Session of 2000
By Committee on Ways and Means
concerning the developmental disabilities reform act; relating
11 to intake and service
referral functions and treatment and care service
12 functions; amending
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1801, 39-1803, 39-1804,
13 39-1805 and 39-1806
and repealing the existing sections.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1801 is hereby amended to read as
17 follows: 39-1801. The provisions of K.S.A.
1999 Supp. 39-1801 through
18 39-1810 and amendments thereto shall
be known and may be cited as the
19 developmental disabilities reform act.
20 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1803 is hereby amended to read as
21 follows: 39-1803. As used in the
developmental disabilities reform act:
22 (a) ``Adaptive
behavior'' means the effectiveness or degree with which
23 an individual meets the standards of
personal independence and social
24 responsibility expected of that person's
age, cultural group and
25 community.
26 (b) ``Affiliate''
means an entity or person that meets standards set out
27 in rules and regulations adopted by the
secretary relating to the provision
28 of services and that contracts with a
community developmental disabilities
29 organization.
30 (c) ``Community
services'' means services provided to meet the needs
31 of persons with developmental disabilities
relating to work, living in the
32 community, and individualized supports and
33 (d) ``Community
developmental disability organization'' means any
34 community mental retardation facility that
is organized pursuant to K.S.A.
35 19-4001 through 19-4015 and amendments
36 (e) ``Community
service provider'' means a community
37 tal disability organization or
affiliate thereof an entity or person that
38 standards prescribed in rules and
regulations adopted by the secretary
39 relating to the provisions of
(f) ``Developmental disability'' means:
41 (1) Mental
retardation; or
42 (2) a severe,
chronic disability, which:
43 (A) Is
attributable to a mental or physical impairment, a combination
1 of mental and physical impairments or
a condition which has received a
2 dual diagnosis of mental retardation
and mental illness;
3 (B) is
manifest before 22 years of age;
4 (C) is
likely to continue indefinitely;
(D) results, in the case of a person five years of age or
older, in a
6 substantial limitation in three or
more of the following areas of major life
7 functioning: Self-care, receptive and
expressive language development
8 and use, learning and adapting,
mobility, self-direction, capacity for in-
9 dependent living and economic
10 (E) reflects a
need for a combination and sequence of special inter-
11 disciplinary or generic care, treatment or
other services which are lifelong,
12 or extended in duration and are
individually planned and coordinated;
13 and
14 (F) does not
include individuals who are solely and severely emo-
15 tionally disturbed or seriously or
persistently mentally ill or have disabil-
16 ities solely as a result of the infirmities
of aging.
(g) ``Institution'' means state institution for the mentally
retarded as
18 defined by subsection (c) of K.S.A.
76-12b01 and amendments thereto
19 or intermediate care facility for the
mentally retarded of nine beds or
20 more as defined by subsection (a) (4) of
K.S.A. 39-923 and amendments
21 thereto.
22 (h) ``Mental
retardation'' means substantial limitations in present
23 functioning that is manifested during the
period from birth to age 18
24 years and is characterized by significantly
subaverage intellectual func-
25 tioning existing concurrently with deficits
in adaptive behavior including
26 related limitations in two or more of the
following applicable adaptive
27 skill areas: Communication, self-care, home
living, social skills, commu-
28 nity use, self-direction, health and
safety, functional academics, leisure
29 and work.
30 (i) ``Secretary''
means the secretary of social and rehabilitation
31 services.
32 Sec.
3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1804 is hereby amended to read as
33 follows: 39-1804. (a) Except as otherwise
specifically provided in this act
34 and subject to appropriations of federal
and state funds, the secretary,
35 after consultation with representatives of
community developmental dis-
36 ability organizations, community service
providers, families and consumer
37 advocates, shall implement and administer
the provisions of the devel-
38 opmental disabilities reform act in
accordance with the following policies.
39 Persons with developmental disabilities
40 (1) Be provided
assistance to obtain food, housing, clothing and med-
41 ical care; protection from abuse, neglect
and exploitation; and a range of
42 services and supports which assist in the
determination of individual
43 needs; and
1 (2) receive
assistance in determining their needs; be provided infor-
2 mation about all service options
available to meet those needs; have co-
3 ordination of services delivered; be
assisted and supported in living with
4 their families, or independently; be
assisted in finding transportation to
5 support access to the community; and
receive individually planned ha-
6 bilitation, education, training,
employment and recreation subject to sup-
7 ports and services available in the
community of their choice.
8 (b) To
accomplish the policies set forth in subsection (a), the secre-
9 tary, subject to the provisions of
appropriation acts, shall annually propose
10 and implement a plan including, but not
limited to, financing thereof
11 which shall: (1) Provide for an organized
network of community services
12 for persons with developmental
disabilities; (2) maximize the availability
13 of federal resources to supplement state
and local funding for such sys-
14 tems; and (3) reduce reliance on separate,
segregated settings in institu-
15 tions or the community for persons with
developmental disabilities.
16 (c) The secretary
shall report to the legislature the number of persons
17 with developmental disabilities eligible to
receive community services and
18 shall make a progress report on the
implementation of the annual plans
19 and the progress made to accomplish a
comprehensive community serv-
20 ices system for persons with developmental
21 (d) The secretary
shall prepare and submit budget estimates for the
22 department of social and rehabilitation
services to the division of the
23 budget and the legislature and shall
establish and implement policies and
24 procedures within the programs and
activities of the department so that
25 funds for state-level programs and
activities for persons who are devel-
26 opmentally disabled are allocated between
services delivered in institu-
27 tions and community services.
