As Amended by Senate Committee
Session of 2000
By Senator Salmans
11 AN ACT enacting
the addictions counselor licensure act; amending
12 K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
74-7501 and 74-7507 and repealing the existing
13 sections; also
repealing K.S.A. 65-6601 through 65-6606.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 New Section
1. Sections 1 through 13, and amendments thereto,
17 shall be known and may be cited as the
addictions counselor licensure
18 act.
19 New Sec.
2. As used in the addictions counselor licensure act:
20 (a) ``Addiction
counseling'' means the evaluation, assessment,
21 cation and counseling of
individuals within the context of alcohol or drug
22 usage or both, including but not limited to
the requirements of subsection
23 (c) of K.S.A. 8-1008, and amendments
thereto. Addiction counseling in-
24 cludes the diagnosis and treatment of
addiction disorders as authorized
25 under the addictions counselor licensure
26 (b) ``Licensed
addictions counselor technician'' means a person who
27 is licensed under this act and who engages
in the practice of addictions
28 counseling for compensation only under the
supervision of a licensed
29 addictions counselor II, a person licensed
to practice medicine and sur-
30 gery, or a person licensed by the board and
whose licensure allows for
31 the diagnosis and treatment of mental
disorders in independent practice,
32 except that the licensed addictions
counselor technician is not authorized
33 to engage in services that
evaluate, or diagnose or
plan treatment for
34 persons with addictions disorders.
35 (c) ``Licensed
addictions counselor I'' means a person who is licensed
36 under this act and engages in the practice
of addictions counseling for
37 compensation except that the licensed
addictions counselor I may eval-
38 uate, diagnose or plan treatment for
persons with addictions disorders
39 only under the direction of a licensed
addictions counselor II, a person
40 licensed to practice medicine and surgery,
or a person licensed by the
41 board and whose licensure allows for the
diagnosis and treatment of men-
42 tal disorders in independent practice.
43 (d) ``Licensed
addictions counselor II'' means a person who is li-
1 censed under this act and engages in
the independent practice of addic-
2 tions counseling for compensation
including the diagnosis and treatment
3 of addictions disorders as specified
in the edition of the diagnostic and
4 statistical manual of mental
disorders of the American psychiatric asso-
5 ciation designated by the board by
rules and regulations.
(e) ``Board'' means the behavioral sciences regulatory board
7 by K.S.A. 74-7501, and amendments
(f) ``Client'' means a person who consults or is examined,
9 diagnosed or treated by a
10 (g) ``Licensee''
means any licensed addictions counselor technician,
11 licensed addictions counselor I or licensed
addictions counselor II who
12 receives a confidential communication from
a client if such communica-
13 tion was not intended to be disclosed to
third persons.
14 (h) ``Ancillary
personnel'' means any employee of a licensee who is
15 not included in the definition of
16 New Sec.
3. On and after the effective date of this act: (a)
No Except
17 as provided further, no
person shall engage in the practice of addictions
18 counseling or represent that such person is
a licensed addictions coun-
19 selor technician or an addictions counselor
technician without having first
20 obtained a license as an addictions
counselor technician under the addic-
21 tions counselor licensure act.
(b) No Except as provided further,
no person shall engage in the
23 practice of addictions counseling or
represent that such person is a li-
24 censed addictions counselor I or an
addictions counselor I without having
25 first obtained a license as an addictions
counselor I under the addictions
26 counselor licensure act.
(c) No Except as provided further,
no person shall engage in the
28 practice of addictions counseling or
represent that such person is a li-
29 censed addictions counselor II or an
addictions counselor II without hav-
30 ing first obtained a license as an
addictions counselor II under the addic-
31 tions counselor licensure act.
32 (d) Counselors who
currently practice through the substance
33 abuse treatment and recovery (SATR)
regulations, pursuant to
34 K.S.A. 65-6301 et
seq., and amendments thereto, shall be allowed
35 provide education, monitoring,
support, supervision or activities
36 and transportation under the
supervision of a licensed addictions
37 counselor I or II.
(d) (e) Violation of this
section is a class B misdemeanor.
39 New Sec.
4. (a) The board shall issue a license as an addictions
40 selor technician to an applicant who:
41 (1) Has satisfied
the board that the applicant is a person who merits
42 the public trust;
43 (2) has completed
500 hours of supervised professional experience in
1 addictions counseling acceptable to
the board; and
2 (3) has
completed 18 academic credit hours of coursework in the core
3 work functions of an addictions
counselor as determined by the board.
