Session of 2000
By Senator Huelskamp
relating to livestock; concerning application of certain
10 ments to public
livestock markets; amending K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-
11 171d and repealing the
existing section.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-171d is hereby amended to read as
15 follows: 65-171d. (a) For the purpose of
preventing surface and subsur-
16 face water pollution and soil pollution
detrimental to public health or to
17 the plant, animal and aquatic life of the
state, and to protect beneficial
18 uses of the waters of the state and to
require the treatment of sewage
19 predicated upon technologically based
effluent limitations, the secretary
20 of health and environment shall make such
rules and regulations, includ-
21 ing registration of potential sources of
pollution, as may in the secretary's
22 judgment be necessary to: (1) Protect the
soil and waters of the state from
23 pollution resulting from underground
storage reservoirs of hydrocarbons
24 and liquid petroleum gas; (2) control the
disposal, discharge or escape of
25 sewage as defined in K.S.A. 65-164 and
amendments thereto, by or from
26 municipalities, corporations, companies,
institutions, state agencies, fed-
27 eral agencies or individuals and any
plants, works or facilities owned or
28 operated, or both, by them; and (3)
establish water quality standards for
29 the waters of the state to protect their
beneficial uses.
30 (b) The secretary
of health and environment may adopt by reference
31 any regulation relating to water quality
and effluent standards promul-
32 gated by the federal government pursuant to
the provisions of the federal
33 clean water act and amendments thereto, as
in effect on January 1, 1989,
34 which the secretary is otherwise authorized
by law to adopt.
35 (c) For the
purposes of this act, including K.S.A. 65-161 through 65-
36 171h and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-1,178 through
65-1,198, and amendments
37 thereto, and rules and regulations adopted
pursuant thereto:
38 (1) "Pollution"
means: (A) Such contamination or other alteration of
39 the physical, chemical or biological
properties of any waters of the state
40 as will or is likely to create a nuisance
or render such waters harmful,
41 detrimental or injurious to public health,
safety or welfare, or to the plant,
42 animal or aquatic life of the state or to
other designated beneficial uses;
43 or (B) such discharge as will or is likely
to exceed state effluent standards
1 predicated upon technologically based
effluent limitations.
(2) "Confined feeding facility" means any lot, pen, pool or
3 other than a public livestock
market: (A) Which is used for the confined
4 feeding of animals or fowl for food,
fur or pleasure purposes; (B) which
5 is not normally used for raising
crops; and (C) in which no vegetation
6 intended for animal food is
7 (3) "Animal
unit" means a unit of measurement calculated by adding
8 the following numbers: The number of
beef cattle weighing more than
9 700 pounds multiplied by 1.0; plus
the number of cattle weighing less
10 than 700 pounds multiplied by 0.5; plus the
number of mature dairy cattle
11 multiplied by 1.4; plus the number of swine
weighing more than 55
12 pounds multiplied by 0.4; plus the number
of swine weighing 55 pounds
13 or less multiplied by 0.1; plus the number
of sheep or lambs multiplied
14 by 0.1; plus the number of horses
multiplied by 2.0; plus the number of
15 turkeys multiplied by 0.018; plus the
number of laying hens or broilers,
16 if the facility has continuous overflow
watering, multiplied by 0.01; plus
17 the number of laying hens or broilers, if
the facility has a liquid manure
18 system, multiplied by 0.033; plus the
number of ducks multiplied by 0.2.
19 However, each head of cattle will be
counted as one full animal unit for
20 the purpose of determining the need for a
federal permit. "Animal unit"
21 also includes the number of swine weighing
55 pounds or less multiplied
22 by 0.1 for the purpose of determining
applicable requirements for new
23 construction of a confined feeding facility
for which a permit or registra-
24 tion has not been issued before January 1,
1998, and for which an appli-
25 cation for a permit or registration and
plans have not been filed with the
26 secretary of health and environment before
January 1, 1998, or for the
27 purpose of determining applicable
requirements for expansion of such
28 facility. However, each head of swine
weighing 55 pounds or less shall be
29 counted as 0.0 animal unit for the purpose
of determining the need for
30 a federal permit.
