8-1541 $10
Failure to yield to blind pedestrian 8-1542 $10
Improper turn or approach 8-1545 $20
Unsafe starting of stopped vehicle 8-1547 $10
Unsafe turning or stopping, failure to give proper signal; using turn signal unlawfully 8-1548 $20
Improper method of giving notice of intention to turn 8-1549 $10
Improper hand signal 8-1550 $10
Failure to stop or obey railroad crossing signal 8-1551 $60
Failure to stop at railroad crossing stop sign 8-1552 $40
Certain hazardous vehicles failure to stop at railroad crossing 8-1553 $60
Improper moving of heavy equipment at railroad crossing 8-1554 $20
Vehicle emerging from alley, private roadway, building or driveway 8-1555 $20
Improper passing of school bus; improper use of school bus signals 8-1556 $60$100
Improper passing of church or day-care bus; improper use of signals 8-1556a $60
Impeding normal traffic by slow speed 8-1561 $10
Speeding on motor-driven cycle 8-1562 $20
Improper stopping, standing or parking on roadway 8-1569 $10
Parking, standing or stopping in prohibited area 8-1571 $10
Improper parking 8-1572 $10
Driving on sidewalk 8-1575 $10
Driving with view or driving mechanism obstructed 8-1576 $10
Riding in house trailer 8-1578 $10
Improper driving in defiles, canyons, or on grades 8-1579 $10
Following fire apparatus too closely 8-1581 $20
Putting glass, etc., on highway 8-1583 $30
Driving into intersection, crosswalk, or crossing without sufficient space on other side 8-1584 $10
Improper operation of snowmobile on highway 8-1585 $10
Parental responsibility of child riding bicycle 8-1586 $10
Not riding on bicycle seat; too many persons on bicycle 8-1588 $10
Clinging to other vehicle 8-1589 $10
Carrying articles on bicycle; one hand on handlebars 8-1591 $10
Improper bicycle lamps, brakes or reflectors 8-1592 $10
Improper operation of motorcycle; seats; passengers, bundles 8-1594 $10
Improper operation of motorcycle on laned roadway 8-1595 $20
Motorcycle clinging to other vehicle 8-1596 $10
Improper motorcycle handlebars or passenger equipment 8-1597 $20
Unlawful riding on vehicle 8-1578a $20
Unlawful operation of all-terrain vehicle 8-15,100 $20
Equipment offenses that are not misdemeanors 8-1701 $20
Defective headlamps 8-1705 $10
Defective reflector 8-1707 $10
Improper stop lamp or turn signal 8-1708 $10
Improper lamp color on certain vehicles 8-1711 $10
Improper mounting of reflectors and lamps on certain vehicles 8-1712 $10
Improper visibility of reflectors and lamps on certain vehicles 8-1713 $10
Improper lamps on parked vehicle 8-1716 $10
Improper lights, lamps, reflectors and emblems on farm tractors or slow-moving vehicles 8-1717 $10
Improper lamps and equipment on implements of husbandry, road machinery or animal-drawn vehicles 8-1718 $10
Unlawful use of spot, fog, or auxiliary lamp 8-1719 $10
Improper stop or turn signal8-1721$10 Improper vehicular hazard warning lamp 8-1722 $10
Unauthorized additional lighting equipment 8-1723 $10
Failure to dim headlights 8-1725 $20
Improper single-beam headlights 8-1726 $10
Improper number of driving lamps 8-1728 $10
Unauthorized lights and signals 8-1729 $10
Improper school bus lighting equipment and warning devices 8-1730 $10
Unauthorized lights and devices on church or daycare bus 8-1730a $10
Improper lights on highway construction or maintenance vehicles 8-1731 $10
Defective or improper use of horn or warning device 8-1738 $10
Defective mirror 8-1740 $10
Defective wipers; obstructed windshield or windows 8-1741 $10
Improper flares or warning devices 8-1744 $10
Improper use of vehicular hazard warning lamps and devices 8-1745 $10
TV screen visible to driver 8-1748 $10
Improper safety belt or shoulder harness 8-1749 $10
Improper wide-based single tires 8-1742b $20
Defective motorcycle tail lamp 8-1802 $10
Defective motorcycle stop lamps and turn signals 8-1804 $10
Defective multiple-beam lighting 8-1805 $10
Improper road-lighting equipment on motor-driven cycles 8-1806 $10
Defective motorcycle or motor-driven cycle brakes 8-1807 $10
Improper performance ability of brakes 8-1808 $10
Operating motorcycle with disapproved braking system 8-1809 $10
Defective horn, muffler, mirrors or tires 8-1810 $10
Unlawful statehouse parking 75-4510a $5

(d) Traffic offenses classified as traffic infractions by this section shall be classified as ordinance traffic infractions by those cities adopting ordinances prohibiting the same offenses. A schedule of fines for all ordinance traffic infractions shall be established by the municipal judge in the manner prescribed by K.S.A. 12-4305 and amendments thereto. April 10, 1997 801 Such fines may vary from those contained in the uniform fine schedule contained in subsection (c). (e) Fines listed in the uniform fine schedule contained in subsection (c) shall be doubled if a person is convicted of a traffic infraction, which is defined as a moving violation in accordance with rules and regulations adopted pursuant to K.S.A. 8-249, and amendments thereto, committed within any road construction zone as defined in K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 81458a, and amendments thereto.''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; Also on page 3, in line 31, preceding ``K.S.A.'' by inserting ``K.S.A. 8-1556 and''; also in line 31, following ``8-2009a'' by inserting ``, 8-2117''; On page 1, in the title, in line 12, by striking all following the semicolon and inserting ``increasing certain penalties; amending K.S.A. 8-1556 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 8-2009a, 82118''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Gary K. Hayzlett Andrew Howell H. Dillon Conferees on part of House Ben Vidricksen Nick Jordan Gerald L. Karr Conferees on part of Senate On motion of Rep. Hayzlett, the conference committee report on SB 131 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amendments to SB 221, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on conference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 3, in line 32, after ``any'' by inserting ``peer review committee''; in line 33, by striking all after ``testimony''; in line 34, by striking ``this section''; On page 4, in line 22, by striking ``not rely solely on'' and inserting ``review''; in line 23, by striking ``and'' and inserting ``but''; On page 6, in line 3, before ``report'' by inserting ``peer review committee''; also in line 3, by striking ``relating to any''; in line 4, by striking all before ``is''; in line 29, by striking ``not rely solely''; in line 30, by striking ``on'' and inserting ``review''; also in line 30, by striking ``and'' and inserting ``but''; by striking all in lines 37 through 43; 802 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE By striking all of page 7; On page 8, by striking all in line 1; And by renumbering sections accordingly; Also on page 8, in line 2, by striking ``65-180 and''; On page 1, in the title, in line 16, by striking ``; relating to health care''; in line 17, by striking all after the semicolon; in line 18, by striking all before ``amending''; in line 19, by striking ``65-180 and''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Carlos Mayans Jim Morrison Jerry Henry Conferees on part of House Sandy Praeger Larry D. Salmans Janis K. Lee Conferees on part of Senate On motion of Rep. Mayans, the conference committee report on SB 221 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 123; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 2. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean, Krehbiel. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amendments to Substitute for SB 332, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on conference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 4, in line 25, by striking ``pri-''; in line 26, by striking ``marily'' and inserting ``exclusively''; On page 5, in line 14, by striking ``1998'' and inserting ``1999''; by striking all of lines 35 through 43; On page 6, in line 1, by striking ``1998'' and inserting ``1999''; in line 13, by striking ``except as provided in section 3,''; by striking all of lines 23 through 30; in line 31, by striking ``1998'' and inserting ``1999''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Gary K. Hayzlett Andew Howell Daniel J. Thimesch Conferees on part of House April 10, 1997 803 Ben Vidricksen Nick Jordan Mark Gilstrap Conferees on part of Senate On motion of Rep. Hayzlett, the conference committee report on Sub. SB 332 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amendments to SB 232, submits the following report: Your committee on conference agrees to disagree and recommends that a new conference committee be appointed; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Kent Glasscock Larry L. Campbell Gwen Welshimer Conferees on part of House Janice L. Hardenburger Rich Becker U. L. Gooch Conferees on part of Senate On motion of Rep. Campbell, the conference committee report on SB 232 was adopted. Speaker Shallenburger thereupon appointed Reps. Campbell, Glasscock and Welshimer as second conferees on the part of the House. MOTIONS TO CONCUR AND NONCONCUR On motion of Rep. Powers, the House concurred in Senate amendments to HB 2020, An act concerning townships; relating to the governing bodies thereof; amending K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 68-115 and 80-304 and repealing the existing sections. (The House requested the Senate to return the bill, which was in conference). On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 114; Nays 10; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Johnson, Johnston, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, 804 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Aurand, Campbell, Edmonds, Hayzlett, Jennison, Kejr, Neufeld, Presta, Shore, Tomlinson. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE Announcing adoption of SCR 1614. The Senate concurs in House amendments to SB 68, and requests return of the bill. The Senate adopts conference committee report on HB 2255. The Senate adopts the conference committee report to agree to disagree on Sub. SB 86, requests a new conference committee be appointed, and has appointed Senators Steffes, Praeger and Feleciano as second conferees on the part of Senate. The Senate nonconcurs in House amendments to H. Sub. for SB 36, requests a conference and has appointed Senators Lawrence, Emert and Downey as conferees on the part of the Senate. Also, the Senate nonconcurs in House amendments to SB 373, requests a conference and has appointed Senators Kerr, Salisbury and Petty as conferees on the part of the Senate. INTRODUCTION OF SENATE BILLS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS The following Senate concurrent resolution was thereupon introduced and read by title: SCR 1614. CHANGE OF REFERENCE Speaker Shallenburger announced the withdrawal of SB 154 from Committee on Health and Human Services and referral to Committee on Appropriations. Also, the withdrawal of SB 242 from Committee on Appropriations and referral to Committee on Health and Human Services. On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House recessed until 3:00 p.m. Afternoon Session The House met pursuant to recess with Speaker pro tem Wagle in the chair. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The Senate adopts conference committee report on SB 65 . The Senate adopts conference committee report on S. Sub. for HB 2166 . The Senate adopts conference committee report on HB 2226 . The Senate adopts conference committee report on S. Sub. for HB 2272 . INTRODUCTION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House acceded to the request of the Senate for a conference on SB 373. Speaker pro tem Wagle thereupon appointed Reps. Farmer, Edmonds and Helgerson as conferees on the part of the House. On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House acceded to the request of the Senate for a conference on H. Sub. for SB 36. Speaker pro tem Wagle thereupon appointed Reps. O'Neal, Shore and Reardon as con ferees on the part of the House. April 10, 1997 805 MOTIONS TO CONCUR AND NONCONCUR On motion of Rep. Boston, the House concurred in Senate amendments to HB 2159, An act enacting the personal and family protection act; providing for licensure to carry certain concealed weapons; prohibiting certain acts and prescribing penalties for violations; amending K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 12-4516, 21-4201 and 21-4619 and repealing the existing sec tions. (The House requested the Senate to return the bill, which was in conference). On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 79; Nays 44; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 2. Yeas: Aurand, Ballou, Beggs, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Cox, Dahl, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Hayzlett, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Humer ickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Phill Kline, Landwehr, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, Powell, Powers, Ruff, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Sloan, Span gler, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wel shimer, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Ballard, Benlon, Boston, Correll, Crow, Dillon, Dreher, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Gilbert, Haley, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Huff, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Lane, Larkin, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Samuelson, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Stone, Storm, To elkes, Tomlinson, Wells, Wempe. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean, O'Neal. On motion of Rep. Howell, the House concurred in Senate amendments to HB 2167, An act concerning driver's licenses and nondriver identification cards; amending K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 8-260 and 8-1327 and repealing the existing sections. (The House requested the Senate to return the bill, which was in conference). On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Ed monds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, Mc Creary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pot torff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. On motion of Rep. Lloyd, the House concurred in Senate amendments to HB 2361, An act concerning nongame, threatened and endangered species; relating to listing of and re covery plans for such species; allowing tax credits for certain taxes and assessments; amend ing K.S.A. 32-957, 32-960 and 32-962 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 79-32,117 and repealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 32-963a. (The House requested the Sen ate to return the bill, which was in conference). On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Ed 806 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE monds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, Mc Creary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pot torff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. On motion of Rep. Grant, the House concurred in Senate amendments to HB 2011, An act relating to the workers compensation act; amending K.S.A. 44-505, 44-510b, 44-523, 44-534, 44- 536, 44-550b, 44-557a, 44-567, 44-5,120, 44-5,121 and 74-713 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 44-508, 44- 510, 44-532, 44-534a, 44-551, 44-555c, 44-566a and 44-5,125 and re pealing the existing sections; also repealing K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 44-532b. (The House re quested the Senate to return the bill, which was in conference). Call of the House was demanded. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 63; Nays 61; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Alldritt, Ballard, Bradley, Burroughs, Correll, Crow, Dillon, Edmonds, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Garner, Gilbert, Grant, Haley, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Hutchins, Johnston, Kirk, Klein, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Larkin, J. Long, Mays, McClure, McKechnie, McKinney, Nichols, Packer, Pauls, E. Peterson, Phelps, Powell, Powers, Reardon, Ruff, Sawyer, Shallenburger, Sharp, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Vickrey, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe. Nays: Adkins, Allen, Aurand, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Campbell, Carmody, Comp ton, Cox, Dahl, Dreher, Empson, Faber, Franklin, Freeborn, Geringer, Gilmore, Glasscock, Gregory, Hayzlett, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Jennison, Johnson, Kejr, Phil Kline, Landwehr, Lane, Lloyd, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, McCreary, Minor, Mollen kamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Palmer, J. Peterson, Pottorff, Presta, Ray, Reinhardt, Samuelson, Schwartz, Shore, Toplikar, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Wilk, Wilson. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to SENATE Substitute for HB 2166, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 1, in line 30, after ``1997,'' by inserting ``and''; in line 31, by striking ``June 30, 1999,''; On page 2, in line 34, before ``the'' by inserting ``this account of''; On page 3, by striking all in lines 33 through 43; On page 4, by striking all in lines 1 through 4; And by relettering subsections accordingly; Also on page 4, in line 8, by striking ``$6,544,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$7,294,000''; in line 16, by striking ``$4,227,497'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,000,000''; in line 23, by striking all after ``corrections''; by striking all in line 24; in line 25, by striking all before the period; by striking all in line 26; by striking all in lines 40 through 43; On page 5, by striking all in lines 1 through 10; April 10, 1997 807 On page 6, by striking all in line 1; by striking all in lines 9 through 14; And by relettering subsections accordingly; On page 9, after line 37, by inserting the following: ``Ackert hall addition--gifts and grants fund - No limit''; On page 16, after line 32, by inserting the following: ``Budig hall completion fund - No limit Provided, That during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer amounts specified by the chancellor of the university of Kansas from moneys available to the above agency in special revenue funds for fiscal year 1998, including the general fees fund, sponsored research overhead fund and various moneys within the restricted fees fund, including grants, gifts, contracts and fees to the Budig hall completion fund: Provided, however, That no expenditures shall be made from this fund until the preliminary plans and program statement for the Budig hall completion project have been reviewed by the joint committee on state building construction.''; Also on page 16, by striking all in lines 33 through 35; following line 38, by inserting the following: ``(c) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, the university of Kansas is hereby authorized to make expenditures to raze building #17 annex.''; On page 17, after line 15, by inserting the following: ``Construct and equip research building fund - No limit''; On page 20, in line 27, by striking ``$35,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$50,000''; On page 21, in line 17, by striking ``On July 1, 1997, any'' and inserting ``Any''; On page 22, in line 3, before the period, by inserting ``: Provided further, That all ex penditures from the unencumbered balance of any such account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund for fiscal year 1998: And provided further, That all expenditures from migratory waterfowl propagation and protection fund for land acquisition shall be for acquisition of existing wetlands that are adjacent to state-owned wetlands: And provided further, That, as used in this subsection, wetlands are defined as areas that have a predominance of hydric soils and that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of hydro phytic vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions''; On page 23, by striking all in line 39 and inserting in lieu thereof the following material to read as follows: ``Wildlife fee fund shooting range development$50,000 Wildlife fee fund shooting range development--local cost-sharing projects$150,000 Wildlife fee fund land acquisition$150,000 Wildlife fee fund flood damage repair in wildlife areas$100,000 Wildlife fee fund wetlands rehabilitation - $50,000'' On page 25, following line 41, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Sec. 25. KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY VETERINARY MEDICAL CENTER (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following special revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, all moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following: Greyhound research facility expansion fund - $140,000 (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 74-8831, on July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $140,000 from the Kansas greyhound breeding devel opment fund of the Kansas racing and gaming commission to the greyhound research facility expansion fund of Kansas state university veterinary medical center.''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; 808 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE On page 1, in the title, in line 12, after ``1997,'' by inserting ``and''; also in line 12, by striking ``and June 30, 1999,''; in line 24, by striking ``and'' where it appears for the first time and inserting in lieu thereof a comma; also in line 24, before the semicolon, by inserting ``and Kansas state university veterinary medical center''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Dave Kerr Alicia Salisbury Marge Petty Conferees on part of Senate Phil Kline Mike Farmer Henry M. Helgerson Conferees on part of House On motion of Rep. Phil Kline, the conference committee report on S. Sub. for HB 2166 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 109; Nays 15; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Geringer, Gilbert, Gil more, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Lane, Larkin, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Pow ers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tom linson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Alldritt, Edmonds, Flora, Garner, Kirk, Landwehr, Lloyd, McKinney, Nichols, Packer, Palmer, Sharp, Shore, Spangler, Wempe. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to SENATE Substitute for HB 2272, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 2, after line 24, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(b) On or after the effective date of this act, expenditures shall be made by the above agency from the cosmetology fee fund for fiscal year 1997 to terminate and cancel each existing contract for the tracking of continuing education requirements and the above agency is hereby authorized and directed to terminate and cancel each such contract: Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the cosmetology fee fund for fiscal year 1997 for entering into any contract for the tracking of continuing education requirements: Provided further, That the continuation of any such contract for such tracking is hereby deemed to be not in the best interest of the citizens of the state of Kansas.''; On page 3, in line 18, by striking ``$1,637,813'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,619,178''; On page 4, by striking all in lines 10 through 13; in line 14, by striking ``(b)'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``(a)''; following line 18, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(b) (1) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be made by the above agency from the closure term life insurance fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the closure term life April 10, 1997 809 insurance fund for fiscal year 1997 for the following, which the secretary of administration is hereby authorized to provide from the closure term life insurance fund: (A) The death benefits authorized by K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-4373, and amendments thereto, on a self-insured basis, for which the net amount of the death benefit shall be equal to 150% of the annual rate of compensation of the covered state officer or employee, as of the date the covered state officer or employee is laid off in accordance with K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-4373, and amendments thereto; and (B) the costs of self-administering such death benefits or of contracting with a third party for administration of such death benefits. (2) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, upon request of the secretary of ad ministration, the director of accounts and reports shall make periodic transfers of moneys during fiscal year 1997 in amounts specified by the secretary of administration from the state hospital closure account of the state general fund of the department of social and rehabilitation services to the closure term life insurance fund of the department of admin istration. (3) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, upon certification by the secretary of administration to the director of accounts and reports that the unencumbered balance in the closure term life insurance fund is insufficient to pay an amount for which the closure term life insurance fund is liable and that there are insufficient moneys in the state hospital closure account of the state general fund of the department of social and rehabilitation services to transfer pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount equal to the insufficiency from the state general fund to the closure term life insurance fund.''; On page 5, in line 31, by striking ``increased'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``decreased''; in line 32, by striking ``$28,867,837'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$28,367,837''; On page 7, in line 7, by striking ``$8,697,005'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,717,005''; On page 9, following line 34, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(r) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following: Temporary assistance to needy families federal fund - No limit Provided, That expenditures may be made from the temporary assistance to needy families federal fund for computer systems related to welfare reform: Provided, however, That no expenditures shall be made from this fund for such computer systems unless the plans for such computer systems have been reviewed by the joint committee on computers and tel ecommunications.''; Also on page 9, following line 40, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(b) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation established by section 48(b) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas on the one stop career center system fund is hereby decreased from $500,000 to $70,000. (c) On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $430,000 from the one stop career center system fund of the department of human resources to the Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic develop ment initiatives fund.''; On page 12, in line 16, after ``expenditures'' by inserting ``(including official hospitality)''; also in line 16, by striking ``$47,967'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$97,967''; following line 16, by inserting the following: ``Provided, That expenditures shall be made by the department of education from the op erating expenditures (including official hospitality) account for a project to develop a finan cial reporting system for school districts that reformats financial accounting data into more easily understood management reports: Provided further, That expenditures may be made by the department of education