4 (b) The
board shall issue a license as an addictions counselor I to an
5 applicant who:
6 (1) Has
satisfied the board that the applicant is a person who merits
7 the public trust;
8 (2) has
passed an examination approved by the board;
9 (3) is
licensed by the board or qualified to be licensed as an
10 counselor technician;
11 (4) has completed
2,000 1000 hours of supervised
professional ex-
12 perience in addictions counseling
acceptable to the board; and
13 (5) on or after
July 1, 2003, has (A) a baccalaureate degree from an
14 accredited college or university approved
by the board; (B) as part of or
15 in addition to a baccalaureate degree, has
completed 21 credit hours of
16 addictions related course work in addition
to the 18 credit hours in core
17 work functions, pursuant to subsection (a),
through identifiable study of
18 the following content areas: Individual and
family development, counsel-
19 ing theories and techniques, physiology of
addiction, addiction prevention
20 and education, and addictions studies and
research; and (C) has com-
21 pleted 1,000
500 hours of the supervised professional experience
22 ments specified in paragraph (4) following
completion of educational
23 requirements.
24 (c) The board
shall issue a license as an addictions counselor II to an
25 applicant who:
26 (1) Has satisfied
the board that the applicant is a person who merits
27 the public trust;
28 (2) has passed an
examination approved by the board;
29 (3) is licensed
by the board or qualified to be licensed as an addictions
30 counselor I;
31 (4) has completed
4,000 2,000 hours of supervised
professional ex-
32 perience in addictions counseling
acceptable to the board; and
33 (5) on or after
July 1, 2005, has (A) a master's degree from an ac-
34 credited college or university approved by
the board; (B) as part of or in
35 addition to a master's degree has completed
21 graduate credit hours of
36 addictions related course work through
identifiable study of the following
37 content areas: Diagnosis and treatment of
addiction; individual, family
38 and group interventions; collaboration and
referral; professional ethics;
39 and any one content area from the
requirements of subparagraph
40 (b)(5)(B); and (C) has completed
2,000 1,000 hours of the
41 professional experience requirements
specified in paragraph (4) following
42 completion of educational requirements.
43 (d) On or before
June 30, 2003, a person who does not meet the
1 education and training requirements
to be licensed as an addictions coun-
2 selor I specified in subsection
(b)(5) may be licensed as an addictions
3 counselor I by, upon application to
the board, satisfying the remaining
4 requirements of this act and
verifying that the person:
5 (1) Was
registered or qualified to be registered as an alcohol and
6 other drug abuse counselor prior to
the effective date of this act; or
7 (2) has a
minimum of two years of professional experience as an al-
8 cohol and drug abuse counselor
certified by the department of social and
9 rehabilitation services or equivalent
professional experience acceptable to
10 the board and has passed either a national
examination or has been so
11 recognized through a prior certification
process acceptable to the board.
12 (e) On or before
June 30, 2005, a person who does not meet the
13 education and training requirements to be
licensed as an addictions coun-
14 selor II specified in subsection (c)(5) may
be licensed as an addictions
15 counselor II by, upon application to the
board, satisfying the remaining
16 requirements of this act and verifying that
the person:
17 (1) Was
registered or qualified to be registered as an alcohol and
18 other drug abuse counselor prior to the
effective date of this act; or
19 (2) has a minimum
of five years of professional experience as an al-
20 cohol and drug abuse counselor certified by
the department of social and
21 rehabilitation services or equivalent
professional experience acceptable to
22 the board and has passed either a national
examination or has been so
23 recognized through a prior certification
process acceptable to the board.
24 (f) Each
applicant shall pay an application fee and examination fee
25 established by the board under section 11,
and amendments thereto.
26 (g) Applications
for licensure pursuant to the addictions counselor
27 act shall be made to the board on a form
and in the manner prescribed
28 by the board. Each applicant shall furnish
evidence satisfactory to the
29 board that the applicant:
30 (1) Is licensed
by the board as a licensed addictions counselor tech-
31 nician, licensed addictions counselor I or
licensed addictions counselor II
32 or meets all requirements for licensure as
an addictions counselor tech-
33 nician, addictions counselor I or
addictions counselor II; and
34 (2) has paid the
application fee fixed under section 11, and amend-
35 ments thereto.
