Session of 2000
Substitute for HOUSE BILL No. 2794
By Committee on Education
requiring the state board of education to prepare a strategy
10 developing and
implementing a mastery of basic skills program in
11 school districts.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. (a) The state board of education shall prepare a
15 for identifying, developing, and
implementing a mastery of basic skills
16 program in kindergarten and each of grades
one through three of Kansas
17 school districts based upon the goal of
basic skill mastery by pupils who
18 complete the third grade. In carrying out
this directive, the state board
19 shall:
20 (1) Prepare a
mastery of basic skills program appropriate for imple-
21 mentation in each school district;
22 (2) identify
state standards and outcomes of mastery for basic skills
23 in the areas of reading, writing, and
mathematics for kindergarten and
24 each of grades one through three, which, if
mastered, will result in the
25 pupil having acquired foundational skills
sufficient to achieve academic
26 success at the fourth grade and beyond;
27 (3) prepare a
plan for monitoring the progress of pupils at each grade
28 level in achieving mastery of basic
29 (4) specify the
means to be used for determining mastery of the basic
30 skills by each pupil upon completion of
grade three; and
31 (5) identify a
professional development sequence for primary grade
32 teachers to enable them to learn the best
practices for teaching basic
33 skills.
34 (b) The state
board's strategy shall include a component for requiring
35 school districts to provide interventions
for pupils who are not making
36 satisfactory progress toward mastering the
basic skills such as, but not
37 limited to, a restructured school day,
additional school days, summer
38 school, or individualized instruction.
39 (c) The state
board of education shall report to the 2001 legislature
40 a strategy and proposed plan for
implementing the mastery of basic skills
41 program with development of standards
during the 2001-02 school year
42 and commencement of the plan in the 2002-03
school year. The state
43 board report to the 2001 legislature shall
include estimates of the cost to
1 the state of implementing this
2 Sec. 2. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
3 publication in the statute book.