Session 2000
Effective: July 1, 2000

An Act relating to the governmental ethics commission; concerning budget estimates; fixing
      certain fees; amending K.S.A. 75-3717 and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-4119f, 25-4145 and
      46-265 and repealing the existing sections.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-4119f is hereby amended to read as
follows: 25-4119f. (a) In addition to any other fee required by law, every
person becoming a candidate for the following offices shall pay a fee at
the time of filing for such office in the amount prescribed by this section:

(1) Governor and lieutenant governor $400$480;
(2) state offices elected by statewide election, other than the governor
      and lieutenant governor $400$480;
(3) state senator, state representative, state board of education, dis-
      trict attorney, board of public utilities of the city of Kansas City
      and elected county offices $30$35;
(4) members of boards of education of unified school districts having
      35,000 or more pupils regularly enrolled in the preceding school
      year, members of governing bodies of cities of the first class and
      judges of the district court in judicial districts in which judges are
      elected $30$35.
      (b) The secretary of state shall remit all fees received by that office
to the state treasurer. County election officers receiving fees in accord-
ance with this section shall remit such fees to the county treasurer of the
county who shall quarterly remit the same to the state treasurer. Upon
receipt of such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire
amount in the state treasury to the credit of the governmental ethics
commission fee fund.

      Sec.  2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-4145 is hereby amended to read as
follows: 25-4145. (a) Each party committee and each political committee
which anticipates receiving contributions or making expenditures shall
appoint a chairperson and a treasurer. The chairperson of each party
committee and each political committee which anticipates receiving con-
tributions or making expenditures for a candidate for state office shall
make a statement of organization and file it with the secretary of state
not later than 10 days after establishment of such committee. The chair-
person of each political committee which anticipates receiving contribu-
tions or making expenditures for any candidate for local office, shall make
a statement of organization and file it with the county election officer not
later than 10 days after establishment of such committee.

      (b) Every statement of organization shall include:

      (1) The name and address of the committee. The name of the com-
mittee shall reflect the full name of the organization with which the com-
mittee is connected or affiliated or sufficiently describe such affiliation.
If the political committee is not connected or affiliated with any one
organization, the name shall reflect the trade, profession or primary in-
terest of the committee as reflected by the statement of purpose of such

      (2) the names and addresses of the chairperson and treasurer of the

      (3) the names and addresses of affiliated or connected organizations;

      (4) in the case of a political committee, the full name of the organi-
zation with which the committee is connected or affiliated or, name or
description sufficiently describing the affiliation or, if the committee is
not connected or affiliated with any one organization, the trade, profes-
sion or primary interest of the political committee as reflected by the
statement of purpose of such organization.

      (c) Any change in information previously reported in a statement of
organization shall be reported on a supplemental statement of organiza-
tion and filed not later than 10 days following the change.

      (d)  (1) Each political committee which anticipates receiving contri-
butions shall register annually with the commission on or before July 1
of each year. Each political committee registration shall be in the form
and contain such information as may be required by the commission.

      (2) Each registration by a political committee anticipating the receipt
of $2,501 or more in any calendar year shall be accompanied by an annual
registration fee of $200 $240.

      (3) Each registration by a political committee anticipating the receipt
of more than $500 but less than $2,501 in any calendar year shall be
accompanied by an annual registration fee of $30 $35.

      (4) Each registration by a political committee anticipating the receipt
of $500 or less in any calendar year shall be accompanied by an annual
registration fee of $15 $20.

      (5) Any political committee which is currently registered under sub-
section (d)(3) or (d)(4) and which receives contributions in excess of
$2,500 for a calendar year, shall file, within three days of the date when
contributions exceed such amount, an amended registration form which
shall be accompanied by an additional fee for such year equal to the
difference between $200 $240 and the amount of the fee that accompa-
nied the current registration.

      (6) Any political committee which is currently registered under sub-
section (d)(4) and which receives contributions in excess of $500 but
which are less than $2,501, shall file, within three days of the date when
contributions exceed $500, an amended registration form which shall be
accompanied by an additional fee of $15 $20 for such year.

      (e) All such fees received by or for the commission shall be remitted
to the state treasurer at least monthly. Upon receipt of each such remit-
tance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state
treasury to the credit of the governmental ethics commission fee fund.

      Sec.  3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 46-265 is hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 46-265. (a) Every lobbyist shall register with the secretary of state
by completing and signing a registration form prescribed and provided
by the commission. Such registration shall show the name and address of
the lobbyist, the name and address of the person compensating the lob-
byist for lobbying, the purpose of the employment and the method of
determining and computing the compensation of the lobbyist. If the lob-
byist is compensated or to be compensated for lobbying by more than
one employer or is to be engaged in more than one employment, the
relevant facts listed above shall be stated separately for each employer
and each employment. Whenever any new lobbying employment or lob-
bying position is accepted by a lobbyist already registered as provided in
this section, such lobbyist shall report the same on forms prescribed and
provided by the commission before engaging in any lobbying activity re-
lated to such new employment or position, and such report shall be filed
with the secretary of state. When a lobbyist is an employee of a lobbying
group or firm which contracts to lobby and not an owner or partner of
such entity, the lobbyist shall report each client of the group, firm or
entity whose interest the lobbyist represents. Whenever the lobbying of
a lobbyist concerns a legislative matter, the secretary of state promptly
shall transmit copies of each registration and each report filed under this
act to the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of

