Session of 2000
By Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
authorizing certain refund payments for natural gas producers;
10 providing revenue
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. As used in this act;
14 (a) "Director"
means the director of taxation of the Kansas depart-
15 ment of revenue;
16 (b) "operator"
means the person primarily responsible for the man-
17 agement and operation of a natural gas
pipeline; and
18 (c) "natural gas"
shall have the meaning ascribed thereto by subsec-
19 tion (b) of K.S.A. 55-1201, and amendments
20 Sec. 2. (a)
For the privilege of transporting natural gas from, within
21 and through this state by pipeline, and for
the purpose of raising revenue
22 for payment of principal and interest due
upon revenue bonds issued
23 pursuant to this act, there is imposed a
tax at the rate of $.01 per million
24 cubic feet of natural gas so transmitted.
Such tax shall not apply to the
25 local distribution of natural gas or to the
production and gathering of
26 natural gas. Such tax shall be paid and
remitted by the operator of the
27 pipeline on or before the last day of each
month and remitted to the
28 director of taxation. Such remittance shall
be accompanied by a return
29 made upon forms devised and furnished by
the director.
30 (b) The director
may grant a reasonable extension of time for filing
31 any return and remittance of taxes due
under this act upon good cause
32 shown therefor. Interest shall be charged
at the rate prescribed by sub-
33 section (a) of K.S.A. 79-2968, and
amendments thereto, for the period of
34 such extension for the remittance of
35 Sec.
3. When requested by the director, all transporters of
36 gas out of, within or across the state of
Kansas shall be required to furnish
37 the director such information relative to
the transportation of such gas as
38 the director may require. The director
shall have authority to inspect bills
39 of lading, waybills, meter or other charts,
documents, books and records
40 as may relate to the transportation of
natural gas in the hands of each
41 transporter herein referred to. The
director shall further be empowered
42 to demand the production of such bills of
lading, waybills, charts, docu-
43 ments, books and records relating to the
transportation of natural gas at
1 any point in the state of Kansas
which may be designated, except that in
2 the case of common carriers using
bills of lading or waybills prescribed
3 or approved by the interstate
commerce commission, such common car-
4 rier shall only be required to keep
the usual records at offices in the state
5 where such records are usually
6 Sec.
4. (a) If any taxes imposed under this act and determined
7 assessed by the director are unpaid:
(1) Not due to negligence or to in-
8 tentional disregard of this act or
rules and regulations promulgated by
9 the secretary, interest on such taxes
shall be added at the rate per month
10 prescribed by subsection (a) of K.S.A.
79-2968, and amendments thereto,
11 from the date the tax was due until paid;
(2) due to negligence or to
12 intentional disregard of this act or rules
and regulations promulgated by
13 the secretary, but without intent to
defraud, a penalty of 10% of the
14 amount of such taxes shall be added,
together with interest at the rate
15 per month prescribed by subsection (a) of
K.S.A. 79-2968, and amend-
16 ments thereto, from the date the tax was
due until paid; and (3) due to
17 fraud with intent to evade the tax imposed
by this act, there shall be added
18 thereto a penalty of 50% of the amount of
such tax, together with interest
19 at the rate per month prescribed by
subsection (a) of K.S.A. 79-2968, and
20 amendments thereto, from the date the tax
was due until paid.
21 (b) If any person
fails or refuses to make any return, when required
22 to do so under the provisions of this act,
such person shall be subject to
23 a penalty of $25 per day for each return
which such person fails or refuses
24 to file.
25 (c) Whenever, in
the judgment of the director, the failure of any
26 person to comply with the provisions of
subsection (a)(1), (a)(2), and (b)
27 of this section, was due to reasonable
cause, the director may, in the
28 exercise of discretion, waive or reduce any
of the penalties upon making
29 a record of the reason therefor.
30 (d) In addition
to all other penalties herein provided, any person who
31 fails to make a return, or to pay any tax
herein provided, or who makes a
32 false or fraudulent return, or fails to
keep any books or records prescribed
33 by this act, or who willfully violates any
rules and regulations promulgated
34 by the secretary for the enforcement and
administration of this act, or
35 who aids and abets another in attempting to
evade the payment of any
36 tax imposed by this act, or who violates
any other provisions of this act,
37 shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty
of a class C misdemeanor.
