Session 2000
Effective: July 1, 2000
An Act concerning mortgages; relating to
mortgage business and mortgage loans; amend-
ing K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2204, 9-2207, 9-2208,
9-2209, 9-2212, 9-2213 and 9-2218 and
repealing the existing sections.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2204
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 9-2204. (a) Any person required to register pursuant to
this act
shall submit to the commissioner an application for registration on
prescribed and provided by the commissioner. The application shall
tain information the commissioner deems necessary to adequately
(1) The location and nature of the
business to be conducted;
(2) the identity, character and
qualifications of an individual appli-
(3) the identity, character and
qualifications of the officers, directors,
members, partners and employees of the entity, if the
applicant is a part-
nership, corporation or other business entity;
(4) the name under which the applicant
intends to conduct business;
(5) other information the commissioner
requires to evaluate the fi-
nancial responsibility and condition, character, qualifications,
fitness of
the applicant and compliance with the provisions of this act.
(b) Each application for registration
shall be accompanied by a non-
refundable fee of not less than $100, which may be increased by
and regulations pursuant to K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2209 and
(c) An application for registration shall
be approved, and a nonas-
signable certificate of registration shall be issued to the
applicant pro-
(1) The commissioner has received the
complete application and fee
required by this section; and
(2) the commissioner determines the
financial responsibility and con-
dition, character, qualifications and fitness of the applicant
warrants a
belief that the business of the applicant will be conducted
honestly, fairly and in accordance with all applicable state and
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2207 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2207. The commissioner may deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse
renew the registration of a mortgage business issued pursuant to
this act,
if the commissioner finds, after notice and opportunity for a
hearing con-
ducted in accordance with the provisions of the administrative
act, that:
(a) The applicant or registrant has
repeatedly or willfully violated any
section of this act or any rule and regulation or order lawfully
made pur-
suant to this act;
(b) facts or conditions exist which would
have justified the denial of
the registration or renewal had these facts or conditions existed
or been
known to exist at the time the application for registration or
renewal was
(c) the applicant or registrant has filed
with the commissioner any
document or statement containing any false representation of a
fact or fails to state a material fact;
(d) the applicant or registrant has been
convicted of any crime in-
volving fraud, dishonesty or deceit;
(e) the applicant or registrant has
engaged in or is engaging in de-
ceptive business practices;
(f) the applicant or registrant, or an
employee of the applicant or
registrant, has been the subject of any disciplinary action
by this agency
or any other state or federal regulatory agency;
(g) a final judgment has been entered
against the applicant or regis-
trant in a civil action and the commissioner finds, based upon the
on which the judgment is based, that registration of such person
be contrary to the public interest.;
(h) the applicant or registrant, or an
employee of the applicant or
registrant has been convicted of engaging in mortgage business
without authorization pursuant to K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2203, and
ments thereto or a substantially similar offense in another
state; or
(i) the applicant or registrant has
refused to furnish information re-
quired by the commissioner within a reasonable period of time as
lished by the commissioner.
Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2208 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2208. (a) Every certificate of registration shall be
properly dis-
played in a prominent place within the registrant's place of
business in a
way that reasonably assures recognition by customers and members
the general public who enter the registrant's place of
(b) Prior to entering into any contract
for the provision of services or
prior to the registrant receiving any compensation or promise of
pensation for a mortgage loan the registrant shall acquire from the
tomer a signed acknowledgment containing such information as the
missioner may prescribe by rule and regulation. A copy of
acknowledgment shall be provided to the customer.
