Session of 2000
By Senators Hensley, Barone, Biggs, Downey, Feleciano,
Goodwin, Jones, Lee, Petty, Steineger and Stephens
concerning contracts for state agencies; amending K.S.A. 75-
12 3738 and 75-3740 and
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-8904 and 75-3739 and
13 repealing the existing
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 New Section
1. (a) Except as otherwise specifically provided by law,
17 all contracts for the providing of
professional services for state agencies
18 shall be awarded in conformance with
guidelines established pursuant to
19 rules and regulations adopted by the board
of directors of the Kansas
20 development finance authority upon the
basis of competitive bids. Except
21 as otherwise specifically provided by law,
all consulting contracts for state
22 agencies shall be awarded in conformance
with guidelines established
23 pursuant to rules and regulations adopted
by the board of directors of
24 the Kansas development finance authority
upon the basis of competitive
25 bids. All bids shall be solicited by notice
published in the Kansas register.
26 Notice also shall be published not less
than once in the journal or other
27 publication of the profession for which
such services are to be contracted.
28 The director of purchases and officers and
employees of all state agencies
29 shall provide such board with such
information, records and assistance as
30 the board may require in its deliberations
and determination in awarding
31 such contracts. When in the judgment of the
board of directors of the
32 Kansas development finance authority, an
agency emergency requires
33 immediate performance of services,
competitive bids need not be
34 required.
35 (b) As used in
this act, "professional services" shall mean and include
36 all services provided under contract to
agencies of the state by any mem-
37 ber of any profession, the members of which
are licensed or regulated
38 under the laws of the state of Kansas.
39 (c) As used in
this act, "consulting contract" shall mean and include
40 all services provided under contract to
agencies of the state by a
41 consultant.
42 (d) As used in
this act, "consultant" shall have the meaning ascribed
43 to it in K.S.A. 46-284, and amendments
44 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-8904 is hereby amended to read as
1 follows: 74-8904. Except as otherwise
limited by this act, the authority
2 shall have the following powers
3 (a) Sue and
be sued;
4 (b) have a
seal and alter such seal;
5 (c) make
and alter bylaws for its organization and internal
6 management;
7 (d) adopt
such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out
8 the purposes of this act;
(e) acquire, hold and dispose of real and personal property
for its
10 corporate purposes;
11 (f) appoint
officers, agents and employees, prescribe their duties and
12 qualifications and fix their
13 (g) borrow money
and to issue notes, bonds and other obligations
14 pursuant to K.S.A. 74-8905, and amendments
thereto, whether or not the
15 interest on which is subject to federal
income taxation, and to provide for
16 the rights of the lenders or holders
17 (h) purchase
notes or participations in notes evidencing loans which
18 are secured by mortgages or security
interests and to enter into contracts
19 in that regard;
20 (i) make secured
or unsecured loans for any of the purposes for which
21 bonds of the authority may be issued under
this act or to low and mod-
22 erate income multifamily rental housing
projects participating in pro-
23 grams established in section 42 of the
federal internal revenue code, and
24 provide financing for housing projects and
programs in participation with
25 programs established by the United States
department of housing and
26 urban development or the Kansas department
of commerce and housing;
27 except as otherwise provided in this
subsection, nothing in this act shall
28 be construed to authorize the authority to
make loans directly to individ-
29 uals to finance housing developments;
30 (j) sell
mortgages and security interests at public or private sale, to
31 negotiate modifications or alterations in
mortgage and security interests,
32 to foreclose on any mortgage or security
interest in default or commence
33 any action to protect or enforce any right
conferred upon it by any law,
34 mortgage, security agreement, contract or
other agreement, and to bid
35 for and purchase property which was the
subject of such mortgage or
36 security interest at any foreclosure or at
any other sale, to acquire or take
37 possession of any such property, and to
exercise any and all rights as
38 provided by law for the benefit or
protection of the authority or mortgage
39 holders;
40 (k) collect fees
and charges in connection with its loans, bond guar-
41 antees, commitments and servicing,
including, but not limited to, reim-
42 bursement of costs of financing as the
authority shall determine to be
43 reasonable and as shall be approved by the
1 (l) make
and execute contracts for the servicing of mortgages ac-
2 quired by the authority pursuant to
this act, and to pay the reasonable
3 value of services rendered to the
authority pursuant to those contracts;
4 (m) enter
into agreements with and accept gifts, grants, loans and
5 other aid from the federal
government, the state, any state agency, any
6 political subdivision of the state,
or any person or corporation, foundation
7 or legal entity, and to agree to and
comply with any conditions attached
8 to federal and state financial
assistance not inconsistent with the provi-
9 sions of this act;
10 (n) invest moneys
of the authority not required for immediate use,
11 including proceeds from the sale of any
bonds, in such manner as the
12 board shall determine, subject to any
agreement with bondholders stated
13 in the authorizing resolution providing for
the issuance of bonds;
14 (o) procure
insurance against any loss in connection with its pro-
15 grams, property and other assets;
16 (p) provide
technical assistance and advice to the state or political
17 subdivisions of the state and to enter into
contracts with the state or
18 political subdivisions of the state to
provide such services. The state or
19 political subdivisions of the state are
hereby authorized to enter into con-
20 tracts with the authority for such services
and to pay for such services as
21 may be provided them;
22 (q) establish
accounts in one or more depositories;
23 (r) lease,
acquire, construct, sell and otherwise deal in and contract
24 concerning any facilities;
25 (s) have and
exercise all of the powers granted to the public housing
26 authorities by the state, except that the
authority shall not have the power
27 of eminent domain;
28 (t) do any and
all things necessary or convenient to carry out purposes
29 of the authority and exercise the powers
given and granted in this act;
30 (u) assist
minority businesses in obtaining loans or other means of
31 financial assistance. The terms and
conditions of such loans or financial
32 assistance, including the charges for
interest and other services, will be
33 consistent with the provisions of this act.
