Session of 2000
Effective: Kansas Register

SENATE Substitute for HOUSE BILL No. 2513

An Act making and concerning appropriations for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000,
      June 30, 2001, and June 30, 2002; authorizing certain transfers and fees, imposing certain
      restrictions and limitations and directing or authorizing certain receipts, disbursements,
      capital improvements and acts incidental to the foregoing; amending K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
      79-34,147, as amended by section 106 of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326,
      and repealing the existing section.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section 1. (a) For the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000, June 30, 2001,
and June 30, 2002, appropriations are hereby made, restrictions and lim-
itations are hereby imposed, and transfers, fees, receipts, disbursements,
and acts incidental to the foregoing are hereby directed or authorized as
provided in this act.

 (b) The agencies named in this act are hereby authorized to initiate
and complete the capital improvement projects specified and authorized
by this act or for which appropriations are made by this act, subject to
the restrictions and limitations imposed by this act.

 (c) This act shall be known and may be cited as the omnibus appro-
priation act of 2000 and shall constitute the omnibus reconciliation spend-
ing limit bill for the 2000 regular session of the legislature for purposes
of subsection (a) of K.S.A. 75-6702 and amendments thereto.

 (d) The appropriations made by this act shall not be subject to the
provisions of K.S.A. 46-155 and amendments thereto.

      Sec. 2.

      (a) There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund for the
fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures
    For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $10,000
Postsecondary education savings program
    For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $133
      (b) On July 1, 2000, of the $1,728,882 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 9 (a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the operating expenditures account, the sum of $295,692 is hereby lapsed.

      (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Postsecondary education savings program expense fund

      For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
      Sec. 3.

      (a) There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund for the
fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Budget analysis
   For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $9,040
Long-term care ombudsman
    For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,071
Performance review board
    For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,798
      (b) On July 1, 2000, of the $16,836,819 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 by section 20 (a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the department of administration operations account, the sum of $77,371
is hereby lapsed.

      (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Capitol restoration project revenue fund
    For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Provided, That the department of administration may make expenditures
from the capitol restoration project revenue fund for the capital improve-
ment project to construct, equip, furnish, renovate, reconstruct, and re-
pair the state capitol: Provided, however, That expenditures from this
fund for such capital improvement project shall not exceed $40,000,000,
plus all amounts required for costs of bond issuance, costs of interest on
the bonds issued for such capital improvement project during the con-
struction of the project and any required reserves for the payment of
principal and interest on the bonds: Provided further, That such capital
improvement project is hereby approved for the department of admin-
istration for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amend-
ments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kan-
sas development finance authority in accordance with that statute: And
provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance of any such
bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund.
Public broadcasting digital television fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Provided, That the department of administration may make expenditures
from the public broadcasting digital television fund for capital improve-
ment projects and equipment acquisition for the conversion of public
television stations to digital broadcasting: Provided, however, That ex-
penditures from this fund for such capital improvement projects and
equipment acquisition shall not exceed $6,000,000, plus all amounts re-
quired for costs of bond issuance, costs of interest on the bonds issued
for such capital improvement projects and equipment acquisition during
the construction of such projects and acquisitions and any required re-
serves for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds: Provided
further, That such capital improvement projects and equipment acqui-
sition are hereby approved for the department of administration for the
purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto
and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with that statute: And provided further,
That all moneys received from the issuance of any such bonds shall be
deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this fund: And provided
further, That all expenditures from this fund shall be used to match fed-
eral funding for capital improvement projects and equipment acquisition
for the conversion of public television stations to digital broadcasting.

Municipal accounting and training services recoveryfund No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the municipal accounting
and training services recovery fund to provide general ledger, payroll
reporting, utilities billing, data processing, and accounting services to mu-
nicipalities and to provide training programs conducted for municipal
government personnel, including official hospitality: Provided further,
That the director of accounts and reports is hereby authorized to fix,
charge and collect fees for such services and programs: And provided
further, That such fees shall be fixed to cover all or part of the operating
expenditures incurred in providing such services and programs, including
official hospitality: And provided further, That all fees received for such
services and programs, including official hospitality, shall be credited to
this fund.

Closure health insurance fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Closure term life insurance fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
 (d) On July 15, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$50,000 from the state emergency fund to the state general fund.

 (e) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished by section 42(b) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas
on the motor pool service fund is hereby increased from $ 2,570,075 to

 (f) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
20(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the architec-
tural services recovery fund is hereby increased from $1,691,096 to

 (g) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of administration from the state buildings op-
erating fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized by section 20(b) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, expenditures may be made by
the above agency from the state buildings operating fund for fiscal year
2001 for relocation of blind services and the Kansas industries for the
blind: Provided, however, That such expenditures shall not be made ex-
cept upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which
is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject
to the guidelines prescribed by subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and
amendments thereto.

 (h) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the department of
administration is hereby decreased from 884.4 to 874.4.

 (i) The director of accounts and reports shall not make the transfer of
all moneys in the municipal accounting and training services recovery
fund to the accounting services recovery fund which was directed to be
made on July 1, 2000, by section 20(k) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326. The liabilities of the municipal accounting and train-
ing services recovery fund shall not be transferred to and imposed upon
the accounting services recovery fund on July 1, 2000, by section 20(k)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326. The municipal ac-
counting and training services recovery fund are hereby specifically con-
tinued in existence on and after July 1, 2000, and shall not be abolished
by section 20(k) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326.

 (j) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$3,552,000 from the state general fund to the flexible spending fund.

 (k) The director of accounts and reports shall not make the transfer of
all moneys in the closure health insurance fund and the closure term life
insurance fund to the state general fund which was directed to be made
on July 1, 2000, by section 20(l) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill
No. 326. The liabilities of the closure health insurance fund and the clo-
sure term life insurance fund shall not be transferred to and imposed
upon the state general fund on July 1, 2000, by section 20(l) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326. The closure health insurance
fund and the closure term life insurance fund is hereby specifically con-
tinued in existence on and after July 1, 2000, and shall not be abolished
by section 20(l) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326.

 Sec. 4.

 (a) There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund for the
fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $50,000
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,080,858
 (b) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the department of
revenue is hereby increased from 1,157.0 to 1,162.0.

 (c) On the July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by sec-
tion 22(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the di-
vision of vehicles operating fund is hereby increased from $30,544,804 to

 Sec. 5.

 (a) There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund for the
fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $150
 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
50(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the economic
development initiatives fund is hereby increased from $9,566,110 to

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
50(c) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the vocational
education capital outlay aid account of the economic development initia-
tives fund is hereby increased from $2,200,000 to $2,700,000.

 (d) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $500,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the economic development initiatives fund of the state board of re-

 Sec. 6.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, of the $29,378,363 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 by section 45(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the operating expenditures (including official hospitality) account, the
sum of $78,865 is hereby lapsed.

 (b) On the effective date of this act, of the $28,701,695 appropriated
for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 by section
67(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
general fund in the operating expenditures (including official hospitality)
account, the sum of $32,227 is hereby lapsed.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
45(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the general
fees fund is hereby increased from $8,855,138 to $8,888,734.

 (d) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished by section 45(b) of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 on the general fees
fund is hereby increased from $8,317,742 to $8,349,969.

 Sec. 7.

 (a) There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund for the
fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $1,863
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $3,693
 (b) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished by section 42(b) of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 on the general fees
fund is hereby decreased from $8,239,479 to $8,237,616.

 Sec. 8.

 (a) There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund for the
fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $74,765
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $107,448
 (b) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished by section 47(b) of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 on the general fees
fund is hereby decreased from $10,497,103 to $10,422,338.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
46(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the general
fees fund is hereby decreased from $11,159,978 to $11,048,357.

 Sec. 9.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, of the $98,539,396 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 by section 48(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the operating expenditures (including official hospitality) account, the
sum of $65,544 is hereby lapsed.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
48(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the general
fees fund is hereby increased from $11,033,864 to $11,099,315.

 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures shall not exceed the following:

Wahl hall renovation fund No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas medical center may make ex-
penditures from the Wahl hall renovation fund for the capital improve-
ment project to construct, equip, furnish, renovate, reconstruct, and re-
pair Wahl hall.

 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal
year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the
children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following specified
purposes subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Children's initiatives fund--Telekid health care link $250,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
Telekid health care link account shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--pediatric biomedical
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
pediatric biomedical research account shall be in addition to any expend-
iture limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year

 Sec. 10.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
26(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the EDIF fund
is hereby increased from $377,137 to $377,949.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
26(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the operations
(including official hospitality) account of the EDIF fund is hereby in-
creased from $377,137 to $377,949.

 (c) On July 15, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $812 from the Kansas ec-
onomic development endowment account of the state economic devel-
opment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing to
the EDIF fund of Kansas, Inc.

 Sec. 11.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
27(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the economic
development research and development fund is hereby increased from
$12,523,562 to $13,088,590.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
27(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the operations,
assistance and grants (including official hospitality) account of the eco-
nomic development research and development fund is hereby increased
from $12,523,562 to $13,088,590.

 (c) On January 15, 2001, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $315,028 from the
Kansas economic development endowment account of the state economic
development initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the economic development research and development fund of the Kan-
sas technology enterprise corporation.

 Sec. 12.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
25(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the Kansas
economic development account of the state economic development ini-
tiatives fund is hereby increased from $16,061,331 to $16,578,179.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
25(c) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the Kansas
industrial training and Kansas industrial retraining program account of
the Kansas economic development endowment account of the state ec-
onomic development initiatives fund is hereby increased from $3,300,000
to $3,600,000.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
25(c) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the tourism
grants account of the Kansas economic development endowment account
of the state economic development initiatives fund is hereby increased
from $852,100 to $1,052,100.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
25(c) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the state op-
erations (including official hospitality) account of the Kansas economic
development endowment account is hereby increased from $9,167,931
to $9,184,779.

 (e) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of commerce and housing from the Kansas ec-
onomic development endowment account of the state economic devel-
opment initiatives fund for fiscal year 2000, expenditures may be made
by the above agency from the Kansas economic development endowment
account of the state economic development initiatives fund for fiscal year
2000 for grants to the Kansas sports hall of fame: Provided, That expend-
itures for such purpose from the Kansas economic development endow-
ment account of the state economic development initiatives fund for fiscal
year 2000 shall not exceed $50,000: Provided further, That all such ex-
penditures for such purpose shall be in addition to any expenditure lim-
itation on the Kansas economic development endowment account of the
state economic development initiatives fund for fiscal year 2000.

 Sec. 13.

 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 17(a) of 2000
Senate Bill No. 39 on the agency operations account of the Kansas public
employees retirement fund is hereby increased from $4,918,994 to

 (b) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 37(b) of chapter
132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas on the bonus awards to unclas-
sified employees subaccount of the agency operations account of the Kan-
sas public employees retirement fund is hereby increased from $75,000
to $91,540.

 (c) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 17(b) of 2000
Senate Bill No. 39 on the investment related expenses account of the
Kansas public employees retirement fund is hereby decreased from
$26,644,408 to $26,011,735.

 (d) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 6(b) of chapter
160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas on the technology project account
of the Kansas public employees retirement fund is hereby decreased from
$2,451,255 to $100,000.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 15(b) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on the agency operations account of the Kansas public
employees retirement fund is hereby increased from $5,989,105 to

 (f) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 15(b) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on the bonus awards to unclassified employees su-
baccount of the agency operations account of the Kansas public employ-
ees retirement fund is hereby increased from $75,000 to $91,540.

 (g) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 15(b) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on the investment related expenses account of the
Kansas public employees retirement fund is hereby increased from
$26,876,393 to $26,909,271.

