Session 2000
Effective: April 26, 2000
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � SENATE RESOLUTION No. 1847
� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � A Resolution congratulating and commending five eagle scouts.
� � � WHEREAS,� Five members of Boy Scout Troop 114 of Fort Scott will be honored
at an Eagle Court of Honor on June 20, 2000. They are Todd E. Foxx, Michael J.
Sharp, Ryan C. Kastl, Shawn M. Reinecke and Rowan D. Hand. The first four young
men started together in cub scouts and have gone through the ranks of scouting
together to become Eagle Scouts; and
� � � WHEREAS,� The Eagle Scout projects of these scouts were as follows:
� � � Todd E. Foxx
� � � The Eagle project for this scout consisted of repairing and roofing the house
� � � � � of an elderly gentleman who has been active in scouting for over 50 years.
� � � �Michael J. Sharp
� � � � � The Eagle project for this scout consisted of painting the house of the same
� � � � � elderly gentleman in the above project.
� � � �Ryan C. Kastl
� � � � The Eagle project for this scout consisted of tearing out shelving, repainting
� � � � � and moving the flooded out Beacon agency in Fort Scott. The Beacon is a
� � � � � church-sponsored agency that gives aid to the needy of Bourbon County.
� � � �Shawn M. Reinecke
� � � � � The Eagle project for this scout consisted of repairing and repainting a shelter
� � � � � house at the swimming area of the Fort Scott City Lake.
� � � �Rowan D. Hand
� � � � � The Eagle project for this scout consisted of cleaning debris around the Bour-
� � � � � bon County Animal Shelter, repainting the animal runs and installing new shelv-
� � � � � ing for this shelter; and
� � � �WHEREAS,� The Scoutmaster for Troop 114 is W. J. Bryan Foxx II; and
� � � �WHEREAS,� While it is an honor for any scout troop to have an individual who
perseveres through the ranks of scouting to become an Eagle Scout, with such efforts
being recognized at an Eagle Court of Honor, it is especially noteworthy to have five
young men from the same troop being honored as Eagle Scouts at the same Eagle
Court of Honor; and
� � � �WHEREAS,� The accomplishments of these Eagle Scouts are worthy of honor as
well as the support and encouragement provided to them by their fellow scouts,
scoutmaster, parents, teachers and community members: Now, therefore,
� � � Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas:�That we congratulate and
commend Todd E. Foxx, Michael J. Sharp, Ryan C. Kastl, Shawn M. Reinecke and
Rowan D. Hand upon attaining the rank of Eagle Scout; and
� � � Be it further resolved:�That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to provide
six enrolled copies of this resolution to W. J. Bryan Foxx II, Scoutmaster, Troop 114,
Foxx Apothecary, P.O. Box 750, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701 and two copies to Senator
Senate Resolution No. 1847 was sponsored by Senator Jim Barone.