J o u r n a l o f t h e H o u s e THIRTIETH DAY -------- HALL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TOPEKA, KAN., Monday, February 24, 1997, 11:00 a.m. The House met pursuant to adjournment with Speaker pro tem Wagle in the chair. The roll was called with 123 members present. Rep. Campbell was excused on excused absence by the Speaker. Prayer by guest chaplain, the Rev. Todd Weston, First Assembly of God, Manhattan, and guest of Rep. J. Peterson: Our Heavenly Father, Our forefathers laid a sure and solid foundation for a great nation. The cornerstone for that foundation was faith in God. Other foundation stones included reverence for God, respect for law, regard for freedom, and responsibility for personal character. We confess today, Lord, that as a nation we have fallen short of Your glory and righteousness. And yet, we are thankful that you are a God ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness. I pray for these state representatives that you have appointed and ordained for such a time as this. Grant them wisdom and understanding, discernment and sound judgment, boldness and courage. May this legislative body be characterized by righteousness and justice. May your blessings be upon this session. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior we pray, Amen. REFERENCE OF BILLS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS The following bills and resolutions were referred to committees as indicated: Appropriations: HB 2495, 2497. Business, Commerce and Labor: SB 121. Federal and State Affairs: HCR 5019. Health and Human Services: SB 60, 111. Insurance: SB 93. Judiciary: SB 9, 73, 95, 106. Taxation: HB 2496; SB 184. Transportation: SB 117, 169. CONSENT CALENDAR No objection was made to HB 2026, 2065, 2176; SB 62, 77 appearing on the Consent Calendar for the third day. The bills were advanced to Final Action on Bills and Concurrent Resolutions. FINAL ACTION ON BILLS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS HB 2026, An act concerning the residential landlord and tenant act; relating to security deposits; amending K.S.A. 58-2550 and repealing the existing section, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 123; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. February 24, 1997 247 Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed. HB 2065, An act concerning election campaign finance; relating to reports filed by treasurers; amending K.S.A. 25-4148 and repealing the existing section, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 123; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed. HB 2176, An act concerning professional corporations; relating to participation by social workers; amending K.S.A. 17-2710 and repealing the existing section, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 118; Nays 5; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Ballou, Carmody, Landwehr, Packer, Weber. 248 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed. SB 62, An act concerning veterinary practice; amending K.S.A. 47-816 and 47-826 and repealing the existing sections, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 120; Nays 3; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Landwehr, Mayans, Pottorff. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed. SB 77, An act concerning the dispensing and administering of drugs; amending K.S.A. 65-1635 and repealing the existing section, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 123; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed. HB 2108, An act concerning the Kansas commission on veterans affairs; relating to Persian Gulf War syndrome; establishing an advisory board; prescribing powers, duties, functions and guidelines for the commission and advisory board; providing for confidentiality of certain information and exceptions thereto; establishing the Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative fund, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 123; Nays 0; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, February 24, 1997 249 Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: None. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed, as amended. HB 2167, An act concerning driver's licenses and nondriver identification cards; amending K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 8-260 and 8-1327 and repealing the existing sections, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 118; Nays 5; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Kejr, Kirk, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Flora, Johnston, Klein, Mayans, Sawyer. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed, as amended. HB 2182, An act repealing K.S.A. 65-4801, 65-4802, 65-4803, 65-4804, 65-4805, 654806, 65-4807, 65-4808, 65-4809, 65-4811, 65-4815, 65-4816, 65-4817, 65-4818, 65-4819, 65-4820, 65-4821 and 65-4822; relating to the certificate of need program for health facilities, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 120; Nays 3; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Howell, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Kejr, Kirk, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Packer, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Pottorff, Powell, Powers, Presta, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Swenson, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Garner, Johnston, Klein. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed. 250 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE HB 2245, An act concerning agricultural seeds; relating to the registration of seed cleaners; concerning seed varieties; amending K.S.A. 2-1415, 2-1421 and 2-1421a and repealing the existing sections, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 90; Nays 33; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Burroughs, Carmody, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dahl, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Freeborn, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Hayzlett, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Huff, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Phil Kline, Kuether, Lane, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, Morrison, Myers, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Palmer, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Powell, Ray, Reardon, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Spangler, Stone, Storm, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer. Nays: Alldritt, Compton, Dean, Edmonds, Feuerborn, Franklin, Garner, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Helgerson, Howell, Humerickhouse, Klein, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Landwehr, Larkin, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Mollenkamp, Neufeld, Packer, Pottorff, Powers, Presta, Reinhardt, Shore, Swenson, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed, as amended. HB 2279, An act