[As Amended by Senate Committee of the
As Amended by Senate Committee
Session of 2000
By Committee on Ways and Means
concerning municipal accounting; amending K.S.A. 12-896, 19-
12 508a, 19-3622,
75-1119, 75-1120, 75-1120a, 75-1122, [75-1123,]
13 2925, 79-2927,
79-2929, 79-2929a, 79-2930, 79-2960 and 79-5111 and
14 K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
12-1927, 71-211, 75-2556 and 79-2005 and repeal-
15 ing the existing
sections; also repealing K.S.A. 75-1121, 75-1123,
16 1124, 75-3736,
79-2808, 79-2917 and 79-2926.
18 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
19 Section
1. K.S.A. 12-896 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-
20 896. Any municipal energy agency created
under the provisions of this
21 act shall have the power to receive and
expend for any lawful purpose of
22 the agency any grants, bequests,
contributions and aid of any kind from
23 any private or public source. Any such
agency shall be subject to the
24 budget and cash-basis law of the state of
Kansas, and the board of direc-
25 tors shall provide for regular auditing and
budgeting procedures as pre-
26 scribed by the director of accounts
and reports pursuant to the provisions
27 of K.S.A. 75-1121
et seq. and amendments
28 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 12-1927 is hereby amended to read as
29 follows: 12-1927. (a) Except as provided by
subsection (b) the recreation
30 commission shall prepare an annual budget
for the operation of the rec-
31 reation system. Prior to the certification
of its budget to the city or school
32 district, the recreation commission shall
meet for the purpose of answer-
33 ing and hearing objections of taxpayers
relating to the proposed budget
34 and for the purpose of considering
amendments to such proposed budget.
35 The recreation commission shall give at
least 10 days' notice of the time
36 and place of the meeting by publication in
a weekly or daily newspaper
37 having a general circulation in the taxing
district. Such notice shall include
38 the proposed budget and shall set out all
essential items in the budget
39 except such groupings as designated
by the director of accounts and re-
40 ports on a special publication form
prescribed by the director of accounts
41 and reports and furnished with the
regular budget form. The public hear-
42 ing required to be held herein shall be
held not less than 10 days prior
1 to the date on which the recreation
commission is required to certify its
2 budget to the city or school
district. After such hearing the budget shall
3 be adopted or amended and adopted by
the recreation commission. In
4 order to provide funds to carry out
the provisions of this act and to pay
5 a portion of the principal and
interest on bonds issued pursuant to K.S.A.
6 12-1774, and amendments thereto, the
recreation commission shall an-
7 nually, not later than August 1 of
any year, certify its budget to such city
8 or school district which shall levy a
tax sufficient to raise the amount
9 required by such budget on all the
taxable tangible property within the
10 taxing district. Each year a copy of the
budget adopted by the recreation
11 commission shall be filed with the city
clerk in the case of a city-estab-
12 lished recreation system or with the clerk
of the school district in the case
13 of a school district-established recreation
system or with the clerk of the
14 taxing district in the case of a jointly
established recreation system. A copy
15 of such budget also shall be filed with the
county clerk of the county in
16 which the recreation system is located. If
the recreation system is located
17 in more than one county, a copy of the
budget shall be filed with the
18 clerk of the county in which the greater
portion of the assessed valuation
19 of the recreation system is located. The
city or school district shall not be
20 required to levy a tax in excess of the
maximum tax levy set by the city
21 or school district by current resolution.
In the case of a new recreation
22 commission established under the provisions
of this act, such levy shall
23 not be required to exceed one mill.
Whenever the recreation commission
24 determines that the tax currently being
levied for the commission, as
25 previously established by the city or
school district, is insufficient to op-
26 erate the recreation system and the
commission desires to increase the
27 mill levy above the current levy, the
commission shall request that the
28 city or school district authorize an
increase by adopting a resolution de-
29 claring it necessary to increase the annual
levy. The city or school district
30 may authorize the increase by resolution,
but such increase shall not ex-
31 ceed one mill per year. The maximum annual
mill levy for the recreation
32 commission general fund shall not exceed a
total of four mills.
33 (b) Prior to
adopting the budget pursuant to subsection (a), the Blue
34 Valley recreation commission appointed by
the Blue Valley unified school
35 district No. 229 shall submit its proposed
budget to the board of education
36 of such school district. The school board
either shall approve, or modify
37 and approve, the proposed budget. The
recreation commission shall
38 adopt such budget as approved, or modified
and approved, by the board.
39 (c) Any
resolution adopted under subsection (a) shall state the total
40 amount of the tax to be levied for the
recreation system and shall be
41 published once each week for two
consecutive weeks in the official news-
42 paper of the taxing district. Whereupon,
such annual levy in an amount
43 not to exceed the amount stated in the
resolution may be made for the
1 ensuing budget year and each
successive budget year unless a petition
2 requesting an election upon the
proposition to increase the tax levy in
3 excess of the current tax levy,
signed by at least 5% of the qualified voters
4 of the taxing district, is filed with
the county election officer within 30
5 days following the date of the last
publication of the resolution. In the
6 event a valid petition is filed, no
such increased levy shall be made without
7 such proposition having been
submitted to and having been approved by
8 a majority of the voters of the
taxing district voting at an election called
9 and held thereon. All such elections
shall be called and held in the manner
10 provided by the general bond law, and the
cost of the election shall be
11 borne by the recreation commission. Such
taxes shall be levied and col-
12 lected in like manner as other taxes, which
levy the city or school district
13 shall certify, on or before August 25 of
each year, to the county clerk who
14 is hereby authorized and required to place
the same on the tax roll of the
15 county to be collected by the county
treasurer and paid over by the county
16 treasurer to the ex officio treasurer of
the recreation commission.
