36 | Legislative coordinating council--operations
$677,997 |
40 41 |
Legislative research department-- operations |
$2,396,161 |
3 | Office of revisor of statutes--operations
$2,347,606 |
11 | Operations (including official hospitality)
$11,936,140 |
42 | Legislative special revenue fund | No limit |
40 41 |
Operations (including legislative post audit committee) |
$1,613,347 |
6 | Audit services fund | No limit |
24 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
25 | State agency audits fund | No limit |
30 | Governor's department |
$1,762,141 |
4 | Special programs fund | No limit |
5 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
10 | Operations |
$123,877 |
29 | Operating expenditures |
$3,541,969 |
5 | Litigation costs | $99,402 |
9 | Additional operating expenditures for investigation and litigation regarding interstate water rights | $723,500 |
14 | Operating expenditures relating to interstate water rightsregarding the Republican river and its tributaries | $855,559 |
24 | Court cost fund | No limit |
25 | Bond transcript review fee fund | No limit |
26 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
27 | Attorney general's antitrust special revenue fund | No limit |
28 | Private gifts fund | No limit |
29 | Attorney general's antitrust suspense fund | No limit |
30 | Attorney general's consumer protection clearing fund | No limit |
31 | Attorney general's committee on crime prevention feefund | No limit |
4 | Tort claims fund | No limit |
5 | Work-study reimbursement fund | No limit |
6 | Crime victims compensation fund | No limit |
11 | Child exchange and visitation fund | No limit |
16 | Federal preventive health and health services block grantfund | No limit |
27 | Crime victims assistance fund | No limit |
32 | Protection from abuse fund | No limit |
37 | Drug free schools and communities fund | No limit |
42 | Victims of crime act--federal fund | No limit |
5 | Victims of crime assistance act--federal fund | No limit |
6 | Family violence prevention and services fund--federal | No limit |
11 | Violence against women grant fund | No limit |
16 | Crime victims grants and gifts fund | No limit |
20 | Attorney general's medicaid fraud control fund | No limit |
21 | Other federal grants and reimbursement fund | No limit |
22 | Debt collection administration cost recovery fund | No limit |
35 | Medicaid fraud reimbursement fund | No limit |
36 | Medicaid fraud prosecution revolving fund | No limit |
7 | Interstate water litigation fund | No limit |
8 | Suspense fund | No limit |
15 | Children's initiatives fund--DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) coordinator, support staff,training and program expenditures | $159,956 |
19 | Operating expenditures |
$1,594,628 |
29 | Cemetery and funeral audit fee fund | No limit |
30 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
31 | Information and copy service fee fund | No limit |
32 | State register fee fund | No limit |
33 | Uniform commercial code fee fund | No limit |
34 | State flag and banner fund | No limit |
35 | Secretary of state fee refund fund | No limit |
36 | Electronic voting machine examination fund | No limit |
37 | Suspense fund | No limit |
38 | Prepaid services fund | No limit |
39 | Athlete agent registration fee fund | No limit |
40 | Franchise fee recovery fund | No limit |
14 | Operating expenditures |
$1,698,032 |
19 | Postsecondary education savings program
$173,974 |
23 | Banking services | $315,000 |
28 | Fiscal agency fund | No limit |
29 | Bond services fee fund | No limit |
30 | City bond finance fund | No limit |
31 | Taylor grazing fees--federal fund | No limit |
32 | Local ad valorem tax reduction fund | No limit |
33 | County and city revenue sharing fund | No limit |
34 | Suspense fund | No limit |
35 | County and city retailers' sales tax fund | No limit |
36 | County and city compensating use tax fund | No limit |
37 | Local alcoholic liquor fund | No limit |
38 | Local alcoholic liquor equalization fund | No limit |
39 | Unclaimed property claims fund | No limit |
40 | Unclaimed property expense fund | No limit |
43 | Unclaimed mineral proceeds trust fund | No limit |
1 | Road and schools--10 U.S.C. 2655 federal fund | No limit |
2 | Racing admissions tax fund | No limit |
3 | Rental motor vehicle excise tax fund | No limit |
4 | Services reimbursement fund | No limit |
5 | Municipal investment pool fund | No limit |
6 | Municipal investment pool reserve fund | No limit |
7 | Municipal investment pool fund fee fund | No limit |
8 | Pooled money investment portfolio fee fund | No limit |
22 | Kansas postsecondary education savings program trustfund | No limit |
23 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
24 | Tax increment financing revenue replacement fund | No limit |
38 | Insurance department service regulation fund
$6,873,234 |
3 | Insurance company examination fund | No limit |
4 | Insurance company annual statement examination fund | No limit |
5 | Insurance company examiner training fund | No limit |
6 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
7 | Commissioner's travel reimbursement fund | No limit |
15 | Workers compensation fund | No limit |
20 | State firefighters relief fund | No limit |
21 | Insurance company tax and fee refund fund | No limit |
22 | Group-funded workers' compensation pools fee fund | No limit |
23 | Municipal group-funded pools fee fund | No limit |
24 | Uninsurable health insurance plan fund | No limit |
25 | Senior health insurance counseling for Kansans fund | No limit |
28 | Insurance education and training fund | No limit |
3 | Health care stabilization fund | No limit |
8 | Operating expenditures |
$877,907 |
11 | Fees--legal and professional services | No limit |
16 | Claims and benefits | No limit |
24 | Operating expenditures |
$193,534 |
43 | Grants and gifts fund | No limit |
5 | Publications fee fund | No limit |
24 | Operating expenditures |
$11,906,776 |
40 | Capital defense operations | $1,363,748 |
1 | Legal services for prisoners | $497,218 |
7 | Indigents' defense services fund | No limit |
11 | Inservice education workshop fee fund | No limit |
26 | Judiciary operations |
$74,956,440 |
9 | Library report fee fund | No limit |
10 | Judiciary technology fund | No limit |
11 | Judicial branch gifts fund | No limit |
12 | Dispute resolution fund | No limit |
13 | Judicial branch education fund | No limit |
14 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
15 | Child welfare federal grant fund | No limit |
16 | Child support enforcement contractual agreement fund | No limit |
17 | Bar admission fee fund | No limit |
18 | Permanent families account--family and children invest-ment fund | No limit |
19 | Duplicate law book fund | No limit |
20 | Court reporter fund | No limit |
21 | Access to justice fund | No limit |
22 | Judicial technology and building and grounds fund | No limit |
30 | Kansas public employees retirement fund | No limit |
35 | Group insurance reserve fund | No limit |
36 | Optional death benefit plan reserve fund | No limit |
37 | Kansas endowment for youth fund | No limit |
38 | Family and children endowment account--family and chil-dren investment fund | No limit |
4 | Agency operations |
$5,944,154 |
22 | Investment related expenses |
$26,876,393 |
43 | Operating expenditures |
$406,511 |
9 | Governmental ethics commission fee fund
$131,299 |
14 | Operating expenditures |
$1,166,295 |
33 | Federal fund | No limit |
34 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
35 | Annual banquet fund | No limit |
1 | Education and training fund | No limit |
17 | Public service regulation fund | No limit |
18 | Motor carrier license fees fund | No limit |
19 | Conservation fee fund | No limit |
36 | Gas pipeline inspection fee fund | No limit |
37 | Abandoned oil and gas well fund | No limit |
38 | Gas pipeline safety program--federal fund | No limit |
39 | Energy related grants fund | No limit |
40 | Energy grants management fund | No limit |
41 | Alternative fuels and transportation initiatives grant--fed-eral fund | No limit |
42 | Energy conservation plan--federal fund | No limit |
1 | Underground injection control class II--federal fund | No limit |
2 | Inservice education workshop fee fund | No limit |
14 | Base state registration clearing fund | No limit |
15 | Suspense fund | No limit |
16 | Data management system fund | No limit |
42 | Utility regulatory fee fund |
$464,223 |
27 | Department of administration operations
$16,507,063 |
39 | Budget analysis |
$1,309,539 |
1 | Public broadcasting council grants | $1,978,009 |
16 | Policy analysis initiatives | $127,973 |
21 | Performance review board |
$273,113 |
27 | Long-term care ombudsman |
$136,292 |
39 | Federal cash management fund | No limit |
40 | State leave payment reserve fund | No limit |
41 | State budget stabilization fund | $0 |
42 | Building and ground fund | No limit |
43 | General fees fund | No limit |
10 | Human resource information systems cost recoveryfund | No limit |
11 | Budget fees fund | No limit |
23 | Purchasing fees fund | No limit |
35 | Architectural services fee fund | No limit |
3 | Budget equipment conversion fund | No limit |
4 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
5 | Architectural services equipment conversion fund | No limit |
6 | Property contingency fund | No limit |
7 | Flood control emergency--federal fund | No limit |