concerning livestock; relating to disposition of pseudorabies virus infected swine; duties of livestock commissioner; indemnity to owners, was considered on final action. On roll call, the vote was: Yeas 113; Nays 10; Present but not voting 0; Absent or not voting 1. Yeas: Adkins, Alldritt, Allen, Aurand, Ballard, Ballou, Beggs, Benlon, Boston, Bradley, Carmody, Compton, Correll, Cox, Crow, Dean, Dillon, Donovan, Dreher, Edmonds, Empson, Faber, Farmer, Feuerborn, Findley, Flaharty, Flora, Flower, Franklin, Freeborn, Garner, Geringer, Gilbert, Gilmore, Glasscock, Grant, Haley, Hayzlett, Helgerson, Henderson, Henry, Holmes, Horst, Huff, Humerickhouse, Hutchins, Jennison, Johnson, Johnston, Kejr, Kirk, Klein, Phil Kline, Phill Kline, Krehbiel, Kuether, Landwehr, Lane, Larkin, Lloyd, J. Long, P. Long, Mason, Mayans, Mays, McClure, McCreary, McKechnie, McKinney, Minor, Morrison, Myers, Neufeld, Nichols, O'Connor, O'Neal, Pauls, E. Peterson, J. Peterson, Phelps, Powell, Powers, Ray, Reardon, Reinhardt, Ruff, Samuelson, Sawyer, Schwartz, Shallenburger, Sharp, Shore, Showalter, Shriver, Shultz, Sloan, Stone, Storm, Tanner, Thimesch, Toelkes, Tomlinson, Toplikar, Vickrey, Vining, Wagle, Weber, Weiland, Wells, Welshimer, Wempe, Wilk, Wilson. Nays: Burroughs, Dahl, Howell, Mollenkamp, Packer, Palmer, Pottorff, Presta, Spangler, Swenson. Present but not voting: None. Absent or not voting: Campbell. The bill passed. On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House went into Committee of the Whole, with Rep. Spangler in the chair. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE On motion of Rep. Spangler, Committee of the Whole report, as follows, was adopted: Recommended that HB 2350 be passed. Committee report to HB 2374 be adopted; also, on motion of Rep. Neufeld to amend the bill, the motion was withdrawn. Also, on further motion of Rep. Neufeld HB 2374 be amended on page 3, in line 9, after ``$50,000,000'' by inserting: ``and except that of the moneys that would be otherwise credited to the state gaming revenues fund during the period from July 1, 1997, through June 30, 2001, the first $5,000,000 received for credit to the state gaming revenues fund for each fiscal year during such period shall be credited to the state tourism fund, shall not be credited to the state gaming revenues fund and shall be February 24, 1997 251 deemed to be credited to the state gaming revenues fund for any purpose under any statute during such period''; also in line 9, by striking ``such'' and inserting ``the state gaming revenues''; in line 12, by striking ``except that of the amounts credited to the''; by striking all in lines 13 through 15; in line 16, by striking all before the period; and HB 2374 be passed as amended. Committee report to HB 2348 be adopted and the bill be passed as amended. Committee report to HB 2170 be adopted and the bill be passed as amended. Committee report to HB 2010 be adopted and the bill be passed as amended. Committee report to HB 2202 be adopted; also, on motion of Rep. Benlon to amend, the motion did not prevail and the bill be passed as amended. Committee report to HB 2243 be adopted; also, on motion of Rep. Adkins be amended on page 2, following line 10, by inserting the following: ``Sec. 1. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 8-1,142 is hereby amended to read as follows: 8-1,142. (a) As used in this section, ``educational institution'' means: (1) Any state educational institution under the control and supervision of the state board of regents; (2) any qualified institution as defined in K.S.A. 72-6107, and amendments thereto; (3) any community college organized and operating under the laws of this state; and (4) Haskell Indian Nations university. (b) Any owner of one or more passenger vehicles or trucks registered for a gross weight of not more than 12,000 pounds who is a resident of Kansas, upon compliance with the provisions of this section, may be issued one educational institution license plate for each such passenger vehicle or truck. Such license plates shall be issued for the same period of time as other license plates upon proper registration and payment of the regular license fee as provided in K.S.A. 8-143, and amendments thereto, plus the payment of an additional fee of $5 for each plate, and the presentation of the annual emblem use authorization statement provided for in subsection (c). (c) Any educational institution may authorize through its officially recognized alumni association or foundation the use of such institution's official emblems to be affixed on license plates as provided by this section. Any royalty payment to such alumni association or foundation derived from this section, except reasonable administrative costs, shall be used for recognition of academic achievement or excellence subject to the approval of the chancellor or president of the educational institution. Any motor vehicle owner may annually apply to the alumni association or foundation for the use of the institution's emblems. Upon annual application and payment to the alumni association or foundation in an amount of not less than $25 nor more than $100 as an emblem use royalty payment for each educational institution license plate to be issued, the alumni association or foundation shall issue to the motor vehicle owner, without further charge, an emblem use authorization statement, which shall be presented by the motor vehicle owner at the time of registration. (d)
Each educational institution's alumni association or foundation shall provide a list of all new approved applicants and total number of educational license plates to be issued to the director by August 31, 1995, and by June 30 of each calendar year thereafter. All new educational license plates shall be issued for the following calendar year following the receipt of the list of new approved applicants by the director.Any applicant for an educational institution license plate may make application for such plates not less than 60 days prior to such person's renewal of registration date, on a form prescribed and furnished by the director of vehicles, and any applicant for the educational institution license plates shall provide the annual emblem use authorization statement provided for in subsection (c). Application for registration of a passenger vehicle or truck and issuance of the license plates under this section shall be made by the owner in a manner prescribed by the director of vehicles upon forms furnished by the director. (e) No registration or educational institution license plate issued under this section shall be transferable to any other person. (f) Renewals of registration under this section shall be made annually, upon payment of the fee prescribed in subsection (b), in the manner prescribed in subsection (b) of K.S.A. 8-132, and amendments thereto. No renewal of registration shall be made to any applicant until such applicant provides the annual emblem use authorization