Session 2000
Effective: 2-11-2000
A Resolution recognizing the Kansas community service network for
Kansans with developmental disabilities.
� � � WHEREAS,� Kansans with developmental disabilities, their families,
their community leaders, their county commissioners and their commu-
nity service providers have been pioneers in building stronger Kansas
communities, and comprise the Kansas community service network; and
� � � WHEREAS,� The Kansas community service network has fostered a
better statewide understanding of the challenges of developmental disa-
bilities, and have promoted a clearer understanding of the abilities of men
and women with disabilities to share in the building of our state's future;
� � � WHEREAS,� The Kansas community service network has consistently
shown their willingness to meet and confer with governors, legislators and
state agency leaders on the ways in which they can and do share in the
effective stewardship of state resources; and
� � � WHEREAS,� The Kansas community service network has shaped a
strong network of community-building strategies to make our state more
truly an equal opportunity state; and
� � � WHEREAS,� By the expression of their hopes and dreams the Kansas
community service network has helped all Kansans to reach for more
distant horizons and to imagine greater potential opportunities for all our
citizens: Now, therefore,
� � � Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas:�That we recognize
the Kansas community service network for the service and support it
provides each day to Kansans with developmental disabilities.
Senate Resolution No. 1811 was sponsored by Senators Hensley and