8 | Information technology fund | No limit |
9 | Information technology reserve fund | No limit |
10 | Computer services recovery fund | No limit |
28 | State buildings operating fund | No limit |
16 | Accounting services recovery fund | No limit |
25 | Architectural services recovery fund
$1,691,096 |
11 | Motor pool service fund | No limit |
12 | Motor pool service depreciation reserve fund | No limit |
13 | Kansas public employees retirement clearing fund | No limit |
14 | Intragovernmental printing service fund | No limit |
15 | Intragovernmental printing service depreciation reservefund | No limit |
16 | Central aircraft fund | No limit |
26 | Canceled warrants payment fund | No limit |
27 | Executive mansion gifts fund | No limit |
28 | State facilities gift fund | No limit |
29 | Retirement salary recapture fund | No limit |
30 | Veterans memorial fund | No limit |
31 | State emergency fund | No limit |
32 | Bid and contract deposit fund | No limit |
33 | State workers compensation self-insurance fund | No limit |
5 | Health and hospitalization insurance clearing fund | No limit |
6 | Federal withholding tax clearing fund | No limit |
7 | State gaming revenues fund | No limit |
8 | Health insurance premium reserve fund | No limit |
9 | Excise tax refund clearing fund | No limit |
10 | State withholding tax clearing fund | No limit |
11 | Unemployment compensation tax clearing fund | No limit |
12 | Construction defects recovery fund | No limit |
25 | Preventive health care program fund | No limit |
26 | EDIF--Smoky Hills public tv equipment fund | $350,000 |
27 | Facilities conservation improvement fund | No limit |
28 | State revolving fund services fee fund | No limit |
29 | Cafeteria benefits fund | No limit |
32 | Dependent care assistance program fund | No limit |
33 | Conversion of materials and equipment--recycling pro-gram fund | No limit |
34 | Employees faithful performance bond clearing fund | No limit |
35 | Deferred compensation clearing fund | No limit |
36 | Equipment lease purchase program administration clear-ing fund | No limit |
37 | Suspense fund | No limit |
38 | Series E savings bond clearing fund | No limit |
39 | Optional life insurance clearing fund | No limit |
40 | Employee organization dues clearing fund | No limit |
41 | United Way contributions clearing fund | No limit |
1 | Setoff clearing fund | No limit |
2 | Parking fees clearing fund | No limit |
3 | Electronic funds transfer suspense fund | No limit |
4 | State employee contribution clearing fund for OASDHI | No limit |
5 | Intergovernmental cooperation agreement for develop-ment of statewide cost allocation plan clearing fund | No limit |
6 | Medicare fund clearing account | No limit |
7 | Ad Astra sculpture fund | No limit |
8 | State capitol dome sculpture fund | No limit |
21 | Public school districts benefit fund | No limit |
22 | Administrative hearings office fund | No limit |
23 | Older Americans act long term care ombudsman federalfund | No limit |
24 | Long term care ombudsman gift and grant fund | No limit |
25 | Kansas performance review board fund | No limit |
39 | Flexible spending fund | $0 |
36 | Operating expenditures |
$2,084,367 |
2 | Duplicating fees fund | $14,000 |
7 | Operating expenditures |
$30,834,840 |
19 | Sand royalty fund | No limit |
20 | Division of vehicles operating fund
$29,855,961 |
29 | Vehicle dealers and manufacturers fee fund | No limit |
30 | Kansas qualified agricultural ethyl alcohol producer incen-tive fund | No limit |
31 | Local report fee fund | No limit |
32 | Military retirees income tax refund fund | No limit |
33 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
34 | Forfeited property fee fund | No limit |
35 | Setoff services revenue fund | No limit |
36 | Publications fee fund | No limit |
37 | State bingo regulation fund |
$336,867 |
38 | Child support enforcement contractual agreement fund | No limit |
39 | County treasurers' vehicle licensing fee fund | No limit |
40 | Reappraisal reimbursement fund | No limit |
5 | Special training fund | No limit |
19 | Recovery fund for enforcement actions and attorneyfees | No limit |
20 | Federal commercial motor vehicle safety fund | No limit |
21 | Central stores fund | No limit |
26 | Microfilming fund | No limit |
32 | Miscellaneous trust bonds fund | No limit |
33 | Liquor excise tax guarantee bond fund | No limit |
34 | Non-resident contractors cash bond fund | No limit |
35 | Bond guaranty fund | No limit |
36 | Interstate motor fuel user cash bond fund | No limit |
37 | Motor fuel distributor cash bond fund | No limit |
38 | County and city bingo tax fund | No limit |
39 | Special county mineral production tax fund | No limit |
40 | County drug tax fund | No limit |
41 | Escheat proceeds suspense fund | No limit |
42 | Privilege tax refund fund | No limit |
1 | Suspense fund | No limit |
2 | Cigarette tax refund fund | No limit |
3 | Motor-vehicle fuel tax refund fund | No limit |
4 | Cereal malt beverage tax refund fund | No limit |
5 | Income tax refund fund | No limit |
6 | Sales tax refund fund | No limit |
7 | Compensating tax refund fund | No limit |
8 | Alcoholic liquor tax refund fund | No limit |
9 | Cigarette/tobacco products regulation fund | No limit |
10 | Motor carrier tax refund fund | No limit |
11 | Car company tax fund | No limit |
12 | Protested motor carrier taxes fund | No limit |
13 | Tobacco products refund fund | No limit |
14 | Transient guest tax refund fund established by K.S.A. 12-1694a | No limit |
15 | Interstate motor fuel taxes clearing fund | No limit |
16 | Bingo refund fund | No limit |
17 | Transient guest tax refund fund established by K.S.A. 12-16,100 | No limit |
18 | Inheritance tax abatement refund fund | No limit |
19 | Interstate motor fuel taxes refund fund | No limit |
20 | Interfund clearing fund | No limit |
21 | Local alcoholic liquor clearing fund | No limit |
22 | International registration plan distribution clearing fund | No limit |
23 | Rental motor vehicle excise tax refund fund | No limit |
24 | International fuel tax agreement clearing fund | No limit |
25 | Mineral production tax refund fund | No limit |
26 | Special fuels tax refund fund | No limit |
27 | LP-gas motor fuels refund fund | No limit |
28 | Local alcoholic liquor refund fund | No limit |
29 | Sales tax clearing fund | No limit |
30 | Rental motor vehicle excise tax clearing fund | No limit |
31 | VIPS/CAMA technology hardware fund | No limit |
34 | County and city retailers sales tax clearing fund--countyand city sales tax | No limit |
35 | City and county compensating use tax clearing fund | No limit |
36 | County and city transient guest tax clearing fund | No limit |
37 | Automated tax systems fund | No limit |
38 | Dyed diesel fuel fee fund | No limit |
39 | Electronic databases fee fund | $3,484,500 |
18 | Lottery prize payment fund | No limit |
19 | Lottery operating fund |
$8,907,510 |
23 | State racing fund |
$3,175,379 |
33 | Racing reimbursable expense fund | No limit |
34 | Racing applicant deposit fund | No limit |
35 | Kansas horse breeding development fund | No limit |
36 | Kansas greyhound breeding development fund | No limit |
37 | Racing investigative expense fund | No limit |
38 | Horse fair racing benefit fund | No limit |
39 | Tribal gaming fund | No limit |
18 | Publication and other sales fund | No limit |
19 | Conversion of equipment and materials fund | No limit |
20 | Conference registration and disbursement fund | No limit |
21 | Kansas venture capital companies certificate fee fund | No limit |
22 | Trademark fund | No limit |
23 | Low income housing tax credit fee fund | No limit |
2 | Flood mitigation assistance federal fund | No limit |
3 | Kansas economic opportunity initiatives fund | No limit |
4 | Trade show promotion fund | No limit |
5 | Kansas tourist attraction matching grant developmentfund | No limit |
6 | Greyhound tourism fund | No limit |
7 | Reimbursement and recovery fund | No limit |
8 | Housing assistance program--federal fund | No limit |
9 | Community development block grant--federal fund | No limit |
10 | Community development block grant--federal fund--re-volving loan account | No limit |
11 | HOME--federal fund | No limit |
24 | Community services block grant--federal fund | No limit |
25 | Other grants fund | No limit |
35 | Weatherization block grant--federal fund | No limit |
36 | Energy winterization--federal fund | No limit |
37 | Kansas export loan guarantee fund | No limit |
38 | HUD emergency shelter grants--federal fund | No limit |
39 | National main street center fund | No limit |
40 | State housing trust fund | No limit |
12 | IMPACT program services fund | No limit |
13 | IMPACT program repayment fund | No limit |
14 | Kansas partnership fund | No limit |
17 | State economic development initiatives fund | No limit |
25 | General fees fund | No limit |
31 | Market development fund | No limit |
41 | Kansas existing industry expansion fund | No limit |
14 | Capital formation account | $0 |
15 | Kansas economic development research and developmentaccount | $0 |
16 17 |
Kansas economic development endowment account |
$15,703,751 |
34 35 |
State operations (including official hospitality) |
$9,010,351 |
2 | Kansas industrial training program and Kansas industrialretraining program.. | $3,300,000 |
3 | Grants to small business development centers