28 (e) Subject to
the provisions of this act and appropriation acts, the
29 secretary shall administer and disburse
funds to each community devel-
30 opmental disability organization for the
coordination and of the provision
31 of community services.
32 (f) The secretary
shall establish procedures and systems to evaluate
33 the results and outcomes of the
implementation of this act to assure the
34 attainment of maximum quality and efficient
delivery of community
35 services.
36 Sec.
4. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1805 is hereby amended to read as
37 follows: 39-1805. (a) In addition to
any other power and duty prescribed
38 by law, and subject to appropriations
and the provisions of the develop-
39 mental disabilities reform act, a
community developmental disability or-
40 ganization shall have the power and duty
41 (a)
(1) Directly or by subcontract, impartially
serve as a single point
42 of application or referral for services,
and assist all persons with a devel-
43 opmental disability to have access to and
an opportunity to participate in
1 community services, except in those
circumstances in which the secretary
2 determines, subject to an immediate
hearing before the district court
3 located in the county in which the
person with a developmental disability
4 resides, participation in community
services is not the appropriate place-
5 ment for such person because such
person is presently likely to cause
6 harm to self or others;
(b) (2) impartially provide either
directly or by subcontract, intake
8 and referral services to
persons with a developmental disability, including,
9 but not limited to, eligibility
determination; explanation of available serv-
10 ices and service providers; case management
services, if requested; assis-
11 tance in establishing new providers, if
requested; and advocacy for par-
12 ticipation in community services;
13 (c)
(3) organize a council of community members, consumers
or their
14 family members or guardians, and community
service providers, com-
15 posed of a majority of consumers or their
family members or guardians
16 who shall meet not less than quarterly to
address systems issues, includ-
17 ing, but not limited to, planning and
implementation of services; and
18 develop and implement a method by which
consumer complaints, inter-
19 agency and other intrasystem disputes are
20 (d)
(4) impartially provide, directly or by subcontract,
21 about affiliate and
referral community services to persons with a
22 opmental disability whose particular needs
can be met in the community
23 or through government; and
24 (e)
(5) ensure that affiliates
community service providers have the
25 option to review referrals and waiting
lists on a periodic basis to contact
26 potential consumers with information
concerning their services.
27 (b) In no case
shall a community developmental disability organiza-
28 tion provide treatment and care services
for persons with developmental
29 disabilities except (1) as provided in
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 19-4002, and
30 amendments thereto, and (2) areas of the
state where no community serv-
31 ice provider is contracting to provide
treatment and care services for
32 persons with developmental disabilities
directly with the state.
33 (c) If a
community service provider enters into a contract with the
34 state to provide treatment and care
services for persons with develop-
35 mental disabilities, the board of county
commissioners or the boards of
36 county commissioners of two or more
counties shall implement the pro-
37 visions of the developmental
disabilities reform act on or before one year
38 after the date such contract was entered
39 Sec.
5. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1806 is hereby amended to read as
40 follows: 39-1806. To carry out the
provisions of this act, the secretary shall
41 establish after consultation with
representatives of community develop-
42 mental disability organizations and
affiliates thereof, and, community
43 service providers, families and
consumer advocates:
1 (a) A
system of adequate and reasonable funding or reimbursement
2 for the delivery of community
services that:
3 (1) For
persons moving from institutions into the community, directs
4 funding to follow in an amount not
less than that which is required to
5 reimburse community service providers
for services as set forth in such
6 person's plan for transfer from the
institution to community services in-
7 cluding expenses of relocation and
initiation of services;
(2) consolidates federal and state funding sources;
(3) requires an independent, professional review of the rate
10 tures on a biennial basis resulting in a
recommendation to the legislature
11 regarding rate adjustments. Such
recommendation shall be adequate to
12 support: (A) A system of employee
compensation competitive with local
13 conditions; (B) training and technical
support to attract and retain qual-
14 ified employees; (C) a quality assurance
process which is responsive to
15 consumers' needs and which maintains the
standards of quality service;
16 (D) risk management and insurance costs;
and (E) program management
17 and coordination responsibilities;
18 (b) a system of
quality assurance based on standards set out
19 scribed in rules and regulations
adopted by the secretary which insures
20 effective service delivery, fiscal
accountability and networking coopera-
21 tion and which allows community service
providers to present evidence
22 of attainment of national accreditation or
compliance with state or federal
23 laws or rules and regulations, or both, to
indicate compliance with such
24 standards; and
25 (c) a system of
contracting that:
26 (1) Authorizes
open and equitable negotiation between contracting
27 parties or their designated agent or
28 (2) authorizes
mediation by an independent entity chosen by the par-
29 ties to the contract in the event of
contract disputes and if mediation is
30 not completed prior to the end of any
existing contract, authorizes an
31 extension of time of such existing contract
or entering into a temporary
32 contract;
33 (3) requires
achievement and maintenance of community services
34 standards by community service
35 (4) includes
compensation for community services which meet the
36 individualized needs of persons with
developmental disabilities for com-
37 munity services; and
38 (5) requires
community developmental disability organizations to
39 contract with those
affiliates community service providers from
whom a
40 person with a developmental disability
chooses services.
41 New Sec.
6. The board of county commissioners or the boards of
42 county commissioners of two or more
counties shall implement the pro-
43 visions of this act by June 30, 2001,
except as provided in subsections (b)
1 and (c) of section 4, and amendments
2 Sec. 7. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
39-1801, 39-1803, 39-1804, 39-1805 and
3 39-1806 are hereby repealed.
4 Sec. 8. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
5 publication in the statute book.