Session of 2000
By Senator Stephens
concerning alcoholic and cereal malt beverages; requiring cer-
10 tain licensees to
maintain records of purchasers of certain containers
11 of beer or cereal malt
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. (a) Prior to the sale at retail of any beer in a
15 having a liquid capacity of four or more
gallons, the retailer or the re-
16 tailer's employee or agent shall affix to
the beer container a keg identi-
17 fication number. At the time of sale at
retail of any such container of beer,
18 the retailer or the retailer's employee or
agent shall record the keg num-
19 ber; the date of the sale; the purchaser's
name, address and signature;
20 and the number of a piece of identification
bearing both the purchaser's
21 picture and the purchaser's signature. Such
record shall be kept by the
22 retailer for not less than six months at
the premises where the purchase
23 was made.
24 (b) Records
required to be kept pursuant to this section shall be avail-
25 able for inspection by any law enforcement
officer during normal business
26 hours or at any other reasonable time.
27 (c) Upon a
determination, in a proceeding pursuant to K.S.A. 41-320,
28 and amendments thereto, that a retailer or
a retailer's employee or agent
29 has violated this section or any rules and
regulations adopted pursuant to
30 this section, the director shall suspend
the retailer's retail liquor license
31 for five business days.
32 (d) It is a class
B nonperson misdemeanor to: (1) Remove from a
33 beer container all or part of a keg
identification number required pur-
34 suant to this section; (2) make unreadable
all or any part of a keg iden-
35 tification number required by this section
to be affixed to a beer con-
36 tainer; or (3) possess a beer container
that does not have the keg
37 identification number required by this
38 (e) The secretary
of revenue shall adopt any rules and regulations
39 necessary to implement the provisions of
this section. Such rules and
40 regulations may include, but shall not be
limited to, provisions establish-
41 ing standards for marking and handling
containers which are required to
42 be registered under this section.
43 (f) This section
shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas liquor
1 control act. Words or phrases used in
this section shall have the meaning
2 ascribed thereto by K.S.A. 41-102,
and amendments thereto.
3 Sec.
2. Prior to the sale by a retailer or a retailer's employee or
4 of any cereal malt beverage in a
container having a liquid capacity of four
5 or more gallons, the retailer or the
retailer's employee or agent shall affix
6 to the cereal malt beverage container
a keg identification number. At the
7 time of sale of any such container of
cereal malt beverage, the retailer,
8 or the retailer's employee or agent,
shall record the keg number; the date
9 of the sale; the purchaser's name,
address and signature; and the number
10 of a piece of identification bearing both
the purchaser's picture and the
11 purchaser's signature. Such record shall be
kept by the retailer for not
12 less than six months at the premises where
the purchase was made.
13 (b) Records
required to be kept pursuant to this section shall be avail-
14 able for inspection by any law enforcement
officer during normal business
15 hours or at any other reasonable time.
16 (c) Upon a
determination, in a proceeding pursuant to K.S.A. 41-
17 2708, and amendments thereto, that a
retailer or a retailer's employee or
18 agent has violated this section or any
rules and regulations adopted pur-
19 suant to this section, the board of county
commissioners or city governing
20 body that issued the retailer's retail
cereal malt beverage license shall
21 suspend the retailer's license for five
business days.
22 (d) It is a class
B nonperson misdemeanor to: (1) Remove from a
23 cereal malt beverage container all or part
of a keg identification number
24 required pursuant to this section; (2) make
unreadable all or any part of
25 a keg identification number required by
this section to be affixed to a
26 cereal malt beverage container; or (3)
possess a cereal malt beverage
27 container that does not have the keg
identification number required by
28 this section.
29 (e) The secretary
of revenue shall adopt any rules and regulations
30 necessary to implement the provisions of
this section. Such rules and
31 regulations may include, but shall not be
limited to, provisions establish-
32 ing standards for marking and handling of
containers which are required
33 to be registered under this section.
34 (f) This section
shall be part of and supplemental to K.S.A. 41-2701
35 et seq., and amendments thereto.
Words and phrases used in this section
36 shall have the meaning ascribed thereto by
K.S.A. 41-2701, and amend-
37 ments thereto.
38 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
39 publication in the statute book.