Session of 2000
By Committee on Ways and Means
concerning school accountability and accreditation.
11 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
12 Section
1. (a) All students shall be afforded intellectual challenge
13 shall be educated in a liberal arts
curriculum consisting of essential, ac-
14 ademic knowledge in order to provide each
student with the foundational
15 preparedness to reach such student's
individual potential; secondary ed-
16 ucation institutions shall enable each
student to meet the requirements
17 set forth in subsection (b) of K.S.A.
76-717, and amendments thereto.
18 (b) The entity
responsible for the general supervision of elementary
19 and secondary public education shall
identify the components of a core
20 academic curriculum from the various
learning disciplines, including, but
21 not limited to: Math, science, language
arts, literature, history, social stud-
22 ies and the fine arts.
23 Sec.
2. High academic standards of learning and assessments
24 be constructed upon a foundation of
academic competencies, and ac-
25 creditation shall be based on the
measurement of academic improvement
26 by each individual student. That
improvement shall be calculated by
27 measuring the individual gain of each
student and calculating the average
28 thereof. Each student shall be given
progressively challenging tests, ad-
29 ministered in subsequent years so as to
establish a baseline and means
30 for measuring actual academic gain. A
schedule for implementation of
31 these assessments shall be determined by
the state education agency.
32 Sec.
3. Each school year, the state education agency shall
33 and distribute to each school district and
the public a report card for each
34 school. The school report cards must be
based on the most current data
35 available disaggregated by student groups
and easily understandable by
36 the public. School performance must be
compared to previous school and
37 district performance, current district
performance, state established stan-
38 dards, and comparable school group
39 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
40 publication in the statute book.