Session of 2000
By Committee on Transportation and Tourism
relating to highways; concerning system enhancements; amend-
10 ing K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
68-2314a and repealing the existing section.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 68-2314a is hereby amended to read
14 as follows: 68-2314a. (a) In order to plan,
develop and operate or coor-
15 dinate the development and operation of the
various modes and systems
16 of transportation within the state, the
secretary of transportation is hereby
17 authorized and directed to initiate a
comprehensive transportation
18 program.
19 (b) The
comprehensive transportation program shall provide for the
20 construction, improvement, reconstruction
and maintenance of the state
21 highway system. These expenditures may
include but not be limited to
22 the following:
23 (1) Maintenance
programs to efficiently maintain a safe state highway
24 system in its original or improved
condition. It is the intent of the legis-
25 lature that the surface condition of the
state highway system and its
26 bridges, as measured by the Kansas
department of transportation pave-
27 ment and bridge management systems, shall
be maintained or improved;
28 (2) construction
and reconstruction programs to develop, to the ex-
29 tent practical, the state highway system
including major modification pro-
30 jects to improve service, comfort,
capacity, condition, economy or safety
31 of the existing system and priority bridge
projects to replace or rehabili-
32 tate bridges that have a deteriorated
condition or that have deficiencies
33 in load carrying capacity, width or traffic
34 (3)
(A) system enhancement projects which include additions
to the
35 system of highways or which substantially
improve safety, relieve conges-
36 tion, improve access or enhance economic
development. It is the intent
37 of the legislature that, as nearly as
possible, the amount of $1,050,000,000
38 shall be expended or committed to be
expended for system enhancements
39 for the period beginning July 1, 1999,
through June 30, 2009. The Kansas
40 department of transportation shall utilize
the selection methodology de-
41 veloped by the department, to select system
enhancement projects;
42 (B) In
addition to the system enhancement projects approved under
43 the provisions of subparagraph (A), the
secretary of transportation may
1 approve contingent system
enhancement projects, in an amount not to
2 exceed $100,000,000. Such
contingent system enhancement projects, or
3 any part thereof, may be approved
only if the secretary makes a deter-
4 mination that sufficient revenues
will be available to initiate and complete
5 such projects during the period
beginning July 1, 2003, through June 30,
6 2009. The Kansas department of
transportation shall utilize the same se-
7 lection methodology developed by
the department to select system en-
8 hancement projects;
9 (4) a
highway demonstration project for the purpose of demonstrat-
10 ing advanced and innovative pavement
technologies which may include
11 financing, design, construction and
performance guarantee. The secretary
12 is authorized to procure such demonstration
project in the same manner
13 as engineering services are procured under
K.S.A. 75-5801, et seq., and
14 amendments thereto, and such demonstration
project need not comply
15 with the provisions of K.S.A. 68-410 or
75-430a, and amendments thereto,
16 or any other applicable statute to the
procurement of state highway con-
17 struction contracts.
18 (c) The
comprehensive transportation program shall provide for as-
19 sistance, including credit and credit
enhancements, to cities and counties
20 in meeting their responsibilities for the
construction, improvement, re-
21 construction and maintenance of the roads
and bridges not on the state
22 highway system. These expenditures may
include but not be limited to
23 the following:
24 (1) Apportionment
of the special city and county highway fund to
25 assist cities and counties with their
responsibilities for roads and bridges
26 not on the state highway system;
27 (2) programs to
share federal aid with cities and counties to assist
28 with their responsibilities for roads and
bridges not on the state highway
29 system;
30 (3) programs to
assist cities with the maintenance of city connecting
31 links as specified in K.S.A. 68-416, and
amendments thereto, and local
32 partnership programs to resurface or
geometrically improve city con-
33 necting links or to promote economic
development; or
34 (4) programs to
assist cities and counties with railroad crossings of
35 roads not on the state highway system.
36 (d) The
comprehensive transportation program shall provide for a
37 railroad program to provide assistance in
accordance with K.S.A. 75-5040
38 through 75-5050, and amendments thereto,
for the preservation and re-
39 vitalization of rail service in the
40 (e) The
comprehensive transportation program shall provide for an
41 aviation program to provide assistance for
the planning, constructing, re-
42 constructing or rehabilitating the
facilities of public use general aviation
43 airports, in accordance with K.S.A.
75-5061, and amendments thereto.
1 (f) The
comprehensive transportation program shall provide for pub-
2 lic transit programs to aid elderly
persons, persons with disabilities and
3 the general public, in accordance
with K.S.A. 75-5032 through 75-5038,
4 and amendments thereto, and K.S.A.
75-5051 through 75-5058, and
5 amendments thereto.
6 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
68-2314a is hereby repealed.
7 Sec. 3. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
8 publication in the statute book.