31 (4) "Animal unit
capacity" means the maximum number of animal
32 units which a confined feeding facility is
designed to accommodate at any
33 one time.
34 (5) "Habitable
structure" means any of the following structures which
35 is occupied or maintained in a condition
which may be occupied and
36 which, in the case of a confined feeding
facility for swine, is owned by a
37 person other than the operator of such
facility: A dwelling, church, school,
38 adult care home, medical care facility,
child care facility, library, com-
39 munity center, public building, office
building or licensed food service or
40 lodging establishment.
41 (6) "Wildlife
refuge" means Cheyenne Bottoms wildlife management
42 area, Cheyenne Bottoms preserve and Flint
Hills, Quivera, Marais des
43 Cygnes and Kirwin national wildlife
(7) "Public livestock market" has the meaning provided by
K.S.A. 47-
2 1001, and amendments thereto,
except that the term includes livestock
3 markets where federal veterinary
inspection is regularly maintained.
4 (d) In
adopting rules and regulations, the secretary of health and en-
5 vironment, taking into account the
varying conditions that are probable
6 for each source of sewage and its
possible place of disposal, discharge or
7 escape, may provide for varying the
control measures required in each
8 case to those the secretary finds to
be necessary to prevent pollution. If
9 a freshwater reservoir or farm pond
is privately owned and where com-
10 plete ownership of land bordering the
reservoir or pond is under common
11 private ownership, such freshwater
reservoir or farm pond shall be ex-
12 empt from water quality standards except as
it relates to water discharge
13 or seepage from the reservoir or pond to
waters of the state, either surface
14 or groundwater, or as it relates to the
public health of persons using the
15 reservoir or pond or waters therefrom.
16 (e)
(1) Whenever the secretary of health and environment or
17 secretary's duly authorized agents find
that the soil or waters of the state
18 are not being protected from pollution
resulting from underground stor-
19 age reservoirs of hydrocarbons and liquid
petroleum gas or that storage
20 or disposal of salt water not regulated by
the state corporation commission
21 or refuse in any surface pond is causing or
is likely to cause pollution of
22 soil or waters of the state, the secretary
or the secretary's duly authorized
23 agents shall issue an order prohibiting
such underground storage reservoir
24 or surface pond. Any person aggrieved by
such order may within 15 days
25 of service of the order request in writing
a hearing on the order.
26 (2) Upon receipt
of a timely request, a hearing shall be conducted in
27 accordance with the provisions of the
Kansas administrative procedure
28 act.
29 (3) Any action of
the secretary pursuant to this subsection is subject
30 to review in accordance with the act for
judicial review and civil enforce-
31 ment of agency actions.
32 (f) The secretary
may adopt rules and regulations establishing fees
33 for the following services:
34 (1) Plan
approval, monitoring and inspecting underground or buried
35 petroleum products storage tanks, for which
the annual fee shall not ex-
36 ceed $5 for each tank in place;
37 (2) permitting,
monitoring and inspecting salt solution mining oper-
38 ators, for which the annual fee shall not
exceed $1,950 per company; and
39 (3) permitting,
monitoring and inspecting hydrocarbon storage wells
40 and well systems, for which the annual fee
shall not exceed $1,875 per
41 company.
42 (g) Prior to any
new construction of a confined feeding facility with
43 an animal unit capacity of 300 to 999, such
facility shall register with the
1 secretary of health and environment.
Facilities with a capacity of less than
2 300 animal units may register with
the secretary. Any such registration
3 shall be accompanied by a $25 fee.