36 New Sec.
5. The board shall issue a license to an individual who is
37 currently registered, certified or licensed
to practice addictions counsel-
38 ing in another jurisdiction if the board
determines that the standards for
39 registration, certification or licensure to
practice addictions counseling in
40 the other jurisdiction are at least
equivalent to or exceed the requirements
41 of the addictions counseling licensure act
and rules and regulations of the
42 board. An applicant for a license under
this section shall pay an application
43 fee established by the board under section
11, and amendments thereto.
1 New Sec.
6. A licensee under the addictions counselor licensure
2 at the beginning of a
client-counselor relationship, shall inform the client
3 of the level of such licensee's
training and the title or titles and license
4 or licenses of such licensee. As a
part of such obligation, such licensee
5 shall disclose whether such licensee
has a bachelor's degree, master's
6 degree or a doctoral degree. If such
licensee has a doctoral degree, such
7 licensee shall disclose whether or
not such doctoral degree is a doctor of
8 medicine degree or some other
doctoral degree. If such licensee does not
9 have a medical doctor's degree, such
licensee shall disclose that the li-
10 censee is not authorized to practice
medicine and surgery and is not
11 authorized to prescribe drugs.
Documentation of such disclosures to a
12 client shall be made in the client's
13 New Sec.
7. (a) An applicant who meets the requirements for licen-
14 sure pursuant to this act, has paid the
license fee provided for by section
15 11, and amendments thereto, and has
otherwise complied with the pro-
16 visions of this act shall be licensed by
the board.
17 (b) Licenses
issued pursuant to this act shall expire 24 months from
18 the date of issuance unless revoked prior
to that time. A license may be
19 renewed upon application and payment of the
fee provided for by section
20 11, and amendments thereto. The application
for renewal shall be accom-
21 panied by evidence satisfactory to the
board that the applicant has com-
22 pleted during the previous 24 months the
continuing education required
23 by rules and regulations of the board. As
part of such continuing educa-
24 tion, the applicant shall complete not less
than three continuing education
25 hours of professional ethics.
26 (c) A person
whose license has been suspended or revoked may make
27 written application to the board requesting
reinstatement of the license
28 upon termination of the period of
suspension or revocation in a manner
29 prescribed by the board, which application
shall be accompanied by the
30 fee provided for by section 11, and
amendments thereto.
31 New Sec.
8. The board may refuse to grant licensure to, or may sus-
32 pend, revoke, condition, limit, qualify or
restrict the licensure of any in-
33 dividual who the board, after a hearing,
34 (a) Is
incompetent to practice addictions counseling, or is found to
35 engage in the practice of addictions
counseling in a manner harmful or
36 dangerous to a client or to the public;
37 (b) is convicted
by a court of competent jurisdiction of a crime that
38 the board determines is of a nature to
render the convicted person unfit
39 to practice addictions counseling;
40 (c) has violated
a provision of the addictions counselor licensure act
41 or one or more of the rules and regulations
of the board;
42 (d) has obtained
or attempted to obtain a license or license renewal
43 by bribery or fraudulent
1 (e) has
knowingly made a false statement on a form required by the
2 board for license or license
3 (f) has
failed to obtain continuing education credits required by rules
4 and regulations of the board;
5 (g) has
been found guilty of unprofessional conduct as defined by
6 rules and regulations established by
the board; or
7 (h) has had
a registration, license or certificate as an addictions coun-
8 selor revoked, suspended or limited,
or has had other disciplinary action
9 taken, or an application for
registration, license or certificate denied, by
10 the proper regulatory authority of another
state, territory, District of Co-
11 lumbia or another country, a certified copy
of the record of the action of
12 the other jurisdiction being conclusive
evidence thereof.