statement provided for 252 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE in subsection (c). If such emblem use authorization statement is not presented at the time of registration, the applicant shall be required to comply with K.S.A. 8-143, and amendments thereto, and return the educational institution license plates to the county treasurer of such person's residence. (g) The director of vehicles shall not issue any educational institution license plates for any educational institution, unless such educational institution's alumni association or foundation guarantees the initial issuance of at least 500 license plates. (h) Each educational institution's alumni association or foundation shall: (1) Pay the initial cost of silk-screening for such educational license plates; and (2) provide to all county treasurers a toll-free telephone number where applicants can call the alumni association or foundation for information concerning the application process or the status of their license plate application. (i) Each educational institution's alumni association or foundation, with the approval of the director of vehicles and subject to the availability of materials and equipment, shall design a license plate to be issued under the provisions of this section.''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; Also on page 2, in line 11, by striking ``is'' and inserting ``and 8-1,142 are''; On page 1, in the title, in line 10, following ``guard'' by inserting ``and educational''; in line 11, following ``8-177a'' by inserting ``and 8-1,142''; in line 12, by striking ``section'' and inserting ``sections''; and HB 2243 be passed as amended. Committee report to HB 2314 be adopted and the bill be passed as amended. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES The Committee on Business, Commerce and Labor recommends HB 2217, 2308 be passed and, because the committee is of the opinion that the bill is of a noncontroversial nature, be placed on the consent calendar. The Committee on Business, Commerce and Labor recommends HB 2205 be amended on page 2, in line 21, by striking all after ``fees''; in line 22, by striking all before the period; On page 3, in line 20, by striking ``times'' and inserting ``hours of''; in line 21, by striking all after the second ``the''; in line 22, by striking all before the period and inserting ``judicial district in which the case is heard'' and the bill be passed as amended. The Committee on Business, Commerce and Labor recommends HB 2230 be amended on page 1, in line 34, by striking ``statute book'' and inserting ``Kansas register''; and the bill be passed as amended. The Committee on Business, Commerce and Labor recommends HB 2294 be amended as follows: On page 1, in line 32, after ``amount'' by inserting ``of garnishment''; also in line 32, after ``due'' the second time it appears, by inserting ``to the defendant'' and the bill be passed as amended. The Committee on Governmental Organization and Elections recommends HB 2444 be passed. The Committee on Governmental Organization and Elections recommends HB 2079 be amended on page 1, by striking all in lines 15 through 43; On page 2, by striking all in lines 1 through 43; On page 3, by striking all in lines 1 through 41 and inserting: ``Section 1. K.S.A. 25-3801 is hereby amended to read as follows: 25-3801. (a) At each primary election, the members of the party residing in each precinct in each county of the state shall elect a man of their number as precinct committeeman and a woman of their number as precinct committeewoman. No person shall be eligible to be a candidate for or hold the office of precinct committeeman or precinct committeewoman of a party in any precinct unless such person actually lives, resides and occupies a place of abode in such precinct, and is in all other respects a qualified elector and is shown as a member of such party on the party affiliation list, in the office of the county election officer. Except as provided in subsection (b), vacancies occurring in the office of precinct committeeman or committeewoman shall be promptly filled by appointment by the county chairperson, except that any vacancy which occurs because the party had no candidate at such primary election February 24, 1997 253 shall not be filled until the county central committee has elected or reelected its chairpersonunder K.S.A. 25-3802 and amendments thereto. Not later than three days after appointment of precinct committeemen and committeewomen, the county chairperson making the appointments shall notify the county election officer of such appointments. The county election officer shall make such appointments public immediately upon receipt thereof. As used in this act, ''primary election`` means the statewide election held in August of evennumbered years. (b) When a convention is to be held under article 39 of chapter 25 of Kansas Statutes Annotated to fill a vacancy, no appointments shall be made under subsection (a) after notice calling the convention has been given until the convention has been held and the person to fill the vacancy has been elected by the convention. Sec. 2. K.S.A. 25-4158 is hereby amended to read as follows: 25-4158. (a) The secretary of state shall: (1) Furnish forms prescribed and provided by the commission for making reports and statements required to be filed in the office of the secretary of state by the campaign finance act; and (2) make such reports and statements available for public inspection and copying during regular office hours. (b) The county election officer shall: (1) Furnish forms prescribed and provided by the commission for making reports and statements required to be filed in the office of the county election officer by the campaign finance act; and (2) make such reports and statements available for public inspection and copying during regular office hours. (c) The commission may investigate, or cause to be investigated, any matter required to be reported upon by any person under the provisions of the campaign finance act, or any matter to which the campaign finance act applies irrespective of whether a complaint has been filed in relation thereto. (d) (1) For the purpose of any investigation or proceeding under this act, the commission or any officer designated by the commission may, after having complied with the requirements of part (2) of this subsection, administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance, take evidence, and require the production of any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, agreements, or other documents or records which the commission deems relevant or material to the inquiry. The commission shall reimburse the reasonable costs of production of documents subject to subpoena. All subpoenas issued under this section shall be authorized by the affirmative vote of not less than 3/4 of the members of the commission. (2) If the commission finds there is reasonable suspicion that a violation