Session of 2000
Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1633
By Committee on Agriculture
9 A
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION encouraging Congress to pass a
10 moratorium on
agribusiness and agricultural mergers and acquisitions.
Monopoly power, whether it arises in industry, labor, fi-
13 nance, agriculture or government, is a
threat to our competitive enterprise
14 system and the individual freedom of every
American; and
effective antitrust policy and program should include
16 clarification of farmer cooperatives'
rights to encourage the development
17 of cooperatives and producer bargaining
associations; and
continued mergers of agribusiness firms that supply
19 input products, process meats and purchase
farm commodities are re-
20 ducing firms to the level that the free
enterprise system that is based on
21 competition is greatly threatened; and
Kansas legislature is opposed to mergers, acquisi-
23 tions or leveraged buyouts which tend to
create a monopoly of production,
24 production inputs, marketing, processing
and transportation situations or
25 which reduce competition in production
inputs, acquiring, pricing, proc-
26 essing or transportation of commodities and
products: Now, therefore,
27 Be it resolved by
the Senate of the State of Kansas, the House of Rep-
28 resentatives concurring
therein: That Congress pass a moratorium on
29 agribusiness and agricultural mergers and
acquisitions until such a time
30 that new rules to govern structural changes
are in place; and
31 Be it further
resolved: That the United States department of justice
32 immediately investigate the mergers that
are occurring in the agricultural
33 industry and action that will protect
producer interests be taken when
34 needed that will stop this trend; and
35 Be it further
resolved: That Congress, in conjunction with the U.S.
36 department of justice, should continue to
monitor the agricultural indus-
37 try for antitrust abuse and make sure that
the current process is successful
38 in maintaining a needed level of
competition; and
39 Be it further
resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to
40 enrolled copies of this resolution to the
President of the United States,
41 the Vice-President of the United States,
Majority Leader and Minority
42 Leader of the United States Senate, the
Speaker, Majority Leader and
43 Minority Leader of the United States House
of Representatives, the Sec-
1 retary of the United States
Department of Agriculture, the Attorney Gen-
2 eral of the United States and to each
member of the Kansas Congressional
3 Delegation.