$485,000 |
4 | Grants to certified development companies | $400,000 |
14 | Trade show promotion program | $150,000 |
15 | Community capacity building grant program | $197,000 |
16 | Mainstreet development grants | $216,800 |
17 | Tourism grants | $852,100 |
18 | Training equipment grant | $277,500 |
19 | Agriculture products development | $540,000 |
28 | Motion picture and television sales tax reimbursement | $75,000 |
3 | Eisenhower center grant |
$100,000 |
4 | Teachers' Hall of Fame |
$100,000 |
5 | Kansas existing industry expansion program | No limit |
43 | Kansas, Inc. matching fund | No limit |
1 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
2 | Information network of Kansas fund | No limit |
6 | EDIF fund |
$371,413 |
13 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
19 | Operations (including official hospitality)
$371,413 |
32 33 |
Economic development research and development fund |
$12,477,492 |
41 | MAMTC federal fund | No limit |
42 | KTEC special revenue fund | No limit |
7 8 |
Operations, assistance and grants (including official hospitality) |
$12,477,492 |
36 | Homestead tax refunds | $13,776,554 |
5 | Operating expenditures |
$1,442,709 |
23 | Workmen's compensation fee fund | $8,040,194 |
24 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | $20,814 |
25 | Occupational health and safety--federal fund | $462,064 |
26 | Boiler inspection fee fund | No limit |
27 | Special employment security fund | No limit |
42 | Employment security administration fund | No limit |
43 | State workplace health and safety fund | No limit |
1 | Wage claims assignment fee fund | No limit |
2 | Employment security computer systems institute fund | No limit |
3 | JTPA title II non-state operations fund | No limit |
4 | JTPA title II state operations fund | No limit |
5 | JTPA title III non-state operations fund | No limit |
6 | JTPA title III discretion non-state operations fund | No limit |
7 | JTPA EDWAA state operations fund | No limit |
8 | JTPA EDWAA discretion state operations fund | No limit |
9 | Workforce investment act state operations fund. | No limit |
10 | Welfare to work grant--federal fund | No limit |
11 | Workforce investment act nonstate operations fund | No limit |
12 | Occupational information systemfederal fund | No limit |
13 | Human resources special projects fund | No limit |
14 | Advisory committee on Hispanic affairs--donationsfund | No limit |
15 | Committee on employment of the handicapped--gifts,grants and donations fund | No limit |
16 | Federal indirect cost offset fund | $286,231 |
17 | Dispute resolution fund | No limit |
29 | Employment security fund | No limit |
19 | Operating expenditures--veterans affairs
$1,628,682 |
25 26 |
Operating expenditures--Kansas soldiers' home |
$691,606 |
32 33 |
Operating expenditures--Kansas veterans' home |
$2,472,881 |
2 | Kansas commission on veterans affairs fund | $98,000 |
3 | Soldiers' home fee fund |
$4,245,974 |
4 | Soldiers' home benefit fund | No limit |
5 | Soldiers' home work therapy fund | No limit |
6 | Veterans' home fee fund |
No limit |
7 | Persian Gulf War veterans health initiative fund | No limit |
8 | Veterans' home canteen fund | No limit |
9 | Veterans' home benefit fund | No limit |
10 | Soldiers' home outpatient clinic fund | $472,899 |
11 | State veterans cemeteries fee fund | No limit |
22 23 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$19,435,844 |
24 | Vaccine purchases | $674,898 |
25 | Infant and toddler program | $2,492,000 |
26 | Aid to local units | $5,026,596 |
39 | Aid to local units--primary health projects | $1,520,840 |
3 | Teen pregnancy prevention activities | $561,365 |
13 | Aid to local units--family planning | $98,880 |
20 | Immunization programs | $350,000 |
24 | Match for title XIX for nursing home inspections | $890,955 |
35 | Environmental permit fund | No limit |
36 | Air quality fee fund | No limit |
37 | Title XIX fund | No limit |
43 | Health care database fee fund | No limit |
1 | Laboratory medicaid cost recovery fund | No limit |
2 | Hazardous waste collection fund | No limit |
3 | Driving under the influence equipment fund | No limit |
7 | Power generating facility fee fund | No limit |
8 | Breast and cervical cancer program and detection fund | No limit |
9 | Health and environment training fee fund | No limit |
24 | Capacity management assistance fund | No limit |
25 | Food service inspection reimbursement fund | No limit |
26 | Food inspection fee fund | No limit |
3 | Mined-land conservation and reclamation fee fund | No limit |
4 | Insurance statistical plan fund | No limit |
5 | Solid waste management fund | No limit |
6 | Public water supply fee fund | No limit |
7 | Voluntary cleanup fund | No limit |
8 | Storage tank fee fund | No limit |
9 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
10 | Nuclear safety emergency preparedness special revenuefund | No limit |
14 | Health facilities review fund | No limit |
15 | Waste tire management fund | No limit |
16 | Health and environment publication fee fund | No limit |
17 | District coroners fund | No limit |
22 | Local air quality control authority regulation servicesfund | No limit |
23 | Environmental response fund | No limit |
24 | Mined-land reclamation fund | No limit |
25 | Water plan special revenue fund | $4,136,452 |
26 | Adult care licensing revolving fund | No limit |
27 | Sponsored project overhead fund | No limit |
28 | Child care facilities licensure fund | No limit |
29 | Federal cancer registry fund | No limit |
30 | Clinical laboratory improvement amendments--federalfund | No limit |
31 | Child care and development block grant--federal fund | No limit |
32 | Office of rural health--federal fund | No limit |
33 | EPA--core support fund | No limit |
34 | Medicare fund--federal | No limit |
40 | Federal migrant health program fund | No limit |
1 | Venereal disease control project fund--federal | No limit |
2 | Disease prevention and health promotion federal grantsfund | No limit |
9 | Federal air quality program fund | No limit |
10 | Federal women, infants and children health programfund | No limit |
11 | Federal occupational health and safety statistics programfund | No limit |
12 | EPA water related federal grants fund | No limit |
17 | Other federal grants fund | No limit |
29 | Federal chemical emergency preparedness assistancefund | No limit |
38 | State legalization impact assistance grant fund | No limit |
39 | Water supply fund--federal | No limit |
1 | EPA voluntary cleanup federal fund | No limit |
8 | Immunization grant funds--federal fund | No limit |
9 | Diagnostic X-ray program--federal fund | No limit |
10 | Title I--P.L. 99-457 child development--federal fund | No limit |
11 | Resource conservation and recovery act--federal fund | No limit |
12 | Preventive health and health services block grant fund | No limit |
13 | Maternal and child health services block grant fund | No limit |
14 | National center for health statistics fund--federal | No limit |
15 | Federal EPA underground injection control fund | No limit |
16 | Federal EPA 106 water pollution control fund | No limit |
17 | Federal title X family planning fund | No limit |
18 | Pregnancy nutrition surveillance--federal fund | No limit |
19 | Radiological environmental cooperative monitoring--fed-eral fund | No limit |
20 | Early childhood developmental services--federal fund | No limit |
21 | 104(6)(1) outreach operator training program--federalfund | No limit |
22 | Underground storage tank fund--federal | No limit |
23 | AIDS project--education and risk reduction--federalfund | No limit |
24 | Commodity supplemental food program fund | No limit |
25 | Special child clinic program--federal fund | No limit |
26 | Make a difference information network--federal fund | No limit |
27 | Census of traumatic occupational fatalities--federalfund | No limit |
28 | AIDS drug reimbursement program--federal fund | No limit |
29 | Leaking underground storage tank trust--federal fund | No limit |
30 | National surface mining control and reclamation act--fed-eral fund | No limit |
31 | Abandoned mined-land fund | No limit |
32 | State indoor radon grant--federal fund | No limit |
33 | EPA non-point source implementation--federal fund | No limit |
34 | Pollution prevention program--federal fund | No limit |
35 | Federal NICE3 public utility grant fund | No limit |
36 | Sudden infant death support fund | No limit |
5 | Gifts, grants and donations fund | No limit |
6 | Hazardous waste perpetual care trust fund | No limit |
7 | Special bequest fund | No limit |
8 | Aboveground petroleum storage tank release trust fund | No limit |
9 | Underground petroleum storage tank release trust fund | No limit |
10 | Drycleaning facility release trust fund | No limit |
11 | Public water supply loan fund | No limit |
12 | Kansas water pollution control revolving fund | No limit |
19 | Cost of issuance fund for Kansas water pollution controlrevolving fund revenue bonds | No limit |
20 | Surcharge fund for Kansas water pollution control revolv-ing fund revenue bonds | No limit |
21 | Debt service reserve fund | No limit |
22 | Bicycle helmet revolving fund | No limit |
23 | SSA fee fund | No limit |
24 | Lead poisoning prevention--federal fund | No limit |
25 | Wetlands protection--federal fund | No limit |
26 | Title IV-E--federal fund | No limit |
27 | Teenage pregnancy program evaluation fund | No limit |