17 (d) The tax levy
provided in this section shall not be considered a levy
18 of such city or school district under any
of the statutes of this state, but
19 shall be in addition to all other levies
authorized by law and, with respect
20 to any such levy made for the first time in
1989, shall not be subject to
21 the provisions of K.S.A. 79-5021 et
seq., and amendments thereto.
22 (e) At any time
after the making of the first tax levy pursuant to this
23 act, the amount of such tax levy may be
reduced by a majority of the
24 voters of the taxing district voting at an
election called pursuant to a
25 petition and conducted in the same manner
as that prescribed by sub-
26 section (c). The authority of any
recreation commission in existence on
27 the effective date of this act or any
recreation commission established
28 under the provisions of this act to operate
and conduct its activities, other
29 than the recreation commission appointed by
the Blue Valley unified
30 school district No. 229, may be revoked in
any year following the third
31 year of its operation by a majority of the
voters of the taxing district voting
32 at an election called pursuant to a
petition and conducted in the same
33 manner as that prescribed by subsection
(c). If the petition submitted is
34 for the purpose of reducing the mill levy,
it shall state the mill levy re-
35 duction desired. Upon revocation, all
property and money belonging to
36 the recreation commission shall become the
property of the taxing au-
37 thority levying the tax for the commission,
and the recreation commission
38 shall be dissolved.
39 (f) All financial
records of the recreation commission shall be audited
40 as provided in K.S.A. 75-1122, and
amendments thereto, and a copy of
41 such annual audit report shall be filed
with the governing body of the city
42 or school district, or both, in the case of
a jointly established recreation
43 system. A copy of such audit also shall be
filed with the county clerk of
1 the county in which the recreation
system is located. If the recreation
2 system is located in more than one
county, a copy of the budget shall be
3 filed with the clerk of the county in
which the greater portion of the
4 assessed valuation of the recreation
system is located. The cost of each
5 audit shall be borne by the
recreation commission.
6 Sec.
3. K.S.A. 19-508a is hereby amended to read as follows:
7 508a. Each county treasurer shall
submit each year to the governing body
8 of every city, all or any part of the
territory of which is located in the
9 county, a report listing the amounts
allocated or paid to each such city
10 during the year, itemized according to the
source of moneys distributed.
11 Such report shall be made and submitted by
transmission to the clerks of
12 the cities within forty-five
(45) 45 days after the end of the calendar
13 on forms prescribed by the director
of accounts and reports for the
14 purpose.
15 Sec.
4. K.S.A. 19-3622 is hereby amended to read as follows:
16 3622. (a) The governing body of the fire
district shall prepare an annual
17 budget for the operation of the fire
district. Prior to the adoption of its
18 budget, the governing body shall meet for
the purpose of answering and
19 hearing objections of taxpayers relating to
the proposed budget and for
20 the purpose of considering amendments to
such proposed budget. The
21 governing body shall give at least 10 days'
notice of the time and place of
22 the meeting by publication in a weekly or
daily newspaper having a gen-
23 eral circulation in the fire district. Such
notice shall include the proposed
24 budget and shall set out all essential
items in the budget on a publication
25 form prescribed by the director of
accounts and reports and furnished
26 with the regular budget
form. The public hearing required to be held
27 herein shall be held not less than 10 days
prior to the date on which the
28 fire district is required to submit its
budget to the board of county com-
29 missioners for review and approval thereby.
After such hearing a pro-
30 posed budget shall be adopted or amended
and adopted by the fire dis-
31 trict. The governing body, not later than
August 1 of any year, shall submit
32 its proposed budget to the board of county
commissioners for review and
33 approval thereby. The board shall approve
or disapprove the budget no
34 later than August 10. After the board of
county commissioners approves
35 the budget, the governing body shall submit
the budget to the county
36 clerk as provided by K.S.A. 79-2930, and
amendments thereto.
37 (b) The governing
body of the fire district shall have the power to
38 levy a tax not to exceed 8.5 mills upon the
dollar of the assessed valuation
39 of all taxable, tangible property in the
district, for the purpose of paying
40 any lawful cost or expense incurred by the
fire district and to pay a portion
41 of the principal and interest on bonds
issued pursuant to K.S.A. 12-1774,
42 and amendments thereto. No other levies for
the operation and mainte-
43 nance of a fire department shall be made on
such property by any other
1 taxing district. If any incorporated
city is partly within the boundaries of
2 one or more fire districts, and
partly outside the boundaries of any fire
3 district, the governing body of such
city may cause a tax to be levied in
4 that portion of the city outside of
the boundaries of any fire district for
5 fire protection, and may contract
with any fire district, city, township or
6 other organized fire department, to
furnish fire protection in that portion
7 of the city not lying within the
boundaries of a fire district, in the same
8 manner as though the city lay wholly
without the boundaries of a fire
9 district.