In order to comply with this
34 requirement, efforts must be made to
solicit for review and analysis pro-
35 posed minority business ventures. Basic
loan underwriting standards will
36 not be waived to inconsistently favor
minority persons or businesses from
37 the intent of the authority's lending
practices; and
38 (v) form one or
more subsidiary corporations under K.S.A. 17-6001
39 et seq., and amendments thereto, in
accordance with the procedures
40 therein contained. Each subsidiary
corporation shall be subject to the
41 same restrictions and limitations as to the
powers and purposes to which
42 the authority is subject. The authority may
delegate any of its powers,
43 obligations and duties to any subsidiary
corporation by inclusion of such
1 powers, obligations and duties in the
articles of incorporation of the sub-
2 sidiary corporation. Subsidiary
corporations so formed shall constitute
3 legal entities separate and distinct
from each other, the authority and the
4 state. The authority shall not be
liable for the debts or obligations or for
5 any actions or inactions of its
subsidiary corporations unless the authority
6 expressly agrees otherwise in
writing. The authority may make loans or
7 grants to a subsidiary corporation
from time to time to enable the sub-
8 sidiary corporation to carry out its
purposes. The members of the au-
9 thority shall constitute all of the
directors of each subsidiary
10 and
11 (w) adopt
rules and regulations establishing guidelines for the
12 ing of professional and consulting
services contracts for state agencies, in
13 accordance with section 1, and
amendments thereto.
14 The state, any
municipality or any state commission, public authority,
15 agency, officer, department, board or
division authorized and empowered
16 to enter into agreements with, to grant,
convey, lease or otherwise transfer
17 any property to, or to otherwise transact
business with the authority, shall
18 have the same authorization and power to
engage in these activities with
19 each subsidiary corporation of the
20 One or more such
subsidiary corporation may be formed for purposes
21 of establishing state tax credit equity
funds to assist in the development
22 of low-income and middle-income housing and
obtain financing through
23 participation in the program established in
section 42 of the federal in-
24 ternal revenue code.
25 Actions of the
authority or any subsidiary corporation relating to hous-
26 ing pursuant to this subsection (v) shall
be carried out in accordance with
27 any terms, conditions and limitations
relating to policy issues regarding
28 housing, as established by the secretary of
commerce and housing.
29 One or more such
subsidiary corporations may be formed for purposes
30 of acquiring or conveying on behalf of the
state and pursuant to this act
31 a project of statewide as well as local
importance, issuing bonds on behalf
32 of the state pursuant to this act to
finance a project of statewide as well
33 as local importance or otherwise financing
on behalf of the state pursuant
34 to this act a project of statewide as well
as local importance. The Kansas
35 statewide projects development corporation
is hereby created in accord-
36 ance with this section.
37 Sec.
3. K.S.A. 75-3738 is hereby amended to read as follows:
38 3738. Except as otherwise provided in
section 1, and amendments thereto,
39 the director of purchases shall:
40 (a) Purchase,
rent or otherwise provide for the furnishing of supplies,
41 materials, equipment or contractual
services for all state agencies.
42 (b) Have power to
authorize any state agency to purchase directly
43 certain specified supplies, materials,
equipment or contractual services
1 under prescribed conditions and
(c) Prescribe the manner in which supplies, materials and
3 shall be purchased, delivered and
(d) Prescribe the time, manner and authentication of making
5 sitions for supplies, materials,
equipment and contractual services.