28 | Lead-based paint hazard fee fund | No limit |
29 | Trauma fund | No limit |
30 | Hazardous waste management fund | No limit |
31 | Oz theme park fund | No limit |
39 | Assessment of sediment/Cheney and Perry | No limit |
40 | Contamination remediation | No limit |
41 | Local environmental aid | No limit |
1 | Non-point source pollution | No limit |
42 | Children's initiatives fund--healthy start | $250,000 |
4 | Children's initiatives fund--smoking prevention grantsfund | $500,000 |
9 | Children's initiatives fund--infants and toddlersprogram | $500,000 |
15 | Children's initiatives fund-- |
$3,000,000 |
33 | Administration |
$4,506,345 |
10 | Program grants | $9,006,160 |
43 | Long term care |
$121,808,000 |
18 | Older Americans act--federal fund | No limit |
19 | Title XIX fund--federal | No limit |
20 | Nutrition fund--federal | No limit |
21 | Conferences and workshops attendance and publicationsfees fund | No limit |
31 | General fees fund | No limit |
42 | Gifts and donations fund | No limit |
7 | Elder care--federal fund | No limit |
8 | Volunteer services coordinator--federal fund | No limit |
9 | Medicaid fund--federal | No limit |
10 | Medical resources and collection fund | No limit |
21 | Area agencies on aging loan recovery fund | $0 |
31 | Flexible spending fund -- HCBS/FE waiver | $9,700,000 |
41 | State medicaid match fund--department on aging | $0 |
1 | State operations
$90,810,661 |
10 | Alcohol and drug abuse services grants | $3,732,885 |
14 15 |
Mental health and retardation services aid and assistance |
$113,469,296 |
6 7 |
Kansas neurological institute--operating expenditures |
$7,963,802 |
29 30 |
Larned state hospital--operating expenditures |
$9,919,346 |
4 5 |
Osawatomie state hospital--operating expenditures |
$2,926,031 |
22 23 |
Parsons state hospital and training
center--operating expenditures |
$6,251,304 |
3 4 |
Rainbow mental health facility--operating expenditures |
$1,219,345 |
21 | Children's mental health initiative | $1,800,000 |
24 | Children's health insurance | $10,100,000 |
34 | Youth services aid and assistance
$44,964,853 |
38 | Vocational rehabilitation aid and assistance | $3,692,346 |
7 | Cash assistance | $51,312,197 |
11 | Community based services
$31,737,751 |
15 | Other medical assistance
$204,932,093 |
19 | Sex predator program | $1,446,973 |
27 | Title XIX fund | $59,538,641 |
37 | Kansas neurological institute fee fund
$710,475 |
38 | Kansas neurological institute--elementary and secondaryeducation fund--federal | No limit |
39 | No limit | |
40 | Kansas neurological institute--canteen fund | No limit |
41 | Kansas neurological institute--patient benefit fund | No limit |
1 | Kansas neurological institute--work therapy patient ben-efit fund | No limit |
2 | Larned state hospital fee fund | $3,293,118 |
3 | Larned state hospital--elementary and secondary educa-tion fund--federal | No limit |
4 | Larned state hospital--vocational education fund--federal | No limit |
5 | Larned state hospital--ECIA fund--federal | No limit |
6 | Larned state hospital--canteen fund | No limit |
7 | Larned state hospital--patient benefit fund | No limit |
8 | Larned state hospital--motor pool revolving fund | No limit |
9 10 |
Osawatomie state hospital fee fund |
$5,479,615 |
21 | Osawatomie state hospital--elementary and secondary education fund--federal | No limit |
22 | Osawatomie state hospital--vocational education fund--federal | No limit |
23 | Osawatomie state hospital--ECIA fund--federal | No limit |
24 | Osawatomie state hospital--adult education fund--federal | No limit |
25 | Osawatomie state hospital--canteen fund | No limit |
26 | Osawatomie state hospital--patient benefit fund | No limit |
27 | Osawatomie state hospital--work therapy patient benefitfund | No limit |
28 | Osawatomie state hospital--motor pool revolving fund | No limit |
29 | Osawatomie state hospital--training fee revolving fund | No limit |
2 3 |
Parsons state hospital and training center fee fund |
$624,567 |
15 | Parsons state hospital and training center--elementary andsecondary education fund--federal | No limit |
16 | Parsons state hospital and training center--canteenfund | No limit |
17 | Parsons state hospital and training center--patient benefitfund | No limit |
18 | Parsons state hospital and training center--work therapypatient benefit fund | No limit |
19 | Rainbow mental health facility fee fund | $879,700 |
20 | Rainbow mental health facility--elementary and secondaryeducation fund--federal | No limit |
21 | Rainbow mental health facility--patient benefit fund | No limit |
22 | Rainbow mental health facility--work therapy patient ben-efit fund | No limit |
23 | Social services clearing fund | No limit |
2 | Social welfare fund
$54,753,127 |
12 | Other state fees fund | No limit |
13 | Alcohol and drug abuse block grant federal fund | $10,978,786 |
18 | Child welfare services block grant federal fund | $6,496,560 |
19 | Mental health block grant federal fund | $2,370,291 |
20 | Social services block grant--federal fund | $28,351,705 |
25 | Child care mandatory federal fund | No limit |
29 | Temporary assistance to needy families federal fund | No limit |
34 | Child care matching federal fund | No limit |
35 | Child care discretionary federal fund | No limit |
36 | Disability determination services federal fund | No limit |
37 | Food stamp assistance federal fund | No limit |
38 | Foster care assistance federal fund | No limit |
39 | Medical assistance federal fund | No limit |
40 | Rehabilitation services federal fund | No limit |
41 | Other federal grants and assistance fund | No limit |
42 | SRS enterprise fund | No limit |
43 | SRS trust fund | No limit |
7 | Energy assistance block grant federal fund | No limit |
8 | Childrens health insurance federal fund | No limit |
9 | Family and children trust account--family and childreninvestment fund | No limit |
10 | Children's initiatives fund | $0 |
11 | Children's initiatives accountability fund | $0 |
12 | Kansas insurance coverage for children fund | No limit |
13 | Flexible spending fund--HCBS/MR waiver | $15,300,000 |
23 | State medicaid match fund--SRS | $0 |
7 | Children's initiatives fund--children's mental healthwaiver | $1,000,000 |
13 | Children's initiatives fund--family centered system ofcare | $5,000,000 |
19 | Children's initiatives fund--HCBS/MR waiver | $1,000,000 |
24 | Children's initiatives fund--best children's program practices research | $250,000 |
35 | Kansas guardianship program
$988,864 |
2 3 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$8,691,226 |
7 | Governor's teaching excellence scholarships | $59,000 |
24 | Governor's teaching excellence awards | $39,000 |
25 | General state aid | $1,813,086,000 |
33 | Supplemental general state aid | $81,779,000 |
34 | School food assistance | $2,510,486 |
35 | Special education services aid | $233,736,000 |
6 | KPERS--employer contributions | $82,726,364 |
19 | Parent education program | $4,667,000 |
26 | Inservice education aid | $2,600,000 |
34 | Educable deaf-blind and severely handicapped children'sprograms aid | $110,000 |
35 | School district juvenile detention facilities and Flint Hillsjob corps center grants | $4,509,310 |
8 | State school district finance fund | No limit |
9 | School district capital improvements fund | No limit |
14 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
15 | State safety fund | No limit |
16 | School bus safety fund | No limit |
17 | Goals 2001 federal fund | No limit |
18 | Motorcycle safety fund | No limit |
19 | Federal indirect cost reimbursement fund | No limit |
20 | Certificate fee fund | No limit |
21 | Food assistance--federal fund | No limit |
22 | Food assistance--school breakfast program--federalfund | No limit |
23 | Food assistance--national school lunch program--federalfund | No limit |
24 | Food assistance--child and adult care food program--fed-eral fund | No limit |
25 | Elementary and secondary school aid--federal fund | No limit |
26 | Elementary and secondary school aid--educationally de-prived children--federal fund | No limit |
27 | Educationally deprived children--state operations--fed-eral fund | No limit |
28 | Elementary and secondary school--educationally deprivedchildren--LEA's fund | No limit |
29 | ESEA chapter II--state operations--federal fund | No limit |
30 | Title VI--innovative education program strategies--LEA'sfund--federal fund | No limit |
31 | Title VI--innovative education program strategies--stateoperations--federal fund | No limit |
32 | Education of handicapped children fund--federal | No limit |
33 | Educational interpreter performance assessment feefund | No limit |
9 | Education of handicapped children fund-- state operations-- federal | No limit |
10 | Education of handicapped children fund--preschool--federal fund | No limit |
11 | Education of handicapped children fund--preschool stateoperations--federal | No limit |
12 | Elementary and secondary school aid--federal fund--mi-grant education fund | No limit |
13 | Elementary and secondary school aid--federal fund--mi-grant education--state operations | No limit |
14 | Vocational education amendments of 1968--federalfund | No limit |
15 | Vocational education title II--federal fund | No limit |
16 | Vocational education title II--federal fund--stateoperations | No limit |
17 | Educational research grants and projects fund | No limit |