(c) The registrant shall identify that
such registrant is registered un-
der this act in all advertising or solicitations directed to Kansas
including internet solicitations. For the purpose of this
subsection, "ad-
vertising" does not include business cards or promotional
(d) No registrant shall conduct mortgage
business in this state using
any name other than the name or names stated on the certificate of
Sec. 4. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2209 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2209. The commissioner may exercise the following
(a) Adopt rules and regulations as
necessary to carry out the intent
and purpose of this act;
(b) make investigations and examinations
of the registrant's opera-
tions, books and records as the commissioner deems necessary for
protection of the public;
(c) charge reasonable costs of
investigation or examination to be paid
by the registrant under investigation or examination;
(d) order any registrant to cease any
activity or practice which the
commissioner deems to be deceptive, dishonest, violative of state
or fed-
eral law or unduly harmful to the interests of the public;
(e) exchange any information regarding
the administration of this act
with any agency of the United States or any state which regulates
registrant or administers statutes, rules and regulations or
programs re-
lated to mortgage loans; and
(f) disclose to any person or entity that
an applicant's or registrant's
certificate of registration has been denied, suspended, revoked or
(g) require or permit any person to
file a written statement, under
oath or otherwise as the commissioner may direct, setting forth
all the
facts and circumstances concerning any apparent violation of
this act, or
any rule and regulation promulgated thereunder or any order
issued pur-
suant to this act; and
(h) receive, as a condition in
settlement of any investigation or ex-
amination, a payment designated for consumer education to be
for such purpose as directed by the commissioner.
Sec. 5. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2212 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2212. (a) Except for those persons meeting the
requirements of
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2202 and amendments thereto, a registrant shall
pay compensation to, contract with or employ as an independent
tractor any person engaged in mortgage business who does not hold
valid certificate of registration.
(b) No person shall be employed by a
registrant without the prior
written approval of the commissioner if such person
(1) Had a certificate of registration
denied, revoked, suspended or
refused renewal; or
(2) been convicted of any crime
involving fraud, dishonesty or deceit.
Sec. 6. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2213 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2213. (a) Within three business days of receipt a
registrant shall
deposit all fees and money received from a borrower prior to the
time a
loan is consummated in an escrow account in a bank, savings bank,
and loan association or credit union incorporated under the laws of
state, or organized under the laws of the United States or another
and which has a main or branch office in this
(b) For each borrower the registrant
shall maintain a separate record
of all money received for any service performed or to be
including any payment to a third party, setting forth:
(1) The date the money was received;
(2) the amount of money received;
(3) the date the money was deposited in
the escrow account; and
(4) the date, description, and
justification for each disbursement.
(c) Upon the request of a borrower, a
copy of the record required by
subsection (b) shall be provided to the borrower:
(1) Within five business days of
consummation of the loan; or
(2) within five business days of receipt
of written notice of the bor-
rower's intention to withdraw from the loan transaction.
Sec. 7. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2218 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 9-2218. (a) If the commissioner determines after notice and
tunity for a hearing pursuant to the Kansas administrative
procedure act
that any registrant person has engaged, is
engaging or is about to engage
in any act or practice constituting a violation of any provision of
this act
or any rule and regulation or order hereunder, the commissioner by
may require any or all of the following:
(1) That the registrant
person cease and desist from the unlawful act
or practice;
(2) that the registrant
person pay a fine not to exceed $5,000 per
incident for the unlawful act or practice; or
(3) that the registrant
person take such affirmative action as in the
judgment of the commissioner will carry out the purposes of this
(b) If the commissioner makes written
findings of fact that the public
interest will be irreparably harmed by delay in issuing an order
subsection (a), the commissioner may issue an emergency cease and
(1) Such emergency order, even when not
an order within the mean-
ing of K.S.A. 77-502, and amendments thereto, shall be subject to
same procedures as an emergency order issued under K.S.A. 77-536,
amendments thereto.
(2) Upon the entry of such an emergency
order, the commissioner
shall promptly notify the registrant person
subject to the order that it has
been entered, of the reasons, and that a hearing will be held upon
request by the registrant person.
(3) If the registrant
person requests a hearing, or in the absence of
any request, if the commissioner determines that a hearing should
held, the matter will be set for a hearing which shall be conducted
accordance with the provisions of the Kansas administrative
act. Upon completion of the hearing the commissioner shall by
findings of fact and conclusions of law vacate, modify or make
the emergency order.
(4) If no hearing is requested and none
is ordered by the commis-
sioner, the emergency order will remain in effect until it is
modified or
vacated by the commissioner.
Sec. 8. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 9-2204,
9-2207, 9-2208, 9-2209, 9-2212,
9-2213 and 9-2218 are hereby repealed.
Sec. 9. This act shall take effect and be in force
from and after its
publication in the statute book.