Session of 2000
By Committee on Ways and Means
concerning retirement and pensions; relating to the Kansas
10 public employees
retirement system; death and disability benefits; em-
11 ployer contributions;
amending K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4927 and re-
12 pealing the existing
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4927 is hereby amended to read as
16 follows: 74-4927. (1) The board may
establish a plan of death and long-
17 term disability benefits to be paid to the
members of the retirement
18 system as provided by this section. The
long-term disability benefit shall
19 not be payable until the member has been
prevented from carrying out
20 each and every duty pertaining to the
member's employment as a result
21 of sickness or injury for a period of 180
days and the annual benefit shall
22 not exceed an amount equal to 66 2/3%
of the member's annual rate of
23 compensation on the date such disability
commenced and shall be payable
24 in equal monthly installments. In the event
that a member's compensation
25 is not fixed at an annual rate but on an
hourly, weekly, biweekly, monthly
26 or any other basis than annual, the board
shall prescribe by rule and
27 regulation a formula for establishing a
reasonable rate of annual compen-
28 sation to be used in determining the amount
of the death or long-term
29 disability benefit for such member. Such
plan shall provide that:
30 (A) For deaths
occurring prior to January 1, 1987, the right to receive
31 such death benefit shall cease upon the
member's attainment of age 70
32 or date of retirement whichever first
occurs. The right to receive such
33 long-term disability benefit shall cease
(i) for a member who becomes
34 eligible for such benefit before attaining
age 60, upon the date that such
35 member attains age 65 or the date of such
member's retirement, which-
36 ever first occurs, (ii) for a member who
becomes eligible for such benefit
37 at or after attaining age 60, the date that
such member has received such
38 benefit for a period of five years, upon
the date that such member attains
39 age 70, or upon the date of such member's
retirement, whichever first
40 occurs, (iii) for all disabilities incurred
on or after January 1, 1987, for a
41 member who becomes eligible for such
benefit at or after attaining age
42 70, the date that such member has received
such benefit for a period of
43 12 months or upon the date of such member's
retirement, whichever first
1 occurs, and (iv) for all disabilities
incurred on or after January 1, 1987,
2 for a member who becomes eligible for
such benefit at or after attaining
3 age 75, the date that such member has
received such benefit for a period
4 of six months or upon the date of
such member's retirement, whichever
5 first occurs.
(B) Long-term disability benefit payments shall be in lieu of
any ac-
7 cidental total disability benefit
that a member may be eligible to receive
8 under subsection (3) of K.S.A.
74-4916 and amendments thereto. The
9 member must make an initial
application for social security disability ben-
10 efits and, if denied such benefits, the
member must pursue and exhaust
11 all administrative remedies of the social
security administration which
12 include, but are not limited to,
reconsideration and hearings. Such plan
13 may provide that any amount which a member
receives as a social security
14 benefit or a disability benefit or
compensation from any source by reason
15 of any employment including, but not
limited to, workers compensation
16 benefits may be deducted from the amount of
long-term disability benefit
17 payments under such plan. During the period
in which such member is
18 pursuing such administrative remedies prior
to a final decision of the
19 social security administration, social
security disability benefits may be
20 estimated and may be deducted from the
amount of long-term disability
21 benefit payments under such plan. Such
long-term disability payments
22 shall accrue from the later of the 181st
day of total disability or the first
23 day upon which the member ceases to draw
compensation from the em-
24 ployer. If the social security benefit,
workers compensation benefit, other
25 income or wages or other disability benefit
by reason of employment, or
26 any part thereof, is paid in a lump-sum,
the amount of the reduction shall
27 be calculated on a monthly basis over the
period of time for which the
28 lump-sum is given. In no case shall a
member who is entitled to receive
29 long-term disability benefits receive less
than $50 per month. As used in
30 this section, "workers compensation
benefits" means the total award of
31 disability benefit payments under the
workers compensation act notwith-
32 standing any payment of attorney fees from
such benefits as provided in
33 the workers compensation act.
34 (C) The plan may
include other provisions relating to qualifications
35 for benefits; schedules and graduation of
benefits; limitations of eligibility
36 for benefits by reason of termination of
employment or membership;
37 conversion privileges; limitations of
eligibility for benefits by reason of
38 leaves of absence, military service or
other interruptions in service; lim-
39 itations on the condition of long-term
disability benefit payment by reason
40 of improved health; requirements for
medical examinations or reports; or
41 any other reasonable provisions as
established by rule and regulation of
42 uniform application adopted by the
43 (D) On and after
April 30, 1981, the board may provide under the
1 plan for the continuation of
long-term disability benefit payments to any
2 former member who forfeits the
entitlement to continued service credit
3 under the retirement system or
continued assistance in the purchase of
4 retirement annuities under K.S.A.
