Session of 2000
Substitute for SENATE BILL No. 593
By Committee on Public Health and Welfare
concerning the Kansas healing arts act; exceptions; amending
10 K.S.A. 65-2872 and
repealing the existing section.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. K.S.A. 65-2872 is hereby amended to read as follows:
14 2872. Every act or practice in the field
of the healing arts not specifically
15 excepted herein, shall constitute the
practice thereof. The practice of the
16 healing arts shall not be construed to
include the following persons:
17 (a) Persons
rendering gratuitous services in the case of an emergency.
18 (b) Persons
gratuitously administering ordinary household remedies.
19 (c) The members
of any church practicing their religious tenets pro-
20 vided they shall not be exempt from
complying with all public health
21 regulations of the state.
22 (d) Students
while in actual classroom attendance in an accredited
23 healing arts school who after completing
one (1) year's study treat diseases
24 under the supervision of a licensed
25 (e) Students upon
the completion of at least three (3) years
26 study in an accredited healing arts school
and who, as a part of their
27 academic requirements for a degree, serve a
preceptorship not to exceed
28 ninety (90) 90 days
under the supervision of a licensed practitioner.
29 (f) Persons who
massage for the purpose of relaxation, muscle con-
30 ditioning, or figure improvement, provided
no drugs are used and such
31 persons do not hold themselves out to be
physicians or healers.
32 (g) Persons whose
professional services are performed under the su-
33 pervision or by order of or referral from a
practitioner who is licensed
34 under this act.
35 (h) Persons in
the general fields of psychology, education and social
36 work, dealing with the social,
psychological and moral well-being of in-
37 dividuals and/or groups provided they do
not use drugs and do not hold
38 themselves out to be the physicians,
surgeons, osteopathic physicians or
39 chiropractors.
40 (i) Practitioners
of the healing arts in the United States army, navy,
41 air force, public health service, and coast
guard or other military service
42 when acting in the line of duty in this
43 (j) Practitioners
of the healing arts licensed in another state when and
1 while incidentally called into this
state in consultation with practitioners
2 licensed in this state, or residing
on the border of a neighboring state,
3 duly licensed under the laws thereof
to practice a branch of the healing
4 arts, but who do not open an office
or maintain or appoint a place to
5 regularly meet patients or to receive
calls within this state.
(k) Dentists practicing their professions, when licensed and
7 ing in accordance with the provisions
of article 14 of chapter 65 of the
8 Kansas Statutes Annotated, or
amendments thereto, and any interpreta-
9 tion thereof by the supreme court of
this state.
10 (l) Optometrists
practicing their professions, when licensed and prac-
11 ticing under and in accordance with the
provisions of article 15 of chapter
12 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, or
amendments thereto, and any
13 interpretation thereof by the supreme court
of this state.
14 (m) Nurses
practicing their profession when licensed and practicing
15 under and in accordance with the provisions
of article 11 of chapter 65
16 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, or
amendments thereto, and any in-
17 terpretation thereof by the supreme court
of this state.
18 (n) Podiatrists
practicing their profession, when licensed and practic-
19 ing under and in accordance with the
provisions of article 20 of chapter
20 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, or
amendments thereto, and any
21 interpretation thereof by the supreme court
of this state.
22 (o) Every
act or practice falling in the field of the healing art,
23 specifically excepted herein, shall
constitute the practice thereof.
(p) Pharmacists practicing their profession, when
licensed and prac-
25 ticing under and in accordance with the
provisions of article 16 of chapter
26 65 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, or
amendments thereto, and any
27 interpretation thereof by the supreme court
of this state.
28 (q)
(p) A dentist licensed in accordance with the
provisions of article
29 14 of chapter 65 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated who administers gen-
30 eral and local anesthetics to facilitate
medical procedures conducted by
31 a person licensed to practice medicine and
surgery if such dentist is cer-
32 tified by the board of healing arts under
K.S.A. 65-2899 to administer
33 such general and local anesthetics.
34 (q) Persons
who recommend or furnish natural medicines and rem-
35 edies which are not prescription-only
drugs or prescription-only devices.
36 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 65-2872 is hereby
37 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
38 publication in the statute book.