Session of 2000
By Committee on Judiciary
concerning corrections; relating to placement and conveyance
10 of certain offenders;
concerning the reception and diagnostic center;
11 amending K.S.A.
75-5220 and repealing the existing section.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 75-5220 is hereby amended to read as follows:
15 5220. (a) Except as provided in subsection
(d), within three days of receipt
16 of the notice provided for in K.S.A.
75-5218 and amendments thereto,
17 the secretary of corrections shall notify
the sheriff having such offender
18 in custody to convey such offender
immediately to the Topeka correc-
19 tional facility
department of corrections reception and diagnostic unit
20 if space is not available at such facility,
then to some other state correc-
21 tional institution until space at the
facility is available, except that, in the
22 case of first offenders who are conveyed to
a state correctional institution
23 other than the Topeka correctional
facility reception and diagnostic unit,
24 such offenders shall be segregated from the
inmates of such correctional
25 institution who are not being held in
custody at such institution pending
26 transfer to the Topeka correctional
facility reception and diagnostic unit
27 when space is available therein. The
expenses of any such conveyance
28 shall be charged against and paid out of
the general fund of the county
29 whose sheriff conveys the offender to the
institution as provided in this
30 subsection.
31 (b) Any female
offender sentenced according to the provisions of
32 K.S.A. 75-5229 and amendments thereto shall
be conveyed by the sheriff
33 having such offender in custody directly to
a correctional institution des-
34 ignated by the secretary of corrections,
subject to the provisions of K.S.A.
35 75-52,134 and amendments thereto.
The expenses of such conveyance to
36 the designated institution shall be charged
against and paid out of the
37 general fund of the county whose sheriff
conveys such female offender
38 to such institution.
39 (c) Each offender
conveyed to a state correctional institution pursu-
40 ant to this section shall be accompanied by
the record of the offender's
41 trial and conviction as prepared by the
clerk of the district court in ac-
42 cordance with K.S.A. 75-5218 and amendments
43 (d) If the
offender in the custody of the secretary is a juvenile, as
1 described in K.S.A. 38-16,111, and
amendments thereto, such juvenile
2 shall not be transferred to the state
reception and diagnostic center until
3 such time as such juvenile is to be
transferred from a juvenile correctional
4 facility to a department of
corrections institution or facility.
5 (e) All
offenders sentenced to the custody of the secretary of
6 tions, except as provided by
subsection (f), shall be transported by the
7 sheriff to the reception and
diagnostic unit, other facility designated by
8 the secretary or juvenile
correctional facility, as provided by subsections
9 (a), (b) and (d), regardless of
whether the prison portion of the offender's
10 sentence has been served.
11 (f) Whenever
the sheriff is required to convey physical custody of an
12 offender to a jurisdiction, agency or
facility other than the secretary of
13 corrections, the sheriff shall provide
to the jurisdiction, agency or facility
14 to which the offender is delivered a
copy of the records prescribed in
15 subsection (c) along with a notice that
prior to the release of the offender
16 by that jurisdiction, agency or
facility, the department of corrections shall
17 be notified. Furthermore, the sheriff
conveying physical custody of an
18 offender to a jurisdiction, agency or
facility other than the secretary of
19 corrections shall send to the secretary
of corrections a copy of the records
20 prescribed in subsection (c) along with
the name and address of the ju-
21 risdiction, agency or facility to which
the offender was delivered.
22 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 75-5220 is hereby
23 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
24 publication in the statute book.