74-4925 and amendments thereto and
5 to continued long-term disability
benefit payments and continued death
6 benefit coverage, by reason of the
member's withdrawal of contributions
7 from the retirement system or the
repurchase of retirement annuities
8 which were purchased with assistance
received under K.S.A. 74-4925 and
9 amendments thereto. Such long-term
disability benefit payments may be
10 continued until such individual dies,
attains age 65 or is no longer disa-
11 bled, whichever occurs first.
12 (E) Any visually
impaired person who is in training at and employed
13 by a sheltered workshop for the blind
operated by the secretary of social
14 and rehabilitation services and who would
otherwise be eligible for the
15 long-term disability benefit as described
in this section shall not be eli-
16 gible to receive such benefit due to visual
impairment as such impairment
17 shall be determined to be a preexisting
18 (2) (A) In
the event that a member becomes eligible for a long-term
19 disability benefit under the plan
authorized by this section such member
20 shall be given participating service credit
for the entire period of such
21 disability. Such member's final average
salary shall be computed in ac-
22 cordance with subsection (17) of K.S.A.
74-4902 and amendments thereto
23 except that the years of participating
service used in such computation
24 shall be the years of salaried
participating service.
25 (B) In the event
that a member eligible for a long-term disability
26 benefit under the plan authorized by this
section shall be disabled for a
27 period of five years or more immediately
preceding retirement, such
28 member's final average salary shall be
adjusted upon retirement by the
29 actuarial salary assumption rates in
existence during such period of dis-
30 ability. Effective July 1, 1993, such
member's final average salary shall be
31 adjusted upon retirement by 5% for each
year of disability after July 1,
32 1993, but before July 1, 1998. Effective
July 1, 1998, such member's final
33 average salary shall be adjusted upon
retirement by an amount equal to
34 the lesser of: (i) The percentage increase
in the consumer price index for
35 all urban consumers as published by the
bureau of labor statistics of the
36 United States department of labor minus 1%;
or (ii) four percent per
37 annum, measured from the month the
disability occurs to the month that
38 is two months prior to the month of
retirement, for each year of disability
39 after July 1, 1998.
40 (C) In the event
that a member eligible for a long-term disability
41 benefit under the plan authorized by this
section shall be disabled for a
42 period of five years or more immediately
preceding death, such member's
43 current annual rate shall be adjusted by
the actuarial salary assumption
1 rates in existence during such period
of disability. Effective July 1, 1993,
2 such member's current annual rate
shall be adjusted upon death by 5%
3 for each year of disability after
July 1, 1993, but before July 1, 1998.
4 Effective July 1, 1998, such member's
current annual rate shall be ad-
5 justed upon death by an amount equal
to the lesser of: (i) The percentage
6 increase in the consumer price index
for all urban consumers published
7 by the bureau of labor statistics of
the United States department of labor
8 minus 1%; or (ii) four percent per
annum, measured from the month the
9 disability occurs to the month that
is two months prior to the month of
10 death, for each year of disability after
July 1, 1998.
11 (3) (A) To
carry out the legislative intent to provide, within the funds
12 made available therefor, the broadest
possible coverage for members who
13 are in active employment or involuntarily
absent from such active em-
14 ployment, the plan of death and long-term
disability benefits shall be
15 subject to adjustment from time to time by
the board within the limita-
16 tions of this section. The plan may include
terms and provisions which
17 are consistent with the terms and
provisions of group life and long-term
18 disability policies usually issued to those
employers who employ a large
19 number of employees. The board shall have
the authority to establish and
20 adjust from time to time the procedures for
financing and administering
21 the plan of death and long-term disability
benefits authorized by this
22 section. Either the insured death benefit
or the insured disability benefit
23 or both such benefits may be financed
directly by the system or by one
24 or more insurance companies authorized and
licensed to transact group
25 life and group accident and health
insurance in this state.
26 (B) The board may
contract with one or more insurance companies,
27 which are authorized and licensed to
transact group life and group acci-
28 dent and health insurance in Kansas, to
underwrite or to administer or
29 to both underwrite and administer either
the insured death benefit or the
30 long-term disability benefit or both such
benefits. Each such contract with
31 an insurance company under this subsection
shall be entered into on the
32 basis of competitive bids solicited and
administered by the board. Such
33 competitive bids shall be based on
specifications prepared by the board.
34 (i) In the event
the board purchases one or more policies of group
35 insurance from such company or companies to
provide either the insured
36 death benefit or the long-term disability
benefit or both such benefits,
37 the board shall have the authority to
subsequently cancel one or more of
38 such policies and, notwithstanding any
other provision of law, to release
39 each company which issued any such canceled
policy from any liability
40 for future benefits under any such policy
and to have the reserves estab-
41 lished by such company under any such
canceled policy returned to the
42 system for deposit in the group insurance
reserve of the fund.