38 (e) The director
of taxation shall examine all returns filed under the
39 provision of this act, and shall issue
notices and final determinations of
40 tax liability hereunder in the manner
prescribed by K.S.A. 79-3226, and
41 amendments thereto, relating to income
42 Sec.
5. Every operator shall make and keep a complete and
43 record in the form required by the director
showing the gross quantity
1 of natural gas transported, and such
other information which may be
2 required. Such records shall at all
times during business hours of the day
3 be available for and subject to
inspection by the director, or the director's
4 duly authorized agents and employees,
for a period of three years from
5 the last day of the calendar year to
which the records pertain. Such re-
6 cords shall be preserved during the
entire period during which they are
7 subject to inspection by the
director, unless the director in writing pre-
8 viously authorized their
9 The amount of
taxes imposed by this act is to be assessed within three
10 years after the return is filed. In the
case of a false or fraudulent return
11 with intent to evade tax, the tax may be
assessed or a proceeding in court
12 for collection of such tax may be begun at
any time, within two years from
13 the discovery of such fraud. The provisions
of K.S.A. 79-3226, and amend-
14 ments thereto, relating to procedures for
contesting a proposed assess-
15 ment of additional tax or the denial of a
refund shall apply as if set forth
16 in this section. No refund shall be allowed
by the director after three
17 years from the date the return was filed,
or one year after the assessment
18 is made, whichever is the later date unless
before the expiration of such
19 period a claim therefor is filed by the
taxpayer. No suit or action to recover
20 on any claim for refund shall be commenced
until after the expiration of
21 six months from the date of filing a claim
therefor with the director.
22 Before the expiration
of time prescribed in this section for the assess-
23 ment of additional tax or the filing of a
claim for refund, the director is
24 hereby authorized to enter into an
agreement in writing with the taxpayer
25 consenting to the extension of the periods
of limitations for the assess-
26 ment of tax or for the filing of a claim
for refund, at any time prior to the
27 expiration of the periods of limitations.
The periods so agreed upon may
28 be extended by subsequent agreements in
writing made before the ex-
29 piration of the periods previously agreed
upon. In consideration of such
30 agreement or agreements, interest due in
excess of 48 months on any
31 additional tax shall be waived.
32 Sec. 6. (a)
All revenue collected or received by the director from the
33 tax imposed by this act shall be remitted
daily to the state treasurer. Upon
34 receipt of each such remittance, the state
treasurer shall deposit the entire
35 amount thereof in the state treasury. The
state treasurer shall first credit
36 such amount thereof as the director shall
order to the mineral production
37 tax refund fund created under subsection
(b) of this section. The state
38 treasurer shall credit the remainder of
such amounts to the natural gas
39 producer ad valorem tax refund and bond
retirement fund. All moneys
40 so credited shall be used exclusively to
pay the principal and interest on
41 revenue bonds issued pursuant to this
42 (b) A refund fund
designated as "natural gas pipeline privilege tax
43 refund fund" not to exceed $50,000 is
hereby created for the prompt
1 payment of all tax refunds. The
natural gas pipeline privilege tax refund
2 fund shall be in such amount, within
the limit set by this section, as the
3 director shall determine is necessary
to meet current refunding require-
4 ments under this act.
5 Sec.
7. The secretary of revenue is hereby authorized to
6 this act and to adopt such rules and
regulations as may be necessary to
7 administer and enforce the provisions
of this act.
8 Sec.
8. (a) The Kansas development finance authority is hereby
9 thorized to issue and sell revenue
bonds for the purpose of granting re-
10 funds to Kansas natural gas producers,
including working and royalty in-
11 terest owners, to resolve claims by natural
gas pipelines as their
12 representatives in accordance with orders
of the federal energy regulatory
13 commission. The revenue bonds may be issued
from time to time and
14 sold in amounts which the authority deems
necessary for such purposes.
