Session of 1999
By Special Committee on Judiciary
enacting the Kansas internet pharmacy consumer protection
10 act; prescribing
certain requirements; penalties for certain violations.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the Kansas
14 internet pharmacy consumer protection
15 Sec. 2. As
used in this act: (a) "Deliver" means the same as provided
16 in K.S.A. 65-1626, and amendments
17 (b) "dispense"
means the same as provided in K.S.A. 65-1626, and
18 amendments thereto;
19 (c) "distribute"
means the same as provided in K.S.A. 65-1626, and
20 amendments thereto;
21 (d) "electronic
mail" means any message transmitted through the in-
22 ternational network of interconnected
government, educational and com-
23 mercial computer networks, including but
not limited to, messages trans-
24 mitted from or to any address affiliated
with an internet site;
25 (e) "foreign
entity" means any corporation, limited liability company
26 or other body corporate if organized under
the law of any jurisdiction
27 other than the state of Kansas;
28 (f) "internet
site" means a specific location on the international net-
29 work of interconnected government,
educational and commercial com-
30 puter networks that is determined by
internet protocol numbers or by a
31 domain name, or both, including but not
limited to, domain names that
32 use the designations ".com," ".edu,"
".gov," ".org" and ".net";
33 (g) "person"
means any individual, corporation, partnership, limited
34 liability company, limited liability
partnership, limited partnership, asso-
35 ciation, joint venture or any other legal
or commercial entity, whether
36 foreign or domestic;
37 (h) "pharmacist"
means the same as provided in K.S.A. 65-1626, and
38 amendments thereto;
39 (i) "pharmacy"
means the same as provided in K.S.A. 65-1626, and
40 amendments thereto;
41 (j) "practioner"
means the same as provided in K.S.A. 65-1626, and
42 amendments thereto;
(k) "prescription-only drug" means the same as provided in
1 65-1626, and amendments thereto;
(l) "prescription order" means the same as provided in K.S.A.
3 1626, and amendments thereto.
4 Sec.
3. A person may not sell, dispense or deliver or participate
5 the sale, dispensing or delivery of
any prescription-only drug to any con-
6 sumer in this state if the consumer
submitted the purchase order for the
7 prescription-only drug or conducted
any other part of the sales transaction
8 for the prescription-only drug
through an internet site or by electronic
9 mail, unless: (a) All internet sites
and electronic mail used by such person
10 for purposes of sales or delivery of a
prescription-only drug are in com-
11 pliance with all requirements of federal
law applicable to such site or
12 electronic mail; and
13 (1) Any pharmacy
or pharmacist who dispenses, distributes or deliv-
14 ers the prescription-only drug, or any
other person who distributes or
15 delivers the prescription-only drug, is in
compliance with all requirements
16 of the Kansas pharmacy practice act, K.S.A.
65-1626 et seq., and amend-
17 ments thereto, and with all rules and
regulations promulgated pursuant
18 thereto. The pharmacy, pharmacist or other
person shall be properly li-
19 censed by or registered with the Kansas
board of pharmacy to engage in
20 the practice of pharmacy or shall be
properly registered with the Kansas
21 board of pharmacy as a nonresident
pharmacy; or
22 (2) any
practitioner who dispenses, distributes or delivers the pre-
23 scription-only drug is in compliance with
all requirements of the Kansas
24 healing arts act, K.S.A. 65-2801 et
seq., and amendments thereto, and
25 with all rules and regulations promulgated
pursuant thereto;
26 (b) the
practitioner who writes the prescription order has conducted
27 a consultation or examination with the
consumer and, if the consumer is
28 physically located in this state at the
time of the consultation or exami-
29 nation, the practitioner is in compliance
with all requirements of the
30 Kansas healing arts act, K.S.A. 65-2801
et seq., and amendments thereto,
31 and with all rules and regulations
promulgated pursuant thereto; and
32 (c) the person,
if a foreign entity, is registered with the secretary of
33 state of the state of Kansas and is in
compliance with all requirements for
34 foreign corporations as provided by the
general corporation code, K.S.A.
35 17-6001 et seq., and amendments
thereto, including but not limited to
36 K.S.A. 17-7301, and amendments thereto.
Nothing in this subsection shall
37 be construed to authorize any corporation
to engage in the practice of
38 medicine except as provided in the
professional corporation law of Kan-
39 sas, K.S.A. 17-2706 et seq., and
amendments thereto.
40 Sec. 4. A
person may not sell, dispense or deliver or participate in
41 the sale, dispensing or delivery of any
prescription-only drug to any con-
42 sumer in the state if the consumer
submitted the purchase order for the
43 prescription-only drug or conducted any
other part of the sales transaction
1 for the prescription-only drug
through an internet site unless the internet
2 site displays, in a clear and
conspicuous manner the following: (a) The
3 name of each person who causes the
sale, dispensing or delivery of a
4 prescription-only drug to any
consumer in this state;
5 (b) the
address of the principal place of business of each person who
6 causes the sale, dispensing or
delivery of a prescription-only drug to any
7 consumer in this state;
8 (c) the
telephone number of each person who causes the sale, dis-
9 pensing or delivery of, a
prescription-only drug to any consumer or other
10 person in this state; and
11 (d) the license
number or registration number, or both, issued by the
12 Kansas board of pharmacy to each individual
who serves as a pharmacist
13 for purposes of the site.
14 Sec. 5. (a)
No person who sells, dispenses or delivers or participates
15 in the sale, dispensing or delivery of any
prescription-only drug to any
16 consumer in this state, if the consumer
submitted the purchase order for
17 the prescription-only drug or conducted any
other part of the sales trans-
18 action for the prescription-only drug
through an internet site or by elec-
19 tronic mail, may do any of the following:
(1) Disclaim, limit or waive any
20 liability to which the person otherwise is
subject under law of the state
21 of Kansas for the act or practice of
selling, prescribing, dispensing or
22 delivering prescription-only drugs; or
23 (2) disclaim,
limit or waive the jurisdiction of the courts of the state
24 of Kansas over the subject matter of the
act or practice of selling, pre-
25 scribing, dispensing or delivering
prescription-only drugs or over the par-
26 ties involved therein; or
27 (3) disclaim,
limit or waive the application of the laws of the state of
28 Kansas to the act or practice of selling,
prescribing, dispensing or deliv-
29 ering prescription-only drugs to the
consumer or other person in this
30 state.
31 (b) Any
disclaimer, limitation or waiver in violation of this section
32 void.
33 (c) Any attempt
to make any disclaimer, limitation or waiver in vio-
34 lation of this section is a violation of
this act.
35 Sec. 6. (a)
This act shall be a part of and supplemental to the Kansas
36 consumer protection act.
37 (b) Any violation
of this act is an unconscionable act or practice under
38 the Kansas consumer protection act.
39 (c) Any violation
of this act by a pharmacy or pharmacist is a violation
40 of the pharmacy practice act, K.S.A.
65-1626 et seq., and amendments
41 thereto.
42 (d) Any violation
of this act by a practitioner is a violation of the
43 Kansas healing arts act, K.S.A. 65-2801
et seq., and amendments thereto.
1 Sec. 7. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
2 publication in the statute book.