18 | Education for economic security act--federal fund | No limit |
19 | Drug abuse fund--department of education--federal | No limit |
20 | Federal class size reduction fund | No limit |
21 | Drug abuse funds--federal--state operations fund | No limit |
22 | Inservice education workshop fee fund | No limit |
33 | Private donations, gifts, grants and bequests fund | No limit |
34 | Interactive video fee fund | No limit |
8 | Reimbursement for services fund | No limit |
9 | Communities in schools program fund | No limit |
10 | Governor's teaching excellence scholarships program re-payment fund | No limit |
27 | Flexible spending fund--general state aid | $7,761,000 |
37 | Flexible spending fund--special education servicesaid | $14,600,000 |
34 | Children's initiatives fund--parent education program | $1,277,833 |
1 | Children's initiatives fund--general state aid four-year-oldat-risk | $1,000,000 |
7 | Children's initiatives fund-- |
$500,000 |
17 | Children's initiatives fund--Kan-Ed infrastructure | $4,500,000 |
5 | Operating expenditures
$1,529,782 |
13 | Grants to libraries and library systems | $3,510,608 |
28 | State library fund | No limit |
29 | Federal library services and technology act--fund | No limit |
34 | Operating expenditures
$317,315 |
3 | Arts programming grants and challenge grants | $1,199,340 |
16 | Kansas arts commission fee fund | No limit |
17 | Kansas arts commission gifts, grants and bequests fund | No limit |
18 | Kansas arts commission special gifts fund | No limit |
19 | Arts programming grants fund | No limit |
31 | Operating expenditures
$4,124,498 |
37 | Arts for the handicapped | $150,000 |
14 | General fees fund | $38,774 |
15 | Local services reimbursement fund | No limit |
21 | Student activity fees fund | No limit |
22 | Special bequest fund | No limit |
23 | Gift fund | No limit |
24 | Technology lending library fund | No limit |
25 | Food assistance--cash for commodities--federal fund | No limit |
26 | Food assistance--breakfast--federal fund | No limit |
27 | Food assistance-- lunch --federal fund | No limit |
28 | Chapter I handicapped--federal fund | No limit |
29 | Education improvement--federal fund | No limit |
30 | Math and science improvement --federal fund | No limit |
31 | Elementary and secondary--federal fund | No limit |
36 | Operating expenditures
$7,012,534 |
4 | General fees fund | $87,000 |
5 | Local services reimbursement fund | No limit |
12 | Student activity fees fund | No limit |
13 | Elementary and secondary education act--federal fund | No limit |
14 | Vocational education fund--federal | No limit |
15 | Special bequest fund | No limit |
16 | Special workshop fund | No limit |
17 | Gift fund | No limit |
18 | Christa McAuliffe fund | No limit |
23 | Operating expenditures
$5,663,450 |
31 | Kansas humanities council | $75,000 |
40 | General fees fund | No limit |
41 | Archeology fee fund | No limit |
7 | Microfilm fees fund | $55,000 |
16 | Records center fee fund | No limit |
17 | Historic properties fee fund | No limit |
18 | National historic preservation act fund--state | No limit |
19 | Historic preservation overhead fees fund | No limit |
20 | National historic preservation act fund--local | No limit |
21 | Private gifts, grants and bequests fund | No limit |
22 | Museum and historic sites visitor donation fund | No limit |
23 | Insurance collection replacement/reimbursement fund | No limit |
24 | Heritage trust fund | No limit |
27 | Land survey fee fund | No limit |
28 | State historical society facilities fund
No limit |
29 | Unmarked burial sites fund | No limit |
30 | Historic properties fund | No limit |
31 | Law enforcement memorial fund | No limit |
32 | Federal grants fund | No limit |
33 | Property sale proceeds fund | No limit |
37 | EDIF--Kansas humanities council fund | $16,000 |
5 6 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$29,813,137 |
19 | Parking fees fund | No limit |
22 | General fees fund
$8,560,252 |
29 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
21 | Education opportunity act--federal fund | No limit |
22 | Service clearing fund | No limit |
29 | Commencement fees fund | No limit |
30 | Health fees fund | No limit |
35 | Student union fees fund | No limit |
36 | Kansas career work study program fund | No limit |
37 | Economic opportunity act--federal fund | No limit |
38 | Kansas comprehensive grant fund | No limit |
39 | Scholarship funds fund | No limit |
40 | Health professions student assistance program fund | No limit |
41 | Nine month payroll clearing account fund | No limit |
42 | Oil research library gifts and grants fund | No limit |
43 | National direct student loan fund | No limit |
1 | Housing system revenue fund | No limit |
2 | Institutional overhead fund | $50,000 |
3 | Oil and gas royalties fund | No limit |
6 | Equipment reserve fund | No limit |
9 | Housing system suspense fund | No limit |
10 | Housing system operations fund | No limit |
11 | Housing system repairs, equipment and improvementfund | No limit |
12 | Sponsored research overhead fund | No limit |
13 | Wildlife art fund | No limit |
14 | Kansas distinguished scholarship fund | No limit |
38 39 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$99,422,184 |
3 | Parking fees fund | No limit |
9 | General fees fund
$44,139,472 |
16 | Interest on endowment fund | $175,000 |
17 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
25 | Kansas career work study program fund | No limit |
26 | Service clearing fund | No limit |
33 | Sponsored research overhead fund | No limit |
38 | Housing system suspense fund | No limit |
39 | Housing system operations fund | No limit |
40 | Housing system repairs, equipment and improvementfund | No limit |
41 | Student recreation building program fund | No limit |
42 | Coliseum operations fund | No limit |
1 | Coliseum gifts fund | No limit |
2 | Mandatory retirement annuity clearing fund | No limit |
3 | Student health fees fund | No limit |
8 | Scholarship funds fund | No limit |
9 | Perkins student loan fund | No limit |
10 | Equipment reserve fund | No limit |
13 | Howard Hughes grant fund | No limit |
14 | U.S. army research grant--metal particle chemistryfund | No limit |
15 | Board of regents--U.S. department of education awardsfund | No limit |
16 | Research projects grants fund | No limit |
17 | Research projects grants matching fund | No limit |
18 | State agricultural university fund | No limit |
19 | Federal extension civil service retirement clearing fund | No limit |
20 | Salina--student union fees fund | No limit |
21 | Salina--dormitory and food service fees fund | No limit |
22 | Aeronautical program equipment--federal fund | No limit |
23 | Kansas distinguished scholarship fund | No limit |
24 | Tuition accountability fund | No limit |
25 | Kansas comprehensive grant fund | No limit |
26 | Temporary deposit fund | No limit |
27 | Business procurement card clearing fund | No limit |
28 | Suspense fund | No limit |
29 | Voluntary tax shelter annuity clearing fund | No limit |
30 | Agency payroll deduction clearing fund | No limit |
31 | Payroll clearing fund | No limit |
20 | Operating expenditures (including official
hospitality) |
$739,443 |
24 | Cooperative extension service (including
official hospitality) |
$16,863,278 |
28 | Agricultural experiment stations (including
official hospitality) |
$27,838,797 |
36 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
29 | Colby experiment station fee fund | No limit |
30 | Fort Hays experiment station fee fund | No limit |
31 | Fertilizer research fund | No limit |
32 | Sponsored research overhead fund | No limit |
33 | Federal extension fund
$4,602,177 |
37 | Federal experimental station fund
3,552,528 |
41 | Smith-Lever special program grant--federal fund | No limit |
42 | Kansas artificial breeding service unit fees fund | No limit |
43 | Agricultural land use-value fund | No limit |
6 7 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$9,062,768 |
15 | General fees fund
$5,177,697 |
20 | Hospital and diagnostic laboratory revenue fund | $1,862,905 |
25 | Hospital and diagnostic laboratory improvement fund | No limit |
26 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
4 | Sponsored research overhead fund | No limit |
5 | Health professions student loan fund | No limit |
6 | H.E.W. veterinary revolving student loan fund | No limit |
7 | Student loan funds fund | No limit |
8 | Suspense fund | No limit |
9 | Equipment reserve fund | No limit |
24 25 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$29,376,101 |
33 | Parking fees fund | No limit |
36 | General fees fund
$8,020,480 |
43 | Interest fund | $15,000 |
1 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
28 | Service clearing fund | No limit |
36 | Commencement fees fund | No limit |
37 | Kansas career work study program fund | No limit |
38 | Student health fees fund | No limit |
43 | Bureau of educational measurements fund | No limit |
1 | Scholarship funds fund | No limit |
2 | National direct student loan fund | No limit |
3 | Economic opportunity act--work study--federal fund | No limit |
4 | Educational opportunity grants--federal fund | No limit |
5 | Basic opportunity grant program--federal fund | No limit |
6 | Research and institutional overhead fund | No limit |
7 | Equipment reserve fund | No limit |
10 | Kansas comprehensive grant fund | No limit |