from this account to purchase services for such project pursuant to a contract which is hereby authorized to be negotiated and entered into by the department of education with Coopers and Lybrand to serve as consultants to the project.''; 810 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Also on page 12, by striking all in line 17; in line 34, by striking ``$53,684'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$12,986''; following line 34, by inserting the following: ``(b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following special revenue fund or funds all moneys now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds, except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the following: Property sale proceeds fund - No limit Provided, That proceeds from the sale of property pursuant to K.S.A. 75-2701 and amend ments thereto shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the property sale proceeds fund.''; Also on page 12, in line 35, by striking ``(b)'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``(c)''; On page 13, by striking all in lines 19 through 30; by striking all in lines 40 through 43; On page 14, by striking all in lines 1 through 8; in line 14, by striking ``$1,250,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,750,000''; by striking all in lines 15 through 34 and inserting in lieu thereof the following material to read as follows: ``(b) On the effective date of this act, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $250,000 from the Kansas economic devel opment endowment account of the state economic development initiatives fund of the de partment of commerce and housing to the Kansas technology center gifts and donations fund of Pittsburg state university.''; On page 15, by striking all in lines 6 through 17; by striking all in lines 20 through 31 and inserting in lieu thereof the following material to read as follows: ``(a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general fund the follow ing: Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) - $841,652 (b) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation established by section 12(e) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas on the general fees fund is hereby decreased from $38,889,248 to $38,047,596.''; On page 16, by striking all in lines 17 through 28 and inserting in lieu thereof the following material to read as follows: ``(c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general fund the follow ing: Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) - $1,091,325 (d) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation established by section 10(f) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas on the general fees fund is hereby decreased from $69,749,380 to $68,658,055.''; On page 17, by striking all in lines 5 through 16; by striking all in lines 19 through 30 and inserting in lieu thereof the following material to read as follows: ``(a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general fund the follow ing: Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) - $375,615 (b) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation established by section 16(d) of chapter 272 of the 1996 Session Laws of Kansas on the general fees fund is hereby decreased from $24,122,481 to $23,746,866.''; On page 20, by striking all in lines 6 through 15; On page 22, after line 38, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Sec. 58. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (a) On and after the effective date of this act, the department of transportation is hereby directed that $12,000,000 of the funding available in the other capital improvements account of the state highway fund shall be expended for fiscal year 1997 for design and right-of-way expenses associated with substantial maintenance, major modification and priority bridge projects. April 10, 1997 811 Sec. 59. KANSAS TECHNOLOGY ENTERPRISE CORPORATION (a) No moneys appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997, by any appropri ation act of the 1996 regular session of the legislature or by this or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature for the Kansas technology enterprise corpo ration shall be expended for any bonus or other payment of additional compensation for any officer or employee of the Kansas technology enterprise corporation, or any subsidiary corporation, agency or instrumentality thereof, except longevity bonus payments pursuant to K.S.A. 75-5541 and amendments thereto or as otherwise specifically authorized by stat ute.''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; On page 1, in the title, in line 36, by striking ``and'' and inserting a comma; in line 37, before the semicolon, by inserting ``, department of transportation and Kansas technology enterprise corporation''; also in line 37, by striking the comma and inserting ``and''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Dave Kerr Alicia Salisbury Marge Petty Conferees on part of Senate Phil Kline Mike Farmer Henry M. Helgerson, Jr. Conferees on part of House On motion of Rep. Farmer, the conference committee report on S. Sub. for HB 2272 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 95; Nays 29; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Allen, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glas scock, Grant, Haley, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Huff, Humerickhouse, Jennison, Johnson, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Lane, Lloyd, J. Long, Mason, Mays, McClure, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Neal, Osborne, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Alldritt, Aurand, Boston, Bradley, Franklin, Freeborn, Gregory, Hayzlett, Howell, Hutchins, Johnston, Phill Kline, Landwehr, Larkin, P. Long, Mayans, McCreary, Myers, O'Connor, Packer, Palmer, Powell, Powers, Presta, Shore, Swenson, Vining, Wagle, Weber. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 146, submits the following report: The House recedes from all of its amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee amendments, as follows: On page 1, in lines 20 and 31, by striking ``may'' and inserting ``shall''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Joann Flower John Ballou Galen Weiland Conferees on part of House 812 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Janice L. Hardenburger Rich Becker U. L. Gooch Conferees on part of Senate On motion of Rep. Flower, the conference committee report on SB 146 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 121; Nays 3; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Ed monds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thi mesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Wel shimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Phill Kline, Larkin, Ruff. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 165, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 11, in line 31, before ``K.S.A.'' by inserting ``On July 1, 1997,''; On page 12, in line 2, after ``health'' by inserting ``and safety''; in line 9, after ``health'' by inserting ``and safety''; On page 13, in line 1, after ``health'' by inserting ``and safety''; On page 16, in line 3, by striking ``65-1904,''; following line 3, by inserting the following: ``Sec. 8. On July 1, 1997, K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 65-1904 is hereby repealed.''; And by renumbering the remaining section accordingly; Also on page 16, in line 5, by striking ``statute book'' and inserting ``Kansas register''; On page 1, in the title, in line 12, by inserting after ``health'' the following: ``and safety''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Carlos Mayans Jim Morrison Jerry Henry Conferees on part of House Sandy Praeger Janice L. Hardenburger Chris Steineger Conferees on part of Senate On motion of Rep. Mayans, the conference committee report on SB 165 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Ed monds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, April 10, 1997 813 Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, Mc Creary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pot torff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 145, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 7, in line 4, by striking ``or transmitting''; in line 15, following the period, by inserting ``Any voted ballot may be transmitted to the county election officer by the voter or by another person upon request of the voter.''; in line 19, by striking all following ``mark ing''; in line 20, by striking ``transmitting''; in line 31, by striking ``or transmitting''; On page 8, in line 38, by striking all following ``officer''; in line 39, by striking all before the period and inserting ``upon request of advance voting voters''; On page 13, by striking all in line 29; On page 15, in line 29, following ``K.S.A.'' by inserting ``Supp.''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Deena Horst Kent Glasscock Gwen Welshimer Conferees on part of House Janice L. Hardenburger Rich Becker U. L. Gooch Conferees on part of Senate On motion of Rep. Horst, the conference committee report on SB 145 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 121; Nays 3; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, Mc Kechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Crow, Nichols, Reinhardt. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. 814 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to HB 2255, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 2, in line 25, by striking ``185%'' and inserting ``300%''; in line 35, by striking ``185%'' and inserting ``300%''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Sandy Praeger Larry D. Salmans Chris Steineger Conferees on part of Senate Carlos Mayans Jim Morrison Jerry Henry Conferees on part of House On motion of Rep. Mayans, the conference committee report on HB 2255 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Ed monds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, Mc Creary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pot torff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to HB 2226, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee amendments, as follows: On page 8, in line 31, by striking ``storage, treatment or''; On page 12, after line 18, by inserting: ``(l) Before reviewing any application for a solid waste processing facility or solid waste disposal area, the secretary shall require the following information as part of the application: (1) Certification by the board of county commissioners or the mayor of a designated city responsible for the development and adoption of the solid waste management plan for the location where the processing facility or disposal area is or will be located that the processing facility or disposal area is consistent with the plan. This certification shall not apply to a solid waste disposal area for disposal of only solid waste produced on site from manufacturing and industrial processes or from on-site construction or demolition activities. (2) If the location is zoned, certification by the local planning and zoning authority that the processing facility or disposal area is consistent with local land use restrictions or, if the April 10, 1997 815 location is not zoned, certification from the board of county commissioners that the proc essing facility or disposal area is compatible with surrounding land use.``; On page 21, after line 31, by inserting: ``Sec. 13. K.S.A. 12-2123 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-2123. (a) Whenever the governing body of any city finds and determines by resolution that it is necessary to acquire a site or sites for the disposal of refuse or solid waste as defined by K.S.A. 65-3402(a) and amendments thereto within or without the city, it the city may acquire such site or sites by gift, purchase or condemnation and may construct necessary facilities thereon and pur chase necessary equipment for the disposal of such refuse or solid waste. In the event the governing body of such city finds that it is necessary to acquire such site or sites by con demnation, the governing body of the city shall proceed under the provisions of K.S.A. 26501 to 26-516 inclusive, and amendments thereto. Whenever any such city shall so condemn such a site or sites, said city shall acquire a fee simple title thereto. In order to pay for such site or sites and the construction of all such necessary facilities and equipment to be used in the disposal of refuse or solid waste, the governing body of such city is authorized to issue general bonds of the city in the manner provided by law for the issuance of general im provements bonds of the city. (b) Any site or sites acquired pursuant to this section, and any facilities or equipment thereon, shall be subject to all permit and other requirements of the solid waste management laws of this state. Sec. 14. K.S.A. 19-2658 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19-2658. (a) The board of county commissioners of any county is hereby authorized to acquire by lease, condem nation or purchase, lands to be used as a site for the disposal of refuse. ``Refuse'' for the purposes of this act shall include garbage, trash and solid waste. Upon the acquisition of any such site, the board may build or construct any necessary buildings, incinerators or other structures or improvements thereon and may acquire or make use of any equipment pres ently owned by the county necessary for the proper, effective and sanitary disposal of refuse. If the board of county commissioners shall deem it to be in the best interests of the county, such board may in lieu of acquiring a site as hereinbefore authorized, contract with any city or cities located within such county and having a refuse disposal site, for the use of such disposal site upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the board of county commissioners and the governing body of the city and may acquire equipment or make use of any equipment presently owned by the county pursuant thereto. (b) Any site acquired pursuant to this section, and any structures, improvements or equipment thereon, shall be subject to all permit and other requirements of the solid waste management laws of this state.''; Also on page 21, by renumbering the remaining sections accordingly; in line 32, after ``K.S.A.'' by inserting ``12-2123, 19-2658,''; In the title, in line 12, after ``K.S.A.'' by inserting ``12-2123, 19-2658,''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. David R. Corbin Stephen R. Morris Donald E. Biggs Conferees on part of Senate Steve Lloyd Joann Freeborn Laura McClure Conferees on part of House On motion of Rep. Lloyd, the conference committee report on HB 2226 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 119; Nays 5; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Far mer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, 816 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, John ston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKin ney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Shore, Show alter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wil son. Nays: Burroughs, Campbell, Cox, Sharp, Spangler. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. MOTIONS TO CONCUR AND NONCONCUR On motion of Rep. Carmody, the House concurred in Senate amendments to HB 2056, An act concerning nonprobate transfers; relating to motor vehicles; amending K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 8-135, as amended by section 1 of 1997 House Bill No. 2203, and repealing the existing section. (The House requested the Senate to return the bill, which was in confer ence). On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 124; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Campbell, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Ed monds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, Mc Creary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pot torff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Dean. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES The Committee on Appropriations recommends HB 2574; SB 300 be passed. The Committee on Appropriations recommends SB 383, as amended by Senate Com mittee, be passed. The Committee on Appropriations recommends SB 103 be amended on page 1, fol lowing the enacting clause, by inserting new material as follows: ``Section 1. K.S.A. 75-5501 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-5501. (a) The director of accounts and reports shall formulate a system of payroll accounting, including timekeeping, payroll calculation and pay distribution (delivery) and labor cost distribution and analysis, and shall install and operate such system of payroll accounting for all state agencies. The system shall include provision for centralized records, which shall include payroll data for all individuals which with the common law employer-employee relationship is created by agencies of the state of Kansas and which shall be coordinated with records maintained by the division of personnel services and other state agencies. If biweekly payroll periods are established under K.S.A. 75-5501a and amendments thereto, the system of pay roll accounting shall be modified to implement such biweekly payroll periods. State agencies shall utilize the system of payroll accounting to the extent prescribed by the director of accounts and reports, and shall submit such reports and statements as may be required by the director in order to carry out the provisions of this act. The director of accounts and April 10, 1997 817 reports shall design, revise and direct the use of records and procedures and prescribe classifications of coding payroll data, methods of funding labor cost through the central payroll account and a system of prepayment and postpayment debit and credit transactions and entries on the records created from payroll data and the necessary forms to be used by all state agencies in connection with such system of payroll accounting. The payroll system so designed shall include generally accepted accounting principles of internal check, and may include timekeeping for attendance and performance, as prescribed in this act. (b) The director of accounts and reports shall provide, as a part of the system of payroll accounting, a plan for the deduction from the salary or wages of an amount equal to regular membership dues for state officers and employees who are members of the Kansas troopers association or who are in any employee organization which has filed an annual report pur suant to K.S.A. 75-4337 and amendments thereto or which has a business agent registered pursuant to K.S.A. 75-4336 and amendments thereto. No fees or other amounts shall be charged or collected by the state for any expenses that may be incurred by the state for the payroll deductions for the purpose of the membership dues deduction. Such plan, in addition to such provisions as are negotiated by the director of accounts and reports and the employee organization, shall provide for: (1) A written authorization-assignment by a state officer or employee prior to any dues deduction from the salary or wages of such officer or employee, which authorization-as signment shall remain effective for not less than 180 days and shall be terminated at any time thereafter upon 30 days' prior notice by the state officer or employee of termination of the authorization-assignment; (2) change in the amount of regular membership dues to be deducted, but not more often than twice in any fiscal year; (3) renewal of an authorization-assignment by an officer or employee after termination of a prior authorization-assignment upon 90 days' prior notice by the officer or employee who has terminated a membership dues deduction; and (4) payment of all moneys deducted each payroll period pursuant to this section to the employee organization less the amount of actual direct expenses incurred by this state for the membership dues deduction.''; Also on page 1, in line 14, by striking ``Section 1.'' and inserting ``Sec. 2.''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; On page 2, following line 17, by inserting new material as follows: ``Sec. 4. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-5532 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-5532. (a) Upon notification of an employing agency's receipt of written authorization by any state employee, the director of accounts and reports shall make periodic deductions of amounts as specified in such authorization from the salary or wages of such state employee for the purpose of contributing to a united way organization and shall make payments of such amounts in accordance with such authorization and the payroll deduction plan adopted under subsection (b). Any amounts deducted from the salary or wages of such state employee pursuant to such authorization shall be subject to the maximum and minimum amounts established by rules and regulations adopted under K.S.A. 75-5534 and amendments thereto. Any such written authorization may be withdrawn or modified by such state employee upon filing written notice of withdrawal or modification in the manner and at the times prescribed in rules and regulations adopted under K.S.A. 75-5534 and amendments thereto. (b) As part of the system of payroll accounting formulated under K.S.A. 75-5501 and amendments thereto, the director of accounts and reports shall establish a payroll deduction plan for the purpose of making contributions to united way organizations by state employees. Such plan shall be administered by the director of accounts and reports in accordance with rules and regulations adopted under K.S.A. 75-5534 and amendments thereto and such additional accounting procedures as may be prescribed by the director of accounts and reports. (c) No fees or other amounts shall be charged or collected by the state for any expenses that may be incurred by the state for payroll deductions for the purpose of making contri butions to united way organizations by state employees. Sec. 5. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-5536 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-5536. (a) As used in this section, ``agency payroll deduction'' means a payroll deduction established 818 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE by a state agency from the salary or wages of a state employee of the state agency for (1) payment of fees, charges or other payments owed to a state agency, (2) contributions to the endowment association or foundation for a state agency which is a state educational insti tution, as defined by K.S.A. 76-711 and amendments thereto, and which employs the state employee, or (3) other payments for which the employee's state agency has been performing a function of receiving payments for distribution to another firm or entity and such function was ongoing prior to January 1, 1990. ``Agency payroll deduction'' shall not include any deduction directly affecting amounts to be withheld or reported for federal, state and local income taxes. (b) A state agency may establish an agency payroll deduction plan pursuant to this section. Each proposed agency payroll deduction plan shall be submitted to the director of accounts and reports, who shall review the plan and then forward a copy to the secretary of administration together with any recommendations and comments. The plan shall specify the conditions, limitations and restrictions applicable to the plan. The conditions, limitations and restrictions of the plan may include, but are not limited to, maximum and minimum limitations on the amount to be deducted from the salaries or wages and provisions for the modification or withdrawal of any authorization for any agency payroll deduction by an employee. (c) Implementation or continuation of any agency payroll deduction plan shall be subject to the approval of the secretary of administration to assure that adequate data processing and accounting resources are available for proper functioning of the plan. (d) An agency payroll deduction plan established pursuant to this section shall be ad ministered by the state agency establishing the plan in accordance with this section and in accordance with the accounting and payroll procedures approved for such plan by the di rector of accounts and reports. (e) No payroll deduction shall be made from the salary or wages of any employee under an agency payroll deduction plan except upon written authorization of such employee. Any amounts deducted from the salary or wages of an employee may be subject to maximum and minimum amounts which are established by the state agency under this section. Any such written authorization may be withdrawn or modified by the employee upon filing written notice of such withdrawal of modification in the manner and at the times prescribed by the state agency under the agency payroll deduction plan established under this section. (f) Except as otherwise specifically authorized by statute, no fees or other amounts shall be charged or collected by any state agency for any expenses that may be incurred by any state agency under any agency payroll deduction plan for payroll deductions for the purposes of state employee membership dues deductions under K.S.A. 75-5501 and amendments thereto or for the purposes of making contributions to united way organizations by state employees under K.S.A. 75-5531 through 75-5534 and amendments thereto.''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; Also on page 2, in line 18, by striking ``75-5530 and 75-5531'' and inserting ``75-5501, 755530, 75-5531 and 75-5533 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-5532 and 75-5536''; On page 1, in the title, in line 10, preceding ``75-5530'', by inserting ``75-5501,''; also in line 10, following ``75-5531'', by inserting ``and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-5532 and 75-5536''; in line 11, preceding the period, by inserting ``; also repealing K.S.A. 75-5533''; and the bill be passed as amended. The Committee on Appropriations recommends SB 256, as amended by Senate Com mittee of the Whole, be amended on page 2, in line 9, after the stricken ``and'' by inserting ``and''; by striking all in lines 10 through 12; in line 13, by striking ``(e)'' and inserting ``(d)''; On page 3, in line 37, after the stricken ``and'' by inserting ``and''; by striking all in lines 38 through 40; in line 41, by striking ``(5)'' and inserting ``(4)''; and the bill be passed as amended. MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR HB 2042, 2093, 2095, 2170, 2200, 2381 approved on April 10, 1997. April 10, 1997 819 MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR April 9, 1997 Message to the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas: Enclosed herewith is Executive Order No. 97-5 for your information. EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 97-5 Offer of Reward Bill Graves Governor The above Executive Order is on file and open for inspection in the office of the Chief Clerk. The House stood at ease until the sound of the gavel. Speaker pro tem Wagle called the House to order. On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House recessed until 6:00 p.m. Evening Session The House met pursuant to recess with Speaker pro tem Wagle in the chair. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on House amend ments to SB 17, submits the following report: The Senate accedes to all House amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with House Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 2, in line 40, after ``district'' by inserting ``and to be furnished or provided transportation to school from the pupil's residence and from school to the pupil's residence by the receiving school district''; On page 3, in line 6, after ``receive'', by inserting ``and furnish or provide transportation for''; in line 8, after ``receive'', by inserting ``and furnish or provide transportation for''; in line 9, before ``that'', by inserting ``the board of education of the proposed sending school district and the board of education of the proposed receiving school district agree''; also in line 9, by striking all after ``that''; in line 10, by striking all before the comma and inserting ``the condition specified in subsection (b) exists''; also in line 10, by striking ``may'' and inserting ``of the proposed sending school district shall''; in line 11, by striking ``such''; also in line 11, after ``attendance'', by inserting ``of the pupil at school in the proposed receiving school district''; also in line 11, by striking ``If the board''; by striking all of lines 12 through 16; in line 17, by striking all before ``An''; in line 18, by striking all after ``education''; in line 19, by striking ``tion''; in line 24, by striking ``Except as otherwise provided in this act, pupils'' and inserting ``Pupils''; in line 26, by striking ``or the state board of education''; following line 34, by inserting a new subsection as follows: ``(e) The provisions of this section shall expire on July 1, 1999.''; On page 5, in line 11, by striking ``or the state board of education''; in line 12, after ``thereto'', by inserting ``, until expiration of such section on July 1, 1999''; in line 22, by striking ``or the state''; in line 23, by striking ``board of education''; in line 24, before ``or'', by inserting ``until expiration of such section on July 1, 1999,''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Gary K. Hayzlett Clay Aurand H. G. Dillon Conferees on part of House 820 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Ben Vidricksen Nick Jordan Christine Downey Conferees on part of Senate On motion of Rep. Aurand, the conference committee report on SB 17 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 112; Nays 11; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 2. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Gerin ger, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, J. Long, P. Long, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neu feld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Wells, Wel shimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Benlon, Haley, Henderson, Henry, Phil Kline, Lloyd, Mason, Powers, Swenson, Tomlinson, Weiland. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell, Dean. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The Senate concurs in House amendments to SB 166, and requests return of the bill. The Senate nonconcurs in House amendments to H. Sub. for SB 69, requests a confer ence and has appointed Senators Oleen, Schraad and Jones as conferees on the part of the Senate. The Senate adopts conference committee report on SB 131. The Senate adopts conference committee report on SB 221. The Senate adopts conference committee report on Sub. SB 332. The Senate adopts conference committee report on HB 2071. The Senate adopts conference committee report on S. Sub. for HB 2160. The Senate adopts conference committee report on HB 2218. The Senate adopts conference committee report on HB 2219. The Senate adopts conference committee report on HB 2303. The Senate adopts the conference committee report to agree to disagree on SB 232, requests a new conference committee, and has appointed Senators Hardenburger, Becker and Gooch as second conferees on the part of Senate. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to SENATE Substitute for HB 2160, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: On page 3, following line 27, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Provided, That expenditures shall be made by the above agency from the cosmetology fee fund for fiscal year 1998 to terminate and cancel any existing contract for the tracking of continuing education requirements and the above agency is hereby authorized and directed to terminate and cancel any such contract: Provided further, That no expenditures shall be made by the above agency from this fund for fiscal year 1998 for entering into any contract for the tracking of continuing education requirements: And provided further, That the con tinuation of any such contract for such tracking is hereby deemed to be not in the best interest of the citizens of the state of Kansas.''; Also on page 3, following line 28, by inserting the following material to read as follows: April 10, 1997 821 ``Provided, That expenditures shall be made by the above agency from the cosmetology fee fund for fiscal year 1999 to terminate and cancel any existing contract for the tracking of continuing education requirements and the above agency is hereby authorized and directed to terminate and cancel any such contract: Provided further, That no expenditures shall be made by the above agency from this fund for fiscal year 1999 for entering into any contract for the tracking of continuing education requirements: And provided further, That the con tinuation of any such contract for such tracking is hereby deemed to be not in the best interest of the citizens of the state of Kansas.''; On page 8, in line 19, by striking ``$215,086'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$216,236''; On page 9, in line 21, by striking ``17.5'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``16.5''; in line 22, by striking ``17.5'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``16.5''; On page 10, in line 1, by striking ``savings incentive'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``quality''; in line 5, after ``act'' by inserting ``that is participating in the Kansas quality program under K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto''; in line 6, by striking ``Salary'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``Quality awards that are salary''; in line 7, after ``state agency'' by inserting ``pursuant to subsection (c) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto''; in line 11, by striking ``including official hospitality'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``in support of the Kansas quality program''; in line 19, after ``That'' by inserting ``, in addition to the limitations prescribed by K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto,''; in line 31, after ``act'' by inserting ``that is participating in the Kansas quality program under K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto''; in line 32, by striking ``Salary'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``Quality awards that are salary''; in line 33, after ``state agency'' by inserting ``pursuant to subsection (c) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto''; in line 37, by striking ``including official hospitality'' and inserting ``in support of the Kansas quality program''; On page 11, in line 3, after ``That'' by inserting ``, in addition to the limitations prescribed by K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto,''; in line 13, by striking ``(1)''; in line 14, before ``account'' by inserting ``Kansas quality management account or KQM ex penditures''; in line 15, before ``which'' by inserting ``which was established under the Kansas quality program under K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto or''; by strik ing all in lines 26 through 30; On page 13, in line 10, by striking ``$9,990,493'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$10,072,993''; On page 20, following line 5, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Athlete agent fee fund - No limit''; On page 21, in line 4, before ``preceding'' by inserting ``second''; in line 9, after ``the'' where it appears for the last time by inserting ``second''; in line 11, before ``preceding'' by inserting ``second''; On page 25, in line 16, by striking ``$69,371,309'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$69,516,309''; in line 36, before the period, by inserting the following: ``: And provided further, That expenditures may be made from this account for an additional full-time equiv alent attorney position and an additional full-time equivalent secretary position in fiscal year 1998, which are in addition to those full-time equivalent positions approved for the judicial branch in fiscal year 1997: And provided further, That such additional positions added for fiscal year 1998 shall be unclassified temporary positions: And provided further, That the judicial branch shall report to the legislature during the 1998 regular session the outcome of its study of judicial branch efficiencies and shall report to the legislature during the 1998 regular session on how all moneys appropriated by the legislature during the 1997 regular session above the amount recommended by the governor are allocated and are being ex pended during fiscal year 1998''; On page 27, in line 24, by striking ``$1,445,083'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,410,083''; On page 28, in line 33, before the period, by inserting the following: ``: And provided further, That the state corporation commission shall include as part of the fiscal year 1999 budget estimates for the state corporation commission submitted pursuant to K.S.A. 753717, and amendments thereto, a three-year projection of receipts to and expenditures from the conservation fee fund for fiscal years 1999, 2000 and 2001''; 822 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE On page 32, by striking all in lines 5 through 8; following line 14, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Kansas performance review board fundNo limit Closure health insurance fundNo limit Closure term life insurance fund - No limit''; On page 38, following line 18, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(k) (1) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be made by the above agency from the closure term life insurance fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature, expenditures may be made by the above agency from closure term life insurance fund for fiscal year 1998 for the following, which the secretary of administration is hereby authorized to provide from the closure term life insurance fund: (A) The death benefits authorized by K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-4373, and amendments thereto, on a self-insured basis, for which the net amount of the death benefit shall be equal to 150% of the annual rate of compensation of the covered state officer or employee, as of the date the covered state officer or employee is laid off in accordance with K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-4373, and amendments thereto; and (B) the costs of self-administering such death benefits or of contracting with a third party for administration of such death benefits. (2) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, upon request of the secretary of ad ministration, the director of accounts and reports shall make periodic transfers of moneys during fiscal year 1998 in amounts specified by the secretary of administration from the state hospital closure account of the state general fund of the department of social and rehabilitation services to the closure term life insurance fund of the department of admin istration. (3) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, upon certification by the secretary of administration to the director of accounts and reports that the unencumbered balance in the closure term life insurance fund is insufficient to pay an amount for which the closure term life insurance fund is liable and that there are insufficient moneys in the state hospital closure account of the state general fund of the department of social and rehabilitation services to transfer pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer an amount equal to the insufficiency from the state general fund to the closure term life insurance fund.''; Also on page 38, in line 35, by striking ``$1,424,171'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,404,171''; On page 39, in line 6, by striking ``$27,925,817'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$27,846,040''; in line 10, before the period, by inserting the following: ``: Provided further, That expenditures from this account for salaries and wages of employees in the property valuation division shall not exceed $3,111,320''; in line 16, by striking ``$28,859,120'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$28,850,255''; in line 19, by striking ``$16,839,338.'' and inserting in lieu thereof the following material to read as follows: ``$16,830,473: And provided further, That expenditures from this fund for salaries and wages of employees in the property val uation division shall not exceed $345,701: And provided further, That any expenditure from the division of vehicles operating fund of the department of revenue to reimburse the audit services fund of the division of post audit for a financial-compliance audit in an amount certified by the legislative post auditor shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the division of vehicles operating fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998.''; On page 42, in line 22, by striking ``$8,471,243'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,171,243''; in line 35, by striking ``31%'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``31.25%''; On page 43, in line 30, by striking ``$2,078,453'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$2,003,453''; in line 43, by striking ``No limit'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$400,000''; On page 45, following line 13, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(h) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $200,000 from the horse fair racing benefit fund to the state racing fund for the purpose of reimbursing the state racing and gaming commission for previous expenditures to subsidize county fair parimutuel racing.''; April 10, 1997 823 On page 48, in line 22, by striking ``$13,953,258'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$13,995,475''; in line 36, by striking ``$8,178,658'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,170,875''; in line 42, before the period, by inserting: ``Provided further, That $50,000 shall be expended by the above agency from this subaccount for a study and development of a strategic tourism plan: And provided further, That such study shall: (1) Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that face development of Kansas tourism; (2) address the inter relationship between public and private sector efforts in developing Kansas tourism; (3) address the interrelationship between state and local interests in developing Kansas tourism; (4) make specific recommendations for the attraction, development and improvement of tourism in Kansas; and (5) be completed by January 1, 1998: And provided further, That a report on such study's results and the recommendations derived therefrom, including the strategic tourism plan, shall be presented to the house of representatives committee on tourism, senate committee on transportation and tourism, house of representatives com mittee on appropriations, senate committee on ways and means and to the governor during the 1998 regular session of the legislature''; On page 49, following line 17, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Provided, That all expenditures from the training equipment grant program subaccount of the Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic development initiatives fund shall be for grants to community colleges, area vocational schools and area vocational-technical schools: Provided further, That no grant under the training equipment grant program shall be awarded by the secretary of commerce and housing without the approval of the board of directors of the Kansas technology enterprise corporation.''; Also on page 49, in line 25, by striking ``$0'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$50,000''; On page 51, in line 7, by striking ``$225,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$350,000''; On page 52, in line 24, by striking ``$1,107,443'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,107,435''; in line 32, by striking ``$1,106,961'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,108,330''; following line 36, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(e) No moneys appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, by this or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature for the Kansas technology enterprise corporation shall be expended for any bonus or other payment of additional compensation for any officer or employee of the Kansas technology enterprise corporation, or any subsidiary corporation, agency or instrumentality thereof, except longevity bonus payments pursuant to K.S.A. 75-5541 and amendments thereto or as otherwise specifically authorized by statute.''; On page 53, in line 1, by striking ``1,192.5'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``1,190.5''; fol lowing line 1, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Provided, That, within the limitation on the number of full-time and regular part-time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary positions, established for the department of revenue, the number of full-time and regular part-time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary positions, in the division of property valuation shall not exceed 78.0 full-time equivalent positions.''; Also on page 53, in line 3, by striking ``42.0'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``39.0''; On page 54, by striking all in lines 34 through 38; On page 55, following line 9, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Winfield state hospital and training center acquisition - $2,500,000''; Also on page 55, in line 22, by striking ``$13,732,171'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$13,508,673''; in line 26, before the period, by inserting the following: ``: Provided further, That expenditures shall be made from this account for purposes of a reorganization and reassignment of duties and staff within the division of environment of the department of health and environment, which reorganization and reassignment is hereby authorized and directed to be conducted by the secretary of health and environment for the purposes of providing better service and greater efficiency''; in line 27, by striking ``$4,339,729'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,289,347''; On page 61, in line 34, by striking ``40-2251'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``40-225l''; On page 62, in line 33, after the colon, by inserting the following: ``And provided further, That expenditures of $120,000 shall be made from this account for a pilot program to reduce 824 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE client waiting lists for senior care act services from two area agencies on aging: And provided further, That expenditures of $7,500 shall be made from this account for the retired and senior volunteer program (RSVP): And provided further, That such expenditures from this account for the retired and senior volunteer program (RSVP) shall be in addition to the amount otherwise appropriated for the retired and senior volunteer program (RSVP) by this or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature:''; in line 38, by striking ``$4,830,141'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$4,702,641''; On page 63, in line 6, after the colon, by inserting the following: ``And provided further, That the secretary on aging, on or before December 1, 1997, shall report to the house of representatives committee on appropriations the first quarter data for Kansas senior care act programs for fiscal year 1998, including, but not limited to, the number of persons served by each such program: And provided further, That the secretary on aging may shift funding between the Kansas senior care act programs and the income eligible program at the se cretary's discretion: And provided further, That the secretary on aging shall report each such shift of funding to the Kansas legislative research department and the SRS transition oversight committee:''; in line 7, by striking ``$37,500'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$30,000''; following line 8, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Provided, That the secretary on aging, on or before December 1, 1997, shall report to the house of representatives committee on appropriations the first quarter data for the home and community-based services/frail elderly program, the nursing facilities program and the income eligible program for fiscal year 1998, including, but not limited to, the number of persons served by each such program.''; Also on page 63, following line 32, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Area agencies on aging loan recovery fund - $0 Provided, That the secretary on aging recover all moneys loaned to the area agencies on aging by the department on aging during fiscal year 1997 for purposes related to the transfer of long-term care programs from the department of social and rehabilitation services to the department on aging: Provided further, That all moneys received by the secretary on aging for repayment of moneys loaned to area agencies on aging for such purposes shall be de posited in the state treasury and credited to the area agencies on aging loan recovery fund.''; On page 64, in line 29, by striking ``$165,808,114'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$164,558,114''; On page 65, following line 4, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Children's mental health initiative - $1,000,000 Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the children's mental health initiative account for inpatient hospital beds for children.''; Also on page 65, in line 37, by striking ``$156,836,670'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$154,336,670''; in line 42, before the period, by inserting ``; state hospital closure''; On page 68, in line 23, by striking ``$52,537,345'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$55,037,345''; On page 69, following line 2, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the temporary assistance to needy families federal fund for computer systems related to welfare reform until the plans for computer systems related to welfare reform are reviewed by the joint committee on com puters and telecommunications.''; Also on page 69, in line 26, by striking ``$12,304,329'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$12,278,329''; in line 27, by striking ``$12,197,190'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$12,093,190''; in line 28, by striking ``$8,296,860'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,226,860''; in line 29, by striking ``$10,078,936'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$10,057,936''; in line 30, by striking ``$2,942,018'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$2,916,018''; in line 31, by striking ``$1,425,423'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,422,423''; following line 32, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, the secretary of social and rehabili tation services shall transfer moneys from the title XIX fund to the budgets of the state institutions in amounts equal to the state general fund amounts deleted from the budgets in subsection (c) which, in the aggregate, shall total $250,000.''; April 10, 1997 825 And by relettering subsections accordingly; On page 73, by striking all in lines 8 through 12; On page 75, following line 13, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Technology equipment at community colleges and Washburn university - $1,000,000 Provided, That the department of education is hereby authorized to make expenditures from the technology equipment at community colleges and Washburn university account for grants to community colleges and Washburn university pursuant to grant applications for the purchase of technology equipment, in accordance with guidelines established by the state board of education.''; Also on page 75, following line 43, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Environmental education program - $25,000''; On page 78, by striking all in lines 32, through 36 and inserting in lieu thereof the fol lowing: ``(g) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, no expenditures shall be made by the department of education from any moneys appropriated in the special education services aid account of the state general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, by this or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature, for any payment to any unified school district or to any special education cooperative organization after August 1, 1997, unless (1) the unified school district or special education cooperative organization has certified to the department of education and the department of social and rehabilitation services on or before August 1, 1997, whether or not the unified school district or special education cooperative organization has been approved as a federal medicaid provider, and (2) if the unified school district or special education cooperative organization has been approved as a federal medicaid provider, the unified school district or special education cooperative organization has included in such certification to the department of education and the department of social and rehabilitation services (A) the aggregate amount of federal medicaid moneys received by the unified school district or special education cooperative organization during the fiscal year 1997, (B) the aggregate amount of such federal medicaid moneys expended by the unified school district or special education cooperative organization during fiscal year 1997, (C) the aggregate amount expended from each fund of the unified school district or special education cooperative organization during fiscal year 1997 to satisfy the federal medicaid matching requirement, and (D) a listing of the kinds and amounts of services purchased by the expenditure of such federal medicaid moneys and such matching amounts by the unified school district or special education cooperative organization during fiscal year 1997.''; On page 79, following line 4, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Provided, That, of the moneys appropriated in the grants to libraries and library systems account $1,964,496 is to be distributed as grants-in-aid to libraries in accordance with K.S.A. 75-2555 and amendments thereto, $619,381 is to be distributed for interlibrary loan devel opment grants and $378,356 is to be paid according to contracts with the subregional li braries of the Kansas talking book services.''; Also on page 79, in line 25, after ``for'' by inserting ``each''; also in line 25, before the colon, by inserting ``project''; in line 43, after ``for'' by inserting ``each''; also in line 43, before the colon, by inserting ``project''; On page 80, in line 39, after ``for'' by inserting ``each''; in line 40, before the colon, by inserting ``project''; On page 81, following line 19, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Provided, That all expenditures from the technology lending library account shall be made only for the purpose of matching an equal or greater amount of federal or other nonstate governmental grant moneys or private grant or donation moneys, or any combination thereof, received by the Kansas state school for the blind: Provided further, That no ex penditures shall be made from this account except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments 826 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE thereto, after receiving information that the Kansas state school for the blind has received the required matching funds. (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institutions building fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, for