13 New Sec.
9. Nothing in the addictions counselor licensure act shall
14 be construed:
15 (a) To prevent
addictions counseling practice by students or interns
16 or individuals preparing for the practice
of addictions counseling to prac-
17 tice under qualified supervision of a
professional, recognized and ap-
18 proved by the board, in an educational
institution or agency so long as
19 they are designated by titles such as
``student,'' ``trainee,'' ``intern'' or other
20 titles clearly indicating training
21 (b) to authorize
the practice of psychology, medicine and surgery,
22 professional counseling, marriage and
family therapy, masters level psy-
23 chology or licensed social work;
24 (c) to apply to
the activities and services of a rabbi, priest, minister,
25 clergy person or organized ministry of any
religious denomination or sect,
26 including a Christian-Science practitioner,
unless such person or individ-
27 ual who is a part of the organized ministry
as a licensed addictions
28 counselor;
29 (d) to apply to
the activities and services of qualified members of
30 other professional groups including, but
not limited to, attorneys, physi-
31 cians, psychologists, masters level
psychologists, professional counselors,
32 marriage and family therapists, registered
nurses or social workers per-
33 forming services consistent with the laws
of this state, their training and
34 the code of ethics of their profession, so
long as they do not represent
35 themselves as being an addictions
36 (e) to prevent
qualified persons from doing work within the standards
37 and ethics of their respective professions
and callings provided they do
38 not hold themselves out to the public by
any title or description of services
39 as being an addictions counselor; or
40 (f) to apply to
the volunteer activities of an individual providing al-
41 coholism and other drug abuse recovery
services as a part of an alcohol
42 or drug abuse support organizations or
groups, so long as such individuals
43 do not represent themselves by any title or
description in the manner
1 prohibited under this act.
2 New Sec.
10. (a) A client of a licensee has a privilege to prevent
3 licensee or ancillary personnel from
testifying or otherwise disclosing that
4 the client has been or is currently
receiving treatment or from testifying
5 or otherwise disclosing any
confidential communications made for the
6 purposes of consultation,
examination, interview, diagnosis or treatment
7 of the client's mental, alcoholic,
drug dependency or emotional condition.
8 (b) The
privilege extends to individual, family or group therapy under
9 the direction or supervision of the
licensee and includes members of the
10 client's family. The privilege may be
claimed by the client, by the client's
11 guardian or conservator or by the personal
representative of a deceased
12 client. The licensee shall claim the
privilege on behalf of the client unless
13 the client has made a written waiver of the
privilege and provided the
14 licensee with a copy of such waiver or
unless one of the exceptions pro-
15 vided by subsection (d) is applicable.
16 (c) Confidential
communications shall extend to those persons pres-
17 ent to further the interests of the client
in the consultation, examination,
18 interview, diagnosis or treatment;
ancillary personnel; persons who are
19 participating in the consultation,
examination, interview, diagnosis and
20 treatment under the direction or
supervision of the licensee, including
21 members of the client's family; and any
other persons who the client
22 reasonably believes needs the communication
to assist in the client's con-
23 sultation, examination, interview,
diagnosis or treatment.
24 (d) The privilege
established by subsections (b) and (c) shall not ex-
25 tend to:
26 (1) Any
communication relevant to an issue in proceedings to invol-
27 untarily commit to treatment a client for
mental illness, alcoholism or
28 drug dependency if the licensee in the
course of diagnosis or treatment
29 has determined that the client is in need
of hospitalization;
30 (2) an order for
examination of the mental, alcoholic, drug depend-
31 ency or emotional condition of the client
which is entered by a judge,
32 with respect to the particular purpose for
which the examination is or-
33 dered, except the privilege shall extend to
the nondisclosure of any in-
34 formation which would incriminate or
implicate a client of a criminal act
35 except if such criminal act is specified in
subparagraph (d)(4);
36 (3) any
proceeding in which the client relies upon any of the afore-
37 mentioned conditions as an element of the
client's claim or defense, or,
38 after the client's death, in any proceeding
in which any party relies upon
39 any of the client's conditions as an
element of a claim or defense;
40 (4) any
communication which forms the substance of information
41 which the licensee or the client is
required by law to report to a public
42 official, which shall include, but not be
limited to, child abuse pursuant
43 to K.S.A. 38-1522, and amendments thereto,
and adult abuse pursuant to
1 article 14 of chapter 39 of the
Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amend-
2 ments thereto, unless the statute
requiring the report or record specifi-
3 cally provides that the information
shall not be disclosed;
4 (5) any
information necessary for the emergency treatment of a client
5 or former client if the licensee
states in writing the reasons for disclosure
6 of the communication and makes such
statement a part of the treatment
7 or medical record of the client;
(6) information relevant to protect a person who has been
9 with substantial physical harm by a
client during the course of treatment,
10 when such person has been specifically
identified by the client, the li-
11 censee believes there is substantial
likelihood that the client will act on
12 such threat in the reasonable foreseeable
future and the licensee has
13 concluded that notification should be
given. The client shall be notified
14 that such information has been
15 (7) any
information to the client or former client, except that the
16 licensee may refuse to disclose portions of
such records if the licensee
17 states in writing that such disclosure will
be inadvisable or injurious to
18 the welfare of the client or former
19 (8) any
information to any state or national accreditation or certifi-
20 cation or licensing authority, but the
licensee shall require, before such
21 disclosure is made, a pledge that the name
of any client or former client
22 shall not be disclosed to any person not
otherwise authorized by law to
23 receive such information;
24 (9) any
information to the Kansas advocacy protective services, inc.
25 which concerns individuals who reside in a
treatment facility and which
26 is required by federal law and federal
rules and regulations to be available
27 pursuant to a federal grant-in-aid
28 (10) any
information relevant to the collection of a bill for profes-
29 sional services rendered by a licensee;
30 (11) any
information sought by a coroner serving under the laws of
31 Kansas when such information is material to
an investigation or proceed-
32 ing conducted by the coroner in the
performance of such coroner's official
33 duties. Information obtained by a coroner
under this provision shall be
34 used for official purposes only and shall
not be made public unless ad-
35 mitted as evidence by a court or for
purposes of performing the coroner's
36 statutory duties;
37 (12) any
communication and information between or among treat-
38 ment facilities regarding a proposed
client, client or former client of such
39 treatment facility for purposes of
promoting continuity of care between
40 the state psychiatric hospitals and the
community mental health centers;
41 the consent of the proposed client, client
or former client of such treat-
42 ment facility shall not be necessary to
share evaluation and treatment
43 records between or among treatment
facilities regarding a proposed cli-
1 ent, client or former client of such
treatment facility; as used in this par-
2 agraph, ``proposed client'' and
``client'' shall have the meanings respec-
3 tively ascribed thereto in K.S.A.
1999 Supp. 59-2946 and amendments
4 thereto; or
5 (13) any
communication or information relevant to investigation or
6 adjudication of an alleged violation
of the act, or rules and regulations
7 adopted thereunder, under which the
licensee practices.
8 (e) The
licensee shall not disclose any information subject to subsec-
9 tion (d)(3) unless a judge has
entered an order finding that the client has
10 made such client's condition an issue of
the client's claim or defense. The
11 order shall prohibit the parties from
disclosing otherwise confidential in-
12 formation to any other person.
13 (f) Nothing in
this section or in this act shall be construed to prohibit
14 any licensee from testifying in court
hearings concerning matters of adult
15 abuse, adoption, child abuse, child
neglect, or other matters pertaining
16 to the welfare of children or from seeking
collaboration or consultation
17 with professional colleagues or
administrative superiors, or both, on be-
18 half of the client.
19 New Sec.
11. (a) The board shall fix by rules and regulations and
20 shall collect the following fees:
21 (1) For
application for licensure, not to exceed $150;
22 (2) for original
licensure, not to exceed $175;
23 (3) for
examination, not to exceed $275;
24 (4) for renewal
of a license, not to exceed $175;
25 (5) for
reinstatement of a license, not to exceed $175;
26 (6) for
replacement of a license, not to exceed $20; and
27 (7) for late
charges, not to exceed $5 for each 30 days of delay beyond
28 the date the renewal application was to be
29 (b) Fees paid to
the board are not refundable.
30 (c) The board may
require that fees paid for any examination for
31 licensure be paid directly to the
examination service by the person taking
32 the examination. If the board is unable to
contract with an examination
33 service, the board may establish an
examination fee or charge the exam-
34 ination fee and an additional amount that
would allow for the collection
35 of the fee that is required to be deposited
in the state general fund pur-
36 suant to K.S.A. 74-7506, and amendments
37 New Sec.
12. Proceedings under the addictions counselor licensure
38 act shall be conducted in accordance with
the Kansas administrative pro-
39 cedure act. Judicial review and civil
enforcement of agency actions under
40 the addictions counselor licensure act
shall be in accordance with the act
41 for judicial review and civil enforcement
of agency actions.
42 New Sec.
13. (a) Upon application, the board may issue a temporary
43 license as an addictions counselor
technician, addictions counselor I or
1 addictions counselor II after the
application has been reviewed and ap-
2 proved by the board and the applicant
has paid the appropriate fee set
3 by the board pursuant to section 11,
and amendments thereto, for issu-
4 ance of new licenses.
5 (b) A
temporary license issued by the board shall expire at such time
6 as final action on the application is
completed or 12 months after the date
7 of issuance of the temporary
8 (c) No
person may work under a temporary license except under the
9 supervision of a licensed addictions
counselor II, a person licensed by the
10 behavioral sciences regulatory board
authorized to diagnose and treat
11 mental disorders in independent practice or
a person licensed to practice
12 medicine and surgery, and such supervisory
arrangements are approved
13 by the board.
14 (d) A person
practicing addictions counseling with a temporary li-
15 cense shall include the word ``temporary''
in any reference to being a
16 licensee of this act or to being a person
engaged in the practice of addic-
17 tions counseling.
18 Sec.
14. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-7501 is hereby amended to read
19 follows: 74-7501. (a) There is
hereby created a behavioral sciences reg-
20 ulatory board consisting
of 11 12
members appointed by the governor.
21 The membership of the board shall
be as follows: Two members of the
22 board shall be licensed
psychologists; two members of the board shall be
23 licensed to engage in the practice
of social work; one member of the
24 board shall be a professional
counselor; one member of the board shall
25 be a marriage and family
therapist; one member of the board shall be
26 registered masters level
psychologist who on January 1, 1997, will become
27 a licensed masters level
psychologist; one member of the board shall
28 licensed pursuant to the
addictions counselor licensure act, section 1 et
29 seq., and amendments
thereto; and four members of the board shall
30 from and represent the general
public. Each member of the board shall
31 be a citizen of the United States
and a resident of this state.
32 (b) The
term of office of each member of the board shall be
33 years, except that the term of
office of the new members appointed pur-
34 suant to this act, one member shall
be appointed for a term of two years,
35 one member shall be appointed for a
term of three years and two mem-
36 bers shall be appointed for terms
of four years. The governor shall des-
37 ignate the term of office for each
member appointed to the board pur-
38 suant to this act. No member of the
board shall be appointed for more
39 than two successive terms. Upon the
expiration of a member's term of
40 office, the governor shall appoint
a qualified successor. Each member
41 shall serve until a successor is
appointed and qualified. Whenever a va-
42 cancy occurs in the membership of
the board prior to the expiration of a
43 term of office, the governor shall
appoint a qualified successor to fill the
1 unexpired term. The governor
may remove any member of the board for
2 misconduct, incompetency or
neglect of duty.
(c) The board shall organize annually at its first meeting
4 to June 30 and shall select
from its members a chairperson and a vice-
5 chairperson. Other meetings
shall be held as the board designates. A
6 majority of members appointed
to the board shall constitute a quorum
7 for the transaction of
(d) The board may appoint an executive director who shall be
in the
9 unclassified service of the
Kansas civil service act and shall receive an
10 annual salary fixed by the board,
subject to approval by the governor. The
11 board may employ clerical personnel
and other assistants, all of whom
12 shall be in the classified service
under the Kansas civil service act. The
13 board may make and enter into
contracts of employment with such pro-
14 fessional personnel as necessary,
in the board's judgment, for the per-
15 formance of its duties and
functions and the execution of its powers.
(e) Members of the behavioral sciences regulatory board
17 meetings of the board, or attending
a subcommittee meeting thereof au-
18 thorized by the board, shall be
paid compensation, subsistence allow-
19 ances, mileage and other expenses
as provided in K.S.A. 75-3223, and
20 amendments thereto.
21 Sec.
15. 14. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
74-7507 is hereby amended to read
22 as follows: 74-7507. The behavioral
sciences regulatory board shall have
23 the following powers, duties and
24 (a) Recommend to
the appropriate district or county attorneys pros-
25 ecution for violations of this act, the
licensure of psychologists act of the
26 state of Kansas, the professional
counselors licensure act, K.S.A. 65-6301
27 to 65-6318, inclusive, and amendments
thereto, K.S.A 74-5361 to 74-
28 5372, inclusive, and amendments thereto,
the marriage and family ther-
29 apists licensure act or the alcohol
and other drug abuse counselor regis-
30 tration act addictions
counselor act, sections 1 to 13, inclusive, and
31 amendments thereto;
32 (b) compile and
publish annually a list of the names and addresses of
33 all persons who are licensed under this
act, are licensed under the licen-
34 sure of psychologists act of the state of
Kansas, are licensed under the
35 professional counselors licensure act, are
licensed under K.S.A. 65-6301
36 to 65-6318, inclusive, and amendments
thereto, are licensed under K.S.A.
37 74-5361 to 74-5372, inclusive, and
amendments thereto, are licensed un-
38 der the marriage and family therapists
licensure act or are registered
39 licensed under the alcohol
and other drug abuse counselor registration
40 act addictions
counselor act, sections 1 to 13, inclusive, and amendments
41 thereto;
42 (c) prescribe the
form and contents of examinations required under
43 this act, the licensure of psychologists
act of the state of Kansas, the
1 professional counselors licensure
act, K.S.A. 65-6301 to 65-6318, inclu-
2 sive, and amendments thereto, K.S.A.
74-5361 to 74-5372, inclusive, and
3 amendments thereto, the marriage and
family therapists licensure act or
4 the alcohol and other drug
abuse counselor registration act addictions
5 counselor act, sections 1 to 13,
inclusive, and amendments thereto;
6 (d) enter
into contracts necessary to administer this act, the licensure
7 of psychologists act of the state of
Kansas, the professional counselors
8 licensure act, K.S.A. 65-6301 to
65-6318, inclusive, and amendments
9 thereto, K.S.A. 74-5361 to 74-5372,
inclusive, and amendments thereto,
10 the marriage and family therapists
licensure act or the alcohol and other
11 drug abuse counselor registration
act addictions counselor act, sections 1
12 to 13, inclusive, and amendments
13 (e) adopt an
official seal;
14 (f) adopt and
enforce rules and regulations for professional conduct
15 of persons licensed under the licensure of
psychologists act of the state
16 of Kansas, licensed under the professional
counselors licensure act, li-
17 censed under K.S.A. 65-6301 to 65-6318,
inclusive, and amendments
18 thereto, licensed under K.S.A. 74-5361 to
74-5372, inclusive, and amend-
19 ments thereto, licensed under the marriage
and family therapists licen-
20 sure act or registered under the
alcohol and other drug abuse counselor
21 registration act
addictions counselor act, sections 1 to 13, inclusive,
22 amendments thereto;
23 (g) adopt and
enforce rules and regulations establishing requirements
24 for the continuing education of persons
licensed under the licensure of
25 psychologists act of the state of Kansas,
licensed under the professional
26 counselors licensure act, licensed under
K.S.A. 65-6301 to 65-6318, in-
27 clusive, and amendments thereto, licensed
under K.S.A. 74-5361 to 74-
28 5372, inclusive, and amendments thereto,
licensed under the marriage
29 and family therapists licensure act or
registered licensed under the
30 and other drug abuse counselor
registration act addictions counselor act,
31 sections 1 to 13, inclusive, and
amendments thereto;
32 (h) adopt rules
and regulations establishing classes of social work spe-
33 cialties which will be recognized for
licensure under K.S.A. 65-6301 to
34 65-6318, inclusive, and amendments
35 (i) adopt rules
and regulations establishing procedures for examina-
36 tion of candidates for licensure under the
licensure of psychologists act
37 of the state of Kansas, for licensure under
the professional counselors
38 licensure act, for licensure under K.S.A.
65-6301 to 65-6318, inclusive,
39 and amendments thereto, for licensure under
K.S.A. 74-5361 to 74-5372,
40 inclusive, and amendments thereto, for
licensure under the marriage and
41 family therapists licensure act, for
registration licensure under the
42 and other drug abuse counselor
registration act addictions counselor act,
43 sections 1 to 13 inclusive, and
amendments thereto, and for issuance of
1 such certificates and such
2 (j) adopt
rules and regulations as may be necessary for the adminis-
3 tration of this act, the licensure of
psychologists act of the state of Kansas,
4 the professional counselors licensure
act, K.S.A. 65-6301 to 65-6318, in-
5 clusive, and amendments thereto,
K.S.A. 74-5361 to 74-5372, inclusive,
6 and amendments thereto, the marriage
and family therapists licensure act
7 and the alcohol and other
drug abuse counselor registration act
8 counselor act, sections 1 to 13
inclusive, and amendments thereto, and to
9 carry out the purposes thereof;
10 (k) appoint an
executive director and other employees as provided in
11 K.S.A. 74-7501 and amendments thereto;
12 (l) exercise such
other powers and perform such other functions and
13 duties as may be prescribed by
14 Sec. 16.
15. K.S.A. 65-6601 through 65-6606 and K.S.A.
1999 Supp.
15 74-7501 and 74-7507 are
hereby repealed.
16 Sec. 17.
16. This act shall take effect and be in force
from and after
17 its publication in the statute book.