 (h) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Senior services trust fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
 (i) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the agency operations account of the
Kansas public employees retirement fund for fiscal year 2000, as author-
ized by section 37(b) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas,
or for fiscal year 2001, as authorized by section 15(b) of 2000 House
Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, expenditures may be made by the
above agency for fiscal year 2000 and fiscal year 2001 for the purpose of
paying fees and expenses associated with the search for a new executive
secretary pursuant to procedures established by the board of trustees of
the Kansas public employees retirement system: Provided, That any ex-
penditures for such purpose shall be in addition to any expenditure lim-
itation on the agency operations account of such fund for fiscal year 2000
and fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That the aggregate amount of
expenditures for such fees and expenses for fiscal year 2000 and fiscal
year 2001 shall not exceed $50,000 for the two-year period.

 (j) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the agency operations account of the
Kansas public employees retirement fund for the fiscal year ending June
30, 2001, as authorized by section 15(b) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326, expenditures may be made by the above agency for
fiscal year 2001 for the purpose of paying expenses associated with the
technology project as approved by the board of trustees of the Kansas
public employees retirement system: Provided, That any expenditures for
such purpose shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation on the
agency operations account of such fund: Provided, however, That the total
amount of expenditures for such expenses for fiscal year 2001 shall not
exceed $2,283,913: Provided further, That any contract negotiated for the
technology project shall be reviewed and approved by the chief infor-
mation technology officer of the executive branch who also shall consider
that the technology project is in compliance with the provisions of K.S.A.
75-7209 and amendments thereto.

 (k) In addition to other purposes for which expenditures may be made
by the Kansas public employees retirement system from the Kansas pub-
lic employees retirement fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized by this
or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature,
and notwithstanding any provisions of K.S.A. 74-4904 and amendments
thereto to the contrary, the board of trustees of the Kansas public em-
ployees retirement system is hereby authorized and directed to make
expenditures from the Kansas public employees retirement fund for fiscal
year 2001 for a hearing under K.S.A. 74-4904 and amendments thereto
for one active member of the Kansas police and firemen's retirement
system who currently serves in the Kansas highway patrol, who is in tier
1 instead of tier 2 under the Kansas police and firemen's retirement sys-
tem as a result of no election pursuant to K.S.A. 74-4955a and amend-
ments thereto and, who at the end of calendar year 1999 was 51 years of
age and had 28 years of total projected service.

 Sec. 14.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
23(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the lottery
operating fund is hereby increased from $8,998,099 to $9,010,196.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the provisions of section 23(b) of 2000 House
Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 are hereby declared to be null and void
and shall have no force and effect.

 (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 74-8711 and amendments
thereto, each monthly transfer credited for the fiscal year ending June
30, 2001, from the lottery operating fund to the state gaming revenue
fund pursuant to subsection (d) of K.S.A. 74-8711 and amendments
thereto shall be an amount equal to not less than 30.00% of total monthly
revenues from the sales of lottery tickets and shares less estimated re-
turned tickets.

 Sec. 15.

 (a) On the effective date of this act, the position limitation established
by section 90(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas for
the Kansas racing and gaming commission--state racing operations is
hereby increased from 42.0 to 51.0.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the Kansas racing
and gaming commission--state racing operations is hereby increased
from 43.0 to 52.0.

 (c) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished by section 26(a) of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 on the state racing fund
is hereby increased from $3,283,383 to $3,423,383.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
24(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the state racing
fund is hereby increased from $3,217,143 to $3,813,653.

 (e) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) of K.S.A. 74-8826
and amendments thereto, and notwithstanding any agreements between
the director of accounts and reports and the executive director of the
state racing and gaming commission that set a $300,000 maximum amount
of reserve balance for the state racing fund, the state racing fund may
have an amount of not to exceed $440,000 as an unencumbered cash
balance on June 30, 2000, and such unencumbered cash balance shall not
be subject to transfer to the state gaming revenues fund for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2000.

 (f) Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 74-8826 and amendments
thereto, or any other provision of law to the contrary, no expenditures
shall be made for a period of more than 90 days after the date of the start
of simulcasting at the Camptown race track from the state racing fund
for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2000, and June 30, 2001, for the
purpose of regulating simulcasting at the Camptown race track located
in Frontenac, Kansas, unless revenues derived from live racing at the
Camptown race track are deposited in the state racing fund within 100
days of the start of simulcasting.

 Sec. 16.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
68(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the agency
operations account of the state highway fund is hereby increased from
$209,875,792 to $210,266,469.

 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of transportation from the state highway fund
for the fiscal year 2001, as authorized by this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures shall be made
by the department of transportation from the state highway fund for fiscal
year 2001 for loans or grants to qualified entities pursuant to the provi-
sions of K.S.A. 75-5048, and amendments thereto, in addition to such
other terms and conditions, the secretary of transportation shall require
any qualified entity receiving such loans or grants to maintain or to im-
prove services on such railroad line: Provided, That such qualified entity
shall provide to the secretary of transportation demonstrable evidence of
improvements of services on such railroad line: Provided further, That
improvements in services shall include but shall not be limited to, the
rehabilitation of the track including rail, ties and roadbed, the use of
heavier weight rail, increased service to shippers, and any other mainte-
nance that improves services on such railroad line.

 Sec. 17.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $20,000
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $401,818
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the secretary of state from the uniform commercial code fee
fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures may be made by the above agency
from the uniform commercial code fee fund for fiscal year 2001 for op-
erating expenditures, including expenditures for 2.0 additional full-time
equivalent positions, for implementation of 2000 Senate Bill No. 366:
Provided, That all such expenditures from the uniform commercial code
fee fund for fiscal year 2001 for such purpose shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation established for the uniform commercial code fee
fund for fiscal year 2001: Provided, however, That expenditures from the
uniform commercial code fee fund for fiscal year 2001 for operating ex-
penditures for implementation of 2000 Senate Bill No. 366 shall not ex-
ceed $45,000: Provided further, That such 2.0 additional full-time equiv-
alent positions shall be in addition to any other limitation established for
the secretary of state on the number of full-time and regular part-time
positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary posi-
tions, paid from appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001,
made in this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the
legislature: And provided further, That, on June 30, 2000, if 2000 Senate
Bill No. 366 is not enacted by the legislature during the 2000 regular
session and signed into law by the governor, then the provisions of this
subsection (b) are hereby declared to be null and void and shall be of no
force and effect.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69
(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the secretary of
state is hereby increased from 54.0 to 55.0.

 Sec. 18.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,325
 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
16(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the govern-
mental ethics commission fee fund is hereby increased from $131,692 to
$148,192: Provided, That, on June 30, 2000, if 2000 Senate Bill No. 481
is not enacted by the legislature during the 2000 regular session and
signed into law by the governor, then the provisions of this subsection (b)
are hereby declared to be null and void and shall be of no force and

 (c) On July 1, 2000, of the $415,796 appropriated for the above agency
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 by section 16(a) of 2000 House
Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in the
operating expenditures account, the sum of $16,500 is hereby lapsed:
Provided, That, on June 30, 2000, if 2000 Senate Bill No. 481 is not
enacted by the legislature during the 2000 regular session and signed into
law by the governor, then the provisions of this subsection (c) are hereby
declared to be null and void and shall be of no force and effect.

 Sec. 19.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures--veterans' affairs

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $5,048
Operating expenditures--Kansas soldiers' home

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $11,910
Operating expenditures--Kansas veterans' home

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $14,518
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year or years specified, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

State veterans cemeteries planning costs

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $50,000
 Sec. 20.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

State operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,050
Other medical assistance

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $3,509,385
Youth services aid and assistance

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $400,000
Larned state hospital--operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $7,611
Osawatomie state hospital--operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $13,121
Parsons state hospital and training center--operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $11,139
Mental health and retardation services aid and assistance

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $2,867,559
 (b) On July 1, 2000, of the $51,312,197 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 33(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the cash assistance account, the sum of $2,410,000 is hereby lapsed.

 (c) On the effective date of this act, of the $53,328,276 appropriated
for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section
55(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
general fund in the cash assistance account, the sum of $1,010,000 is
hereby lapsed.

 (d) On the effective date of this act, of the $165,360,603 appropriated
for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section
55(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas from the state
general fund in the mental health and retardation services aid and assis-
tance and state institutions operations account, the sum of $104,969 is
hereby lapsed.

 (e) On the effective date of this act, of the $30,937,751 appropriated
for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section
33(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state
general fund in the community based services account, the sum of
$800,000 is hereby lapsed.

 (f) On the effective date of this act, of the $10,100,000 appropriated
for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section
33(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state
general fund in the children's health insurance account, the sum of
$1,000,000 is hereby lapsed.

 (g) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Flexible spending fund--nursing facilities quality enhancement wage
pass-through pursuant to 1999 Senate Bill No.126 (K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $39,205
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending
fund--nursing facilities quality enhancement wage pass-through pursuant
to 1999 Senate Bill No.126 (K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-971), except upon
approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the certification
of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are available in the
state medicaid match fund--SRS.

Flexible spending fund--HCBS/PD waiver

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $2,600,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending
fund--HCBS/PD waiver except upon approval of the state finance coun-
cil acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of
legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsec-
tion (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this
matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that
sufficient moneys are not available in the flexible spending fund pursuant
to the intergovernmental transfer program.

Grant to Horizon health plan fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,000,000
Provided, That all expenditures from the grant to Horizon health plan
fund shall be for a grant to Horizon Health Plan, Inc., a Kansas domestic
health maintenance organization, to provide a donation of financial aid to
assist the grantee in satisfying the claims of Kansas hospitals and other
health care providers which provided health care services under title XIX
or title XXI of the federal social security act to Kansans through Horizon
Health Plan, Inc., in accordance with the plan for liquidation approved
and entered as a final order of the district court in the case entitled IN
PLAN, INC., Case No. 99-C-1802: Provided further, That the grant to
Horizon Health Plan, Inc., shall not constitute the assumption by the state
of Kansas of any liability or responsibility for the liabilities, activities or
operations of Horizon Health Plan, Inc., or any other claims or possible
causes of action against Horizon Health Plan, Inc., whatsoever.

 (h) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
33(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the HCBS
programs fund is hereby increased from $800,000 to $6,000,000.

 (i) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
33(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the social
welfare fund is hereby increased from $54,753,127 to $55,353,127.

 (j) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from the
moneys appropriated from the state general fund or from any special
revenue fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized by this or other appro-
priation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures
shall be made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from
the moneys appropriated from the state general fund or from any special
revenue fund for fiscal year 2001 to initiate one or more pilot programs
for crisis stabilization of mentally ill individuals.

 (k) On the effective date of this act, of the $1,800,000 appropriated for
the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 33(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general
fund in the children's mental health initiative account, the sum of
$800,000 is hereby lapsed.

 (l) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from the
moneys appropriated from the state general fund or from any special
revenue fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized by this or other appro-
priation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures
shall be made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from
the moneys appropriated from the state general fund or from any special
revenue fund for fiscal year 2001 to adopt and to implement policies and
procedures requiring that of the moneys appropriated in the social wel-
fare fund for fiscal year 2001, the amount of $600,000 shall be used ex-
clusively for matching federal medicaid program funds for clients with
mental illness in order to maximize all funding sources available to com-
munity mental health centers for the provision of services for clients with
mental illness: Provided, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation
services shall prepare and submit a report to the legislature at the begin-
ning of the regular session in 2001 setting forth the number of individuals
served with such $600,000 and the amount of enhanced funding gener-
ated by the expenditure of such $600,000: Provided further, That the
secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall continue the current
homeless mentally ill services from within existing agency resources,
which may include the additional federal leveraged funds.

 (m) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from any
moneys appropriated from the state general fund or any special revenue
fund for the fiscal year 2001, as authorized by this or other appropriation
act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures shall be
made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from any
such moneys appropriated for fiscal year 2001 for the receipt, crediting
and disbursement of moneys received by the department of social and
rehabilitation services for payments of support pursuant to a rule or ad-
ministrative order issued by the Kansas supreme court, which is hereby
authorized to be issued by the Kansas supreme court, directing payments
of support, which are made pursuant to any court order entered in this
state regardless of the date of the order, to be made to a central unit for
the collection and disbursement of support payments, notwithstanding
the provisions of any statute to the contrary.