Within 30 days of receipt of such
4 registration, the department of
health and environment shall identify any
5 significant water pollution potential
or separation distance violations pur-
6 suant to subsection (h). If there is
identified a significant water pollution
7 potential, such facility shall be
required to obtain a permit from the sec-
8 retary. If there is no water
pollution potential posed by a facility with an
9 animal unit capacity of less than
300, the secretary may certify that no
10 permit is required. If there is no water
pollution potential nor any viola-
11 tion of separation distances posed by a
facility with an animal unit capacity
12 of 300 to 999, the secretary shall certify
that no permit is required and
13 that there are no certification conditions
pertaining to separation dis-
14 tances. If a separation distance violation
is identified, the secretary may
15 reduce the separation distance in
accordance with subsection (i) and shall
16 certify any such reduction of separation
17 (h) (1) Any
new construction or new expansion of a confined feeding
18 facility, other than a confined feeding
facility for swine, shall meet or
19 exceed the following requirements in
separation distances from any hab-
20 itable structure in existence when the
application for a permit is
21 submitted:
22 (A) 1,320 feet
for facilities with an animal unit capacity of 300 to 999;
23 and
24 (B) 4,000 feet
for facilities with an animal unit capacity of 1,000 or
25 more.
26 (2) A confined
feeding facility for swine shall meet or exceed the
27 following requirements in separation
distances from any habitable struc-
28 ture or city, county, state or federal park
in existence when the application
29 for a permit is submitted:
30 (A) 1,320 feet
for facilities with an animal unit capacity of 300 to 999;
31 (B) 4,000 feet
for facilities with an animal unit capacity of 1,000 to
32 3,724;
33 (C) 4,000 feet
for expansion of existing facilities to an animal unit
34 capacity of 3,725 or more if such expansion
is within the perimeter from
35 which separation distances are determined
pursuant to subsection (k) for
36 the existing facility; and
37 (D) 5,000 feet
for: (i) Construction of new facilities with an animal
38 unit capacity of 3,725 or more; or (ii)
expansion of existing facilities to an
39 animal unit capacity of 3,725 or more if
such expansion extends outside
40 the perimeter from which separation
distances are determined pursuant
41 to subsection (k) for the existing
42 (3) Any
construction of new confined feeding facilities for swine shall
43 meet or exceed the following requirements
in separation distances from
1 any wildlife refuge:
2 (A) 10,000
feet for facilities with an animal unit capacity of 1,000 to
3 3,724; and
4 (B) 16,000
feet for facilities with an animal unit capacity of 3,725 or
5 more.
6 (i)
(1) The separation distance requirements of subsections
7 and (2) shall not apply if the
applicant for a permit obtains a written
8 agreement from all owners of
habitable structures which are within the
9 separation distance stating such
owners are aware of the construction or
10 expansion and have no objections to such
construction or expansion. The
11 written agreement shall be filed in the
register of deeds office of the
12 county in which the habitable structure is
13 (2) (A) The
secretary may reduce the separation distance require-
14 ments of subsection (h)(1) if: (i) No
substantial objection from owners of
15 habitable structures within the separation
distance is received in response
16 to public notice; or (ii) the board of
county commissioners of the county
17 where the confined feeding facility is
located submits a written request
18 seeking a reduction of separation
19 (B) The secretary
may reduce the separation distance requirements
20 of subsection (h)(2)(A) or (B) if: (i) No
substantial objection from owners
21 of habitable structures within the
separation distance is received in re-
22 sponse to notice given in accordance with
subsection (l); (ii) the board of
23 county commissioners of the county where
the confined feeding facility
24 is located submits a written request
seeking a reduction of separation
25 distances; or (iii) the secretary
determines that technology exists that
26 meets or exceeds the effect of the required
separation distance and the
27 facility will be using such technology.
28 (C) The secretary
may reduce the separation distance requirements
29 of subsection (h)(2)(C) or (D) if: (i) No
substantial objection from owners
30 of habitable structures within the
separation distance is received in re-
31 sponse to notice given in accordance with
subsection (l); or (ii) the sec-
32 retary determines that technology exists
that meets or exceeds the effect
33 of the required separation distance and the
facility will be using such
34 technology.