10 (c) The governing
body of the fire district may increase the mill levy
11 authorized by subsection (b) in an amount
not to exceed 11.5 mills by
12 adoption of a resolution. Such resolution
shall be published once each
13 week for two consecutive weeks in a
newspaper of general circulation in
14 the fire district. If within 30 days after
the last publication of the reso-
15 lution, a petition signed by not less than
5% of the qualified electors in
16 the fire district is filed in the office of
the county election officer request-
17 ing an election thereon, no levy in an
amount exceeding 8.5 mills shall
18 be made unless the question is submitted to
and approved by a majority
19 of the voters of the fire district voting
at an election called by the gov-
20 erning body. Such election shall be called
and held in the manner pro-
21 vided under the general bond law.
22 Sec.
5. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 71-211 is hereby amended to read as
23 lows: 71-211. The director of
accounts and reports, with the advice of the
24 state board of regents
and, with the advice of the legislative
25 planning committee, shall prescribe a
standardized and uniform chart of
26 accounts for use by all community colleges.
Such chart of accounts shall
27 be compatible with the revenues and
expenditures classification system
28 developed by the national association of
college and university business
29 officers. The chart of accounts shall be
adaptable to manual or automated
30 systems, and use of such chart of accounts
is hereby required for all
31 community colleges.
32 Sec.
6. K.S.A. 75-1119 is hereby amended to read as follows:
33 1119. (a) The board of accountancy shall
adopt rules and regulations gov-
34 erning the renewal and revocation of
licenses of licensed municipal public
35 accountants. Such licenses shall be renewed
for a two-year period from
36 July 1 of the year of renewal and may be
renewed at the discretion and
37 under the rules and regulations of the
board of accountancy. The rules
38 and regulations of the state municipal
accounting board governing the
39 renewal and revocation of licenses of
licensed municipal public account-
40 ants in existence on the effective date of
this act shall continue to be
41 effective and shall be deemed to be the
rules and regulations of the board
42 of accountancy until revised, amended,
repealed or nullified pursuant to
43 law. All other rules and
regulations of the state municipal accounting
1 board shall continue in
existence until revised, amended, repealed or
2 nullified by the director of
accounts and reports pursuant to law.
3 (b) The
chairperson of the board of accountancy is hereby authorized
4 to administer oaths, issue subpoenas
and take testimony of any persons
5 or witnesses that the board of
accountancy may desire relative to any duty
6 or power given it in this
7 (c) No
person may be issued an original license to engage in practice
8 as a licensed municipal public
accountant. Licensed municipal public ac-
9 countants who hold original licenses
to practice as such prior to the ef-
10 fective date of this act and who are in
active practice as licensed municipal
11 public accountants or have been granted
inactive status shall continue to
12 hold such licenses and shall remain
entitled to have such licenses renewed
13 and to practice as licensed municipal
public accountants subject to rules
14 and regulations of the board of
15 Sec.
7. K.S.A. 75-1120 is hereby amended to read as follows:
16 1120. There is hereby authorized and there
shall be a system of fiscal
17 procedure, accounting and reporting for all
municipalities of the state of
18 Kansas required by K.S.A. 75-1122, and
amendments thereto, to have
19 their accounts examined and audited at
least once each year, which system
20 shall be uniform in its application to all
officers of the same grade and
21 kind and all accounts of the same kind of
municipalities to which it is
22 applicable, and shall be used by
such municipalities and their officers and
23 employees when directed by the
director of accounts and reports. Any
24 municipality may use or adopt such forms as
it shall deem best suited for
25 its particular needs so long as all
necessary information is shown on such
26 forms. No copyrighted form or forms, books
or records shall be adopted.
27 The system adopted must be obtainable upon
the open market.
28 Sec.
8. K.S.A. 75-1120a is hereby amended to read as follows:
29 1120a. (a) Except as otherwise provided in
this section, the governing
30 body of each municipality, as defined in
K.S.A. 75-1117, and amendments
31 thereto, shall utilize accounting
procedures and fiscal procedures in the
32 preparation of financial statements and
financial reports that conform to
33 generally accepted accounting principles as
promulgated by the govern-
34 mental accounting standards board and the
American institute of certified
35 public accountants and adopted by
rules and regulations of the director
36 of accounts and
37 (b) The governing
body of any municipality, which has aggregate an-
38 nual gross receipts of less than $275,000
and which does not operate a
39 utility, shall not be required to maintain
fixed asset records.