 (n) (1) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may
be made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from the
youth services aid and assistance account of the state general fund for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, and June 30, 2001, by this or other
appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expendi-
tures shall be made from the youth services aid and assistance account of
the state general fund for fiscal years 2000 and 2001 for the secretary of
social and rehabilitation services (SRS) to provide assistance to contrac-
tors by accelerating contractual payments which are owed or will be owed
by the department of social and rehabilitation services under the terms
of fiscal year 2000 contracts: Provided, That the secretary of social and
rehabilitation services shall work with each contractor to assure that such
accelerated payments are used to pay any existing delinquent accounts
contractors have with the subcontractors as a priority: Provided further,
That the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall assure that
payments by the department of social and rehabilitation services to such
contractors for foster care and adoption contractors are paid in the time
period prescribed by subsection (b) of K.S.A. 75- 6403, and amendments
thereto, to facilitate steady cash flow for the contractors and their ability
to maintain timely payments to their subcontractors: And provided fur-
ther, That the department of social and rehabilitation services shall main-
tain regular monitoring of their contractors' business activities, including
but not limited to, the status of their payments to their subcontractors
which are to be a priority: And provided further, That should any SRS
contractor regularly fail to maintain timely reimbursement to their sub-
contractors, the department of social and rehabilitation services shall re-
quire the development of a corrective action plan by such contractor: And
provided further, That continued failure by an SRS contractor to make
timely payments to subcontractors after the implementation of a correc-
tive action plan may be the basis for the department of social and reha-
bilitation services seeking new bids for that contractor's area of respon-

 (2) As used in this subsection:

 (A) "Subcontractor" means a qualified entity providing adoption or
foster care services pursuant to a contract with a contractor.

 (B) "Contractor" means an entity providing adoption or foster care
service pursuant to a contract with the department of social and rehabil-
itation services.

 (o) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $39,205 from the flexible
spending fund of the department of administration to the flexible spend-
ing fund--nursing facilities quality enhancement wage pass- through pur-
suant to 1999 Senate Bill No.126 (K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-971) of the de-
partment of social and rehabilitation services: Provided, That no transfer
shall be made under this subsection except upon approval of the state
finance council acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a
matter of legislative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed
in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting
on this matter after receiving the certification of the director of the budget
that sufficient moneys are available in the flexible spending fund pursuant
to the intergovernmental transfer program.

 (p) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, no expenditures shall
be made by the department of social and rehabilitation services from the
moneys appropriated in the state medicaid match fund--SRS except
upon approval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is
hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to
the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the certification
of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are available in the
state medicaid match fund--SRS pursuant to the intergovernmental
transfer program: Provided, That the state finance council may authorize
the department of social and rehabilitation services to make expenditures
from the state medicaid match fund--SRS for the HCBS/MR waiver
program and for the HCBS/PD waiver program: Provided, however, That
(1) expenditures from the state medicaid match fund--SRS for the
HCBS/MR waiver program shall not exceed $15,300,000, and (2) ex-
penditures from the state medicaid match fund--SRS for the HCBS/PD
waiver program shall not exceed $800,000.

 (q) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $2,600,000 from the flexible
spending fund of the department of administration to the flexible spend-
ing fund--HCBS/PD waiver of the department of social and rehabilita-
tion services: Provided, That no transfer shall be made under this sub-
section except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this
matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation
and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-
3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving
the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are
not available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovern-
mental transfer program.

 (r) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures
may be made by the above agency from the children's initiatives fund for
fiscal year 2001 for the following specified purposes subject to the ex-
penditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Children's initiatives fund--children's mental health waiver $1,800,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
children's mental health waiver account shall be in addition to any ex-
penditure limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal
year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--family centered system of care $5,000,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
family centered system of care account shall be in addition to any ex-
penditure limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal
year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--therapeutic preschool $1,000,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
therapeutic preschool account shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001:
Provided, however, That the secretary of social and rehabilitation services
shall adopt and implement policies and procedures requiring community
mental health centers to aggressively use the medicaid program for pre-
school clients of the program in order to maximize all funding sources
available to community mental health centers for the provision of services
for preschool clients.

Children's initiatives fund--child care $1,400,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
child care account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation im-
posed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--community services for child welfare $2,600,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
community services for child welfare account shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal
year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--HealthWave $1,000,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
HealthWave account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--children's cabinet early childhood discretionary grant program $2,750,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
children's cabinet early childhood discretionary grant program account
shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the chil-
dren's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That the
Kansas children's cabinet shall develop and administer a discretionary
competitive grant program designed to fund innovative, research-driven,
outcomes-based early childhood focused prevention initiatives: And pro-
vided further, That the cabinet shall adopt criteria for awarding, moni-
toring and evaluating the grants which may include elements of such
models as the cabinet may determine appropriate but any such models
must be compatible with the "Communities That Care Model": Provided,
however, That such grants shall be managed by the office of prevention
administration within the department of social and rehabilitation services:
And provided further, That grant funds may not be used to supplant any
grantee's existing fund: And provided further, That the cabinet shall fund
only those programs, services and/or initiatives which they specifically find
comply with the criteria set forth in subsection (a) of K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
38-2,102 and amendments thereto.

Children's initiatives fund--children's cabinet accountability fund $250,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
children's cabinet accountability fund account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (s) (1) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall trans-
fer all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--children's mental health waiver account of the Kansas en-
dowment for youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--children's
mental health waiver account in the children's initiatives fund established
by subsection (s). On July 1, 2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encum-
brances and other liabilities of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--
children's mental health waiver account of the Kansas endowment for
youth fund are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's
initiatives fund--children's mental health waiver account in the children's
initiatives fund established pursuant to subsection (s), (B) the Kansas
endowment for youth fund--children's mental health waiver account of
the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is hereby
abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas endowment
for youth fund--children's mental health waiver account of the Kansas
endowment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (2) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--family centered system of care account of the Kansas en-
dowment for youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--family cen-
tered system of care account in the children's initiatives fund established
by subsection (s). On July 1, 2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encum-
brances and other liabilities of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--
family centered system of care account of the Kansas endowment for
youth fund are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's
initiatives fund--family centered system of care account in the children's
initiatives fund established pursuant to subsection (s), (B) the Kansas
endowment for youth fund--family centered system of care account of
the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is hereby
abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas endowment
for youth fund--family centered system of care account of the Kansas
endowment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (3) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--CDDO rate reimbursement account of the Kansas endow-
ment for youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--children's mental
health waiver account in the children's initiatives fund established by sub-
section (s). On July 1, 2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances
and other liabilities of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--CDDO
rate reimbursement account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund
are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives
fund--children's mental health waiver account in the children's initiatives
fund established pursuant to subsection (s), (B) the Kansas endowment
for youth fund--CDDO rate reimbursement account of the above agency
in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is hereby abolished, and (C)
any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas endowment for youth fund--
CDDO rate reimbursement account of the Kansas endowment for youth
fund for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by
any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of
Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of
the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (4) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--home and community based services for physically disabled
account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund to the children's initia-
tives fund--children's mental health waiver account in the children's in-
itiatives fund, which is established by subsection (s). On July 1, 2000, and
after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities of the Kan-
sas endowment for youth fund--home and community based services for
physically disabled account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives fund--
children's mental health waiver account in the children's initiatives fund,
(B) the Kansas endowment for youth fund--home and community based
services for physically disabled account of the above agency in the Kansas
endowment for youth fund is hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation
of moneys in the Kansas endowment for youth fund--home and com-
munity based services for physically disabled account of the Kansas en-
dowment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (5) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--home and community based services for mental retardation
account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund to the children's initia-
tives fund--children's mental health waiver account in the children's in-
itiatives fund established by subsection (s). On July 1, 2000, and after
such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities of the Kansas
endowment for youth fund--home and community based services for
mental retardation account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives fund--
children's mental health waiver account in the children's initiatives fund,
(B) the Kansas endowment for youth fund--home and community based
services for mental retardation account of the above agency in the Kansas
endowment for youth fund is hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation
of moneys in the Kansas endowment for youth fund--home and com-
munity based services for mental retardation account of the Kansas en-
dowment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (6) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized
by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the leg-
islature, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the chil-
dren's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, from the unencumbered bal-
ance as of July 1, 2000, in each account of the children's initiatives fund
that is established by subsection (s) and into which moneys are transferred
pursuant to this subsection (t) and in each account of the children's ini-
tiatives fund that is established by this subsection (t): Provided, That all
expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such account of the
children's initiatives fund shall not exceed the amount of the unencum-
bered balance in such account on July 1, 2000: Provided further, That all
expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such account shall
be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (t) On the effective date of this act, the amounts specified in section
34(m) of 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 as being included in the mental health
and retardation services aid and assistance and state institutions opera-
tions account of the state general fund for the following institutions are
hereby changed to the amounts specified, but expenditures from the
mental health and retardation services aid and assistance and state insti-
tutions operations account of the state general fund for any such insti-
tution shall not be limited to, or be required to be made in, the amount
listed for the institution, as follows: (1) The amount for Kansas neurolog-
ical institute is hereby decreased from $7,640,245 to $7,633,917; (2) the
amount for Larned state hospital is hereby decreased from $11,210,786
to $11,199,279; (3) the amount for Osawatomie state hospital is hereby
decreased from $5,790,631 to $5,775,055; (4) the amount for Parsons
state hospital and training center is hereby decreased from $5,799,369 to
$5,782,829; and (5) the amount for Rainbow mental health facility is
hereby decreased from $719,111 to $705,996.

 (u) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished by section 55(b) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas
on the Osawatomie state hospital fee fund is hereby decreased from
$1,943,508 to $1,927,933.

 (v) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished by section 55(b) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas
on the Parsons state hospital and training center fee fund is hereby de-
creased from $793,081 to $777,682.

 (w) On July 1, 2000, of the $8,517,075 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 33(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the Kansas neurological institute--operating expenditures account, the
sum of $24,487 is hereby lapsed.

 (x) On July 1, 2000, of the $1,333,972 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 33(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the Rainbow mental health facility--operating expenditures account, the
sum of $12,733 is hereby lapsed.

 (y) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
33(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the Larned
state hospital fee fund is hereby decreased from $3,293,118 to $3,224,006.

 (z) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
33(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the Osawa-
tomie state hospital fee fund is hereby decreased from $5,635,313 to

 (aa) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
33(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the Parsons
state hospital and training center fee fund is hereby decreased from
$779,407 to $734,771.

 (bb) On the effective date of this act, or as soon thereafter as any
moneys are credited to the long-term care loan and grant fund, the di-
rector of accounts and reports shall transfer amounts which equal in the
aggregate $1,000,000 from the long-term care loan and grant fund of the
department on aging to the grant to Horizon health plan fund of the
department of social and rehabilitation services: Provided, That the first
$1,000,000 that is credited to the long-term care loan and grant fund
under the intergovernmental transfer program shall be transferred from
the long-term care loan and grant fund of the department on aging to the
grant to Horizon health plan fund of the department of social and reha-
bilitation services in accordance with this subsection.

 (cc) In the event that the department of social and rehabilitation serv-
ices issues a request for proposal for the title XXI program children's
health insurance program, the secretary shall consider the following fac-
tors in developing the request for proposal: (1) The combination of title
XIX and title XXI programs as such programs relate to children, and (2)
the inclusion of all marketing and outreach efforts relating to the chil-
dren's health insurance program: Provided, That the department of social
and rehabilitation services shall consider all options to initiate a medicaid
managed care program in Sedgwick county: Provided further, That the
department of social and rehabilitation services shall work in support with
the Kansas business health partnership.