of the act has occurred, the commission shall communicate, by a signed writing specifically stating such alleged violations, with the persons being investigated and allow them 30 days to respond. After reviewing the information from such respondent, and a determination is made that further investigation is required, the commission may issue a subpoena by a 3/4 vote of the commission members. Subpoenas duces tecum shall be limited to items reasonably relevant to such alleged violations. (3) In any case of contumacy by, or refusal to obey a subpoena issued pursuant to paragraph (2) to any person, the district court of Shawnee county, upon application by the commission, or any officer designated by the commission, may issue to that person an order requiring the person to appear before the commission or any officer designated by the commission, there to produce documentary evidence if so ordered or to give evidence touching the matter under investigation or in question. Any failure to obey the order of the court may be punished by the court as a contempt of court. (4) No person is excused from attending or testifying or from producing any document or record before the commission, or obedience to the subpoena of the commission or any officer designated by the commission, or in any proceeding instituted by the commission, on the ground that the testimony or evidence (documentary or otherwise) required of the person may tend to incriminate the person or subject the person to a penalty or forfeiture. Noindividualperson may be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing concerning which such person is compelled, after claiming privilege against self-incrimination, to testify or produce evidence 254 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE (documentary or otherwise), except that the individual so testifying shall not be exempt from prosecution and punishment for perjury committed in so testifying. Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 46-236 is hereby amended to read as follows: 46-236. No state officer or employee, candidate for state office or state officer elect shall solicit any economic opportunity, gift, loan, gratuity, special discount, favor, hospitality, or service from any person known to have a special interest, under circumstances where such officer, employee, candidate or state officer elect knows or should know that a major purpose of the donor in granting the same could be to influence the performance of the official duties or prospective official duties of such officer, employee, candidate or state officer elect. Except when a particular course of official action is to be followed as a condition thereon, this section shall not apply to: (1) Any contribution reported in compliance with the campaign finance act; (2) a commercially reasonable loan or other commercial transaction in the ordinary course of business; or (3) any solicitation for the benefit of any charitable organization which is required to file a registration statement with the secretary of state pursuant to K.S.A.17-174017-1763, and amendments thereto, or which is exempted from filing such statement pursuant to K.S.A.17-174117-1762, and amendments thereto, or for the benefit of any educational institution or such institution's endowment association, if such association has qualified as a nonprofit organization under paragraph (3) of subsection (c) of section 501 of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended. Sec. 4. K.S.A. 46-270 is hereby amended to read as follows: 46-270. The secretary of state shall obtain suitable name tags in two colors, of a size not smaller thantwo2 1/16`` inches bythree3 1/16'' inches, to be fastened on the outside of the wearer's garment with lettering adequate in size and clarity to be readable at a distance of three feet by individuals of normal vision, bearing the name of the lobbyist, the names of the persons compensating or appointing the lobbyist and the year. The secretary of state shall present to each individual registering under K.S.A. 46-264 and 46-265, and amendments thereto, one such tag, and such tag shall be worn by the lobbyist when lobbying in the state capitol building. New Sec. 5. (a) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the definitions set forth in K.S.A. 25-4143, and amendments thereto, shall be applicable to the provisions in this section. (2) As used in this section ``regulated entity'' means any person who is required by law to be licensed by the insurance commissioner, or any person who engages in a business or profession which is regulated by the insurance commissioner, or any person employed by a company regulated by the insurance commissioner. (b) No regulated entity and no person or political committee acting on behalf of a regulated entity shall make a contribution to or on behalf of a person holding the office of insurance commissioner to or on behalf of a candidate for the office of insurance commissioner or to or on behalf of a candidate committee of any such candidate. (c) No person holding the office of insurance commissioner and no candidate for the office of insurance commissioner and no candidate committee of a candidate for the office of insurance commissioner shall knowingly solicit or accept a contribution from any regulated entity or any person or political committee acting on behalf of a regulated entity. (d) Any person or entity violating the provisions of this act shall be punished in the manner and be subject to the penalties prescribed by K.S.A. 25-4181, and amendments thereto. Sec. 6. K.S.A. 25-3801, 25-4158 and 46-270 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 46-236 are hereby repealed.''; And by renumbering section 5 as section 7; In the title, by striking all in lines 9 through 12 and inserting: ``AN ACT concerning elections; relating to campaign finance; relating to political parties; relating to state officers and employees; relating to lobbyists; amending K.S.A. 25-3801, 254158 and 46-270 and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 46-236 and repealing the existing sections.''; and the bill be passed as amended. The Committee on Governmental Organization and Elections recommends HB 2128 be amended on page 1, in line 39, by striking all following ``and''; in line 40, by striking all preceding ``such''; in line 42, by striking ``and'' and inserting ``or''; in line 43, by striking ``person'' and inserting ``individual''; February 24, 1997 255 On page 2, in line 1, by striking ``person'' and inserting ``individual''; in line 7, by striking all following ``assist''; in line 8, by striking ``and approved the same''; in line 9, by striking ``and'' and inserting ``or''; in line 10, by striking ``person'' and inserting ``individual''; in line 11, by striking ``person'' and inserting ``individual''; in line 17, by striking all following ``assist''; in line 18, by striking all preceding ``and''; in line 20, by striking ``and'' and inserting ``or''; in line 21, by striking ``person'' and inserting ``individual''; in line 22, by striking ``person'' and inserting ``individual''; in line 27, by striking ``an incumbent's'' and inserting ``a candidate's''; following line 33, by inserting the following: ``(d) It shall be a defense to a prosecution or imposition of a civil fine under this section if the defendant has secured a written certification from the person responsible for the advertising that such person has included the information required by this section in such advertisement.''; Also on page 2, by striking all of lines 34 through 43; On page 3, by striking all in lines 1 through 43; On page 4, by striking all in lines 1 through 33; And by renumbering sections accordingly; Also on page 4, in line 34, by striking ``and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 25-4152''; Also on page 1, in the title, in line 10, by striking ``and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 25-''; in line 11, by striking ``4152''; and the bill be passed as amended. The Committee on Insurance recommends HB 2082 be amended on page 4, by striking all after line 31; By striking all of pages 5 through 12; On page 13, by striking all before line 23 and inserting the following sections: ``Sec. 3. K.S.A. 40-252 is hereby amended to read as follows: 40-252. Every insurance company or fraternal benefit society organized under the laws of this state or doing business in this state shall pay to the commissioner of insurance fees and taxes specified in the following schedule: A Insurance companies organized under the laws of this state: 1. Capital stock insurance companies and mutual legal reserve life insurance companies:... Filing application for sale of stock or certificates of indebtedness $25 Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... 500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 2. Mutual life, accident and health associations: Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 256 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 In addition to the above fees and as a condition precedent to the continuation of the certificate of authority provided in this code, all such companies shall pay a fee of $2 for each agent certified by the company and shall also pay a tax annually upon all premiums received on risk located in this state at the rate of 1% per annum less (1) for tax years prior to 1984, any taxes paid on business in this state pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 401701 to 40-1707, inclusive, and 75-1508 and amendments thereto and (2) for tax years 1984 and thereafter, any taxes paid on business in this state pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-1508 and amendments thereto and the amount of the firefighters relief tax credit determined by the commissioner of insurance. The amount of the firefighters relief tax credit for a company for the current tax year shall be determined by the commissioner of insurance by dividing (A) the total amount of credits against the 1% tax imposed by thissectionsubsection for taxes paid by all such companies on business in this state under K.S.A. 40-1701 to 40-1707, inclusive, and amendments thereto for tax year 1983, by (B) the total amount of taxes paid by all such companies on business in this state under K.S.A. 40-1703 and amendments thereto for the tax year immediately preceding the current tax year, and by multiplying the result so obtained by (C) the amount of taxes paid by the company on business in this state under K.S.A. 40-1703 and amendments thereto for the current tax year. Funds accepted prior to January 1, 1997, by a life insurer under an agreement which provides for an accumulation of funds to purchase taxable annuities at later dates shall be taxable premiums either when received or when actually applied to the purchase of annuities, at the option of the insurer. If the funds are declared upon receipt, any interest or other gain that accrues thereon shall not be taxable as premium income, but if the funds are declared when applied to the purchase of annuities, the premium tax shall be paid on the entire amount so applied. Any such funds declared upon receipt which are thereafter withdrawn before application to the purchase of annuities may be deducted from tax base as ``premiums'' returned on account of cancellations. In the computation of the gross premiums all such companies shall be entitled to deduct any premiums returned on account of cancellations, all premiums received for reinsurance from any other company authorized to do business in this state, dividends returned to policyholders and premiums received in connection with the funding of a pension, deferred compensation, annuity or profit-sharing plan qualified or exempt under sections 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 or 501 of the United States internal revenue code of 1986. Should any such company remove or maintain, or both, either their home, principal or executive office or offices from this state, every such company shall be subject to the provisions of subsection D of this section. B Fraternal benefit societies organized under the laws of this state: Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 C Mutual nonprofit hospital service corporations, nonprofit medical service corporations, nonprofit dental service corporations, nonprofit optometric service corporations and nonprofit pharmacy service corporations organized under the laws of this state: 1. Mutual nonprofit hospital service corporations: ... February 24, 1997 257 Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 2. Nonprofit medical service corporations: ... Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 3. Nonprofit dental service corporations: ... Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 4. Nonprofit optometric service corporations: ... Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 5. Nonprofit pharmacy service corporations: ... Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 In addition to the above fees and as a condition precedent to the continuation of the certificate of authority, provided in this code, every corporation or association shall pay annually to the commissioner of insurance a privilege fee in an amount equal to 1% per annum of the total of all premiums, subscription charges, or any other term which may be used to describe the charges made by such corporation or association to subscribers for hospital, medical or other health services or indemnity received during the preceding year. In such computations all such corporations or associations shall be entitled to deduct any premiums or subscription charges returned on account of cancellations and dividends returned to members or subscribers. D Insurance companies organized under the laws of any other state, territory or country: 1. Capital stock insurance companies and mutual legal reserve life insurance companies:... Filing application for sale of stock or certificates of indebtedness $25 258 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... 