(e) Establish standards of quality and quantity and develop
7 specifications in consultation with
the several state agencies.
(f) Prescribe the manner of making chemical and physical tests
9 samples submitted with bids and
samples of deliveries to determine com-
10 pliance with specifications and the manner
in which state agencies shall
11 inspect all deliveries of supplies,
materials and equipment.
12 (g) Prescribe the
amounts and form of, accounting for and disposition
13 of any deposit or bond required to be
submitted with a bid or a contract
14 and the amount of any such deposit or bond
to be given for the faithful
15 performance of a contract.
16 (h) Require
reports by state agencies of stocks of supplies, materials
17 and equipment on hand and prescribe the
form of such reports and de-
18 liver copies of such reports to the
director of purchases and the director
19 of accounts and reports.
20 Sec.
4. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-3739 is hereby amended to read as
21 follows: 75-3739. In the manner as provided
in this act and rules and
22 regulations established thereunder:
23 (a) Except as
otherwise provided in subsection (n), all contracts for
24 construction and repairs, and all purchases
of and contracts for supplies,
25 materials, equipment and contractual
services to be acquired for state
26 agencies shall be based on competitive
bids, except that competitive bids
27 need not be required in the following
28 (1) For
contractual services, supplies, materials, or equipment when,
29 in the judgment of the director of
purchases, no competition exists;
30 (2) when, in the
judgment of the director of purchases, chemicals
31 and other material or equipment for use in
laboratories or experimental
32 studies by state agencies are best
purchased without competition, or
33 where rates are fixed by law or
34 (3) when, in the
judgment of the director of purchases, an agency
35 emergency requires immediate delivery of
supplies, materials or equip-
36 ment, or immediate performance of
37 (4) when any
statute authorizes another procedure or provides an
38 exemption from the provisions of this
39 (5) when
compatibility with existing contractual services, supplies,
40 materials or equipment is the overriding
41 (6) when a used
item becomes available and is subject to immediate
42 sale; or
43 (7) when, in the
judgment of the director of purchases and the head
1 of the acquiring state agency, not
seeking competitive bids is in the best
2 interest of the state.
3 When the
director of purchases approves a purchase of or contract for
4 supplies, materials, equipment, or
contractual services in any instance
5 specified in this subsection, the
director may delegate authority to make
6 the purchase or enter the contract
under conditions and procedures pre-
7 scribed by the director.
8 The director of
purchases shall prepare a detailed report at least once
9 in each calendar quarter of all
contracts over $5,000 entered into without
10 competitive bids under subsection (a)(1),
(2), (3), (5), (6) or (7). The
11 director shall submit the report to the
legislative coordinating council, the
12 chairperson of the committee on ways and
means of the senate, the chair-
13 person of the committee on appropriations
of the house of representatives
14 and the chairperson of the Kansas
performance review board.
15 (b)
(1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (n), if
the amount
16 of the purchase is estimated to exceed
$50,000, sealed bids shall be so-
17 licited by notice published once in the
Kansas register not less than 10
18 days before the date stated in the notice
for the opening of the bids. The
19 director of purchases may waive this
publication of notice requirement
20 when the director determines that a more
timely procurement is in the
21 best interest of the state. The director of
purchases also may designate a
22 trade journal for the publication. The
director of purchases also shall
23 solicit such bids by sending notices by
mail to prospective bidders and by
24 posting the notice on a public bulletin
board for at least 10 business days
25 before the date stated in the notice for
the opening of the bids unless
26 otherwise provided by law. All bids shall
be sealed when received and
27 shall be opened in public at the hour
stated in the notice.
28 (2) The director
of purchases shall prepare a detailed report at least
29 once in each calendar quarter of all
instances in which the director waived
30 publication of the notice of bid
solicitations in the Kansas register as
31 provided in this subsection. The director
shall submit the report to the
32 legislative coordinating council, the
chairperson of the committee on ways
33 and means of the senate, the chairperson of
the committee on appropri-
34 ations of the house of representatives and
the chairperson of the Kansas
35 performance review board.
36 (c) Except as
otherwise provided in subsection (n), all purchases es-
37 timated to exceed approximately $25,000 but
not more than $50,000, shall
38 be made after receipt of sealed bids
following at least three days' notice
39 posted on a public bulletin board.
