Session of 2000
By Senator Vratil
concerning school district finance; affecting the determination
10 of low enrollment and
correlation weightings; amending K.S.A. 1999
11 Supp. 72-6412 and
72-6442 and repealing the existing sections.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-6412 is hereby amended to read as
15 follows: 72-6412. The low enrollment
weighting of each district with un-
16 der 1,725 enrollment shall be determined by
the state board as follows:
17 (a) Determine the
amount of the median budget per pupil for the
18 1991-92 school year of districts with
75-125 enrollment in such school
19 year;
20 (b) determine the
amount of the median budget per pupil for the
21 1991-92 school year of districts with
200-399 enrollment in such school
22 year;
23 (c) determine the
amount of the median budget per pupil for the
24 1991-92 school year of districts with 1,900
or over enrollment;
25 (d) prescribe a
schedule amount for each of the districts by preparing
26 a schedule based upon an accepted
mathematical formula and derived
27 from a linear transition between (1) the
median budgets per pupil deter-
28 mined under (a) and (b), and (2) the median
budgets per pupil deter-
29 mined under (b) and (c). The schedule
amount for districts with 0-99
30 enrollment is an amount equal to the amount
of the median budget per
31 pupil determined under (a). The schedule
amount for districts with 100-
32 299 enrollment is the amount derived from
the linear transition under
33 (1). The schedule amount for districts with
300-1,899 enrollment is the
34 amount derived from the linear transition
under (2);
35 (e) for districts
with 0-99 enrollment:
36 (1) Subtract the
amount determined under (c) from the amount de-
37 termined under (a);
38 (2) divide the
remainder obtained under (1) by the amount deter-
39 mined under (c);
40 (3) subtract
from enrollment of the district in the current school year
41 the number of pupils, if any, who do not
meet the requirements of K.S.A.
42 72-1046, and amendments thereto, for
attendance at school in the district;
43 (3)
(4) multiply the quotient obtained under (2) by the
enrollment of
1 the district in the current
school year. The product is the low enrollment
2 weighting of the
district remainder obtained under (3);
(5) determine the number of pupils subtracted from
enrollment under
4 (3), if any, who meet the
requirements of K.S.A. 72-1046, and amendments
5 thereto, for attendance at school
in a district with 100-299 enrollment and
6 multiply the quotient obtained
under (f)(2) by the number of pupils de-
7 termined under this
(6) determine the number of pupils subtracted from enrollment
9 (3), if any, who meet the
requirements of K.S.A. 72-1046, and amendments
10 thereto, for attendance at school in a
district with 300-1,724 enrollment
11 and multiply the quotient obtained under
(g)(2) by the number of pupils
12 determined under this provision;
13 (7) determine
the number of pupils subtracted from enrollment under
14 (3), if any, who meet the requirements
of K.S.A. 72-1046, and amendments
15 thereto, for attendance at school in a
district with 1,725 or over enrollment
16 and multiply the quotient obtained under
(b)(1) of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-
17 6442, and amendments thereto, by the
number of pupils determined under
18 this provision;
19 (8) add the
products obtained under (5), (6) and (7) to the product
20 obtained under (4). The sum is the low
enrollment weighting of the
21 district;
22 (f) for districts
with 100-299 enrollment:
23 (1) Subtract the
amount determined under (c) from the schedule
24 amount of the district;
25 (2) divide the
remainder obtained under (1) by the amount deter-
26 mined under (c);
27 (3) subtract
from enrollment of the district in the current school year
28 the number of pupils, if any, who meet
the requirements of K.S.A. 72-
29 1046, and amendments thereto, for
attendance at school in a district with
30 300 or over enrollment;
31 (3)
(4) multiply the quotient obtained under (2) by the
enrollment of
32 the district in the current school
year. The product is the low enrollment
33 weighting of the district
remainder obtained under (3);
34 (5) determine
the number of pupils subtracted from enrollment under
35 (3), if any, who meet the requirements
of K.S.A. 72-1046, and amendments
36 thereto, for attendance at school in a
district with 300-1,724 enrollment
37 and multiply the quotient obtained under
(g)(2) by the number of pupils
38 determined under this provision;
39 (6) determine
the number of pupils subtracted from enrollment under
40 (3), if any, who meet the requirements
of K.S.A. 72-1046, and amendments
41 thereto, for attendance at school in a
district with 1,725 or over enrollment
42 and multiply the quotient obtained under
(b)(1) of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-
43 6442, and amendments thereto, by the
number of pupils determined under
1 this provision;
2 (7) add
the products obtained under (5) and (6) to the product ob-
3 tained under (4). The sum is the
low enrollment weighting of the district;
4 (g) for
districts with 300-1,724 enrollment:
(1) Subtract the amount determined under (c) from the
6 amount of the district;
7 (2) divide
the remainder obtained under (1) by the amount deter-
8 mined under (c);
(3) subtract from enrollment of the district in the current
school year
10 the number of pupils, if any who meet
the requirements of K.S.A. 72-
11 1046, and amendments thereto, for
attendance at school in a district with
12 1,725 or over enrollment;
13 (3)
(4) multiply the quotient obtained under (2) by the
enrollment of
14 the district in the current school
year. The product is the low enrollment
15 weighting of the district.
remainder obtained under (3);
16 (5) multiply
the quotient obtained under (b)(1) of K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
17 72-6442, and amendments thereto, by the
number of pupils, if any, sub-
18 tracted from enrollment under
19 (6) add the
product obtained under (5) to the product obtained under
20 (4). The sum is the low enrollment
weighting of the district.
21 (h) In
determining low enrollment weighting under this section,
22 state board shall determine the district
in which each pupil, not meeting
23 the requirements of K.S.A. 72-1046, and
amendments thereto, for attend-
24 ance at school in the district in which
enrolled, is entitled to attend school
25 under the provisions of K.S.A. 72-1046,
and amendments thereto.
26 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-6442 is hereby amended to read as
27 follows: 72-6442. The correlation weighting
of each district with 1,725 or
28 over enrollment shall be determined by the
state board as follows:
29 (a) Determine the
schedule amount for a district with 1,725 enroll-
30 ment as derived from the linear transition
under (d) of K.S.A. 72-6412,
31 and amendments thereto, and subtract the
amount determined under (c)
32 of K.S.A. 72-6412, and amendments thereto,
from the schedule amount
33 so determined;
(b) divide the remainder obtained under (a) by the
amount deter-
35 mined under (c) of K.S.A. 72-6412,
and amendments thereto, and mul-
36 tiply the quotient by the
enrollment of the district in the current school
37 year. The product is the
correlation weighting of the district.
38 (b)
(1) divide the remainder obtained under (a) by the amount
39 termined under (c) of K.S.A. 72-6412,
and amendments thereto;
40 (2) subtract
from enrollment of the district in the current school year
41 the number of pupils, if any, who do not
meet the requirements of K.S.A.
42 72-1046, and amendments thereto, for
attendance at school in the district;
43 (3) multiply
the quotient obtained under (1) by the remainder ob-
1 tained under (2);
(4) determine the number of pupils subtracted from enrollment
3 (2), if any, who meet the
requirements of K.S.A. 72-1046, and amendments
4 thereto, for attendance at school
in a district with 0-99 enrollment and
5 multiply the quotient obtained
under (e)(2) of K.S.A. 72-6412, and amend-
6 ments thereto, by the member of
pupils determined under this provision;
(5) determine the number of pupils subtracted from enrollment
8 (2), if any, who meet the
requirements of K.S.A. 72-1046, and amendments
9 thereto, for attendance at school
in a district with 100-299 enrollment and
10 multiply the quotient obtained under
(f)(2) of K.S.A. 72-6412, and amend-
11 ments thereto, by the number of pupils
determined under this provision;
12 (6) determine
the number of pupils subtracted from enrollment under
13 (2), if any, who meet the requirements
of K.S.A. 72-1046, and amendments
14 thereto, for attendance at school in a
district with 300-1,724 enrollment
15 and multiply the quotient obtained under
(g)(2) of K.S.A. 72-6412, and
16 amendment thereto, by the number of
pupils determined under this
17 provision;
18 (7) add the
products obtained under (4), (5) and (6) to the product
19 obtained under (3). The sum is the
correlation weighting of the district.
20 (c) In
determining correlation weighting under this section, the
21 board shall determine the districts in
which each pupil, not meeting the
22 requirements of K.S.A. 72-1046, and
amendments thereto, for attendance
23 at school in the district in which
enrolled, is entitled to attend school under
24 the provisions of K.S.A. 72-1046, and
amendments thereto.
25 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
72-6412 and 72-6422 are hereby repealed.
26 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
27 publication in the statute book.