500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 In addition to the above fees all such companies shall pay $5 for each agent certified by the company, except as otherwise provided by law. As a condition precedent to the continuation of the certificate of authority, provided in this code, every company organized under the laws of any other state of the United States or of any foreign country shall pay a tax upon all premiums received during the preceding year at therate of 2%following rate per annum.: Tax Year ..... Rate ..... 1997 and before ..... 2.0% ..... 1998 ..... 1.9% ..... 1999 ..... 1.8% ..... 2000 ..... 1.7% ..... 2001 ..... 1.6% ..... 2002 ..... 1.5% ..... 2003 ..... 1.4% ..... 2004 ..... 1.3% ..... 2005 ..... 1.2% ..... 2006 ..... 1.1% ..... 2007 and thereafter ..... 1.0% ..... Funds accepted prior to January 1, 1997, by a life insurer under an agreement which provides for an accumulation of funds to purchase taxable annuities at later dates shall be taxable premiums either when received or when actually applied to the purchase of annuities, at the option of the insurer. If the funds are declared upon receipt, any interest or other gain that accrues thereon shall not be taxable as premium income, but if the funds are declared when applied to the purchase of annuities, the premium tax shall be paid on the entire amount so applied. Any such funds declared upon receipt which are thereafter withdrawn before application to the purchase of annuities may be deducted from tax base as ``premiums'' returned on account of cancellations. In the computation of the gross premiums all such companies shall be entitled to deduct any premiums returned on account of cancellations, dividends returned to policyholders and all premiums received for reinsurance from any other company authorized to do business in this state and premiums received in connection with the funding of a pension, deferred compensation, annuity or profit-sharing plan qualified or exempt under sections 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 or 501 of the United States internal revenue code of 1986. 2. Mutual life, accident and health associations: ... Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 In addition to the above fees, every such company organized under the laws of any other state of the United States shall pay $5 for each agent certified by the company, and shall pay a tax annually upon all premiums received during the preceding year at therate of 2%following rate per annum.: February 24, 1997 259 Tax Year ..... Rate ..... 1997 and before ..... 2.0% ..... 1998 ..... 1.9% ..... 1999 ..... 1.8% ..... 2000 ..... 1.7% ..... 2001 ..... 1.6% ..... 2002 ..... 1.5% ..... 2003 ..... 1.4% ..... 2004 ..... 1.3% ..... 2005 ..... 1.2% ..... 2006 ..... 1.1% ..... 2007 and thereafter ..... 1.0% ..... Funds accepted prior to January 1, 1997, by a life insurer under an agreement which provides for an accumulation of funds to purchase taxable annuities at later dates shall be taxable premiums either when received or when actually applied to the purchase of annuities, at the option of the insurer. If the funds are declared upon receipt, any interest or other gain that accrues thereon shall not be taxable as premium income, but if the funds are declared when applied to the purchase of annuities, the premium tax shall be paid on the entire amount so applied. Any such funds declared upon receipt which are thereafter withdrawn before application to the purchase of annuities may be deducted from tax base as ``premiums'' returned on account of cancellations. In the computation of the gross premiums all such companies shall be entitled to deduct any premiums returned on account of cancellations, dividends returned to policyholders and all premiums received for reinsurance from any other company authorized to do business in this state and premiums received in connection with the funding of a pension, deferred compensation, annuity or profit-sharing plan qualified or exempt under sections 401, 403, 404, 408, 457 or 501 of the United States internal revenue code of 1986. 3. Mutual fire, casualty and multiple line insurers and reciprocal or interinsurance exchanges:... Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents and issuance of certificate of authority. $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 In addition to the above fees, every such company or association organized under the laws of any other state of the United States shall pay a fee of $5 for each agent certified by the company and shall also pay a tax annually upon all premiums received during the preceding year at therate of 2%following rate per annum.: Tax Year ..... Rate ..... 1997 and before ..... 2.0% ..... 1998 ..... 1.9% ..... 1999 ..... 1.8% ..... 2000 ..... 1.7% ..... 2001 ..... 1.6% ..... 2002 ..... 1.5% ..... 2003 ..... 1.4% ..... 2004 ..... 1.3% ..... 2005 ..... 1.2% ..... 2006 ..... 1.1% ..... 2007 and thereafter ..... 1.0% ..... 260 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE For tax years 1998 and thereafter, the annual tax shall be reduced for the ``applicable percentage'' of (A) any taxes paid on business in this state pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-1508 and amendments thereto and (B) the amount of the firefighters relief tax credit determined by the commissioner of insurance. The amount of the firefighters relief tax credit for a company taxable under this subsection for the current tax year shall be determined by the commissioner of insurance by dividing (A) the total amount of taxes paid by all such companies on business in this state under K.S.A. 40-1701 to 40-1707 and amendments thereto for tax year 1983 as then in effect, by (B) the total amount of taxes paid by all such companies on business in this state under K.S.A. 40-1703 and amendments thereto for the tax year immediately preceding the current tax year, and by multiplying the result so obtained by (C) the amount of taxes paid by the company on business in this state under K.S.A. 40-1703 and amendments thereto for the current tax year. The ``applicable percentage'' shall be as follows: Tax Year ..... Applicable Percentage..... 1998 ..... 10% ..... 1999 ..... 20% ..... 2000 ..... 30% ..... 2001 ..... 40% ..... 2002 ..... 50% ..... 2003 ..... 60% ..... 2004 ..... 70% ..... 2005 ..... 80% ..... 2006 ..... 90% ..... 2007 and thereafter ..... 100% ..... In the computation of the gross premiums all such companies shall be entitled to deduct any premiums returned on account of cancellations, all premiums received for reinsurance from any other company authorized to do business in this state, and dividends returned to policyholders. E Fraternal benefit societies organized under the laws of any other state, territory or country: Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 F Mutual nonprofit hospital service corporations, nonprofit medical service corporations, nonprofit dental service corporations, nonprofit optometric service corporations and nonprofit pharmacy service corporations organized under the laws of any other state, territory or country: 1. Mutual nonprofit hospital service corporations: ... Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 February 24, 1997 261 2. Nonprofit medical service corporations, nonprofit dental service cor-porations, nonprofit optometric service corporations and nonprofit pharmacy service corporations:... Admission fees: Examination of charter and other documents...................... $500 Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Certificate of authority........................................ 10 Annual fees: Filing annual statement......................................... 100 Continuation of certificate of authority........................ 10 In addition to the above fees and as a condition precedent to the continuation of the certificate of authority, provided in this code, every corporation or association shall pay annually to the commissioner of insurance a privilege feein an amount equal to 2% per annum ofon the total of all premiums, subscription charges, or any other term which may be used to describe the charges made by such corporation or association to subscribers in this state for hospital, medical or other health services or indemnity received during the preceding year. The rate of the annual privilege fee under this subsection shall be as follows: Tax Year ..... Rate ..... 1997 and before ..... 2.0% ..... 1998 ..... 1.9% ..... 1999 ..... 1.8% ..... 2000 ..... 1.7% ..... 2001 ..... 1.6% ..... 2002 ..... 1.5% ..... 2003 ..... 1.4% ..... 2004 ..... 1.3% ..... 2005 ..... 1.2% ..... 2006 ..... 1.1% ..... 2007 and thereafter ..... 1.0% ..... In such computations all such corporations or associations shall be entitled to deduct any premiums or subscription charges returned on account of cancellations and dividends returned to members or subscribers. G All insurers shall pay a fee of $10 for issuance of an amended certificate of authority. For the purpose of insuring the collection of the tax upon premiums, assessments and charges as set out in subsection A, C, D or F, every insurance company, corporation or association shall at the time it files its annual statement, as required by the provisions of K.S.A. 40-225, and amendments thereto, make a return, verified by affidavits of its president and secretary or other chief officers, to the commissioner of insurance, stating the amount of all premiums, assessments and charges received by the companies or corporations in this state, whether in cash or notes, during the year ending on the December 31 next preceding. Commencing in 1985 and annually thereafter the estimated taxes shall be paid as follows: On or before June 15 and December 15 of such year an amount equal to 50% of the full amount of the prior year's taxes as reported by the company shall be remitted to the commissioner of insurance. As used in this paragraph, ``prior year's taxes'' includes (1) taxes assessed pursuant to this section for the prior calendar year, (2) fees and taxes assessed pursuant to K.S.A. 40-253, and amendments thereto, for the prior calendar year, and (3) taxes paid for maintenance of the department of the state fire marshal pursuant to K.S.A. 75-1508, and amendments thereto, for the prior calendar year. Upon the receipt of such returns the commissioner of insurance shall verify the same and assess the taxes upon such companies, corporations or associations on the basis and at the rate provided herein and the balance of such taxes shall thereupon become due and payable 262 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE giving credit for amounts paid pursuant to the preceding paragraph, or the commissioner shall make a refund if the taxes paid in the prior June and December are in excess of the taxes assessed. H The fee prescribed for the examination of charters and other documents shall apply to each company's initial application for admission and shall not be refundable for any reason. Sec. 4. K.S.A. 40-252b is hereby amended to read as follows: 40-252b. For taxable years commencing on and after January 1, 1998, the fees, charges and taxes provided for by K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto shall be in lieu of all other license fees, premium or occupation taxes, income taxes, intangible property taxes, or other fees levied or assessed upon the basis of income, premiums,andgross receipts and intangible property by this state and any municipality, county or other political subdivision of this state, and no municipality, county or other political subdivision of this state shall impose any license fee or privilege, premium, income, intangible property or gross receipts tax or fee upon any insurance company or corporation taxed under the provisions of K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto and organized under the laws of this state or doing business in this state, or upon any of its agents or representatives for the privilege of doing an insurance business therein:Provided, however,. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the levy and collection of (a) state, county or municipal taxes upon the real and tangible personal property of such company, (b) tax for the purpose of maintaining the office of the fire marshal of this state as provided in K.S.A. 75-1508 and amendments thereto, (c) the firemen's relief fund tax as provided for in K.S.A. 40-1701 through 40-1707 and amendments thereto, and (d)the intangibles tax as provided for in article 31 of chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and any amendments thereto, (e) a tax by the state of Kansas upon the privilege of doing business within the state measured by the income of the insurance company, and (f)municipal occupation taxes levied upon any basis other than income, intangible property, premiums or gross receipts. New Sec. 5. (a) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 1998, each company required to pay a tax on premiums under subsection A, C, D or F of K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto shall be allowed as a credit against such tax 5% of the salaries paid to Kansas employees. Before taking into account any other credit or offset against the tax on premiums imposed under K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto, the credit allowed under this section may not reduce such tax by more than 0.25% of premiums taxable thereunder. (b) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) ``Affiliate'' means an insurance company which, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with another insurance company. ``Affiliate'' also includes any company or business entity other than an insurance company which, directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with an insurance company and which performs