Session of 2000
Substitute for SENATE BILL No. 322
By Committee on Federal and State Affairs
concerning persons in the custody of the secretary of correc-
10 tions; relating to
early medical release.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. (a) When used in this section, the term ``crime'' shall
14 a crime classified as a nonperson felony or
a nonperson misdemeanor or
15 a crime which would be classified as a
nonperson felony or nonperson
16 misdemeanor if such crime had been
committed on or after July 1, 1993.
17 (b)
(1) Upon application of the secretary of corrections or any
18 convicted of a crime in any court of this
state, the Kansas parole board
19 may grant early medical release to such
person upon such terms and
20 conditions as prescribed in the order
granting such release.
21 (2) The Kansas
parole board shall adopt rules and regulations gov-
22 erning the procedure for initiating,
processing, reviewing and establishing
23 criteria for approval of applications for
early medical release filed by and
24 on behalf of persons convicted of crime.
Rules and regulations adopted
25 by the Kansas parole board shall include
criteria and guidelines for de-
26 termining whether the medical condition
precludes the person from pos-
27 ing a threat to the public.
28 (3) Subject to
the provisions of subsections (4) and (5), no early med-
29 ical release shall be granted until more
than 30 days after written notice
30 of the application therefor has been given
to: (A) The prosecuting attor-
31 ney and the judge of the court in which the
defendant was convicted; and
32 (B) any victim of the person's crime or the
victim's family. Notice of such
33 application shall be given by the secretary
of corrections to the victim
34 who is alive and whose address is known to
the secretary of corrections,
35 or if the victim is deceased, to the
victim's family if the family's address
36 is known to the secretary of corrections.
Notice of the receipt of such
37 application shall be given by publication
in the official county paper of
38 the county of conviction. The form of
notice shall be prescribed by the
39 board. Except as provided by this section,
the cost of providing notice
40 shall be paid by the applicant. If the
applicant executes a poverty affidavit,
41 the cost of one publication of the notice
during a twelve-month period
42 shall be paid by the department of
corrections. If more than one notice
43 of application for either a pardon or
commutation pursuant to K.S.A. 22-
1 3701, and amendments thereto, or a
medical release is published during
2 any twelve-month period the
additional cost of publication shall be paid
3 by the applicant. Subject to the
provisions of subsection (4), if written
4 notification is not given to such
victim who is alive and whose address is
5 known to the secretary of corrections
or, if the victim is deceased, to the
6 victim's family if the family's
address is known to the secretary of correc-
7 tions, the board shall not grant or
deny such application until a time at
8 least 30 days after notification is
given by publication as provided in this
9 section.
10 (4) All
applications for early medical release shall be referred to the
11 board. The board shall examine each case
and may approve such appli-
12 cation and grant an early medical release,
except as provided by subsec-
13 tion (5). No application for early medical
release shall be approved unless
14 the board determines:
15 (A) The person is
suffering from a terminal disease or condition;
16 (B) a reasonable
probability exists that the person will not live to serve
17 the term to which sentenced;
18 (C) the person
will not pose a threat of harm to the public due to
19 such terminal disease or condition; and
20 (D) the person
will not violate any law or condition imposed by the
21 board.
22 (5) If the board
approves an application for early medical release, the
23 board shall notify the governor of its
recommendation and shall submit a
24 report, together with such information as
the board may have concerning
25 the applicant, to the governor within 14
days after the date of approval
26 of the application. If within 14 days of
receipt of the notice and report
27 required by this subsection, the governor
rejects the board's approval of
28 early medical release, the board's approval
shall be void and such person
29 shall not be granted an early medical
release pursuant to this section.
30 (c) (1) In
the case of persons sentenced under the sentencing guide-
31 lines, application for early medical
release from post release supervision
32 shall be made to the sentencing court. Upon
application of the secretary
33 of corrections or any person convicted of a
crime in any court of this state,
34 such court may grant early medical release
to such person upon such
35 terms and conditions as prescribed in the
order granting such release.
36 (2) The supreme
court shall adopt rules and regulations governing
37 the procedure for initiating, processing,
reviewing and establishing cri-
38 teria for approval of applications for
early medical release filed by and on
39 behalf of persons convicted of crime. Rules
and regulations adopted by
40 the supreme court shall include criteria
and guidelines for determining
41 whether the medical condition precludes the
person from posing a threat
42 to the public.
43 (3) Subject to
the provisions of subsections (4) and (5), no early med-
1 ical release shall be granted until
more than 30 days after written notice
2 of the application therefor has been
given to: (A) The prosecuting attor-
3 ney; and (B) any victim of the
person's crime or the victim's family. Notice
4 of such application shall be given by
the sentencing court to the victim
5 who is alive and whose address is
known to the court, or if the victim is
6 deceased, to the victim's family if
the family's address is known to the
7 court. Notice of the receipt of such
application shall be given by publi-
8 cation in the official county paper
of the county of conviction. The form
9 of notice shall be prescribed by the
supreme court. Except as provided
10 by this section, the cost of providing
notice shall be paid by the applicant.
11 If the applicant executes a poverty
affidavit, the cost of one publication
12 of the notice during a twelve-month period
shall be paid by the court. If
13 more than one notice of application for
either a pardon or commutation
14 pursuant to K.S.A. 22-3701, and amendments
thereto, or a medical re-
15 lease is published during any twelve-month
period the additional cost of
16 publication shall be paid by the applicant.
Subject to the provisions of
17 subsection (4), if written notification is
not given to such victim who is
18 alive and whose address is known to the
court or, if the victim is deceased,
19 to the victim's family if the family's
address is known to the court, the
20 court shall not grant or deny such
application until a time at least 30 days
21 after notification is given by publication
as provided in this section.
22 (4) The court
shall examine each case and may approve such appli-
23 cation and grant an early medical release,
except as provided by subsec-
24 tion (5). No application for early medical
release shall be approved unless
25 the court determines:
26 (A) The person is
suffering from a terminal disease or condition;
27 (B) a reasonable
probability exists that the person will not live to serve
28 the term to which sentenced;
29 (C) the person
will not pose a threat of harm to the public due to
30 such terminal disease or condition; and
31 (D) the person
will not violate any law or condition imposed by the
32 court.
33 (5) If the court
approves an application for early medical release, the
34 court shall notify the governor of its
recommendation and shall submit a
35 report, together with such information as
the court may have concerning
36 the applicant, to the governor within 14
days after the date of approval
37 of the application. If within 14 days of
receipt of the notice and report
38 required by this subsection, the governor
rejects the court's approval of
39 early medical release, the court's approval
shall be void and such person
40 shall not be granted an early medical
release pursuant to this section.
41 (d) Nothing in
this section shall be construed to limit or preclude
42 submission of an application for pardon or
commutation of sentence pur-
43 suant to K.S.A. 22-3701, and amendment
1 Sec. 2. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
2 publication in the statute book.