Session 2000
Effective Date: July 1, 2000
An Act concerning legislative journals; amending K.S.A. 45-116
and repealing the existing section.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. K.S.A. 45-116 is hereby amended to read as follows: 45-116.
(a) At the conclusion of each legislative session, the secretary of the senate
and the chief clerk of the house of representatives shall prepare permanent
journals of the senate and house of representatives to be entitled "Senate
and House Journals of the State of Kansas for ________," and the blank
shall be filled with the year and words indicating whether the sessions jour-
nalized are regular or special, or both. In preparation of such journals, the
secretary of the senate and chief clerk of the house shall work under the
supervision of the legislative coordinating council. Such journals shall in-
clude the matters contained in the daily journals of the two houses and such
additional materials and information as may be directed by the legislative
coordinating council. Such journals shall be published in one or more vol-
umes as determined by such council. Such journals shall be printed in cloth-
bound copies by the director of printing from copy prepared by the secretary
of the senate and chief clerk of the house of representatives.

      (b) Upon the advice of the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk
of the house of representatives, the secretary of state shall specify the
number of copies of such journals which shall be printed and clothbound,
which shall not be more than 750 copies and, in addition thereto, such
number of copies as are needed for the purposes of the publication col-
lection and depository system established under K.S.A. 75-2566 and
amendments thereto, for disposition by the secretary of state, as follows:

      (1) One copy to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the secretary
of state, the attorney general, the state historical society library, and each
member of the legislature;

      (2) two copies to the board of county commissioners of each county,
upon request therefor;

      (3) to the several offices of the judicial branch of state government,
the number of copies necessary to conduct the official business of such
offices, as requested by the chief justice of the supreme court;

      (4) to the office of attorney general, the state library, the office of the
revisor of statutes, the division of post audit and the legislative research
department, the number of copies necessary to conduct the official busi-
ness of such offices, as requested by the chief administrative officers

      (5) the number of copies necessary for use by the legislature, as re-
quested by the director of legislative administrative services;

      (6) the remainder of such copies shall be kept by the secretary of
state for sale at the per volume price for such copies fixed by the legislative
coordinating council under this section, until the inventory of the volume
is reduced to 50 copies.

      (c) When the inventory of any volume is 50 copies or less One year
after the publication date of any volume, the secretary of state, with the
approval of the revisor of statutes, may dispose of copies from such in-
ventory by distribution without charge extra copies, retaining an inven-
tory of at least 10 volumes for distribution without charge. Five years
after the publication date of any volume, the secretary of state may dispose
of the remainder of such copies.

      (d) The legislative coordinating council shall fix the per volume price
for clothbound copies of the permanent journals of the senate and house
of representatives, sold under this section, to recover the costs of printing
and binding such volumes. The legislative coordinating council shall re-
vise such prices from time to time as necessary for the purposes of cov-
ering and recovering such costs.

      (e) The secretary of state shall remit all moneys received under this
section to the state treasurer at least monthly and the state treasurer shall
deposit the entire amount of each such remittance in the state treasury
to the credit of the state general fund.

        Sec.  2. K.S.A. 45-116 is hereby repealed.

        Sec.  3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.