Session of 2000
SENATE Substitute
for HOUSE BILL No. 2945
By Committee on Commerce
12 AN ACT relating
to telecommunications services; establishing the en-
13 hanced 911 task
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 Section
1. (a) There is hereby established an enhanced 911 task
17 which shall develop a strategy for funding
and deploying wireless emer-
18 gency telephone services. Such plan shall
include suggestions for future
19 action by the legislature with respect to
deploying efficient and econom-
20 ical enhanced 911 services and implementing
equitable and adequate
21 means to fund such services. Specifically,
the task force shall make rec-
22 ommendations and propose legislation, if
appropriate, concerning the fol-
23 lowing: (1) The mechanism for administering
wireless 911 service, with
24 a focus on whether such service shall be
administered on a centralized
25 basis; (2) the possible formation of an
oversight board to address future
26 technological, coordination and regulatory
issues related to deployment
27 of wireless emergency telephone service;
(3) the fairness and adequacy
28 of the mechanism for funding such service;
(4) the method, if any, for
29 recovering costs incurred by public safety
answering points and by wire-
30 less telecommunications service providers
in providing emergency tele-
31 phone service; and (5) any other issues the
task force deems relevant to
32 the deployment of emergency telephone
33 (b) The task
force shall consist of 17 members. Two members shall
34 be representatives of wireless
telecommunications carriers to be ap-
35 pointed by the legislative coordinating
council. The remainder of the task
36 force shall be appointed as follows: One
member representing a local
37 exchange carrier other than a rural
telephone company and one member
38 representing a rural telephone company who
shall be recommended by
39 the Kansas telecommunications industry
association. Two members shall
40 be recommended by the Kansas association of
counties and two members
41 shall be recommended by the league of
Kansas municipalities. One mem-
42 ber who shall be a person with a
communication disability recommended
43 by the Kansas commission for the deaf and
hard of hearing. One member
1 who shall be recommended by the
Kansas emergency medical services
2 association. One member who shall be
recommended by the Kansas as-
3 sociation of fire chiefs. The names
of the recommended members shall
4 be transmitted to the legislative
coordinating council for final approval.
5 No such recommended member shall
serve unless approved by the coun-
6 cil. The remaining members of the
task force shall include: The super-
7 intendent of the highway patrol or
the superintendent's designee; the
8 chair of the state corporation
commission or the chair's designee; one
9 member of the house of
representatives appointed by the speaker of the
10 house of representatives; one member of the
house of representatives
11 appointed by the house minority leader; one
senator appointed by the
12 president of the senate; and one senator
appointed by the senate minority
13 leader. The legislative coordinating
council shall designate one legislative
14 member as chair of the task force. All
meetings shall be on call of the
15 chair. Legislators serving on the task
force shall be compensated at the
16 rate prescribed in K.S.A. 75-3223 and
amendments thereto for each day
17 of actual attendance at task force meetings
and any subcommittee meet-
18 ing approved by the chair. All other task
force members shall serve with-
19 out compensation.
20 (c) The task
force shall report its findings and conclusion to the house
21 committee on utilities and the senate
committee on commerce during
22 the first week of the 2001 legislative
session. The legislative research
23 department and the office of the revisor of
statutes shall provide staff
24 support to the task force as necessary.
Such legislative staff shall prepare
25 the report and any legislation recommended
by the task force.
26 (d) The task
force shall be and is hereby abolished on July 1, 2001.
27 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
28 publication in the Kansas register.