40 (c) (1) The
director of accounts and reports shall
governing body of
41 any municipality may waive the
requirements of subsection (a) upon
42 request therefor by the governing
body of any municipality. The waiver
43 shall be granted to the extent
requested by the governing body. Prior to
1 requesting the waiver
provided for in this subsection approving such
2 waiver, the governing body, by
resolution, annually shall make a finding
3 that financial statements and
financial reports prepared in conformity
4 with the requirements of subsection
(a) are not relevant to the require-
5 ments of the cash-basis and budget
laws of this state and are of no sig-
6 nificant value to the governing body
or members of the general public of
7 the municipality. No governing body
of a municipality shall request ap-
8 prove the waiver or adopt the
resolution authorized under this subsection
9 if the provisions of revenue bond
ordinances or resolutions or other or-
10 dinances or resolutions of the municipality
require financial statements
11 and financial reports to be prepared in
conformity with the requirements
12 of subsection (a). The governing body of
any municipality which is granted
13 approves a waiver under this
subsection shall cause financial statements
14 and financial reports of the municipality
to be prepared on the basis of
15 cash receipts and disbursements as adjusted
to show compliance with the
16 cash-basis and budget laws of this
17 (2) The
provisions of this subsection do not apply to community
18 colleges.
19 (d) The
director of accounts and reports state board of
regents shall
20 waive the requirements of law relating to
the preparation and mainte-
21 nance of fixed asset records upon request
therefor by the board of trustees
22 of any community college. The waiver shall
be granted to the extent and
23 for the period of time requested by the
board of trustees. Nothing con-
24 tained in this subsection shall be
construed so as to exempt any com-
25 munity college from compliance with the
provisions of K.S.A. 71-211, and
26 amendments thereto, which requires the use
by all community colleges
27 of a standardized and uniform chart of
28 Sec.
9. K.S.A. 75-1122 is hereby amended to read as follows:
29 1122. (a) The governing body of every
unified school district, the govern-
30 ing body of every recreation commission
having aggregate annual gross
31 receipts in excess of $150,000 and the
governing body of all other mu-
32 nicipalities either having aggregate annual
gross receipts in excess of
33 $275,000 or which has general obligation or
revenue bonds outstanding
34 in excess of $275,000 shall have its
accounts examined and audited by a
35 licensed municipal public accountant or
accountants or certified public
36 accountant or accountants at least once
each year. In the case of school
37 districts, all tax and other funds such as
activity funds and accounts shall
38 also be examined and audited.
39 (b) Any
municipality required to have an annual audit for the
40 time under this section shall be
exempt from the requirement if the mu-
41 nicipality sends to the division of
accounts and reports a written request
42 for assistance in complying with
the required accounting procedures of
43 K.S.A. 75-1121, and amendments
thereto. The exemption shall continue
1 until the assistance is
rendered by the division of accounts and reports.
(c) The governing body of any city of the third class
required to have
3 its accounts examined and audited
pursuant to the provisions of this sec-
4 tion shall annually determine the
total cost to be incurred by the city in
5 complying with the requirements of
this act and shall identify the same
6 in the budget of the city.
(d) Each year the township board of any township
required to have
8 an annual audit may adopt a
resolution requesting the director of accounts
9 and reports to exempt the
township from the requirements of this section.
10 The resolution shall be submitted
prior to the end of the fiscal year. Upon
11 receipt of the resolution, the
director of accounts and reports shall waive
12 the requirement for an audit for
such year.
13 [Sec.
10. K.S.A. 75-1123 is hereby amended to read as
14 75-1123. In conducting examinations
and audits provided for by
15 K.S.A. 10-1208,
12-866, 13-1243, 13-14d12 or
75-1122, and amend-
16 ments thereto, the licensed municipal
public accountant or certified
17 public accountant so engaged shall
follow the municipal audit
18 guide, or the applicable portions
thereof, prescribed by the director
19 of accounts and reports. The
municipality so audited shall install and put
20 such standardized accounting system
into effect as soon as possible after
21 such audit referenced
by rule and regulation of the board of
22 Sec.
10 [11]. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
75-2556 is hereby amended to read
23 as follows: 75-2556. (a) The state
librarian shall determine the amount of
24 the grant-in-aid each eligible local public
library is to receive based on
25 the latest population census figures as
certified by the division of the
26 budget.
27 (b) Except as
provided by subsection (d), no local public library shall
28 be eligible for any state grants-in-aid if
the total amount of the following
29 paragraphs is less than the total amount
produced from such sources for
30 the same library for the previous
year, based on the information contained
31 in the official annual budgets of
municipalities that are filed with the
32 division of accounts and reports in
accordance with K.S.A. 79-2930, and
33 amendments thereto:
34 (1) The amount
produced by the local ad valorem tax levies for the
35 current year expenses for such library;
36 (2) the amount of
moneys received from the local ad valorem tax
37 reduction fund for current year expenses
for such library;
38 (3) the amount of
moneys received from taxes levied upon motor
39 vehicles under the provisions of K.S.A.
79-5101 et seq., and amendments
40 thereto, for current year expenses for such
library; and
41 (4) the amount of
moneys received in the current year from collec-
42 tions of unpaid local ad valorem tax levies
for prior year expenses for such
43 library.
1 (c) Local
public library districts in which the assessed valuation de-
2 creases shall remain eligible for
state grants-in-aid so long as the ad va-
3 lorem tax mill rate for the support
of such library has not been reduced
4 below the mill rate imposed for such
purpose for the previous year.
5 (d) If a
local public library fails to qualify for eligibility for any
6 grants-in-aid under subsection (b),
the state librarian shall have the power
7 to continue the eligibility of a
local public library for any state grants-in-
8 aid if the state librarian, after
evaluation of all the circumstances, deter-
9 mines that the legislative intent for
maintenance of local tax levy support
10 for the on-going operations of the library
is being met by the library
11 district.