35 (j) (1) The
separation distances required pursuant to subsection
36 (h)(1) shall not apply to:
37 (A) Confined
feeding facilities which were permitted or certified by
38 the secretary on July 1, 1994;
39 (B) confined
feeding facilities which existed on July 1, 1994, and reg-
40 istered with the secretary before July 1,
1996; or
41 (C) expansion of
a confined feeding facility, including any expansion
42 for which an application was pending on
July 1, 1994, if: (i) In the case
43 of a facility with an animal unit capacity
of 1,000 or more prior to July 1,
1 1994, the expansion is located at a
distance not less than the distance
2 between the facility and the nearest
habitable structure prior to the ex-
3 pansion; or (ii) in the case of a
facility with an animal unit capacity of less
4 than 1,000 prior to July 1, 1994, the
expansion is located at a distance not
5 less than the distance between the
facility and the nearest habitable struc-
6 ture prior to the expansion and the
animal unit capacity of the facility
7 after expansion does not exceed
8 (2) The
separation distances required pursuant to subsections
9 (h)(2)(A) and (B) shall not apply
10 (A) Confined
feeding facilities for swine which were permitted or
11 certified by the secretary on July 1,
12 (B) confined
feeding facilities for swine which existed on July 1, 1994,
13 and registered with the secretary before
July 1, 1996; or
14 (C) expansion of
a confined feeding facility which existed on July 1,
15 1994, if: (i) In the case of a facility
with an animal unit capacity of 1,000
16 or more prior to July 1, 1994, the
expansion is located at a distance not
17 less than the distance between the facility
and the nearest habitable struc-
18 ture prior to the expansion; or (ii) in the
case of a facility with an animal
19 unit capacity of less than 1,000 prior to
July 1, 1994, the expansion is
20 located at a distance not less than the
distance between the facility and
21 the nearest habitable structure prior to
the expansion and the animal unit
22 capacity of the facility after expansion
does not exceed 2,000.
23 (3) The
separation distances required pursuant to subsections
24 (h)(2)(C) and (D) and (h)(3) shall not
apply to the following, as deter-
25 mined in accordance with subsections (a),
(e) and (f) of K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
26 65-1,178 and amendments thereto:
27 (A) Expansion of
an existing confined feeding facility for swine if an
28 application for such expansion has been
received by the department be-
29 fore March 1, 1998; and
30 (B) construction
of a new confined feeding facility for swine if an
31 application for such facility has been
received by the department before
32 March 1, 1998.
33 (k) The
separation distances required by this section for confined
34 feeding facilities for swine shall be
determined from the exterior perim-
35 eter of any buildings utilized for housing
swine, any lots containing swine,
36 any swine waste retention lagoons or ponds
or other manure or waste-
37 water storage structures and any additional
areas designated by the ap-
38 plicant for future expansion. Such
separation distances shall not apply to
39 offices, dwellings and feed production
facilities of a confined feeding fa-
40 cility for swine.
41 (l) The applicant
shall give the notice required by subsections
42 (i)(2)(B) and (C) by certified mail, return
receipt requested, to all owners
43 of habitable structures within the
separation distance. The applicant shall
1 submit to the department evidence,
satisfactory to the department, that
2 such notice has been given.
3 (m) All
plans and specifications submitted to the department for new
4 construction or new expansion of
confined feeding facilities may be, but
5 are not required to be, prepared by a
professional engineer or a consult-
6 ant, as approved by the department.
Before approval by the department,
7 any consultant preparing such plans
and specifications shall submit to the
8 department evidence, satisfactory to
the department, of adequate general
9 commercial liability insurance
10 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
65-171d is hereby repealed.
11 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
12 publication in the statute book.