11 | Housing system suspense fund | No limit |
12 | Housing system operations fund | No limit |
13 | Housing system repairs, equipment and improvementfund | No limit |
14 | Kansas distinguished scholarship fund | No limit |
39 40 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$31,076,391 |
11 | Parking fees fund | No limit |
14 | General fees fund
$10,977,100 |
21 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
21 | Service clearing fund | No limit |
28 | Hospital and student health fees fund | No limit |
35 | Perkins student loan fund | No limit |
36 | Sponsored research overhead fund | $0 |
37 | College work study fund | No limit |
38 | Nursing student loan fund | No limit |
39 | Equipment reserve fund | No limit |
42 | Housing system suspense fund | No limit |
43 | Housing system operations fund | No limit |
1 | Housing system repairs, equipment and improvementfund | No limit |
5 | Kansas comprehensive grant fund | No limit |
6 | Kansas distinguished scholarship program fund | No limit |
21 22 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$122,452,713 |
26 | Geological survey
$5,905,073 |
34 | Parking facilities revenue fund | No limit |
38 | General fees fund
$82,347,294 |
41 | Regents center development fund | No limit |
2 | Interest fund | $20,000 |
3 | Sponsored research overhead fund | No limit |
4 | Law enforcement training center fund | No limit |
18 | Law enforcement training center fees fund | No limit |
23 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
12 | Service clearing fund | No limit |
19 | Health service fund | No limit |
24 | Kansas career work study program fund | No limit |
25 | Student union fund | No limit |
26 | Regents supplemental grant fund | No limit |
27 | National direct student loan fund | No limit |
32 | Ford foundation--forgivable loan fund | No limit |
33 | Andrew Mellon Foundation fund | No limit |
34 | Health professions student loan fund | No limit |
35 | Geological survey fund | No limit |
36 | Equipment reserve fund | No limit |
39 | Research projects grants fund | No limit |
40 | Research projects grants matching fund | No limit |
41 | U.S. Army grant fund | No limit |
42 | Housing system suspense fund | No limit |
43 | Housing system revenue fund | No limit |
1 | Housing system operations fund | No limit |
2 | Housing system repairs, equipment and improvementfund | No limit |
3 | Educational opportunity act--federal fund | No limit |
4 | Loans for disadvantaged students fund | No limit |
5 | Prepaid tuition fees clearing fund | No limit |
6 | Kansas comprehensive grant fund | No limit |
7 | Tuition accountability fund | No limit |
37 38 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$96,536,520 |
12 | General fees fund
$10,688,984 |
16 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
37 | Sponsored research overhead fund | No limit |
38 | Parking fees fund | No limit |
39 | Services to hospital authority fund | No limit |
40 | Direct medical education reimbursement fund | $2,428,197 |
41 | Service clearing fund | No limit |
7 | College work-study fund | No limit |
8 | Student union fees fund | No limit |
9 | Scholarship funds fund | No limit |
10 | Health professions student loan fund--medical students | No limit |
11 | Health professions student loan fund--nursing students | No limit |
12 | Revolving student loans fund | No limit |
13 | Student loans fund | No limit |
14 | Suspense fund | No limit |
15 | Prepaid tuition fees clearing fund | No limit |
16 | Educational opportunity grant fund | No limit |
17 | Basic educational opportunity grant fund | No limit |
18 | National direct student loan fund | No limit |
19 | Medical scholarship and loan repayment fund | $1,489,682 |
26 | Equipment reserve fund | No limit |
29 | University of Kansas medical center private practice foundation reserve fund | No limit |
30 | Robert Wood Johnson foundation loan fund | No limit |
31 | Children's initiatives fund--TeleKid health carelink | $250,000 |
36 37 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$61,327,896 |
3 | General fees fund
$28,004,396 |
10 | Restricted fees fund | No limit |
35 | Service clearing fund | No limit |
41 | On-campus parking revenue fund | No limit |
42 | Kansas career work study program fund | No limit |
43 | National direct student loan fund | No limit |
1 | Scholarship funds fund | No limit |
2 | Sponsored research fund | No limit |
3 | Sponsored research overhead fund | No limit |
4 | Economic opportunity act--federal fund | No limit |
5 | Education opportunity grant--federal fund | No limit |
6 | Work-study program fund | No limit |
7 | Health professions student assistance program--loansfund | No limit |
8 | Nine month payroll clearing account fund | No limit |
9 | Equipment reserve fund | No limit |
12 | Research projects grants fund | No limit |
13 | Research projects grants matching fund | No limit |
14 | Pell grants fund | No limit |
15 | Housing system suspense fund | No limit |
16 | Housing system renovation principal and interest fund | No limit |
17 | Housing system repairs, equipment and improvementfund | No limit |
18 | WSU housing system depreciation and replacementfund | No limit |
19 | Perkins loan fund | No limit |
20 | Kansas distinguished scholarship fund | No limit |
21 | Kansas comprehensive grant fund | No limit |
22 | 1971 academic and service building maintenance fund | No limit |
23 | WSU housing systems revenue fund | No limit |
24 | 1976 dormitory maintenance reserve fund | No limit |
25 | Tuition accountability fund | No limit |
15 16 |
Operating expenditures (including official hospitality) |
$2,358,678 |
25 | State scholarship program | $1,216,982 |
33 | Comprehensive Grant program | $10,447,500 |
34 | Ethnic minority scholarship program | $345,000 |
38 | Ethnic minority fellowship program | $130,900 |
42 | Kansas work-study program | $517,227 |
6 | ROTC scholarship reimbursement | $184,421 |
14 | Teachers scholarship program | $360,000 |
15 | Vocational scholarships | $125,000 |
16 | Nursing student scholarship program | $240,567 |
20 | Optometry Education Program | $115,000 |
21 | Faculty salary enhancement | $8,385,729 |
32 | Municipal university operating grant | $9,270,411 |
33 | Postsecondary aid for vocational education | $19,507,958 |
34 | Adult basic education | $1,100,000 |
35 | Community college operating grant | $74,086,918 |
36 | Technology equipment at community colleges and Wash-burn university | $450,000 |
1 | Vocational education capital outlay aid | $500,000 |
11 | Osteopathic scholarship repayment fund | $480,000 |
12 | Vocational education scholarship examination fees fund | No limit |
13 | Vocational education scholarship discontinued attendancefund | No limit |
14 | Student incentive grant fund--federal | No limit |
15 | Regents' scholarship gift fund | No limit |
32 | Economic development initiatives fund | $9,316,110 |
38 | Earned indirect costs fund--federal | No limit |
39 | Paul Douglas teacher scholarship fund--federal | No limit |
40 | GED credentials processing fees fund | No limit |
41 | Proprietary school fee fund | No limit |
42 | Adult basic education--federal fund | No limit |
1 | Truck driver training fund | No limit |
2 | Education for economic security grant--federal fund | No limit |
3 | Comprehensive grant program discontinued attendancefund | No limit |
4 | State scholarship discontinued attendance fund | No limit |
5 | Kansas ethnic minority fellowship program fund | No limit |
6 | Private postsecondary educational institution degree au-thorization expense reimbursement fee fund | No limit |
7 | Voluntary tax sheltered annuity clearing fund | No limit |
8 | Substance abuse education fund--federal | No limit |
9 | Mandatory retirement annuity clearing fund | No limit |
10 | Nursing student scholarship program fund | No limit |
11 | Kansas ethnic minority discontinued attendance fund | No limit |
12 | Clearing fund | No limit |
13 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
14 | Teacher scholarship program fund | No limit |
15 | Financial aid services fee fund | No limit |
31 | Optometry education repayment fund | No limit |
32 | Teacher scholarship repayment fund | No limit |
33 | Advanced registered nurse practitioner program fund | No limit |
34 | Nursing student scholarship discontinued attendancefund | No limit |
35 | Nursing student scholarship repayment fund | No limit |
40 | Vocational education capital outlay aid | $2,200,000 |
6 | Postsecondary aid for vocational education | $6,916,110 |
7 | Technology innovation and internship program | $200,000 |
18 | Central administration operations and parole and postrelease
supervision operations |
$12,140,441 |
25 | Community corrections | $13,640,661 |
36 | Local jail payments | $1,925,000 |
37 | Community correctional conservation camp | $2,369,470 |
38 | Conservation camp for female offenders | $424,175 |
39 | Day reporting center state match | $190,000 |
11 | Treatment and programs |
$31,080,800 |
17 18 |
Topeka correctional facility-- facilities operations |
$13,389,580 |
26 27 |
Hutchinson correctional facility-- facilities operations |
$22,607,371 |
35 36 |
Lansing correctional facility-- facilities operations |
$30,398,775 |
1 2 |
Ellsworth correctional facility-- facilities operations |
$8,062,071 |
10 11 |
Winfield correctional facility-- facilities operations |
$8,819,076 |
19 20 |
Norton correctional facility-- facilities operations |
$11,066,407 |
28 29 |
El Dorado correctional facility-- facilities operations |
$17,031,595 |
37 38 |
Larned correctional facility-- facilities operations |
$6,951,564 |
3 | Food service--facilities operations | $12,002,756 |
15 | Other federal grants fund | No limit |
25 | Supervision fees fund | No limit |
26 | Asset forfeiture--federal fund | No limit |
27 | Residential substance abuse treatment--federal fund | No limit |
28 | Justice assistance--federal fund | No limit |
29 | Department of corrections state asset forfeiture fund | No limit |
30 | Carl Perkins act--federal fund | No limit |
31 | Criminal Justice Information System--federal fund | No limit |
32 | Violent offender incarceration and truth in sentencing in-centive grants--federal fund | No limit |
5 | Chapter I--federal fund | No limit |
6 | Correctional industries fund | No limit |
18 | State of Kansas--department of corrections inmate benefitfund | No limit |
23 | Department of corrections--alien incarceration grantfund--federal | No limit |
24 | Department of corrections--general fees fund | No limit |
34 | Topeka correctional facility--community developmentblock grant--federal fund | No limit |
35 | Topeka correctional facility--general fees fund | No limit |
36 | Topeka correctional facility--inmate canteen fund | No limit |
37 | Topeka correctional facility --inmate benefit fund | No limit |
38 | Topeka correctional facility--institutional library servicesgrant fund--federal | No limit |
1 | Topeka correctional facility--alien incarceration grantfund--federal | No limit |
2 | Hutchinson correctional facility--general fees fund | No limit |
3 | Hutchinson correctional facility--inmate canteen fund | No limit |
4 | Hutchinson correctional facility--inmate benefit fund | No limit |
5 | Hutchinson correctional facility--drug free demonstrationproject--federal fund | No limit |
6 | Hutchinson correctional facility--institutional library serv-ices grant fund--federal | No limit |
7 | Hutchinson correctional facility--alien incarceration grantfund--federal | No limit |
8 | Lansing correctional facility--general fees fund | No limit |
9 | Lansing correctional facility--inmate canteen fund | No limit |
10 | Lansing correctional facility--inmate benefit fund | No limit |
11 | Lansing correctional facility--institutional library servicesgrant fund--federal | No limit |
12 | Lansing correctional facility--alien incarceration grantfund--federal | No limit |
13 | Ellsworth correctional facility--general fees fund | No limit |
14 | Ellsworth correctional facility--inmate canteen fund | No limit |
15 | Ellsworth correctional facility--inmate benefit fund | No limit |
16 | Ellsworth correctional facility--institutional library serv-ices grant fund--federal | No limit |
17 | Ellsworth correctional facility--alien incarceration grantfund--federal | No limit |
18 | Winfield correctional facility--general fees fund | No limit |
19 | Winfield correctional facility--inmate canteen fund | No limit |
20 | Winfield correctional facility--inmate benefit fund | No limit |
21 | Winfield correctional facility--institutional library servicesgrant fund--federal | No limit |
22 | Winfield correctional facility--alien incarceration grantfund--federal | No limit |
23 | Norton correctional facility--general fees fund | No limit |
24 | Norton correctional facility--inmate canteen fund | No limit |
25 | Norton correctional facility--inmate benefit fund | No limit |
26 27 |
Norton correctional facility--institutional library
servicesgrant fund--federal |
No limit |
28 | Norton correctional facility--alien incarceration grantfund--federal | No limit |
29 | El Dorado correctional facility--general fees fund | No limit |
30 | El Dorado correctional facility--inmate canteen fund | No limit |
31 | El Dorado correctional facility--inmate benefit fund | No limit |
1 | El Dorado correctional facility--institutional library serv-ices grant fund--federal | No limit |
2 | El Dorado correctional facility--alien incarceration grantfund--federal | No limit |
3 | Larned correctional mental health facility--general feesfund | No limit |
4 | Larned correctional mental health facility--inmate can-teen fund | No limit |
5 | Larned correctional mental health facility--inmate benefitfund | No limit |
6 | Larned correctional mental health facility--institutional li-brary services grant fund--federal | No limit |
7 | Larned correctional mental health facility--justice assis-tance--federal fund | No limit |
8 | Larned correctional mental health facility--alien incarcer-ation grant fund--federal | No limit |
26 | Violent offender incarceration and truth in sentencingincentive grants--federal fund | No limit |
11 | Operating expenditures |
$34,343,070 |
19 | Management information systems | $2,103,330 |
20 21 |
Topeka juvenile correctional facility operations |
$11,607,562 |
35 36 |
Atchison juvenile correctional facility operations |
$5,909,764 |
6 7 |
Beloit juvenile correctional facility operations |
$5,283,329 |
20 21 |
Larned juvenile correctional facility operations |
$4,135,998 |
34 | Title XIX fund | No limit |
35 | Title IV-E fund | No limit |
36 | Juvenile justice delinquency prevention--federal fund | No limit |
37 | Juvenile detention facilities fund | $3,985,258 |
38 | Juvenile justice fee fund | No limit |
39 | Kansas endowment for youth trust fund | No limit |
40 | Juvenile justice federal fund | No limit |
41 | Juvenile justice community initiative fund | No limit |
42 | Juvenile justice community planning fund | No limit |
43 | Byrne grant--federal fund | No limit |
1 | Capital facilities planning and projects--federal fund | No limit |
2 | Topeka juvenile correctional facility fee fund | No limit |
3 | Topeka juvenile correctional facility improvement fund | No limit |
4 | Topeka juvenile correctional facility--elementary and sec-ondary education fund--federal | No limit |
5 | Topeka juvenile correctional facility--canteen fund | No limit |
6 | Topeka juvenile correctional facility--patient benefitfund | No limit |
7 | Atchison juvenile correctional facility fee fund | No limit |
8 | Atchison juvenile correctional facility--elementary andsecondary education fund--federal | No limit |
9 | Atchison juvenile correctional facility--canteen fund | No limit |
10 | Atchison juvenile correctional facility--patient benefitfund | No limit |
11 | Beloit juvenile correctional facility fee fund | No limit |
12 | Beloit juvenile correctional facility--elementary and sec-ondary education fund--federal | No limit |
13 | Beloit juvenile correctional facility--canteen fund | No limit |
14 | Beloit juvenile correctional facility--patient benefitfund | No limit |
15 | Larned juvenile correctional facility fee fund | No limit |
22 | Children's initiatives fund--prevention program grants | $5,000,000 |
30 | Children's initiatives fund--intervention and graduatedsanctions community grants | $2,000,000 |
36 | Operating expenditures |
$4,334,829 |
43 | Civil air patrol--operating expenditures | $26,553 |
6 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund--militarydivision | No limit |
7 | Training and support of title III--federal fund | No limit |
8 | Emergency preparedness--federal fund matching--equipment fund | No limit |
9 | Emergency preparedness--federal fund matching--ad-ministration fund | No limit |
10 | Emergency preparedness--RADEF instrument--main-tenance fund | No limit |
11 | State disaster coordination--federal fund | No limit |
12 | Emergency preparedness--nuclear civil protection--fed-eral fund | No limit |
13 | Payment of death, disability, and medical benefit claimsfund | No limit |
14 | Expenses under national guard mutual assistance compactfund | No limit |
15 | Military fees fund | No limit |
20 | Emergency preparedness--fee fund | No limit |
21 | Armories and units general fees fund | No limit |
22 | Emergency preparedness--disaster fund--federal fund | No limit |
23 | Civil air patrol--grants and contributions fund | No limit |
24 | Emergency management performance grant (EMPG)fund | No limit |
25 | EMPG terrorism consequence management preparednessgrant (TCMPA) fund | No limit |
26 | EDIF--educational assistance fund | $250,000 |
7 | Fire marshal fee fund |
$2,653,083 |
10 | Other federal grants fund | No limit |
20 | Gifts, grants and donations fund | No limit |
21 | Hazardous material program fund |
$411,917 |
34 | Parole from adult correctional institutions
$410,714 |
42 | Operating expenditures |
$24,724,339 |
15 | Capitol area security |
$666,033 |
26 | General fees fund | No limit |
37 | For patrol of Kansas turnpike fund | No limit |
38 | Highway patrol motor vehicle fund | No limit |
39 | Highway patrol--federal fund | No limit |
40 | Kansas highway patrol state forfeiture fund | No limit |
41 | Gifts and donations fund | No limit |
42 | Federal forfeiture fund | No limit |
43 | Motor carrier safety assistance program fund | No limit |
1 | Highway patrol training center clearing fund | No limit |
14 | Highway safety fund | No limit |
15 | Capitol area security fund | No limit |
23 | Vehicle identification number fee fund | No limit |
24 | Interagency motor vehicle fuel sales fund | No limit |
34 | Motor carrier inspection fund | $8,931,251 |
35 | Highway patrol training center fund | $1,120,145 |
20 | Operating expenditures |
$12,177,746 |