 Sec. 21.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:


For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $246,392
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $57,593
Long-term care

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $3,440,000
Program grants

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $126,500
Provided, That all expenditures from the program grants account for re-
tired senior volunteer program (RSVP) grant awards shall give first pri-
ority to volunteers for the nutrition programs and other area agencies on
aging programs: Provided further, That the secretary of aging shall report
back to the legislature at the beginning of the regular session in 2001
about the different methods of providing food service for the elderly with
recommendations to eliminate duplication of services in the nutrition pro-
grams when appropriate: And provided further, That the secretary of
aging is hereby authorized to expend all federal funds available for nu-
trition and other food service programs for the elderly: And provided
further, That, if the state and federal funds available for nutrition and
other food service programs for the elderly are estimated to be insuffi-
cient to meet the needs for such programs during fiscal year 2001, the
secretary of aging shall prepare and submit a budget request to the gov-
ernor and to the legislature for an emergency supplemental appropriation
for fiscal year 2001 for nutrition and other food service programs for the

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Flexible spending fund--nursing facilities quality enhancement wage
pass-through pursuant to 1999 Senate Bill No.126 (K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,660,795
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending
fund--nursing facilities quality enhancement wage pass-through pursuant
to 1999 Senate Bill No.126 (K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-971) except upon ap-
proval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the certification
of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are available in the
state medicaid match fund--department on aging.

Flexible spending fund--long-term care

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $12,252,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the flexible spending
fund--long-term care except upon approval of the state finance council
acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legis-
lative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection
(c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter
after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient
moneys are available in the state medicaid match fund--department on

Long-term care loan and grant fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $0
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $11,000,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the long-term care
loan and grant fund pursuant to 2000 Senate Bill No. 248 for fiscal year
2000 or fiscal year 2001 except upon approval of the state finance council
acting on this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legis-
lative delegation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection
(c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter
after receiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient
moneys are available in the fund pursuant to the intergovernmental trans-
fer program.

Senior services fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the senior services
fund pursuant to 2000 Senate Bill No. 248 for fiscal year 2000 or fiscal
year 2001 except upon approval of the state finance council acting on this
matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation
and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-
3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving
the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are
available in the fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer program.

Intergovernmental transfer fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Intergovernmental transfer administration fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
 (c) On July 1, 2000, of the $121,808,000 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 32(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the long term care account, the sum of $4,800,000 is hereby lapsed.

 (d) During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, the secretary of aging,
with the approval of the director of the budget, may transfer any part of
any item of appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, from
the state general fund for the department on aging to another item of
appropriation for fiscal year 2000 from the state general fund for the
department on aging. The secretary of aging shall certify each such trans-
fer to the director of accounts and reports and shall transmit a copy of
each such certification to the legislative research department.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $2,637,734 from the flexible
spending fund of the department of administration to the flexible spend-
ing fund--nursing facilities quality enhancement wage pass- through pur-
suant to 1999 Senate Bill No.126 (K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-971) of the de-
partment on aging: Provided, That no transfer shall be made under this
subsection except upon approval of the state finance council acting on
this matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative dele-
gation and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A.
75-3711c and amendments thereto and acting on this matter after re-
ceiving the certification of the director of the budget that sufficient mon-
eys are available in the flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergov-
ernmental transfer program.

 (f) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $12,252,000 from the flex-
ible spending fund of the department of administration to the flexible
spending fund--long term care of the department on aging: Provided,
That no transfer shall be made under this subsection except upon ap-
proval of the state finance council acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amend-
ments thereto and acting on this matter after receiving the certification
of the director of the budget that sufficient moneys are available in the
flexible spending fund pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer pro-

 Sec. 22.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Kansas City satellite laboratory

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $86,000
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the operating expenditures
account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated
for fiscal year 2001.

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $18,610
 Sec. 23.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Parole from adult correctional institutions

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $110,024
 (b) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the Parole Board is
hereby increased from 3.0 to 4.0.

 Sec. 24.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,084
Criminal justice information system

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $115,681
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $322,815
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in the criminal justice infor-
mation system account in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, is hereby
reappropriated for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) On the effective date of this act, the amount of expenditures pre-
scribed by section 80(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas
to be made by the Kansas sentencing commission for fiscal year 2000
from the reappropriated balance in the state matching funds account of
the state general fund for a payment to the Kansas highway patrol is
hereby decreased from $75,000 to $0: Provided, That, in addition to the
other purposes for which expenditures may be made by the Kansas sen-
tencing commission from the reappropriated balance in the state match-
ing funds account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2000 and within
the expenditure limitation of $75,000 on expenditures from such reap-
propriated balance established by section 80(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas, the Kansas sentencing commission may make
expenditures from such reappropriated balance for fiscal year 2000 for
operating expenditures: Provided, however, That expenditures from such
reappropriated balance for fiscal year 2000 for operating expenditures
shall not exceed $56,706: Provided further, That, in addition to the other
purposes for which expenditures may be made by the Kansas sentencing
commission from the reappropriated balance in the state matching funds
account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2000 and within the
expenditure limitation of $75,000 on expenditures from such reappro-
priated balance established by section 80(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas, the Kansas sentencing commission may make
expenditures from such reappropriated balance for fiscal year 2000 for
core project costs of the criminal justice information system: And pro-
vided further, That expenditures from such reappropriated balance for
fiscal year 2000 for core project costs of the criminal justice information
system shall not exceed $18,294.

 (c) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the Kansas sentencing commission from moneys appropriated
in the sentencing commission forfeiture fund for fiscal year 2000 as au-
thorized by chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of
Kansas, expenditures may be made by the Kansas sentencing commission
for fiscal year 2000 from the moneys appropriated in the sentencing com-
mission forfeiture fund for all purposes for which expenditures may be
made for operating expenditures.

 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the Kansas sentencing commission from moneys appropriated
from the state general fund or any special revenue fund for fiscal year
2001, expenditures shall be made by the Kansas sentencing commission
for fiscal year 2001 from moneys appropriated from the state general fund
or any special revenue fund for the position of project manager for the
criminal justice information system, which position is hereby created for
the Kansas sentencing commission and which shall be the project man-
ager for the consolidated criminal justice information system: Provided,
That the project manager shall report directly to the director of the Kan-
sas sentencing commission on the implementation, completion, mainte-
nance and funding of the criminal justice information system: Provided
further, That all expenditures and revenues related and effecting the im-
plementation, completion, and continued maintenance of the criminal
justice information system and those agencies in which those revenues
and expenditures are budgeted within, shall submit all fiscal information
relating to the criminal justice information system to the project manager
thus creating a unified consolidated criminal justice information system

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the Kansas sen-
tencing commission is hereby increased from 9.0 to 10.0.

 Sec. 25.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $60,000
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $5,352
 (b) On the effective date of this act, of the $1,107,592 appropriated for
the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 39(a)
of chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general
fund in the disaster relief account, the sum of $60,000 is hereby lapsed.

 Sec. 26.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $203,400
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $15,959
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Special services fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,000,000
 (c) On the effective date of this act, the director of accounts and reports
shall transfer $1,000,000 from the state highway fund of the department
of transportation to the special services fund of the Kansas highway patrol
for the purpose of financing operating expenditures of the Kansas high-
way patrol.

 (d) On the effective date of this act, of the $25,236,627 appropriated
for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section
56(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state
general fund in the operating expenditures account, the sum of
$1,000,000 is hereby lapsed.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
56(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the motor
carrier inspection fund is hereby increased from $8,931,251 to

 (f) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the Kansas highway
patrol is hereby increased from 807.8 to 823.8.

 Sec. 27.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
54(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the fire marshal
fee fund is hereby increased from $2,729,164 to $2,736,071.

 Sec. 28.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 19(a) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on the utility regulatory fee fund is hereby increased
from $470,195 to $471,003.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, October 1, 2000, January 1, 2001, and April 1,
2001, or as soon after each such date as moneys are available, and upon
receipt of certification by the state corporation commission of the amount
to be transferred, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer from
the public service regulation fund of the state corporation commission to
the utility regulatory fee fund of the citizens' utility ratepayer board all
moneys assessed by the state corporation commission for the citizens'
utility ratepayer board under K.S.A. 66-1502 or 66-1503 and amendments
thereto and deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the public
service regulation fund.

 Sec. 29.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 18(b) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on the public service regulation fund, the motor
carrier license fees fund, and the conservation fee fund, in the aggregate,
is hereby increased from $12,169,603 to $12,201,166.

 Sec. 30.

 (a) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 13(a) of 2000
Senate Bill No. 39 on the insurance department service regulation fund
is hereby increased from $6,686,972 to $6,698,972.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 10(a) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on the insurance department service regulation fund
is hereby increased from $6,943,491 to $6,951,327.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 69(a) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 for the insurance department is hereby decreased
from 159.0 to 157.0.

 (d) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys now or
hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund, except that ex-
penditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed the

Surety bond and escrow payment fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
 Sec. 31.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 73(a) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on the real estate fee fund is hereby decreased from
$685,757 to $657,427.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas for the Kansas real estate commission is hereby
decreased from 14.0 to 13.0.

 Sec. 32.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 11(b) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on expenditures from the health care stabilization
fund for operating expenditures is hereby increased from $895,049 to

 Sec. 33.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 72(a) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 on the bank commissioner fee fund is hereby in-
creased from $4,000,720 to $4,012,919.

 Sec. 34.

 (a) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by section 7(a) of chapter 132 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas on the healing arts fee fund is hereby increased
from $1,654,921 to $1,655,771: Provided, That, on June 30, 2000, if 2000
Senate Bill No. 599 is not enacted by the legislature during the 2000
regular session and signed into law by the governor, then the provisions
of this subsection (a) are hereby declared to be null and void and shall
be of no force and effect.

 Sec. 35.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures
may be made by the above agency from the children's initiatives fund for
fiscal year 2001 for the following specified purposes subject to the ex-
penditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Children's initiatives fund--children's access network $70,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
children's access network account shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 Sec. 36.

 (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures
may be made by the above agency from the children's initiatives fund for
fiscal year 2001 for the following specified purposes subject to the ex-
penditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Children's initiatives fund--prevention program grants $5,000,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
prevention program grants account shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001:
Provided further, That money awarded as grants from this account shall
be distributed according to the percentage distribution of a judicial dis-
trict's high school graduation failure rate, averaged over a period of three
years, and be subject to the requirement that no judicial district shall
receive less than $50,000: And provided further, That money awarded as
grants from this account is not an entitlement to communities, but a grant
that must meet conditions prescribed by the above agency for appropriate

Children's initiatives fund--intervention and graduated sanctions community grants $2,000,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
intervention and graduated sanctions community grants account shall be
in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the children's ini-
tiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) (1) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall trans-
fer all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund-- prevention program grants account of the Kansas endow-
ment for youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--prevention pro-
gram grants account in the children's initiatives fund established by sub-
section (a). On July 1, 2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances
and other liabilities of the Kansas endowment for youth fund-- preven-
tion program grants account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives fund--
prevention program grants account in the children's initiatives fund, (B)
the Kansas endowment for youth fund--prevention program grants ac-
count of the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is
hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas
endowment for youth fund--prevention program grants account of the
Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of
the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the
2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (2) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--intervention and graduated sanctions community grants ac-
count of the Kansas endowment for youth fund to the children's initiatives
fund--intervention and graduated sanctions community grants account
in the children's initiatives fund established by subsection (a). On July 1,
2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities
of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--intervention and graduated
sanctions community grants account of the Kansas endowment for youth
fund are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives
fund--intervention and graduated sanctions community grants account
in the children's initiatives fund, (B) the Kansas endowment for youth
fund--intervention and graduated sanctions community grants account
of the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is hereby
abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas endowment
for youth fund--intervention and graduated sanctions community grants
account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132
or chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other ap-
propriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby

 (3) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall establish
the children's initiatives fund--community management information sys-
tems projects account in the children's initiatives fund and shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--community management information systems projects ac-
count of the Kansas endowment for youth fund to the children's initiatives
fund--community management information systems projects account in
the children's initiatives fund, which is hereby established. On July 1,
2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities
of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--community management in-
formation systems projects account of the Kansas endowment for youth
fund are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives
fund--community management information systems projects account in
the children's initiatives fund, (B) the Kansas endowment for youth
fund--community management information systems projects account of
the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is hereby
abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas endowment
for youth fund--community management information systems projects
account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132
or chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other ap-
propriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby

 (4) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized
by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the leg-
islature, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the chil-
dren's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, from the unencumbered bal-
ance as of July 1, 2000, in each account of the children's initiatives fund
that is established by subsection (a) and into which account moneys are
transferred pursuant to this subsection (b) and in each account of the
children's initiatives fund that is established by this subsection (b): Pro-
vided, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such
account of the children's initiatives fund shall not exceed the amount of
the unencumbered balance in such account on July 1, 2000: Provided
further, That all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any
such account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed
on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state institu-
tions building fund for the fiscal year or years specified, for the capital
improvement project or projects specified as follows:

Construction/remodeling of juvenile correctional facilities--SIBF

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $4,500,000
Provided, That the juvenile justice authority may make expenditures from
the construction/remodeling of juvenile correctional facilities--SIBF ac-
count to renovate or replace existing deficient space in existing facilities,
specifically including space at the Larned juvenile correctional facility and
at the Topeka juvenile correctional facility, and to construct new juvenile
correctional space.

 (d) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Construction/remodeling of juvenile correctional facilities fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Provided, That the juvenile justice authority may make expenditures from
the construction/remodeling of juvenile correctional facilities fund for
capital improvement projects to remodel a living unit at Beloit juvenile
correctional facility, construct a new medium security juvenile correc-
tional facility on the Larned state hospital grounds, raze and reconstruct
medium security living units at Topeka juvenile correctional facility, and
construct new maximum security buildings at Topeka juvenile correc-
tional facility: Provided further, That the capital improvement project to
construct a new medium security juvenile correctional facility on the Lar-
ned state hospital grounds shall include an additional 32 beds, either in
new construction of an additional 32-bed pod, or renovation of the Meyer
building on the Larned state hospital grounds, within the approved
budget for such capital improvement project: And provided further, That
the juvenile justice authority is hereby authorized to make expenditures
for fiscal year 2001 to utilize the Meyer building on the Larned state
hospital grounds for relief of overcrowding: And provided further, That
the capital improvement project to construct new maximum security
buildings at Topeka juvenile correctional facility shall include (1) a se-
cured commons area which shall be constructed on the east end of the
campus for institutional services which shall include, but not limited to,
food and medical services, and a visitors center, and (2) on the east side
of the commons area of the campus, facilities for (A) up to 150 maximum
security beds, (B) up to 60 beds for system-wide and facility classification
and diagnostic purposes, and (C) up to 15 medical beds: And provided
further, That one superintendent shall be the chief administrative officer
over all existing, renovated, or new buildings and facilities of the Topeka
juvenile correctional facility: And provided further, That the capital im-
provement projects to construct new maximum security buildings at the
Topeka juvenile correctional facility, construct a new medium security
juvenile correctional facility on the Larned state hospital grounds, raze
and reconstruct medium security living units at Topeka juvenile correc-
tional facility, and remodel a living unit at Beloit juvenile correctional
facility are hereby approved for the juvenile justice authority for the pur-
poses of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 74-8905 and amendments thereto and
the authorization of the issuance of bonds by the Kansas development
finance authority in accordance with that statute: Provided, however, That
total expenditures from this fund for such capital improvement projects
shall not exceed $50,000,000, plus all amounts required for cost of bond
issuance, cost of interest on the bonds during the construction of the
projects and required reserves for the payment of principal and interest
on the bonds: And provided further, That all moneys received from the
issuance of any such bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the
credit of this fund.

Construction of juvenile correctional facilities fund-- VOI/TIS

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Provided, That the juvenile justice authority may make expenditures from
the construction of juvenile correctional facilities fund--VOI/TIS to con-
struct new maximum security buildings at Topeka juvenile correctional
facility: Provided, however, That expenditures from this fund to construct
new maximum security buildings at Topeka juvenile correctional facility
shall not exceed $5,500,000.

 Sec. 37.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys now or
hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds, except
that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not exceed
the following:

Rural health options grant fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the KSIP account established in the state
general fund for the above agency under the Kansas savings incentive
program pursuant to section 91 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws
of Kansas for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, expenditures may be
made by the above agency from the KSIP account of the above agency
in the state general fund for fiscal year 2000 for operating expenditures:
Provided, That expenditures for operating expenditures from the KSIP
account of the above agency in the state general fund for fiscal year 2000
shall not exceed $34,047.

 Sec. 38.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $17,499
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Grain commodities commission services fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Kansas agricultural remediation board fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $150,000
Kansas agricultural remediation fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
 (c) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
61(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the feeding
stuffs fee fund is hereby increased from $491,867 to $501,875.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
61(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the fertilizer
fee fund is hereby increased from $417,688 to $427,765.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
61(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the agricultural
liming materials fee fund is hereby decreased from $40,300 to $23,044.

 (f) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
61(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the warehouse
fee fund is hereby increased from $616,480 to $618,169.

 (g) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$1,854 from the state water plan fund of the Kansas water office to the
water plan special revenue fund of the Kansas department of agriculture.

 (h) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
61(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on expenditures
from the water plan special revenue fund for salaries and wages is hereby
increased from $577,677 to $579,531.

 (i) On July 1, 2000, the appropriation of all moneys credited to and
available in the Kansas corn commission fund for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, by section 61(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill
No. 326 is hereby lapsed and the Kansas corn commission fund in the
state treasury is hereby abolished.

 (j) On July 1, 2000, the appropriation of all moneys credited to and
available in the Kansas grain sorghum commission fund for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, by section 61(b) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 is hereby lapsed and the Kansas grain sorghum com-
mission fund in the state treasury is hereby abolished.

 (k) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$426,223 from the grain inspection fee fund of the Kansas department
of agriculture to the Kansas agricultural remediation board fund of the
Kansas department of agriculture.

 (l) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the Kansas depart-
ment of agriculture is hereby decreased from 305.5 to 303.2.

 (m) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the Kansas department of agriculture from moneys appropriated
from the state general fund or from any special revenue fund for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, from which expenditures may be made for
salaries and wages, as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the
2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures may be made by the
Kansas department of agriculture from such moneys appropriated from
the state general fund or from any special revenue fund for fiscal year
2001 for four full-time equivalent positions in the unclassified service
under the Kansas civil service act: Provided, That all such additional full-
time equivalent positions in the unclassified service under the Kansas civil
service act shall be in addition to other positions within the Kansas de-
partment of agriculture in the unclassified service as prescribed by law
and shall be established by the secretary of agriculture within any position
limitation established for the Kansas department of agriculture on the
number of full-time and regular part-time positions equated to full-time,
excluding seasonal and temporary positions, paid from appropriations for
fiscal year 2001 made by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 reg-
ular session of the legislature: Provided, however, That the authority to
establish such additional positions in the unclassified service shall not
affect the classified service status of any person who is an employee of
the Kansas department of agriculture and who is in a position in the
classified service under the Kansas civil service act on June 30, 2000.

 Sec. 39.

 (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other statute to the contrary,
during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, the aggregate amount of
expenditures from the Kansas wheat commission fund by the Kansas
wheat commission for the new market plan for the Kansas wheat com-
mission shall not exceed $463,000: Provided, That all expenditures from
the Kansas wheat commission fund by the Kansas wheat commission for
the new market plan for the Kansas wheat commission shall be within
the overall expenditure limitation established for the Kansas wheat com-
mission fund for fiscal year 2000: Provided, however, That the expendi-
ture limitation established by this subsection on the aggregate amount of
expenditures from the Kansas wheat commission fund by the Kansas
wheat commission for the new market plan for the Kansas wheat com-
mission for fiscal year 2000 shall not be increased except upon specific
authorization by act of the legislature and shall not be increased by the
state finance council: Provided further, That, on and after the effective
date of this act, the provisions of subsection (b) of section 65 of 2000
Senate Bill No. 39 are hereby declared to be null and void and of no
force and effect.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the appropriation of all moneys credited to and
available in the Kansas wheat commission fund for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, by section 64(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill
No. 326 is hereby lapsed and the Kansas wheat commission fund in the
state treasury is hereby abolished.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the appropriation of all moneys credited to and
available in the wheat research reserve fund for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, by section 64(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill
No. 326 is hereby lapsed and the wheat research reserve fund in the state
treasury is hereby abolished.

 Sec. 40.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, for the capital improvement
project or projects specified as follows:

ADA, EPA and fire safety compliance

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $150,000
 Sec. 41.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $3,310
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Poultry improvements fee fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Provided, That expenditures may be made from the poultry improve-
ments fee fund for fiscal year 2000 and fiscal year 2001 for operating
expenditures for the disease control program of the animal health de-
partment: Provided further, That the livestock commissioner is hereby
authorized to fix, charge and collect fees for administration and regulatory
activities under the poultry disease control act during fiscal years 2000
and 2001: And provided further, That such fees shall be fixed in order to
recover all or part of the operating expenses incurred for administration
of the poultry disease control act during fiscal years 2000 and 2001.

 Sec. 42.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,714
 Sec. 43.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, the following:

Water resources operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $4,185
 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
66(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the state water
plan fund is hereby increased from $2,826,474 to $2,896,500.

 (c) (1) Subject to the limitations of this section, whenever it appears
that the resources in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, are insufficient
to meet in full the estimated expenditures as they become due to meet
duties imposed by law on the water marketing fund of the Kansas water
office as a result of increases in water rates, fees or charges imposed by
the federal government, the pooled money investment board is author-
ized and directed to loan to the director of the Kansas water office suf-
ficient funds to reimburse the water marketing fund for increases in water
rates, fees or charges imposed by the federal government, and to allow
the Kansas water office to spread such increases to consumers over a
longer period, except that no such loan shall be made unless the terms
thereof have been approved by the state finance council acting on this
matter which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation
and subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-
3711c and amendments thereto. The pooled money investment board is
authorized and directed to use any moneys in the operating accounts,
investment accounts or other investments of the state of Kansas to provide
the funds for such loan. Each such loan shall bear interest at a rate equal
to the interest rate being paid on state inactive account moneys at the
time of the making of such loan. Such loan shall not be deemed to be an
indebtedness or debt of the state of Kansas within the meaning of section
6 of article 11 of the constitution of the state of Kansas.

 (2) Upon certification by the pooled money investment board by the
director of the Kansas water office of the amount of each loan authorized
pursuant to subsection (d)(1), the pooled money investment board shall
transfer each such amount certified by the director of the Kansas water
office from the state bank account or accounts prescribed in subsection
(d)(1) to the water marketing fund of the Kansas water office.

 (3) The principal and interest of each loan authorized pursuant to sub-
section (d)(1) shall be repaid in payments payable at least annually for a
period of not more than five years.

 (4) The aggregate outstanding balance of all loans pursuant to this sub-
section (c) shall not exceed $1,000,000 at any one time.

 Sec. 44.

 (a) On the effective date of this act, of the $4,287,704 appropriated for
the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 60(a)
of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general
fund in the operating expenditures account, the sum of $1,676 is hereby

 (b) On the effective date of this act, the expenditure limitation estab-
lished by section 60(b) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas
on the general fees fund is hereby increased from $9,349 to $19,349.

 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $16,472
 Sec. 45.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $4,207
 (b) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the Kansas state
school for the deaf is hereby decreased from 174.5 to 173.5.

 Sec. 46.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year and years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $14,072
 (b) On the effective date of this act, of the $6,009,530 appropriated for
the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 62(a)
of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general
fund in the operating expenditures account, the sum of $9,667 is hereby

 (c) On July 1, 2000, of the $5,769,882 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 40(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the operating expenditures account, the sum of $25,240 is hereby lapsed.

 (d) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the state historical society from moneys appropriated from the
state general fund or any special revenue fund for fiscal year 2000 or fiscal
year 2001 as authorized by this or other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature, expenditures shall be made by the state
historical society for fiscal year 2000 and fiscal year 2001 from the moneys
appropriated from the state general fund or any special revenue fund for
the following capital improvement projects, in the following order of pri-
ority from the highest to the lowest priority, subject to the aggregate
expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

First territorial capitol $71,000
Hollenberg pony express station $28,406
Shawnee Indian mission $20,000
Constitution Hall $2,200
Fort Hays blockhouse $50,000
Native American heritage museum $3,200
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made for any such project unless
each of the capital improvement projects that have a higher priority, as
prescribed by this subsection, have been initiated during fiscal years 2000
and 2001: Provided further, That expenditures for any such project shall
not exceed, in the aggregate during fiscal years 2000 and 2001, the
amount prescribed by this subsection for such project: And provided fur-
ther, That, if expenditures are necessary for emergency repair projects
for the fiscal year 2000 or 2001, expenditures may be made by the state
historical society for the purpose of initiating and completing such emer-
gency repair projects at any time and notwithstanding the other provisions
of this subsection and the priorities for capital improvement projects pre-
scribed by this subsection for the state historical society.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the state historical
society is hereby decreased from 137.5 to 136.5.

 Sec. 47.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $5,426
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the Kansas human rights commission from moneys appropriated
from the state general fund or any special revenue fund for fiscal year
2000 or fiscal year 2001 as authorized by this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures may be made
by the Kansas human rights commission for fiscal year 2000 and fiscal
year 2001 from the moneys appropriated from the state general fund or
any special revenue fund for the operating expenditures associated with
reassigning one or more positions from the investigator I job class to the
investigator II job class and from the investigator II job class to the public
service administrator II job class, if the Kansas human rights commission
determines that such action is appropriate and adequate funds are avail-
able therefor within appropriations for the Kansas human rights com-

 Sec. 48.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $3,884
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of human resources from moneys appropriated
from any special revenue fund for fiscal year 2000 or fiscal year 2001 as
authorized by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session
of the legislature, expenditures may be made by the department of human
resources for fiscal year 2000 and fiscal year 2001 from the moneys ap-
propriated from any special revenue fund for the expenses of the sale,
exchange or other disposition conveying title for any portion or all of the
real estate of the department of human resources: Provided, That such
expenditures may be made and such sale, exchange or other disposition
conveying title for any portion or all of the real estate of the department
of human resources may be executed or otherwise effectuated only upon
specific authorization by the state finance council acting on this matter,
which is hereby characterized as a matter of legislative delegation and
subject to the guidelines prescribed in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c
and amendments thereto and acting after receiving the recommendations
of the joint committee on state building construction: Provided, however,
That no such sale, exchange or other disposition conveying title for any
portion of the real estate of the department of human resources until the
proposed sale, exchange or other disposition conveying title for such real
estate has been reviewed by the joint committee on state building con-
struction: Provided further, That the net proceeds from the sale of any
of the real estate of the department of human resources shall be deposited
in the state treasury to the credit of the employment security administra-
tion property sale fund of the department of human resources.

 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Workforce investment act state operations fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Workforce investment act non-state operations fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Employment security administration property sale fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 No limit
For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Provided, That the secretary of human resources, in consultation with the
secretary of administration, is hereby authorized to make expenditures
for fiscal year 2000 and fiscal year 2001 from the employment security
administration property sale fund to purchase or acquire by exchange
additional real estate to provide space for the job service and unemploy-
ment insurance programs of the department of human resources, includ-
ing the initiation and completion of capital improvements on such real
estate for such purposes: Provided, however, That no expenditures shall
be made from this fund for a proposed purchase or other acquisition of
additional real estate to provide space for the job service and unemploy-
ment insurance programs of the department of human resources until
such proposed purchase or other acquisition, including the preliminary
plans and program statement for any capital improvement project that is
proposed to be initiated and completed by or for the department of hu-
man resources on such real estate for such purposes, have been reviewed
by the joint committee on state building construction.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the department of
human resources is hereby decreased from 996.5 to 964.3.

 Sec. 49.

 (a) There is hereby appropriated from the state general fund for the
fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 $1,200,000
 Sec. 50.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,247
 Sec. 51.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Legislative coordinating council--operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $2,162
Legislative research department--operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $8,223
Office of the revisor of statutes--operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $5,300
 Sec. 52.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operations (including legislative post audit committee)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $3,890
 Sec. 53.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operations (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $37,512
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the legislature from the operations (including official hospitality)
account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures shall
be made by the legislature from the operations (including official hospi-
tality) account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 for an interim
study to be conducted by the SRS transition oversight committee to study
and develop priorities for services to be provided under the home and
community based services (HCBS) waiver programs of the department
of social and rehabilitation services and the department on aging and such
other matters as may be specified by the legislative coordinating council.

 Sec. 54.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Governor's department

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $910
 Sec. 55.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $33,986
Geological survey

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $2,764
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the university of Kansas from the restricted fees fund for fiscal
year 2000, as authorized by chapter 132 or 160 of the 1999 Session Laws
of Kansas or by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session
of the legislature, expenditures may be made by the university of Kansas
from the appropriate account or accounts of the restricted fees fund dur-
ing fiscal year 2000 for the following capital improvement project or pro-
jects, subject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Renovate Strong hall west wing No limit
 (c) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Construct student recreation center--special revenue fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
Provided, That the university of Kansas may make expenditures from the
construct student recreation center--special revenue fund for the capital
improvement project to construct a new student recreation center in ad-
dition to the expenditure of other moneys appropriated therefor: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures from this fund for such capital im-
provement project shall not exceed $17,000,000 plus all amounts required
for costs of any bond issuance, costs of interest on any bond issued or
obtained for such capital improvement project and any required reserves
for payment of principal and interest on any bond: Provided further, That
such capital improvement project is hereby approved for the university
of Kansas for the purposes of subsection (b) of K.S.A. 75-8905 and
amendments thereto and the authorization of the issuance of bonds by
the Kansas development finance authority in accordance with that statute:
And provided further, That all moneys received from the issuance of any
such bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of this

Geological survey cost fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
 Sec. 56.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $95,819
 Sec. 57.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $62,063
Cooperative extension service (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $113,996
Agricultural experiment stations (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $18,431
 Sec. 58.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $12,854
 Sec. 59.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $50,967
 Sec. 60.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $212,444
School district juvenile detention facilities and Flint Hills

job corps center grants

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $870,931
KPERS--employer contributions

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $3,924,071
Provided, That, as a condition of such grant, the Kansas cultural heritage
and arts center shall develop a plan exploring the feasibility of affiliating
with a state agency that has as its mission historical preservation and
research and shall present such plan to the legislature at the beginning
of the 2001 regular session.

Mentor teacher program grants

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $1,000,000
Provided, That expenditures shall be made from the mentor teacher pro-
gram grants account of the state department of education for payment of
stipends to mentor teachers in accordance with the provisions of 2000
Senate Bill No. 432.

Environmental education program

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $30,000
Governor's teaching excellence awards

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $5,000
Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following accounts is hereby reappropriated for FY 2001: Supple-
mental general state aid.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, of the $1,813,086,000 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 35(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the general state aid account, the sum of $12,746,896 is hereby lapsed.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, of the $81,779,000 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 35 (a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the supplemental general state aid account, the sum of $4,052,365 is
hereby lapsed.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, of the $59,000 appropriated for the above agency
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 35(a) of 2000 House
Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in the
governor's teaching excellence scholarships account, the sum of $5,000 is
hereby lapsed.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
35(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on expenditures
from the reappropriated balance in the KPERS--employer contributions
account of the state general fund is hereby increased from $504,371 to

 (f) Any unencumbered balance in the general state aid account of the
state general fund of the department of education in excess of $100 as of
June 30, 2000, is hereby reappropriated in the general state aid account
of the state general fund of the department of education for fiscal year
2001: Provided, That the amount reappropriated from such unencum-
bered balance shall not exceed $13,841,896 and any additional remaining
amount in such unencumbered balance for general state aid shall not be
reappropriated and is hereby lapsed: Provided, however, That expendi-
tures from such reappropriated balance shall not exceed $11,841,896 ex-
cept upon approval of the state finance council: Provided, further, That
any portion of the amount of such reappropriated balance in excess of
$11,841,896 shall be transferred to the inservice education aid account
of the state general fund of the department of education to be used to
fund approved inservice education programs as authorized by K.S.A. 72-
9601 et seq., and amendments thereto: And provided further, That the
amount transferred to the inservice education aid account from such
unencumbered balance under this subsection (f)(2) shall not exceed

 (g) (1) On the effective date of this act, the appropriation of all moneys
credited to and available in the flexible spending fund--general state aid
of the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section
35(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 is hereby lapsed.
 (2) The director of accounts and reports shall not make the transfer on
July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, of $7,761,000
from the flexible spending fund of the department of administration to
the flexible spending fund--general state aid of the department of edu-
cation pursuant to section 35(e) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill
No. 326 and the provisions of section 35(e) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 are hereby declared to be void and of no force and

 (h) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law shall not
exceed the following:

Grant for Kansas cultural heritage center fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $100,000
Economic development initiatives fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $50,000
Provided, That no expenditures shall be made from the economic devel-
opment initiatives fund of the department of education other than for
purposes specifically authorized by this or other appropriation act: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures may be made by the department of
education for fiscal year 2001 from the economic development initiatives
fund for the following purposes, subject to the expenditure limitation
prescribed therefor:

Challenger project $50,000
 (i) On July 1, 2000, or as soon after such date as moneys are available,
the director of accounts and reports shall transfer $50,000 from the Kan-
sas economic development endowment account of the state economic
development initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the economic development initiatives fund of the department of edu-

 (j) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures
may be made by the above agency from the children's initiatives fund for
fiscal year 2001 for the following specified purposes subject to the ex-
penditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Children's initiatives fund--grant to the Kansas optometric association for vision study $250,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
grant to the Kansas optometric association for vision study account shall
be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001: Provided further, That all expendi-
tures from the children's initiatives fund--grant to the Kansas optometric
association for vision study account shall be for a grant to the Kansas
optometric association to conduct a pilot study of vision problems known
as convergence insufficiency and convergence excess, accommodative in-
sufficiency, and ocular motor dysfunction and their relationship to aca-
demic performance and special education referral for students in early
elementary grades: And provided further, That the Kansas optometric
association shall make a progress report to the legislature during the 2001
regular session and a final report to the legislative budget committee and
governor on or before September 1, 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--parent education program $1,500,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
parent education program account shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001:
Provided, however, That all expenditures from the children's initiatives
fund--parent education program account for each grant under the parent
education program shall be matched by the school district in an amount
which is equal to not less than 65% of the grant.

Children's initiatives fund--general state aid four-year-old at-risk $1,000,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
general state aid four-year-old at-risk account shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal
year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--school violence prevention $500,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
school violence prevention account shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (k) (1) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall trans-
fer all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--parent education program account of the Kansas endow-
ment for youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--parent education
program account in the children's initiatives fund established by subsec-
tion (j). On July 1, 2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances
and other liabilities of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--parent
education program account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund are
hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives fund--
parent education program account in the children's initiatives fund, (B)
the Kansas endowment for youth fund--parent education program ac-
count of the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is
hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas
endowment for youth fund--parent education program account of the
Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of
the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the
2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

Children's initiatives fund--communities in schools program fund $125,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
communities in schools program fund account shall be in addition to any
expenditure limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal
year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--mentoring program grants $500,000
Provided, That expenditures shall be made by the department of educa-
tion from the mentoring program grants account for grants to school
districts to provide for mentoring programs in reading, mathematics and
language arts: Provided further, That receipt of a mentoring program
grant shall be conditioned upon the school district providing the legisla-
ture by the end of the 2001 session with longitudinal data as the state
department of education requires, including special education enrollment
as a percentage of district-wide enrollment for at least five years prior to
the implementation of a mentoring program grant, and the effect, if any,
of implementation of the program on the percentage of special education
enrollment to district-wide enrollment.

