Session of 2000
By Committee on Ways and Means
concerning Kansas industries for the blind; transfer of assets;
10 establishing the KIB
contingency fund.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. (a) If Kansas industries for the blind is sold, closed,
14 ished or otherwise ceases operations as a
state program, the secretary of
15 social and rehabilitation services shall
sell and dispose of the assets of
16 Kansas industries for the blind in a manner
determined by the secretary
17 to maximize the amount of proceeds derived
from such sale.
18 (b) Each sale or
other disposition of the assets of Kansas industries
19 for the blind shall be exempt from the
provisions of K.S.A. 75-3739, and
20 amendments thereto, except that bidding
procedures which are not in
21 conflict with K.S.A. 75-3739, and
amendments thereto, may be used be-
22 fore awarding any contract under this
23 (c) The
provisions of K.S.A. 75-6601 through 75-6608 and 75-7101
24 through 75-7107, and amendments thereto,
shall not apply to actions
25 under this act.
26 Sec. 2. (a)
If Kansas industries for the blind is sold, closed, abolished
27 or otherwise ceases operation as a state
program, there shall be created
28 in the state treasury the KIB contingency
fund which shall be adminis-
29 tered by the director of the Kansas
division of services for the blind.
30 Revenue from the following sources shall be
deposited in the state treas-
31 ury and credited to the KIB contingency
32 (1) Proceeds from
the sale of the real property currently occupied by
33 Kansas industries for the blind at the time
of sale, closure, abolishment
34 or otherwise cessation of operations as a
state program;
35 (2) all moneys
received for accounts receivable;
36 (3) proceeds from
the sale of the inventory of finished goods and
37 works in progress;
38 (4) proceeds from
the sale of the inventory of raw materials;
39 (5) proceeds from
the sale of the capital assets of the Kansas indus-
40 tries for the blind; and
41 (6) the net
amount of moneys in the social welfare fund and any other
42 special revenue fund that constitute fees
and other revenues attributable
43 to the Kansas industries for the blind
program of the department of social
1 and rehabilitation services.
2 (b) Moneys
deposited in the KIB contingency fund shall be expended
3 only for the purposes prescribed in
section 3, and amendments thereto.
4 (c) On or
before the 10th day of each month, the director of accounts
5 and reports shall transfer from the
state general fund to the KIB contin-
6 gency fund interest earnings based
7 (1) The
average daily balance of moneys in the KIB contingency fund
8 for the preceding month; and
9 (2) the net
earnings of the pooled money investment portfolio for the
10 preceding month.
11 (d) All
expenditures from the KIB contingency fund shall be in ac-
12 cordance with appropriation acts upon
warrants of the director of ac-
13 counts and reports issued pursuant to
vouchers approved by the director
14 of the Kansas division of services for the
blind for the purposes set forth
15 in section 3, and amendments thereto.
16 Sec. 3. (a)
Within the limits of appropriations therefor, the director
17 of the Kansas division of services for the
blind shall establish and admin-
18 ister a grant program and make awards from
the KIB contingency fund
19 for the purposes of establishing or
reopening a facility to provide indus-
20 trial employment to the blind, within the
city limits of the city of Topeka.
21 Only organizations which are charitable
not-for-profit organizations which
22 are exempt from federal income taxation
pursuant to section 501 (c)(3)
23 of the federal internal revenue code of
1986 or an agency of state or local
24 government, or any instrumentality thereof,
shall be eligible to receive a
25 grant award under this section.
26 (b) Except as
provided in subsection (c), a grantee shall not be eligible
27 for an award unless such grantee agrees to
comply with all of the following
28 provisions:
29 (1) Not less than
75% of all persons employed to perform direct labor
30 at the new facility providing industrial
employment for the blind shall
31 meet the definition of blindness prescribed
for use in determining eligi-
32 bility under the federal social security
33 (2) each grantee
shall be affiliated, or shall seek affiliation with, na-
34 tional industries for the blind;
35 (3) each grantee
shall be authorized or shall be seeking authorization
36 to sell products under provisions of K.S.A.
75-3317 et seq., and amend-
37 ments thereto; and
38 (4) each grantee
shall agree to provide comparable wages and ben-
39 efits as paid to all blind persons who were
employed by Kansas industries
40 for the blind at the time Kansas industries
for the blind was sold, closed,
41 abolished or otherwise ceased operating as
a state program, to any blind
42 person accepting employment at the new
facility providing industrial em-
43 ployment to the blind if such blind person
was employed by Kansas in-
1 dustries for the blind on or after
the date which is two years before the
2 date of such sale, closure,
abolishment or other cessation of operations
3 of Kansas industries for the blind as
a state program.
4 (c) Each
grant applicant, which is a charitable not-for-profit organi-
5 zation which is exempt from federal
income taxation pursuant to section
6 501 (c)(3) of the federal internal
revenue code of 1986 and which has a
7 majority of members of its board of
directors who are former employees
8 of Kansas industries for the blind,
shall be given preference in the award
9 of grants. If no grant applicant is
qualified for a preference under this
10 subsection, or if no applicant is able to
comply with the provisions of
11 subsection (b), then grants shall be
awarded from the KIB contingency
12 fund on a competitive basis. The director
of Kansas division of services
13 for the blind shall adopt standards to be
used to review grant applicants
14 when grants are awarded on a competitive
basis to assure that the appli-
15 cant with the best chance of operational
success is chosen pursuant to
16 this subsection.
17 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
18 publication in the statute book.