the capital improvement project or projects specified as follows: Replacement of carpet - $30,000''; Also on page 81, in line 20, by striking ``(b)'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``(c)''; On page 82, in line 5, by striking ``$6,693,473'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$6,728,318''; in line 30, by striking ``$5,533,105'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$5,516,367''; On page 84, in line 2, by striking ``101.5'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``93.5''; in line 3, by striking ``201.5'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``203.5''; in line 29, by striking all after ``fund''; by striking all in line 30; in line 31, by striking all before the period; On page 85, in line 14, by striking ``who began''; also in line 14, by striking ``after''; in line 15, by striking ``July 1, 1996,''; On page 86, in line 24, by striking ``$90,627,449'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$91,502,767''; in line 26, before ``account'' by inserting ``account of Kansas state university''; also in line 26, by striking ``is'' and inserting ``and any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures (including official hospitality) account of Kansas state university--Salina, col lege of technology in excess of $100 as of June 30, 1997, are''; also in line 26, after ``reap propriated'' by inserting ``to the operating expenditures (including official hospitality) ac count of Kansas state university''; On page 87, in line 3, by striking ``$40,533,819'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$39,658,501''; in line 8, by striking all after ``fund''; by striking all in line 9; in line 10, by striking all before the period; On page 88, in line 5, by striking ``who began''; in line 6, by striking ``after July 1, 1996,''; following line 42, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``Salina--student union fees fundNo limit Salina--dormitory and food service fees fund - No limit''; On page 89, following line 25, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(g) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in the general fees fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology to the general fees fund of Kansas state university. On July 1, 1997, all liabilities of the general fees fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology are hereby transferred to and im posed on the general fees fund of Kansas state university and the general fees fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology is hereby abolished. (h) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in each account of the restricted fees fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of tech nology to the appropriate new or existing account of the restricted fees fund of Kansas state university, as certified by the president of Kansas state university. On July 1, 1997, all liabilities of the restricted fees fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology are hereby transferred to and imposed on the restricted fees fund of Kansas state university and the restricted fees fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology is hereby abolished. (i) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in each account of the service clearing fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology to the appropriate new or existing account of the service clearing fund of Kansas state university, as certified by the president of Kansas state university. On July 1, 1997, all liabilities of the service clearing fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technol ogy are hereby transferred to and imposed on the service clearing fund of Kansas state university and the service clearing fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of tech nology is hereby abolished. (j) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in the equipment reserve fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology to the equipment reserve fund of Kansas state university. On July 1, 1997, all liabilities of the equipment reserve fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology are hereby transferred to and imposed on the equipment reserve fund of Kansas state university and April 10, 1997 827 the equipment reserve fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology is hereby abolished. (k) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in the housing system suspense fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology to the housing system suspense fund of Kansas state university. On July 1, 1997, all liabilities of the housing system suspense fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technol ogy are hereby transferred to and imposed on the housing system suspense fund of Kansas state university and the housing system suspense fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology is hereby abolished. (l) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in the housing system operations fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology to the housing system operations fund of Kansas state university. On July 1, 1997, all liabilities of the housing system operations fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of tech nology are hereby transferred to and imposed on the housing system operations fund of Kansas state university and the housing system operations fund of Kansas state university-Salina, college of technology is hereby abolished. (m) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in the housing system repairs, equipment and improvement fund of Kansas state university-Salina, college of technology to the housing system repairs, equipment and improvement fund of Kansas state university. On July 1, 1997, all liabilities of the housing system repairs, equipment and improvement fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology are hereby transferred to and imposed on the housing system repairs, equipment and im provement fund of Kansas state university and the housing system repairs, equipment and improvement fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology is hereby abol ished. (n) On July 1, 1997, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer all moneys in the sponsored research overhead fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of tech nology to the sponsored research overhead fund of Kansas state university. On July 1, 1997, all liabilities of the sponsored research overhead fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology are hereby transferred to and imposed on the sponsored research overhead fund of Kansas state university and the sponsored research overhead fund of Kansas state university--Salina, college of technology is hereby abolished.''; On page 92, in line 33, by striking all after ``fund''; by striking all in line 34; in line 35, by striking all before the period; On page 93, in line 13, by striking ``who began''; in line 14, by striking ``after July 1, 1996,''; On page 95, in line 1, by striking all after ``fund''; by striking all in line 2; in line 3, by striking all before the period; in line 30, by striking ``who began''; in line 31, by striking ``after July 1, 1996,''; On page 96, in line 30, by striking ``$109,737,729'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$110,872,707''; On page 97, in line 2, by striking ``$72,616,843'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$71,481,865''; in line 30, by striking all after ``fund'' where it appears for the last time; by striking all in lines 31 and 32; in line 33, by striking all before the period; On page 98, in line 36, by striking ``who began''; in line 37, by striking ``after July 1, 1996,''; On page 99, by striking all in line 30; On page 100, by striking all in lines 11 through 15; in line 20, by striking ``$86,520,435'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$87,087,510''; in line 35, by striking all after the comma; by striking all in line 36; in line 37, by striking all before ``That''; On page 101, in line 32, by striking ``who began''; in line 33, by striking ``after July 1, 1996,''; On page 103, in line 24, by striking ``$55,659,213'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$56,049,853''; in line 32, by striking ``$25,017,435'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$24,626,795''; in line 37, by striking all after ``fund''; by striking all in line 38; in line 39, by striking all before the period; 828 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE On page 104, in line 17, by striking ``who began''; in line 18, by striking ``after July 1, 1996,''; On page 105, in line 43, by striking ``$4,000,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$750,000''; On page 106, in line 4, before the period, by inserting the following: ``: Provided further, That no allocation of funds shall be made to the university of Kansas, Kansas state university (main campus) or Wichita state university''; On page 109, in line 13, by striking ``$1,626,844'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$1,591,844''; in line 14, by striking ``$28,727,263'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$28,342,563''; On page 113, in line 14, by striking ``$2,360,556'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$2,257,241''; in line 16, by striking all after ``$200''; by striking all in lines 17 through 23; in line 24, by striking all before the period; On page 118, in line 1, after ``That'' by inserting ``all moneys received for such fees shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the record check fee fund: Provided further,''; by striking all in lines 11 through 13; And by relettering subsections accordingly; Also on page 118, in line 18, by striking ``$903,544'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$0''; in line 19, by striking ``$2,727,830'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$0''; by striking all in lines 24 through 39; On page 121, in line 22, by striking ``$281,248'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$247,556''; On page 122, in line 1, by striking ``$168,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$166,000''; in line 15, by striking ``799.5'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``774.8''; in line 27, by striking ``7.0'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``6.0''; On page 126, in line 5, by striking ``$67,881'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$34,589''; On page 127, in line 12, by striking ``$566,854'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$576,804''; in line 21, by striking ``$9,766,500'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$9,756,550''; On page 128, in line 12, by striking ``$2,482,100'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$2,478,424''; in line 21, by striking ``$100,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$93,726''; in line 41, by striking ``$8,750,000'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$8,740,050''; On page 130, in line 27, by striking ``$17,148,776'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$17,155,276''; On page 132, following line 17, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(g) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be made by the department of wildlife and parks from the moneys appropriated in the parks fee fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature, expenditures may be made from the parks fee fund for fiscal year 1998 for operating expenditures and capital improvement projects for the purposes of maintaining and repairing the Prairie Spirit rail trail in Allen, Anderson and Franklin counties, including, but not limited to, the expenses of operating of park equipment by employees of the department of wildlife and parks that are assigned to the state park system.''; On page 133, in line 27, by striking ``$200,076,736'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``$194,558,963''; in line 33, before the period, by inserting the following: ``: And provided further, That expenditures from the agency operations account of the state highway fund for a business processing reengineering and system requirements definition phase of a com puter project to replace existing financial and maintenance management computer software systems shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (c): And provided further, That all expenditures for such computer project shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the agency operations account of the state highway fund for fiscal year 1998, except that the total expenditures from the agency operations account for such computer project shall not exceed $3,000,000''; On page 134, following line 12, by inserting the following material to read as follows: ``(c) Expenditures may be made from the agency operations account of the state highway fund for fiscal year 1998 for the purpose of contracting for a business processing reengi neering and system requirements definition phase of a computer project to replace the existing financial and maintenance management computer software systems: Provided, how ever, That no expenditures shall be made from any moneys appropriated for the department April 10, 1997 829 of transportation for fiscal year 1998, by this or other appropriation act of the 1997 regular session of the legislature, for any subsequent work on such computer project, including, but not limited to, the purchase of any hardware or software, system design or system imple mentation, except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed by subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto: Provided further, That, prior to the approval by the state finance council of any such expenditure from the agency operations account of the state highway fund, the results of the business process reengineering and system requirements definition phase shall be reviewed by the joint com mittee on computers and telecommunications.''; And by relettering subsections accordingly; Also on page 134, in line 40, by striking ``savings incentive'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``quality''; On page 135, in line 1, after ``portation'' by inserting ``, if the agency is participating in the Kansas quality program under 1996 Supp. K.S.A. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto,''; also in line 1, by striking ``Salary'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``Quality awards that are salary''; in line 2, after ``agency'' by inserting ``pursuant to subsection (c) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto''; in line 6, by striking ``in-''; in line 7, by striking all before the colon and inserting in lieu thereof ``in support of the Kansas quality program''; in line 16, after ``That'' by inserting ``, in addition to the limitations prescribed by K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto,''; in line 25, before ``account'' by inserting ``Kansas quality management account or KQM expenditures''; in line 26, after the comma, by inserting ``which was established under the Kansas quality program under K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto or''; in line 31, before ``account'' by inserting ``Kansas quality management account or KQM expenditures''; in line 34, by striking all after the period; by striking all in lines 35 through 37; On page 136, in line 3, by striking ``savings incentive'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``qual ity''; in line 6, after ``act'' by inserting ``that is participating in the Kansas quality program under K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto''; in line 7, by striking ``Salary'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``Quality awards that are salary''; in line 8, after ``agency'' by inserting ``pursuant to subsection (c) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto''; in line 12, by striking ``including official hospitality'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``in support of the Kansas quality program''; in line 20, after ``That'' by inserting ``, in addition to the limitations prescribed by K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto,''; in line 31, after ``act'' by inserting ``that is participating in the Kansas quality program''; in line 32, by striking ``Salary'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``Quality awards that are salary''; in line 33, after ``agency'' by inserting ``pursuant to subsection (c) of K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto''; in line 37, by striking ``including offi-''; in line 38, by striking ``cial hospitality'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``in support of the Kansas quality program''; On page 137, in line 3, after ``That'' by inserting ``, in addition to the limitations prescribed by K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto,''; in line 14, before ``account'' by inserting ``Kansas quality management account or KQM expenditures''; in line 15, before ``which'' by inserting ``which was established under the Kansas quality program under K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto or''; in line 22, before ``account'' by inserting ``Kansas quality management account or KQM expenditures''; in line 23, before ``which'' by inserting ``which was established under the Kansas quality program under K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 75-37,115 and amendments thereto or''; by striking all in lines 32 through 36; On page 139, in line 12, by striking ``102.0%'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``101.75%''; in line 42, by striking ``102.0%'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``101.75%''; On page 140, in line 16, by striking ``102.0%'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``101.75%''; in line 31, by striking ``102.0%'' and inserting in lieu thereof ``101.75%''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Dave Kerr Alicia Salisbury Marge Petty Conferees on part of Senate 830 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Phil Kline Mike Farmer Henry M. Helgerson Conferees on part of House On motion of Rep. Farmer, the conference committee report on S. Sub. for HB 2160 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 104; Nays 18; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 3. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Burroughs, Carmody, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Flaharty, Flower, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Hu merickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powers, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Wei land, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilson. Nays: Bradley, Compton, Findley, Flora, Franklin, Gregory, Johnston, Landwehr, P. Long, McClure, Nichols, Packer, Palmer, Powell, Presta, Spangler, Tomlinson, Wilk. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell, Dean, Phill Kline. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to HB 2303, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee of the Whole amendments, as follows: on page 3, in line 43, by striking ``or nonresident''; On page 4, in line 6, after ``lineal'' by inserting ``or collateral''; On page 5, in line 11, by striking all after ``Any''; by striking all of lines 12 and 13; in line 14, by striking all before the period and inserting ``nonresident deer hunting permits au thorized under subsection (m) that remain unissued due to an insufficient number of non resident applications as of a deadline determined by the secretary, shall be made available to residents''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Stephen R. Morris Donald E. Biggs David R. Corbin Conferees on part of Senate Steve Lloyd Laura McClure Joann Lee Freeborn Conferees on part of House On motion of Rep. Lloyd, the conference committee report on HB 2303 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 98; Nays 24; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 3. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dreher, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Findley, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Gregory, Ha ley, Hayzlett, Henderson, Holmes, Horst, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, John son, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Lane, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, McClure, McCreary, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, April 10, 1997 831 Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Powell, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tom linson, Toplikar, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Wells, Welshimer, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Ballou, Correll, Dillon, Edmonds, Feuerborn, Grant, Helgerson, Henry, Howell, Kuether, Landwehr, Larkin, Mays, McKechnie, Phelps, Pottorff, Powers, Presta, Shallen burger, Storm, Swenson, Vickrey, Weiland, Wempe. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell, Dean, Flaharty. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to HB 2218, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee amendments, as follows: On page 4, following line 28, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a sewer district.''; Also on page 4, following line 36, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a sewer district.''; On page 5, following line 1, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a rural water district.''; Also on page 5, following line 9, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a rural water district.''; Also on page 5, following line 17, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a public wholesale water supply district.''; Also on page 5, following line 25, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a water supply and distribution district.''; Also on page 5, following line 31, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of an industrial district.''; Also on page 5, following line 37, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of an improvement district.''; On page 6, following line 2, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a drainage district.''; Also on page 6, following line 10, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a drainage district.''; Also on page 6, following line 18, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a drainage district.''; Also on page 6, following line 26, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a drainage district.''; Also on page 6, following line 34, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a fire district.''; 832 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Also on page 6, following line 42, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a fire district.''; On page 7, following line 7, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a fire district.''; Also on page 7, following line 15, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a fire district.''; Also on page 7, following line 23, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a fire district.''; Also on page 7, following line 31, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a fire district.''; Also on page 7, following line 39, by inserting a new paragraph as follows: ``Nothing in this section shall be construed as providing a procedure for the detachment or deannexation of land located within the boundaries of a fire district.''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Janice L. Hardenburger Rich Becker U. L. Gooch Conferees on part of Senate Kent Glasscock Ted Powers Gwen Welshimer Conferees on part of House On motion of Rep. Glasscock, the conference committee report on HB 2218 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 114; Nays 9; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 2. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Mollenkamp, Morrison, My ers, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Osborne, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Ballou, Freeborn, Garner, Phill Kline, Minor, Neufeld, Packer, Vickrey, Wempe. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell, Dean. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Your committee on conference on Senate amend ments to HB 2219, submits the following report: The House accedes to all Senate amendments to the bill, and your committee on con ference further agrees to amend the bill, as printed with Senate Committee amendments, as follows: On page 4, in line 43, before ``plus'' by inserting ``plus the number of swine weighing 55 pounds or less multiplied by 0.1;''; April 10, 1997 833 On page 5, in line 8, after the period, by inserting `` ``Animal unit`` also includes the number of swine weighing 55 pounds or less multiplied by 0.1 for the purpose of determining applicable requirements for new construction of a confined feeding facility for which a permit or registration has not been issued before January 1, 1998, and for which an appli cation for a permit or registration and plans have not been filed with the secretary of health and environment before January 1, 1998, or for the purpose of determining applicable requirements for expansion of such facility. However, each head of swine weighing 55 pounds or less shall be counted as 0.0 animal unit for the purpose of determining the need for a federal permit.''; And your committee on conference recommends the adoption of this report. Stephen R. Morris Donald E. Biggs David R. Corbin Conferees on part of Senate Steve Lloyd Laura McClure Joann Lee Freeborn Conferees on part of House On motion of Rep. Lloyd, the conference committee report on HB 2219 was adopted. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 63; Nays 60; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 2. Yeas: Alldritt, Aurand, Ballou, Boston, Bradley, Compton, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Dreher, Faber, Feuerborn, Flaharty, Flora, Freeborn, Gilbert, Hayzlett, Henry, Holmes, Howell, Humerickhouse, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Krehbiel, Larkin, Lloyd, P. Long, Mason, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neu feld, Nichols, O'Connor, Osborne, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, Phelps, Presta, Rein hardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Shore, Showalter, Sloan, Tanner, Thimesch, Toplikar, Vick rey, Weiland, Wells, Wempe. Nays: Adkins, Allen, Ballard, Beggs, Benlon, Burroughs, Carmody, Correll, Cox, Ed monds, Empson, Farmer, Findley, Flower, Franklin, Garner, Geringer, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Gregory, Haley, Helgerson, Henderson, Horst, Huff, Hutchins, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, J. Long, Mayans, McKechnie, O'Neal, J. Peterson, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Ray, Reardon, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shriver, Shultz, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Welshimer, Wilk, Wilson. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell, Dean. INTRODUCTION OF ORIGINAL MOTIONS On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House acceded to the request of the Senate for a conference on H. Sub. for SB 69. Speaker pro tem Wagle thereupon appointed Reps. Kejr, Weber and McKechnie as con ferees on the part of the House. CHANGE OF REFERENCE Speaker pro tem Wagle announced the withdrawal of SB 363 from Committee on Ju diciary and referral to Select Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice. REPORT ON ENGROSSED BILLS Sub. HB 2368 reported correctly engrossed April 10, 1997. HB 2020 reported correctly re-engrossed April 10, 1997. On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House adjourned until 10:00 a.m., Friday, April 11, 1997. CHARLENE SWANSON, Journal Clerk. JANET E. JONES, Chief Clerk. +--+ | | +--+ 834 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE