Session 2000
Effective: April 28, 2000
A Resolution congratulating and commending Kansas State University
Goldwater scholarship winners.
� � � WHEREAS,� Four students at Kansas State University, Stephanie Rus-
sell, Jacob Taussig, Brandon Grossardt, and Brian Keller, were nominated
to receive Goldwater scholarships, and all four were selected to receive
a scholarship. Commencing with the Fall 2000 semester, this prestigious
scholarship provides $7,500 a year for college expenses until graduation
for the selected winners; and
� � � WHEREAS,� These Kansas State University students were among the
309 students nationwide picked to win a scholarship from a total of 1,176
mathematics, science and engineering students; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Stephanie Russell, Manhattan, is a sophomore in biology,
biochemistry and chemical science. Her parents are Phil and Jackie Rus-
sell; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Jacob Taussig, Manhattan, is a junior in biochemistry and
chemical science. His parents are Mark and Susan Taussig; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Brandon Grossardt, Claflin, is a junior in mathematics.
His parents are Roger and Connie Grossardt; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Brian Keller, Douglass, is a junior in microbiology, in-
ternational studies and premedicine. His parents are James and Sherry
Keller; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Kansas State University students have won 40 Goldwater
scholarships since the program began in 1989. Kansas State University is
ranked first in the nation among public universities in the number of
Goldwater winners. Among all colleges and universities in the nation, only
Princeton, with 43 winners and Harvard, with 41, have produced more
Goldwater scholars: Now, therefore,
� � � Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas:�That we congrat-
ulate and commend these Kansas State University students, all Kansans,
upon winning Goldwater scholarships and note with pride the success of
Kansas State University in this endeavor; and
� � � Be it further resolved:�That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to provide five enrolled copies of this resolution to Dr. Jon Wefald, Pres-
ident, Kansas State University, 110 Anderson Hall, Manhattan, Kansas
Senate Resolution No. 1850 was sponsored by Senators Oleen, Corbin
and Lee