15 (b) Prior to the
issuance of the revenue bonds, the authority shall
16 adopt a resolution or resolutions which
resolution or resolutions, unless
17 otherwise provided therein, shall take
effect immediately and:
18 (1) Determine an
interest rate or rates to be paid on the principal of
19 the revenue bonds not in excess of the
maximum rate of interest pre-
20 scribed by K.S.A. 10-1009, and amendments
21 (2) determine
that the revenue bonds will be term or serial bonds or
22 any combination thereof maturing not later
than 40 years from the date
23 of issuance;
24 (3) register the
revenue bonds with the state treasurer.
25 (c) Prior to the
issuance of the revenue bonds, the authority may
26 covenant or contract with respect to any
and all matters consistent with
27 the authority granted herein necessary and
convenient in the determi-
28 nation of the authority to sell the revenue
bonds and obtain the most
29 favorable interest rate thereon, including,
but not limited to, maturities,
30 priority of liens, number of issuances,
special funds for security, redemp-
31 tion privileges, investments of the
proceeds of the revenue bonds and any
32 other funds pledged to the payment thereof
or held as security therefor,
33 security agreements, trust indentures,
paying agencies, registration pro-
34 visions and conversion privileges.
35 Sec. 9. (a)
Revenue bonds issued hereunder, including refunding
36 revenue bonds authorized hereunder, shall
not constitute an indebted-
37 ness of the state of Kansas, nor shall they
constitute indebtedness within
38 the meaning of any constitutional or
statutory provision limiting the in-
39 curring of indebtedness.
40 (b) All
contracts, agreements and covenants contained in the reso-
41 lution authorizing the issuance of revenue
bonds shall be binding in all
42 respects upon the Kansas development
finance authority, its officials,
43 agents, employees and successors. Such
agreements, contracts and cov-
1 enants shall be enforceable by
appropriate legal action brought pursuant
2 to the terms of the resolution
authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds.
3 Sec.
10. The Kansas water office may issue revenue bonds for
4 purpose of refunding revenue bonds
issued hereunder pursuant to the
5 terms and authority of K.S.A.
10-116a, and amendments thereto.
6 Sec.
11. The revenue bonds issued hereunder and any refunding
7 enue bonds authorized to be issued
hereunder and the income derived
8 therefrom are and shall be exempt
from all state, county and municipal
9 taxation in the state of Kansas,
except Kansas estate taxes.
10 Sec.
12. Revenue bonds issued hereunder shall be proper and
11 investment securities for any investment
funds of the state of Kansas or
12 any department, agency or institution
thereof, or any county, municipal
13 or other public corporation or political
subdivision created pursuant to
14 the laws of the state of Kansas. Banks,
trust companies and insurance
15 companies, organized under the laws of the
state of Kansas, and the Kan-
16 sas public employees retirement system may
legally and properly pur-
17 chase the revenue bonds issued hereunder,
and they are hereby deemed
18 and approved as collateral security for the
deposit of any and all funds
19 and for the investment of all trust funds
under the jurisdiction of the laws
20 of the state of Kansas.
21 Sec.
13. The proceeds derived from the sale of revenue bonds
22 pursuant to this act shall be deposited in
the state treasury and the entire
23 amount thereof shall be credited to the
natural gas producer ad valorem
24 tax refund and bond retirement fund. Such
proceeds shall be utilized
25 exclusively to pay refunds to qualifying
natural gas producers to resolve
26 claims by natural gas pipelines in
accordance with orders issued by the
27 federal energy regulatory commission.
28 Sec.
14. Each claim for refund shall be verified and submitted to
29 director upon forms devised and furnished
by the director and shall be
30 accompanied by any additional documentation
required by the director
31 which is necessary to determine eligibility
for refund. The director shall
32 review each claim and shall allow payment
to each eligible claimant. All
33 refunds shall be paid from the natural gas
producer ad valorem tax refund
34 and bond retirement fund upon warrants of
the director of accounts and
35 reports pursuant to vouchers approved by
the director.
36 Sec.
15. There is hereby created in the state treasury the natural
37 producer ad valorem tax refund and bond
retirement fund. Such fund
38 shall consist of revenue and proceeds
derived from the tax imposed by
39 section 2, and amendments thereto and the
issuance and sale of bonds
40 pursuant to section 8, and amendments
thereto. Expenditures from such
41 fund shall be made only in accordance with
direction from the Kansas
42 development finance authority or the
director of taxation as the case
43 requires.
1 Sec. 16. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
2 publication in the statute book.