27 | Debt service payment--purchase of headquarters buildingat 1620 S.W. Tyler Street in Topeka | $125,955 |
33 | Kansas bureau of investigation state forfeiture fund | No limit |
34 | Kansas bureau of investigation federal forfeiture fund | No limit |
35 | Kansas bureau of investigation federal grants fund | No limit |
36 | Forensic laboratory and materials fee fund | No limit |
15 | KBI general fees fund | No limit |
8 | Record check fee fund | No limit |
22 | Operating expenditures |
$756,138 |
28 | Regional council grants |
$100,000 |
34 | EMS--federal fund | No limit |
35 | Emergency medical services operating fund | $2,500 |
36 | Rural health options grant fund | No limit |
6 | Operating expenditures |
$250,035 |
17 | General fees fund | No limit |
18 | Juvenile justice--federal fund | No limit |
19 | Statistical analysis--federal fund | No limit |
20 | Drug abuse fund--federal | No limit |
21 | Sentencing commission forfeiture fund | $75,000 |
30 | Adult corrections oversight |
$170,975 |
40 | Operating expenditures |
$9,656,731 |
15 | Dairy division fee fund |
$92,006 |
16 | Meat and poultry inspection fee fund | $53,254 |
17 | Wheat quality survey fund | $29,126 |
18 | Entomology fee fund | $145,806 |
19 | Laboratory equipment fund | No limit |
20 | Water structures--state highway fund | $93,811 |
21 | Soil amendment fee fund | $1,203 |
22 | Agricultural liming materials fee fund | $40,300 |
23 | Weights and measures fee fund | $185,162 |
24 | Water appropriation certification fund | $266,282 |
25 | Water rights information system fees fund | No limit |
36 | Agriculture seed fee fund |
$55,934 |
37 | Chemigation fee fund |
$94,927 |
38 | Agriculture statistics fund | No limit |
39 | Petroleum inspection fee fund |
$561,942 |
40 | Water transfer hearing fund | No limit |
41 | Warehouse fee fund |
$605,929 |
42 | Grain inspection fee fund | $0 |
43 | Kansas corn commission fund | No limit |
3 | Kansas grain sorghum commission fund | No limit |
6 | Soybean promotion and research fee fund | No limit |
9 | U.S. geological survey cooperative gage agreement fund | No limit |
18 | Water plan special revenue fund | $1,031,935 |
21 | Agricultural chemical fee fund |
$392,716 |
22 | Feeding stuffs fee fund | $491,867 |
23 | Fertilizer fee fund | $417,688 |
24 | Livestock remedies fee fund | $15,536 |
25 | Pesticide use fee fund |
$393,452 |
26 | Grade A milk fee fund | $246,731 |
27 | Geographic information system fee fund | No limit |
28 | Seed examination fee fund | $0 |
29 | Egg fee fund | $62,419 |
30 | Meat and poultry inspection fund (federal) | No limit |
31 | EPA pesticide performance partnership grant fund | No limit |
32 | FEMA dam safety | No limit |
33 | Pest detection and survey--federal fund | No limit |
34 | USDA NASS postage fund | No limit |
35 | FDA tissue residue fund--federal | No limit |
36 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
37 | Publications fee fund | No limit |
12 | Other grants fund | No limit |
38 | Operating expenditures |
$598,587 |
6 | Animal disease control fund | No limit |
9 | Animal dealers fee fund | No limit |
12 | Veterinary inspection fee fund | No limit |
13 | Livestock market brand inspection fee fund | No limit |
14 | Livestock brand fee fund | No limit |
17 | Livestock brand emergency revolving fund | No limit |
18 | County option brand fee fund | No limit |
19 | Federal state disease control fund | No limit |
20 | Livestock and pseudorabies indemnity fund | No limit |
21 | Legal services fund | No limit |
5 | Operating expenditures | $118,000 |
12 | State fair fee fund | No limit |
15 | State fair special cash fund | No limit |
16 | EDIF--operating expenditures fund | $25,000 |
32 | Kansas wheat commission fund |
$3,422,410 |
39 | Wheat research reserve fund | $0 |
1 | Operating expenditures |
$576,153 |
12 | Water plan special revenue fund | $9,800,500 |
20 | Land reclamation fee fund | No limit |
21 | Riparian & wetland areas project--federal fund | No limit |
22 | Watershed protect approach/WTR RSRCE MGT fund | No limit |
23 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
29 | Land treatment cost-share programs | $4,450,000 |
9 | Non-point source pollution | $3,000,000 |
10 | Conservation district aid | $1,035,500 |
11 | Multipurpose small lakes program | $230,000 |
12 | Watershed dam construction | $805,000 |
19 | Kansas water quality buffer initiatives | $80,000 |
34 | Riparian and wetland program | $200,000 |
23 | Water resources operating expenditures
$1,387,301 |
34 | State water plan fund | $2,826,474 |
1 | Conversion of materials and equipment fund | No limit |
2 | Water supply storage assurance fund | $0 |
8 | State conservation storage water supply fund | $0 |
9 | Water marketing fund | No limit |
10 | Federal grants and receipts fund | No limit |
11 | General fees fund | No limit |
22 | Water conservation projects fund | $0 |
1 | Operating expenditures |
$3,857,653 |
15 | Wildlife fee fund |
$21,283,172 |
26 | Parks fee fund |
$4,383,646 |
36 | Boating fee fund |
$1,161,182 |
4 | Central aircraft fund | No limit |
16 | Wildlife and parks nonrestricted fund | No limit |
24 | Water plan special revenue fund | $50,000 |
25 | Prairie spirit rails-to-trails fee fund | No limit |
26 | Nongame wildlife improvement fund | No limit |
27 | Wildlife conservation fund | No limit |
28 | Federally licensed wildlife areas fund | No limit |
29 | State agricultural production fund | No limit |
30 | ||
31 | Land and water conservation fund--state | No limit |
32 | Land and water conservation fund--local | No limit |
33 | Development and promotions fund | No limit |
34 | Department of wildlife and parks private gifts and dona-tions fund | No limit |
35 | Fish and wildlife restitution fund | No limit |
36 | Parks restitution fund | No limit |
37 | Nonfederal grants fund | No limit |
38 | Federal grants fund | No limit |
39 | Suspense fund | No limit |
40 | Employee maintenance deduction clearing fund | No limit |
41 42 |
EDIF--local government outdoor recreation grants fund |
$200,000 |
14 | State highway fund | No limit |
18 | Special city and county highway fund | No limit |
19 | County equalization and adjustment fund | $2,500,000 |
20 | Highway special permits fund | No limit |
21 | Highway |
No limit |
22 | Rail |
No limit |
23 | Rail service assistance program loan guarantee fund | No limit |
24 | Railroad rehabilitation loan guarantee fund | No limit |
34 | Interagency motor vehicle fuel sales fund | No limit |
1 | No limit | |
2 | Public use general aviation airport development fund | No limit |
3 | Highway bond proceeds fund | No limit |
10 | Agency operations |
$206,606,503 |
18 | Conference fees | No limit |
27 | Substantial maintenance | No limit |
28 | Claims | No limit |
29 | Payments for city connecting links | $3,360,000 |
30 | Federal local aid programs | No limit |
31 | Pre-1992 bond services fees | No limit |
32 | Construction, remodeling and special maintenance pro-jects for buildings | $3,124,395 |
40 | Other capital improvements | No limit |
1 | Attorney General | 90.0 |
2 | Secretary of State | 54.0 |
3 | State Treasurer |
55.5 |
4 | Insurance Department | 159.0 |
11 | Health Care Stabilization Fund Board of Governors | 16.0 |
12 | Judicial Council | 4.0 |
13 | Kansas Public Employees Retirement System
79.0 |
14 | Governmental Ethics Commission | 9.0 |
15 | Kansas Human Rights Commission | 36.0 |
16 | State Corporation Commission | 208.0 |
17 | Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board | 4.0 |
18 | Department of Administration | 884.4 |
19 | State Board of Tax Appeals | 31.0 |
20 | Department of Revenue | 1,157.0 |
21 | Kansas Lottery | 88.0 |
22 | Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission--state racingoperations | 43.0 |
23 | Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission--state gamingagency | 20.0 |
24 | Department of Commerce and Housing | 136.0 |
25 | Kansas, Inc. | 4.0 |
26 | Department of Human Resources | 996.5 |
27 | Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs | 454.8 |
28 | Department of Health and Environment | 842.5 |
29 | Department on Aging | 157.0 |
30 | Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services | 3,896.6 |
31 | Kansas Neurological Institute | 662.5 |
32 | Larned State Hospital |
760.6 |
33 | Osawatomie State Hospital | 481.4 |
34 | Parsons State Hospital and Training Center | 516.0 |
35 | Rainbow Mental Health Facility | 134.4 |
36 | State Library | 27.0 |
37 | Kansas Arts Commission | 8.0 |
38 | Kansas State School for the Blind | 92.5 |
39 | Kansas State School for the Deaf |
174.5 |
40 | State Historical Society | 137.5 |
41 | State Board of Regents | 28.0 |
1 | Department of Corrections |
3,063.0 |
2 | Juvenile Justice Authority | 612.0 |
3 | Adjutant General | 215.0 |
4 | State Fire Marshal | 44.0 |
5 | Kansas Parole Board | 3.0 |
6 | Kansas Highway Patrol | 807.8 |
7 8 |
Attorney General--Kansas Bureau of Investigation |
203.0 |
9 | Emergency Medical Services Board |
13.0 |
10 | Kansas Sentencing Commission |
9.0 |
11 | Ombudsman of Corrections | 3.5 |
12 | Kansas Department of Agriculture | 305.5 |
13 | Kansas Animal Health Department |
31.0 |
14 | State Fair Board | 22.0 |
15 | Kansas Wheat Commission | 8.0 |
16 | State Conservation Commission | 13.5 |
17 | Kansas Water Office | 22.5 |
18 | Department of Wildlife and Parks |
394.5 |
19 | Department of Transportation | 3,247.5 |