40 (d) Except as
otherwise provided in subsection (n), all purchases es-
41 timated to be more than $5,000, but less
than $25,000, may be made after
42 the receipt of three or more bid
solicitations by telephone, telephone
43 facsimile or sealed bid, following at least
three days' notice posted on a
1 public bulletin board. Such bids
shall be recorded as provided in subsec-
2 tion (e) of K.S.A. 75-3740 and
amendments thereto. Any purchase that
3 is estimated to be less than $5,000
may be purchased under conditions
4 and procedures prescribed by the
director of purchases. Purchases made
5 in compliance with such conditions
and procedures shall be exempt from
6 other provisions of this section.
7 (e) With
the approval of the secretary of administration, the director
8 of purchases may delegate authority
to any state agency to make pur-
9 chases of less than $25,000 under
certain prescribed conditions and pro-
10 cedures. The director of purchases shall
prepare a report at least once in
11 each calendar quarter of all current and
existing delegations of authority
12 to state agencies as provided in this
subsection. The director shall submit
13 the report to the legislative coordinating
council, the chairperson of the
14 committee on ways and means of the senate,
the chairperson of the com-
15 mittee on appropriations of the house of
representatives and the chair-
16 person of the Kansas performance review
17 (f) Subject to
the provisions of subsection (e), contracts and purchases
18 shall be based on specifications approved
by the director of purchases.
19 When deemed applicable and feasible by the
director of purchases, such
20 specifications shall include either energy
efficiency standards or appro-
21 priate life cycle cost formulas, or both,
for all supplies, materials, equip-
22 ment and contractual services to be
purchased by the state. The director
23 of purchases may reject a contract or
purchase on the basis that a product
24 is manufactured or assembled outside the
United States. No such speci-
25 fications shall be fixed in a manner to
effectively exclude any responsible
26 bidder offering comparable supplies,
materials, equipment or contractual
27 services.
(g) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, all
29 with independent construction concerns for
the construction, improve-
30 ment, reconstruction and maintenance of the
state highway system and
31 the acquisition of rights-of-way for state
highway purposes shall be ad-
32 vertised and let as now or hereafter
provided by law.
33 (h) The director
of purchases may authorize state agencies to contract
34 for services and materials with other state
agencies, or with federal agen-
35 cies, political subdivisions of Kansas,
agencies of other states or subdivi-
36 sions thereof, or private nonprofit
educational institutions, without com-
37 petitive bids.
38 (i) The director
of purchases may participate in, sponsor, conduct, or
39 administer a cooperative purchasing
agreement or consortium for pur-
40 chases of supplies, materials, equipment,
and contractual services with
41 federal agencies or agencies of other
states or local units of government.
42 Cooperative purchasing agreements entered
into under this subsection
43 shall not be subject to K.S.A. 75-3739
through 75-3740a, and amend-
1 ments thereto. Nothing in
this subsection shall allow federal grant moneys
2 to be handled differently
from any other moneys of the state unless the
3 requirements of the
applicable federal grant specifically require such
4 eral moneys to be handled
5 (j) The
director of purchases may delegate authority to any state
6 agency to make purchases under
certain prescribed conditions and pro-
7 cedures when the acquisition is
funded, in whole or in part, from a grant.
8 Purchases made in compliance with
such conditions and procedures shall
9 be exempt from other provisions of
this section. As used in this subsection
10 the term "grant" means a disbursement made
from federal or private
11 funds, or a combination of these sources,
to a state agency. Nothing in
12 this subsection shall allow federal
grant moneys to be handled differently
13 from any other moneys of the state
unless the requirements of the appli-
14 cable federal grant specifically require
such federal moneys to be handled
15 differently.
16 (k) The director
of purchases shall prepare a detailed report at least
17 once each calendar quarter of all contracts
for services, supplies, materials
18 or equipment entered into pursuant to
subsection (h), (i) or (j) and submit
19 it to the legislative coordinating council,
the chairperson of the committee
20 on ways and means of the senate, the
chairperson of the committee on
21 appropriations of the house of
representatives and the chairperson of the
22 Kansas performance review board.
23 (l) Except as
otherwise specifically provided by law, no state agency
24 shall enter into any lease of real property
without the prior approval of
25 the secretary of administration. A state
agency shall submit to the sec-
26 retary of administration such information
relating to any proposed lease
27 of real property as the secretary may
require. The secretary of adminis-
28 tration shall either approve, modify and
approve or reject any such pro-
29 posed lease.
30 (m) The director
of purchases shall require all bidders on state con-
31 tracts to disclose all substantial
interests held by the bidder in the state.
