Session of 2000
Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1638
By Senators Ranson, Barone, Becker, Brownlee, Clark,
Donovan, Dow-
ney, Emert,
Feleciano, Gilstrap, Gooch, Goodwin, Harrington, Hen-
Jones, Jordan, Kerr, Langworthy, Lawrence, Oleen, Petty, Prae-
ger, Pugh,
Salisbury, Salmans, Steffes, Steineger, Stephens, Tyson,
and Vratil
RESOLUTION to protect sensitive groundwater ar-
15 eas from swine waste
Kansas Department of Health and Environment has
18 adopted specific requirements for certain
swine facilities in sensitive
19 groundwater areas of the state; and
20 WHEREAS, These
sensitive groundwater areas, as defined by the
21 Kansas Corporation Commission, provide
water essential for drinking,
22 irrigation, recreation, stock watering and
other purposes; and
23 WHEREAS, Kansas
State University has been authorized by the Sec-
24 retary of the Kansas Department of Health
and Environment to study
25 the actual and potential impacts of seepage
from swine waste lagoons in
26 Kansas; and
27 WHEREAS, In June
of 1999 the Kansas Geological Survey reported
28 that nitrate levels in most wells sampled
in western and south-central
29 Kansas have increased; and
Preliminary reports from the Kansas State University sci-
31 entists associated with the aforementioned
studies report potential threats
32 from swine waste lagoons to the integrity
of sensitive groundwater areas
33 in Kansas; and
Kansas Legislature shares the concerns of local
35 elected officials, groundwater management
district officials and Kansas
36 citizens reliant on water from these
sensitive groundwater areas that these
37 areas are not polluted from swine waste
lagoons: Now, therefore,
38 Be it resolved by
the Senate of the State of Kansas, the House of Rep-
39 resentatives concurring
therein: That the Legislature requests that the
40 Secretary of the Kansas Department of
Health and Environment refrain
41 from issuing any further permits for swine
operations located over sen-
42 sitive groundwater areas until such time as
the Secretary can be assured
43 by scientific research from the Kansas
State University swine lagoon pro-
44 ject that the location of swine waste
lagoons over sensitive groundwater
1 areas do not pose a threat to those
sensitive groundwater areas; and
2 Be it further
resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to
3 vide an enrolled copy of this
resolution to the Secretary of the Kansas
4 Department of Health and Environment,
to Charles Benjamin, Kansas
5 Natural Resource Council and Kansas
Sierra Club, 401 Boulder,
6 Lawrence, KS 66049 and to Jeff
Roberts, Chairperson, Regional Eco-
7 nomic Area Partnership, Hugo Wall
Center for Urban Studies, Wichita
8 State University, 1845 Fairmount,
Wichita, Kansas 67260.