12 (e) The
distribution so determined shall be apportioned and paid on
13 February 15 of each year.
14 Sec.
11 [12]. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
79-2005 is hereby amended to read
15 as follows: 79-2005. (a) Any taxpayer,
before protesting the payment of
16 such taxpayer's taxes, shall be required,
either at the time of paying such
17 taxes, or, if the whole or part of the
taxes are paid prior to December 20,
18 no later than December 20, or, with respect
to taxes paid in whole on or
19 before December 20 by an escrow or tax
service agent, no later than
20 January 31 of the next year, to file a
written statement with the county
21 treasurer, on forms approved by the state
board of tax appeals and pro-
22 vided by the county treasurer, clearly
stating the grounds on which the
23 whole or any part of such taxes are
protested and citing any law, statute
24 or facts on which such taxpayer relies in
protesting the whole or any part
25 of such taxes. When the grounds of such
protest is that the valuation or
26 assessment of the property upon which the
taxes are levied is illegal or
27 void, the county treasurer shall forward a
copy of the written statement
28 of protest to the county appraiser who
shall within 15 days of the receipt
29 thereof, schedule an informal meeting with
the taxpayer or such tax-
30 payer's agent or attorney with reference to
the property in question. The
31 county appraiser shall review the appraisal
of the taxpayer's property with
32 the taxpayer or such taxpayer's agent or
attorney and may change the
33 valuation of the taxpayer's property, if in
the county appraiser's opinion
34 a change in the valuation of the taxpayer's
property is required to assure
35 that the taxpayer's property is valued
according to law, and shall, within
36 15 business days thereof, notify the
taxpayer in the event the valuation of
37 the taxpayer's property is changed, in
writing of the results of the meeting.
38 In the event the valuation of the
taxpayer's property is changed and such
39 change requires a refund of taxes and
interest thereon, the county trea-
40 surer shall process the refund in the
manner provided by subsection (l).
41 (b) No protest
appealing the valuation or assessment of property shall
42 be filed pertaining to any year's valuation
or assessment when an appeal
43 of such valuation or assessment was
commenced pursuant to K.S.A. 79-
1 1448, and amendments thereto, nor
shall the second half payment of taxes
2 be protested when the first half
payment of taxes has been protested.
3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, this
provision shall not prevent any sub-
4 sequent owner from protesting taxes
levied for the year in which such
5 property was acquired, nor shall it
prevent any taxpayer from protesting
6 taxes when the valuation or
assessment of such taxpayer's property has
7 been changed pursuant to an order of
the director of property valuation.
8 (c) A
protest shall not be necessary to protect the right to a refund
9 of taxes in the event a refund is
required because the final resolution of
10 an appeal commenced pursuant to K.S.A.
79-1448, and amendments
11 thereto, occurs after the final date
prescribed for the protest of taxes.
12 (d) If the
grounds of such protest shall be that the valuation or as-
13 sessment of the property upon which the
taxes so protested are levied is
14 illegal or void, such statement shall
further state the exact amount of
15 valuation or assessment which the taxpayer
admits to be valid and the
16 exact portion of such taxes which is being
17 (e) If the
grounds of such protest shall be that any tax levy, or any
18 part thereof, is illegal, such statement
shall further state the exact portion
19 of such tax which is being protested.
20 (f) Upon the
filing of a written statement of protest, the grounds of
21 which shall be that any tax levied, or any
part thereof, is illegal, the county
22 treasurer shall mail a copy of such written
statement of protest to the
23 state board of tax appeals and the
governing body of the taxing district
24 making the levy being protested.
25 (g) Within 30
days after notification of the results of the informal
26 meeting with the county appraiser pursuant
to subsection (a), the pro-
27 testing taxpayer may, if aggrieved by the
results of the informal meeting
28 with the county appraiser, appeal such
results to the state board of tax
29 appeals.
30 (h) After
examination of the copy of the written statement of protest
31 and a copy of the written notification of
the results of the informal meet-
32 ing with the county appraiser in cases
where the grounds of such protest
33 is that the valuation or assessment of the
property upon which the taxes
34 are levied is illegal or void, the board
shall conduct a hearing in accord-
35 ance with the provisions of the Kansas
administrative procedure act, un-
36 less waived by the interested parties in
writing. If the grounds of such
37 protest is that the valuation or assessment
of the property is illegal or void
38 the board shall notify the county appraiser
39 (i) In the event
of a hearing, the same shall be originally set not later
40 than 90 days after the filing of the copy
of the written statement of protest
41 and a copy, when applicable, of the written
notification of the results of
42 the informal meeting with the county
appraiser with the board. With
43 regard to any matter properly submitted to
the board relating to the
1 determination of valuation of
residential property or real property used
2 for commercial and industrial
purposes for taxation purposes, it shall be
3 the duty of the county appraiser to
initiate the production of evidence to
4 demonstrate, by a preponderance of
the evidence, the validity and cor-
5 rectness of such determination except
that no such duty shall accrue to
6 the county or district appraiser with
regard to leased commercial and
7 industrial property unless the
property owner has furnished to the county
8 or district appraiser a complete
income and expense statement for the
9 property for the three years next
preceding the year of appeal. No pre-
10 sumption shall exist in favor of the county
appraiser with respect to the
11 validity and correctness of such
determination. In all instances where the
12 board sets a request for hearing and
requires the representation of the
13 county by its attorney or counselor at such
hearing, the county shall be
14 represented by its county attorney or
15 (j) When a
determination is made as to the merits of the tax protest,
16 the board shall render and serve its order
thereon. The county treasurer
17 shall notify all affected taxing districts
of the amount by which tax reve-
18 nues will be reduced as a result of a
19 (k) If a
protesting taxpayer fails to file a copy of the written
20 of protest and a copy, when applicable, of
the written notification of the
21 results of the informal meeting with the
county appraiser with the board
22 within the time limit prescribed, such
protest shall become null and void
23 and of no effect whatsoever.