32 (n) The final
determination and awarding of all consulting contracts
33 and all contracts for the providing of
professional services for state agen-
34 cies, shall be awarded in conformance
with guidelines established pur-
35 suant to rules and regulations adopted
by the board of directors of the
36 Kansas development finance authority and
as provided by K.S.A. 74-8904
37 and section 1, and amendments
38 Sec.
5. K.S.A. 75-3740 is hereby amended to read as follows:
39 3740. (a) Except as provided by K.S.A.
75-3740b, and amendments
40 thereto, all contracts and purchases
made by or under the supervision of
41 the director of purchases or any state
agency for which competitive bids
42 are required shall be awarded to the lowest
responsible bidder, taking
43 into consideration conformity with the
specifications, terms of delivery,
1 and other conditions imposed in the
call for bids.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (g), the
director of
3 purchases shall have power to decide
as to the lowest responsible bidder
4 for all purchases, but if:
5 (1) The
dollar amount of the bid received from the lowest responsible
6 bidder from within the state is
identical to the dollar amount of the bid
7 received from the lowest responsible
bidder from without the state, the
8 contract shall be awarded to the
bidder from within the state;
9 (2) in the
case of bids for paper products specified in K.S.A. 75-
10 3740b, and amendments thereto, the
dollar amounts of the bids received
11 from two or more lowest responsible bidders
are identical, the contract
12 shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is
for those paper products
13 containing the highest percentage of
recyclable materials; and
14 (3) in the case
of bids for paper products specified in K.S.A. 75-
15 3740b, and amendments thereto, the
dollar amounts of the bids received
16 from two or more lowest responsible bidders
are identical, the contract
17 shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is
for those paper products
18 containing the highest percentage of
recycled materials.
19 (c) Except as
otherwise provided in subsection (g), any or all bids may
20 be rejected, and a bid shall be rejected if
it contains any material alteration
21 or erasure. The director of purchases may
reject the bid of any bidder
22 who is in arrears on taxes due the state,
who is not properly registered to
23 collect and remit taxes due the state or
who has failed to perform satis-
24 factorily on a previous contract with the
state. The secretary of revenue
25 is hereby authorized to exchange such
information with the director of
26 purchases as is necessary to effectuate the
preceding sentence notwith-
27 standing any other provision of law
prohibiting disclosure of the contents
28 of taxpayer records or information. Prior
to determining the lowest re-
29 sponsible bidder on contracts for
construction of buildings or for major
30 repairs or improvements to buildings for
state agencies, the director of
31 purchases shall consider: (1) The criteria
and information developed by
32 the secretary of administration, with the
advice of the state building ad-
33 visory commission to rate contractors on
the basis of their performance
34 under similar contracts with the state,
local governmental entities and
35 private entities, in addition to other
criteria and information available,
36 and (2) the recommendations of the project
architect, or, if there is no
37 project architect, the recommendations of
the secretary of administration
38 or the agency architect for the project as
provided in K.S.A. 75-1254, and
39 amendments thereto. In any case where
competitive bids are required
40 and where all bids are rejected, new bids
shall be called for as in the first
41 instance, unless otherwise expressly
provided by law.
42 (d) Before the
awarding of any contract for construction of a building
43 or the making of repairs or improvements
upon any building for a state
1 agency, the director of purchases
shall receive written approval from the
2 state agency for which the building
construction project has been ap-
3 proved, that the bids generally
conform with the plans and specifications
4 prepared by the project architect, by
the secretary of administration or
5 by the agency architect for the
project, as the case may be, so as to avoid
6 error and mistake on the part of the
contractors. In all cases where ma-
7 terial described in a contract can be
obtained from any state institution,
8 the director of purchases shall
exclude the same from the contract.
9 (e) All
bids with the names of the bidders and the amounts thereof,
10 together with all documents pertaining to
the award of a contract, shall
11 be made a part of a file or record and
retained by the director of purchases
12 for five years, unless reproduced as
provided in K.S.A. 75-3737, and
13 amendments thereto, and shall be open to
public inspection at all rea-
14 sonable times.
15 (f) As used in
this section and in K.S.A. 75-3741, and amendments
16 thereto, "project architect" shall have the
meaning ascribed thereto in
17 K.S.A. 75-1251, and amendments thereto.
18 (g) The final
determination and awarding of all consulting contracts
19 and all contracts for the providing of
professional services for state agen-
20 cies, shall be awarded in conformance
with guidelines established pur-
21 suant to rules and regulations adopted
by the board of directors of the
22 Kansas development finance authority and
as provided in K.S.A. 74-8904
23 and section 1, and amendments
24 Sec. 6. K.S.A. 75-3738 and
75-3740 and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-8904
25 and 75-3739 are hereby repealed.
26 Sec. 7. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
27 publication in the statute book.