insurance company operations for an insurance company. For purposes of this definition, control exists if any company or business entity, directly or indirectly, owns, holds with the power to vote or holds proxies representing all the voting stock or other voting securities of any other company or business entity. (2) ``Insurance company'' or ``company'' means any entity subject to a tax on premiums under subsection A, C, D or F of K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto, including the attorney-in-fact authorized by and acting for the subscribers of a reciprocal insurer or interinsurance exchange under powers of attorney. For the purposes of this section, a reciprocal and its attorney-in-fact will be considered a single entity. (3) ``Insurance company operations'' means one or more or any combination of the following functions or services performed in connection with the development, sale and administration of products giving rise to receipts subject to a tax on premiums under subsection A, C, D or F of K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto: actuarial, medical, legal, investments, accounting, auditing, underwriting, policy issuance, information, policyholder services, premium collection, claims, advertising and publications, public relations, human resources, marketing, sales office staff, training of sales and service personnel, and clerical, managerial and other support for any such functions or services. February 24, 1997 263 (4) ``Kansas employees'' means persons who reside in Kansas and who are common law employees of an insurance company or its affiliate. ``Kansas employees'' does not include independent contractors or any person to the extent such person's compensation is based on commissions. (5) ``Salaries'' means gross compensation paid to Kansas employees as reported to the State of Kansas for income tax purposes during the calendar year for which a tax on premiums is imposed under K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto, but only to the extent compensation is paid for insurance company operations performed in Kansas for an insurance company or its insurance company affiliates subject to the tax on premiums under subsection A, C, D or F of K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto. ``Salaries'' does not include compensation based on commissions. (c) For an insurance company having affiliates: (1) Salaries paid by a noninsurance company affiliate shall be allocated among insurance company affiliates pursuant to the agreement between or among the insurance company and its affiliates. (2) The gross amount of all premiums of an insurance company subject to tax under subsection A, C, D or F of K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto and those of its insurance company affiliates subject to such tax may be aggregated. In addition, all salaries paid to Kansas employees may be aggregated. Subject to the limitation on the salary credit set forth in subsection (a) of this section, the total allowable salary credit may be determined as if all the aggregated premiums were received and all the aggregated salaries were paid by one insurance company. Once the total allowable salary credit is determined for all insurance company affiliates, the total credit may be allocated among the insurance company and its insurance company affiliates at the discretion of the insurance company on a per insurance company basis, subject to the limitation on the salary credit as set forth in subsection (a) of this section. (d) The computation of salaries, the allowable salary credit and the allocation of the credit among insurance company affiliates shall be made on forms supplied by the commissioner of insurance. (e) For purposes of calculating any tax due under K.S.A. 40-253 and amendments thereto from a taxpayer not organized under the laws of this state, the credit allowed by this section shall be treated as a tax paid under K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto. New Sec. 6. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 1998, a foreign or domestic insurance company required to pay a tax on premiums under subsection A, C, D or F of K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto and writing less than $10,000,000 in premiums in all states shall be allowed as a small company credit against such tax the amount computed as follows: (a) Subtract the total dollar amount of all premiums written by the company in all states from $10,000,000; (b) Divide the result obtained in (a) by 10,000,000; (c) Multiply the quotient obtained in (b) by 20,000. Before taking into account any other credit or offset against the tax on premiums imposed under K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto, the employment credit allowed under K.S.A. 40-252d and amendments thereto and the small company credit allowed under this section, taken together, may not reduce such tax by more that 0.25% of premiums taxable under K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto. For purposes of calculating any tax due under K.S.A. 40-253 and amendments thereto from a taxpayer not organized under the laws of this state, the credit allowed by this section shall be treated as a tax paid under K.S.A. 40-252 and amendments thereto.''; And by renumbering sections accordingly; On page 14, in line 2, after ``40-252'', by inserting ``, 40-252b''; in line 4, by striking ``and'' where it appears for the last time, and inserting a comma; also in line 4, after ``40-2804'' by inserting ``and 40-2813''; In the title, in line 15, by striking ``40-252c'' and inserting ``40-252b''; in line 17, after ``K.S.A.'' by inserting ``40-252c,''; in line 19, by striking ``and'' and inserting a comma; also in line 19, before the period, by inserting ``and 40-2813''; and the bill be passed as amended. 264 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE Upon unanimous consent, the House referred back to the regular order of business, Introduction of Bills and Concurrent Resolutions. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS The following bill was introduced and read by title: HB 2498, An act concerning the state of Kansas sports hall of fame; providing for separation from the state historical society; amending K.S.A. 74-2906a and K.S.A. 1996 Supp. 74-2912 and repealing the existing sections, by Committee on Appropriations. CHANGE OF REFERENCE Speaker pro tem Wagle announced the withdrawal of HB 2188 from Committee on Environment. The bill, which was referred to Committee on Tourism and Committee on Environment, separately, had been previously reported out of Committee on Tourism and is now placed on General Orders. REPORT ON ENGROSSED BILLS HB 2108, 2167, 2245 reported correctly engrossed February 21, 1997. On motion of Rep. Jennison, the House adjourned until 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, February 25, 1997. CHARLENE SWANSON, Journal Clerk. JANET E. JONES, Chief Clerk. +--+ | | +--+