Session of 2000
By Senators Hensley and Barone, Biggs, Downey, Feleciano,
Goodwin, Jones, Lee, Petty, Steineger and Stephens
11 AN ACT relating
to income taxation; requiring audits of corporations.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. For fiscal year 2001, expenditures from moneys appro-
15 priated to the department of revenue shall
be made by the secretary of
16 revenue to provide for corporate income tax
audits at least equal in num-
17 ber to the average monthly number of
corporate income tax audits, cal-
18 culated in a comparable manner, conducted
by the department of reve-
19 nue for the comparable period from fiscal
year 1996 through fiscal year
20 1998.
21 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
22 publication in the statute book.