 (2) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and shall transfer all mon-
eys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for youth
fund--national geographic society education foundation endowment ac-
count of the Kansas endowment for youth fund to the children's initiatives
fund--national geographic society education foundation endowment ac-
count in the children's initiatives fund, which is hereby established. On
July 1, 2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other
liabilities of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--national geographic
society education foundation endowment account of the Kansas endow-
ment for youth fund are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the
children's initiatives fund--national geographic society education foun-
dation endowment account in the children's initiatives fund, (B) the Kan-
sas endowment for youth fund--national geographic society education
foundation endowment account of the above agency in the Kansas en-
dowment for youth fund is hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation
of moneys in the Kansas endowment for youth fund--national geographic
society education foundation endowment account of the Kansas endow-
ment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June
30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the 2000
regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (3) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--experimental wraparound Kansas project account of the
Kansas endowment for youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--
experimental wraparound Kansas project account in the children's initia-
tives fund, which is hereby established. On July 1, 2000, and after such
transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities of the Kansas endow-
ment for youth fund--experimental wraparound Kansas project account
of the Kansas endowment for youth fund are hereby transferred to and
imposed upon the children's initiatives fund--experimental wraparound
Kansas project account in the children's initiatives fund, (B) the Kansas
endowment for youth fund--experimental wraparound Kansas project
account of the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is
hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas
endowment for youth fund--experimental wraparound Kansas project
account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132
or chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other ap-
propriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby

 (4) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized
by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the leg-
islature, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the chil-
dren's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, from the unencumbered bal-
ance as of July 1, 2000, in each account of the children's initiatives fund
that is established by subsection (j) and into which moneys are transferred
pursuant to this subsection (k) and in each account of the children's ini-
tiatives fund that is established by this subsection (k): Provided, That all
expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such account of the
children's initiatives fund shall not exceed the amount of the unencum-
bered balance in such account on July 1, 2000: Provided further, That all
expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such account shall
be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (l) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $100,000 from the state
highway fund of the department of transportation to the grant for the
Kansas cultural heritage center fund of the department of education for
the purpose of developing the Dodge City train depot as a historical
transportation site.

 (m) In addition to the directives provided in section 35(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for expenditures from the spe-
cial education services aid account of the above agency, fully-trained read-
ing recovery teacher leaders, selected by the agency in accordance with
established criteria, shall be considered to be special teachers as defined
in subsection (j)(1) of K.S.A. 72-962 and amendments thereto for the
purpose of determining amounts of payments to be made to school dis-
tricts in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 72-978 and amendments
thereto from the amount remaining in the special education services aid
account after deduction of expenditures made in accordance with the
provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-893 and amendments thereto: Pro-
vided, however, That expenditures for fully-trained reading recovery
teacher leaders considered to be special teachers shall not exceed
$160,000: Provided, That consideration of reading recovery teacher lead-
ers as special teachers for determination of the amount of the special
education services aid of a school district shall be conditioned upon the
school district providing the legislature by the end of the 2001 session
with longitudinal data as the state department of education requires, in-
cluding special education enrollment as a percentage of district-wide en-
rollment for at least five years prior to implementation of a reading re-
covery program and the effect, if any, of implementation of the program
on the percentage of special education enrollment to district-wide en-

 Sec. 61.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Judiciary operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $155,551
 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law and trans-
fers to other state agencies shall not exceed the following:

Judicial branch nonjudicial salary initiative fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $3,900,000
 Sec. 62.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $9,313
 (b) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the attorney general from the moneys received pursuant to
K.S.A. 23-128a, and amendments thereto, and credited to the crime vic-
tims assistance fund and appropriated in the crime victims assistance fund
for fiscal year 2001, as authorized by this or other appropriation act of
the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures shall be made by
the attorney general from such moneys appropriated in the crime victims
assistance fund for fiscal year 2001 and which are not needed for use as
matching funds for meeting any federal requirement for the purposes of
establishing child exchange and visitation centers pursuant to K.S.A. 1999
Supp. 75-720 and amendments thereto, for salary and wages and other
operating expenditures for the statewide DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance
Education) coordinator and staff provided for in K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-
721 and amendments thereto: Provided, That such expenditures for sal-
aries and wages and other operating expenditures for the statewide
DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) coordinator and staff pro-
vided for in K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-721 and amendments thereto shall not
exceed $159,956: Provided further, That such expenditures may include
expenditures for official hospitality for training session: And provided fur-
ther, That the attorney general shall report to the 2001 legislature on
available research that documents the effectiveness of the DARE pro-
gram nationwide and on efforts to develop data on the effectiveness of
the DARE program that is specific to Kansas.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) coordinator,
support staff, training and program expenditures account of the Kansas
endowment for youth fund to the children's initiatives fund. On July 1,
2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities
of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--DARE (Drug Abuse Resis-
tance Education) coordinator, support staff, training and program ex-
penditures account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund are hereby
transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives fund, (B) the
Kansas endowment for youth--DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Educa-
tion) coordinator, support staff, training and program expenditures ac-
count of the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth fund is
hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the Kansas
endowment for youth fund--DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)
coordinator, support staff, training and program expenditures account of
the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter
160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 Sec. 63.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures (including official hospitality)

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $87,698
Provided, That any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June
30, 2000, in the salaries and wages account, any unencumbered balance
in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in the other operating expenditures
(including official hospitality) account, any unencumbered balance in ex-
cess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in the salaries and wages for swine
production facility inspectors account, any unencumbered balance in ex-
cess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in the child care licensing operating
expenditures account, any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of
June 30, 2000, in the adult care homes criminal record checks operating
expenditures account, and any unencumbered balance in excess of $100
as of June 30, 2000, in the operating expenditures--implementation of
Substitute for 1999 House Bill No. 2469 account are hereby reappro-
priated to the operating expenditures (including official hospitality) ac-
count for fiscal year 2001.

Any unencumbered balance in excess of $100 as of June 30, 2000, in each
of the following accounts is hereby reappropriated for FY 2001: Vaccine
purchases; infant and toddler program; aid to local units; aid to local
units--primary health projects; teen pregnancy prevention activities; im-
munization programs.

 (b) There is appropriated for the above agency from the following spe-
cial revenue fund or funds for the fiscal year or years specified, all moneys
now or hereafter lawfully credited to and available in such fund or funds,
except that expenditures other than refunds authorized by law and trans-
fers to other state agencies shall not exceed the following:

Sunflower army ammunition plant remediation trust fund

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 No limit
 (c) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
31(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the water plan
special revenue fund is hereby increased from $4,136,452 to $4,137,270.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, of the $2,492,000 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 31(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the infant and toddler program account, the sum of $500,000 is hereby

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
$818 from the state water plan fund of the Kansas water office to the
water plan special revenue fund of the department of health and envi-

 (f) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of health and environment from the health and
environment publication fee fund for fiscal year 2001, as authorized by
section 31(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 or other
appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, and not-
withstanding the provisions of section 31(b) of 2000 House Substitute for
Senate Bill No. 326 or K.S.A. 75-5662 and amendments thereto to the
contrary, expenditures may be made by the department of health and
environment from the health and environment publication fee fund for
fiscal year 2001 for development, publication and distribution of bro-
chures containing information about infection control techniques which
are appropriate for hair braiding outside the salon setting, as prescribed
by section 2 of 2000 Senate Bill No. 513: Provided, That all moneys
received for fees charged and collected under section 2 of 2000 Senate
Bill No. 513 shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the
health and environment publication fee fund.

 (g) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 on the department of
health and environment is hereby decreased from 842.5 to 840.5.

 (h) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, expenditures
may be made by the above agency from the children's health care pro-
grams fund for fiscal year 2001 for the following specified purposes sub-
ject to the expenditure limitations prescribed therefor:

Children's initiatives fund--healthy start $250,000
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
healthy start account shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

Children's initiatives fund--infants and toddlers
Provided, That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's
initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--
infants and toddlers program account shall be in addition to any expend-
iture limitation imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year

Children's initiatives fund--smoking prevention grants fund $500,000
Provided, That expenditures shall be made from the children's initiatives
fund--smoking prevention grants fund for the purpose of matching fed-
eral funds for programs that have proven outcomes: Provided further,
That all expenditures by the above agency from the children's initiatives
fund for fiscal year 2001 from the children's initiatives fund--smoking
prevention grants fund shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation
imposed on the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (i) (1) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall trans-
fer all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--healthy start account of the Kansas endowment for youth
fund to the children's initiatives fund--healthy start program account in
the children's initiatives fund established by subsection (h). On July 1,
2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities
of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--healthy start account of the
Kansas endowment for youth fund are hereby transferred to and imposed
upon the children's initiatives fund--healthy start account in the chil-
dren's initiatives fund, (B) the Kansas endowment for youth fund--
healthy start account of the above agency in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund is hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in
the Kansas endowment for youth fund--healthy start account of the Kan-
sas endowment for youth fund for the above agency for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or chapter 160 of
the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appropriation act of the
2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (2) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--infants and toddlers program account of the Kansas endow-
ment for youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--infants and tod-
dlers program account in the children's initiatives fund established by
subsection (h). On July 1, 2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encum-
brances and other liabilities of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--
infants and toddlers program account of the Kansas endowment for youth
fund are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the children's initiatives
fund--infants and toddlers program account in the children's initiatives
fund, (B) the Kansas endowment for youth fund--infants and toddlers
program account of the above agency in the Kansas endowment for youth
fund is hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation of moneys in the
Kansas endowment for youth fund--infants and toddlers program ac-
count of the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132 or
chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other appro-
priation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby lapsed.

 (3) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--neonatal screening account of the Kansas endowment for
youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--neonatal screening account
in the children's initiatives fund, which is hereby established. On July 1,
2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities
of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--neonatal screening account of
the Kansas endowment for youth fund are hereby transferred to and
imposed upon the children's initiatives fund--neonatal screening account
in the children's initiatives fund, (B) the Kansas endowment for youth
fund--neonatal screening account of the above agency in the Kansas en-
dowment for youth fund is hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation
of moneys in the Kansas endowment for youth fund--neonatal screening
account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132
or chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other ap-
propriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby

 (4) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
all moneys credited as of June 30, 2000, in the Kansas endowment for
youth fund--vaccine purchases account of the Kansas endowment for
youth fund to the children's initiatives fund--vaccine purchases account
in the children's initiatives fund, which is hereby established. On July 1,
2000, and after such transfer, (A) all encumbrances and other liabilities
of the Kansas endowment for youth fund--vaccine purchases account of
the Kansas endowment for youth fund are hereby transferred to and
imposed upon the children's initiatives fund--vaccine purchases account
in the children's initiatives fund, (B) the Kansas endowment for youth
fund--vaccine purchases account of the above agency in the Kansas en-
dowment for youth fund is hereby abolished, and (C) any appropriation
of moneys in the Kansas endowment for youth fund--vaccine purchases
account of the Kansas endowment for youth fund for the above agency
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by any provision of chapter 132
or chapter 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or this or other ap-
propriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby

 (5) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made from the children's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized
by this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the leg-
islature, expenditures may be made by the above agency from the chil-
dren's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001, from the unencumbered bal-
ance as of July 1, 2000, in each account of the children's initiatives fund
that is established by subsection (h) and into which moneys are trans-
ferred pursuant to this subsection (i) and in each account of the children's
initiatives fund that is established by this subsection (i): Provided, That
all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such account of
the children's initiatives fund shall not exceed the amount of the unen-
cumbered balance in such account on July 1, 2000: Provided further, That
all expenditures from the unencumbered balance of any such account
shall be in addition to any expenditure limitation imposed on the chil-
dren's initiatives fund for fiscal year 2001.