      (b) On or after October 1, in any year any person may register as a
lobbyist under this section for the succeeding calendar year. Such regis-
tration shall expire annually on December 31, of the year for which the
lobbyist is registered. In any calendar year, before engaging in lobbying,
persons to whom this section applies shall register or renew their regis-
tration as provided in this section. Except for employees of lobbying
groups or firms, every person registering or renewing registration who
anticipates spending $1,000 or less for lobbying in such registration year
on behalf of any one employer shall pay to the secretary of state a fee of
$30 $35 for lobbying for each such employer. Except for employees of
lobbying groups or firms, every person registering or renewing registra-
tion who anticipates spending more than $1,000 for lobbying in such
registration year on behalf of any one employer shall pay to the secretary
of state a fee of $250 $300 for lobbying for such employer. Any lobbyist
who at the time of initial registration anticipated spending less than
$1,000, on behalf of any one employer, but at a later date spends in excess
of such amount, within three days of the date when expenditures exceed
such amount, shall file an amended registration form which shall be ac-
companied by an additional fee of $220 for such year. Every person reg-
istering or renewing registration as a lobbyist who is an employee of a
lobbying group or firm and not an owner or partner of such entity shall
pay an annual fee of $300 $360. The secretary of state shall remit all
moneys received under this section to the state treasurer, and the state
treasurer shall deposit the same in the state treasury to the credit of the
governmental ethics commission fee fund.

      (c) Any person who has registered as a lobbyist pursuant to this act
may file, upon termination of such person's lobbying activities, a state-
ment terminating such person's registration as a lobbyist. Such statement
shall be on a form prescribed by the commission and shall state the name
and address of the lobbyist, the name and address of the person com-
pensating the lobbyist for lobbying and the date of the termination of the
lobbyist's lobbying activities.

      (d) No person who has failed or refused to pay any civil penalty im-
posed pursuant to K.S.A. 46-280, and amendments thereto, shall be au-
thorized or permitted to register as a lobbyist in accordance with this
section until such penalty has been paid in full.

      Sec.  4. K.S.A. 75-3717 is hereby amended to read as follows: 75-
3717. (a) As provided in this section, each state agency, not later than
October 1 of each year, shall file with the division of the budget its budget
estimates for the next fiscal year, and all amendments and revisions
thereof, except that, in lieu of such annual filing, each agency listed in
subsection (g) (f), not later than October 1, 1994 2000, and every two
years thereafter, shall file budget estimates for the next fiscal year and
for the ensuing fiscal year thereafter. Each agency listed in subsection (g)
(f) may file adjustments to such agency's budget that was approved by
the legislature during a prior fiscal year. All such budget estimates shall
be in the form provided by the director of the budget. Each agency's
budget estimates shall include:

      (1) A full explanation of the agency's request for any appropriations
for the expansion of present services or the addition of new activities,
including an estimate of the anticipated expenditures for the next fiscal
year and for each of the three ensuing fiscal years which would be re-
quired to support each expansion of present services or addition of new
services as requested by the state agency; and

      (2) a listing of all programs of the agency that provide services for
children and their families and the following information regarding each
such program: Of the amount of the agency's request for appropriations
to fund the program, that amount which will be spent on services for
children or families with children and the number of children or families
with children who are served by the program.

      (b) At the same time as each state agency submits to the division of
the budget a copy of its budget estimate, and all amendments and revi-
sions thereof, each such state agency shall submit a copy of such estimate,
and all amendments and revisions thereof, directly to the legislative re-
search department for legislative use.

      (c) The director of the budget shall require the agencies to submit a
sufficient number of copies of their budget estimates, and all amendments
and revisions thereof, to the director's office to satisfy the requirements
of such office and one additional copy for legislative use which shall be
retained in the division of the budget until the budget of the governor is
submitted to the legislature. On or before the day that such budget is
submitted to the legislature such legislative use copy, posted to reflect
the governor's budget recommendations, shall be submitted to the leg-
islative research department for use by the ways and means committee
of the senate and the committee on appropriations of the house of rep-
resentatives. Following presentation of the governor's budget report to
the legislature, the legislative research department may request and shall
receive detailed information from the division of the budget on the gov-
ernor's budget recommendations.

      (d) The director of the budget may prepare budget estimates for any
state agency failing to file a request.

      (e) As used in this section, "services for children and their families"
includes but is not limited to any of the following services, whether pro-
vided directly or made accessible through subsidies or other payments:

      (1) Financial support for children and families with children or en-
forcement of the obligation to support a child or a family with one or
more children;

      (2) prenatal care, health care for children or immunizations for chil-

      (3) mental health or retardation services for children;

      (4) nutrition for children or families with children or nutritional coun-
seling or supplements for pregnant or nursing women;

      (5) child care, early childhood education or parenting education;

      (6) licensure or regulation of child care or early childhood education

      (7) treatment, counseling or other services to preserve families;

      (8) care, treatment, placement or adoption of children without func-
tioning families;

      (9) services to prevent child abuse and to treat and protect child
abuse victims;

      (10) services for children who are pregnant, substance abusers or oth-
erwise involved in high risk behavior;

      (11) services related to court proceedings involving children; and

      (12) youth employment services.

      (f) On a biennial basis, the following state agencies shall file budget
estimates under the provisions of subsection (a): Abstracters' board of
examiners, behavioral sciences regulatory board, board of accountancy,
board of examiners in optometry, board of nursing, consumer credit com-
missioner, Kansas board of barbering, Kansas board of examiners in fitting
and dispensing of hearing aids, Kansas dental board, Kansas real estate
commission, Kansas state board of cosmetology, office of the securities
commissioner of Kansas, real estate appraisal board, state bank commis-
sioner, state board of healing arts, state board of mortuary arts, state board
of pharmacy, state board of technical professions, state board of veterinary
examiners, governmental ethics commission and state department of
credit unions.

      Sec.  5. K.S.A. 75-3717 and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 25-4119f, 25-4145 and
46-265 are hereby repealed.

      Sec.  6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.