24 (l) (1) In
the event the board orders that a refund be made pursuant
25 to this section or the provisions of K.S.A.
79-1609, and amendments
26 thereto, or a court of competent
jurisdiction orders that a refund be made,
27 and no appeal is taken from such order, or
in the event a change in
28 valuation which results in a refund
pursuant to subsection (a), the county
29 treasurer shall, as soon thereafter as
reasonably practicable, refund to the
30 taxpayer such protested taxes and, with
respect to protests or appeals
31 commenced after the effective date of this
act, interest computed at the
32 rate prescribed by K.S.A. 79-2968, and
amendments thereto, minus two
33 percentage points, per annum from the date
of payment of such taxes
34 from tax moneys collected but not
distributed. Upon making such refund,
35 the county treasurer shall charge the fund
or funds having received such
36 protested taxes, except that, with respect
to that portion of any such re-
37 fund attributable to interest the county
treasurer shall charge the county
38 general fund. In the event that the board
or court finds that any time
39 delay in making its decision is
unreasonable and is attributable to the
40 taxpayer, it may order that no interest or
only a portion thereof be added
41 to such refund of taxes.
42 (2) No interest
shall be allowed pursuant to paragraph (1) in any case
43 where the tax paid under protest was
inclusive of delinquent taxes.
(m) Whenever, by reason of the refund of taxes previously
2 or the reduction of taxes levied but
not received as a result of decreases
3 in assessed valuation, it will be
impossible to pay for imperative functions
4 for the current budget year, the
governing body of the taxing district
5 affected may issue no-fund warrants
in the amount necessary. Such war-
6 rants shall conform to the
requirements prescribed by K.S.A. 79-2940,
7 and amendments thereto, except they
shall not bear the notation required
8 by such section and may be issued
without the approval of the state board
9 of tax appeals. The governing body of
such taxing district shall make a tax
10 levy at the time fixed for the
certification of tax levies to the county clerk
11 next following the issuance of such
warrants sufficient to pay such war-
12 rants and the interest thereon. All such
tax levies shall be in addition to
13 all other levies authorized by law.
14 (n) The county
treasurer shall disburse to the proper funds all por-
15 tions of taxes paid under protest and shall
maintain a record of all portions
16 of such taxes which are so protested and
shall notify the governing body
17 of the taxing district levying such taxes
thereof and the director of ac-
18 counts and reports if any tax
protested was levied by the state.
19 (o) This statute
shall not apply to the valuation and assessment of
20 property assessed by the director of
property valuation and it shall not be
21 necessary for any owner of state assessed
property, who has an appeal
22 pending before the board of tax appeals, to
protest the payment of taxes
23 under this statute solely for the purpose
of protecting the right to a refund
24 of taxes paid under protest should that
owner be successful in that appeal.
25 Sec.
12 [13]. K.S.A. 79-2925 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
26 79-2925. (a) This act shall apply to all
taxing subdivisions or municipalities
27 of the state, except: (1) Townships in
counties having the county road
28 unit system which have an annual
expenditure of less than two hundred
29 dollars $200;
30 (2) any money
received by such taxing subdivision or municipality as
31 a gift or bequest;
32 (3) any revolving
fund set up for the operation of a municipal airport.
33 Any city, board of park commissioners, or
other agency designated and
34 authorized to operate a municipal airport
is hereby authorized to set up
35 a revolving fund for use as an operating
fund, either out of the budget or
36 out of the receipts from the operation of
such airport, in an amount as
37 may be reasonable and necessary as an
operating fund for the efficient
38 and business-like operation of such
airport. The financial transactions of
39 said the airport
shall be audited in accordance with the minimum
40 audit program prescribed by the
director of accounts and reports as other
41 municipal funds are audited. Profits
arising from the operation of the
42 airport after the payment of all necessary
operating expenses and the
43 establishment of the revolving fund shall
be applied to reduce the tax levy
1 for the budgeted fund under which the
operation of such airport is
2 financed;
3 (4) any
special recreation facilities reserve set up by the board of
4 commissioners in any city for the
repair, replacement, or addition to the
5 recreation facilities of such city.