 (j) On the effective date of this act, of the $2,492,000 appropriated for
the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by section 53(a)
of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general
fund in the infant and toddler account, the sum of $500,000 is hereby

 Sec. 64.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $15,525
 Sec. 65.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $21,514
 Sec. 66.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $9,071
 Sec. 67.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Ellsworth correctional facility--facility operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $3,924
Larned correctional mental health facility--facility operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $29,451
Norton correctional facility--facility operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $11,310
Winfield correctional facility--facility operations

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $2,703
Central administration operations and parole and post-release supervision

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $24,105
 (b) On July 1, 2000, of the $30,894,098 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 51(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the Lansing correctional facility--facility operations account, the sum of
$320,787 is hereby lapsed.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, of the $22,996,537 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 51(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the Hutchinson correctional facility--facility operations account, the sum
of $348,414 is hereby lapsed.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, of the $17,290,354 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 51(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the El Dorado correctional facility--facility operations account, the sum
of $326,258 is hereby lapsed.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, of the $13,658,283 appropriated for the above
agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, by section 51(a) of 2000
House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 from the state general fund in
the Topeka correctional facility--facility operations account, the sum of
$41,577 is hereby lapsed.

 (f) In addition to other purposes for which expenditures may be made
by the department of corrections from the state of Kansas--department
of corrections inmate benefit fund for fiscal year 2001, as authorized by
section 51 (b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, expend-
itures may be made by the above agency from the state of Kansas--
department of corrections inmate benefit fund for operating the thera-
peutic community program at Lansing correctional facility: Provided,
That expenditures for such purposes from the state of Kansas--depart-
ment of corrections inmate benefit fund for fiscal year 2001 shall not
exceed $495,000: Provided further, That all such expenditures for such
purposes from the state of Kansas--department of corrections inmate
benefits fund for fiscal year 2001 shall be made from the projected ending
cash balance in the state of Kansas--department of corrections inmate
benefit fund as of June 30, 2000, and shall not result in any reduction of
funding from the state of Kansas--department of corrections inmate ben-
efit fund for other projects within the approved budget of expenditures
from such fund as authorized by section 51(b) of 2000 House Substitute
for Senate Bill No. 326.

 (g) On the effective date of this act, the amounts specified in section
73 (c) of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas as being included
in the facilities operations account of the state general fund for the fol-
lowing correctional facilities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, are
hereby changed to the amounts specified, but expenditures from the fa-
cilities operations account of the state general fund for such correctional
facilities shall not be limited to, or be required to be made in, the amounts
listed for the correctional facilities, as follows: (1) The amount for Larned
correctional mental health facility is hereby increased from $6,875,937 to
$6,877,925; (2) the amount for Hutchinson correctional facility is hereby
decreased from $22,487,669 to $22,476,313; and (3) the amount for To-
peka correctional facility is hereby increased from $13,198,883 to

 (h) On the effective date of this act, of the $12,361,004 appropriated
for the above agency for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, by 73(a) of
chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas from the state general
fund in the central administration operations and parole and post-release
supervision operations account, the sum of $4,037 is hereby lapsed.

 (i) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures may be
made by the department of corrections from the local jail payments ac-
count of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized by sec-
tion 51(a) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, expenditures
may be made by the department of corrections from the local jail pay-
ments account of the state general fund for fiscal year 2001 for reim-
bursement costs incurred during fiscal year 2000.

 (j) On July 1, 2000, the position limitation established by section 69(a)
of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326 for the above agency is
hereby decreased from 3,063.0 to 3,059.0.

 Sec. 68.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Operating expenditures

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $7,140
 (b) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
67(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, on the wildlife
fee fund is hereby decreased from $22,139,970 to $21,801,503.

 (c) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
67(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, on the EDIF--
local government outdoor recreation grants fund is hereby increased from
$250,000 to $500,000.

 (d) On July 1, 2000, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available, the
director of accounts and reports shall transfer $250,000 from the Kansas
economic development endowment account of the state economic de-
velopment initiatives fund of the department of commerce and housing
to the EDIF--local government outdoor recreation grants fund of the
department of wildlife and parks.

 (e) On July 1, 2000, the expenditure limitation established by section
67(b) of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, on the parks fee
fund is hereby increased from $4,460,870 to $4,468,010.

 Sec. 69.

 (a) There is appropriated for the above agency from the state general
fund for the fiscal year or years specified, the following:

Adult corrections oversight

For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001 $500
 Sec. 70. (a) In addition to the other purposes for which expenditures
may be made by each state agency named in this act from the moneys
appropriated from the state general fund or from any special revenue
fund for fiscal year 2001 as authorized by this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, expenditures shall be made
by each state agency named in this act from the moneys appropriated
from the state general fund or from any special revenue funds for fiscal
year 2001, to prepare a report identifying in detail all funding that will
be requested by such agency from the state general fund or any special
revenue funds for any and all substance abuse treatment, prevention or
education programs, including the administration of such programs, for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002: Provided, That each such agency
shall submit such report to the Kansas center for prevention leadership
of the department of social and rehabilitation services on or before Sep-
tember 15, 2000: Provided further, That each such agency shall submit a
copy of such report to the division of the budget and to the legislative
research department at the same time it is submitted to the Kansas center
for prevention leadership of the governor's department.

 (b) On July 1, 2000, the provisions of section 71 of 2000 House Sub-
stitute for Senate Bill No. 326 are hereby declared to be null and void
and shall be of no force and effect.

 Sec. 71. On July 1, 2000, K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-34,147, as amended by
section 106 of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, is hereby
amended to read as follows: 79-34,147. (a) (1) On July 1, 1999, and quar-
terly thereafter the secretary of revenue shall certify to the director of
accounts and reports the amount equal to 7.628% of the total revenues
received by the secretary from the taxes imposed under the Kansas re-
tailers' sales tax act and deposited in the state treasury and credited to
the state general fund during the preceding three calendar months.

 (2) On July 1, 2001, and quarterly thereafter, the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
9.5% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes im-
posed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding three
calendar months.

 (3) On July 1, 2002, and quarterly thereafter, the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
11% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes im-
posed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding three
calendar months.

 (4) On July 1, 2003, and quarterly thereafter, the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
11.25% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes
imposed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the
state treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding
three calendar months.

 (5) On July 1, 2004, and quarterly thereafter, the secretary of revenue
shall certify to the director of accounts and reports the amount equal to
12% of the total revenues received by the secretary from the taxes im-
posed under the Kansas retailers' sales tax act and deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the state general fund during the preceding three
calendar months.

 (b) Upon receipt of each certification under subsection (a), the director
of accounts and reports shall transfer from the state general fund to the
state highway fund an amount equal to the amount so certified, on each
July 1, October 1, January 1 and April 1, except that (1)(A) the amount
of the transfer on each such date during state fiscal year 2000 shall not
exceed the amount equal to 101.7% of the amount of the transfer on each
such date during state fiscal year 1999 and (B) the aggregate amount of
all such transfers during state fiscal year 2000 shall not exceed
$62,240,428; and (2) the amount of the transfer on each such date during
state fiscal year 2001 shall not exceed $12,829,480.50 $12,927,149.75. All
transfers made pursuant to this section are subject to reduction under
K.S.A. 75-6704, and amendments thereto.

 (c) All transfers made in accordance with the provisions of this section
shall be considered to be demand transfers from the state general fund.

 Sec. 72. On July 1, 2000, K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-34,147, as amended by
section 106 of 2000 House Substitute for Senate Bill No. 326, is hereby

 Sec. 73. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of K.S.A.
74-4927f and amendments thereto, no participating employer under the
Kansas public employees retirement system shall pay any amount to the
system for the cost of the plan of death and long-term disability benefits
under K.S.A. 74-4927f and amendments thereto for the period from April
1, 2000, through June 30, 2001.

 (b) On the effective date of this act, the amount in each account of the
state general fund of each state agency that is appropriated for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2000, by chapter 132 or chapter 160 of the 1999
Session Laws of Kansas or by 2000 Senate Bill No. 39 and that is budgeted
for payment of the cost of the plan of death and long-term disability
benefits under K.S.A. 74-4927f and amendments thereto, as certified by
the director of the budget to the director of accounts and reports, for the
period from April 1, 2000, through June 30, 2000, is hereby lapsed.

 Sec. 74. (a) On July 1, 2000, the director of accounts and reports shall
transfer the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000, in each account
of the children's initiatives fund to the Kansas endowment for youth fund.

 (b) On July 1, 2001, the director of accounts and reports shall transfer
the unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2001, in each account of the
children's initiatives fund to the Kansas endowment for youth fund.

 Sec. 75. Appeals to exceed position limitations. (a) The limitations im-
posed by this act on the number of full-time and regular part-time posi-
tions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and temporary positions,
paid from appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000, made
in chapter 132 or 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of Kansas or in any other
appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature may be
exceeded upon approval of the state finance council.

 (b) The limitations imposed by this act on the number of full-time and
regular part-time positions equated to full-time, excluding seasonal and
temporary positions, paid from appropriations for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2001, made in chapter 132 or 160 of the 1999 Session Laws of
Kansas or in this or in any other appropriation act of the 2000 regular
session of the legislature may be exceeded upon approval of the state
finance council.

 Sec. 76. Appeals to exceed expenditure limitations. Upon written ap-
plication to the governor and approval of the state finance council, ex-
penditures from special revenue funds may exceed the amounts specified
in this act.

 Sec. 77. Savings. (a) Any unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000,
in any special revenue fund, or account thereof, of any state agency named
in this act which is not otherwise specifically appropriated or limited by
this or other appropriation act of the 2000 regular session of the legisla-
ture, is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for
the same use and purpose as the same was heretofore appropriated.

 (b) Any unencumbered balance in any special revenue fund, or account
thereof, of any state agency named in section 22 of chapter 132 of the
1999 Session Laws of Kansas which is not otherwise specifically appro-
priated or limited for fiscal year 2001 by this or other appropriation act
of the 1999 or 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby appro-
priated for fiscal year 2001 for the same use and purpose as the same was
heretofore appropriated.

 Sec. 78. Federal grants. (a) Each federal grant or other federal receipt
which is received by a state agency named in this act and which is not
otherwise appropriated to that state agency by this or other appropriation
act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, is hereby appropriated
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for that state agency for the
purpose set forth in such federal grant or receipt, except that no expend-
iture shall be made from and no obligation shall be incurred against any
such federal grant or other federal receipt, which has not been previously
appropriated or reappropriated or approved for expenditure by the gov-
ernor for fiscal year 2001, until the governor has authorized the state
agency to make expenditures from such federal grant or other federal
receipt for fiscal year 2001.

 (b) Each federal grant or other federal receipt which is received by a
state agency named in section 22 of chapter 132 of the 1999 Session Laws
of Kansas and which is not otherwise appropriated to that state agency
for fiscal year 2001 by this or other appropriation act of the 1999 or 2000
regular session of the legislature, is hereby appropriated for fiscal year
2001 for that state agency for the purpose set forth in such federal grant
or receipt, except that no expenditure shall be made from and no obli-
gation shall be incurred against any such federal grant or other federal
receipt, which has not been previously appropriated or reappropriated or
approved for expenditure by the governor for fiscal year 2001, until the
governor has authorized the state agency to make expenditures from such
federal grant or other federal receipt for fiscal year 2001.

 Sec. 79. Any transfers of money during the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, from any special revenue fund of any state agency named in this
act to the audit services fund of the division of post audit under K.S.A.
46-1121 and amendments thereto shall be in addition to any expenditure
limitation imposed on any such fund for the fiscal year ending June 30,

 Sec. 80. Any correctional institutions building fund appropriation here-
tofore appropriated to any state agency named in this or other appropri-
ation act of the 2000 regular session of the legislature, and having an
unencumbered balance as of June 30, 2000, in excess of $100 is hereby
reappropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the same uses
and purposes as originally appropriated unless specific provision is made
for lapsing such appropriation.

 Sec. 81. Any Kansas educational building fund appropriation heretofore
appropriated to any institution named in this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature and having an unencumbered
balance as of June 30, 2000, in excess of $100 is hereby reappropriated
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the same use and purpose as
originally appropriated, unless specific provision is made for lapsing such

 Sec. 82. Any state institutions building fund appropriation heretofore
appropriated to any state agency named in this or other appropriation act
of the 2000 regular session of the legislature and having an unencumbered
balance as of June 30, 2000, in excess of $100 is hereby reappropriated
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, for the same use and purpose as
originally appropriated, unless specific provision is made for lapsing such

 Sec. 83. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.