Session of 1999
By Legislative Post Audit Committee
concerning the legislature; relating to benefits and compensa-
11 tion of employees of
certain legislative agencies; amending K.S.A. 1999
12 Supp. 74-4911f and
repealing the existing section.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4911f is hereby amended to read as
16 follows: 74-4911f. (a) Subject to
procedures or limitations prescribed by
17 the governor appointing
authority, any person who is not an employee
18 and who becomes a state officer may elect
to not become a member of
19 the system. The election to not become a
member of the system must be
20 filed within 90 days of assuming the
position of state officer. Such election
21 shall be irrevocable. If such election is
not filed by such state officer, such
22 state officer shall be a member of the
23 (b) Any such
state officer who is a member or who is eligible to be a
24 member of the Kansas public
employees retirement system, on or after
25 the effective date of this act, may elect
to not be a member by filing an
26 election with the office of the retirement
system. The election to not
27 become a member of the system must be filed
within 90 days of assuming
28 the position of or becoming a state
officer as defined by this section. If
29 such election is not filed by such state
officer, such state officer shall be
30 a member of the system.
31 (c) Subject to
limitations prescribed by the secretary of administra-
32 tion, the state agency employing any
employee who has filed an election
33 as provided under subsection (a) or (b) and
who has entered into an
34 employee participation agreement, as
provided in K.S.A. 75-5524 and
35 amendments thereto for deferred
compensation pursuant to the Kansas
36 public employees deferred compensation plan
shall contribute to such
37 plan on such employee's behalf an amount
equal to 8% of the employee's
38 salary, as such salary has been approved
pursuant to K.S.A. 75-2935b and
39 amendments thereto or as otherwise
prescribed by law.
40 (d) As used in
this section and K.S.A. 74-4927k and amendments
41 thereto, "state officer" means the:
(1) Secretary of
42 (2) secretary on
aging,; (3) secretary of commerce and
43 (4) secretary of
corrections,; (5) secretary of health
and environment,;
1 (6) secretary of human
resources,; (7) secretary of
revenue,; (8) sec-
2 retary of social and rehabilitation
services,; (9) secretary of
3 tion,;
(10) secretary of wildlife and parks,;
(11) superintendent of the
4 Kansas highway
patrol,; (12) secretary of
agriculture,; (13) executive
5 director of the Kansas
lottery,; (14) executive director of
the Kansas
6 racing
commission,; (15) president of the
Kansas development finance
7 authority,;
(16) state fire marshal,;
(17) state librarian,;
(18) securi-
8 ties
commissioner,; (19) adjutant
general,; (20) members of the
9 board of tax
appeals,; (21) members of the Kansas
parole board,;
10 (22) members of the state
corporation commission,; (23) any
11 sified employee on the staff of officers of
both houses of the legislature,;
12 (24) any unclassified employee
appointed to the governor's or lieutenant
13 governor's staff and;
(25) any person employed by the legislative branch
14 of the state of Kansas, other than any such
person receiving service cred-
15 ited under the Kansas public employees
retirement system or any other
16 retirement system of the state of Kansas
therefor, who elected to be
17 covered by the provisions of this section
as provided in subsection (e) of
18 K.S.A. 46-1302 and amendments thereto or
who is first employed on or
19 after July 1, 1996, by the legislative
branch of the state of Kansas; and
20 (26) employees of the division of
post audit, legislative research depart-
21 ment, office of the revisor of statutes
and legislative administrative
22 services.
23 (e) The
provisions of this section shall not apply to any state officer
24 who has elected to remain eligible for
assistance by the state board of
25 regents as provided in subsection (a) of
K.S.A. 74-4925 and amendments
26 thereto.
27 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
74-4911f is hereby repealed.
28 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
29 publication in the statute book.