43 (ii) In addition,
the board shall have the authority to cancel any policy
1 or policies of group life and
long-term disability insurance in existence
2 on the effective date of this act
and, notwithstanding any other provision
3 of law, to release each company which
issued any such canceled policy
4 from any liability for future
benefits under any such policy and to have
5 the reserves established by such
company under any such canceled policy
6 returned to the system for deposit in
the group insurance reserve of the
7 fund. Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, no premium tax shall
8 be due or payable by any such company
or companies on any such policy
9 or policies purchased by the board
nor shall any brokerage fees or com-
10 missions be paid thereon.
11 (4)
(A) There is hereby created in the state treasury the group
12 surance reserve fund. Investment income of
the fund shall be added or
13 credited to the fund as provided by law.
The cost of the plan of death
14 and long-term disability benefits shall be
paid from the group insurance
15 reserve fund, which shall be administered
by the board. Except as oth-
16 erwise provided by this subsection,
each participating employer shall ap-
17 propriate and pay to the system in such
manner as the board shall pre-
18 scribe in addition to the employee and
employer retirement contributions
19 an amount equal to .6% of the amount of
compensation on which the
20 members' contributions to the Kansas public
employees retirement sys-
21 tem are based for deposit in the group
insurance reserve fund. Notwith-
22 standing the provisions of this
subsection, no participating employer shall
23 appropriate and pay to the system any
amount provided for by this sub-
24 section for deposit in the group
insurance reserve fund for the period
25 commencing on April 1, 2000, and ending
on June 30, 2000.
26 (B) The director
of the budget and the governor shall include in the
27 budget and in the budget request for
appropriations for personal services
28 a sum to pay the state's contribution to
the group insurance reserve fund
29 as provided by this section and shall
present the same to the legislature
30 for allowances and appropriation.
31 (C) The
provisions of subsection (4) of K.S.A. 74-4920 and amend-
32 ments thereto shall apply for the purpose
of providing the funds to make
33 the contributions to be deposited to the
group insurance reserve fund.
34 (D) Any dividend
or retrospective rate credit allowed by an insurance
35 company or companies shall be credited to
the group insurance reserve
36 fund and the board may take such amounts
into consideration in deter-
37 mining the amounts of the benefits under
the plan authorized by this
38 section.
39 (5) The death
benefit provided under the plan of death and long-
40 term disability benefits authorized by this
section shall be known and
41 referred to as insured death benefit. The
long-term disability benefit pro-
42 vided under the plan of death and long-term
disability benefits authorized
43 by this section shall be known and referred
to as long-term disability
1 benefit.
2 (6) The
board is hereby authorized to establish an optional death
3 benefit plan. Except as provided in
subsection (7), such optional death
4 benefit plan shall be made available
to all employees who are covered or
5 may hereafter become covered by the
plan of death and long-term disa-
6 bility benefits authorized by this
section. The cost of the optional death
7 benefit plan shall be paid by the
applicant either by means of a system
8 of payroll deductions or direct
payment to the board. The board shall
9 have the authority and discretion to
establish such terms, conditions, spec-
10 ifications and coverages as it may deem to
be in the best interest of the
11 state of Kansas and its employees which
should include term death ben-
12 efits for the person's period of active
state employment regardless of age,
13 but in no case, on and after January 1,
1989, shall the maximum allowable
14 coverage be less than $200,000. The cost of
the optional death benefit
15 plan shall not be established on such a
basis as to unreasonably discrim-
16 inate against any particular age group. The
board shall have full admin-
17 istrative responsibility, discretion and
authority to establish and continue
18 such optional death benefit plan and the
director of accounts and reports
19 of the department of administration shall
when requested by the board
20 and from funds appropriated or available
for such purpose establish a
21 system to make periodic deductions from
state payrolls to cover the cost
22 of the optional death benefit plan coverage
under the provisions of this
23 subsection (6) and shall remit all
deductions together with appropriate
24 accounting reports to the system. There is
hereby created in the state
25 treasury the optional death benefit plan
reserve fund. Investment income
26 of the fund shall be added or credited to
the fund as provided by law. All
27 funds received by the board, whether in the
form of direct payments,
28 payroll deductions or otherwise, shall be
accounted for separately from
29 all other funds of the retirement system
and shall be paid into the optional
30 death benefit plan reserve fund, from which
the board is authorized to
31 make the appropriate payments and to pay
the ongoing costs of admin-
32 istration of such optional death benefit
plan as may be incurred in carrying
33 out the provisions of this subsection
34 (7) Any employer
other than the state of Kansas which is currently a
35 participating employer of the Kansas public
employees retirement system
36 or is in the process of affiliating with
the Kansas public employees retire-
37 ment system may also elect to affiliate for
the purposes of subsection (6).
38 All such employers shall make application
for affiliation with such system,
39 to be effective on January 1 next following
application. Such optional
40 death benefit plan shall not be available
for employees of employers spec-
41 ified under this subsection until after
July 1, 1988.
42 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
74-4927 is hereby repealed.
1 Sec. 3. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
2 publication in the Kansas