Session of 2000
By Committee on Judiciary
concerning the Kansas administrative procedure act; abuse, ne-
10 glect or exploitation
of adults; relating to investigations by the depart-
11 ment of health and
environment; amending K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1411
12 and repealing the
existing section.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1411 is hereby amended to read as
16 follows: 39-1411. (a) The secretary of
health and environment shall main-
17 tain a register of the reports received and
investigated by the department
18 of health and environment under K.S.A.
39-1402 and 39-1403, and
19 amendments to such sections, and the
findings, evaluations and actions
20 recommended by the department with respect
to such reports. The find-
21 ings, evaluations and actions shall be
subject to such notice and appeals
22 procedures as may be adopted by
rules and regulations of the secretary
23 of health and environment, which
rules and regulations shall be consistent
24 with the Kansas
administrative procedures act and any requirements of
25 state or federal law relating thereto
except that the secretary shall not be
26 required to conduct a hearing in cases
forwarded to the appropriate state
27 authority under subsection (b). The
register shall be available for inspec-
28 tion by personnel of the department of
health and environment as spec-
29 ified by the secretary of health and
environment and to such other persons
30 as may be required by federal law and
designated by the secretary of
31 health and environment by rules and
regulations. Information from the
32 register shall be provided as specified in
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 65-6205 and
33 amendments thereto. The secretary of health
and environment shall for-
34 ward a copy of any report of abuse, neglect
or exploitation of a resident
35 of an adult care home to the secretary of
36 (b) The secretary
of health and environment shall forward any finding
37 of abuse, neglect or exploitation alleged
to be committed by a provider
38 of services licensed, registered or
otherwise authorized to provide services
39 in this state to the appropriate state
authority which regulates such pro-
40 vider. The appropriate state regulatory
authority, after notice to the al-
41 leged perpetrator and a hearing on such
matter if requested by the alleged
42 perpetrator, may consider the finding in
any disciplinary action taken with
43 respect to the provider of services under
the jurisdiction of such authority.
1 The secretary of health and
environment may consider the finding of
2 abuse, neglect or exploitation in any
licensing action taken with respect
3 to any adult care home or medical
care facility under the jurisdiction of
4 the secretary.
5 (c) If the
investigation of the department of health and environment
6 indicates reason to believe that the
resident is in need of protective serv-
7 ices, that finding and all
information relating to that finding shall be for-
8 warded by the secretary of health and
environment to the secretary of
9 social and rehabilitation
10 (d) Except as
otherwise provided in this section, the report received
11 by the department of health and environment
and the written findings,
12 evaluations and actions recommended shall
be confidential and shall not
13 be subject to the open records act. Except
as otherwise provided in this
14 section, the name of the person making the
original report to the de-
15 partment of health and environment or any
person mentioned in such
16 report shall not be disclosed unless such
person specifically requests or
17 agrees in writing to such disclosure or
unless a judicial or administrative
18 proceeding results therefrom. In the event
that an administrative or ju-
19 dicial action arises, no use of the
information shall be made until the
20 judge or presiding officer makes a specific
finding, in writing, after a
21 hearing, that under all the circumstances
the need for the information
22 outweighs the need for confidentiality.
Except as otherwise provided in
23 this section, no information contained in
the register shall be made avail-
24 able to the public in such a manner as to
identify individuals.
25 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
39-1411 is hereby repealed.
26 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
27 publication in the statute book.