The financial transactions of said such
6 recreation facilities shall be
audited in accordance with the minimum
7 standard audit program
prescribed by the director of accounts and reports
8 as other municipal funds are
audited. Profits arising from the coliseum
9 events fund and the coliseum
concessions, after the payment of all nec-
10 essary expenses, and the establishment and
maintenance of such special
11 recreation facilities reserve shall be
applied to reduce the tax levy for the
12 budget fund under which the operation of
such recreation facilities is
13 financed; and
14 (5) any special
recreation facilities fund set up by the board of county
15 commissioners for the operation of a county
coliseum. The financial trans-
16 actions of the special recreation
facilities fund shall be audited in accord-
17 ance with the minimum standard
audit program prescribed by the direc-
18 tor of accounts and
reports as other municipal funds are audited.
19 derived from the operation of a county
coliseum and deposited in the
20 special recreation facilities fund shall be
applied to reduce the tax levy
21 for the budget fund under which the
operation of such county coliseum
22 is financed.
23 (b) Whenever the
term ``fund'' is used in this act it is intended to
24 have reference to those funds which are
authorized by statute to be es-
25 tablished. ``Fund'' is not intended to mean
the individual budgeted items
26 of a fund, but is intended to have
reference to the total of such individual
27 items.
28 (c) Whenever the
term ``director'' is used in this act it shall mean the
29 state director of property valuation.
30 Sec.
13 [14]. K.S.A. 79-2927 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
31 79-2927. The governing body of each taxing
subdivision or municipality
32 shall meet not later than the first day of
August of each year, and shall
33 prepare in writing on forms
furnished by the director of accounts and
34 reports a budget itemized
and classified by funds and showing amounts
35 to be raised by taxation and from other
sources for the ensuing budget
36 year. The budget shall show in parallel
columns all amounts and items to
37 be expended for the ensuing budget year and
the amounts appropriated
38 for corresponding or other items during the
current budget year and
39 amounts expended for corresponding or other
items during the preceding
40 budget year. The budget for each fund shall
not include any item for
41 sundry or miscellaneous purposes in excess
of 10% of the total. Except
42 for school districts, municipal
universities and community colleges, the
43 budget for each fund may include a
non-appropriated balance of not to
1 exceed 5% of the total of each
2 The budget shall
show in parallel columns the amount of revenue ac-
3 tually received from taxation and
from other sources, with the amount
4 from each source separately stated
for the preceding budget year and the
5 amount actually received and
estimated to be received from taxation and
6 from sources other than direct
taxation with the amount for each source
7 separately stated for the current
budget year and also the amount esti-
8 mated to be received during the
ensuing budget year, with the amount
9 estimated to be received from each
source separately stated. The budget
10 of expenditures for each fund shall balance
with the budget of revenues
11 for such fund and that portion of the
budget of revenues to be derived
12 from ad valorem property taxation shall not
exceed the amount of tax
13 which can be raised by any fund limit or
aggregate limit placed upon such
14 fund.
15 Sec.
14 [15]. K.S.A. 79-2929 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
16 79-2929. Prior to the filing of the adopted
budget with the county clerk,
17 the governing body of each taxing or
political subdivision or municipality
18 shall meet for the purpose of answering and
hearing objections of tax-
19 payers relating to the proposed budget and
for the purpose of considering
20 amendments to such proposed budget. The
governing body shall give at
21 least 10 days' notice of the time and place
of the meeting by publication
22 in a weekly or daily newspaper of the
county having a general circulation
23 therein. Such notice shall include the
proposed budget and shall set out
24 all essential items in the budget
except such groupings as designated by
25 the director of accounts and
reports on a special publication form pre-
26 scribed by the director of accounts
and reports and furnished with the
27 regular budget form. The
notice of a governing body of any taxing sub-
28 division or municipality having an annual
expenditure of $500 or less shall
29 specify the time and place of the meeting
required by this section but
30 shall not be required to include the
proposed budget of such taxing sub-
31 division or municipality.
32 Sec.
15 [16]. K.S.A. 79-2929a is
hereby amended to read as follows:
33 79-2929a. The governing body of any taxing
subdivision or municipality
34 which is subject to the budget law
provisions of K.S.A. 79-2925 to 79-
35 2936, inclusive, and amendments thereto,
which proposes to amend its
36 adopted current budget during the year in
which such budget is in effect,
37 shall be subject to the same publication,
notice and public hearing
38 requirements as is required by K.S.A.
79-2929, and amendments thereto,
39 for the adoption of the original budget
and, in addition thereto, such
40 published budget shall show any proposed
changes in the amount of ex-
41 penditures, by fund. Any proposed increase
in expenditures shall be bal-
42 anced by previously unbudgeted increases in
revenue other than ad va-
43 lorem property taxes. A copy of the adopted
amended budget shall be
1 filed with the county clerk
and with the director of accounts and reports.
2 Sec.
16 [17]. K.S.A. 79-2930 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
3 79-2930. (a) Two copies of the budget
certificate giving the amount of ad
4 valorem tax to be levied and the
total amount of the adopted budget of
5 expenditures by fund, along with
itemized budget forms for each and
6 every fund and proof of publication
of the notice of budget hearing con-
7 taining the budget summary shall be
presented to the county clerk within
8 the time prescribed by K.S.A. 79-1801
as amended. Where action has
9 been taken under any statute to
increase the amount of tax to be levied
10 authorized by law, a statement showing the
increased amount or tax levy
11 rate voted, or a copy of the charter
resolution or ordinance making the
12 change, shall be attached to the budget
each year the change is in effect.
