Session of 2000
By Committee on Financial Institutions and
concerning insurance; relating to mortgage guaranty insurance
11 companies; amending
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 40-3502 and repealing the
12 existing section.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 40-3502 is hereby amended to read as
16 follows: 40-3502. As used in this act the
following terms shall have the
17 meanings respectively ascribed to them
18 (a) "Mortgage
guaranty insurance company" means any corporation,
19 company, association, reciprocal exchange,
persons or partnerships writ-
20 ing contracts of mortgage guaranty
insurance and shall be governed by
21 the provisions of this act and the other
provisions of chapter 40 of the
22 Kansas Statutes Annotated applicable to
companies organized or oper-
23 ating under the provisions of K.S.A.
40-1101 et seq., and amendments
24 thereto, to the extent such other
provisions are not inconsistent with the
25 requirements of this act.
26 (b) "Mortgage
guaranty insurance" means and includes: (1) Insur-
27 ance against financial loss by reason of
nonpayment of principal, interest
28 or other sums agreed to be paid under the
terms of any note or bond or
29 other evidence of indebtedness secured by a
mortgage, deed of trust, or
30 other instrument constituting a lien or
charge on real estate, when the
31 improvement on such real estate is a
residential building or a condomin-
32 ium or townhouse unit or buildings designed
for occupancy by not more
33 than four families;
34 (2) insurance
against financial loss by reason of nonpayment of prin-
35 cipal, interest or other sums agreed to be
paid under the terms of any
36 note or bond or other evidence of
indebtedness secured by a mortgage,
37 deed of trust or other instrument
constituting a lien or charge on real
38 estate, when the improvement on such real
estate is a building or build-
39 ings designed for occupancy by five or more
families or designed to be
40 occupied for industrial or commercial
purposes; or
41 (3) insurance
against financial loss by reason of nonpayment of rent
42 or other sums agreed to be paid under the
terms of a written lease for
43 the possession, use or occupancy of real
estate, when the improvement
1 on such real estate is a building or
buildings designed to be occupied for
2 industrial or commercial
(c) "Authorized real estate security" means an amortized note,
4 or other evidence of indebtedness,
not exceeding (97%) (100%) of the
5 fair market value of the real estate,
secured by a mortgage, deed of trust,
6 or other instrument which
constitutes, or is equivalent to, a first lien or
7 charge on real estate, when: (1) The
real estate loan secured in such
8 manner is one of a type which a bank,
savings and loan association, or an
9 insurance company, which is
supervised and regulated by a department
10 of this state or an agency of the federal
government, is authorized to make,
11 or would be authorized to make,
disregarding any requirement applicable
12 to such an institution that the amount of
the loan not exceed a certain
13 percentage of the value of the real
14 (2) the
improvement on such real estate is a building or buildings
15 designed for occupancy as specified by
paragraphs (1) or (2) of subsection
16 (b); and
17 (3) the lien on
such real estate may be subject to and subordinate to
18 the following:
19 (i) The lien of
any public bond, assessment or tax, when no install-
20 ment, call or payment of or under such
bond, assessment or tax is delin-
21 quent; and
22 (ii) outstanding
mineral, oil, water or timber rights, rights-of-way,
23 easements or rights-of-way of support,
sewer rights, building restrictions
24 or other restrictions or covenants,
conditions or regulations of use, or
25 outstanding leases upon such real property
under which rents or profits
26 are reserved to the owner thereof.
27 (d) "Contingency
reserve" means an additional premium reserve es-
28 tablished to protect policyholders against
the effect of adverse economic
29 cycles.
30 (e) "Single risk"
means the insurance provided with respect to each
31 separate loan or lease covered by an
individual policy of mortgage guar-
32 anty insurance or an individual certificate
issued pursuant to K.S.A. 40-
33 3511, and amendments thereto.
34 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
40-3502 is hereby repealed.
35 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
36 publication in the statute book.