Session 2000
Effective: 1-10-2000
A Resolution congratulating and commending Amy Viola Botham.
� � � WHEREAS,� Amy Viola Botham will celebrate her 100th birthday De-
cember 19, 1999; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Amy Viola Botham, nee Farmer, was born to Samuel and
Thella Farmer on a farm in Coffey County and spent most of her life in
Coffey County. She graduated from the eighth grade at Eagle Creek
school, a one-room school east of Burlington. As a child she helped with
chores on the family farm and developed a love for dancing while accom-
panying her father to dances where he played the fiddle. She has enjoyed
dancing her entire life and still goes to dances on Saturday nights in
Harris. She worked as a housekeeper and at the National Biscuit Com-
pany and Wilson Packing Company, both in Kansas City; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Amy Viola Farmer married Thomas Botham, a farmer,
on July 29, 1919. They lived on a farm most of their marriage where Amy
Viola helped with the farm work. She milked cows, churned butter, made
cottage cheese and sold eggs and milk to customers in Emporia. She also
helped with the field work driving a team of horses to cultivate their crops.
They became the parents of a son, Clayton, on June 8, 1920; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Amy Viola Botham and her husband moved to Burling-
ton in 1971. He died in 1974. She still lives in Burlington as well as her
son, Clayton, now a retired farmer; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Amy Viola Botham is an active member of the Christian
Church in Burlington. She enjoys handwork and has made countless
beautiful quilts. She "always likes to help others, but doesn't want people
to do for her": Now, therefore,
� � � Be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Kansas:�That we congrat-
ulate and commend Amy Viola Botham upon the celebration of her 100th
birthday and the long and rich life she has enjoyed; and
� � � Be it further resolved:�That the Secretary of the Senate be directed
to provide an enrolled copy of this resolution to Senator Vratil.
Senate Resolution No. 1801 was sponsored by Senator John L. Vratil