13 (b) The county
clerk shall make any reductions to the ad valorem tax
14 to be levied, compute the tax levy rates
based on the final equalized
15 assessed valuation, and enter such on the
budget certificate before at-
16 testing the budget. A copy of all
budgets for taxing subdivisions of the
17 county, properly attested, shall be
filed with the director of accounts and
18 reports, along with a copy of the
tax levy rate summary required of the
19 county treasurer by K.S.A. 79-2002,
and amendments thereto. A copy of
20 all county budgets, properly
attested, shall be filed with the Kansas
21 association of counties, along with a
copy of the tax levy rate sum-
22 mary. A copy of all city budgets,
properly attested, shall be filed
23 with the league of Kansas
municipalities, along with a copy of the
24 tax levy rate summary.
25 (c) Each fund of
the adopted budget certified to the county clerk in
26 no event shall exceed the amount of ad
valorem tax to be levied and the
27 proposed expenditures of such fund in the
proposed budget as originally
28 published. The governing body of each
taxing subdivision shall not certify
29 an amount of ad valorem taxes to be levied
that is in excess of any tax
30 levy rate or amount limitations or any
aggregate tax levy limitations. The
31 governing bodies, in fixing the amount may
take into consideration and
32 make allowance for the taxes which may not
be paid, such allowance,
33 however, shall not exceed by more than 5%
the percentage of delinquency
34 for the preceding tax year.
35 Sec.
17 [18]. K.S.A. 79-2960 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
36 79-2960. Each year, the county treasurer
shall estimate the amount of
37 money each political subdivision in such
county (including the county as
38 one such political subdivision) will
receive from the local ad valorem tax
39 reduction fund. The state treasurer shall
advise each county treasurer,
40 prior to June 1 of each year, of the amount
of the local ad valorem tax
41 reduction fund of the state that the state
treasurer estimates (using the
42 most recent available information) will be
paid to such county on January
43 15 and July 15 of the following year. The
county treasurer shall before
1 June 15 of each year, notify the
treasurer of each political subdivision of
2 the estimated amount in dollars of
the distributions to be made from the
3 local ad valorem tax reduction fund.
Such estimate shall be made in ac-
4 cordance with K.S.A. 79-2961. Each
tangible property tax levying political
5 subdivision shall set out a local ad
valorem tax reduction fund item of
6 income for one or more tangible
property tax funds of general application
7 (excepting bond and interest funds),
in its budget for the current year tax
8 levies, the amount which the county
treasurer has estimated as the share
9 of such local ad valorem tax
reduction funds to be so credited. The di-
10 rector of accounts and reports
shall make suitable provision in the budget
11 forms to be used by such
subdivisions for listing local ad valorem tax
12 reduction fund income
13 Sec.
18 [19]. K.S.A. 79-5111 is
hereby amended to read as follows:
14 79-5111. For the purpose of preparing
budgets, the county treasurer of
15 each county shall estimate the amount of
money the state, county and
16 each taxing subdivision in the county will
receive during the ensuing
17 budget year from taxes levied under the
provisions of K.S.A. 79-5101 et
18 seq. The amount estimated to be
received by the state, county and each
19 taxing subdivision shall be that portion of
the total amount estimated to
20 be received by the state, county and all
taxing subdivisions which is equal
21 to the proportion which the general ad
valorem property tax levies of the
22 state, county and each taxing subdivision
in the county utilized in com-
23 puting the county average tax rate for the
purposes of K.S.A. 79-5105,
24 and amendments thereto, bear to the sum of
all such tax levies of the
25 state, county and all taxing subdivisions
in the county made in the pre-
26 ceding year for expenditure in the current
year. On or before May 10 of
27 each year the county treasurer of each
county shall notify the clerk and
28 the treasurer of each taxing subdivision of
the total amount in dollars
29 which it is estimated such subdivision will
receive during the ensuing
30 budget year from the receipts from such
tax. In the case of the state, such
31 notice shall be given to the
director of accounts and reports. The amount
32 estimated to be received by taxing
subdivisions from receipts from such
33 tax shall be apportioned among the general
ad valorem property tax funds
34 of such subdivisions in the proportion that
the amount levied for each
35 such fund in the preceding year for
expenditure in the current year bears
36 to the total amount levied for all of such
funds in such year and shall be
37 set out separately as an item of income for
each such fund. The director
38 of accounts and reports shall make
suitable provision in the budget forms
39 to be used by such subdivisions for
calculating this apportionment and
40 listing income received from taxes
levied under the provisions of this act.
41 Sec.
19 [20]. K.S.A. 12-896,
19-508a, 19-3622, 75-1119, 75-1120,
42 75-1120a, 75-1121, 75-1122, 75-1123,
75-1124, 75-3736, 79-2808, 79-
43 2917, 79-2925, 79-2926, 79-2927, 79-2929,
79-2929a, 79-2930, 79-2960
1 and 79-5111 and K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
12-1927, 71-211, 75-2556 and 79-
2 2005 are hereby repealed.
3 Sec.
20 [21]. This act shall take
effect and be in force from and after
4 its publication in the statute